#rotting from the inside out with the ugliest feelings imaginable
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whentherewerebicycles · 1 year ago
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jessicafurseth · 3 years ago
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Reading List, Momentum double edition.
The key is cut by the lock. You will code then decode your mind. You will save yourself. You cannot help it. - Molly Brodak (2017) via Pome
[Image by Hiroshi Nagai, via Neontalk]
On waiting on a sofa to arrive during the coronavirus lockdown Vanitas 23: Order Status [Rachel Maddux]
“Avoidance felt like defiance. Being politically unaware made me feel like I was getting some kind of revenge.” How I broke my doomscrolling habit [Pandora Sykes, The Guardian]
"And I’ve gotta tell you, Ginny, writing that essay felt like pulling hope out of thin air and breathing it in. As it happens, I got my first vaccination shot just a few weeks after the essay was published in mid-March, and I know that the process of imagining that future had kept me going." [Saeed Jones]
"Perhaps time isn’t a bank account, but a field. We can grow productive crops, or things of beauty; roses for the pruning and topiary hedges to be trimmed. Or we can simply do nothing, and let the wildflowers grow. Everything is of beauty, everything is of equal value." Time millionaires: meet the people pursuing the pleasure of leisure [Sirin Kale, The Guardian]
"I was a “bad boy” riding a “nice hog.” Thankfully, no one I knew was there to see it.” I Fell in Love With Motorcycles. But Could I Ever Love Sturgis? [Jamie Lauren Keiles, The New York Times]
BIG DIVORCE ENERGY [Imogen West-Knights, The Face]
"When I ask Abedin about how much she and her close friend and confidante Hillary Clinton ever talked about the analogies in their personal stories, Abedin responds, “Zero.��" Interview with Huma Abedin [Lisa Miller, The Cut]
"What “know your worth” really means in so many situations, is knowing your risk. It’s asking yourself how much you are willing to gamble to make the money you think you should make." The Gambler [Glynnis MacNichol, The Riveter]
“Well, I mean, everyone kind of has ADHD, right?” In Search Of An ADHD Diagnosis For My Son, I Got One Instead [Emily Gould, Romper]
Today in "this is why we can't have nice things": In 2019, the European Parliament voted to get rid of twice-yearly clock changes, but we're still at it and probably always will be. Europe couldn't stop Daylight Saving Time [Feargus O'Sullivan, Bloomberg CityLab]
"Its gurus increasingly promote vaccine scepticism, conspiracy theories and the myth that ill people have themselves to blame. How did self-care turn so nasty?" Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: how the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science [Sirin Kale, The Guardian]
"Adrian Chiles, who has been a columnist at The Guardian since 2019, will never run out of things to say, for the simple reason that he has never had anything to say. Similarly, his writing will never fall from a transformative peak, because peaks are not his style." Adrian Chiles Does Not Miss [Niall Anderson, Gawker]
"The best lack all conviction, and the worst are full of horse dewormer, and they’re winning." The Joe Manchin Trolley Problem [Dan Brooks, Gawker]
"Hypervigilance is a common symptom of PTSD, a trauma response that constantly puts your body into fight-or-flight mode. ... And yet I see women proclaiming that this is necessary, that this is the way you need to move through the world as a woman. I see women choosing to live the way I’m fighting to overcome." True Crime Is Rotting Our Brains [Emma Berquist, Gawker] ... Gawker is back and it's different and I like it - it reminds me The Outline (RIP)
The Underrated Pleasures of Eating Dinner Early [Lauren Collins, The New Yorker]
"You are already for sale. Your face, your body, your saddest drunk texts, your ugliest outbursts are already out there, preserved by any number of internet companies that bank on you scrolling past their privacy policies without actually reading them." OnlyFans blurs the line between influencers, sex workers, and porn stars [Rebecca Jennings, The Goods by Vox]
“I have to say,” Sue says, “I’m not ageing in quite the same way inside my head. I don’t feel as though I’m ageing at all, really, because I’m not faced with it every day. My mind works how it always has. I don’t think of myself as getting old, I think of myself as having gone on this incredible journey, still doing things, feeling, thinking, making stuff. ... I don’t see myself in decline. I see myself forever reaching up to do more.” Zed Nelson has traced Sue and Frank’s transition from new parents to grandparents [Tom Lamont, The Guardian]
On bringing Braille back to the modern world [Alex Lee, Wellcome Collection Stories]
"There are many reasons why I do not want to work. The first one is that I have spent the past 18 months forcing myself to do or not do things I wanted to do or not do, and I have run out of self-discipline. ... The only things I want to do now are, well, things I want to do. I do not want to force myself to do anything anymore. ... I spent so many months being bored that I never want to be bored again, for as long as I live." This essay by Marie Le Conte ... hit a nerve. "I do not want to work because work feels normal, and I don’t feel normal, I haven’t felt normal in a very long time. ... Life stopped for a year and a half because of an unpleasant pause and I wish we could now press pause again but only to do the things we want to do, the things we missed and the things that make us happy. It does not feel fair that everything happened then, at the end, nothing changed."
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mrsunderhill678 · 4 years ago
Hehe, more writing
“Not all darkness equates to tragedy, just look at the night sky. Despite it's darkness, it's still beautiful, and isn't it the same with us?" - Romena Sunfritz
“That's all war is. A twisted blood sport for the powerful to watch, is that all we fucking are, huh? A God damn spectacle? There's thousands dead on either side, soil so stained with blood it ain't ever washing clean of that crimson, but you claim this is for a good cause? To hell with that, to hell with the country, to hell with you, and to hell with me. Damn, us, all.” - William Phoenix
“The world is quiet but even violence goes by softly spoken.” - William Phoenix 
“I was eluded by the dark, wrought with passion and addiction, I danced within the illusion of love, lost within a resplendent delusion. And oh, now, here I stand, my heart aggrandized by the dark, swindled into the illusion that this is my purpose, my destiny.” - Alden Delafontaine
“Am I sick, or am I twisted? For I am starting to believe there is no cure, and I am simply twisted in nature.” - Alden Delafontaine
“This world isn't fucking cold, dude, we're just turning our backs to the flame.” -- Rocky Bellot
“I used to say, I'd light a match, just to feel the fucking flame, that I was Pinocchio, rotting in the shop, but perhaps, now, I'm Jipedo, and I can breathe life into me, and fix this rotting boy of wood.” - Brad Collins
“I've tried so desperately to scrub myself clean, I've spent hours at the stream, rubbing at my hands yet still they remain stained. With tragedy, with pain.... With me. Perhaps I am the stain.” - Turner Kordell
“The scariest thing of all isn't being scared of other people, it's being so terribly frightened by yourself that even if the mirror isn't broken, you are.” - Turner Kordell
“If my past were tangible, it would bleed me dry the moment I ran my hand across it, so wickedly sharp that I never stood a chance, really. I can forgive myself all I like, but at the end of the day, it isn't about me, it never was.” - Turner Kordell
“I have been destroyed down to my very atoms, nothing but the molecular level of what I once was, but here I am, still standing, cause I ain't in this life to back down, I'm here to rise up, and stay strong in the face of my damn fear.” - Kirby Bellot
“When I'm done, I can look the devil in her pretty blue eyes and say, I did good nuff, and she'll embrace me with open arms, cause these days, the devil leans back, admires my work, and bites her damn lip, cause I've sinned so deeply ain't even the most forgiving of beings can forgive me. I am a testament to the fact that even good men, can go rotten, just ask the devil, cause all she ever did, was tell the truth. And I'm proof of that.” - Zafavri Holts 
“We're all playin' a game 'a chess with our demons, mate, we're all in a back and forth battle against our darker fuckin' side, difference between me, and the average man, is my demons said checkmate the day I was bloody born.” - Alfonso O’Sullivan
“I am beauty in the ugliest of ways.” - Micah Romiro
“They say killing a man fundamentally changes a man, and that's true so long as it's yourself you're killing.” - Micah Romiro
“It's me who made this mess, the genocide of my own self, the slaughter of my own sense of being.” - Max Shaya
“I often wonder if God keeps me alive only because she fears what I would do to her.” - Howl Matthews 
“I have danced with such sin that I am the crawling of God's skin.” - Howl Matthews
“I do not fear death, I do not fear life, or the punishment I shall receive for mine.” - Howl Matthews
 “My whole damn life around me burned and now I can just hear the fucking silence of my regret.” - Milos Fellwitz
“I have found peace in who I am, I am prepared to burn for what I've done, for everything I love already fucking did.” - Milos Fellwitz 
“So come on world, come at me, I'll break you down to my level, cause you already broke me.” - Milos Fellwitz
“Stand up to me, we'll see where it gets ya, cause buddy, you can start this fight, but you sure as FUCK, ain't gonna be the one to God damn finish it. You want a grave? Good. Stand up to me and I'll grant your wish.” - Milos Fellwitz
“I am no longer tethered to me, I am nothing more than a conscience in another body, a reflection of someone else. In these many lives I've lived I've forgotten who I was, Preston Wilkins, the walking grave.” - Preston Wilkins
“I have made grand discoveries in this life, beasts do indeed roam this world, and you'll be surprised to learn we aren't the worst of them. There are things darker than the shadows in this world. Things more tenebrous than the pitch black of the nebula.” - Preston Wilkins
“I am dead to me, a grave now to even myself.” - Mikaelson Graves
“The only time I feel truly alive is when I can dance under the torchlight... The flame flickering on my skin, the moonlight dancing on me, it's as if Heilgravold is spinning only for me on those nights... The stars shine, the moon gleams, the world spins, I can't just stand still.” - Jemalina Night
“I have lived a life I fear will end in damnation, but I cannot truthfully look God in the eye and say I had no justification for what I've done.” - Adam Borwick
“We are inclined to believe that everything beautiful is good, but even the damned can look of salvation. The scariest thing about a liar, is they're often indistinguishable from the truth tellers, and often I've found they pretend to be prophets. They speak lies as others breathe, lies fall off their tongue like truth, and just like that, a thousand fools are lured into lies. Great minds think alike, my friend, but fools' minds rarely differ.” - Adam Borwick
