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#❤️#frasi#amore tumblr#frasi mie#frasi tumblr#Ronaldo#Cristiano Ronaldo#rovesciata#frasi pensieri#frasi vita#frasi italiane#frasi belle#amore#tanto amore#frasi amore#amore mio#amore vero#amor#messaggi che fanno bene al cuore#messaggi belli#messaggi dolci#compagnia#noia#domande#anon#italia#domande anche anonime#vintage#italy#spotify
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dalle storie di ghali.amdouni_fanpage dei 2 febbraio su IG
#ghali a napoli#di rich nessuna notizia#e anche leo (il bodyguard? di rich) era a napoli nello stesso periodo#le congetture che sto facendo....#c'entra forse quel famoso tiktok di ghali e rich a napoli che guardano un'auto rovesciata? 👀#ghali#rich ciolino
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#mi sono rovesciata la macedonia addosso#poi ho urlato#paris 2024#paralympics 2024#paralympics#simone barlaam#Stefano raimondi#Giulia terzi#Xenia palazzo
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wishing the best possible night ever to benjamin pavard
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Un sogno che sembrava troppo reale.
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Non si tratta di un racconto auto-biografico.
Ogni riferimento a persone o a cose è puramente casuale, perché è un racconto di fantasia.
È un racconto crudo, che va a toccare dei tabù. Alle persone che sono particolarmente sensibili consiglio di fermarsi qui, o alla prima sensazione di disgusto o di imbarazzo.
Ero appena tornata a casa dal lavoro e avevo lasciato che Dicky, il pastore tedesco di mia cugina, uscisse nel cortile sul retro per fare i suoi bisogni. Si, mi ero prestata alle suppliche di Carla per poterle tenere il suo cane per due settimane perché doveva fare una seconda luna di miele con suo marito. Dicky era un bellissimo pastore tedesco di un anno e mezzo, mia cugina mi rassicurò dicendo che era già addestrato e addomesticato e che non dovevo avere nessuna paura di Lui, anzi le sarei stata grata perché mi avrebbe protetta da qualsiasi minaccia e poi è abbastanza amichevole, cercò di indorare la pillola dicendomi che io già gli piacevo. Nonostante queste raccomandazioni ero pervasa da uno stato d’inquietudine perché non ero abituata a vedere un cane in giro per casa. Appena i due piccioncini varcarono la porta mi assali un senso di disagio dovuto al fatto che d’ora in poi sarei rimasta sola con questo cane. Non riuscivo a spiegarmi il motivo di questo nervosismo. Forse tutto questo era dovuto al fatto che avevo avuto sempre sentimenti contrastanti nei confronti dei cani.
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La ragione era dovuta al fatto che quando ero all’università una mia amica mi confessò che si era lasciata leccare la figa dal suo cane e aveva avuto un orgasmo da favola. Rimasi sconvolta dalla sua confessione. La notte successiva sognai che stavo a letto e il cane della mia amica si era intrufolato nel mio letto e ha cominciato a leccarmi la figa, mi sono svegliata di soprassalto e mi sono ritrovata madida di sudore, la mia figa fracida di succo ed era bastato che toccassi con le dita il clitoride per arrivare in un modo pazzesco. Subito dopo mi sentii mortificata. "Come ho potuto lasciare che ciò accadesse?” fu la domanda che mi posi. Rimossi subito tutto e non ebbi più sogni di questo tipo.
