#rp andromeda shun
hxdrostorms · 1 year
Rp Hooks are scenarios With Your Muse and Helping Information about Your Muse for easier plotting between RP-Partners!  Original by @treasurechestrpmemes !   REPOST, DON'T REBLOG
Stolen from the dash! Feel free to steal it!
|| Who is your Muse? Write down their name and a quick description!  
// I've got 6 canon characters as muses here!
Saint Seiya (classic series)
Taurus Aldebaran - Gold saint Virgo Shaka - Gold saint Cancer Deathmask - Gold saint / Renegade spectre (Hades arc) Scorpio Milo - I also have his amazoness version available for interactions - Gold saint/amazoness Gemini/Sea dragon Kanon - Marina general / Gemini saint (Hades arc)
Castlevania (games)
Richter Belmont - Vampire hunter | Castle's master | clan's headmaster
|| Who knows your Muse? Which Groups are they connected with?
// Specifically mentioned = those that carry an important connection to them
Taurus Aldebaran - Aries Mu, Appendix Kiki, Pegasus Seiya, Libra Dohko Virgo Shaka - Leo Aiolia, Gemini Saga, Chrysaor Krishna, Saori Kido (Athena), Andromeda Shun, Phoenix Ikki Cancer Deathmask - Pisces Aphrodite, Gemini Saga, Capricorn Shura, Cancer Deathtoll, Dragon Shiryu Scorpio Milo - Aquarius Camus, Leo Aiolia, Cygnus Hyoga, Gemini Saga Gemini/Sea dragon Kanon - Marina Generals (Krishna, Sorento, Kasa, Isaak, Bian and Io), Julien Solo (Poseidon), Gemini Saga, Saori Kido (Athena) Richter Belmont - Maria Renard, Annette Renard, Dracula, Death, Shaft, Alucard,
|| Where can your Muse be found? In which Places are they usually found?
Taurus Aldebaran / Virgo Shaka / Cancer Deathmask / Scorpio Milo - Unless they have been specifically sent out on a mission, or if they have left to do some more training. Gold saints rarely leave the Sanctuary/their zodiac houses, which also serve the purpose of being their residences. Gemini/Sea dragon Kanon - For about 10-7 years Kanon is practically free, to come and go as he sees fit. Once he awakens and frees Poseidon's soul, that is. He can be found either in Poseidon's underwater temple, or within the common/normal world while he waits for the time to jump into action. Richter Belmont - The Belmont's lands that are located not too far from Wygol village, in Romania. Otherwise he can be found practically crossing all of the territory, on his hunt for any remaining Dracula's servants and creatures of the night.
|| What Scenarios would you like to play them in?  Write 2-5 Scenarios or Plotlines you wish for!  
I’m a sucker for slice of life, expanding on the relationships and things we didn’t get to see much in canon. So I’m always down for some chill intermission stuff, type of interactions between muses. Especially if it ties in, with some kind of important/key moment in overarching story;
I actually suck coming up with generic / open types of scenarios for RPs, bc I much prefer coming up with them, as we plot and I get to learn more about your muse!
|| What relationships and dynamics are you seeking in those RPs?  
// I'm very iffy in regards to any form of found family stuff, due to some really bad experiences with it in the past. I'll be very selective about it, and might back out if this is forced upon my muses.
I'm always open for discussing and playing rivalries/antagonizing dynamics, and platonic things. Romance is always based off the chemistry, between our muses. Although, I'll definetely be all ears if you approach me specifically for it!
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musesofmagnificence · 5 years
Time for an old-fashioned blog promo!
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Indie RP Multimuse Blog for a variety of different fandoms. Au/OC/Crossover friendly. Will RP anything except NSFW. Semi-selective. Multiship. PLEASE READ RULES BEFORE INTERACTING!!!
X Rules | X Mun | X Muses
Hello all!, since I’ll be a bit more active on here, I thought it might be good to let any of my old friends on this site that I may have fallen out of touch with know that I’m back~!
I’ve migrated all of my muses that are from old blogs to this multimuse blog, so here are all of my old and new muses:
Kimiko Tohomiko from Xiaolin Showdown/Chronicles (prev: ask-kimiko-tohomiko)
Otoya Ittoki and Reiji Kotobuki from Uta No Prince Sama (prev: starish-otoya-ittoki and mamareiji)
Kurapika from Hunter X Hunter (prev: 404pikanotfound)
Shrade Elan from Aquarion EVOL (prev: sassymcshrade)
Makoto Tachibana from Free!! (prev: lovelytachibanana)
Andromeda Shun and Dragon Ryuho from the Saint Seiya franchise
Soramaru Kumoh from Laughing Under the Clouds
Shuichi Saihara from Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
Hope to see some new, friendly faces!!!
