lord-carstairs · 2 months
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[If Satan can "protect/bless" people, then Rin can too 🫵]
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lord-carstairs · 5 months
Thinking again about how Suzanne esentially subverted the "beloved famous man that is actually a horrible person in real life" with Finnick, who is the complete opposite of that.
Finnick has this whole image costructed around him by the people that abused him for years: the Capitol's darling, their golden boy, the sex symbol of Panem, the man that has countless lovers but leaves them constantly and doesn't look back etc. And you would expect, initially, to meet a man that retains at least a part of that persona in his day to day life. But Finnick doesn't, not even one bit.
You see instead a man that is deeply in love and completely devoted to the one woman he quite literally adores, a man that protects Mags, his old mentor and his mother figure, as much as he can, a man that wouldn't leave Johanna behind, a man that gathers whatever strenght he has left to speak publicly about the abuse inflicted upon him at the government's hands; the opposite of what the Capitol's media and reputation made him out to be.
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lord-carstairs · 5 months
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lord-carstairs · 5 months
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Ao no Exorcist: Shimane Illuminati-hen | Ep3 | Rin. Thank you! I love you!
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
What is the best romance trope, and why is it a girl who could be his death and a guy who thinks that acceptable collateral damage?
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
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new official art by kazue kato
i cant wait for the hew season!
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
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one of my favorite things about Yukio's descent is that he just gets more cunty and no one knows how to deal with it
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
So much of who Yukio is stems from his self-hatred.
He wants to be an exorcist because he hates how weak he is. A lot of the contempt he holds for his brother derives from a desire to be like Rin, and not like himself. The way he remembers his own childhood is distorted by his self-hatred, as he struggles to focus on memories where he isn't inadequate.
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I think the reason he hates who he was as a child is because he’s associated all of his worst traits to "Pre-Exorcist Training" Yukio, where he felt truly helpless and unable to do anything about his fear. Becoming an exorcist kind of gave him a sense of power? By learning about what he’s afraid of and how to deal with it, he now has control. At least, I think that was the idea behind it. What he doesn’t understand (and what Shirou probably didn’t consider when he gave his baby a gun) is that he’s not really overcoming his fear of demons. He’s just compensating for it, and clinging tight to any source of control he can get. Deep down, the fear remains; he still feels helpless, with a whole bunch of terrible coping mechanisms as a bonus.
(I also think this is one of the reasons he has such violent reactions to losing control, specifically towards his own body, like when he stabbed his arm to prevent himself from panicking in the Kyoto Arc.)
And he gets worse, because as he reasses the goals he had when he was a child (partly due to Toudou’s influence), he can only focus on all the ways they are selfish. A seven year old becoming an exorcist because he wants to be stronger only reinforces Yukio’s self-hatred, because it’s a self-oriented goal. Rin wants to be an exorcist so no one has to die for him like Shirou did. Shiemi wants to be an exorcist so she can protect others the way they’ve protected her. Bon wants revenge for the Blue Night and how it affected his family, and on and on and on. Yukio is surrounded by people who have experienced incredible pain, but focus on those around them. More and more, Yukio is seeing himself as the outlier, whose selfishness only serves to build upon itself. As he says, “I’m so obsessed with myself I can’t see anyone else!”
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And like, that’s why I think the line “I’m strong because I had you!” holds so much weight, for both Rin and Yukio. For Yukio, it’s a realization that he loves his brother more than he hates himself, you know? He didn’t just want to be strong so he could surpass his brother. He wanted to be strong for his brother, and was inspired by him. It was that love that pushed him forward, and it’s that love that allows him to heal, a little bit.
This is best shown in the flashback he has later in Chapter 130 when they’re getting ready to square up with Satan. Earlier, I said that Yukio’s memories are distorted by self-hatred. Here, in this scene, we see a memory free of that bias, where Yukio, once shaking in fear, takes Rin’s hand. Yukio is brave, and able to overcome his fears with support, it just took him awhile to realize this.
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Therefore, even though so much of Yukio is built upon hatred, he’s slowly recognizing just how much he loves and has loved.
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
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What did she do, drowning in that ageless dark?
What did she take?
New commission from the wonderful @/vale.jzarts!
Nesta is so badass it gives me chills ❤️‍🔥
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lord-carstairs · 6 months
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lord-carstairs · 8 months
the Israelis have blinded us to Gaza by bombing the remaining tech infrastructure. We are seeing drastic falloffs in connectivity especially in the northern and central strip, where al-Shifa Hospital is located. They bombed near Shifa earlier this week, and if you go check Israeli social media right now they have already manufactured the justification to bomb Shifa Hospital. They are calling it 'Hamas HQ'. Over 50 thousand people are believed to be sheltering there, and it's one of the last medical centers with any capacity to function despite the fuel shortage as it is partly solar powered. We likely won't hear anything for the next few hours, and ground operations are likely to already be underway.
There's not much more to say at this point, and not much to do but pray. I'm sorry.
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lord-carstairs · 9 months
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i know it’s not canon but .. he wore this look so well ;u;
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lord-carstairs · 9 months
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Quick Weyler doodle.
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lord-carstairs · 9 months
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@erisweek2023 Day 6 - Arranged Marriage
Somehow combined my desire for Eris to have nice things with my want for Nesta to be away from the Night Court, and for Cassian to follow her somewhere for once.
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lord-carstairs · 9 months
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"All in all, not all that bad - being born I mean. Because I could hear music, and I heard Christine."
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lord-carstairs · 9 months
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to draw on power of the gods
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