#rottmnt leo/reader
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solaris-lux · 3 months ago
all the things that make it warm
SUMMARY. You thought Casey had taken to the room quite well, but then, every night, without fail, he would wake one of you, face scrunched up in distress as he asked if someone could keep him company until he fell asleep.
“It’s a new space,” Leo said after the third time it happened, nuzzling his snout against your temple in a soothing gesture. “The last base was all Case knew, it makes sense he’d be homesick. Give him some time, mi vida.”
And you try to. Really, you do.
In which you’re worried about Casey adjusting to the new resistance headquarters and Leo holds your hand through it all.
RATING. general WORD COUNT. 1.6k RELATIONSHIPS. Leo/Reader, Casey Jones II & Reader WARNINGS. none that apply TAGS. No use of Y/N, POV Second Person, Gender-Neutral Reader, Established Relationship, Krang Invasion Timeline (TMNT 2018), Parental Reader, Parental Leonardo (TMNT), Leonardo Acting as Casey Jones's Parental Figure (TMNT), Future Leonardo (TMNT), i think this counts as family fluff??? but it's bittersweet due to the Circumstances, mostly Casey-and-Reader-centric at first but Leo's there i promise
AUTHOR’S NOTE. the very first Leo/Reader I ever read for the fandom had them be parental to Casey JR, and it left its mark on me if you couldn't tell
btw, Leo is 27 here (also, pre-arm loss), Casey is 4, and Reader’s age is mid- to late-20s
(title is from ‘things that make it warm’ by cavetown)
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The new resistance headquarters is a downgrade for many reasons. There isn’t enough space to give each member a bed, much less space for that bed, especially one in Raph’s size. Then the infirmary's ceiling collapsed two weeks into the ingress, forcing you and your med team to relocate to the war room as a temporary set-up. And now Donnie and his engineers report that heliplane production is stalled until they can rebuild the heavy machinery they had to abandon during the emergency evacuation.
Overall, it’s taking a while for everyone to settle in and stop missing a home you can’t return to, not without the promise of Krang zombification or worse.
The one having the hardest time adjusting, though, is Casey.
Because space and privacy are a privilege a resistance can’t afford, his new room is a storage closet attached to the room you and Leo took as your own. The decision makes sense, all things considered. You both agreed that keeping Casey’s quarters nearby was non-negotiable, and putting yourself between Casey and any possible threat that would try to hurt him while he slept calms the raging beast named ‘parental instincts’ in you. So, you and Leo furnished his room to the best of your abilities, and Casey gave you both a hug and cheek nuzzle for your troubles.
You thought he’d taken to the room quite well, but then, every night, without fail, he would wake one of you, face scrunched up in distress as he asked if someone could keep him company until he fell asleep.
“It’s a new space,” Leo said after the third time it happened, nuzzling his snout against your temple in a soothing gesture. He was at Casey’s bedside for barely five minutes before sliding back into your bed—which is a lumpy mattress on the floor—and telling you Casey was out like a light. “The last base was all Case knew, it makes sense he’d be homesick. Give him some time, mi vida.”
And you try to. Really, you do. But it’s been a month since it first happened, and Casey doesn’t even have to wake you anymore since you’ve learned to expect him. Tonight, when the door to his room creaks open like clockwork, you’re already sitting up in bed and turning on the lamp. You don’t have to worry about waking Leo with your movement since he hasn’t turned in for the night, still discussing tomorrow’s mission logistics with his brothers and Draxum.
It takes a while before Casey steps through the door, but when he does, you see he’s clutching Doctor Hugginstein to his chest (which isn’t new) and tear tracks are trailing down his cheeks (which is).
“Oh, kiddo,” you coo, arms stretching out toward him. “C’mere, sweetie.”
Casey takes your words as the invitation they are and leaps into your hug, burying his face into your chest. You let out a small ‘oomph’ as he knocks the breath out of you, but at four years old, Casey isn’t as heavy or tall as he’s supposed to be. When he crawls onto your lap, he’s too light, and you have to force the rage off of your face. You don’t want to scare Casey, don’t want him to think your fury is aimed at him and not the Krang.
His hitching breath knocks you out of your thoughts. “I-I tried—” Casey tries to say before a hiccup cuts him off. “It was too—”
Without thinking about it, you tuck his head under your chin and start rubbing his back. “Shh, take a breath first, Casey. I’m right here, it’s going to be okay.”
