#rottmnt mud dogs x reader
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orange-imagines · 5 months ago
the mud dogs’ fav places to kiss + be kissed by their partner? 👀
Relationship: Romantic
A/N: My posts are sporadic and unpredictable. I'm playing turn-based combat here
To kiss: forehead. He's a sucker for getting to loop his arm around your shoulders and give you a forehead/temple kiss when the two of you are standing or walking together. It's an act of affection he finds very easy and natural, especially because he really likes touching his forehead to yours anyway. Usually to try and communicate something to you that he can't vocalize, as if he can almost push his thoughts out of his head and into yours. Forehead kisses are kind of the same deal, though the message is usually just "I was thinking of you".
To be kissed: jawline. It's just a nice spot for him! Makes him smile every time and puff his chest out a little bit. It gives him a good confidence boost along with the reminder that you're there with him, by his side no matter what. Just hits different for him, y'know?
To kiss: hands. He loves holding your hands enough as it is, and he finds himself frequently pressing your knuckles to his lips or the side of his mouth without even thinking about it. It's just second nature to him. He's also such a big kisses-your-hand-with-a-bow guy. I've said it before and I'll say it again: he's still trying to woo you even after you get together.
To be kissed: palm/wrist. Similarly, he really likes any affection you give him while holding his hand. Run your thumbs over the pads of his palm before pressing a kiss there, or to his pulse line, and it makes him melt. It's such a sweet and simple thing that he finds really intimate, and he'll never complain about you kissing his knuckles or the top of his hand either. He's a sucker for it.
To kiss: dimples. If you have them, he loves them. If you don't, he just loves giving kisses to the sides of your mouth. It's a quick and easy spot that's so almost a full kiss but not quite. And most of the time he isn't even trying to tease you, he just thinks the face you make when he kisses you there is really sweet and he wants to see it more.
To be kissed: cheek/nose. Honestly, anywhere in the middle of his face. Between his eyebrows, above his jaw, on his forehead- he likes it when everything else in his line of sight is replaced by you. He also likes explosions of sporadic kisses all over his face. It makes him laugh and really ups his mood, so by all means, lock him into a scatter of face kisses because he'll really enjoy it.
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yanteetle · 1 year ago
"Please don't let them take me..."
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"Come on, you don't wanna see anything bad happen to the poor thing, do ya?"
I decided to try and get back into drawing rottmnt art, and this piece was inspired by @astral--horrorshow and my new watermark was created by @lordfreg (thank you so much btw, I swear I'll start replying to asks once I'm less anxious about them ToT)
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity@fried-milkfish@milks-thoughts @hearteyedracoon@zxphy@mellytumbles@nekonekoastume@temmerloverart@ramblehour@redak-ted @unnamedindividual @lampylamperson@elegantkidfansoul@lexiechr@yourleastfavoriteguyinthechair@gemini-forest@galaxyblast23@sardonic-the-writer @0what-a-guy0 @oleander-nin @zonepastrrii @silverwatergalaxy@astral--horrorshow
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astral--horrorshow · 1 year ago
Red Snow - Platonic Yandere Mud Dogs x GN Reader
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A/N: Happy spooky month, everyone!! This is the first of two stories I'm going to release for October. They're based off of horror/thriller media, and credit to @yandere-toons for the inspiration of merging a horror movie with a yandere scenario with their Invader Zim story!
This story is based off of the film "No Exit", and even though the protag in the film and this share the same name, they aren't the same, that's a just a coincidence.
Try to guess what the second story is based off of! Here's a hint: It most likely served as inspiration for a nordic horror game that's getting a third installment in 2024!!
If anyone wants to draw fanart based off of this story or take any sort of inspiration based off of it, please feel free!! I'd be happy to see anything you make!
Her: You better not be writing a 6000+ fanfic for characters who only had 5 minutes of screentime when I get there!
Warning: This story is meant for entertainment purposes only and not meant to romanticize or encourage any of the behaviors found in it.
TW: a gun, blood, kidnapping, restraints, semi infantilizism, being struck, hinted fear mongering, slight gore, death, this is strictly platonic
Word Count: 6246
Summary: Darby is stranded at a rest stop in a snowstorm with 5 complete strangers when they unveil a chilling discovery.
Darby wrapped their hands around the mug of coffee, warming their hands up through their fur. They sighed in relief as they began to feel their fingers again, the snow melting.
A snowstorm raged outside, beating against the windows of the rest stop and coating them with layer after layer of dull frost. Looking around, Darby swallowed hard as they took a nervous glance at the people they would be sharing the rest stop with for the foreseeable future. Three other yōkai shared the table in the center of the room with them, with a fourth napping in the corner of the room, and another making himself a cup of coffee. Their hand instinctively drifted to the pocket on their jeans, attempting to soothe their nerves by rubbing the denim-covered contents. The air was thick and hard to breathe in, not with Darby’s nerves.
“What’s your name, kid?”
The cat yōkai jolted, yanking their hand away from their pocket and staring at the bat yōkai from across the table. “Sorry?” They breathed out, trying to regain the air in their lungs.
“I said, what’s your name?”
“Oh! Oh. Darby, sorry…”
“Nothing to apologize for,” the bat said, reaching up and scratching his big ear, “But you’ll want to get used to me. We’ll be here for a while.
Darby swallowed again, and nodded. The bat gave a half-smile to them, and spoke again.
“I’m Rafferty, and this is my wife-”
“Juane,” the borzoi yōkai next to him butted in.
“Right, Juane,” Rafferty turned to the eel on Darby’s right and opened his mouth, but the eel beat him to it.
“I’m Mickey!” He said, cheerfully.
“Well, hello, Mickey.” Juane said, staring at him with a turned head. Mickey grinned at her, which unsettled Darby. In fact, all of the yōkai in that room freaked them out. They didn’t know what it was. Maybe it was the way Juane’s eyes seemed to stare at them from behind her long snout, maybe it was Rafferty’s intimidating aura or Mickey’s freaky grin.
Everyone sat in near-silence again, the sound of the coffee maker and the snowstorm being the only companion to the yōkai’s ears. Mickey looked like he wanted to say something, but he took a glance at the rat making the coffee, and kept his mouth shut. Darby took notice of this, and an uneasy feeling burrowed into their stomach. Maybe they were overthinking it, but maybe not. Why would Mickey stop himself from talking after looking at a stranger?
Darby clutched their knees. They needed to be away from people, to clear their head. They stood up from the table, the grating sound of the chair scooting back on the hardwood making them internally wince. They half-stumbled to the bathroom, unaware of the burning stare boring into their back.
Inside the bathroom, Darby pulled out their phone to find it had no service. Even though they were expecting it, being in a rest stop in the middle of nowhere with a snowstorm raging outside, they still groaned. The thought of being completely stranded with the unsettling strangers that they had just met made them feel sick. They buried their head in their hands, taking a deep breath. Maybe they could get some service outside. They needed to get away from all of that thick air, anyways.
Darby trekked out of the bathroom, not sparing even a passing glance at the other yōkai while they walked towards the doors. They pushed the doors open, the frigid air drawing all heat from their body and bits of ice pelting their coat and nose. They didn’t mind. It was freeing. Refreshing, even. Their boots crunched against the snow as they took their phone out of the pocket of their olive green jacket, holding up like a flare in hopes of getting at least a single bar. They tramped around in the thick snow, trying not to let go of their phone by gripping as tight as they could with their quickly numbing fingers.
A metallic-sounding thud barley pierced Darby’s ears through the vociferous whistling of the storm, but they heard it, nonetheless. There was another thud, and Darby snapped their head towards the vehicle it came from, a large, dark van.
Darby lowered their phone and stumbled towards the van, glancing back at the rest stop windows. Nobody had moved or was looking at them. They jumped behind the van, standing at its back doors. One of the windows had been covered up with something, but the other one had only snow as its curtain. They wiped away the snow with their hand, and immediately jumped back.
There was a human in the van.
Your arms and shins were tightly bound together with rope, and a gag covered your mouth. You banged on the window with your arms and Darby could hear you whimper as they stumbled back in shock. Shaking off their surprise, they turned back to the window again to make sure that nobody was looking, and threw themselves to the door window.