“My hands are a fretwork of white laced scars, healed remnants of the pain I've felt, reminders that I've survived, that I'm alive.” - Juliet Borwick
“My brother often thinks himself a hopeless case, afraid of the blood he's spilled... But despite everything he's done, he's still my hero, and I know that if the wolves surrounded me, with their gnashing teeth and claws, he'd come to my rescue, frightening the beasts with poetry singing of clashing steel and red.” - Juliet Borwick
“The sun ain't gon' rise... At least, heh, not for you.” - Defforest Van Patten
“I have watched bullets soar through the air, droppin' soldiers and bloomin' flowers 'a red misery.” - Defforest Van Patten
“I will face this Goliath in my future as if I was David, slinging the fucking stone.” - Lockman Pierce
“ I will drag this dark into the dawn and make it Icarus, only difference is, it burns for a cause more grand than itself.” - Percy Pierce
“I'd rather go up in flames then down the wrong side of history.” - Percy Pierce
 “My hands are stained with blood, and truthfully, I don't know if it's my own or my conscience's... In this dark place my mind rattles, constantly ricocheting between myself and another... My mind speaks from the tongue of my abuser.” - Dylan Robertson
 “I'm just another man riddled with bullets, watching as all the King's horses and all the King's men simply step over me. This was war, but it became tragedy, as all wars do. Bullets flew, prophets spoke, but the blood was never prose, just red.” - Dylan Robertson
“All it takes to be a good man is to love and be loved, to give what you can and help those less fortunate than you. Even a smile can save a life. I reckon our hearts are suns waitin' to rise, and all it takes is a spark, really. Of love, of joy, even of curiosity. I've found when times are hard, ya don't got to look forward to what life may bring, just curious enough to explore the path God has given you.” - Thornton May
 “I am silk, woven from the finest of horrors.” - Dr. Tobias Emory
“I have watched humanity build themselves a grave over these many years, from the days of the lawless West to the stabbing of Julius Caesar, funny, how knives find backs and ours found the world's.” - Dr. Tobias Emory
“I am poetry, a dark entity captured in the paintings of Van Gogh and the prose of Allen Poe.” - Dr. Tobias Emory
 “You hold a secret for long enough, you become one.” - Changreta Alderbright
“My regret is so softly whispered that I imagine I am simply the who shouting only for Horton to hear.” - Changreta Alderbright
“I am lost, my eyelids heavy and bloodshot, projecting the horrors I can't scratch out, and despite how much I've torn, there's no key behind those fuckers.” - Arnaldus Alswith
“In a kingdom where the gifts the gods bestowed upon us is outlawed, punishable by death, what else are we supposed to do but rebel?” - Faylen Osophine
“I'm a shadow, wearing a crown as if it would save me, but instead I am crushed under it's weight, a stain on my engraved tile floor.” - Jalandar Osophine
 “This battle, this revolution of me, was never meant to be easy, I've fought against myself for decades, and I'm proud to say, not a single corpse of me fell, and flowers bloomed from the bullets fired.” - Georgia Graves
“I am a heartless beast washed in the blood of the lamb by force. God spares me, because I've pulled the wool over his eyes. I am Jacob, pulling a coat over my barren arms and telling Issac I am Easu if only to receive a blessing a doth not fucking deserve.” - Abdalla Calico
“This war against myself is too much to bear, how did I manage to become the hunter, the deer, and the bullet piercing my own damn skull?” - Abdalla Calico
“So oh lord, I am washed in the blood of the lamb, but be weary, for that's only because I slit it's throat.” - Abdalla Calico
“I say, it's time the outcasts wrote the fucking history books. The victors write their own version of history, so I say it's time someone told the damn truth.” - Sluzmink Jones
“I ain't askin' to be forgiven, just spared.” - Regan Locke
“On the inside, I am dyin', bullet holes and old wounds etched on the inside, and yet, on the outside, I ain't even bleedin. It's funny how that works, huh? We all die before we ever reach the damn casket, all it takes is a single bad day, so imagine a life of em.” - Regan Locke
“Bleeding from one's soul is the truest form of self.” - Azophine Bane
“My heart sings a battered melody, but even a lute of few strings can play a chord.” - Brilista Shante
 “I often damn myself for others have damned me.” - Brilista Shante
“I fear I am the judgment of others, I fear I am every person I've ever met and every crime I've ever committed. But maybe, that's because in a world that hates you for your birth, I'm scared to exist, when my existence is damned.” - Brilista Shante
“Who said gluttony came in the form of food? We can wolf down sins just as we would a meal on a silver platter, and I'm just as greedy as the rest of ya if not more.” - Harold Stout
“I have fed myself so full that I can hardly walk without the crushin' weight 'a my sacrilege buryin' me six foot undah.” - Harold Stout
“I am starved yet gorged with sin.” - Harold Stout
 “Am I really to stumble through the dark, finding cliff-sides rather than solid ground?” - Gothel Hendricks
 “My tongue is scarred and bleeding from the lies of affection, my lips are burned with the taste of abusive love.” - Gothel Hendricks
“Life can be tough as all hell, it can shove us in the dirt and then some, but all you gotta do to survive, is get back up. The worst thing a man can do, is stay down.” - Salary Holmes
“Mercy, my dearest of friends, is torture after you are broken, so I wouldn't go praising a man for sparing you. He's spared you of death, not the pain he wishes to cause you.” - Cyrus Hollow
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freebooter4ever · 5 years ago
Sledgefu Pirate Au pt 5?
In which Eugene saves Snafu (again) and they lead the Governor’s troops on a chase, get tossed in jail, and end up at the OMM ball. This got RIDICULOUSLY long, and a bit goofy, I’m so sorry. @persipneiwrites I hope this still fits within your awesome AU and I didn’t go too totally off the rails ^_^ at some point we need to put this on ao3 as like a collab, my friend.
(Eugene has just visited Snafu in jail the night before he’s sentenced to hang as a pirate. He gave Snafu his ring to prove he will come save him, which I turned into a family ring rather than a USMC ring since I don’t know if the marines existed in the 1700′s? Also, Snafu wears a costume inspired by the Order Of Osiris which was Mobile’s first united Mystic Society for all LGBQT. Technically it wasn’t formed till the 1980s but I couldn’t resist. And that’s pretty much the extent of the research I did for this crack fic. Also I completely got their ages mixed up/the timeline of when Merriell joined the service, it’s hard to find info on the real background of Merriell and Eugene, but this way these characters are totally divided from the living heroes. Just fiction here! I gave Merriell a bit of my grandpa’s backstory cause the real history of his parents and sister is just too heartbreaking, I don’t know how to write that)
As Snafu stands on the raised platform, waiting to die, he reflects on his life. There isn't much enthusiasm in the act. None of his lofty dreams came to fruition. And he honestly never expected them to. This short drop and sudden stop, a brutal end to a mostly exhausting life, is exactly what he had anticipated.
One thing is unusual however. In the past, whenever he imagined the day of his death, of all the possible scenarios, a marching band never featured into any of them.
He always assumed he'd go out fighting in a blaze of guts and glory, not with instruments ringing in his ears. 
The steady beat of drums does lend a sort of importance to the day. It gives Snafu something to focus on, other than the fact that his hands are tied, his stomach is empty, and his brain wants to be anywhere but here.
Eugene Sledge clearly doesn't want to be here either.
The man is conspicuously absent. Snafu twists his ring around his finger, spiraling it tighter and tighter in towards his palm. The sharp sting takes away the ache in his chest. He feels Sledge's absence like a physical blow.
Snafu knows he shouldn't have Gene's ring on. One mistaken flap of his hand and the Governor might recognize his own signet on a condemned man's finger. Not that the hell Snafu is currently in could get any worse, but if the ring is recognized then Sledge might be in for hell too. 
Yet he can't bring himself to take the ring off.
He did turn the damn thing around so the large jeweled seal is pressing into the palm of Snafu's clenched fist. To any casual observer the ring looks like a plain gold band. No one will know. Snafu will see to that.
Still protecting the damn idiot boy who throws himself into danger just because it's the right thing to do.
Snafu, on the other hand, usually picks the wrong thing to do. As the executioner so calmly points out while he reads aloud Snafu's list of crimes for the crowd to judge.
Snafu never imagined being important in death. He lived his life with little fanfare, and thought he'd go out the same - as some unknown seaman with scurvy or battle wounds or water in his lungs. 
But the list of his deeds makes it sound like he's had an impact on this world. The loud boom of the drums corroborate this weighty importance. The crowd gathering beneath his feet is there not to see a pirate, but to see him specifically. To witness the final end of Captain Snafu, who got caught up in circumstances bigger than his own life and paid the final price for it.
As his final moment draws closer, Eugene's empty place on the dias next to his father remains blindingly stark. At the beginning of the executioner's long speech, Snafu still had hope. Now, he can't even glance over at the governor and his cronies. He knows Sledge isn't there. And he doesn't want to see it.
Instead he looks to the sky. The hour is a little before dawn, so a few pinpricks of stars are still visible. There's a line of them, marching upwards, away from the stage, that he'd like to follow.
If he had to be famous, he'd rather it be for having a constellation named after him, than for his bones and hat, and a sign with his name on it, hanging rotting from a gibbet.
Snafu rolls his eyes closed and the floor beneath him drops.
He falls.
Surprisingly, he hits the ground. It shoots pain up his legs and he collapses on his side, but that makes it easier for him to look up and see what the fuck happened.
The last thing he expects is Sledge balanced precariously on the platform above him, desperately trying to dislodge his sword from the wooden gallows where he sliced the rope in two.
It almost doesn't look like Sledge. The man's face is half covered by Snafu's lucky hat. Sledge's large nose is the dead giveaway, sticking out by half a mile. Snafu'd recognize that nose anywhere.
Snafu smirks, thinking about the old wive's tale regarding feet and size, and that a more accurate version for Sledge would be the measure of that nose of his.
"Shit, shit, shit," Eugene curses with every tug, glaring at the sword as if it's the sword's fault for getting stuck. He glares with that little purse of wrinkled concentration between his brows. Which Snafu enjoys so very much.
With one final violent jerk, Eugene manages to free his sword from it's prison. But the movement knocks him off balance and he tumbles through the same hole Snafu fell down.
