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riseoftheradiotrons · 3 years ago
So, as you all can tell, I’ve been radio-silence (hehe) for a few months by now, but I finally am back, and I’ve got something I’m very proud of to show you.
I asked some friends to offer me their favorites and then decided that I’d follow RotR’s policy of “ruin your military robots” with them if they don’t already appear in RotR canon. I have only a small collection of little shorts, but I’m not super proud of all of them. I’ll give you one in this post, and if you want the rest, simply reply or send an ask!
For context: This collection of stories is full of the answers from various ‘Bots and ‘Cons alike to one question they were all interviewed on, on a well-known radio talk show.
“And how exactly did you join this war?”
Below is Whirl’s answer.
“Volunteered.” Whirl’s face was still contorted in that perpetual irritated sneer.
“And why?”
Whirl’s voice was uncaring as always, but lacking in anger this time.
“Best place to be angry.”
The studio was in raucous laughter.
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dancincu · 8 years ago
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Small log cabin /log house somewhere in Valiug RO. A cabin for end of the week retreat. [ ] vernacular architecture (Vernacular architecture is an architectural style that is designed based on local needs, availability of construction materials and reflecting local traditions) [ ] logs in Swedish Cope profile [ ] A log house or log building is a structure built with horizontal logs interlocked at the corners by notching. Logs may be round, squared or hewn to other shapes, either handcrafted or milled. The term "log cabin" generally refers to a smaller, more rustic log house, such as a hunting cabin in the woods, that may or may not have electricity or plumbing. #WhatArchitectsDraw #Architect #Architects #BIAdanCincu #DanCINCU #ArchitectDanCINCU #ArchitectResita #arhitectura #architecture #sketch #drawing #igersRESITA #igersROMANIA #Valiug #Crivaia #Grindeshti #UrbanSketch #UrbanSketchers #ArchiSketcher #ArqSketch #DoSomethingCreativeEveryDay #KeepCalmAndCallTheArchitect #SmokingAndDrawing #Vape #Vaping #VapeNation #VapeSociety #VapeLife #Moleskine #MoleskineART #MoleskineArts #MoleskineSketchBook #CoffeeNotWatercolor #Rotring #WaterColor #RotringTikky #Pentel #PentelBrushPen #FaberCastell #ThePerfectPencil #Pencil #Segafredo #SegafredoZanetti #spinner #edc #handspinner (at Cincu Dan)
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Beauty Standards
So, you may have noticed that my good friend Blackbird commented that Megatron looks like “unfertilized dirt” in the world of RotR, and you may be wondering what the fuck that’s about. Well, Rise of the Radiotrons has much different beauty standards than some other conts may have, and somewhat different beauty standards from humans, that’s for sure.
Purple is the most well-liked color in RotR. If a ‘bot has a lot of purple in their design, they are considered exceptionally beautiful. If someone changes their paint job, it’s likely the new paint job will have purple somewhere.
The most common optic color is yellow. There isn’t much preference among optic colors - except for purple, of course, since it is such a well-liked color. Turbulence has purple optics - beautiful eyes in the RotR world. But if you have, say, orange optics like Cyclonus, or pinkish optics like Moonkiller, they aren’t considered much prettier than Pharma’s or Pascal’s yellow optics.
A matte finish is strongly desired. Due to the gigantic radiation crisis going on right now, almost everything that didn’t have a metallic sheen before has one now, and keeping a matte finish is difficult but rewarding in the end in terms of beauty. Gold and silver in particular are considered ugly, with both metals being extremely common on Cybertron - the most common isotope of cybonium naturally splits into gold and silver when hit with radiation.Megatron consists mostly of white gold, gold, and silver, all of which are very, very metallic. Not very appealing to the RotR eye. Terraform looks very matte, with few metallic parts - a well-maintained sheen, and a beautiful one in the RotR world.
On different planets, different smaller features are favored. Cybertron - or Cybertron Original in the RotR world - is a rather small planet, only around the size of Kepler-22b, and only consisting of a select few cities - Iacon, Vos, and Kaon. On this main planet, deep purples and reds are most well-loved.
On the subplanet known as Cybertron-T, also known as Tarn, they prefer larger, wider frames, the heavier-set the better, as well as redder optics - purple, orange, pink, the like. On Cybertron-V, Velocitron, smaller people are favored, and greens and blues are the most popular. On Cybertron-CM, Caminus, they prefer long, sweeping kibble, like trains, skirts, or tailcoats, with the prettiest Camien Cybertronians sometimes unable to transform due to the length of untransformable kibble.
