michael-svetbird · 2 years
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: • MINERVA + CLEOPATRA [or Aphrodite]: 2 busts in the Archaeological Gallery of MRT @museirealitorino https://museireali.beniculturali.it . - MINERVA Mid-2nd c. BC [acrolith] Pre-1566 [bust & helmet] Parian and Pentelic Marble [ From Rome-? ] Savoia Collection "The holes, used to add metal elements, suggest that the head was made in the 2nd century BC by Athenian sculptors working for the Roman nobility. The modern parts are attributed to Tommaso Della Porta the Elder, an artist mentioned by Vasari. The bust is listed in the 1631 inventory as being displayed on the back wall of the Grand Gallery." [©MRT] . - CLEOPATRA or APHRODITE Late 2nd c. BC [head] 2nd c. AD ? [bust] Parian and Pentelic Marble [ From Rome-? ] Carlo Emanuele I di Savoia Collection, 1583. "The bust, named Cleopatra for the Isis knot that was fashionable on clothing in Ptolemaic Egypt, is actually composed of two different ancient works. The face recalls the models of classical Athens, in particular those of Praxiteles; the hairstyle shows similarities with the statue of the Aphrodite of Capua type. The iconography of Ptolemaic queens was often close to that of Aphrodite : it is therefore possible to assume that the bust comes from Egypt, perhaps linked to the acquisition of the Gonzaga collection." [©MRT] . MRT | phs©MSP 07|22 6200X4100 600 [I-III]. The photographed object is the property of MRT and subject to the Museum copyright. All labels & descriptions ©MRT. [no commercial use | sorry for the watermarks] . • Part of the "HEADS.Sculpture" MSP Online Gallery: . • DeviantArt: www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/78520831/heads-sculpture . • Facebook [Album]: www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1400262423675664&type=3 . . #turin #torino #palazzorealetorino #royalmuseumsturin #museirealitorino #archaeological #gallery #archaeologicalmuseum #museoarcheologico #ancientsculpture #ancientart #roman #arthistory #antiquity #museology #archaeology #mythology #ancient #heads #sculpture #minerva #aphrodite #cleopatra #goddess #ancientrome #ancientgreece #sculpturephotography #museumphotography #archaeologyphotography #michaelsvetbird @michael_sverbird ©msp @museirealitorino | turin 07|22 (at Musei Reali Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgq-UojoyQI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michael-svetbird · 2 years
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: • Musei Reali Torino 'New' ARCHAEOLOGICAL GALLERY Overview II: Last Sunday 17|07 I finally made it to the Archaeological Gallery opened Feb.'22 in the Royal Museums of Turin [accommodating some pieces, mostly pottery, from the conservatory-type glass extension, now closed, to the Archaeological Museum on the basement level]. The Gallery [Ground fl.] is perfectly designed & structured, modern, fresh, all info dubbed in English. . Musei Reale Torino | MRT @museirealitorino https://museireali.beniculturali.it . 👉 PART 2 Phone cam pics | vids | brief 'mobile' overview: . • 1-4: Cyprus [fairly extended collection in 3 rooms] - Heads of Goddesses | Priestesses | Females 2-4 BC.; - "World of Dead" display. . • 5: 'Etruschi' Sala [2 small rooms]. . • 6: 'Phoenicians e Punics' Sala [1 room]. . • 7-9: 'Il Mondo Romano' Sala, Luxury and functional Bronze | Silver Objects, Miniatures and Small-format sculptures. . • 10: Teatro Romano by the Gallery Entrance. . MRT | MSP 17|07|22 'Mobile' Overview II. The photographed objects is the property of MRT and subject to the Museum copyright. [no commercial use | sorry for the watermarks] . SELECTED HI-RES PHOTOS TAKEN ON PRO CAM WILL FOLLOW . . #turin #torino #palazzorealetorino #royalmuseumsturin #archaeological #museirealitorino #historymuseum #artgallery #archaeologicalmuseum #museoarcheologico #ancientart #ancientsculpture #ancientpottery #vasepainting #attic #etruscan #roman #cypriot #ancientcultures #heritage #arthistory #museology #archaeology #mythology #ancient #museum #sculpturephotography #museumphotography #archaeologyphotography #michaelsvetbird @michael_sverbird ©msp @museirealitorino | turin 17|07|22 mobile overview II. (at Musei Reali Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOxC6xIxHO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michael-svetbird · 2 years
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: • AMAZON Mattei Type [Torso] + Head [Mid-16th c.] Archaeological Gallery of Musei Reali Torino | MRT @museirealitorino . - TORSO: Roman copy of a Greek original [by Phidias, 440-430 BC] Dark green basanite, 1 AD. . - HEAD Mid-16th century reproduction Black marble. . MRT | MSP 07|22 6200X3720 600 [I.,III.] The photographed objects is the property of MRT and subject to the Museum copyright. https://museireali.beniculturali.it [no commercial use | sorry for the watermarks] . Part of the "RELIEFS | SLABS | SCULPTURE" MSP Online Gallery: . • DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/svetbird1234/gallery/72510770/reliefs-friezes-slabs-sculpture . . #turin #torino #palazzorealetorino #royalmuseumsturin #museirealitorino #archaeological #gallery #archaeologicalmuseum #museoarcheologico #ancientsculpture #sculpture #ancientart #roman #arthistory #antiquity #museology #archaeology #mythology #ancient #archaeologyart #amazon #amazzone #woundedamazon #warrioress #oiorpata #arts #sculpturephotography #museumphotography #archaeologyphotography #michaelsvetbird @michael_sverbird ©msp @museirealitorino | turin 07|22 (at Musei Reali Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiCfXWcoStQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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michael-svetbird · 2 years
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: • Musei Reali Torino 'New' ARCHAEOLOGICAL GALLERY Overview I: Last Sunday 17|07 I finally made it to the Archaeological Gallery opened Feb.'22 in the Royal Museums of Turin [accommodating some pieces, mostly pottery, from the conservatory-type glass extension, now closed, to the Archaeological Museum on the basement level]. The Gallery [Ground fl.] is perfectly designed & structured, modern, fresh, all info dubbed in English. . Musei Reale Torino | MRT @museirealitorino https://museireali.beniculturali.it . 👉 PART 1 Phone cam pics | vids | brief 'mobile' overview: . • 1-4: Entrance way, Reception - Roman Sculpture; - Minerva & Cleopatra or Aphrodite [heads: mid- & late 2 BC.]; - Amazon Torso [1 AD.], Head 16th c.; - Pan & Daphnis [2 AD.] | Busts | Heads. . • 5-10: Attica | 'I Grecia' Sala, Pottery | Vasepaintings | Archaic | Classical | Black- & Red-figured. . MRT | MSP 17|07|22 'Mobile' Overview I. The photographed objects is the property of MRT and subject to the Museum copyright. [no commercial use | sorry for the watermarks] . SELECTED HI-RES PHOTOS TAKEN ON PRO CAM WILL FOLLOW . . #turin #torino #palazzorealetorino #royalmuseumsturin #museirealitorino #archaeological #historymuseum #artgallery #archaeologicalmuseum #museoarcheologico #ancientart #ancientsculpture #ancientpottery #vasepainting #attic #etruscan #roman #cypriot #ancientcultures #heritage #arthistory #museology #archaeology #mythology #ancient #museum #sculpturephotography #museumphotography #archaeologyphotography #michaelsvetbird @michael_sverbird ©msp @museirealitorino | turin 17|07|22 mobile overview I. (at Musei Reali Torino) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgOy2dUII_l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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