simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
“Robyn, I just have to say,” Liliana caught Robyn as the party was winding down. Robyn’s energy was wanning, but it had been so worth it to see all of her friends again. She’d said goodnight to almost all of them, save for Catarina and Liliana. Fateful, since those had been her first two friends in Brindleton Bay ever. 
Glancing over at Liliana, she saw her friend looking at her kindly, with admiration in her eyes. “You’ve built such a beautiful home here. And I don’t just mean the house. You, Johnny, the kids, your new puppy -- all of it. You sure have got it lucky, you know?” 
The words had Robyn’s heart stirring and she smiled brightly at Liliana in thanks. “I do know,” she agree wholeheartedly. “But thank you for saying it.” 
Aspiration Complete: Perfectly Pristine New Aspiration: Eco Innovator Store Trait Purchased: Frugal
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
“So... I’m still you’re girlfriend?” 
Corey looked shocked that she even asked the question, which made her feel silly again. Of course he would have been tired coming home from camp. They’d talked on the phone all of those days, that should have been enough. And here he was, telling her how fantastic she looked, making sure she wasn’t going through a phase or sad or anything and she was still worried that he’d met someone else while he was away. She felt silly. 
“What? Of course!” he told her. 
She just smiled and pulled him closer so her lips could find his. She’d been wrong to doubt. Wrong to worry. Corey had been nothing but great to her and she’d gotten it into her mind that he was going to betray her somehow. But he hadn’t. He’d remained loyal, faithful, and proven himself time and time again about what a great boyfriend he was. 
Corey was hers. She wouldn’t trade him for the world. Even if they were young still, she couldn’t see a future without Corey in it. No matter what happened with school, college or afterwards, she knew she wanted to stay with Corey. Maybe even become Mrs. Eris Metcalf.
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
“What does Corey think of your new look?” Olivia asked after fourth period. They headed towards Eris’s locker and she put her books away, grabbing another out of it before shaking her head at her friends. 
“I haven’t even seen him yet since he got back from camp.” 
The girls looked surprised, exchanged looks before going quiet. Eris noticed. Boy, did she notice and she turned on them, eyes narrowed. “What?” she demanded. 
“Nothing!” Olivia proclaimed defensively. 
Brittni, on the other hand, wasn’t as quiet with her thoughts. “He came back three days ago, why didn’t you guys get together then?” 
Eris sighed. She’d thought the same thing. They’d texted and called each other, but Corey had been tired from camp and had told her that he needed to settle back in, but he’d see her in school. It had sounded like a cop out, or that he was hiding something, but she didn’t want to believe it. Now, laid out in front of her friends like this with their looks of confusion gazing clearly back at her, she couldn’t hide it anymore that the whole thing seemed weird. Was Corey avoiding her? Had something happened at camp? Was he having second thoughts about being her boyfriend?
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
The first day of school for Eris was more awkward than it had been when she first started high school. Mostly because she’d definitely redefined herself over the summer. Cut her hair, bought almost a completely new wardrobe. She’d almost had her Dad convinced, she was sure, to let her get a tattoo, but he’d never quite gotten around to allowing it. 
While she’d gotten some comments here and there from people she knew, it wasn’t until Brittni and Olivia came into the classroom with her that she held her breath to see what they’d think. They hadn’t seen her like this, she’d kept it a surprise. It was almost like her friends didn’t recognize her at first, but then Olivia stopped in her tracks, looking Eris over and her face lit up. 
“Holy shit, look at you!” she exclaimed, nothing malicious in the words. 
Brittni turned in her seat and her face, too, lit up. “Wow, Eris, you going through a dark phase?” 
Eris chuckled, shaking her head. “I just needed to change it up a bit.” 
They both giggled, coming over to her. Olivia ran her hand through the tips of Eris’s much shorter hair while Brittni gave her a complete once over. Neither one of them thought it was weird, or if they did, they didn’t say it to her face and for that, Eris was eternally grateful. It helped put her at ease for the rest of the day and let her know that she was okay to be herself, in whatever form that took. 
Random Event Roll - Total Makeover applied
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
As the family was getting used to a new dog in the house, Robyn decided to throw a house party for her friends to come and meet the dog. It had been far, far too long since she’d had any sort of party of shindig at the house and if she was using Liesel as an excuse to host something, so be it. 
Catarina was invited, of course. As well as Emily, Harvey, Liliana and Tim. Robyn made sure the house was cleaned, cooked dinner, and then the party got off to a great start. It wasn’t like it used to be, where they could just all sit around and talk. Party games were the rave now that they were getting older. Mostly card games or even something that Eris and Charlie had shown them they played with their classmates at times. 
Part way through the party, Catarina caught Robyn in the kitchen and the two of them hugged before Catarina said, “I feel like we hardly see each other anymore, since the kids are all grown up.” 
“I know,” Robyn commiserated. “No more toddler play dates. Sometimes I still feel like Charlie is three, then I remember he’s in middle school.” 
