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“It’s not easy being human.”
Lars Nordh in Songs From the Second Floor
#SongsFromTheSecondFloor #RoyAndersson #moviequotes #moviequoteoftheday

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#enkärlekshistoria #aswedishlovestory #royandersson #1970 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLh95TjB6U7/?igshid=tm898bo9y5a
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Hugely recommended ’Being A Human Person’, a documentary about the great film-maker Roy Andersson. Tragic, funny and hugely enlightening about how he puts together his films (all within his own house, amazingly). #royandersson #swedishcinema #curzon #documentary https://www.instagram.com/p/CIdP6TFhQgJ/?igshid=91pv6p0he205
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A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence (2014)
Dir: Roy Andersson Dop: István Borbás & Gergely Pálos
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About Endlessness 2019 Roy Andersson
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Broche "Peacock" de Karin Roy Andersson en plastique recyclé (2017) à l'exposition "Triennale Européenne du Bijou Contemporain" aux Ateliers de Paris, Bastille, Paris, octobre 2018.
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・ ・ #staysafe #socialdistancing #withコロナ #newnormal ・ 『ホモ・サピエンスの涙』観た。 ・ クスクスって笑えるブラックユーモアが非常に良かった! 信仰を失った牧師、自分の望みが分からない男、靴に問題を抱えた女…etc、みんなが滑稽。 人間は弱くて脆く、それぞれが大なり小なり問題を抱えているけれど、生きている事に感謝をすれば強くなれるのかな。 ところで、魚屋のシーンが急に視点が変わり「スゴいなあ!」と感心した。 ・ #ホモサピエンスの涙 #aboutendlessness #omdetoändliga #ロイアンダーソン #royandersson ・ #ヴェネツィア国際映画祭 #mostrainternazionaledartecinematografica #veniceinternationalfilmfestival #獅子賞 #leonedargento #silverlion #スウェーデン映画 #swedishfilm ・ #映画 #movie #ビバムビ #instamovie #moviestagram #instagood #instapic (ヒューマントラストシネマ有楽町) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIPmb9ugL_m/?igshid=18ciiwdbdt0ht
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Én tegning fra én film. Bonus 1: Sånger från andra våningen (2000, dir: Andersson) . . . #sångerfrånandravåningen #sangerfraandreetasje #royandersson https://www.instagram.com/p/CHCkGtip05z/?igshid=rs2oj40nml62
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Director of Photography: Gergely Pálos
Director: Roy Andersson
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Day #13 For this week, I have decided to dedicate our challenge to 1st films of trilogies. And today’s film is 'Songs From The Second Floor' by Roy Andresson (2000). This is a whole new world if you are watching Roy Andersson’s film for the first time. I truly enjoy his use of architecture, perspectives, scales and proportions of the spaces -no spoilers.
Since the cinema -so called moving images & motion pictures- is an art in motion, a sum of the rest of the arts, the relation between these arts makes the film worthy. In this film(s), the visual representation of the concept&context creates a world of itself.
The 2nd film of the trilogy is ‘You, the Living’ (2007) and the 3rd film is ‘A Pigeon Sat on A Branch Reflecting on Existence’ (2014). If you’ve enjoyed this 1st film I recommend you to go on and watch the following two. For our challenge of the week, I will share and recommend 1st films and let you choose to watch the rest if you like. I will continue to review the films and I will also share 2nd and 3rd films of trilogies in my blog. Enjoy it.

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#千日千夜 #aboutendlessness ##洛伊安德森 #royandersson #台南國賓影城 (在 台南國賓電影) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EXBvYHUtr/?igshid=r0rvqzudnp3w
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Kvällens film : #sångerfrånandravåningen #royandersson #svenskfilm https://www.instagram.com/p/B53U29kivr68OKJKsPRNxFzaBYXLChznssAAVM0/?igshid=1sqzvf1wc5pdj
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A Love Story . C'est le récit d'un amour adolescent, incandescent, pur, pudique. . Et le temps, vous allez le sentir passer. Ce film est mou. Clairement, c'est encore une de ces œuvres où l'on évolue avec des personnages qui attendent le temps qui passe, acclamé par les critiques qui s'en donnent à cœur joie. Dans "Amour" qui avait fait fureur et parler de lui à sa sortie en 2012, le principe est le même : deux vieux dans l'attente d'une maladie qui passe, l'existence qui se meurt, le temps qui s'impose, l'attente. La vie ?... . Effet inversé dans "A love Story", Grand Classique du style suédois propre à Roy Andersson. Ici, on est jeune. On se cherche, on essaie de trouver un moyen de communiquer, des regards, des gestes gauches, mais affirmés dans la recherche de soi, de l'autre, dans la pudeur. . Il m'a fallu trois jours pour regarder ce film. C'est long. Mais avec du recule, je me rends compte que cet effort paye. "A Love Story" est avant tout une histoire philosophique qui se lit en images, et s'apprécie comme tel. C'est brut, sans artifices, et même si c'est d'un ennui mortel en ce qui me concerne, il faut bien lui rendre son authenticité. . #cinéma #philosophie #suede #royandersson #movie #booksofinstagram #critique #alovestory #aswedishlovestory #films #photo #amour #temps . [Critique complète à paraître !] https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv3FowtBVbC/?igshid=4wtjz21204o2
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Il nostro colpo di fulmine #Aboutendlessness #RoyAndersson aggiunge alla sua opera cinematografica una riflessione sulla vita umana in tutta la sua bellezza e crudeltà. Un caleidoscopio di tutto ciò che è eternamente umano, una storia infinita sulla vulnerabilità dell'esistenza https://www.instagram.com/p/B197ZF7o53-/?igshid=14kww6tul3w7b
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The Constructed Photograph & The Series - taking form -
On Monday the 4/03/2019, we had one more occasion to practice the lighting and concept of our group project in the studio. This time we brought some props that we will be using during the actual shooting on the 16th of March. The location and the model are already booked, we have the list of what we need and all the props are ready.