“Hey, hey, I’m gonna get you out of here, alright? I’m gonna help you, you’re gonna be okay.”
You continued to whimper, attempting to open the van doors with your bound and mittened hands to no avail. Darby tried the doors, too. Locked.
Darby panted in fear, eyes widening when they glanced back at the window and saw a figure standing tall with their back turned. Darby practically leaped to the other side of the van, pressing their back to it and holding their hand up to their chest, feeling their heart beating fast. They didn’t want to believe that they were in this situation, that they were dreaming, or hallucinating.
Taking a deep breath, they attempted to calm their nerves. They only had to play it cool until they could get help. But who knows how long that would be? And they didn’t even know who the van even belonged to! Everyone in there was an equal suspect, and Darby didn’t even know the other two’s names! They groaned and tugged on their ears. The cat yōkai couldn’t just pull you out, but there had to be a way to help, there had to!
Darby smoothed some of the frazzled fur on their head and took another breath. It was going to be hard, but playing cool was their only option until they could deduce who the owner of the van was, or at least get one bar of service. They walked back to the rest stop, holding their phone above their head again.
They tucked it back into their pocket when they opened the doors, swallowing the lump in their throat when they saw the two other yōkai, now sitting at the table. The rat decked out in purple smiled at Darby as they walked inside with what might’ve been a warm smile if he didn’t have such an air of coldness to him. Darby tried their best to smile at him back, though it probably looked more like a grimace. They didn’t smile much, anyways.
They sat back down in their chair, taking in the sight of playing cards on the table and the scent of cheap instant coffee wafting in the air. “Well, hello,” the rat said in a friendly tone, “It looks like we have everyone here! My name’s Danny.”
He reached a hand out to Darby, and they gingerly shook it. “Darby…”
Though the ogre yōkai to the right of Danny was sitting at the table with everyone else, he didn’t make any move to speak, focusing more on the deck of cards in his hands, which he was shuffling with his thick fingers. Darby eyed him nervously. Silent and sullen-seeming, he might’ve been the type to hide a human in his van, but Darby stopped themself from making any assumptions. If there was one thing their mother taught them, it’s that one can’t judge from feeling alone. Darby knew plenty of quiet and sullen people, including themself. That didn’t mean that they had a human in their car. The snake in the grass could be any one of the people they shared the table with.
“So, where are you all headed?”
Rafferty struck up conversation again, glancing around at everyone. “I’m headed to Shimmering Isle with Juane.”
“I’m going to the Enclave. Don’t you just need a change of scenery every once in a while?” Danny said, raising his coffee cup up to his mouth.
“That’s neat, son. And where are you headed, Darby?”
Darby’s throat went dry as they opened their mouth to speak, eyes darting around the room as they tried to think up a place for them to say. They just wanted to get away from the Hidden City, they didn’t realize they would have to lie to a stranger about it.
Luckily for them, Danny spilled his coffee on Mickey, and luckily for Mickey, it was only lukewarm at that point. Still, he groaned when the dark liquid stained his bright orange t-shirt and ran down his tail. Danny apologized profusely, but it didn’t seem genuine to Darby. Maybe not to Mickey, either, as he was glaring at Danny like he had just defaced a priceless family heirloom.
Darby took advantage of the commotion and slipped inside the bathroom again, looking around for a window or a back door until they saw a big hole covered up with a piece of flimsy plywood. They grabbed a crowbar near the hole, and pried it open with some effort. They rushed back to the van and slipped the edge of the crowbar between the cracks of the passenger seat door, prying it open, too.
The cat yōkai crawled inside the car and closed the door behind them, practically diving to you. They lifted up your head gently, awkwardly petting it with their other hand in an attempt to soothe your cries and whimpers from behind your gag. “Hey, it’ll be fine, it’ll be fine,” they repeated like a mantra, trying to convince themselves more than you. “My name is Darby, and I’m gonna get us out of here, okay? We’re gonna get out here.”
Darby grabbed the side of your gag, attempting to pull it off when they heard the driver’s side handle jiggling, whoever was attempting to open it was having a hard time. Darby’s eyes widened, and their eyes darted around to find a hiding place. Spotting a pile of blankets in the corner right behind the driver’s seat, they slipped under it, tucking the crowbar in, pulling their legs in and internally praying that their ears didn’t stick out.
The door opened, and someone slid into the front seat. Yanking the door shut, Mickey’s voice muttered angrily.
“You could’ve just tapped me, you could’ve done ANYTHING but spill coffee on me! Man, this is totally gonna stain!”
Tears ran down your face as you craned your neck to gaze up at Mickey, curling into yourself on the floor. He heard your sniffles and looked down at you, his face now set in gentle confusion and concern instead of the death glare he sported merely a moment ago. “Oh, sorry, little pike. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, “It’s just- Danny can be such an a-” Mickey cut himself off, taking a deep, shaky breath. “Danny can be very mean… sometimes.”
He said this through gritted teeth, as though it was physically painful for him to talk in the way one would to a kindergartener. He ran his arm over the fin on the top of his head, closing his eyes. “Oh, yeah!” He exclaimed, opening his eyes again, “I’m supposed to be checking on you. Are you okay?” He took notice of your puffy eyes and shaky breaths, “You don’t look so good-”
MIckey halted his sentence, his eyes widening as he looked at the uncovered back window and the piece of cardboard near your feet, “What the hell?! Did you do that?!” He pulled himself into the back, scrambling towards the door. He snatched the cardboard up from the floor and put it back on the window before turning back around to you. “We told you not to touch the windows!”
You started to sob again, eyes shutting tightly as you curled up into yourself. “Hey, hey, hey, don’t cry. You’re gonna be okay.” Mickey switched back to his gentle tone, petting your head with his arm, “Trust me, things’ll get a lot better when we get to Jadetown.” He said this while using his other arm to reach into one of the many boxes in the van, pulling out a shirt exactly like the one he was wearing, except that it didn’t have a coffee stain on it. He pulled off his black coat, inspecting the stormy fur that lined the hood to see if there was any trace of coffee on it, and set it aside to change his shirt.
After Mickey pulled his coat back on, he grinned at you and petted your head again. “I have to go back inside now, people’ll think I’ve died, haha!” He clambered back into the driver's seat and got out of the van. He slithered towards the rest stop again, pulling his jacket closer around him. Mickey wasn’t paying attention to the world in front of him, as always, so it was a surprise when he bumped into the chest of Leonard, with Danny behind him. If looks could kill, the ogre yōkai would have a bigger body count than he already had, but it wasn’t directed at Mickey, no, he was glaring at their van. The eel looked back at him and the van, confused.
“What is it, Len?” Mickey asked, “Is there a scratch on the paint, or-”
“No, there isn’t a scratch!” Leonard snarled, “Where’s the cat?”
Mickey looked back to the van, eyes shooting towards the bootprints leading towards its back door.
Once they were sure that Mickey was back inside, Darby slipped out of it again, and rushed over to you again. This time, they were able to take off your gag, and you coughed and cried and took shaky, deep breaths as though your head had just been let up out of a bucket of water. Darby lifted your head up, wrapping an arm around your back in support.
“What did he mean by ‘we’? Are there other people with him?”
You let out another sob, “Yes, yes, yes- Please, please help me…” You spoke incoherently after you has answered Darby’s question, but their blood ran cold as they looked up and saw three figures standing outside of the rest stop door, their stares rapt on the van. Darby’s fur stood up on end, and after they stumbled back, tipping a few boxes over mistakenly, they pulled open the back door and fell into the snow. They scrambled into the surrounding forest, hoping to loop back while your kidnappers were distracted.
You felt the hope that you would be saved disappear with Darby into the trees, tears flowing from your eyes and down your face in grief for your potential freedom. The harsh wind from the open door felt bitterly cold. The sliding door on the side of the van was yanked open by Leonard, who looked at the open back door and the objects littered around the van from Darby’s getaway. He seethed in anger, clenching his fist. “Mickey, come with me. Danny, stay here.” As he and Mickey ran off after the cat yōkai who could ruin everything for them, Danny got into the back of the van and closed all the doors. After he re-fastened the gag around your mouth, he pet your cheek and smiled.