Despite some planets considering some frames and body types more attractive than others, there isn’t really much of a standard, and liking frames non-traditional to your planetary standards is normal. A born-and-raised Velocitronian who’s into hunks isn’t bullied for having terrible taste. They do, however, have morality standards, you can’t simp for just about anyone.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Sparklings
A freshforged is a Cybertronian that just recently went online. Despite cold-construction becoming a more widespread means of creating new Cybertronians, the term has not lost its meaning, and is still widely used.
A sparkling is the general term for a pre-polygonal-maturity Cybertronian, though other terms can be used for different development stages. Freshforged, as mentioned above, are the earliest possible development stages. When the adult body begins to take form, albeit in proportionally smaller polygons, they are in walkform stage. When the face begins to fully develop, smoothing out and allowing the eyes to protrude rather than remaining flat to the face, they are in tweeze stage. When the general adult body grows in size and smooth out to full polygonal maturity stage, but has not achieved polygonal maturity yet, they are in zincmold stage. A Cybertronian who has achieved polygonal maturity is known as a metamech.
Sparklings’ development is measured in polygons. They start with as few rounded surfaces as possible - usually none, with any roundness found in eyes that look almost painted on the head. As they grow older, their material will round out on its own time. If a sparkling is particularly round, it is a sign of good health and good physical development. If a fully matured metamech is all sharp corners and triangular shapes, this often means that they had stunted development, one way or another.
Another sign of a poorly developing sparklings are hands remaining in their mitt cusp state for too long. All hands begin like this, fingers in a solid triangle to reduce polygon count, but fingers will normally split as the child moves out of freshforged stage and into walkform stage. Painteyes can also be a sign of forced development - a condition where the optics of the Cybertronian do not properly protrude, and remain completely flat on the face as they do in freshforged and walkform stages. 
Transformation is not difficult for a sparkling, and, excluding possible monoformers and health complications, they are easily able to transform beginning from walkformhood. Their alt forms, however, are not functional until full polygonal maturity, and their size makes them look rather like particularly polygonal toys.
Below is a sketch of a walkform, drawn by Cybertronian development studies specialist Bulkhead, at its proper polygonal landmark. Any resemblances to any real Cybertronians in the following picture is entirely coincidential, as no photos of the model Cybertronian’s childhood exist.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: “Outliers”
The term “outliers” is rather like the human term “psychopath”, in that it no longer means anything, though formerly served as a genuine diagnosis, and is still used colloquially. For the purposes of this log, I, the author, will use “outliers” as if it were a couple hundred war years ago, before the severe influx in mutations rendered the term useless, as almost everyone gained some form of unnatural ability in the various chemical weapon attacks made by the Autobots and Decepticons and the resulting radioactive waste.
“Outliers”, as such abilities were formerly known as, are exactly what they are described as - natural abilities, talents, and skills outside the lineup of what the average Cybertronian has at their disposal. Some of the most famous outliers of all time were Surge’s semi-immortality* and Killswitch’s spark absorption**. Such outliers, some say, only ever became famous because of the charisma of those who had them, but I am a scientist and should not take personal favors into account.��
*Xon could not deteriorate naturally in any form, and xon could not die of old age. Xon could only be killed directly.
**She could absorb the sparks of other Cybertronians, whether before their life signal was onlined, during their online period, or after their signal offlined.
At the time this log was documented, more than half of all Cybertronians in existence have what would be considered “outliers”. Some of the quickest examples I can name are Blurr’s infinite speed* and the Decepticon general Moonkiller’s pain transfer**. I would count Twist’s unending potential to annoy, distract, and irk me until the end of his days, but unfortunately, that is not scientifically classified as an outlier.
*He completely lacks any sort of speed inhibitor, without any dangerous side effects.
**She can transmit any pain signal (or lack of signal) of hers or anyone she is touching to anyone else she is touching.
Cybertronians can also gain outliers from experimentation, such as my own creation, Cryogen. He is completely immune to the effects of cold weather, with no consequences that come in warm weather. He has been deployed to particularly cold outer planets, and we are enjoying watching his mental decline, and how he would possibly find his way out of it.