Luckily Snafu is already there to soften his fall. Eugene lands on his back, spread eagle atop the pirate.
"Get your pointy elbow out of my gut," Snafu grumbles, trying to wriggle away.
Eugene hastily rolls off, and crouches beside him. Their eyes meet for a moment, and magically all of Snafu's troubles evaporate. Every thought flies out of his brain, like maybe nothing sensical ever existed there in the first place. Nothing else exists except the slight shock of coming face to face with someone who desperately wants to look at him as much as he wants to look at them.
Someone who has risked his entire life to save Snafu's ass.
Reality crashes back down on them pretty quick when the executioner's ax falls between their bodies.
Both their heads swivel to the ax in surprise, and then to each other. As if accusing the other for being distracted. 
"Nice of you to finally drop in," Snafu drawls, "Lucky I did so much shit in my life that the long list gave you the extra time." He leans back on his elbow and tries to look as seductive as possible even with both hands tied behind his body.
Eugene scowls, "Nice of you to be so grateful."
Snafu's smile widens gleefully, "Nice of you to wear your best hat."
Eugene's eyes roll upwards towards Snafu's lucky hat's brim. Eugene's scowl deepens as if he only just remembered that he is wearing the monstrosity. He drags it off his head unceremoniously.
Snafu gets one glorious glimpse of the worst case of ginger hat hair he's ever seen before his vision goes dark.
Not because he's blacked out but because Eugene drags the hat forcefully down over Snafu's head and the brim covers his face. Which wouldn't be a problem except that Snafu's hands are literally tied behind his back and he can't push the hat out of his eyesight.
"Gene, not to complain or anything…" Snafu starts.
Eugene says nothing, he focuses entirely on cutting the ropes binding Snafu's wrists as quickly as possible.
Snafu feels the tension of the rope give when Eugene finally breaks through.
The first thing he does is adjust his hat's position and secure the tie under his chin so he can get a better look at Eugene's wonderfully wild hair. The second thing he does with his newfound freedom is grab Eugene's hand and hold on tight like it's the only thing that matters in the world.
They run.
Snafu is faster, and navigates crowds and small spaces easier, so it's mostly him dragging Eugene along. He thinks they're making it, that they'll successfully get away, until a bullet wizzes past his shoulder too close to his head. He yanks Eugene into the nearest alley and they duck behind a giant cart.
"They're shooting at us?" Eugene exclaims incredulously.
Snafu eyes him, "What'd you expect?"
"I… my father wouldn't…" Eugene sputters.
A voice in the distance yells "Ceasefire! For God's sake…!"
Another volley of shots and then the voice yells again "...do not fire on my son!"
The alley goes quiet.
"Eugene, son, please surrender. You can come out peacefully. Captain Haldane is prepared to take you both into custody, there will be a trial."
Eugene and Snafu look at each other.
They're trapped in the alley. It leads to a dead end with a giant wooden fence and absolutely no toeholds.
Snafu presses himself against the wall to try and peer through the crack between the cart and the brick, and he almost stumbles over an iron cellar door.
"Sledgehammer..." he whispers.
Together they wordlessly lift the door open and slip inside. The cellar is dark. It takes a minute for their eyes to adjust from the harsh sun. Snafu makes sure to lock the door behind them. And then he turns.
And finds Eugene standing in the middle of the room rifling through a giant crate. He holds a pink lace parasol in one hand and lifts a brand new muzzle-loaded rifle with the other.
"Looks like smugglers were either trying to sneak weapons into the city in boxes of petticoats, or sneak the ugliest dresses known to man into the city under the guise of weaponry. Hard to tell which is worse," Eugene says, deadpan.
"Eugene, no…" Snafu admonishes, approaching and taking the parasol from his hand, "Pink is not your color, ginger." He swaps the pink parasol for a muted sea grey one.
"No, you keep that one," Eugene shakes his head and hands the grey parasol back to Snafu, barely suppressing his smile, "It matches your eyes."
Snafu grins, snapping open the parasol and twirling it on his shoulder. Eugene leans in closer to him, a hand at Snafu's waist, like he can't resist.
A muffled yell from outside interrupts them, and they both hastily crouch low to the ground.
Snafu carefully climbs to the tiny window grate at street level and listens.
"I think your father is still trying to negotiate with you," he whispers to Eugene, "No one realizes we've moved. Idiots."
He turns to Eugene to discover the man dressed in the most god awful brown frock Snafu has ever seen. The dress has orange and yellow trimmings and clashes with Eugene's hair, like a sunset gone horribly wrong smeared over day old shit.
"Orange ain't your color either, boo," Snafu says mournfully. Eugene might've looked really nice in the powder blue dress Snafu can see peeking out of a bottom crate.
"Here, I found one for you," Eugene says matter-of-fact-ly, tossing a red bundle at him.
"Well at least one of us will match your hair," Snafu comments as he catches it and grimaces with distaste.
They spend the next minute strapping themselves into uncomfortable garments and a single petticoat layer to hang low and cover their boots. Snafu slows them down somewhat when he insists on strapping as many rifles as he can to his legs beneath the skirts.
"Waste not," he says with a wink when Eugene raises an eyebrow at him.
Snafu fills the dress's puffed sleeves with bags of bullets.
Ultimately their getup makes it awful hard to move, but Snafu figures ladies are always having trouble doing anything more complicated than walking in their outfits anyway, so them mincing their steps will hardly stand out as unusual.
They sneak to the ground floor of the building and pause to listen at the front door.
"Okay, plan. We open the parasols as we open the door, and hurry in the opposite direction, like we're afraid," Snafu whispers.
Eugene nods, daintily twisting his pink parasol in his grip.
Snafu nods back. And then pulls Eugene in for a passionate kiss against the door.
Can't give up his last chance to feel Gene sigh softly against him and all that. If this is his last.
"I love you…" Gene mumbles against Snafu's lips.
Snafu's eyes widen. He gropes for the door handle behind his back and throws it wide open, causing them both to stumble out onto the street. 
Good a time as any to get this game started.
Their parasols pop open and they duck underneath the frilly lace.
Eugene titters in a grating fake falsetto voice that makes Snafu want to stamp on his toes. But the disguise works. The Governor's soldiers ceasefire and Snafu and Sledge run, skip, and hobble down the street towards the docks.
When they hit the wood of the decks and can dare to lift the parasols above their faces, the very first thing Snafu sees is the bright splendor of the Santa Alma's sails. The most beautiful sight in the world, floating only fifty feet away.
Next Snafu sees the second most beautiful sight in the world. A beauty that makes him stop short in his tracks: Eugene Sledge shedding his ugly brown orange shell and clambering into a skiff wearing nothing but his green velvet trousers. Rich and soft, the kind of fabric a man could run his hands over for hours.
And Snafu decides then and there that green is definitely Eugene's color.
"Snaf, jump!" Eugene reaches out towards him.
Except Snafu doesn't have time to jump because right at that moment a bullet rips between his legs, shoots a hole through his petticoat, and nearly hits one of the rifles pressed against his bare skin. Snafu immediately stops - frozen like his balls in the Antarctic during that one memorable sailing expedition.
"Hands where I can see them," Captain Haldane tells Shelton, "And Eugene, if you could please step out of that boat real slowly."
Alarmingly Haldane is using the same tone of voice on both of them. Almost friendly...kind...and mildly amused.
Snafu is surprised the man didn't just shoot Snafu on sight and deal with the emotional fallout from Eugene later.
Eugene calmly climbs out of the skiff and shuffles over beside Snafu. He stands tall and stiff as a board, as if he has something to prove.
"Hands out," Haldane orders Snafu mildly.
Snafu sticks out his wrists and lolls his head in a petulant stare.
Haldane gently clasps him in irons.
"Ack Ack, you can't arrest this man," Eugene protests.
"He has to follow orders or he'll be court-marshalled," Snafu reminds Eugene.
"Your friend's right, Sledge," Haldane says, "But I can also see to it that he receives a fair trial."
"Snafu's not my friend," Eugene snaps and then falters, "He's my...Captain."
"That what we're calling it these days?" Snafu grins and knocks his hips against Gene who blushes furiously.
Eugene continues speaking as if he didn't hear Snafu, "Ack Ack, the things I've seen...the way the law treats sailors...I don't know if I trust the courts…"
"Eugene, what were you thinking?" a woman snaps behind them. The sound of smartly heeled boots clips closer and closer down the dock.
Eugene visibly winces at his mother's voice.
Both her and the Governor arrive, surrounded by crisply uniformed soldiers.
"You can't run off like a boy anymore, Gene," his mother says.
"You're mother's right," Governor Sledge agrees, "What you did today must have consequences. Captain Haldane, have you secured the pirate?"
"Not quite," Haldane responds with amusement, "He is still armed, sir."
"Armed? In that dress?"
"Underneath it, I believe, sir."
"Well then," Governor Sledge sighs, "Divest this young man of his...armory."
Captain Haldane nods and starts untying the laces on the back of Snafu's gown. He strips off the overskirt, and petticoats, leaving Snafu standing bare legged in the most raggedy underwear he owns. Eugene standing next to him swallows with great difficulty.
Haldane then begins to slowly cut away the ties holding the rifles to Snafu's body. It's only when the last gun falls away that Snafu feels truly naked.
"Better check the sleeves too, Skipper," Snafu grins maliciously.
Haldane cuts off the bodice. As soon as the man's knife slices through a sleeve, bullets rain down onto the deck like it's hurricane season.
In the end all Snafu's got left is his underwear and the same ratty shirt he thought he was going to die in.
"Shame you had to ruin the dress," Snafu drawls, "Fit me so well."
"Take him away," Governor Sledge orders.
"No!" Eugene demands and puts himself between Haldane and Snafu.
"Eugene…!" his mother is shocked.
Eugene draws himself up and takes a deep breath, "I killed the Royal Navy commander of the Dauntless while acting as a pirate. If you are going to hang Snafu, you better hang me too."
Snafu is too shocked to breathe.
Eugene's father looks grim. "Arrest them both," he says.
The mother faints.
Captain Haldane quietly gestures for Eugene to extend his arms.
That shakes Snafu into action, "No!" he shoves Eugene out of the way, "That's not how it happened. Gene is innocent."