Darby stumbled through the trees, pushing branches out of their way and trying not to trip over roots and rocks hidden under the heavy snow. They heard shouting behind them, along with the faint sound of a pair of footsteps that weren’t their own and what sounded like something being dragged across the snow.
The farther they ran, the harder it was for them to keep their balance. They nearly slipped with every step, but they refused to let themself give up. If those criminals caught them, they would be as good as dead. Darby started to practically climb up the hill, seeing the distant light from the rest stop glowing above their head. The running and shouting was getting closer, “Get back here! You’ll ruin everything!”
They ignored every word the ogre and the eel shouted at them, only focused on their goal; get back to the stop and tell Rafferty and Juane what was going on. That was the only way they would have even a sliver of a chance saving you. The light grew brighter, they were almost there! But anything that seems too good to be true usually is, for the moment they caught a glimpse of the roof, Danny jumped in front of them from seemingly nowhere, making them stumble back.
The back of their boot snagged on a root hidden deep beneath the glimmering snow, but instead of falling back on the hill and landing upside-down, they started to roll down the hill, getting face-full after face-full of dirt, leaves, and snow. Leonard reached out to grab them, but they knocked him over so that he started to roll, too.
Darby and Leonard hit a tree, hard. It knocked the wind out of Darby’s lungs, but Leonard was able to recover faster. Darby opened their swirling eyes and saw a gun slipping out of the inside pocket of Leonard’s jacket as he was reaching out for them. Just as it fell out, they shot their hand out and gripped it like their life depended on it, which it did.
Quickly regaining their senses, Darby pushed themself back with their feet, taking advantage of Leonard’s shock to stand up and point the gun in front of them, shifting its aim between Danny, Mickey, and Leonard, who had stood up and was closing in on them with the other two.
“Come on, kid,” Danny said, “We don’t want trouble. Hand over the gun and keep your mouth shut, and nothing bad will happen to you.”
“I’m not an idiot, don’t lie to me!” Darby said, voice raised, “Stay away, or I’ll shoot you. I’ll do it!”
Danny honed in on the way they were holding the gun, and scoffed internally. They didn’t know how to use that thing. If he were to run out and grab it, he would’ve been able to push them into the stream aways down before they figured out where the trigger was.
“No, you won’t. Come on, we want to get out of here just as much as you do.”
“I bet you do. Why do you have a human?”
“It’s impolite to ask about other people’s business, dear,” he condescended, taking tiny steps forwards.
“It’s everyone’s business if you have it tied up!”
“You don’t know anything!” Leonard yelled, making Darby jump.
The moment the cat's eyes flitted away from him, Danny lunged at them. The two struggled with the gun for a few seconds before it fired into the snow, startling everyone. Darby pushed the rat off of them and made a mad dash towards the top, going as twice as fast as they had before. Crashing footsteps sounded through the forest, but this time, only in the forest. There was no fourth accomplice waiting to grab them at the stop, so they made it safely into the rest stop again, slamming the glass doors behind them. Rafferty and Juane stared at them, apt confusion on both of their faces.
“What’s wrong, Darby? What’s going on?”
The cat was out of breath, holding their hand up to their chest and wheezing. “Dan, Mick, Leonard-”
“What about them-” Rafferty began to inquire, but cut himself off at the sight of the aforementioned yōkai nearing the door, each with a menacing look and a weapon in their hand. Darby turned to face them and wondered, did they get the other two from the truck? They probably did, Darby thought, but shook their head. It wasn’t important where they got the weapons when they were closing in like a kettle of vultures to roadkill.
“What are they doing, Darby?” Juane asked, holding on to her husband's arm as they backed up out of their seats.
“They have a human tied up in their van, and they know I know it.”
The two elder yōkai gasped, holding on to each other tighter. “What are we going to do?” Juane asked, “I haven’t fought since-”
“No, no. Go hide.” Darby interrupted, “I started this. I’ll finish it.”
Rafferty and Juane looked at each other for a moment, then nodded. Darby continued to stare down the approaching criminals as the sound of swift footsteps faded behind them. Each of them had a murderous look on their face.
As they got closer and closer, Darby realized something. They had no weapon of their own. They left the crowbar in the van, and even if they did have it, they were facing three yōkai that had probably killed before. Darby never once won a schoolyard fight, what made them think they could take on three criminals? They backed up as they thought of the foolishness of their plan, mentally berating themself for their impulsiveness.
This was all their fault. They were going to be murdered, then Rafferty and Juane would probably be found and face the same fate. Then you would get carted off to who-knows-where and be subjected to who-knows-what. For the first time in months, tears welled up in Darby’s eyes as they stumbled backwards and hit the wall.
You squirmed across the floor towards the pile of blankets in the corner that Darby had taken refuge under. None of your captors has time to search the van. You shoved your bound arms under the blanket, feeling up and down until your hands hit the cold piece of metal. You grabbed it, and tried to tug on the knot of your ropes with the end of it as hard you could.
Minutes passed with barely any results, and you were about to give up when you felt the grip the ropes had on your arms loosen. Your soul rose and flew, and you continued to tug until they had slipped off. You pushed yourself up and started to practically throw every restraint off, cradling yourself once you threw the ropes and the gag far away from you.
The only thing you wanted to do was curl up and cry, but you had already done enough of that the past few days. You had to get out of here, maybe Darby was still alive. Maybe they were still around. Probably not, you thought to yourself. If they were fast, the Mud Dogs were faster. The last time you had tried to run, they had caught you in under a minute. But maybe there were still other people who could help you. You had been drilled countless times about how no other yōkai would like humans as much, but this could be your last chance. If they had made it to Jadetown, who knows when you would be allowed outside again? They did say they had to lay low for a while, you heard them arguing about it.
Shaking off your fears, you crawled into the driver's seat and opened the door, falling face-first into the snow. You stood on your wobbly legs and stumbled to the hood of the truck, where you saw the wide-open doors of the building your captors were in, and a bullet going into your would-be savior's head. Blood and flesh splattered all over the dark wood of the walls, and you suppressed a scream.
You fell backwards into the snow, putting a hand over your mouth and scooting away. You couldn’t find the strength to stand up. You took a glance around the parking lot. There were definitely more than two cars, but who did they belong to? You couldn’t see or hear anyone else in the building. You didn’t think they were dead. You would’ve heard screaming or a gunshot or-
You broke yourself out of your thoughts. Now wasn’t the time to worry about that. You needed to get away. If one of them turned around, your freedom would come to an end. No, you had to get into the woods. At least you could be a little concealed there. Then you could figure out what to do.
With newfound confidence and adrenaline, you made yourself stand up again. You glanced around, and saw the entrance to a hiking trail 30 yards away from you. Trying to be as quiet as possible, you stumbled to the trail, heading into more darkness.
The Mud Dogs walked out of the bathroom, having killed the other two yōkai that were in there and washing the blood off of their faces and hands. Leonard smoothed his hair, closing his eyes and taking a breath. It had been a long night. First, the storm. Then Darby came along. He growled at the thought of them, trying to hold himself back from kicking their body. This was all their fault. They had to lay low, and the cat almost ruined everything. He sighed. There was no use hanging up on it.
“Why is the van door open?”
Leonard and Danny snapped up at Mickey’s question, honing in on the parking lot. He was right, it was open. Tiny footsteps led to the side, going off into the forest. Leonard froze. You didn’t.
You did.
When the Mud Dogs ran out and opened the van, you were nowhere to be found. Your restraints were on the floor with a crowbar. Leonard barely bit back his scream of anger. All of the trouble they went through tonight, and now you had run off into the snowy woods without proper clothes and you were going to freeze to death if they didn’t find you on time. Just wonderful.
The three ran after your footsteps into the woods, Leonard ordering Mickey to go right after it had gotten too dark to see the forest floor. Leonard and Danny tramped forwards, pushing branches aside and keeping their ears open for any noises over the snowstorm. Danny groaned internally. Out of all the things to forget back in the Hidden City, why did it have to be the flashlight?
“Dollface! Come back!” Danny shouted, his voice echoing off the trees.
“There’s no use in yelling, Danny. They’re not going to come to us no matter how cold they are.”
“Well, at least I’m trying.” Danny mumbled, feeling his feet numb through his boots, “Maybe Mickey found them…”
“He would’ve yelled for us. Go left, I’ll keep going on ahead. They couldn't have gone far.”
