#rp ask game
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6u66l39um · 6 months ago
send me "💗" and my muse will come up with a pet name for your muse
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catchameme · 5 months ago
Send "You don't look so good" to find my muse in the early stages of being poisoned!
send "You don't look so good + reverse" for my [ receiver ] muse to find yours [ sender ] in the early stages of being poisoned instead!
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tarrbunny · 7 months ago
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This is an ask game intended for Fortnite muses, with questions being tailored to fit that universe. Send a number or series of numbers, and my skin will answer!
Have you ever been in the loop? What was it like?
Do you have a favorite loadout or weapon/gun? Why do you prefer it?
Favorite mods for weapons/vehicles?
Do you have any powers or abilities that help you defend yourself? What are they? Are they more of a blessing or a curse?
Have you ever witnessed any "live events"? Did you enjoy them?
Are you native to Reality Zero, or were you brought here from somewhere else?
Do you have any memories of your home reality, and would you ever want to go back?
Do you have any snapshots that you know of? Do you get along with them?
How do you feel about the various supernatural and anthropomorphic creatures on the island? Have you gotten used to them?
Are you a part of any factions or syndicates? (Ex: The Society, The Underground, The Agency, The I.O, etc)
What faction do you fear the most, and why?
What's your favorite location/landmark, past or present?
How do you handle the island's constant changes? Are you generally able to cope with it?
What's been the biggest threat you've faced on the island so far?
What's your favorite vehicle to use? Do you prefer other methods to travel instead?
Have any events or changes to the island impacted your life significantly?
What iterations of the island have you lived on? Which one did you enjoy living on the most?
Do you enjoy the chaos of the island, or do you wish things were more peaceful?
What is your fondest memory from your time in Reality Zero?
What's your favorite holiday to celebrate on the island?
If you were forced to fight in the loop on a team with three other people, who would you choose to take with you and why?
What's your main way of earning gold bars/vbucks?
Favorite island-specific consumable? (Ex: Slurp Juice, Zero Point Pretzel, Chug Splash, etc)
Slurp juice or slap juice?
Durr Burger or Pizza Pit?
ミ☆ Dividers from cold--carnage
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bugs-and-grass · 1 year ago
Reblog If You're Okay With Your Muse Being Misgendered IN CHARACTER.
//Whether it's anon hate or a genuine misspeak, seeing how any character handles being misgendered can be an interesting thing topic to explore. However, not everyone is comfortable doing so. With that said, reblog if you're okay with it!
//Also, remember to send an ask to whoever you reblog from!
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Yknow what? Type specialist ask game! ᕙ( •̀ ᗜ •́ )ᕗ
🔥 [fire] - Tell us how you decided on your team! Did you plan your team around your type’s weaknesses? Did you choose Pokémon that seemed most like you? Or did you choose some other way?
✨ [sparkles] - Do you have any Pokémon other than your speciality? Did you get them before or after deciding you were a specialist?
😎 [sunglasses] - What do you like most about your type specialty?
⚡️ [lightning] - Give us a random fact you know about a pokemon of your type specialty!
💥 [explosion] - What kinds of teams do your Pokémon usually struggle to fight against?
💫 [shooting star] - If you had to swap your type specialty to a different one, which one would you choose?
💨 [wind] - What stereotypes that people generally have about your type/type specialists are true (in your case)? Which ones are false?
Remember to send an ask to whoever you reblog from! ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
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the-faramir · 6 months ago
Multiple quotes, cherry-picked for freshness.
Eive: When you said 'Magic in Bed', I wasn't expecting this...
Midori: *pulls out card from deck* Now, was this your card?
Eive: Holy moly-
Eive: Did it hurt when you fell-
Midori: From heaven? Wow, I didn’t think you were such a flirt-
Eive: No, I meant when you fell down the stairs.
Midori: ...
Eive: You just laid there for 15 minutes.
Eive: It doesn’t have a bone.
Midori: Then why is it called a boner?
Eive: You know, you were right.
Midori: About what specifically? Because I’m right about a lot of things.
Eive: A-are you sure this is safe?!
Midori: Oh, quit being such a baby. It’s perfectly safe! …For me!