You spend ten minutes consoling him before Casey’s tears start to peter out, his breathing coming close to something even and normal, and it’s even later after he’s calmed down when you finally ask him, tone as gentle as can be, “You wanna talk about it?” 
When Casey only shakes his head and hugs you tighter, you decide not to press.
“You wanna go back to your room?” You barely even finish the question before he shakes his head again, this time more adamant. “Okay, that’s okay. How about this: you stay with me and Leo tonight, and tomorrow, if you’re up for it, you can tell me what’s wrong. That sound good?”
Casey pauses, considering, before he pulls away just a bit to look up at you and nod. “Yeah, th-that sounds good.”
”Good,” you say, gently wiping Casey’s dried tears away now that you can properly see his face. “C’mon, let’s get you settled in before your sensei comes and hogs the bed.”
That gets a giggle out of Casey, drowning you in overwhelming fondness at the sound. You press a kiss to his forehead to release some of that affection before sliding him off your lap and onto the middle of the bed, keeping him in your embrace all the while.
Pillowing his head on your arm, Casey turns to lie on his side to look at you. “Doc?”
You stifle a smile at the title. Despite the family’s best efforts for Casey to call each of you ‘uncle’ or ‘auntie’, he still can’t help but parrot the way the resistance members refer to you all. Clearing your throat to hide your chuckle, you softly ask, “What’s up, kiddo?”
“Can I have a song, please? Just ‘till I’m sleepy.” He asks, hugging Doctor Hugginstein tight. He looks hesitant as if you’d ever deny him anything.
Smiling, you say, “Always, kiddo.” And then, just to make him laugh again, you start to sing Jupiter Jim: The Musical’s opening number.
“Noooo, not that song!” Casey whines between giggles. “The cradle song, the one with the stars.”
”Ah, that song.” You exclaim in mock-realization. “Why didn’t you say so!”
Casey pouts, and for all that Leo isn’t his natural father, you can’t help but think they furrow their brow the same way. “Okay, okay, kiddo, settle down,” you say, and you boop him on the nose to get another giggle out of him. When his face smoothes out, you start singing, but you don’t even make it to the second cycle of the chorus before Casey’s eyes have fluttered shut.
You’re finishing the lullaby, brushing back Casey’s bangs from his face as you do, when Leo opens the door without a sound. Obviously not expecting you to still be awake, Leo jolts when you make eye contact, but then he takes in the scene and his face softens. Despite the gooey, sappy heart-eyes Leo’s making at seeing Casey asleep in your arms, you still notice the worry and confusion in his expression, most likely wondering what could’ve been bad enough to have him unable to sleep alone.
On silent feet, Leo moves toward the bed, removing his knee pads and belt along the way. He props his sword against the wall near his bedside—keeps it within arm’s reach like he has every night since he was 16 years old—before sliding under the covers and curling an arm around your hip to pull you close. “Nightmare?” He whispers into the sliver of space between your faces.
“He wouldn’t tell, but yeah, I think so. Got him to agree to talk it out with me tomorrow though.”
Leo purses his lips, and you already know what he will say. “I can stay with y—”
“No,” you insist, stern but not unkind. “Casey knows you have that recon mission. He wouldn’t want to take you from that.” At your words, Leo frowns, his love for his family and his duty to the resistance vying for supremacy. You press a thumb to the middle of his brow ridge and smoothen out the crease forming there. “Watch out, handsome, your Raph chasm’s showing.”
Just like with Casey, your words pull a laugh from Leo. “Oh god, do not remind me.” He chuckles, silent so as not to disturb the boy between you.
Joy is a wonderful look on Leo, his peals of laughter making you glitter in delight in turn. Then, as an added nudge to ease Leo’s nerves, you say, “Don’t worry about it, I’ve got this.”
“I know you do,” Leo says, eyes going soft and sweet as he looks at you. Gently, he pulls your hand—fingers still pressed against the middle of his brow ridge—to lay his cheek against your open palm and kiss the pulse point on your wrist. It’s like magic, how he turns you into poetry and light under his hands, under his lips. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
“Of course, only the best for my champion.” You tease, charmed by Leo’s responding chirp.
“I missed you today.” Leo keeps nuzzling into your palm, twining his fingers with yours. “Wish I had meetings with you instead of Barry. We’re getting sick of each other, more so than usual.”