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Guardando Dicky, tutti quei sensi di colpa, di imbarazzo e di lussuria, provati per quel sogno mi tornarono in mente. Ebbi improvvisamente paura. Paura di ciò che avrei potuto fare, di ciò che avrei potuto voler fare ora che ero sola con quel cane. Ero consapevole del disagio che avevo provato quando mia cugina mi lasciò il cane. Dopo questo smarrimento iniziale, giusto per tranquillizzarmi guardai il cane e gli dissi “Immagino che siamo solo tu ed io, Dicky" per smorzare il nervosismo mi versai un bel bicchiere scotch e sorso dopo sorso lo bevvi tutto. Dicky si avvicinò e si sdraiò a terra accanto a me. Pochi minuti dopo, cominciò a sentirmi molto più rilassata mentre lo scotch si diffondeva nel mio corpo. Sentivo un piacevole calore diffondersi dentro di me. A un certo punto sentì i la zampa di DIcky appoggiarsi sul mio piede. "Adesso non iniziare a farti venire le idee", gli dissi ridacchiando, mi alzai per andare a letto, e guardandolo improvvisamente arrossii guardando il cane e pensai "È decisamente maschio". La punta rosa del suo cazzo sporgeva! Ero totalmente imbarazzata. "Non posso credere che lo sto guardando!" pensai.
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Agitata, andai velocemente nella mia camera. Ero confusa e mi sentivo piuttosto calda per il rapido consumo di scotch. "Ho bisogno di una doccia fredda o di un bagno caldo", sorrisi. Mi spogliai completamente e mi sdraiai I sul letto quando fui presa da un’eccitazione inspiegabile. All’improvviso, sentii uno schianto nel soggiorno, a quel punto mi ricordai che non ero sola e un piccolo brivido mi percorse la schiena. Uscii dalla camera e mi diressi in soggiorno. Una delle lampade era rovesciata. Niente di rotto. "Fortuna per te, Dicky", e mentre lo dicevo, un piccolo brivido mi percorse tutto il corpo. Dicky si avvicinò, sbattendo la coda e strofinandosi contro la mia gamba. “Anch'io sono felice di vederti, pazzo. Ora smettila di rompere le cose”, mi voltai per tornare in camera e vidi Dicky che mi seguiva da vicino. "Dove pensi di andare?" Dicky mi guardò con entusiasmo. "No, tu resta qui." si voltò e raggiunsi la porta. In un lampo, Dicky mi fu dietro, lo spinsi via e mentre mi chinai per farlo il cane si spinse in avanti e mi leccò un seno, gli urlai contro.
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Dicky perpretò un secondo attacco e con la lingua mi sfiorò l’inguine, lo respinsi ancora una volta ma con meno risolutezza, Dicky ne approfittò per fare un successivo attacco e mi sfiorò il clitoride, sentii una scossa elettrica attraversarmi tutto il corpo. Una volta entrata mi sdraiai sulla schiena con le gambe penzolanti oltre il bordo. Dicky mi segui e spinse il muso in avanti, costringendomi ad aprire le gambe. "Ehi, aspetta ragazzo, comando io qui", dissi con un po’ d’incertezza. Dicky m’infilò la lingua nel mio inguine bagnato. Ben presto cominciò a leccare con gusto. Sentì che mi stavo rapidamente avvicinandomi all'orgasmo. Dicky spinse insistentemente la lingua dentro di me. Sentì di cedere alle sensazioni impetuose mentre un orgasmo mi travolgeva, fui sopraffatta dal senso di colpa. Allontanai il cane e afferrandolo per il collare, feci uscire la sua testa dal mio inguine Dicky opponeva resistenza si avvinghiava a me e intravidi il suo cazzo ,era eccitato, io rabbrividii al solo pensiero, lo sentii scivolare lungo la gamba. "Oh Dio, allontanati da me", urlai, improvvisamente fui presa dal panico. Gli tirai di nuovo il collare, cosa che non fece altro che tirare il cane più in alto sul mio corpo. Lo sentivo, ora premeva contro la mia coscia. Avvertii un'improvvisa ondata di paura, unita a un'incredibile e improvvisa lussuria. Lo sentivo duro... e scivoloso! "Quando la punta mi toccò l'inguine, venni una seconda volta senza preavviso. Abbracciai il cane mentre le onde pulsavano attraverso il mio corpo. All'improvviso, l'orgasmo si calmò e spinsi via Dicky e corsi in bagno, sopraffatta dal rimorso e dal senso di colpa. Tremavo come una foglia. Sbattei la porta del bagno e la chiusi a chiave. Tremavo, sopraffatta dalla vergogna. Mi guardai allo specchio e distolsi lo sguardo. Non potevo credere a quello che era quasi successo e pensare che ero pronta a lasciare che accadesse. Mi sedetti sulla tazza del water stavo ancora tremando. Pensai all'orgasmo che fu improvviso e potente... e sbagliato. “Una cosa era”, pensai, “lasciarmi leccare finché non arrivassi. Ma questo…” sapevo nel mio cuore che tremavo non solo per la vergogna. Era anche lussuria e desiderio. Ma così sbagliato, così vergognosamente sbagliato. Rimasi seduta in bagno per più di un'ora, piangendo e torcendosi le mani, sperando che Dicky tornasse nel suo letto in soggiorno. Alla fine mi decisi a uscire e Dicky non c’era, era davvero nell'altra stanza. Corsi in camera e mi fiondai sul letto, dove immediatamente crollai sopraffatta.