The mother, who had been starting to come round, promptly faints into her servant's arms again at Snafu's familiar use of Eugene's nickname.
Everyone else, including Haldane, ignores him.
"Snaf…" Eugene says warningly.
"No…." Snafu is shaking his head at him in exasperation.
They're both marched up the docks towards the fort.
"No!" Snafu repeats as he stumbles along behind Haldane, "no…"
Eugene goes silently. Willingly.
And it makes Snafu mad as hell.
They're brought to the same cell Snafu thought he'd never see again on account of being dead by morning. 
In front of the cell door they're delayed.
"What's the hold up, Mac?" Haldane asks the warden.
"The master key's run off, no one can find it," Mac shrugs.
"Then find the individual key," Haldane patiently states the obvious.
"I have my best men on it," the warden smiles.
"They seem to be taking a long time, you best go help them Mackenzie," Haldane says.
The man rolls his eyes, but he disappears further into the fort.
"Ack Ack, please, let us go," Eugene requests as soon as the three of them are alone, "We'll leave port. Snafu's ship is set to sail. You can make it look like an escape. No one will know."
"I'm sorry, Sledge," Haldane says, and he sounds genuinely upset. He casually unlocks the irons on both Eugene and Snafu's wrists. It's a gesture of trust Snafu would never have considered had their places been switched.
Snafu stands, fidgeting awkwardly with his underwear and feeling like a third wheel.
Eugene calmly reaches down, grabs Snafu's fidgety hand, and twines their fingers together. He leans into Snafu's shoulder and murmurs, "Pull on that rag anymore and soon you'll be giving everyone a show."
"Like you'd complain," Snafu retorts.
Snafu tries his best to stand still. Though he's grateful Eugene doesn't release his hand.
Haldane observes them with a knowing expression. "Be careful boys," he warns.
They wait in silence the rest of the time it takes Mackenzie to find a key.
"Hey boys," the warden returns and waggles a key in Snafu's face, "you're in luck, I found the small key." 
Snafu casts his eyes to the ceiling.
With a compassionate goodbye, Captain Haldane leaves them to their fate.
The cell door is unlocked and Mackenzie shoves them both in.
A small mercy - keeping them together - or an act of necessity in a relatively small fort, Snafu doesn't know. When the door closes and locks behind them the only thing he focuses on is Eugene's hand in his.
"Looks like it's all over for you two," Mackenzie says, leaning against the cell door. He says it casually, as if trying to start a conversation with an old buddy.
Eugene cuts his eyes to the man outside the cell.
"Sort of a… what do you do now, huh?" Mackenzie's smile is slimy, yet almost genuine. The type of man who can't imagine a life or mind more complicated than his own.
It draws a stark comparison between the supercilious warden versus naive pretty boy Sledge, who's world started out equally as narrow, but who was determined to learn. And to change.
"Here," Mackenzie passes a bottle of rum through the bars, "Everybody deserves a last meal."
"Thank you, sir," Eugene grits out, ever the polite gentleman.
"What an idiot," Snafu says under his breath as he watches the warden leave.
If it weren't for Eugene clinging to his hand in a death grip Snafu might wonder if being alive was worth being back under this asshole's thumb.
Of course, technically it's Eugene's fault for landing Snafu in jail a second time. Otherwise he could be peacefully decomposing right now.
As soon as they are alone Snafu slips out of Eugene's grasp and crosses the cell to the outermost wall. There's a window, high above, nearly level with the ceiling, and Snafu worked out the climbing path on the stone the last time he was trapped in this godforsaken place.
Eugene watches silently as Snafu expertly scales the rock.
Snafu knows Eugene could easily follow. He's seen the boy monkey up rigging enough times to realize that when it comes to heights, Eugene shares the same lack of self preservation sense as Snafu.
But this time Eugene lets him go it alone.
Snafu eases his ass onto the three foot deep window ledge cut into the wall and presses his face against the bars. If he squints he can almost make out the sails of the ships down at the dock. They blur together, though, becoming one massive fluttering speck, like a caught moth.
He sighs, and leans his head back against the wall. There is no way he could recognize the Santa Alma from here even if she did escape in time. When he glances down, he sees Eugene still standing in the same place, staring up at him.
"Take a seat, we'll be here awhile," Snafu drawls, closing his eyes, getting comfortable.
Eugene huffs. But Snafu also hears him drop into the pile of straw in the corner.
"I am aware we will be here awhile, Snaf," Eugene snaps, "I may have never been in a jail cell before, but I do understand the general operating principle."
"Could'a fooled me," Snafu drawls, "The way you were tripping all over yourself to get in here."
"I…" Sledge hesitates yet somehow his voice is still firm, "I told the truth."
"Truth'll get you killed," Snafu says, "And it ain't reality, anyway."
"I did kill the commander, Snaf," Eugene argues.
"You didn't have a choice…"
"I did! I made my choices and I won't take them back."
"You were following my lead...I put you in that situation...your choice was a matter of survival…"
"Snaf, I killed to defend your life. That was my choice. I'd do it again, and I will accept the punishment befitting the crime. I won't let you shoulder all the sins of the world yourself. Especially not mine."
Snafu knocks his head against the wall again out of frustration, and falls into silence. He fiddles with a loose pebble, and then tosses it out the window, watches it splash in the water below.
"Next time my life is in danger and you feel like playing the hero, don't," Snafu spits out.
"You don't get to make that choice," Eugene says, sounding arrogantly pleased with himself at having won this particular conversation.
The next pebble Snafu tosses hits Eugene on the head instead. It bounces off harmlessly.
"Hey!" Eugene exclaims, tilting his head back to glare at Snafu.
Snafu grins.
Eugene folds his arms and shrinks further into the straw.
They sit in silence for what feels like an age. Emotions keep itching under Snafu's skin, and he knows what he wants, but he doesn't know how to get it, or if he even deserves it if he does get it. Snafu watches the sails outside the window come and go freely in the open air to distract himself.
At some point Eugene falls asleep. He sleeps fitfully, with a lot of twitching, but deep enough that Eugene fails to hear the soft clatter of paws on the tile floor.
Snafu silently slides down from his perch and greets Deacon at the cell door. The first thing Snaf does is pocket the offered gift hanging from Deacon's mouth. He sticks both hands through the bars and thanks the puppy by giving him extra scritches.
"Good boy," Snafu whispers as quiet as he can.
His voice wakes Eugene up anyway.
"Shelton?" he asks, groggy, "Deacon?" Eugene pushes himself to his feet and crouches near Snafu, but when he reaches through the bars Deacon ignores Eugene in favor of the pirate.
"I'm his favorite now," Snafu taunts with glee, "We bonded last night. He came and slept right outside my door."
"Only cause I sent him to stand guard," Eugene protests, looking a little jealous. "Isn't that right, Deacon?" he asks the dog as Deacon finally moves from Snaf's hands to Eugene's, "You're a loyal dog."
Snafu leans against the cell door, hand on a hip, and watches Deacon try to lick Eugene's face.
"I'm sorry, Sledgehammer," Snafu says.
"What for?" Eugene asks, looking perplexed.
Snafu shrugs and climbs back up to his window perch. He curls his legs up to his chest and rests his head on his knees.
Eugene heaves a sigh. "Snaf, please stop pouting and stay down here. With me."
"I ain't the one with those thin pursed lips," Snafu taunts, "You look more like the pouting type to me."
Eugene turns bright red - a blush almost as endearing as his little annoyed expression.
"Fine," Eugene says shortly, "Stay up there."
If Snafu climbs down, he'll kiss Gene, and if he kisses him, he might hold him, and if he holds him, Snafu might fall asleep in his arms, and if Snafu falls asleep it's going to be a lot harder to do what needs to be done.
He stays seated at the window and maintains his watch.
Eugene sits against the cell door with one hand stuck through the bars, resting on Deacon's fur.
"I ain't from New Orleans," Snafu confesses, just to fill the silence.
"What?" Eugene looks up, startled, "What do you mean?"
"I'm from northern Louisiana. Born in a one room shack, youngest of nine, took baths in the metal laundry basin, I was always the last with the water so always smelled the worst. Ma died having me, Pa died twelve years later in an accident with a farm gate, I hopped a river boat south, starved on the streets of New Orleans till I stowed away on a navy ship," Snafu says quietly, "Nearly starved there too."
He isn't paying attention to Eugene's movements, so he doesn't notice till it's too late and suddenly Gene is heaving himself up onto the window ledge next to Snafu. Eugene settles in his seat and stares hard as if daring him to protest.
"You deserve better," Eugene says with conviction.
"Oh yeah?" Snafu smiles, "You gonna give me better? Going to pull me out of the dirt and let my siblings rot? Some of them are already rotting. Literally. Six feet under. Can't do nothin for them."
"I know I can't but…"
"They're all just as much poor cannon fodder as I am," Snafu continues, "Not much use except as bodies in a count."
"I don't know any of your siblings…"
"Lucky me then, to be someone you know…"
"Snafu, give it a rest. You're being difficult."
"I'm being honest," Snafu throws Eugene's own words back in his face, harsh.
Eugene grabs his hand, and presses his fingertips against the ring on Snafu's finger.
"Maybe I can't save the world, but I can save you," Gene says softly.
"I'm going to free the world," Snafu counters confidently, with a smile that stretches his face but doesn't reach his eyes, so burdened with the impossibility of his life goals, "That's what freebootin' is all about. The first sign you're ready for piracy: you have a desperate need for freedom."
"I don't understand…"
"You already have it," Snafu says, "That freedom. Bought, paid for, and born into it. Don't need to go looking for it. Waste of your time."
Eugene narrows his eyes. He leans back, takes Snafu's hand with him. He holds Snafu's clenched fist gingerly in his lap. Eugene's thumb trails circles around the base of Snafu's palm. Snafu's skin is particularly sensitive there and every pass of Eugene's calloused thumb sends distracting pulses straight down Snafu's spine.
"Why do you think I was on that shipwreck you pulled me out of in the first place?" Eugene asks.
"I signed on to Mobile's navy to help people. To keep the port secure. I wasn't going to just sit around and watch while everyone I cared about made sacrifices that I'd never need to face. While everyone else became...cannon fodder," he spits the last word out with shame.