You giggle, and when Leo pulls you close to kiss you, you hope he can taste the laughter on your lips. But the mention of meetings has you sobering, and you sweep your thumb across his cheekbone to catch his attention. “Hey,” you say, tone serious. “Be careful out there tomorrow. Come home to us.”
“Always will.” He promises, and his dark eyes hold the steadfastness of a warrior. “You’re not getting rid of me for a long time, mi vida.”
His reply has you rolling your eyes good-naturedly. “As if I’ll even try.” You say before pressing your lips to his for one more kiss.
Both of you fall asleep soon after, Leo holding your hand cupped between Leo’s own and his cheek.
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AUTHOR’S NOTE. in my heart, the lullaby Casey was asking for is 'sa ugoy ng duyan' (which can translate to ‘to the rocking of the cradle’) coz I think it fits him. it's a song abt missing the bygone days with your mother because being in her arms meant safety n comfort n protection, and you think about how the song she used to sing to you is a song full of love uwu
also, don't ask me what the new resistance headquarters is coz I don't kno. is it a tunnel system they found? a bunker Donnie preemptively designed in case of a Krang attack? some safehouse in the hidden city that Draxum used in the past? idk.
can be read on AO3 here~
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tasenwrobots · 18 days ago
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They be living with the ultimate spoiler alert frfr
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mrabubu · 10 months ago
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Karaoke nights at resistance's base be like:
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daysofmoron · 9 months ago
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Leo - 0/10, not only decided to make a pun joke, but also got flustered in the end (lol, JOKING, 10/10 and extra points for blushing)
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Raphy - Sweet move…999999999999999/10
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bingobongocheerio · 8 months ago
Donnie: [About Leo] I'm afraid he may never wake up from his coma.
(Y/N): On his will, it says he's left all his updog to you.
Donnie: What is updog?
(Y/N): I don't know.
Leo: [His body starts convulsing]
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tmntfixationxreader · 1 year ago
Y/n: Would you love me if I was a beach ball?
Donnie: We both know how I feel about beach balls... So no.
Y/n hours later: *sighs loudly*
Mikey: What's wrong, Y/n?
Y/n: Donnie says he doesn't love me...
Donnie, yelling from his laboratory: AS A BEACH BALL!!
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chiscribbs · 1 year ago
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I had an idea for a one-off Rise episode plot and just wanted to quickly sketch up some visuals for it.
The plot goes as follows: Donnie attempts to invent a cloning machine and, due to some kind of science-y mishap, ends up cloning himself...a lot. But there's a catch to this - the clones aren't exact copies of Donnie, they each possess just ONE of the various facets of his personality (i.e. brainy, broody, sarcastic, passionate, dramatic, mischievous, etc.) and a small portion of his mystic powers. Don tries his darnedest to keep the whole situation under wraps while he searches for a way to fix it, but some of the more rambunctious Donnies quickly escape and begin stirring up trouble in the Lair, so it doesn't stay a secret for very long. To make matters worse - the real Donnie starts to slowly disappear (something having to do with his existence being divided among the Donnies or blahblahblah fake science explanation). So, while he and the scientist Donnies continue to look for a way to reverse the cloning effect, his brothers and Co. set to work gathering up all the other Donnies so they can put them back where they belong and keep Donnie Prime™ from vanishing.
Hilarity, wholesomeness (and some mild angst) ensues.
(Note: I meant to include April in that second-to-last image, but ran out of room. Just know that she, Splinter, and probably Casey Jr. are all there, as well.)
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pacoholin · 10 months ago
*Y/n and Leo chilling on their phone in the sewers*
Y/n: "I think I'm in love with Donnie"
Leo *slowly stop looking at his phone and look her* ".... Come again?*
Y/n: "I think I'm in love with Donnie"
Leo : *his silence is loud*
Y/n: "...Any thought?"
Leo: "and prayers..... your gonna need them...."
Leo: "it's time to seek God woman! Your sanity holds in the balance!!"
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khayalli · 10 months ago
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reader x turtles doodle dump because i simply do not have it in me to clean these up
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bonus raph one. it wasn't gn so I wasn't sure whether to include it but hey ho! he deserves soft love also
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reddbug27 · 10 months ago
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about time i shared some of my doodles :P
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citruswriter · 8 months ago
TMNT Masterlist
Btw I write exclusively for the Bayverse & ROTTMNT turts. And a reminder that I use the citrus scale. Be sure to check my bio if you don't know what that is!
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Drawing by the amazing @snackugaki!