Le parti che seguono le posterò solo su richiesta e in privato, a meno che ci siano un numero importante di likes (almeno 10). In questo caso proseguirei a postarli in pubblico.
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La circolarità del tempo.
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A distanza di quattro mesi, mi sono ritrovata davanti ad un'immagine familiare. Allora mi sono interrogata sul tempo: una ruota che -inesorabile- gira, procede. Eppure, qualcosa permane, forse il senso delle cose, forse la direzione dello sguardo; non sono stata ancora capace di trovare una risposta certa. Quello che mi affascina, indipendentemente dal mezzo che si sceglie di usare, è il senso di riconoscimento che si avverte davanti a quel che si crea. Le immagini, per me, si fanno allora specchio, riflesso di quel che risuona da qualche parte profondamente. Mi è parso inevitabile accendermi davanti a quella sedia rovesciata, sorridendo per la coincidenza incredibile degli accostamenti dei colori di quella scena. Mi sono sentita come se l'aria fosse densa di sogno. Magari lo era.
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𝐈𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫
Kristin X Bianca (Mafia Mamma)
Sum: It all started with a bottle of wine...
Warning: Language, light-fingering, oral
Word Count: 2,543
This first batch isn't half bad. Kristin thought as she sipped slowly on the newly made red wine. The vineyard was blossoming after countless trials and errors bringing it to life after her late grandfather let go for so many years. He was the 'Don' of the Mafia after all, but he must have had spare time. Right? Guess not.
Kristin left the enormous Italian house her grandfather left her to escape everyone and her problems. Her dealing with the fact she has to 'run' the Mafia, a bunch of other Italian gangsters want her dead and Kristin's fling with Carlo ended after she got arrested. All she had was her family. Her new family. Aldo, Dante...and Bianca. She found a new friendship within her. After Kristin killed her cousin, Fabrizio, she was confused and bewildered with rushing thoughts of relief and fear.
"God...what a day..." Kristin tasted the last drop before rolling over in the outdoor bed she had moved into the garden. More aesthetic she thought. Better than a bunch of patio chairs you'd get at Lowes. She reached down to the miniature table to the unlabeled bottle of wine. Uncorked and half-drank. She poured another glass as she noticed the bottle was empty. "Damn..."
"What's the matter amore? You seem-...um..rovesciata." Bianca came from the villa into the garden. Kristin thought Bianca's hair was so luscious flowing behind her shoulders. The way she strutted in her black heels so effortlessly under the dirt. "Rovesciata Bianca?"
"I can't remember the word in English. You look sad. Why not I turn that frown upside down huh?" Bianca jumped into bed behind Kristin snatching the glass from her. "Why are drinking our wine when you are sad? We made good batch yes?" She gulped the newly poured wine.
"Hey, hey! Easy that's mine! And ours?" Kristin held out her hand to take the glass back. Bianca chuckled under her breath handing Kristin back her glass. "Well...just like we agreed upon, You and me having 50/50 handling the invisible family and the winery." Bianca leaped across Kristin landing on her lap. "You cannot back out Kris." Bianca giggled tracing her hands around Kristin's white blazer going under to her lace bodysuit. Kristin knew something was up with Bianca from the moment they met. It wasn't because she was a tad intimidating at first, but something strange. Like for example, there were no men in her life. No men would come over. Kristin told Bianca she's allowed to have guests since they live together now but all Bianca wants to do is crawl into bed with Kristin and watch Real Housewives. Whatever State. Bianca says it's to learn 'American' culture, but her commentary is hilarious.