"So, yeah. I'd help you free the world. If you'd let me," Eugene concludes.
"Sledgehammer, I'm always gonna end up here," Snafu argues, "One way or the other, I'll get caught. One day it'll stick."
"Not today, it won't."
"Tomorrow, then."
"Not tomorrow either if I…"
"Look into my eyes, and tell me…" Snafu interrupts. He leans forward, pushing into Eugene's space, "...someday if they condemn me and pardon you, are you gonna be able to sit by and watch? Cause no matter what happens between here and there, that's how I'll end."
The hand circling his wrist goes still, limp.
"I'm dying, Sledge," Snafu concludes.
Eugene stares into Snafu's eyes for half a heartbeat, and then closes the short distance between them. Gene drags a hand through Snafu's curls and kisses him like their life depends on it.
And Snafu would be hard pressed to say this isn't what he wanted.
"Promise me," Eugene whispers in between kisses, "Promise me you will accept my choice to die beside you."
Snafu nods mutely and cups his hands around Gene's face.
Eugene pulls Snafu bodily into his lap, which is a little dangerous with them being ten feet off the ground. But Snafu supposes he's set to die anyway, and cracking his head open by falling off a ledge mid pleasure seems like a better way to go than his other option. Besides, up here, they're hidden from view.
When they're finished, a little messy, a little sticky, and having a hell of a time shuffling back into their clothes on such a narrow ledge, they climb back down. Sledge goes first. He jumps down, almost eight feet, and hops a little at the bottom. Eugene turns around and stares up at Snaf, his eyes expectant, waiting to help but not offering it.
Snafu skidaddles down, not taking his eyes off Sledge for an instant. Not checking his momentum, he collides bodily with Eugene, who catches Snafu in his arms and kisses him. Again. If Snafu's going to make a fool out of himself, might as well see it through to the end.
They fall into the straw together, and Sledge holds him close. He finds his ring on Snafu's hand and carefully twists it on Snafu's finger so the black jeweled front is on display for the world. Snafu twines their fingers together and rests his forehead against Gene's, who closes his eyes.
Snafu almost laughs. For the first time since he met Eugene, the boy's breath stinks. Guess no one, not even the Governor's son, gets to meticulously clean their teeth in a jail cell. Snafu gingerly kisses the tip of Gene's nose.
The nose twitches, and this time Snafu actually does laugh. Eugene cracks an eye open, sees Snaf smiling at him, and then pulls him in for exaggerated sloppy kisses until Snafu finally settles down calmly, with his head on Gene's shoulder.
Sledge falls asleep wrapped around Snafu as tight as his damn ring.
Some time later a whistle through the window grate wakes Snafu up from foolish daydreams. He's never in his life been more grateful or frustrated to hear Burgie's voice. Snafu carefully lifts Eugene's arm off his waist and slides out of the other man's grasp. He stands up, and watches Eugene's chest rise and fall with every gentle breath. Sledge is so quiet, he could almost be dead.
If Snafu doesn't leave, Sledge will be dead. If Snafu disappears, however, none of the charges against Sledge can stick. Without any evidence or testimony against Eugene, the boy will be safe. Eugene's crazy, misplaced adventure will be forgotten.
Snafu breaks his promise. He drags Eugene's ring off his finger as he leaves. Eugene sleeps on peacefully, unaware, with the ring resting beside his head.
Snafu silently pulls the jail's master key from his inner pocket and slides it through the bars. He deftly unlocks the heavy cell door. The door creaks as it opens and he pauses, his shoulders hunched and eyes on the floor, waiting, listening. When nothing happens he quickly slips through the crack in the door and swings it shut again. He twists the key in the lock once more, and pockets it.
Maybe if they can't open it, Sledge will stay locked away, secure.
When he looks up from the key, he sees Sledge sprawled out across the floor, his head pillowed on a pile of straw.
It takes every bit of self loathing Snafu has to turn around and walk away. He's always been selfish. Never had no one to care for and no one to care for him.
Eugene Sledge is better off without him.
Snafu slips past the guards, steps outside the fort, breathes fresh air again, and there waiting beside a cart is his faithful quartermaster.
For a while, after he escapes jail, the thrill of reuniting with Burgie, his crew, and his ship provides Snafu with enough adrenaline to forget about the ache in his chest. But starting from the first night aboard ship, Snafu's bed is much too large. He takes a tiny corner of it for himself and piles all the pillows around the other half. He doesn't recall it feeling so big before. He never did take up much space himself.
Eugene, though. Eugene would sprawl out like a starfish. Not in the beginning, but once he started trusting Snafu, once he relaxed. And more often than not, Eugene would end up lying half on top of Snafu. His face so close Snafu could count his freckles, and smell his hair.
He tries to imagine Eugene sleeping in the fancy Governor's mansion. He can't picture it somehow. The only image Snafu's brain conjures is of Eugene sleeping in a jail cell, his expression happy knowing Snafu is nearby.
If he dwells on that too much the guilt sets in, so he mostly tries not to think at all.
He succeeds in not thinking about it until he opens one of his older ship logs and finds doodles scribbled on the margins. The drawings are mostly flowers, and ship instruments; tiny and not particularly detailed. Except for one full page sketch, at the very back of his largest logbook.
It's him. In pristine, exacting detail, down to the last curl on his forehead. Soft, and delicately shaded. The lines of the drawing are fine enough to be almost invisible, like he is looking in a black and white mirror.
The Snafu in the drawing is sleeping, which explains how Eugene got away with it without him knowing.
Snafu slams the book closed and drops it under the table. He vows to not look at it again.
Except he does. Often. Whenever he has an extra minute, he takes the book out, and cracks it open, and runs his finger down the page. As if he can touch the artist's hand through the drawing.
He looks at it so often the graphite starts to smudge.
Eventually the ship makes it to Cape Horn, and Snafu finds the tiny canal Eugene wrote about in his journal. They almost make it through the canal, around the tip, and into open water on track for the Pacific. Except the weather turns dangerous and waves lash the side of the boat, sending a cold shock down Snafu's front. Wet, shivering, and remembering a promise Eugene once made, Snafu makes his own decision.
"Turn her around," he tells Burgie.
Burgie sighs, "Snaf...the men will hate this."
"We'll never make it otherwise," Snafu's eyes are luminous and grave, "Not alone. We need more bodies for this."
"We or you can't make it alone?" Burgie asks.
Snafu sucks on his bottom lip and turns his spyglass to the sliver of clear blue sky in the east. Burgie waits patiently for a minute and when nothing but silence is forthcoming, he strides across the deck to give out new orders.
The crew immediately shares their opinion.
"We're going back for our navigator ain't we?"
"Thank goodness."
"Cap'n would get us lost on a river if we let him."
"Always did think the code 'bout leaving crew behind was a bad one."
Burgie smiles.
As luck would have it, the Santa Alma also encounters a spanish merchant ship on it's way home after pillaging the colonies. The pirate schooner swiftly overtakes the slow merchant and the pirates commandeer the entirety of the ship's stolen native gold.
The Santa Alma also acquires a new passenger. A strong minded girl who goes by the name of Florence and nothing else. No family, no friends, and certainly not a part of the merchant's fleet. She claims her destination is some pacific island called Australia but that she's not picky about the journey to get there. Snafu takes her aboard solely to find out more information on this mystery island if nothing else.
Burgie hastily gives up his private cabin for the girl and starts bunking with the crew himself. Until Snafu gets lonely enough to offer room in his bed for Burgie, which is the worst idea ever because suddenly Snafu finds himself being kept up all night having conversations about girls and courting. A subject which Snafu has zero experience in.
"Just kiss her and be done with it," is the only advice Snafu can offer Burgie.
Luckily Burgie quiets down after that suggestion, although it makes Snafu start to worry he might be down one quartermaster soon.
However, nothing appears to change in the next couple of months and by the time the ship reaches Mobile, Burgie and Florence remain as cordial and distantly polite to each other as ever. Snafu gives it up as a lost cause and goes shopping.
"You look ridiculous," Burgie says after spending an hour assisting Snafu with his costume.
The costume is incomplete by Snafu's standards. He couldn't find a proper crown.  And he had to add decorative elements to his crook and flail himself. But luckily these fancy french balls always seem to require people to wear wigs nowadays anyway. He repurposes a portion of his treasure into jewelry and gold plating. And to top it all off, with the help of an especially hairy crew member, Snafu procures a beard long enough to be strung underneath his costume mask.
"I look proper," Snafu jokes to Burgie, using his crook as a dandy cane.
"You look like a royal court jester," Burgie counters, "All that purple and gold."
"Exactly," Snafu says confidently.
"He looks like a gold crusted emu," is Florence's opinion, which puzzles both Snafu and Burgie greatly. "From Australia," she adds. As if that explains anything.
"The breeches might be a little wide, Shit-N-Ass," Leyden comments.
"No one asked you," Snafu retorts.
All that matters is that he will be unrecognizable at Mobile's OMM ball.
His coach is almost unrecognizable too. The leather covering the tiny, odd shaped thing is stained and bleached from the sun. If Snafu holds a candle up to it the shade is nearly a perfect match for Eugene's hair. Except brighter.
"Does it turn into a pumpkin at midnight?" Snafu asks, sneering at the orange color.
"It's either this or the dung cart, Snaf," Burgie says, "You spent the entirety of your treasure allotment on your outfit."
Orange coaches notwithstanding, it's thanks to his expensive drapery that no one blinks twice when Snafu sails past the guards, up the fort steps, and through the entrance. Everyone assumes he is a visiting wealthy gentleman from some distant city, here to experience Mobile's Mardis Gras celebrations. His costume works flawlessly. No one remembers him as the pirate they tried to hang a year ago.
The only downside to everyone being in disguise is that he can't find Eugene.
He doesn't spend long looking inside the fort. It's dusty and suffocating, and Eugene was more the outdoors type anyway. Instead he takes his search to the gardens.
As he walks, Snafu sticks to the shadows. Despite looking the part, he still feels out of place, so he skulks from tree to tree. He avoids the stark yellow light cast by the candle lanterns strung overhead. And only surfaces to peer cautiously around every mile high brushed and powdered wig to see if the person's face matches the one he is looking for.