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aquariuscamus · 6 years
1- 10 for the sts post
Oh, thank you! Here goes. | Ultimate Classic STS Question Post
1. How long have you been in the fandom?
I believe I joined somewhere in 2014 or late 2013, mostly for roleplay purposes, and I technically left, but I keep this blog active since I still love the show/content.
2. Favorite character?
For Classic, probably Camus, if that wasn’t already obvious!
3. Favorite Bronze Saint?
Andromeda Shun.
4. Favorite Silver Saint?
I thiiink Misty? It’s been some time since I watched the Classic, so I can’t remember everyone.
5. Favorite Gold Saint?
Since I already answered Camus, I’ll say Pisces Aphrodite.
Ahhh, so many ships, so little time. For sake of ease, Deathmask/Aphrodite. I adore the others, but as of late, I think they are my favorite. I had a different answer a couple years ago, haha.
7. Other ships?
So, off the top of my head: Milo/Camus, Isaac/Shun (old rp ship, still adore it to little pieces), Deathmask/Dite/Shura, but I specifically like Shura/Dite one-sided on Shura’s part. Mu/Dite friendship is also great.
8. Favorite Saga? [ Sanctuary - Asgard - Poseidon - Hades ]
I thought this literally meant ‘Gemini Saga’ and I was about to answer, “All of them?” 
But I’m a sucker for the ye old Sanctuary and Hades arcs.
9. Favorite Female Saint?
Ophiuchus Shaina.
10. Favorite God/Goddess?
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istadris · 6 years
Shipper meme—5, 6, 20
5-Do you have any poly ships?
Heck yeah! I have quite a bit of OT3s because I ...don’t really care for love triangles? Unless they’re well written and neither part is a scorned bitch or bashed. My to-go solutions for love triangles is usually to go “and then they fucked after talking about it like mature adults”.
There are some characters I don’t see having one love interest they stay with for life and/or have too many ship possibilites (Apollo Justice, Giovanni, Nanu, Phoenix Ikki, Andromeda Shun, many of the Hetalia nations aside from my OTPs...) so sometimes I simply go the “character is in a poly relationship and “shared” by others” route, sometimes they’re just...going their own way.
6-How do you feel about love triangles?
Apart from a couple of exceptions (which are the kind of exceptions I fight for to the death), I just don’t care. We have enough of them in any media, I’m shrugging them out in fanfiction.
20-Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.
Does Giovanni/Nanu count when @isamajor is here to enable me with improvised rps and fics about the old fuckers? Or should I talk about most of my ships involving Phoenix Ikki, including but not limited to Ikki/Shun, Ikki/Shaka, Ikki/Mime, Ikki/Jabu (I AM VERY SERIOUS ABOUT THIS ONE), Ikki & Deathtoll (BrOTP for life),  Ikki/Kanon, Ikki/Hades,  seriously give that boy some interactions with characters i’M THIRSTY. He’s my fandom bicycle in saint seiya. Although wait I’m not quite alone since @always-keep-writingalso enables me into rambling about my fire chicken son and his many paramours.
Ask me: 40 question for Shippers
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ofskydustarchive · 7 years
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For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
this is a very different marlene from the ones i see on tumblr. i created her for an rp and @potterlyjames told me to play her. i mention a lot of characters in her biography since it was for a group, but don’t feel forced to use those hcs’s if you interact with me. if you wanna plot something, message me! i am dying to speak about marlene.
Marlene McKinnon has been groomed from the moment she was born  to attract guys. Her mother is from a forgotten pureblood family who always craved recognition, and planned on marrying someone richer and more important than her, but one night ruined her plans – she slept with a guy whose family was in the same SORRY state as hers, when he became pregnant, their parents forced them to marry each other and seven months after the wedding Marlene was born into this world screaming. Two years later her father left this world in his sleep, the causes are still unknown but many suspect his wife did it since it was rumored the couple wasn’t happy. No one was ever able to prove anything, but the damage was done. Bellamy McKinnon never married again,  she was shunned in high society, and even her family turned her back on her, leaving her plenty of time to dedicate her whole attention to grooming her daughter and isolating Marlene during most of her childhood. Marlene is blindly gorgeous,  an excellent conversationalist and extremely charming. By the time she was fifteen, she was being invited to every single fancy pureblood event, pleasing her mother immensely, who of course went with her to every single one of them, dictating what Marlene should wear, talk to and dance with.