"Haha! No, I can't can I," Kristin lent out her glass to Bianca who happily took it. "So, are you going to be sitting on my lap all day or are we going work on this garden?" She huffed feeling Bianca's weight shift.
"Hm...perhaps...I wanted to try something you keep saying with you." Bianca continued tracing her hands over Kristin's waist applying some pressure.
"What's that Bia?" Kristin giggled with the sensation of being tickled. "Stop it, I-I'm t-ticklish! Haha!"
"Awe bambina..haha, you're saying...what was it? Ah yes. Eat, Pray, Fuck."
"Oh, nice! So I'm guessing you'll have company later then?"
"Not exactly no. Since you know, we have been so close lately, and I am always waking up next to you.." Bianca planted the wine glass on the table with her hair falling around her face.
"Well, that's because we're watching Real Housewives! We're almost done on Beverly Hills."
"Yes, yes. I am aware. Watching overly self-indulging burnt women are amusing but I meant I thought we were so close, you'd partake in the eat, pray, fucking with me?" Bianca swished her hair over her shoulder as the silk robe she wore fell off her shoulder. Kristin was bewildered. She always saw Bianca as a friend. A best friend even. Nothing more, but maybe Bianca didn't.
"Bia, come on. I'm straight, I think...at least. We're friends right?"
"Of course tesoro! But, I was thinking, we are such good friends that it would not be awkward for us." Bianca began to pull the strings of her robe until Kristin stopped her. "Woah! Woah there! Maybe not awkward for you but I've never been with a woman." Kristin spoke in a hushed whisper knowing fully well they were alone. Bianca stopped to push Kristin's blazer off her shoulders. "Oh now, Kris, you are in Italy. Anything can happen. It is natural. I find you beautiful; I hope you find me the same." Bianca's hands crept up from Kristin's waist to her face. Lightly lifting her jaw with her soft fingers. "I-I do B, but this is just too quick. I got arrested, shot at and killed my own cousin. I served him as wine for god sake!" Bianca still held Kristin's jaw close to her face. Kristin's face turned pale with a mixture of anxiety and confusion.
"Great. All that hard work we've done, we need a good stress relief." Bianca pulled Kristin's face to press her bottom lip to Kristin's. Inhaling the smell of wine between them connecting their lips. "Well then," Kristin was the first to break their kiss. "That wasn't totally terrible." Bianca smirked as she rubbed Kristin's jawline. "Oh darling, it's going to get a lot better." Bianca's Italian accent layered on under her breath as she began to untie her robe again. With no more objection Kristin. Not sitting in confusion and bewilderment but in curiosity. Bianca's hooped earrings dangled effortlessly with the sun bouncing off them. Her silk robe slipped off her shoulders to reveal a dark purple lacy lingerie set underneath.
"Wow, purple looks good on you-..." Kristin was hushed by Bianca's finger traced softly against her lips. "Shh-...Rilassati, dolce ragazza..." Kristin's Italian was getting better but not good enough to understand. She stared in confusion as Bianca let her lips go, giving a sly smirk. "I'm telling you to um...shut up. Nicely."