“Well, pretty soon they’ll be going off to college and we can be two old biddies sitting on our front porches again.” Robyn laughed, though the idea of her kids going to college was still a frightening one. Especially since Eris was almost at that age.
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
“Johnny!” Robyn called as she walked into the house. Johnny was in the kitchen, getting dinner started and when he came out into the living room, she could tell the moment he spotted the new puppy on the floor, scurrying about and running in and out from underneath the couch. Robyn held her breath, unsure how her husband was going to take it. 
“What is that?” Johnny demanded and she couldn’t read his tone. 
“A puppy! What does it look like?” she joked with him, unable to keep from chuckling as she walked over to him and brushed some of his hair behind his ear. Small touches here and there because she knew this was going to be a tender moment in more ways than one. 
“You got a puppy?” 
“Yep,” she nodded her head. 
“Robyn...” he started. 
“Just listen for a second,” Robyn didn’t want to hear him tell her no. “Her name is Liesel, she’s a Cocker Spaniel, and I’m already in love with her.” Johnny gave her a look, to which she just smiled widely at him. “I know losing Rosie was hard, but this house needs a little energy, don’t you think?” 
Sighing, Johnny watched as the puppy raced around the living room. She sniffed everything, the plants, the tv, the stereo and then, like she realized she was being watched, she turned and looked straight at Johnny and came bounding over. The little ball of fluff landed at his feet, chewing on his shoestrings, the size of one of his shoes alone. 
“Ugh, you rascal,” Johnny said, leaning down to pick her up and Robyn could tell he’d fallen in love with her in an instant. “Fine. But you’ve got big shoes to fill, missy,” he told Liesel. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
As the summer faded into fall, the school year started up again and Robyn found herself almost dreading going back to her classroom. It wasn’t so much the kids or the paperwork or the long hours -- it was the energy. She had trouble keeping up with the second graders, let alone coming home to do some online college courses after a long day of herding children around the school. 
The administrative job was looking more and more sweeter by the day, but she was still a long way off of getting it. It meant she had to find those quiet times in the day where she could go jogging to try and keep that confounded weight off, or take the dogs to the park so they could burn some of their own energy away. 
Eris and Charlie were going back to school, which meant she’d have some free and quiet times while they took part in after school activities. Though, she wasn’t going to be an absent Mom if Eris decided to join the cheerleading squad or Charlie had a karate competition. It just meant she was going to enjoy her me time. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
Johnny wasn’t the only one to immediately fall in love with Liesel. Charlie came home from playing at Harvey’s and when he was greeted by the puppy at the door, the noise he’d made had filled the whole house with laughter. “A puppy!” he’d hollered. Tears had brimmed Robyn’s eyes at how sweet the meeting between the two were. 
Charlie had missed Rosie’s passing and had been devastated when he’d found Snowball. He’d been practically begging them for a new pet, specifically a dog, since then, but both of them thought they needed the new pet to not just be a replacement pet, but rather a new addition to their household. They’d waited until the time was right, and even if it was a spontaneous thing on Robyn’s part, she was sure that a new puppy would be loved and adored in this house. 
And she was right. 
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
After the first week of school, Robyn had a surprise for the family on the weekend. Tim had a Cocker Spaniel, which surprised him and Rachel by having a litter of puppies that they could not afford to keep. So after raising them and trying to convince Robyn for weeks to get one, Robyn had finally given in. 
She picked a cute little black and white one, a little girl, and brought her home without telling anyone. She thought the only person who was really going to give her a fit or tell her they didn’t want one might be Johnny. He was still grieving the loss of Rosie after all this time, but sometimes the best way to grieve was to find another dog to give all that extra love to. 
This Cocker Spaniel, whom she’d affectionately named, Liesel, was just the dog to get through to that man’s broken pet dad heart. 
Household Addition: Liesel
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simgrump · 2 years
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Gen One, Day Seventy
Eris didn’t have to wait long to find out. She hadn’t seen Corey all summer and he’d come home from camp three days about, but they hadn’t gotten together yet. It was either going to be a sweet reunion or they were going to start off their school year with a fight. 
To start it off, however, Corey got one look at Eris and raised his brows in confusion. “Wow, you uh...” he tripped himself up, giving a small laugh, his head tipping to the side. “You have a good summer?” 
Eris felt a little lost. This wasn’t how she saw their reunion going. Maybe she would go leaping into his arms and she second guessed herself for a moment. “You don’t like it?” she asked, looking down at herself. 
“No!” Corey denied, then realized what he’d said. “No, I mean, yes, I really like it. You look fantastic, actually,” he grinned and it confused Eris all the more as to why they weren’t kissing yet. “It’s just... this is a choice, right? You’re not, like, sad or... ?” 
Eris suddenly realized what he was getting at and she laughed. “What? No,” she chuckled, reaching forward to take his hand. He seemed to relax as soon as her fingertips touched his. “I’m actually really happy to see you.” 
A slow sigh escaped him, like he’d been holding his breath for a monumental amount of time. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer and it erased all doubts she had about him. “Oh, me too,” he told her. “I missed you a lot.” 
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