Characters I Write For
Master Splinter 🧡
Leonardo 💛/🩷
Raphael 💛/🩷
Donatello 💛/🩷
Mikey 💛/🩷
TMNT Boyfriend Scenarios
Animalistic Reader 🧡/💚if you squint
Second Meeting/Becoming Close 🧡
Realizing They're In Love 🧡/💚if you squint
Then Finding Out You Have A Partner 🧡
Breaking Up With Your Partner 🧡
Tender Moments/Realizing You're In Love 🧡
Being Rescued From Danger 🧡
Confessing 🧡
Animal Love 🧡
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All Turtles/No Specific Pairing
Say It Again 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Younger Sibling Reader 🧡
Yandere Bayverse Turtles x Receptive Darling 💛/🩷
Bayverse Turtles x Adopted Younger Sibling Reader 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Eepy Reader 🧡
Bayverse Turtles Reacting to Shredder Having a Mutant Turtle as a Pet 🧡
Making Headcanons about the Rise Turtles as Somebody Who's Never Seen The Show 💛
Whatever This Is 🧡
ROTTMNT Boys x ND Reader during 4th of July 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Kitsune Little Sister 🧡
Bayverse Turtles x Fainting Disorder Reader 🧡
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
High Standards 🧡
ROTTEN Leo x Southern Reader Blurb 💚
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
Imagine Blurb 💛
Relinquish 🧡/🩷
Glasses 🧡
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
ROTTMNT Mikey x Reader Imagine 💛
ROTTMNT Yandere Mikey x Reader Blurb 💛/🩷
✩.・*:。≻───── ⋆♡⋆ ─────.•*:。✩
Polyamorus Writings
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Tcest Masterlist Here!
^ Tcest has its own masterlist for the comfortability of those who do not wish to see that kind of stuff. I don't want you guys to go reading a fic of mine just to find it has tcest so I made it easy and made a whole other masterlist for it.
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 11 months ago
Helloooo ive comeback to give requests :v im sorry if i feel annoying. Can i get the rottmnt turtles reacting to their s/o wearing a bikini? Alsooo thank u in advanced 😅🥰
Their Reaction To Seeing You Wearing A Bikini For The First Time (Fluff/Suggestive)
Rise!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I actually think that our boys are happy that you requested that one😂 Here ya go💚
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All characters are aged up.
Warnings: A little suggestive in some areas, but nothing wild.
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Raphael's reaction would be immediate and intense, his heart skipping a beat as he lays eyes on you in the bikini. He would be unable to tear his gaze away, his eyes roaming over every curve and contour with a mixture of awe and desire.
Raphael might find himself momentarily speechless, his usually sharp tongue failing him as he struggles to find the right words to express his admiration.
Once he regains his composure, he would offer you a smoldering look, a subtle smirk playing on his lips as he takes in your beauty. Raphael might approach you with confident strides, his demeanor radiating a potent mix of attraction and affection.
He would likely pull you into a tight embrace, his arms wrapping around you possessively as he presses a heated kiss to your lips, unable to resist the urge to show you just how much you affect him.
Raph would compliment you, no doubt about it. His compliments would be straightforward and sincere, his rough voice husky with emotion as he tells you how stunning you look in the bikini.
He might suggest moving to a more secluded spot, wanting to have you all to himself as he indulges in his desire to be close to you. Raphael would revel in the opportunity to spend time with you, whether it's lounging in the sun, going for a swim, or simply basking in each other's company.
He might suggest engaging in some playful water activities together, like a splash fight or daring you to dive off the diving board, enjoying the chance to spend time with you in a relaxed and carefree setting.
Throughout the day, he would steal glances at you whenever he thinks you're not looking, his gaze lingering on you with a mix of adoration and possessiveness, happy that you were his.
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Upon seeing you in the bikini, his first instinct would be to discreetly take a moment to appreciate your beauty, his gaze softening with affection as he admires your confidence and allure.
Leonardo would initially feel a rush of warmth and affection seeing you in a bikini, admiring your confidence and beauty. He might momentarily feel a bit flustered or unsure of how to react in the first few seconds, but he quickly composes himself, offering you a charming smile and compliments, putting on his famous smile.
Leo will find it hard to keep his eyes off you, but he will make an effort to focus on spending quality time together, whether it's swimming, sunbathing, or just relaxing side by side. But Leo being Leo, meant that he of course will find a way to make flirtatious comments.