You dragged your numb feet through the deep snow, trying to stay awake. The snow had soaked through your socks, which were worse-for-wear. You tried to keep yourself optimistic in spite of your numb hands and feet and exhausted mind and body. All you needed to do was make it to a road, or a house, or someone who wasn’t a criminal. That was all you…
You fell to your knees, throwing your hands in front of you to stop your nose from hitting the ground. You could barely hold yourself up, your arms shaking from weakness and the cold. Snow and ice whipped at your face, making you somehow sting and feel numb at the same time. Your attempts to push yourself up were in vain, as you fell into the snow the moment you lifted your arms. You could only turn your head to the side to avoid suffocating in the snow, and nothing else. Your thoughts felt foggy and the snow twisted to swirls in your vision. You were so cold. So tired. You just wanted to go home.
Danny called out your name, his ears twitching for any sort of answer or noise. Along with his insane worry, he also held anger at you. How could you do this to them? Why didn’t you just stay put?
“Hey, I found them!”
Mickey’s shout rang throughout the woods, and Danny ran towards the sound of his voice. Leonard was already there, kneeling towards your unconscious body and hoisting you off of the ground, feeling your pulse.
“Are they alive?” Danny asked, feeling his heart sink to his stomach.
“Yeah, they are, but they’re freezing. Let’s get them by that heater.”
They sped off towards the rest stop, Leonard carrying you in his arms. They reached the indoors, Mickey closing the doors behind them after he had retrieved a few lengths of rope from the van. Leonard pulled a chair in front of the heater on the left side of the room, setting you down in it. Mickey tied your arms and legs to the chair’s own limbs, making sure to tighten them to the point where you were sure to have bruises on your skin if you struggled.
Leonard cast off his jacket and threw it over you, making sure that your practically frozen fingers and feet still faced the heater. As mad as he was at you, he wouldn’t go so far as to cause body parts to fall off. He sank into a chair, leaning back and closing his eyes. It had been a long night. They just needed to sit for a while.
Danny clenched his hands around his chair, his sharp nails digging into the wood. They needed to keep you on a tighter leash. Look what you did the moment they took their eyes off of you. It was all the cat's fault. You had already gotten worked up, all antsy inside the van. Their little intervention didn’t do you any favors. Danny steeled himself. They learned something from this. You were going to learn something from this. It had been about a month since they had taken you in, and you still didn’t realize how much they cared for you. He gripped the seat in anger again. Ungrateful brat.
Mickey was grabbing random objects on the other side of the room to electrocute until they were either crispy or ash, the smell of burning filling the room. He threw his debris to the side before continuing on something else. Leonard turned his head towards his teal cohort. “Mickey! Stop that!”
Mickey gave him a death stare, but ceased his violence towards inanimate objects. He slithered over to a chair and crossed his arms, like a kid who was forced to go to their siblings piano recital.
Leonard rubbed his face with his hands. They still needed to take care of you, even if you had run off. What was the point in saving you if they didn’t take care of you afterwards? And besides, the last thing they needed was for you to get sick. Danny was the only one who really knew how to care of a sick person, and he would be fuming at you for a few days, at the very least.
He walked to the counter, taking a TV dinner and shoving it into the microwave. Once it was done, he took it out and walked over to you, pulling up a chair and sitting across from you. He grabbed your shoulder and shook you until your bleary eyes opened to a sliver.
The light was blinding after being stuck in a dark van for so long. You closed them again, but Leonard shook you again.
“Wake up,” He said.
Your entire body felt hot and cold at the same time, truly punctuating your discomfort. You were shivering and your head hurt something awful. Leonard poked a spoon against your lips. “Eat.”
You had refused to eat early in your captivity. It didn’t go well. The thought of having food shoved down your throat made you want to gag, so you opened your mouth and ate the food you were offered. You had to admit, it made you hurt a little less, having something in your stomach. Even if it was a crappy frozen dinner.
Leonard tossed out the plastic container, walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. You could vaguely hear the sound of a sink inside.
Just as you were about to try to sleep off the pain, Danny stood up. You watched him jerk his head towards the bathroom at Mickey, and the eel got up and went in. Danny walked towards you with a purpose in his steps and eyes, and he didn’t stop until he was right in front of you.
“How could you?” He almost whispered, the rage in his eyes apparent. “After everything we’ve done for you, how well we treat you, you still run from us?” He said, his voice raising, “What, do you think we’re not good enough, huh?”
Danny clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes at you. “You selfish, ungrateful brat. We take such good care of you, and you just spit that goodwill back in our face.” He leaned forwards and grabbed your face, his nails digging into your cheeks. “Never do this again. Even think about it, and I’ll show you just how bad I can be.”
You started to sniffle, which turned into full-on sobbing in a matter of moments. Your cries filled Danny with even more rage. How could you be the one crying? He hadn’t even done anything that was worth spilling tears over. He gritted his teeth as his mind went blind with rage. He’d give you something to cry about.
He raised his hand, and brought it down upon your cheek.
Danny took a step back from you as your sobbing stopped for a second, and came back in full force, a bright handprint now on your cheek. A wave of guilt flashed over him, but he turned away from you so he didn’t have to look at your trembling. You deserved it, he told himself over and over.
Leonard and Mickey walk back into the room a moment later, talking in hushed voices. When he hears your crying, Leonard halts and stares at you and the blooming bruise on your cheek. His eyes widen, and Mickey looks back and forth between everyone before grinning.
“Looks like Dan got to them first,” He said, and strolled back to his seat. Leonard turned his gaze on Danny’s back with clenched fists and a twitching eye. “What were you thinking?!” He snaps, “They’re already all cold and roughed up, what if you broke them?!”
Danny scoffs, his gaze focused on the wall and all the guilt seeming to wash away from him. “Oh, please. They’re not made of glass. They deserved it.”
Leonard took a deep breath. “We’ve all had a long night. Don’t make it even longer.”
Danny didn’t respond. Leonard resisted the urge to yell at him. As much as he wanted to, he had to make sure that Danny didn’t do lasting damage. He grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and approached you, pulling up a chair.
He held your chin up with one hand and held the ice pack up to your bruising cheek with the other. By then, your sobbing had turned to quiet hiccups and sniffles, and you were merely shivering instead of shaking like a leaf. Leonard didn’t show it, but concern rose in his chest. You ran, and that deserved consequences, but you were only a human. A tiny human, at that, weak and fragile. He had heard the stories. Humans could die if they went to bed wrong. Unfortunately, his cohorts didn’t know that, if he wasn’t there to stop them, they would’ve already broken you, and then what?
He sighed and looked at you. You diverted your gaze away from him as much as you could with his grip on your face. “Hey,” He almost whispered, “I’ll tell Danny to leave you alone, but if you run again, I might not be able to stop him.”
You finally faced him as he let go of your chin, and nodded. Your cheek flared in pain as it rubbed against the ice pack.
The Mud Dogs loaded into their van again, the approaching dawn apparent. Fresh ropes bound your arms and legs, although the gag wasn’t as tight as to not hurt your cheek. Mickey sat next to you, leaning against the wall. When you looked into the gloomy skies of the yōkai world through your glimpses of the windshield, you imagined the sun shining on your face
Taglist: @yanteetle @oleander-nin
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harvs-chaos · 1 year ago
Yandere poly Muddogs x GN reader
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Summary - they offer you comfort when you cry
TW - Reader cries, this is honestly just really fluffy
I had always been known as the strong one in their family and among their friends. I was the person people turned to for advice, the one who could handle any situation with ease. But what no one knew was the emotional strain it had on me. I had always been good at putting on a brave face and holding it together, even when things got tough.
But after years of being strong for others, I could feel myself starting to crack.
After being kidnapped by the Muddogs, I had started to lose it. They had taken me two years ago, two year of my life gone.
I tried to push through, to keep up appearances, even if it was only the muddogs. I wasn't weak, but one day I reached breaking point. It was a seemingly ordinary day, but everything seemed to hit me all at once. I found myself in the bedroom, curled up on the bed, sobbing.
"Babes?" Mickey's voice rung out in the room rang. My face was tear-stained and red from crying as I looked up at him. He quickly rushes over, cupping my face and pressing little kisses on the tears. "What's wrong, babes?"