Nowadays, “outlier” is far more often used as a slur, targeted at those who avoid the war at all costs. At the time the term’s usage was changing, many Cybertronians with such unusual abilities were indeed fleeing the war, wanting to remain in fame for their sheer strangeness, and thus having outlier abilities and refusing to join the war for selfish reasons were heavily connected.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Spark-Feeding, How To Tell If It’s Good Or Bad
The pose in which spark-feeding is occurring is key to knowing whether this spark-feeding is healthy or not - and some signs to look for if the pose is not replicated exactly.
The pose below is HEALTHY!
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This is a more formal sparkfeeding form. It is less intimate in terms of touch, but definitely not done in public, due to its formality. More often than not, one or the other is standing on something to keep this pose.
Note the heads held at equal level, the strong posture, the interlaced hands. The natural symmetry.
The pose below is NOT HEALTHY!
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Do you see the hand of the person on the left resting on the back of the person on the right? This gesture, unreciprocated, means that usually, the one with the hand on their back is being forced to overfeed, or not wanting to sparkfeed in the first place.
Note the drooping posture of the one on the right, how they cannot look up to look the one on the left in the eye, or at least be eye level with them, if they are uncomfortable with eye contact.
The pose below is HEALTHY!
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Now, you may wonder why it is healthy when there are hands on each others’ backs. The gesture is only unhealthy when unreciprocated - usually if the height difference is too much, the two will have their hands on each others’ backs to support each other.
Note how the postures are still strong, as they were in the first example, and how they are looking each other in the eyes - or at least poised to, if they are uncomfortable with eye contact.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Food
The majority of consumable food products on Cybertron are simply different variants of Energon. Energon for food purposes is capitalized, while blood energon is lowercase.
Energon comes in a measurement referred to as “minimeals” - each unit, or minimeal, is enough Energon for one meal for a Size 1 Cybertronian, or minibot.
- Civilian Energon is the most common type of Energon. It is translucent, has no fluorescence, and has the consistency of room temperature butter. It comes in many different flavors, being the most common form of Energon. It also can come fortified with many different minerals. Galinarse*-fortified Energon is the most common. Others include iodine- or selenium-fortfied Energon distributed for those with iodine or selenium deficiencies.
- Miligrade Energon is most commonly seen in, well, military settings. It is more opaque than civilian Energon, with the consistency of a block of cheese and tiny crystals with a deep color that ‘bleeds’ a small radius of color around them. It does not come in fortified forms, as it is often fortified with absolutely everything beneficial that could possibly fit in it.
- Shelled Energon is rather like civilian Energon, but it comes in a sort of shell. Think if a stick of butter was encased in a solid shell of sugar - not coated in sugar grains, just one smooth sugar encasing. The outer shell can vary depending on the inner Energon, for example, a common combination is an alkali-metal-chloride shell surrounding sweet Energon.
- Polygonal Energon is Energon intended for children. It often comes in plastic packages in fun shapes, popular ones being cartoonish stars, triangles, and Autobot symbols. The plastic dissolves on contact with dentae. Polygonal Energon has the texture of a stack of wet seaweed - not as easy to make a mess out of as the very spreadable, smearable texture of Civilian Energon. There is no excess moisture in polygonal Energon, so the water doesn’t make much of a mess, either.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
Incoming Call, Part 1
Wavecrash pushed semself up off the gigantic makeshift beanbag chair set up in the warehouse hearing Sparkplug enter. “Pluggie! How were the cookies?”
“Half of ‘em were blacker than tar, the other half were... okay. Ness’s dad said they’re good for someone who didn’t know what Earth cooking was at all.” She began walking laps around the inside of the warehouse. “He also said I should start just calling him Subi. Feels welrd, though, since Ness keeps calling him ‘Dad’. I feel like I’ve gotta call him Dad, too.”
“Humans are weird.” Sey shrugged. “Wanna play Plaguesim?”
“I don’t want to stay still.”
A ringtone played.
Sparkplug’s optics widened. “That’s my ringtone.”
“That doesn’t sound good.” Despite Wavecrash’s masked face, the distress was clear in seir voice. “You think someone’s tapping into your telepathy?”
“No, it isn’t in my head... it’s from somewhere else.” Her working optic was fixed on the long table, where all the video game consoles lay.
Ness’ tablet was face-up, emitting the ringtone.
Wavecrash looked down at Sparkplug, hesitant to even touch the tablet. “You think Ness figured out how to contact us?”