He might suggest engaging in some activities together, that somehow will end up with the two of you making physical contact, hopefully making your interactions more and more heated, ending with you and him finding a secluded place you could enjoy yourselves.
Throughout the day, Leonardo would make an effort to show his affection for you through small gestures and thoughtful actions, wanting to make sure you feel cherished and appreciated.
He will steal glances at you when he thinks you're not looking, his gaze filled with admiration and affection as he marvels at the beauty of the person he loves. But if you were looking, he would not look away. Instead he would hold your gaze, before smiling flirtatiously at you, moving closer and plant another kiss on your lips, reminding you of what the two of you had been doing just a few moments ago.
He WILL look for a second chance to get that bikini off of you, mark my words.
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Donatello would probably react with a mix of awe and admiration, appreciating both your physical appearance and your confidence. He might find himself momentarily speechless, his analytical mind momentarily overwhelmed by the sight of you in a bikini.
Donnie would likely express his admiration through compliments, perhaps commenting on how stunning you look or how the color of the bikini complements your features.
He might also suggest taking some photos together, not just because he wants to capture the moment but also because he genuinely enjoys documenting memories with you.
Donatello's gaze would linger on you at any given moment, his eyes tracing every curve and contour with a mixture of fascination and desire. He would want to make sure you feel comfortable and respected, so he would likely approach you with a gentle smile and a somewhat shy demeanor.
Donnie will like to spend time together, a little further away from his brothers, engaging in calm activities that both you and him would find comforting, disappearing into your own little world.
Donatello would make an effort to show his affection for you through small gestures and thoughtful actions, wanting to make sure you feel cherished and appreciated, just like you made him feel around you.
He might occasionally steal glances at you, his gaze filled with admiration and affection as he marvels at the beauty of the person he loves. He tends to focus his gaze on small areas of your body, getting lost in his own thoughts as he would admire you, before pulling you close for yet another kiss.
Donnie will be more than happy to engage in some intimate activities, but not before you let him know that you want it. He doesn't really start those interactions that often, but he will happily partake when you start them.
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Michelangelo would react with unabashed enthusiasm and excitement, his face moving with the large expressions he was known for, and his eyes lighting up, doubling in size at the sight of you in a bikini.
He might let out exaggerated expressions before rushing over to you with a big grin. You never thought you would hear a guy yell “oh me gosh!”, at the sight of you in a bikini.
Mikey would be all about having fun and making the most of the moment together. He might even try to show off a bit, doing some flashy moves or tricks to impress you, but it's all in good fun and with the intention of making you smile and laugh.
Michelangelo's energy would be infectious, his excitement palpable as he showers you with compliments and playful teasing. He might give you an exaggerated wolf whistle or a playful wink, unable to contain his enthusiasm as he expresses his admiration for you.
If you were on a beach, Mikey would do anything with you, from building sandcastles, playing beach volley or sunbathe together. Were you in a pool or the sewers, he would ask you to share a floatie with him, giving him a playful excuse to be close to you.
Mikey would be constantly by your side, his arm draped around your shoulders as he peppers you with affectionate nicknames and playful banter, along with small kisses all over your face. He would even tickle you, unable to keep his hands off of you.
And as the day comes to an end, Mikey would pull you close for a tight hug, his enthusiasm undiminished as he expresses his love and gratitude, grateful for every moment he gets to spend with you.
And after a full day of having fun in the water, he would make sure to continue the fun and laughter he had shared with you, in the comfort of your bedroom.
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mrabubu · 4 months ago
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this ask took some time to make, but, yeah
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fishsticksloser · 2 months ago
Hi! You know that comic of the girl who's putting on lipstick, and she's like, "It's been half an hour, and we still can't find a kiss proof lipstick! This experiment must be boring you!" And the guy is whipped. What about the rise boys with an s/o doing that? (Love all your fics they are so well written :)
Lipstick Stains
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RotTMNT, Casey, & Liam x gn!reader
Warnings: oc x reader, kissing, whipped boys
A/N: First of all.... Thank you so much! Second, I... I have you in a chokehold(affectionately) now because of this. Sorry that some of them are shorter than others
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He is not sure how he got here
He blinks up at you, confused and dazed
No one has ever kissed him so much
Casey doesn't complain
Hell... he doesn't say anything really
He leans into your kisses though, pressing himself closer
His face is littered with kisses
Not to mention his hands
He smiles a soft, dazed smile when you approach with another color on your lips
His lips are definitely a smear of many different colors as he kisses you properly after every lipstick
Casey hums into every proper kiss, a bit kiss drunk by now
This was not his idea of an experiment
You had complained that your lipstick wasn't kiss proof so he was going to make you some that was
But first, obviously, you guys had to go through every single one of your lipsticks so he could get an idea of the color you wanted and the texture
He had a paper you were supposed to be kissing, not him
Did he complain?