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toxic-spike-plumeria · 5 months ago
👻Halloween Ask Game For Muses!!🎃
I've seen a few Halloween themed ask games on this site, but its very limited for RP blogs. Therefore, I made one myself! Feel free to ask, reblog, or reuse ^_^
🎃 - what illuminates, or brings light, into your muses life or story
👻 - what is something that your muse wishes it could hide about itself
👹 - what are your muses biggest temptations ‍
💀 - what is your muses biggest fear
🧛 - what is your muses thoughts on death
🧝‍♂️- what is the most fantastical thing your muse has ever witnessed
🧞‍♂️ - if your muse could have any wish (or top 3 wishes) granted, what would they be
🧟‍♀️ - what does your muse hate the most
🧙 - whats the oddest thing your muse has done or witnessed
🕸 - how does your muse view their peers and connections
🐈‍⬛ - what superstition does your muse have
🦇 - what about night does your muse like the most
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officialjohnjones · 4 months ago
22. What's your main way of gaining gold/v-bucks?
Well, the Seven took over the old IO "Quest Center" when they flipped the island, and completing the recurring 3 or so Month quests,and those give 1,500 V-Bucks if you invest 950 in.
As for gold... You can find that all over the island, it's not too difficult to acquire. I get the most from the the Midas vaults with the weapon-benches in them, though.
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antvnger · 2 years ago
((Okay gang, I made a thing for any muse))
Ask me a thing Game
Is there someone in your universe you want to meet you haven’t met yet?
What’s the dumbest thing to happen in your universe so far you’re still dumbfounded over?
What’s something you’re glad happened to you?
If you could have a catchphrase, what would it be?
If you could change your superhero name, what would you pick?
Is there anything about your superhero outfit you want to change?
What song is your theme song? (Like which one speaks to who you are?)
What’s a superpower you’ve witnessed in action that you can’t believe actually exists? Can be silly or serious power
Who is someone you want to avoid like the plague but can’t?
Who is your biggest supporter?
Do you have a nemesis? What do you think about them?
If you were turned into an animal, which one most embodies your personality?
What’s a memory you want to relive?
What’s something the hoi polloi assume about you that you have no idea where that came from?
You’re feeling like doing something nostalgic. What will you do to satisfy that feeling?
You’ve got a craving for a specific food. What popped into your head just now?
What’s something that didn’t happen you wish did?
Give a shoutout to one (or all, if you want) of your friends!
Give a shoutout to yourself.
Bonus! For the mun - favorite canon moment regarding your muse you could watch over and over again
Bonus! For the mun - canon moment that made you go what the heck? Whether for your muse or someone else.
Feel free to reblog and share!
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rockerrust · 7 months ago
23->Favorite island-specific consumable? (Ex: Slurp Juice, Zero Point Pretzel, Chug Splash, etc)
I'm a fan of Slap juice! It's quite the tasty enegy drink.
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6u66l39um · 1 month ago
Send me "🍃" and I'll describe how I think your muse would smell
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musingsofguhua · 2 years ago
Send “🌤” To find my muse in the middle of their morning routine!
alternatively, send “🌤 + reverse” for my muse to find yours!
Remember to specify for multi muses!
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bitingthebullets · 1 year ago
Send 😊 for likable quality for a role play mun to have
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So because I got this question two times, I'll do a two in one!
But a likable quality for a role play mun to have is simply understanding that things happen, and sometimes someone can't be on 24/7! Another likable quality is someone getting to know the other mun outside of rps, I love to have friends and communicate with others so it makes my day and it just makes me want to continue to rp with someone once I really get to know them and I'm more friends with them than just rp acquaintances.
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bugs-and-grass · 1 year ago
Send 🎼+A Song For My Muse To Rate!
//It can be just the song title or an actual link to the song itself. The muse will rate how much they like the song and tell what they think of it in general.
//Usual reminders: Tag the muse you want to react, and remember to send an ask to whoever you reblog from! Everyone likes a little extra engagement.
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cinnabarlikorisanis · 3 months ago
god, fr-
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the-faramir · 5 months ago
new meme: send me a 📰 and i’ll tell you all about one of the ocs i don’t presently rp
(Not my original post. OP asked for a repost, not a reblog, to not blow up their notifications.)
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