Of course the person he is looking for is the only person not wearing a wig or mask.
Eugene Sledge's brilliant copper hair sparkles
 under the lantern light. Snafu is momentarily blinded by it the minute he finally recognizes the back of the head he is staring at. Trust Gene to buck convention and attend a ball with a bare head. He is dressed plainly too in comparison to the other party goers. His jacket is unadorned and his trousers are simple cotton. There's a single flower stuck in the lapel of Eugene's coat and Snafu sneaks closer to see if he can recognize it from Eugene's logbook drawings.
Snafu never meant to be creeping around in the dark. And he certainly never meant to eavesdrop on a private conversation.
It starts when a familiar looking, excessively handsome blond man brings Eugene a drink. The man can't be much older than either of them, but he wears his military rank with ease. He lacks a wig as well, but Snafu can hardly blame the man for it, considering how shiny his natural hair is. He and Eugene almost match, somehow. As if they've known each other long enough to become the same person in habit and gesture.
Their open familiarity with each other sends a rush of jealousy down Snafu's throat. He might vomit, if he isn't careful.
When he hears the other man try to cajole Eugene onto the dance floor, Snafu's first reaction is to slink off petulantly into the night. To disappear and never return. His whole body burns, and he finds himself grinning murderously.
But then Sledge says "No".
Sledge says 'no' very stoutly, and his face is mournful. Almost as if he is missing someone.
And the handsome man returns to the dance floor alone.
Something has soured Eugene's enjoyment of the gala's frivolity and splendor. 
Snafu wonders if maybe it was him.
The world of these galas was always a farce, Snafu wants to tell Sledge. The crowd all gentlemen by government decree; the appearance of nobility rather than the act.
This elegance is unsustainable, this generational wealth built on the backs of stolen labor. To exist within it is to be complicit. As far as Snafu can see the only way to escape the monster society created is to run away and not look back.
Run with me, Snafu wants to say, Run with me and we can be free.
He doesn't say any of that, though. He merely holds his chin high, straightens his back, and steps closer till he is directly behind Eugene's shoulder. Snafu removes his mask for this moment. It is crucial Gene recognize him.
He takes a deep breath.
He hesitates because he almost doesn't want to see how Eugene's mood will change. Whether it turns to anger, or frustration, or worse - nothing.
Then he clears his throat. Takes careful note of the way the back of Eugene's neck tenses.
"I only dance when Eugene Sledge wants to dance," Snafu quotes. He mimics Eugene's accent flawlessly, throwing a bit of his own swagger in for good measure.
Eugene slowly turns around. His eyes are wide with shock as they sweep over Snafu's body, from head to toe. He says nothing, but his mouth gapes a little, like a fish.
"Referring to yourself in third person now?" Snafu asks, "Better be careful...that's the second sign of becoming a pirate." He can't bring himself to meet Eugene's eyes, so Snafu watches the other guests strolling through the garden behind Eugene's head.
Sledge's mouth snaps shut. His shock turns into a glare. He steps forward and invades Snafu's space. It's the kind of close proximity a gentleman might instigate in order to challenge him to a duel. Snafu expects to be slapped with a glove.
Instead Sledge snatches Snafu's carefully powdered wig off his head. He throws the poor thing to the ground, stomps on it, and grinds it into the dirt. The embittered frown on Sledge's face never wavers.
"That was very expensive," Snafu drawls conversationally as he stares at the sad deflated mess of grey hair on the ground between them. 
"It looked awful on you," Eugene says bluntly.
"Least it's not my head being flattened," Snafu shrugs, nudging the destroyed wig with a toe. He feigns nonchalance. Inwardly his heart soars, higher than a bird. Sledge still cares. Sledge is angry, but his anger means he still cares.
"Don't tempt me," Eugene snaps.
Snafu finally raises his eyes to meet Eugene's. "Thought I already did that," Snafu says with a challenging grin.
Eugene is taking measured breaths, and his hands are shaking just a tiny bit, like he is holding himself back. "You were not a temptation…" he says, softer and without anger, "You were just...you."
Snafu doesn't know how to respond to that.
"Who are you supposed to be, anyway?" Eugene asks, drawing his eyes up and down Snafu's form, taking in both him and his costume.
Snafu struts a little and holds his mask over his face for Eugene to see, "You can't guess?"
Eugene rolls his eyes, "Some kind of King?"
"Osiris" Snafu says proudly.
"An Egyptian god," Snafu explains, "One who casts judgement on the dead."
"It suits you," Eugene says.
Snafu grins, stands a little taller.
"Especially considering the lack of shirt," Eugene adds snidely.
"The cape and mantle sort of make up for that," Snafu says.
"Yes, that is an impressively vibrant color of dye," Eugene comments. He pulls at the top of the cape and draws it outward, away from Snafu's body to see the sheen of the fabric as it cascades around his hand.
"And this?" Eugene knocks his hand against the wooden staff tucked in Snafu's belt.
"A flail," Snafu says, "To go with my golden crook." He holds out the cane he's been leaning his weight against.
Eugene steps closer, takes the crook, taps it expertly, "Real gold? Business must be going well."
"Booming," Snafu says sarcastically through his teeth.
Eugene chuckles, "Any more Navy ships?"
"Not yet," Snafu replies, "We'll see how tomorrow goes."
Eugene gives Snafu back his crook and tweaks the beard on Snafu's mask instead. Snafu moves the mask away from his face and slips it into his belt alongside the flail.
They're so close, Snafu can smell the tobacco on Eugene's breath. 
'Touch me,' Snafu wants to beg, 'Stop touching my clothing, touch me instead.'
They stand in silence for a time.
Eugene's hands return to his pipe.
Snafu studies the flower attached to Eugene's coat.
"Never seen you draw that flower before," Snafu notes.
"Never had a reason before," Eugene replies.
"What's your reason now?" Snafu eyes him warily.
"Sentimental," Eugene says, "Traveled all the way to the Louisiana swamp looking for someone...didn't find them. But I brought a cutting of these home so I'd have at least something to show for the trip." He pockets his pipe, slips the blue iris off it's clip and holds the flower out to Snafu, "They grow beautifully in my garden at home."
It's identical to the kind of irises that grow in wild bunches around the shack where Snafu was born.
"You saw where I came from?" Snafu asks, nervous.
"I did," Eugene actually smiles. Softly. Fondly, like it was a good thing.
It baffles Snafu to no end, but he tries to take it in stride.
"The shack used to be a chicken coop," Snafu grins back, "Was probably better as a chicken coop."
"There's an alligator living in it now," Eugene holds the flower out for Snafu, "I had to fight it for this."
"How brave." Snafu doesn't take the offered flower. "What were you looking for? In the swamps?" he asks.
Sledge's hand drops to his side. "Damn it, Snaf. Do I need to spell it out for you?"
"Might help, my spelling is atrocious, you should know better than anyone," Snafu taunts.
"F," Sledge says haughtily, "U...C...K…" he takes another step closer, trodding on Snafu's wig. "Y...O...U…" Sledge doesn't even have to reach to grab the collar of Snafu's jacket, they're so close. "S...H...E...L…"  Sledge closes his lips around the stem of the iris to hold it while he unpins the flower clip from his own coat and pokes it in Snafu's collar instead. The tension around Sledge's mouth forms Snafu's favorite tiny crease between his eyebrows. "T..." Sledge slips the Iris into the clip and smooths the front of Snafu's jacket, "O...N."
"Captain," Snafu corrects, blatantly watching Eugene's lips form each letter.
Gene's eyes flash. He grabs Snafu's collar - forcefully this time - and yanks him into a kiss. Snafu nearly jumps out of his skin in shock.
The kiss lasts less than a second. Snafu shoves Eugene away. His eyes anxiously dart towards the small crowd in the garden. Eugene follows his fearful gaze, and then wraps his long fingers around Snafu's wrist. He drags Snafu through the trees until they come to a hedge maze.
The maze is overgrown. At one point it might have been one of those carefully manicured french monstricities, no bigger than knee height, meant for casual amusement of the European aristocracy, and replicated poorly in the colonies. Now the hedges are well over six feet tall, and thick with tangled branches. Eugene and Snafu barely manage to fit through the entrance.
But the hedges promise privacy.
The air inside the maze is still, and silent, and damp, and slightly cooler than the humid evening around them.
After turning a few corners, Eugene shoves Snafu against a hedge. The bush is prickly, and not at all comfortable, but Snafu finds it hard to care when he is distracted by the press of Eugene's lips, and Eugene's body, and the pleasant intensity of Gene taking all his frustration out on Snafu in ways better than wig destruction.
Without words it feels as if no time passed between tonight and the last they saw each other. Snafu is as familiar with Eugene's body now as he was months ago. Eugene briefly lets go of Snafu's waist to undo his own belt and the buttons of his trousers. Snafu hastily shoves his hand down Eugene's pants himself before the other man can get to it. He breaks off their kiss, chest heaving, to lean back against the bush and curl his fingers around Gene's dick. Eugene braces a hand on either side of Snafu's head and hovers there. He makes a small, strangled noise when Snafu's hand starts to move, but he doesn't look away. Snafu's mouth goes dry and he hardly dares to breathe for fear of breaking whatever the fuck this moment is.
Slowly, he jerks him off, staring into Eugene's dark eyes the whole while.
Eugene makes a complete mess of his pants. He buttons his doublet closed, and smoothes it neat, before hungrily reaching for the red sash wrapped around Snafu's waist.
After a fumbling attempt to get Snafu's clothes off (during which Snafu immediately regrets making his costume so complicated - "Don't. It's fine," Snaf mutters with his hand on Eugene's), Eugene gives up and simply grabs Snafu's hips, and collapses towards him in an embrace. Surprised by the sudden switch to calm, Snafu reacts by limply draping his arms over Gene's shoulders, and waiting.
Eugene turns his face into the crook of Snafu's neck and fully encircles his arms around his body. "God, Snaf," he groans.
"Eugene?" Snafu asks.
Eugene doesn't respond. Snafu can feel Gene's eyelashes blinking against his neck where he is hiding his face.
"Gene?" Snafu tries again.
Eugene sighs. He kisses Snafu's bare skin.