I shook my head, not wanting to answer. I take my hands up to my face, trying to wipe my tears away before anymore fell, he gently grabs my wrists and pulls my hands away, "what's wrong, babes tell me." He looks over his shoulder and shouts out to the other two to come help. The other two rush in, wondering what's going on. On seeing the situation, they rushed over.
"I- I'm sorry, I do-don't know why I'm crying". My words are rushed. A slight crack was heard too. I felt one of them cup my face, my eyes too blurry to really see who.
"It's okay, you don't need to apologize for crying, it's normal" Danny's voice is quieter than normal as he speaks, "it's okay."
They stay with me for the rest of the night, comforting words and affectionate touches being repeated throughout the night. It almost makes me forget I'm trapped here.
Sorry this is so short, I couldn't think of how to end it, :(
- Jett
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pianocat939 · 2 years ago
Yandere mud dogs headcannons pls?? 👉👈
(bro- I'm sorry but I only like Heinous Green ya little weirdo /lh)
Tw: mention of killing + kidnapping, manipulation, power difference, glorification
Loathesome Leonard
Yan traits: Controlling + Possessive
He absolutely loves being in a position of power, so he reacted badly when Danny took him out of his position as leader. He'll always try to keep you underneath him (not in a literal sense) and not fight back verbally or physically.
He will whine for your attention- and gets jealous very easily
Dastardly Danny
Yan traits: Manipulative + Self-Glorifying(?)
Bro will degrade you so hard- and he will manage to do so even if you don't try to interact with him or have any connection to him. And if you end up becoming vulnerable he'll try to target you and manipulate you into thinking he's the superior one and you should feel honoured to harbour his attention.
He literally will not stop glorifying how wonderful he is and all that shit. Despite the fact he's literally a fucking criminal-
Malicious Mickey
Yan traits: Clingy + Possessive
He's just really clingy. Like, not in an insecure way more so "I don't want anyone else to have your attention- pay attention to only me." He will definitely electrocute anyone he deems is stealing your attention. And this brat here will act like he's totally innocent and wrap his body around you- (cuz he's an eel and all).
He will steal your items- like anything. From a single shoe to your shirt anything.
Heinous Green
Yan traits: Possessive + Dependent
(This is totally not self-indulgence)
I GET TO MAKE THE CALLS HERE. He definitely gives the vibe of "I act all cruel and violent as I am a top criminal, but I really do want a snuggle for no reason-" He is violent, and will kill anyone that keeps you away from him.
At first he doesn't act much, he just makes a few grunts here and there and growls (he's not entirely verbal-) if you try to leave his side. Try to hold his hand or give him a pat on his arm and he'll be more lenient. And soon enough you can get a softie who is all up for the affection.
but- that doesn't mean he still has his violent and possessive tendencies. Bro will not hesitate to kidnap you- since he can enlarge his body to the point you're pretty much powerless against him.
He will speak a bit more if you're closer.
They're extremely hard to write for- since they have little screentime.
I'm gonna be honest here- I literally don't care for the actual mud dogs.
I only care for Heinous Green-
- Celina
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spoopyblues214 · 1 year ago
Vicious Valentine's
Mud Dogs valentines headcanons lesgo
Also, reminder that my requests are open, just send an ask lovelies!
Gifts received
Mickey would buy you heart box chocolates as well as many other themed candies and a stuffed animal
Leonard knows the meanings behind flowers and their colors so he would plan out a bouquet gift for you
Danny would be extravagant and get you minky coutre and jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets
Special dinner
If we're talking all three care about you, they are working their asses off in the kitchen trying [and failing] to make you your favorite dinner
You end up needing to help them anyway, but you don't mind, finding the gesture cute
Just Mickey would probably make a soup for valentines day dinner
Leonard would grill or make fried food, meat lovers delight [though of course grilled onion and pepper or fried cauliflower for my vegetarians]
Danny's making pasta. Sorry, it's all he knows. You could request a specific one though?
Giving them gifts
As for getting gifts, Mickey would like things that he can display, art, photos, stickers.
Reminders of you in his room/the hideout make him giddy
Leonard would like preening items or clothes, smells that you like on him automatically become his favorite scent.
He also has a secret sweet tooth. If you got him his favorite treats he's a blushing mess
Danny, in spite of his large/expensive gifts, really only cares about thought. If you got him a book/record he had shown interest in, you're a winner
He'd melt into a puddle, though, if you got him a handkerchief or pocket square for his suit, being able to display a piece of you wherever he goes
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koalaray · 2 years ago
Hello! I'm having a bit of a rough time so I thought I'd send this ask. What would the turtles be like with a S/O that has anxiety, depression and PTSD? How would they help them if their depression is bad enough that on some days they can't get out of bed, forget to eat, etc? Bonus if S/O is plus-sized/kinda chubby and insecure about it.
The Mud Dogs x reader
Writing Masterlist
Note: Ok so when it comes to rottmnt, I only write for the Mud Dogs. On that note, I still want to give you a comfort fic, so I just changed the characters to the Mud Dogs. Hope that’s ok with you, and I hope things get better soon sweetie. Lots of love <3
P.S. For what they do to help you, I just wrote what helps me personally since I also have depression and anxiety.
How they feel:
All three of these boys love you very much. They hate seeing you feeling upset.
Whenever you’re feeling down, they postpone their heists and make it their mission to lift your spirits.
It did take them a while to fully understand how to help you.
They had never had someone so important in their life, let alone someone with depression.
Of course that didn’t change their love for you at all.
They worry about you a lot, but not in a pity way. No, they don’t pity you.
But they acknowledge that you have anxiety and depression, and make you feel validated.
How they help you:
First of all, when you have an anxiety attack, their first instinct is to remove you from whatever current situation you are in.
They take you to a quiet room and instruct you to take deep breaths and breath with you.
They place your hand on their chest so that you can feel their heart beat and match their breathing.
Once you get your breathing balanced out, they ask if you want a hug.
They learned that sometimes you want a hug after an anxiety attack and sometimes you don’t.
If you do want a hug, they will wrap their arms around you tightly (but not too tight) to help you feel grounded.
When you’re depressed, they pamper you. Literally. I’m not joking.
They get you blankets, stuffed animals, food.
They make sure to get you your weighted blanket too.
They will sit in bed with you and keep you company.
They don’t say a word, knowing that their presence is all you need in that moment.
They’ll let you lean against them for comfort.
Probably play funny videos on their phone for you guys to watch together.
Funny videos will get an occasional smile out of you, sometimes even a quiet laugh.
Just knowing that they are still able to make you smile, even when you’re too depressed to get out of bed, makes them feel happy.
They love knowing that they are able to comfort you.
Most importantly, they just love being able to love you :]
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glowinggator · 4 years ago
Domestic Headcanons
Summary: Domestic headcanons with your local rat man <3 
Relationship: Dastardly Danny/Reader (Established Relationship) 
Content Warnings: None! 
Word Count: 1422
Leonard’s Here // Mickey’s Here 
Like Leonard, it isn’t easy for him to exit his life of crime. He’d love to, honestly. Oh, he’s dreamed of running away with you and starting a life together thousands - if not millions - of times. But once you’re in, there’s no way out. Like Leonard, he could defect, but he knows Big Mama would catch on long before he could ever get the ball rolling. Hell, even if all three of you banded together to execute the plan, it wouldn’t work. Not only that, but a huge part of why he runs with the Mud Dogs is because of the thrill. He’ll get out of jail and immediately start planning another heist, regardless of the danger. Adrenaline courses through his blood at all hours of the day, and each waking moment is spent waiting for the next thrill. He just hides it better than Mickey does. But oh, how soft he goes when he thinks of waking up by your side and not having to worry about how he’s gonna pay rent, or when you’ll need to run again. How his heart flutters when he thinks of spending a night by your side, slow dancing in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning, without the screech of police sirens tearing through the atmosphere.
If you have a home top-side though… oh, it’s a dream come true. He knows he can’t stay there 24/7 - Big Mama would come looking for him soon enough - but it certainly is tempting. He prefers to spend most of his time at your guys’ place topside, even when it’s safe to be in the Hidden City. I was serious when I said part of him really longs for a domestic life.