"Ha, I think I enjoyed it more in Italian." Kris tried to shift her weight underneath Bianca's body only to have Bianca's hands stop her. Her hands crept to her jaw. Bianca's breath lightly pulled Kristin in. "Be quiet-..." Shivers crept down her spine with the fear of being discovered. Her body was warm by the humidity but in the moment all she could think about was Bianca's cold lips. Pleading with her in her mind to kiss her again. To stop toying with her. Kristin peeled off her blazer tossing it away from the bed near the garden's limits. Kris straightened her back crashing into Bianca's lips not waiting any longer. Bianca smirked against Kristin's lips leading into the kiss. At first, they were soft with each other, but once Kris finally got into it, Bianca became a force. She captured Kristin's hands in hers, rocking her body on top of Kris's. Bianca's weight finally took over pinning Kristin onto the bed. They both huffed continuing their lip-lock. Exploring each other's mouths in great detail. Bianca left Kristin's hands alone to cup her cheeks in each palm. Stroking Kris's cheekbones with her thumbs. Kristin's hands touched Bianca's knees tracing up to her hips. Her fingers swept under the lace of Bianca's panties. Pulling the purple lace away from her hip and then releasing it. The lace bounced against her plush skin. Bianca winced leaving Kristin's cheeks digging her nails into her shoulders. "Mhm...you're going to leave marks." Kris broke their kiss tensing with the feeling of Bianca's nails digging deeper. "You will too. But, isn't that the idea amore? To remind everyone you're all mine?" Bianca unclenched her nails into Kris's shoulders, she swiped Kristin's straps of her lace bodysuit off letting them fall down her arms. "Ha-...is that so?" Bianca’s hands dipped into Kris’s flamingo pants to unhook them apart.
"Esatto, bellissimo..." Bianca's nails dipped down under her pants unbuttoning the clasps of Kristin's bodysuit. Kristin didn't notice, she was more focused on Bianca. She was mesmerized by Bianca's dark chocolate eyes. Darting back and forth, peering up to Kris's face and down to where her hands presided. Kristin bit her lower lip, she was too stunned to utter a word. She kept thinking, 'I just killed someone and our rival crime family. And I can't ask this beautiful woman to kiss me!?'
Without thinking a moment longer, Kristin swallowed her pride coaxing her throat. She finally realized what Bianca's plans were and she pulled back. "Wait, please.." Kristin scooted higher on the bed which resulted in her pink pants rolling down past her knees. "What is it? What's wrong." An alarmed Bianca raised her hands away not sure what was going on. "Bianca, before you do," Kristin swallowed, pulling off her pants and tossing them into a hedge. "Kiss me again, please." Kristin met Bianca in the middle of the bed prompting herself on her knees. Their kneecaps touched one another, Kris let her hand graze Bia's jaw. Bianca giggled as her head met with Kristin's. "Come..." Kris lifted Bia's head nuzzling their lips together so perfectly. Both their lipsticks created a new shade. Bianca nudged her thigh between Kris's legs making her fall on her back. Kristin's body suit scrunched up past her belly button. At this moment Kristin could give a damn, she knew where Bia was heading. All she was thinking was that was happy she was having this moment with someone she cared about, and she knew Bia cared for her as well.
Bianca's fingers traced the inside of Kristin's thighs, reaching higher every stroke her nails made. Kristin felt all of her hair stand on her body, her body began to twitch under Bianca. Their lips were still locked as one.
It was almost cinematic; Kristin thought. This beautiful afternoon sun in the Italian villa, the gentle breeze that ever so slightly blew Bianca's espresso-curled hair on top of Kristin. It was perfect. Maybe this is what Kristin was searching for. Not only a close friend but something more with Bianca deep down. This was the eat, prey, fuck she wanted.
Bianca's hand, still traced along the inside of Kris's thigh as the other hand glided slowly to Kris's face. Brushing her blonde strands away from her cheek, softly caressing where the hair once lay.
"Mhm-.." Bianca broke their kiss as she caught her breath, Kristin inhaled the mixed scent of wine and Bia's perfume. Bianca arose on top of Kris's body pushing her hair behind her shoulders with one hand still placed between Kris's thighs. Kristin held out her hand tugging the underwire of Bia's bra. Bianca smirked bending her chest down to allow Kristin's hands to crawl around and unhook the clasps of her bra. Bianca sat up letting the sheer purple bra fall. Kristin threw the bra overhead, hopefully not landing in the man-made pond.