"We should talk," Snafu prompts.
Eugene actually laughs. "Now you want to talk," he says without lifting his head.
"S'what I came here for," Snafu says.
"What is it you wanted to say, then?" Eugene asks, leaning back just enough to look Snaf in the eye.
I love you.
"Nothing," Snafu says, "Thought maybe you might. Maybe a few words to get off your chest?"
Eugene smiles sadly, and leans back in to press their lips together briefly. One small kiss and then he rests his forehead against Snafu's.
"Hope. And faith." Eugene murmurs.
"Hm?" Snafu grunts.
"The flower I found. Irises. They symbolize faith," he fumbles that same heavy ring off his finger that Snafu threw back at him, and then slides it onto Snafu's hand for a second time, "I told you to keep it. I meant what I said."
Snafu stares into his eyes, "Gene…I'm sorry."
"I never doubted you," Gene brushes aside his apology.
Something crazy is on the tip of Snafu's tongue and threatening to spill out, so he keeps his jaw clenched tight and his forehead pressed to Gene's. It's enough. This is enough.
"Stay?" Eugene asks.
Snafu fidgets nervously.
"Here. For a few days," Eugene elaborates, "I've taken care of everything. I want you to meet my family, properly. You can even invite the crew."
"Third sign of piracy: extending dinner invitations to pirates," Snafu drawls. He's imagining Burgie's reaction to getting a cream colored, floral embossed card in the mail.
"Privateers. You are an official United States privateer, Captain Shelton," Eugene corrects. He laughs at Snafu's startled expression, "I have the paperwork all drawn up. It's in my room. Waiting for your signature."
"In the mansion…"
"Yes, to do this you'll have to go to the governor's mansion. You might even have to sleep in an actual bed that doesn't rock up and down with the waves."
"That takes all the fun out of sex…" Snafu murmurs.
"I'm sure I can improvise," Eugene kisses his neck with a smile.
"Will you be doing the rocking then?" Snafu quips.
"For as long as you want…" Eugene promises.
Snafu nods and kisses him, tries to quell that ache that's bubbling up inside him again.
Eugene breaks away, grinning ear to ear. He looks at Snafu as if all his prayers have been answered. And who is Snafu to deny him any of it.
So when Eugene takes his hand and leads him out of the maze, Snafu follows.
He is so dazed by an emotion he never thought himself capable of feeling again he almost doesn't notice where Eugene is leading him. Until he recognizes the same inner courtyard where Snafu was condemned to die. 
Snafu stops short. His abrupt halt yanks Eugene back by his arm. Gene turns around and stares at Snafu in confusion. Snafu is preparing to run. His palms are sweaty, and the skin there feels melted to Eugene's, and he's about to twist away and disappear when Eugene's hold on him tightens. 
Eugene is looking Snaf straight in the eye, and he slowly lifts their clasped hands to his lips, "It's all right, Merriell. I promise." 
And in full view of the Governor's entire court, Eugene Sledge bends to kiss Snafu's hand. The same hand Snafu recently stuck down Gene's pants.
No one says anything.
All eyes are on them, though.
Correction, all eyes are on Snafu. His planned ostentatiousness backfires. Eugene notices him, for sure. But so does everyone else.
His costume glows golden in the candlelight. If the glint half blinds him when he moves in the wrong way, he can't imagine how difficult it must be for someone standing across from him.
Snafu grins petulantly when Eugene guides him forward to stand in front of the Governor himself. He can tell Eugene's father recognizes him immediately. The man frowns. He shakes Snafu's hand politely, but he doesn't speak a word.
Surprisingly, it's the Governor's lady who breaks the tension. She eyes her husband calculatingly, sucks in a deep breath, and reaches out to take both of Snafu's hands in hers.
"I want to apologize for the previous case of mistaken identity," She says, regally and with great intent, "As I understand it, Commodore Haldane confused you with the dreadful pirate Snafu. I assure you, Captain Shelton, we will rectify this mistake and will remain forever grateful to you for bringing our Eugene back home alive."
Snafu's eyes slide sharp towards Eugene, realizing for the first time how the boy must have brought about this miracle of clearing his name.
Eugene returns Snafu's stare with a confident grin. He rejoins their hands and pulls Snafu off to the buffet table. A very smart decision as he is going to need a full belly to stomach all this nonsense.
Contrary to popular opinion, food on a ship is not half bad. Burgin keeps their cook happy with the third highest salary on board and frequent stops in port for fresh supplies. Snafu's diet as a child on land, however, was regularly lacking. His father was a failed farmer, and boiled cabbage soup was their evening meal more often than not. So Snafu supposes his standards for good food are not as high as most people's.
But this buffet laid out before him at the Governor's ball? This is a masterpiece. 
Snafu immediately heads straight for the pork chops. He loads up a plate and even concedes to taking utensils and a napkin when Gene offers them.
"Just so you know, we're going back for seconds," he informs Eugene. Eugene chuckles, and holds Snaf's plate for him while he pours them both drinks.
They find a table under a tree to sit and eat. If Snafu must use a fork and knife instead of his fingers, he's gonna need two hands to do it. And that shit's not possible while standing.
Eugene scoots his chair conspicuously close to Snafu's. But the low hanging branches of the willow tree partially conceal them from view, so Snafu allows it. After he finishes his first plate, he does indeed go back for seconds, and thirds. And then Eugene lights his pipe and they pass it back and forth. Their shoulders and legs are pressed together, and Eugene's arm reaches behind Snafu's neck to rest along the back of his chair. Sometimes when Eugene leans in to gently lift the pipe from Snafu's hand, he whispers in his ear and his nose brushes his cheek.
At one point Snafu makes a particularly cutting remark about the state of one unfortunate gentleman's coat, and Eugene starts laughing. He laughs so hard at the joke he leans his hand against Snafu's back and hides his face in his shoulder. Snafu has never seen Gene laugh like that. Ever. A wave of relief washes over Snafu and for a minute he forgets himself and tucks a stray lock of hair behind Eugene's ear.
His gesture is altogether too much like a caress, and he remembers with cold fear, that they are out in the open.
The minute Snafu's fingers leave Eugene's skin, his nerves are back. He darts a glance towards the Governor's dias and he freezes in place. The harsh sensation of a particular pair of eyes boring into the back of Snafu's head takes him out of whatever spell he'd been under making him feel like he and Eugene were the only two people in the room.
Snafu may have the weight of a ring on his finger, but the thousand yard stare of Governor Sledge holds the weight of the world. And every bit of it exudes disapproval.
It chills Snafu to his bones.
At the end of the party, after they've returned to the Governor's mansion, Snafu is shown to an opulent room by an opulently dressed butler. Eugene disappears somewhere down the hall. And Snafu finds himself standing alone, wearing his gold plated costume, inside a masterpiece of a room, feeling an utter fool.
He removes all his jewelry and unwraps his sash. He drags the covers off the bed and makes his own nest in front of the roaring fireplace. He curls up and he tries to sleep.
He is interrupted when Eugene mysteriously appears in Snafu's room through a hidden door behind a bookshelf.
Gene laughs at Snafu's floor nest, and helps Snafu pull the blankets back onto the bed.
Eugene then helps Snafu out of his costume, and this time he succeeds.
They fuck tenderly atop silk sheets and plush pillows. And the way Eugene whispers "Merriell" in his ear is almost enough to make Snafu forget he is here on borrowed time. Almost.
Right as Snafu is about to finally fall asleep there is scratching and a thud against the bedroom door, and for a second Snafu's heart stops at the fear they've been caught. But Eugene simply chuckles and wraps an arm around Snafu's bare waist in a quick hug.
"Go answer it," he says with a kiss to the nape of Snafu's neck.
Eugene lets go of Snafu and reclines back against the pillows, his eyes twinkling.
Snafu grunts about spoiled Governor's sons and casts his eyes overhead to the four poster bed's velvet canopy, but he drags Eugene's breeches on and does as he is told.
On the other side of the door waits a very patient dog. Deacon wags his tail excitedly and the dog's entire body wiggles. Snafu immediately crouches down to greet him and gets a few licks to his face in return. Snafu nearly falls over, but he moves to the side enough to get the dog in the room and the door closed.
"You were missing your master, huh?" Snafu asks Deacon, scratching under the dog's ear.
"He was missing you," Eugene speaks up from the bed, "This entire week, he has done nothing but stare out the window at the ocean and whine. If I didn't understand exactly how he felt, I might have been jealous."
"That's the real reason I've come back," Snafu says as he wriggles back out of Gene's pants and crawls into bed, "To steal your dog and turn him pirate."
"Guess if you've already got one of us, you might as well have the whole set," Eugene replies, drawing Snafu close and insisting on a kiss before letting Snafu settle his head against Eugene's shoulder. Deacon happily curls up at the foot of the bed.
The next morning he wakes to find that somehow during the night Snafu ended up flat on his back with Eugene sprawled across his body and Deacon stretched out across his feet. He is completely unable to move.
Snafu snakes his arm out from underneath the covers and tickles Eugene's ear. Eugene twitches in his sleep. Snafu stays persistent with the tickling until Eugene rolls over, almost accidentally knees Snafu in the groin, and is woken by Snafu's panicked yelp.
With Eugene awake the tickling quickly turns into a wrestling match, which Snafu almost wins. He straddles Eugene and pins Gene's hands above his head. Snafu presses teasing, featherly light kisses across Eugene's collarbone until Deacon barks and a sharp knock on the door interrupts them. Eugene bucks Snafu off him, dives underneath the blankets and slides down the bed in a lump like a coward, leaving Snafu on his own.
"Yeah?" Snafu calls out with as much authority as he can muster. He holds the bedcovers tight over his waist, but his hands won't stop shaking.
It doesn't help that Eugene chooses to put his mouth somewhere very distracting on Snafu's body right as the door unlocks and opens.
"Deacon's food is waiting for him downstairs," the butler says kindly, "Would you like your breakfast brought to your room?"
"Ah, no," Snafu improvises, "I will...uh...be out. Shortly."
Deacon jumps off the bed and trots out the door, tail wagging.
The butler nods and backs out of the room.
"Thank you!" Snafu adds belatedly to the closing door.