The only one of the Mud Dogs who actually knows how to decorate. And oh, he’s so so good at it. He likes a lot of antique stuff, and he’ll regularly look for stuff to update your home with. He’s also the type to switch out covers, pillows, and plates throughout the seasons.
Very, very meticulous when it comes to cleaning. He’ll do a top-down clean of the house once every month or two, but he has a good routine when it comes to cleaning. He gets a little stressed if things aren’t organized. It’s funny though, because he DOES hoard cups. It always makes him chuckle when you bring it up.
Saves a lot of stuff: he always thinks it’ll come in handy later. Which means you guys have multiple junk drawers <3
He picks up so much stuff with his tail and then forgets where it is. It’s really funny to watch him spin around a room with his tail wrapped around a can of beans while he asks you if you remember where he put it.
He likes to watch It’s a Wonderful Life with you every Christmas. He’s not even Christian, it’s just tradition at this point.  
He likes to have music playing throughout the home often. Especially when cooking.
He sucks at driving. Please don’t let him drive.
It’s so fun to shop with him, genuinely. Like, he gets it all done in record time, but he’s also gonna fuck around once you guys get everything you need.
You guys have two shelves of things you guys have collected during your time together. Whether it’s a mug from a road trip or an amulet from a heist, if it has sentimental value it’s going on the shelf.
Huge fan of hanging photos and making photo albums. He’s not a scrapbooker, but he likes to save photos. Something about them just makes his heart soft, you know?
Prefers the northeastern “regular” coffee. It doesn’t matter how expensive the beans are, coffee is meant to have cream and sugar in it. He’s very sparing with the cream, though. He takes his at about paper bag color, and he won’t go any lighter than that. He’ll absolutely poke fun at you if you do, though. But he’ll make it for you anyways with a smile on his face. Speaking of which, he’s also always the first to make coffee in the morning. He prefers to make coffee in the morning, because he prefers the freshness of the grounds. Also yes, he grinds his own beans. Yes, it sucks when either of you have a hangover. But the coffee’s good, so you don’t complain.
He cooks most nights! He’s an excellent cook, honestly. He follows recipes very closely, except for spices which he guesses with. Also a great baker, but he always forgets that metal pans are hot when you take them out of the oven. Look, he’s used to magic ovens, okay?
He wants to learn how to garden, and he’s somewhat okay at it. So long as it's low maintenance, he can do it. Not a big fan of growing flowers himself, though. He thinks they’re pretty and all, but he likes to grow herbs instead. Something that’s useful and has a quick yield, you know? He has an aerogarden on the kitchen counter where he grows a bunch of herbs that he switches out regularly. The tarragon, basil, and parsley has been his favorite thus far. Leonard keeps pushing him to grow things like mint, lemon balm, and shungiku, but at this point he’s just saying “no” out of spite.
(He’s ecstatic if you grow veggies or fruits, though. Heirloom fruits and veggies are so fucking good, it’s unreal. Who can resist them? Nobody. Nobody.)
Plus it reminds him of the few good childhood memories he’s had. He gets a very soft look on his face when he talks about his Lolo and Lola, and how his Lola always had the biggest garden. He doesn’t talk about his childhood a lot, but he remembers his grandparents very fondly.
He hums around the house often. He always has a song stuck in his head, and it’s sweet.
He’s almost always on his feet, pacing around the house or running back into another room because he forgot something. He’s a little forgetful, but he just gets very in his head and he misplaces stuff. But if he passes by you, or walks through a room that you’re in, he’ll pretty much always walk past you and kiss your temple. Or fuck with your hair.
He melts if you ever fix his tie in the morning, or before a heist. It could be just how he likes it, and he’d still let you adjust it.
His fur is always super messed up in the morning: he always looks like a bat outta hell. He tries to shower in the morning to counteract that, but oftentimes, he just doesn’t have the time. And it takes hours to dry his fur off after showering, so either way, you’re both gonna be spending a lot of time messing with his fur: you just get to choose whether you do it in the morning or at night. You always help him comb down his fur in the morning: he’d be in there for hours, otherwise. It’s a nice little routine, though.
(One time the lads came in before y’all got to start detangling the absolute mop that he is, and he was mortified </3)
When you guys are laying low and there’s no hijinks to be had, he’ll still walk around the house in slacks and a button-up. Definitely a step down from his usual attire, but he feels strange if he doesn’t get dressed for the day. If you convince him to have a lazy day with you though, he’ll wear a tank top and sweats. WOOF
Funnily enough, he’d really like a cat someday! Ironic, yes, but he thinks they’re cute. He’d also be down for a dog: He likes the bigger and fluffier ones. A leonberger would probably be his first choice.
He always reads at night. He’s always down to read outloud to you if you’re interested, but he’s also content with just reading on his own. He’s an avid reader, and he always has been. It’s nice to just lean on him and count his breaths while he reads. Very slow and steady, and at some point, he’ll usually start tracing little shapes on your spine with his claws. You’re not even sure if he realizes he’s doing it, but it’s very relaxing. 
“Two more chapters, and then I’ll go to bed.” “Don’t people usually say ‘one more chapter?’” “Yeah, but that’d be a lie and we both know it.” “Fair.”
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bootyyy-shaker9000 · 4 years ago
The mud Boyz need more loving soooo how would they react to their very tiny 5' s/o just took the day to absolutely pamper the hecc out of them.
Loathsome Leonard
"Be careful."
"I am."
"Be careful!"
"I am!"
You were sat on the bathroom counter with Leonard stood before you, letting you hold his hips between your knees while you held a vice grip on his face.
You were carefully gliding an open razor by his cheek, collecting all the hair stubble and wiping it away at a cloth, while loathsome over here was itching to get out of your grasp.
"I could've done this myself."
"Yeah, but you wouldn't have. You would've left it for another month, complain about it getting sooo long, and then Danny would be doing it instead."
"At least he doesn't have tiny hands."
"Keep talking and I'll slip."
You could tell he was fidgeting to get it over with as he drummed his fingers against your thighs, luckily for him you were making your finishing touches.
Then you moved on to the aftershave, which you applied to his now smooth features, carefully massaging it into his skin. You could feel his tension wash away at your movements, his eyebrows no longer screwed and a content look in his eyes.
As he got more relaxed, he leant further into your touch, releasing a heavy sigh.
"I like this bit."
You always knew he liked to be pampered, you just hated how much of an effort it was for him to actually let you do it. It was always worth the hassle though, after getting to see that satisfied smile of his.
Dastardly Danny
"My back isn't that bad."
"Says mister 'oof, ow, give me a sec fellas, my back's gonna give out!'."
"Yer hilarious."
"Just relaaaaax."
He was laid belly-down on his bed with his arms splayed flat at his sides, while you hovered above him, residing just above his tail bone as you rubbed your hands across the surface area of his back.
You were aware of the knots he had in his back and the amount of back pain he experienced, no matter how hard he tried to cover it up, so you were doing your man the favour.
You kneaded out the tension in his shoulders and made a few satisfying pops here and there that he definitely didn't complain about.
He'd let the cutest fucking giggles sometimes because you'd press in a certain spot that he'd end up wriggling away from.
The sight of seeing him so relaxed from your touch did all sorts for your soul, and it was obvious he was enjoying the physical attention.
"Ah, wait, a bit further down."
"A lil further."
"Dan, that's your tail."
"And? Ya know I like it when you play with my-"
"Okay, I'm done."
Malicious Mickey
"I swear this stuff isn't even edible."
"That's because it isn't. Mick, stop eating the paste!"
"Can I eat the cucumbers at least?"
"Fuckin...go for it."
Not trusting him with the charcoal paste at all, you applied it to his face yourself, noticing him shiver at how cold it was against his skin.
"I don't know why we're doing this, you always talk about how smooth my skin is."
"Yeah, but not ✨ exfoliated ✨"
"Just say I'm dirty, Y/N, I can take it."
"Shut up."
This wasn't something you guys did often together.
Sure, you'd chill out a lot and watch tv while eating take out
And eat take out while watching tv.
But laughing while the two of you covered each other in a home-made batch of face mask gunk while eating chopped up cucumber that was originally meant for something else hit different.