Bianca thought time after time of this moment, she thought it would have been much sooner but she didn't complain. Kristin needed a hand to hold but was not babied into it. Bianca's hand left Kris's thigh, not so gracefully as the first time. The anticipation alone made them edgy. Bianca stroked Kris's middle grazing her mound thinking about when did Kristin have the time in Italy to get a nice bikini wax. Her middle finger slipped into her slit fitting effortlessly. Kristin hummed out as her head tilted back, Bianca was excited by her action wanting to see how far she could take her American blonde.
Bianca rotated her hand as she inserted her middle finger delicately. Kristin bit her lip as her laugh turned into a low moan. Bia was quite pleased with herself to see her business partner melt into her hand. "Ah!...Bia-..." Kris's groaned as she rested her hands against Bianca's hips.
"Haha! See amore, I told you you'd enjoy yourself." Bianca continued to finger Kris's pussy increasing her pace. "Uh-huh! Yes-.." Kristin broke out clentching Bianca's soft hips. "Mm...please...don't stop." She relaxed her head locking her eyes with Bia.
"Oh no, no amore." Bianca thrusted bending her thumb over Kris's clit. Bianca bit her tongue allowing herself to focus. Kristin shifted her hands higher touching Bia's ribs. Kris's thumbs caressed her breasts. Bianca beamed tilting her head to the side, gradually sliding her finger out soaking Kristin's thigh with her wetness sticking together. "B-Bianca! Why did you stop?" Kristin whined while she cupped Bia's tits overfilling in Kris's hands. Bianca giggled biting her lower lip. "Aspettare...the day isn't over until I say love." Bianca swayed her hair as she shifted her weight down Kris's body and spread Kristin's legs open. Kristin's legs shook sending little twitches all through her chest. Bianca stretched her back out before cupping her hair behind her back. Bia wished at this moment she had an elastic.
Bianca crouched down as her hands squeezed either side of Kristin's thighs to keep them apart. Bia hummed readily saving no time to have the first taste of her partner. "Oh god!" Kristin cried out. Her hands clammed up as she gripped the bedsheets underneath. Bia dreamt of this moment, to make Kristin happy. She wasted no time delving her tongue in between her lips in a vertical motion. The tip of her tongue grazed her folds tenderly locking eyes with Kris immediately. "Shit...Bia!" Kristin purred as her hands touched Bianca's head tangling her fingers in her strands. She bucked against Bia's face, pressing herself against her tongue in a desperate search for more. Bianca continued to lap Kris's juices softly sucking her lips clean. The tip of Bianca's tongue began to swipe against Kris's clit, pressing on the little button and rolling it under her tongue. Kristin couldn't hold her composure any longer. Her choppy moans turned into loud pleas. Kris's back arched pulling her grip on Bia's hair. "Oh, B-Bia...Bianca..."
Bianca kept her pace as she switched from licking Kris’s clit to sticking her tongue into Kris’s pussy, as Bianca unclenched one of her hands away from Kris’s thigh she placed it solely on Kristin’s mound gently pulling her skin back. Bianca’s fingers crept down to spread Kris’s folds to expose her clit, rotating her hand so her thumb can stroke Kris’s clit.
“Oh god, Bia! I’m-I’m gonna…”Kristin gritted her teeth tilting her head back. Krist took a sharp breath in. “Mhm…cum Kristin. Cum amore.” Bianca resumed rubbing Kris’s clit. “O-oh god! Bianca!” Kristin’s body shot up as her thighs quivered with Bianca still between them. Bia sat up lunging towards Kristin making them both fall against the mattress.
“Haha! What are you doing?” Kris moved large strands of Bianca’s hair away from her face. “My prosthetic was killing me, Kris. If I go down on you again, I’m getting a pillow.” Bianca giggled nuzzling her chin into Kristin’s collarbone.
“Why not next time you take your prosthetic leg off?” Kristin regained her composure to catch her breath. “So you’re saying this won’t be the first time then?”
“Like what you said, Bianca. I’m in Italy now. Let’s eat, prey, fuck. Together.” Kristin grinned pulling Bianca in for another kiss. That wine wasn’t bad at all. Kristin thought.
