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Os espetaculares IWC Pilot’s Watches Chronograph Editions “Blue Angels”, “Top Hatters” e “Royal Maces”, aqui no pulso da incrível @iwcgirl, já estão disponíveis no e-commerce da IWC, no endereço www.iwc.com.br Edições limitadas a 500 peças cada, os modelos têm caixa de 44,5 x 15,7 mm em cerâmica e titânio e são equipados com o movimento automático de manufatura IWC 69380. . The spectacular IWC Pilot’s Watches Chronograph Editions “Blue Angels”, “Top Hatters” and “Royal Maces”, here on the wrist of the amazing @iwcgirl, are now available on the IWC e-commerce, at www.iwc.com Editions of 500 pieces each, the models have a 44.5 x 15.7 mm case in ceramic and titanium and are equipped with the automatic in-house movement IWC 69380. 📷 @iwcgirl • • #iwc #iwcwatches #pilotwatch #pilotfriday #fliegerfriday #iwcpilot #blueangels #royalmaces #tophatters #sportwatch #iwcgirl #finewatchmaking #hautehorlogerie #relogioserelogios https://www.instagram.com/p/CZ2SgLupHfZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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royalmaces asked: Hey SKYLAR, I'm Dan! It's nice to meet you. ---- hey royalmaces you are a good.
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royalmaces answered: doomed timeline with ah boys maybe?
I’m assuming this is rtstuck because seriously, doomed timelines are a homestuck thing as far as im concerned. So here you go! Also thanks a ton, I was bored as heck.
(Feedback maybe please?)
god im embarrassed I took this long.
Resigned to the fate of a doomed timeline, Ray brings his friends together for a last goodbye. But what if there was another way? How far will they be willing to go to win?
Starring time player ray because THAT’S MY HEADCANON DAMMIT
Micool? Micool where are you?!?
Geoff?! Geoff wait I can fix this!
Th-this isn’t right… I thought it was just a game... It wasn’t supposed to-
Yeah Ryan?
Don’t go too…
Ray screwed his eyes shut and buried his head in his arms. He shifted into a ball and leaned against his house. It towered above him, giving ample shade in his sunny land. It was decent relief for the splitting pain in his head. He felt another wave of memories coming and fought down the lump rising in his throat. If only he could do something, if he could figure out a way to fix things…
He knew they were in a doomed timeline. He could feel their imminent destruction weighing over the session like a dark cloud. He got a feeling that Ryan could sense it too, being a seer. The man had been looking grim the last time they met, and Ray had felt his eyes staring holes into the back of his head even when he wasn’t looking. He wondered if Ryan blamed him for their losing. He shook the negative thoughts out of his head. No, Ryan was smarter than that. He was Ray’s friend. He knew there was nothing the younger man could do and he was sure he wouldn’t hate him. Probably.
The others would start to notice their fate soon too, if they hadn’t already. The vanishing of imps, their dwindling grist supply. Game constructs would start glitching out, entire villages and hordes of consorts vanishing. They’d be scared, angry, confused. They didn’t deserve to go through that alone, not like Ray did all the times he’d tried to reset. Taking a shaky breath and tentatively uncurling himself from his ball, he took out his laptop and opened pesterchum.
--BrownMan opened a memo on board LADS ‘N GENTS at 3:14 PM—
BrownMan: Hey guys?
GavinoFree: Hi Ray!
JackP: What’s up?
BrownMan: Hang on wait for the others. Everyone needs to hear this
DGgeoff: I’ll send Ryan and Michael invites
BrownMan: Thanks Geoff
--BM Vagabond joined the memo!--
--MLP Michael was unbanned from the memo!—
JackP: Why was Michael banned?
DGgeoff: He was flipping his shit earlier
GavinoFree: Oh come on you were fine!
BM Vagabond: So why are we here again?
MLP Michael: Why is anyone here Ryan? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries!
--DGeoff muted MLP Michael!—
BrownMan: Geoff!
DGgeoff: What? He doesn’t need to talk. You’re the one with an announcement to make
BM Vagabond: Announcement? What’s the announcement?
BrownMan: You know what everyone just come to my place. We can talk in person.