He was being productive with you and it genuinely felt great, even if it wasn't going so far out of your way or out of his comfort zone.
You'd think Mick wouldn't have a comfort zone, but robbing a bank at the break of dawn was a much easier task for him than the thought of taking two minutes to scrub his body while bathing.
If there was as a lazy easier way to get around a simple task, he would find it. But you knew Mickey like the back of your hand, and so that's the whole reason why you were doing what you were doing.
You couldn't recall ever seeing your boyfriend be so happy over feeling clean. But honestly, it was one of the best things you had ever seen.
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blueberrypossum · 4 years ago
Protective Much?
I couldn’t get Leonard out of my head and I want writings about him growling so I made one. Inspired by @bootyyy-shaker9000, this one is for you and me man.
The day had started with you and Leonard walking through one of the several markets of the Hidden City, checking out the new shops and which ones you guys could steal from. His tall frame stood next to you as you both passed by other yokai’s in the streets. Your eyes were quickly darting back and forth for any sights of exits, easy pickpocketing, and anything you liked. You stopped right next to a store filled with interesting items and your hands slowly started to go over them when you felt the pair of unwanted eyes fall upon you. 
Your body tensed up as you slowly scanned behind you and you saw the yokai that had his eyes on you and you narrowed your own at him, but that only gave him confidence. The yokai started to make his way over and you got yourself prepared to either throw a bunch of sarcastic remarks or even put up a fight, but before you could even get yourself prepared, a warm and large presence was over you. 
A low and deep growl vibrated against your head and you couldn’t help but go stiff as you gently looked up. Leonard’s strong arms were around your waist now, his eyes narrowed into daggers as he eyed the yokai, more growls crawling out of his throat as if to dare the male to get any closer. The male yokai that was eyeing you took a step forward, his eyes sizing up Leonard. The ogre yokai let out another growl, this time baring his teeth at the male, his fangs shining out against the lights of the city. You felt your heart leap out of your chest as his head got more settled on top of yours, your hair moving to different sides to make room for his chin and cheek. A harsh blush crossed your face as the growling continued to shake you to your very core, his large coat almost grabbing around you for how close he was.
The male soon got the hint and turned himself around, even taking the extra mile and walked away from the shop he was at. 
You were both silent as it seemed like neither of you could move from the position. You tried to continue to look at what you were looking at, but Leonard held you firm as his growling continued, lower but deeper this time. 
“You know that he’s gone now, right?”
“Doesn't mean other idiots won’t have the same idea.”
“Aw, someone’s worried.”
“Shut it.”
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orange-imagines · 5 months ago
how do you think each of the mud dogs like to cuddle their partners?
Relationship: Romantic
A/N: Posts this way late at night for some reason. Muddy guys upon ye!
He loves cuddling a lot. He had no idea he enjoyed it so much until you two got together, but oh boy does it help with his craving for physical affection.
He has a bit of a hard time asking for it, so he really appreciates any moments where you initiate it by laying down next to him or curling against his side on the couch or in bed. It makes it way easier for him to reciprocate and actually relax into.
He has a preference for you resting your head against his chest, or vice versa. If it's the former, he likes being able to rub your back or run his fingers through your hair while he talks to you and presses kisses to the top of your head. He enjoys laying on your chest for all the same reasons, though it's a cuddling position you might have to work your way up to. It makes him feel pretty vulnerable, but getting to have you hold him like that is completely worth it at the end of the day. He'll lay with you for hours -and even fall asleep- if you rub his shoulders and play with his hair.
He also really likes wrapping himself around you if you're both laying on your sides- it makes him feel like he's protecting you even if there's nothing dangerous going on in your lives at the moment (but especially if there is). He just likes getting to hold you close, it's really reassuring for him.
His grip tends to be tighter than he realizes, so you might have to remind him to relax because he sometimes just...doesn't. He's not always the most comfortable guy to cuddle because of this, but he makes up for it with how pleasantly warm he is and how secure he makes you feel.
A long cuddling session at the end of a hard day? Falling asleep in each others' arms? Whispering sweet nothings alongside soft touches? Sign! him! up!
He's partial to spooning, and although he initially always fills the roll of holding you, he's not opposed at all to being held himself, though it's a thought that would go completely over his head unless you bring it up. He's not used to being taken care of, so it makes him really happy whenever you want to do so, even in simple and small ways.
He also really likes having you lay your head on his chest, or even just drape an arm across him from your side of the bed. He especially likes it if you're both doing your own thing while winding down for the night (usually with him reading a book or going over some plans he's jotted down), and he always ends up absentmindedly tucking your hair behind your ear or tracing patterns on your back. He also mutters and curses to himself without realizing it, and it's very cute.
He's very warm blooded so he acts as a great heater during the colder months, and he...tries his best during summer, despite shedding like a beast and sweating out half his body weight. But he is very comfortable to cuddle with apart from that, and his fur is soft and well taken care of, so altogether it's a pretty nice experience.
Bold of you to assume he ever stops cuddling you tbh.
He's not picky about cuddling positions at all, nor does he know what any of them are called. He just throws himself on/around you willy nilly and falls asleep wherever he latches on. Like a leech.
Him spooning you, you spooning him, you laying on his chest, him laying on your back, tangling limbs together, sitting in laps- whatever you're comfortable with, he does. And you'd better be prepared not to get up for a few hours once he gets settled, or at least be prepared to drag him with you if you do need to go and do something. No, he doesn't care if it's annoying. You're cutting into his cuddling time. This is so on you.
He doesn't necessarily run hot or cold, but he'll use the excuse of needing to sap body heat from you in order to get more cuddles if it's getting chilly outside. He makes a lot of excuses like that, even if you both know they're bullshit and he just wants to be close to you. He knows you know, but he's nothing if not committed to the bit.
He's pretty nice to cuddle (like a big body pillow), but he has a habit of either falling asleep on you (and he sleeps like a ROCK), or getting little boosts of energy and initiating a fight, either by tickling you, blowing a raspberry against your neck, or accidentally elbowing you in the ribs while he's trying to get comfortable. He also fidgets quite a bit if he doesn't have anything to occupy his attention, so he really likes to cuddle up on the couch to and watch something with you to help him fully settle down. Just keep that in mind if you're actually trying to have a nice cuddle session with him, and not get dragged into a days-long pillow fight that will inevitably include Danny and Len and force everyone in the apartment to choose sides in a bloody and pointless war (not speaking from personal experience).
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theangelcatalogue · 1 year ago
"Please don't let them take me..."
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"Come on, you don't wanna see anything bad happen to the poor thing, do ya?"
I decided to try and get back into drawing rottmnt art, and this piece was inspired by @astral--horrorshow and my new watermark was created by @lordfreg (thank you so much btw, I swear I'll start replying to asks once I'm less anxious about them ToT)
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity@fried-milkfish@milks-thoughts @hearteyedracoon@zxphy@mellytumbles@nekonekoastume@temmerloverart@ramblehour@redak-ted @unnamedindividual @lampylamperson@elegantkidfansoul@lexiechr@yourleastfavoriteguyinthechair@gemini-forest@galaxyblast23@sardonic-the-writer @0what-a-guy0 @oleander-nin @zonepastrrii @silverwatergalaxy@astral--horrorshow
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astral--horrorshow · 2 years ago
Yandere Mud Dogs Headcanons
A/N: This wasn't requested, but I really wanted to get these down, partly because it'll make them easier to write in the future!! Anybody is welcome to take inspiration from these, and my requests are always open!! I've been wanting more of them lately, so please don't be shy!
This can be interpreted as platonic or romantic for Leonard or Mickey, but I wrote Danny's as platonic
TW: Kidnapping, toxic relationships, delusional mindsets, extreme coddling, mentions of temporary leg parlyzation, condecension, forced bed sharing (NON SEXUAL), mentions of violence, forced to play dress up? reader is human, being unknowingly fed sleeping pills
💙 Loathsome Leonard 🎋
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~💙 Leonard is extremely mad that he cares so much for a human, and lies to the both of you when he says and acts like it's your fault and that he's angry at you. In reality, he's angry at himself for perceived weakness, and will gradually accept it over time.