#fanfiction#lesbian#lgbt#fanfic#wlw fanfic#wlw#mafia mamma#monica bellucci#toni collette#fanon#really wanted this in the movie#mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy?
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Diventare adulti dentro
non è esattamente
un parto veloce o indolore.
Tuttavia, finché non ringraziamo la vita o gli altri per quello che non ci hanno dato, la nostra esistenza sembra rimanere incompleta.
Possiamo benissimo andare avanti a vivere risentiti per quello che non abbiamo ricevuto, facendo confronti, sentendoci vittime dell'ingiustizia, lagnandoci di quant'è duro che le nostre idealizzazioni, stagione dopo stagione, non si avverino.
Oppure possiamo guardare a ciò che non ci è stato dato come ad un'opportunità, per quanto misteriosa, per quanto rovesciata, di intraprendere un cammino di approfondimento e di resurrezione.
- José Tolentino de Mendonça
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Ieri ho fatto la torta rovesciata alle mele 🍎 ricetta di Damiano Carrara.Lui ha impiegato 2 minuti ,io ho dovuto guardare il suo video 10 volte (stop /riparti /ari stop…).Però è venuta buonissima ,fidatevi 😂
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"Quella strada del passato si srotolava confusamente di fianco a noi come se la tazza della vita si fosse rovesciata e ogni cosa fosse impazzita.“
(Jack Kerouac, Sulla strada)
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Tullio Crali
Upside Down Loop (Death Loop) (Granvolta rovesciata - Giro della morte)
#Tullio Crali#aeropittura#aeropainting#italian artist#italian painter#italian art#italian painting#futurism#futurists#italian futurism#airplanes#aeronautics#aviation#small plane#flight#landscape#modern art#art history#aesthetictumblr#tumblraesthetic#tumblrpic#tumblrpictures#tumblr art#tumblrstyle#artists on tumblr#aesthetic
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/48fb90dc62465e90ac900c827e3e635f/81cbce86a684a82a-7c/s540x810/250fcc3d10bdb49bbf23b74fcad326351a2b050f.jpg)
Una barca rovesciata nella Darsena a Milano, con la scritta "Strage di Lampedusa 3 ottobre 2013".
Intorno braccia e mani che affiorano alla ricerca disperata di aiuto mentre affogano, circondate da crisantemi bianchi che galleggiano.
E' l'installazione shock, che ricorda la la "strage del mare" del 3 ottobre 2013, quando un peschereccio proveniente dalla Libia si rovesciò davanti alle coste di Lampedusa provocando 368 morti, di cui 83 donne e 9 minori. L'opera è stata voluta dal Municipio 6 di Milano.
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funerale, bottiglia di coca rovesciata in ogni dove a pranzo, lavoro fino alle 21. le giornate, quelle belle.
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Bandiere dei NEONAZI PROPAL al corteo alla manifestazione per la GIORNATA DEL RICORDO: la realtà rovesciata, non solo diminuita.
Grazie ai partigiani immaginari dell'Anpi, l'equivalenza funzionale tra nazismo e comunismo emerge chiaramente.
Personaggi come Trump e Musk rappresentano il necessario SCIACQUONE cacciamerda, la dovuta bonifica a fronte di superamento dei livelli tollerabili di sinistra ipocrisia.
Action-reaction, cause-effect.
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![Tumblr media](https://64.media.tumblr.com/edd09124ea513e2beb6787cb2e381aa2/b88be9d8f2caff81-c6/s640x960/fe3366398ad18ede5c3e92e273534859872bbe65.jpg)
momento food porn romagnolo sta piada è patrimonio unesco (me la sono rovesciata sui pantaloni porcodio)
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Il tipo di questa notte, ce l'aveva talmente grosso, che gli mancava solo la parola; stamattina, non sono riuscita neanche a sedermi, correttamente, per fare colazione; è meravigliosa la sensazione del giorno dopo, quando ti sembra che la natura si sia rovesciata, e tu abbia partecipato, attivamente, ad un parto al contrario.
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