GavinoFree: Can’t you just tell us now?
--BrownMan logged off—
BM Vagabond: … Apparently not
Ray smacked his forehead and groaned. He was such an idiot. He was only delaying the inevitable, and it’d only make it worse in the long run if he didn’t tell them at all. Rising from his position on the ground and brushing grass off his bright red time player getup, he made his way to the door. If the guys were coming over, he better clean up, and maybe alchemize some food while he was at it.
Fifteen minutes and 6 seconds later (time powers had their uses), a knock came at his door. “It’s open!” Ray yelled. He didn’t bother to lock it anymore since most of the imps had left his land. He could hear multiple footsteps make their way inside and he turned around, putting on a grin. “Hey.” He said to his five friends. A chorus of hellos came from the group and Geoff asked “So what’s up Ray?” His smile fell and Geoff felt like maybe he should’ve waited before asking. “Well… I’m not sure how to say it.” Ray admitted.
“Stop being dramatic and just say it Ray,” Michael said nudging his shoulder “How bad can it be?”
“Yeah,” Gavin piped up, “It’s not like it’s the end of the world or something.”
“Well, that’s because that already happened, Gavin.” Ryan said, rolling his eyes, and that earned a laugh from each the guys. Ray didn’t laugh though, and Ryan kept a wary eye on him. Something had felt… off lately, and he knew Ray could feel it too.
Meanwhile, Ray could feel the lump in his throat from earlier resurfacing. God, what did they ever do to deserve this? To be stuck in a game fighting for their lives with the weight of the world on their shoulders. And they’d failed. All their work for nothing. Everyone had died in vain because they couldn’t beat a fucking video game.
Some achievement hunters huh?
“Well Ray?” Jack asked with a good-natured smile “You gonna tell us what you called us here for or-”
“Do you guys wanna hang out today?” Ray blurted out. He was met with silence and he bit the inside of his cheek.
Michael was the first to speak up, “Uh… sure Ray. But the game-”
“I know I know,” Ray said hastily, then took a deep breath to compose himself before continuing. “We’re pretty late into the game-grinding, so we have some extra time. I thought all of us could use a break. A chance to just hang out and… I dunno, do something normal again.” Before we all die he thought bitterly. Ray knew he should tell them the truth but he just couldn’t bring himself to. Maybe he was too soft or too cruel for keeping this away from them, but if the end was coming, he wanted to spend it with the five other men as he knew them; happy and laughing, not grim and despondent. “Ray…” Ryan said quietly, and Ray looked hat the floor awkwardly. Well, it had been worth a shot.
Gavin suddenly started laughing “Is that it? Why didn’t you say so you silly donut!” He laughed again and smiled at Ray, who was in shock. “You’re ok with it?” he said incredulously, looking from Gavin to the others, who looked decidedly less doubtful now. “But I thought you’d want to keep working on-”
“Hey, if you say, we’ve got time, then we’ve got time.” Geoff said grinning. “You’re sort of our authority on that after all.”
“So… We’re having a game night then?” Jack said. Ray chuckled. “Yeah, let’s go with that. Let’s play.” He joked. The other two lads ran past him and straight to the TV, while Geoff and Jack headed to the kitchen. “What have you got to eat Ray?” Geoff called over his shoulder.
“I just alchemized some snacks,” he called back, “But if you want alcohol, alchemize it yourself.” He turned to head into the living room, but a firm hand dragged him away. “Why didn’t you tell them?” Ryan whispered harshly.
“Tell them what?” Ray snapped back, pushing Ryan away. “That we’re in a doomed timeline and that we’re all going to be destroyed no matter how hard we try?” Ryan stumbled back in shock. “So we are doomed.” He mumbled, raking a hand through his hair “I had a feeling, but I didn’t want to admit it was true.”
“Yeah well, imagine how I feel.” The younger snorted.