~🎋 He has little to no patience for disobedience, perceived or not, even during the adjustment period. The other Mud Dogs (Usually Mickey) will often have to step in to talk sense into Leonard when he's being irrational, too strict, or overly mean.
~💙 Over time, he does loosen up the slightest bit if you're good, but only a little bit. His lifestyle requires him to be constantly on his guard, and you'll go back to being kept under lock and key if you mess up.
~🎋 Leonard is immaturely serious, and will get pissed if you don't take him seriously. Despite this, he can have playful moments with you, even if they are far and in between.
~💙 He's at his angriest if you escape or try to escape, because even though he can be callous and rough towards you, he worries like crazy if you're out in the Hidden City, though he'll never show it. He'll scold you for literal hours when he catches you, because the Hidden City is extremely dangerous, especially for a human. He doesn't know what he'd do if Big Mama ever set her eyes on you.
~🎋 He treats you like a mother animal would treat her young in the physical sense, sometimes, as he'll hold you up by the scruff of your neck, carry you places out of nowhere, etc.
~💙 Punishments would be on a more physical sense, but nothing too rough, because he's actually terrified of you getting too hurt, not that he'll ever let you know. The most he'll do to you is rough you up a little, but if anyone else lays a hand on you, he'll make them pay. If it was one of his teammates, he'll let them off a lot easier than if it was anyone else, his revenge methods ranging from petty to slightly violent depending on wether it was an accident or not and how much you were hurt. If you were to get hurt by a Yokāi in the Hidden City, however, it doesn't matter if you only got an accidental scratch, he will get violent with them.
💜 Dastardly Danny 🐁
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~💜 Danny is type to coddle without end, especially because you're a human. He sees humans as a weaker species, and thus sees you as someone who needs to be protected and taken care of.
~🐁 He barely lets you do anything by yourself, and usually insists he help you, or sends/drags you away for him or one of his comrades to do it themselves.
~💜 He can be extremely condecending with the way he acts and talks to you, and though it's never from a place of malice, it can be extremely upsetting.
~🐁 Danny can sometimes treat you like a doll or a little child with the way that he babies you, often insisting that he pick out your clothes, do your hair, spoon-feed you, etc. It can be extremely humiliating.
~💜 Danny might be the most worried out of the entire cast when you escape, as he knows firsthand how rough and dangerous the Hidden City is, and he's also heard some horrendous stories and rumors about the topside, even if you're from there. He'll go into a frenzy, searching for you non-stop, no matter what he was doing before. When he eventually gets you back, he'll make sure you'll never be able to escape again. He'll steal magic doorlocks and put them in the hideout, always make sure that he or one of his teammates has an eye on you when they're home, etc.
~🐁 He'd never, ever hurt you intentionally, so his punishments are akin to the type that one would give to a child. For example, his response to an escape attempt would be sending you to your room or putting you in time-out.
~💜 He coddles you like a grandmother, such as making your clothes for you, and cooking all your food for you.
~ 🐁If you have trouble sleeping, he'll break into Mickey's stash of sleeping pills and give them to you in a warm drink, not that you know.
~💜 If you try to hide from him inside of the hideout, he'll find you very quickly with his heightened sense of smell, as lots of rats have.
~🐁 He gets very sad when you fight him, but he'll never show it unless his feelings are really hurt.
~💜 He gets mad at Leonard and Mickey if they're mean to you, do something weird to you, etc.
~🐁 He won't let you in the kitchen unless he sets you down on the counter so he can keep an eye on you while he cooks, because he's worried you might hurt yourself with sharp objects, the stove, etc.
~💜 If you do ever have to go out, (hideout change, the gang has to go do a heist really far away, etc.) he'll find someway to steal a cloaking brooch, will bundle you up in a lot of clothes, and will keep you out of sight when he can with cars, hotel rooms, etc.
🧡 Malicious Mickey 🩵
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~🧡 Mickey is the delusional type, convinving himself that you're happy to be locked in whatever hideout the gang is squatting in.
~🩵 Your complaints will go in one ear and out of the other, and he'll act as though you didn't even say anything, then drag you off to play video games with him or watch a movie.
~🧡 He clings onto you at every possible moment, he'll even wait outside the door when you're taking a bath or shower, so escaping him when he's home is basically impossible.
~🩵 Oftentimes, he'll entertain himself by playing dress-up with you, wether you're willing or not. He has no fashion sense at all, not that Mickey knows that, so most of the time, you're stuck in the worst outfit you've ever seen for the rest of your day when the he gets the urge. They progressively get uglier with each time he dresses you up.
~🧡 He forces you to share his bed with him (platonic or romantic) and he'll cling to you so tight, it's hard to sleep. Often in the morning, you're half-asleep at breakfast.
~🩵 If he wants to cuddle you, but you're refusing, he'll temporarily paralyze your legs so you can't get up and run away from him. This applies to when you don't want to sleep in his bed, either.
~🧡 Escaping him would be relatively easy, if he's on a mission and his fellow Mud Dogs hadn't installed any locks on the windows. When he finds out you're gone and eventually gets you back, he'll think it was because you were bored or you went out to find him, or both. He'll steal even more stuff for you to entertain yourself with when he's gone, and tell you purposfully frightening stories of the Hidden City and stuff Yokāi have done to humans in an attempt to scare you off from going outside. He also tells you that you don't have to worry about him, because he's a "very important" criminal that can protect himself, or so he says.
Taglist <3: @yanteetle
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harvs-chaos · 1 year ago
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pianocat939 · 2 years ago
Pleeeeeease more mud dog content I love all of them
You can do Drabble headcannons blurb I kinda just wanna see them
Buuuuuut I was wondering if you can give headcannons (yandere and normal) with a darling who has sharp teeth and won’t kiss them because they’re scared to hurt them
I know this is random I’m sorry-
Tw: drugging, breaking-in, manipulation, unconsented dental changes (?)
Bro actually is a whiny needy bitch and wants his kisses. So if you continuously deny him without telling him why, he'll just try to get a kiss somehow. Somehow. Whether it's crawling into your bedroom when you're asleep or trapping you within his limbs, he will get his kiss.
As soon as you explain it to him, he literally stands there, mind blank before acting completely confused. "How are your teeth a problem...? I'M A FUCKING OGRE- FUCKING SHREK!" Then prepare yourself for his attack of begs, because you must kiss him or he will destroy your home on accident.
Danny isn't like Leonard, and won't actively be physically affectionate. So when you don't try to kiss him, it doesn't confuse him all that much. He only notices when he does try the rare occasion to kiss you.
He'll just plainly ask, you answer, and he shrugs it off. After all, he has those big honker rat teeth. The thing that makes him...not normal though is he'll slowly manipulate you about your teeth. Nothing bad (not the manipulation part), just trying to gaslight you into thinking your teeth aren't a problem.
I'm sorry but this mf is a slippery eel. He is probably gonna have terrible fish lips to kiss with. And honestly, you will cut his lips. Just because he's a fish, and it's easy to cut him. So just from there, it's just a cautious situation for both of you.
If he feels daring enough, he might try to saw down your teeth a bit when you're drugged up on anesthesia.
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koalaray · 2 years ago
MALICIOUS MICKEY ROMANTIC HCS PLSPLSPLS im so desperate for more content of him
Malicious Mickey x reader
Romantic Headcanons
Writing Masterlist
Note: Not very happy with how this turned out but I tried.
You and Mickey are that one that is always having fun together!
You never grow tired of each other’s company
Honestly, other couples would probably envy you guys
You guys are constantly laughing together.
That one couple that even laughs during intimate moments.
Y’all could be kissing (even full on making out) and will suddenly break out into laughter.
Tickle fights are ON THE TABLE!
Imagine tickle fights with Mickey.
You and Mickey love cuddling.
He will wrap his tail around you and hold you close.
Mickey will cling on to you when you’re walking around the Mud Dogs hideout.
Literally with wrap himself around you while you struggle to walk around.
Video games? Video games!
You and Mickey ALWAYS team up on game night.
Much to Leonard and Danny’s annoyance.
You and Mickey are the best gamers in the group, so y’all absolutely destroy your friends.
Dates are difficult since you’re criminals.
You guys will sneak around and steal food.
Hiding in alleys while eating stolen food.
That’s your favorite risky date.
To sum it up: Y’all are that goofy couple :]
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