Sparkplug grabbed the tablet - more like the size of a small mobile phone in her hands - and pressed a finger to the ‘accept call’ button. “Only one way to find out.”
A swipe upwards.
Two voices at once, one much lower pitched than the other. “Ness!”
Sparkplug froze. This was... not Ness contacting her, or Wavecrash, clearly.
“...Ness?” The lower pitched voice spoke. “Is this Mr. Lumwood again?”
Sparkplug spoke carefully, as if the wrong word would set off a bomb beneath her. “Uh... no?”
A gasp from someone on the other end. “Vocaloid real.”
Wavecrash leaned closer to Sparkplug and the tablet, and Sparkplug tilted her head to one side in confusion. “...what’s a Vocaloid?”
The lower-pitched voice spoke. “Hold on, lemme just send you something.”
Sparkplug awaited something to appear on the tablet, just like before. Within ten seconds, a notification appeared, showing her a link, on the tablet.
And another notification appeared, in her brainspace telepathy.
Sparkplug tilted her head all the way back to look at Wavecrash. “They just telepathically contacted me, what the slag.”
“Okay, this definitely isn’t anyone Ness knows. Who are you?”
Wavecrash piped up, “Oh, no, we know Ness! We just...”
And Sparkplug was the one to say it.
“We... might not exactly be human.”
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
What are your cont’s slang terms and common phrases?
Ohoho, this should be fun.
So, things like “oh god” and “what the hell” need their non-Christianity-based equivalents. In the case of the former, “oh, Watcher” is usually used, rather than “Primus”. Unfortunately, my long, long explanation on Cybertronian religion (is it religion? it’s complicated that’s what it is) is not yet prepared, but Primus is... not real. Does not exist.
The latter is usually “what in the Melting Pot”, “what in the Great Melting Pot” if you’re feeling particularly verbose. There is no Cybertronian belief in the afterlife (again, it’ll take some explaining), but back in the days before Cybertronians would begin to colonize other planets, and again before they began to colonize other solar systems, they would melt down dead bodies to be used as natural metal resources.
RotR... doesn’t really use many expressions. They’re a very literal species, and prefer to just describe things how they are. However, an all-around phrase for shitty weather is “the atmosphere’s angry today”, which Cybertronians will use regardless of the weather, because at this point, they can’t be bothered to tell the difference between Terthish hail and Kaonian sandstorms and Elcarn glidemouth (locust-like creatures) plagues.
Tweezes and zincmolds have formed their own slang, though usually it doesn’t become completely widespread, especially due to RotR Cybertronians being spread out amongst so many planets. In one group, “slagger” can mean someone just slept in, in another “slagger” could essentially mean “hoe”. The few Cybertronians scattered around the Annabelle moons could have created their own emotional language, with everything from “plugged” (’poggers’) to “scrape” (’oof’), and nobody else would know any of it.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Spark-Feeding
[This isn’t quite in log format, but I want to tell y’all about this anyway.]
To produce a new sparkling, one only needs to touch a spark, and it will begin incubating automatically. Multiple Cybertronians can touch one spark, and one Cybertronian can touch multiple sparks, to provide some variation in the species. But even with that, for centuries, sparks were far more often touched by only one Cybertronian. How is there so much variation in the species?The answer to this is called “spark-feeding”.
Some organic bacteria will swap DNA, linking themselves together for a moment to give each other DNA fragments, and gain new traits, such as a resistance to a disease. Spark-feeding is a process with a similar outcome in mind, so that sparklings my develop traits much less like the one parent who sparked them.
This swapping of mechagenetic material is usually done by touching chests, allowing the sparks to form a link. Detecting a barrier, the spark will seek out the hands to attempt to complete this link. The reason the hands in particular are selected is because they are the only one hundred percent unique part of a Cybertronian, so that when the link breaks, the sparks will know which hand material belongs to whom when reforming the hands. The mechagenetic material then flows through the new link, a small amount being swapped between the two mecha.
More than two mecha in this link is dangerous, as the DNA can be swapped incorrectly, some mecha receiving too many or too few fragments; however, it is acceptable to spark-feed with more than one mech. In almost all Cybertronian cultures, it is required to spark-feed with your conjunx endura as part of the conjunxing ceremony, however, the view on spark-feeding with others varies from mech to mech, and culture to culture. In some cultures, it is viewed as necessary to spark-feed with many mecha, and spark-feeding will be arranged, either by oneself or one’s caretakers. In others, spark-feeding is viewed as incredibly intimate, and only ever done with one’s conjunx, with occasional exceptions made for amica, but usually no more than once. 