Once they're alone again, Snafu yanks back the blankets covering Eugene and finds his lover shaking with silent laughter and the worst case of bedhead he's ever seen.
"Asshole," Snafu accuses him, refusing to give in to the urge to run his hands through Gene's hair - a vibrant red in the morning light.
Instead Eugene pulls him down, silences him with a kiss, and they're both rather late for breakfast.
Snafu stays in the mansion for three days. He doesn't send Burgie any dinner invitations, knowing how well they'd be received, but he does mail a monogrammed card letting the crew know he's safe. He includes a handful of stolen silver artifacts in the parcel to appease any pirate tempers.
Every afternoon Eugene closes them both in the study and forces them to go over page after page after page of legal documents. Snafu attempts to read a few lines here or there, but mostly he only serves as a distraction. His hands wander of their own free will, and they both continually risk getting caught with Snafu's hands up Eugene's shirt or on his thigh, or tracing the line of Eugene's mouth.
"Pay attention," Eugene huffs with as much frustration as Snafu felt when Eugene kept trying to pry Snafu's attention from his maps.
"I am," Snafu insists, trailing his finger down Eugene's neck and studying the way the scruff of his hair stands on end.
"To something other than me," Eugene admonishes.
"Impossible," Snafu leans back on the cushy window seat and admires Eugene's profile against the sunlight. He grins devilishly, crosses his arms behind his head, and adjusts the seat of his hips in a languid manner. Snafu has never had this much free time to indulge in all his urges and he is determined to enjoy it thoroughly.
Eugene stops pretending to read the paper he is holding and glares at Snafu out of the corner of his eye.
It only makes Snafu smile wider.
"Fuck it," Gene says. He drops the page to the ground, plants a hand firmly on the windowsill, and leans over to kiss Snafu with wild passion. Snafu laughs between kisses and Eugene wraps an arm around his waist and tightens his hold, lifting Snafu off the seat until there is no air left between their bodies.
Then the locked door to the study opens.
Snafu drops his arms from around Gene's shoulders and goes still and silent. Eugene sits up, immediately alert. But bizarrely his hand falls atop Snafu's thigh and prevents Snafu from moving his leg off Eugene's lap. Snafu is left lying awkwardly on his back like a turtle, one leg still around Eugene's waist, the other shoved up against the cold glass windowpane, bent as far away from Gene as he can get it. The tent in Snafu's loose breeches is painfully obvious, and his mind is racing, calculating every possible exit from the room. There is only one thing keeping him in place and it's Eugene.
Unfortunately Eugene's strong grip on Snafu's upper thigh only worsens his state of arousal.
The Governor himself calmly looks at them, walks into the room, and closes the door behind him.
"Did you get all the necessary documents signed?" the Governor asks in a tired voice.
"Yes," Sledge replies defiantly, his shoulders straight, his chin high.
Snafu can barely breathe, let alone talk.
"Good," the Governor remarks politely, "I trust Captain Shelton will be setting out on his first officially sanctioned voyage soon."
Snafu's eyes dart between Eugene and the Governor in a panic, trying to guess what his answer should be.
"Actually," Eugene says, "He's staying here. Indefinitely." His tone is light but his accent is sharp.
Snafu, for his part, is still blinking like a fox caught outside its hole.
"Very well," the Governor says solemnly. He stands in the middle of the carpet, and makes no move to leave, even though they are all sitting in silence.
After a minute the Governor lifts his head and gazes out the window beyond where they're sitting. "It's a beautiful day today," he says casually, "I think I might organize a hunt." And with that he takes his leave. The door closes behind him gently. They hear the lock click back into place.
"Shit fuck, he's gonna kill me," Snafu claws at his face with his hands, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes.
"No," Eugene says calmly. He releases Snafu's leg and Snafu curls in on himself like the turtle he feels. "He won't," Gene promises.
Snafu groans.
"Snafu," Eugene says, trying to grab Snafu's hands behind the protective barrier of his legs. "Merriell…" Eugene eventually succeeds in wrapping his fingers around both of Snafu's wrists and uncovering his face. 
Snafu lets his knees fall open in defeat. He stares at Gene between his legs balefully.
"I love you," Eugene tells him. Certainty is written all over his face.
Snafu doesn't know how Eugene manages to look at him with such intense affection when they're surrounded by so much fear.
"Father is the only one who has the keys to this study," Eugene says, "I trust him. Do you trust me?"
"Yes," Snafu's response is immediate and uncompromising.
Eugene lets go of Snafu's wrists and twines their fingers together instead. Snafu uses the grip to pull himself into a sitting position. He takes a moment to run his eyes over Eugene's serious face. His chest presses into the side of Eugene's shoulder.
"I trust you with my life, Gene," Snafu confesses.
"Then stay," Eugene says, and closes the deal with a chaste kiss.
That night the two of them fall asleep in Eugene's own bed instead of the guest room. Snafu luxuriates in the comfort of being utterly surrounded by reminders of Gene.
But this time Snafu wakes up alone. 
He hears a knock. Not on Eugene's door, but on the door of the guest room down the hall. Snafu falls off the bed in his haste to both yank his pants up over his ass and trigger the bookcase to open the secret passageway. He manages to get back in his room, slip on his shoes, and open his door by the time the impatient person looking for him knocks a third time.
"The Governor wishes to see you," the butler says.
"Right," Snafu nods, scratching the back of his neck and makes as if to step into the hall when the butler places a gloved hand on his shoulder.
"Perhaps Sir should put on a shirt?" the butler smiles in a fatherly manner.
"Ah…" Snafu glances down at his bare torso and retreats inside his room to fish out something respectable.
"Perhaps a coat as well?" the butler once again poses the suggestion as a question.
Snafu gets the distinct feeling he is receiving advice. He hunts through the wardrobe and holds out a deep purple velvet ensemble for review.
The butler smiles and shakes his head discreetly.
Snafu presents two more outfits before they decide on a smart grey number made of flawlessly tailored rich fabric but without a lot of frills.
"Good luck," the butler whispers to Snafu before leaving him outside the door to the Governor's private library.
Snafu has already spent many hours in the family library. It's the only room in the mansion he actually likes. The Sledges own a copy of every single overseas expedition logbook Snafu could possibly want. Sailing is clearly a pastime both Eugene and his father enjoy.
This is the first time, however, that Snafu is given the privilege of seeing the Governor's personal book collection.
As soon as he walks through the door, the first thing to catch Snafu's eye is a large, exquisitely detailed globe resting in its own golden stand on the floor to the right. He itches to lay his hands on it, and he barely manages to restrain himself before the high backed chair turns and the Governor sets his eyes on him.
For a split second Snafu's breath leaves him. But then, he relaxes. He tilts his head with a small smile, and crosses the room to the globe. He ignores Eugene's father in favor of running his finger down the eastern coast of the Americas. Keeping his finger on the surface of the globe, he rotates it until he is touching China, and then the East Indies. He lifts his hand, spins the globe, and stops it with a touch.
He shifts his finger aside and reads the name of the country he landed on.
"How much?" the Governor asks plainly.
"What?" Snafu's head jerks up.
"How much money can I offer to make you disappear from my son's life?" the Governor folds his hands on his desk and looks at Snafu pleasantly.
Snafu stares in shock, processing this new information.
"If you are killed, Eugene will mourn you forever as if you were a martyr. But if you leave, he will forget you," Governor Sledge explains.
"If I leave he'll miss me forever," Snafu taunts, smiling.
"You want to leave," Governor Sledge points out, "I can see it. Eugene certainly sees it. You are restless here. You have nothing here, except him. Let go of him. And I will give you any amount you ask for."
Snafu honestly considers it. Considers that - if Sledge's family truly hate Snafu that much - leaving Eugene alone might be the best decision for both of them. Considers how much Eugene loves his family, enough to risk his life to get back to them, to lie to a pirate. Considers the fact that the kind of money Governor Sledge is talking about could probably get Snafu across the pacific and back five times over. Considers how often Snafu has seen Sledge genuinely smile back home with his familiar comforts compared to his scowls aboard ship.
"I'd break his heart," Snafu says before his throat chokes closed. He coughs. His eyes sting.
"Exactly," Governor Sledge agrees amicably.
Snafu laughs. He hates how it sounds wild and a little despairing, even to his own ears. He can feel a grin on his face, mouth stretched so wide his muscles already ache.
"Well," Snafu bites his lip. He spins the globe again, faster. And this time he lets his finger drag against the curved surface, intentionally stopping it right over the port of Mobile. He looks up, and saunters to the desk, pulling Eugene's ring off and holding it high for the Governor to see.
"You want me gone that badly, I'll do it for free," Snafu offers, "But I'm keeping this." He closes his fist around the ring.
Taking a leather cord strung with keys from the corner of Governor Sledge's desk, Snafu unhooks the clasp and carelessly dumps the keys to the floor. He slides the ring onto the cord, knots it in the middle to keep the ring secure, and hooks the clasp around his neck.
"He'll know," Snafu says as he stuffs the necklace down his shirt front, "No matter what lies you tell him, he'll know. And he'll come after me."
The Governor doesn't respond, and Snafu turns his back on him to walk out the door. He'd take the globe with him, too, if he could think of a way to lift it on his own.
Snafu leaves the estate without another word to anyone. The relief he feels when he walks past the final gatehouse is palpable. He can breathe easier again out here, in the fresh air. And when he reaches the docks his confidence in life soars the minute he sees the Santa Alma waiting patiently in the bay. For the next few weeks he remains confident every time the crew sets sail, charting a course that wins them easy prizes while staying within a couple days reach of Mobile. They make berth regularly in the port, the crew eagerly enjoying the extra shore leave and spending money.
But after the first month passes and there is no sign of Eugene, Snafu's confidence dwindles. By the sixth month the heavy weight of the ring around his neck is no longer a security but an anchor. More time passes, and after the second full year spent alone, Snafu gives up hope.
He begins to plan another voyage around Cape Horn. This time enroute to Japan.
(My sketch of Pirate Snafu)
(the END for now, i swear they get back together, i promise, eugene didnt forget he’s just busy and he thinks snaf is an asshole who left without saying goodbye. if you want to see more PLEASE TELL ME cause i might do it)
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