“I get it Ray, really, but someone has to tell them-”
“Then you do it.” Ray said firmly. “Because I’m not telling some of my best friends that everything we’ve done in this game has been for nothing.” Ryan tensed. “Fine,” he said tersely, “I will.” And with that, he turned around and walked into the living room. “Guys-” he was cut off by boisterous laughter coming from Michael. Somehow, Gavin had gotten tangled in the TV wires while trying to figure out how to turn it on. “How the fuck do you even manage that??!” Michael howled with laughter. At that moment His fellow Gents walked in, arms filled with snacks, food, and booze. Seeing Gavin, Jack and Geoff also erupted in laughter, and Ryan felt his heart clench. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around. Ray was looking at him expectantly. “Well?” he said, “didn’t you have something you wanted to tell them Ryan?” at this, the others turned to look at him. “…I think we should play something in GTA first.” He said with a shaky smile. “And that we should split into teams.”
Michael gasped in mock-horror “Is that what you two were talking about?” he yelled dramatically. “Is the R & R Connection planning an attack?”
“Bring it on punks!” Gavin yelled “No one can beat Mogar and Vav! Not even you, X-Ray!”
“Hey don’t count us out before we even start.” Geoff said, tearing open a bag of chips and grabbing a bev. He took a drink and looked over at Ryan and Ray. “Well? Let’s play losers!”
The next few hours were some of the best Ray had gone through since starting this hell of a game. The six of them played game after game. Playing in teams of two, three, as a group or independently. Ray knew for a fact that he hadn’t laughed this much in a long time, and neither did the others. He had just taken over for Gavin in cloudberry kingdom for the third level in a row.
“up-up-noooo-YEAAAH!” Ray whooped and threw his hands up. “All yours gav- Gavin?” he looked at Gavin, who was nodding off next to him. He craned his neck to look behind him where all three gents and Michael were asleep on the couch. Ray smiled and turned back to Gavin, giving him a nudge. “Hey Gav,” Gavin jumped and looked around blearily. “Huh? Oh, sorry ray, I was just-”
Ray waved aside whatever excuse Gavin was going to say. “It’s fine dude. You can sleep her tonight. Everyone else already has.” He added, looking back at the couch. “Think you can fit on with them or should I go find something else?” Gavin just shook his head “Nah it’s fine Ray. I’ll just…” he yawned “just grab some pillows and things and sleep on the floor.” He said, stifling another yawn as he gathered up some blankets and pillows. “If you say so.” Ray said with a shrug, and turned off the TV and began cleaning up the videogames. The snack messes could wait until tomorrow, but he wanted to make sure all his video games were put away properly. By the time he finished, Gavin had made himself comfortable with a blanket and a couple pillows and was half-asleep. Ray smiled at the sight, all of his friends looked so normal when they were asleep. Calm, carefree, almost happy. He could almost believe that they were all back on earth, until he looked outside of course. He sighed and started to leave the room, but something grabbed his ankle and he turned around, startled. “Gavin?” he whispered, “what are you doing?”
Gavin just smiled sleepily “I just wanted t’ say thanks before you went to bed. This was top Ray, you’re a real pal.”
Ray rolled his eyes “What are you, drunk?”
“I mean it!” Gavin insisted, “I just wish…we had…more time…..” Gavin’s hand slipped off his leg and he was asleep before his head even hit the pillow.
But even after Gavin had released him, Ray just stood there in shock. He felt like the breath had just been forced out of him.
He was such an idiot
The next morning, Ryan was the first one to awaken. He managed to peel himself out of the gent-and-Michael pile on the couch and stumble into the kitchen. It took him a minute to remember who’s house he was at. Ray, he smiled as the memories of last night came back to him. He couldn’t remember the last time their little team had come together like that, all of them at once. He’d really have to pull Ray aside later and thank him.
Speaking of, where was the Puerto Rican? “Ray?” Ryan called out uneasily. The lad was okay, he was just resting…. Right? “Ray!” he yelled a little louder. A groan came from the living room. “Jesus Ryan keep it down.” Geoff grumbled from the couch. “Some of us are trying to sleep, what’s the big idea?”
“Where’s Ray?” Ryan asked, trying not to panic. If the timeline began breaking up already, he dreaded to imagine what could’ve happened to their time player.
Geoff just looked at him confused. “Relax Ryan he’s probably in his room asleep. Where else could he be? Let him rest for a while we’ll wake him up later”
Ryan sighed. “Yeah I… I guess so.” He still didn’t sound certain.