This is an example of the lighting we will be using on the day of the shooting. We will use a Red filter on the actual flash that will fall on the side of the subject to give it a strong feeling.
In addition, on Monday I and my group sat down and wrote a draft of our Project Proposal, also we found a name for it.
Rina - Rina is the name of the model, the reason why we decide to use her name is that in this image we telling her story, although it can be any other person. Moreover, we don't want to say much with the title but give more to the viewer to talk about.
Here is the DRAFT:
BA (Hons) Photography Year 1
Module: 4IMAG003W The Constructed Photograph
Project Title (or working title)
Explain your subject and the genre for your series.
The subject is a Japanese girl sitting at a table eating a burger with chopsticks.
The genre of the project is portraiture, tableau.
There will be extra background subjects, sitting at tables acting as the “norm”.
Aims, Objectives, Concept
Discuss your intentions with the project, your visual strategy and the form the series might take.
We will create a high-quality image, using three flashlights on tripods, to light the various subjects. The location will be a carefully chosen restaurant. The atmosphere will not only be set in the location but will be influenced by red lights and filters, that offer a range of emotions, feelings, and moods.
The subject's clothing will be a traditional Japanese Yukata. Her hair will be tied, as to not block any lighting. Her nails will be red and she will be holding her own chopsticks.
- As we are inspired by D&G, an advertising campaign, we are trying to convey the essence and feeling of alienation. The sense of feeling out of place. As she is eating a burger with the chopsticks, which is against the norm in the western world, she is knowingly or unknowingly drawing attention to her innocent actions, as will be seen using the background extras. The final image will leave a lot for the viewer to interpret (creating discussions).
Discuss that artists, photographers, filmmakers, writers, etc that have influenced the development of your idea.
This photo is mainly inspired by the D&G advert. Which raise a lot of controversies, because it showed a Chinese girl eating western food with chopsticks while a voice condescendingly took the piss out of her. One of the reasons why we were inspired by the photograph other than the meaning behind it, was the impressive lighting in the commercial.
We were also inspired by a lecture on post-war Japanese photography and the idea of americanization. an example is Shomei Tomatsu.
After having our workshop on Monday the 4th of March, we also had the opportunity to have a one-to-one chat with our tutor Ochi regarding our personal project - The Series -
This is been extremely helpful as got to express all my ideas and questions while getting also advice from Ochi, who was extremely helpful and positive towards my concept. All I need to do is just go to the location and practice.

Despite I am still working on it, this is a DRAFT of my Project proposal
The subject of my project is a person. This person is a woman, this woman is an actress and the series is about her routinised absurdity ….
The project title will also be Sophie as it is the name of the subject in the images. The reason why I am choosing to use just her name is that what is happening in these photos is her life and it cannot be explained in any other world but only with her name. She is unique.
My aim in this series is to create a scene that captures or create an isolate “ironic” moment of a person’s life, ( in this case an actress- seen by anyone as a strong person with a strong personality and character)
I want to represent “solitude” in a funny, surreal and strange way, using the “black humor” to show the vulnerability that we carry when we are alone, therefore what the others don't see about us. What I am trying to point out with these images is the similarity between us humans and not the differences.
To do so I have chosen to construct the scenes through a “performance” ( Which is what actors do - but not when they are alone??)
I have decided to exaggerate, to make it surreal and bizarre rather than trying to reconstruct it, first of all, because I will lose a lot of details and second because it will be too realistic.
This Series is presented and examined in order to explore the characteristics of “Sophie’s life” such as… Uncertainty, Marginality, Singularity, Loneliness…
Qualities that reflect aspects of any human….
My main inspiration for this project was Juno Calypso. What inspired me the most in her series is the contrast between the funny use of delicate, sweet and cute colors such as pink, and the use of the strange, static and surreal subjects. Also, I like the femininity that she expresses in her images…
Another very important source of inspiration was Roy Andersson, a Swedish movie director …
[to be completed]...
MORE ideas for my project - Pictures of JUNO CALYPSO - below.

MORE ideas for my project - Pictures from ROY ANDERSONN MOVIES - below.

#4imag003w#the constructed photograph#theseries#photography#project#35mm photography#35mm color film#35mmproject#digitalproject#digital photography#groupprojec#claudiacantarin#juno calypso#royandersson#inspiration#project proposal
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