Did he stop you?
Donnie just sat there, a kind of dazed look in his eyes as you applied another
His face was scattered with kisses
They went onto his neck
His shoulders
His plastron
His shell
Donnie was so out of it, he could barely respond when you asked if he was okay
It was definitely not his idea
Not at all
This is obviously a lie
Every time you walk towards him, a new lipstick painting your lips, he sits up more
Slightly leaning forward in preparation for your kisses
Leo is practically purring like a cat as your lips press against his skin
He moved when you tried to kiss him with certain colors
His eye stripes covered with darker lipstick verses the rest of him
His tail wags happily, closing his eyes and churring loudly
Leo was so happy
So content
Absolutely covered in lipstick stains
He does retaliate though
Grabbing lipstick to kiss you all over as well
Also completely confused as to how he got here
What did he do?
Why is he covered in lipstick?
Liam doesn't necessarily mind it
But the feeling of lipstick on his skin is not an overly pleasant feeling
He can't help the giddy feeling he gets when you smile as you approach with a new lipstick on
It may not be a pleasant feeling, but you look so happy
Liam can't say no, letting you press more kisses to his face
He feel particularly excited when he feels your lips on his facial scar
It makes him want to grab you and show you the same affection
It was his idea!
He saw all the art people had made by kissing canvases
He really wanted to try it
And who were you to deny this sweetheart?
You were testing out which ones to use for the piece
Having a blank canvas hung up for you to swatch them on it
The canvas remained empty
Instead you stood in front of Mikey, looking over the colors on him
Mikey blinks up at you, grinning yet slightly dazed
Who was he to deny these lovely kisses?
He definitely won't complain
He loves kisses
Mikey is excited for every single one
All he remembers is you mentioned that your lipstick wasn't kiss proof
Now he's sitting on his bed, dazed and wide eyed
Covered in lipstick stains
If you didn't know he wasn't a statue, you'd have thought he wasn't breathing
In fact, you could even hear the sharp breaths he took in when your lips pressed against his skin
Raph's face was covered, even his mask had some stains
The stains trailed all over, down his neck, over his shoulders, his shell, plastron
He really couldn't tell where you hadn't kissed
Was he basking?
Was he too scared to move?
A bit of all the above
Raph didn't want to ruin your fun and he was enjoying all the smooches you'd left on him
He definitely won't complain if you leave more
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d-draws12 · 5 months ago
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dancingdonatello · 5 months ago
Hello there !
A totally helpless Rise!Leo who got shell scratches by reader ? Pretty please ? Reader is his friend and discovers that Leo turns into a true purr mess in this situation.
Feel free to ignore this request ! Have a nice day !
rise leo x reader
Leo’s back was facing you. You weren’t one to ogle their turtle features since you would never want to offend your friends, but now he couldn’t see how your eyes roamed his shell.
You looked over the scratches, the rivots, chips and scars of the shell. The blue rings on the shell that sometimes reflected light or glowed when he used ninpo. He was so cool.
Could his shell feel touch? Without thinking, you reached out your palm and placed it against the top of his shell. He stiffened, looking over his shoulder to see what you were doing.
Well, you better take your chance now. You smoothed your fingers down the dip of his lower back, before flipping your hand and tracing your nail against a scratch on the surface of his shell.
He shivered. Violently. Then you heard a deep rumble. Your hand paused and Leo coughed, the rumbling quieting.
Your eyes lit up.
“Do you purr?!” You reached for him again but he scrambled away, picking up a pillow from the couch and throwing it directly into your face. You almost toppled over with the force of it.
“Stay away!” You lunged after him, latching onto his waist and sending the two of you crashing to the floor. He broke your fall and he groaned under both the weight of you and the force of the fall.
You sat on the back of his thighs and you grinned at his pouting face as he rested the side of his face on the cold ground.
“This floor probably hasn’t been cleaned in—” His complaint was cut off when you lightly dragged your nails down his carapace. He melted into the floor, boneless, and a loud churr purr rumbled from his chest.
Oh. This was your new favorite thing.
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