Geoff rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry so much. Whats the worst that could-“
A loud band echoed throughout the house, startling the two gents and awakening Jack and Michael. “What the hell was that?” Jack asked, looking around uneasily. He got out his weapon- a pickaxe- and got up, carefully stepping over the sleeping Gavin. Michael wasn’t so kind. He followed Jack’s lead with his sword, but lightly kicked Gavin, stirring him from sleep and telling him, “Get your bow stupid, something’s coming.” Gavin was quick to scramble out of his tangle of blanket and Geoff and Ryan both readied themselves- Geoff with a rifle and Ryan summoning some magic.
“Heyyyyy relax guys, no team killing allowed.” Came a familiar voice.
Michael laughed “Ray? Holy shit man you scared us half to-“ he stopped when the younger man came into view.
Ray looked terrible. He was pale and shaking, clutching his right arm. He was covered in hundreds of small gashes and was swaying on his feet. Jack managed to run forward and catch the lad before he collapsed on the spot.
“R-ray,” Gavin whimpered “what happened to you?”
He smiled shakily. “Don’t worry Gav, I fixed everything. We’re ok. Everything’s going to be okay.” No sooner than he said that did he pass out in Jack’s arms.
Gavin rushed forward “Ray what are you talking about?! Everything’s not okay look at you! What the bloody hell were you thinking?! Ray!!”
“Gavin calm down!” Geoff ordered, taking on the role of leader immediately. “Jack, go lie him down on the couch. Michael, Gavin, help Jack start fixing Ray up.” They all nodded and went to do their jobs, Michael running to get medical supplies and Gavin following after Jack. Geoff turned to Ryan and he stiffened at the glare he was receiving. “Come with me. Now.” He ordered, and dragged the man out of the room.
Once they were alone Geoff started talking before Ryan could get a word in edgewise. “You knew something was up.” He accused angrily “You knew!”
“I didn’t!” Ryan protested, but he knew it was fruitless.
“But you were worried about Ray’s safety.” Geoff said, eyes narrowing.
“I… I thought something bad had happened to him.” Ryan confessed. “But I didn’t know he’d gone out and done whatever he did!” he added hastily, “I was just worried because-“
“Because what” Geoff snarled. Ryan didn’t think he’d ever seen the other man this angry.
“Because… we’re doomed.” Ryan admitted quietly, and explained everything he knew about their situation to Geoff, who just sat there and waited. He had expected yelling, or throwing things, some sort of rage. But Geoff just sat there and listened to him, showing no emotion. When he finished Geoff scrubbed a hand over his eyes and took a deep breath. “So what did Ray mean when he said he fixed everything?”
“Are you kidding me? I just told you we’re all doomed how are you so-“
“Ryan” Geoff said threateningly. Ryan just shook his head.
“I don’t know Geoff, I just don’t know. We’ll just have to ask him when he’s…” He trailed off as Gavin came into the room. He looked pretty badly shaken. “You guys are gonna wanna hear this.” He said in a quiet voice. “Ray just woke up, and he’s got a lot to say.”
Ray was wide awake, sitting up on the couch and looking alert. He turned when the three of them walked in and held his hand up. “Don’t worry Ryan, I told them.”
“You- you did?” Ryan asked, surprised. All heads turned towards him. “Motherfucker! You knew?!” Michael yelled at him. He stalked up to Ryan and jabbed a finger at his chest. “How come you never told us?!”
“Hey I just found out for sure last night!” Ryan said defensively. “I didn’t want to scare anyone until I knew for sure.”
Gavin scoffed, “Yeah, because this whole game hadn’t terrified the piss out of us already.” He turned to Geoff, “In case you were wondering Geoffrey, our timeline is-“
“I know already Gav,” Geoff cut him off. “Ryan told me.”
“What??” he squawked, “Ryan I wanted to tell him!” Ryan only rolled his eyes.
“Sorry Gavin, but Geoff didn’t give me a choice.” He said, not sounding sorry at all.
“Anyway,” Jack interrupted, trying to bring their conversation back to the important thing. “Ray still hasn’t told us what happened yet. He wanted to tell us all at once. So now that we’re all here…” he looked at Ray expectantly.