If Bellamy had her way, Marlene would be in Slytherin, but the sorting hat saw fitting that Marlene be placed in Gryffindor; her mother almost had a heart attack when she learned her daughter would be sharing a room with a muggleborn. If it weren’t for the fact Emmeline Vance comes from a very good family, her mother would have likely tried pulling Marlene out.  She is not particularly close with her roommates, they co-exist peacefully, but they aren’t friends who share secrets or help each other out in school. Marlene envies their easy friendship and sometimes wishes she had worked harder being their friend, but knows that would have likely gotten in her way of what she is supposed to do – become best friends with one of the Black Sisters. And in a way she has gotten close with Bellatrix, if you count being her lackey being close. If Bellatrix says jump, Marlene will ask how high. At least through that relationship she has gotten close to some interesting people – Andromeda is a sweetheart and probably her closest friend in the school, they are similar in many ways, both feel unfit for the life they have been groomed for; Lucius Malfoy is surprisingly funny when he isn’t surrounded by a lot of people; and Rodolphus, whom she has been secretly dating for the past two years.
Marlene doesn’t do really well in school. She is good enough to pass every grade, but not good enough to stand out in any way. Her mother was furious when she wasn’t invited to join the Slug Club, but Marlene didn’t mind since she thinks the Potions teacher is really odd. One thing she really wanted to do was join the Quidditch team, she is very good on a broom, but of course her mother didn’t allow her. By now you must be noticing a pattern, the way Marlene was raised made her into someone who is very easy to manipulate, and like I said before, Bellatrix noticed that. Now, Marlene has never been someone who cared much about blood purity, but Bellatrix does, and she saw in Marlene the perfect opportunity to infiltrate someone into Kingsley’s group – no one will suspect sweet Marlene, she is too good, too quiet, and with a mother who is too willing to cooperate. Bellamy has now pretty much informed Marlene she has to follow everything Bellatrix says, even if that means changing her whole life around. It was first proposed during the end of her sixth year and she spent her whole summer in Bellatrix’s house preparing for it.
Rodolphus and Andromeda aren’t fans of the plan, they think it’s too risky and that she shouldn’t get involved in those things, but though she loves them, Bellatrix and her mother hold a lot of power over her, so they were able to convince her to be part of it. Marlene will start getting bullied by some people in slytherin who are close with Bellatrix (Bellatrix herself, Alecto Carrow, Rebastan Lastrange) to the Gryffindors, who are loyal and hate Slytherin will begin accepting Marlene into their inner circle, than a Howler will come from her mother yelling about her dating a muggleborn boy over the summer, and other several little things that Bellatrix has thought of to make Marlene seem like a perfect addition to Kingsley’s inner circle. During the summer, Marlene has become pretty excited about this, no longer does she feel forced, because for the first time in her life, she feels like she is doing something. And even though she doesn’t care about blood purity, she feels like she is a part of something and that’s a new and addicting feeling to her.
And there is one other reason she is looking forward to having all of this happen, she will finally have a reason to be-friend all of those people she only dreamed of being friends with. This is her last year at Hogwarts and she is going to make it count, do something important and finally have a lot of friends. What she has been too naïve to realize though – the moment people learn the truth she is going to lose all of the friends she made.
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gab-has-adhd · 4 years
I have around 10 years of RP experience and I'm not difficult. As long as we don't do one-liners I'm alright!
I have a focus on smut, fluff or angst is alright too!
I write in French and English, I ussually reply in medium paragraphs, I'm literate enough but not crazy-literate. I just go with the flow.
My favorite ships are Hyoga/Shun, Seiya/Shiryu, Shaka/Mû and Aphrodite/Misty! ♡
I'm super open to a ton of kinks too! :3
HMU if you're interested! ♡♡♡
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kaff-chan · 8 years
Tagged by @abyss-no-ishi​
Rule: Answer and tag
Tagging: @gopaca​ and other
Nickname: kaff
Height: 1,6....  I dont know
Last thing you googled: Models (They are my reference for drawing women)
Favourite music artist: i dont have one
Song struck in your head:  Porter Robinson & Madeon - Shelter
Last movie you watched: Up
What are you wearing right now: shorts, blue blouse and slippers What do you post/reblog: ANIME
Why did you choose your url: o dont know, just born in my soul
Do you have any other blogs: yes, saintseiya HC spanish and a rp blog for my Oc Yukihira
What did your past relationships teach you:  I  never had a Boyfriend And I'm not interested in having one
Religious or spiritual: both
Favourite colour: orange
Average hours to sleep: 8?? i dont know
Lucky number: i dont have a lucky number
Favourite characters: Andromeda Shun, Uchiha Sakura, kirigiri kyoko and other
How many blankets do you sleep with: 4 
Dream job: Being part of the production of a film
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Mi mun me vendió! eso es traición.
Pero como digo debo perdonarla por sus acciones, además no pienso pasar por ese lugar Hyoga, si no quieres que llame a mi hermano.
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