Ray nodded “Right. Well,” he waved the other over so they were all either sitting on or near the couch. “First off I’m an idiot. I got so caught up in our doom, and shit, I forgot something important.” He grinned. “I’m the motherfucking Rogue of Time!”
The others stared at him in confusion. “….So?” Michael asked finally.
“So? So I can steal time!” he said excitedly. “Do you realize what that means?” none of them did, so Ray continued. “There are millions of timelines, and new ones are popping up all the time. All I had to do was borrow some from other versions of out session.”
The wheels in Ryan’s head started turning. “So,” he said “You just took that time off their hands? Just like that?”
Ray hesitated. “Well, I had to make a few adjustments to their sessions…”
The other five men exchanged uneasy glances. “Ray, what did you do?”
The youngest Achievement Hunter sighed. “I sabotaged other sessions. Doomed them so ours could succeed.”
Icy dread seeped into everyone’s stomachs. “Ray buddy,” Geoff said uneasily, “your heart was in the right place, but that isn’t right.”
“But they were all doomed anyway!” Ray argued. “Geoff, most SBURB sessions fail, did you know that? But we could win if we just had more time! I know it!”
“So you killed innocent people?” Michael demanded. “Ray what were you thinking?!?”
Ray shrunk back against the his yelling. “I- I didn’t...” he stammered “I didn’t kill anyone!”
“But they’re going to die because they’re doomed.” Jack pointed out, and Ray lowered his head sadly.
“…But we’d survive.” Gavin mumbled.
All heads snapped towards him. “You’d let other people die, just so we could win this stupid game?” Michael snapped.
“Well yeah!” Gavin said, waving his arms in the air. “I mean, not if we could avoid it, but I sure as hell don’t want to die along with them! Besides,” he said turning to look at Ray, “You said they were dead anyway, right?”
Ray took a shaky breath and hesitated, then nodded. “I’m...pretty sure they were.” He admitted quietly.
Geoff shook his head and muttered, “I can’t believe your supporting this…”
“Well it is a survival game.” Ryan added, but Geoff just shook his head further.
“So that’s it then?” he said looking at each of them individually. “Ryan, Gavin, you support Ray. And Michael and Jack, you guys agree with me?” Everyone nodded in confirmation. “Then we’re at a stalemate.” He declared.
“Well, what do we do now?” Jack asked.
Geoff shrugged helplessly. “We think about it. This is a serious game changer guys, not something to take lightly. I say we keep doing our thing trying to get through the game and if things get dicey we’ll decide then. You know, burn that bridge when we get to it.” He joked.
“But-” Ray began, but was quickly silenced by a look from Geoff
“No buts.” He ordered. “And don’t even think about pulling that shit again until we all agree on a choice, got it?” Ray sighed and nodded glumly. “Good. Let’s get back to work then people! Everyone back to their lands.” The others began leaving Ray’s house. As he passed, Ryan gave Ray a sympathetic look and Gavin patted his shoulder. “Sorry Ray,” he said, “But I still think you did the right thing.”
“Thanks Gav,” he said with a small smile. “And don’t worry, the others will get it soon.” Gavin smile wavered a bit at the ominous implications of Ray’s words. “Yeah well…” he laughed awkwardly “see ya later.”
“See ya.” Ray said and Gavin hurried away, leaving Ray alone with his thoughts.
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I just found your blog and holy shit, how was I not following you before?!? AH, LoL and everything!
AHHh, thank you!! I like a lot of things, so I try to draw a little fanart for all of them (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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Just voted for you in the poll. I'm your fifth vote, 17th overall I think.
thank you!!!! would you like something from the list? uvu
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You, sir, have wonderful taste in blogs!
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saw a pic that kuzuryuu was trans, headcanon immediately
sAME MAN. it s a good headcanon
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your blog is cool and you're cool.
aaaa thank you friend uvu
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Wow didn't realize I wasn't following you *fixed*
Oh! No problem ^^ Thanks!
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Could you tag your snk manga spoilers? I really didn't need to know Erwin lost an arm r/n
#FU CK EVERYTHING GOODBYE#SNK SPOILERS#CRIES FOREVER#royalmaces#my names mononobe and im better than everyone especially you
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