An excess of spark-feeding in too small a time frame can result in severe consequences, such as what is called a “feed-lock”. The body is strained from opening so many interspark passageways and passing so much through those interspark passageways that it completely locks, stopping all functions. The mind is still conscious, yet the body cannot do so much as blink. It is a painful experience to be in. Other things that can be caused by too much spark-feeding can be mutations in the host, which can further spread through more spark-feedings despite taking days, even months to begin manifesting. Such mutations can alter surprisingly large swaths of the Cybertronian population, in all sorts of ways, one of which is known as the coursing spark...
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG(?): Bulb-Rust
I’ve been studying this stuff for so many rotations... I’ve lost track, honestly. It couldn’t have been more than a planetary revolution’s worth. Everyone tells me, Pharma, don’t shut yourself off from everyone, you’ll go mad within the month. Maybe it’s been less than a month.
I’ve named this rust Bulb-Rust. It’s only been discovered so far on Bulb-04, in large deposits close by to lakes. It’s only ever been previously discovered by Cryogen, the reason I’ve come to this planet. The maddened, narcissistic reason. If anything, he hasn’t attacked me for merely existing on these planets yet.
It reacts with metal. The reaction is not particularly volatile - it seems to merely produce a wet, purplish liquid as a byproduct. A 5cm x 5cm x 5cm cube was completely enveloped in approximately 20 seconds. Careful temperature examination of the outside of the cube - I cannot safely touch the rust - reveals the reaction to be endothermic.
I touched it once. I soon needed to cobble together a replacement thumb, and it is unlikely I will be a medic when I manage to return to Cybertron. It seems to render Cybertronian technology ineffective, absorbing it and rendering it little more than a useless chunk of metal.
I believe that if any Cybertronian was infected by Bulb-Rust, they would inevitably go offline in hours.
Thus far, I know no way off this planet, so I cannot test this theory, however, should Cryogen ever return...
He’d best hope he somehow has a natural resistance.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Cryogen
Size: 1555 centimeters
Weight: Varies
One of the few Cybertronians assigned to harvest resources from a series of cold outer-edge planets, and specifically created for this purpose. He soon became the only explorer to survive the terrible conditions of the various planets. As a result, they were named the Cryogen System. Cryogen refers to them as the Cryogen Empire. 
Such planets included Bulb-09, Pax-11 and Pax-12, Pluck-11, and Terth-07. Large Energon deposits were discovered on all five, including a small spark farm on Bulb-09. Most efforts were focused there, and work on terraforming Bulb-09 still continues.
Unfortunately, what the exploration team failed to consider is that Cryogen would be completely alone for thousands and thousands of years.
Such drove him mad, and when terraforming teams arrived, he’d already lost his wits. He’d taken the sparks and touched them all himself, creating various beings with his same lack of sanity. Nothing has been found out about any of them, but if one is ever found, they are to be deemed highly dangerous and promptly detained.
His current whereabouts are unknown. He was last seen on Bulb-08. If he is found, a bounty of 500,000 shanix is on his head, and will be received when he is turned in.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 5 years ago
LOG: Eternal Surge
 - Size: 30 centimeters by 40 centimeters
- Weight: 12 kilograms
     Previously thought to only be a myth, or perhaps a gift from Allspark themself, the Eternal Surge was found in a laboratory, the exact coordinates found written on the will of famous Cybertronian Surge. The artifact was found first by Decepticon scout Wonder, and upon finding out that it could apparently make a Cybertronian immortal, a mission was launched to bring it to Megatron.
     A campaign of battles was launched, the objective being to obtain the Eternal Surge and use its supposed power on either Optimus Prime or Megatron, depending on the side of the war. Both Autobot and Decepticon soldiers managed to obtain the Eternal Surge, and use it on each of their leaders.
     However, three days after Optimus received the power of the Eternal Surge, both Optimus’ and Megatron’s bodies were found, heavily damaged by an explosion in the lowermost level of a warehouse on the planet Nartos. Despite the supposed power of the Eternal Surge, both of their bodies were damaged too far beyond repair, and thus both were proclaimed dead, on the 71st cycle of the Nartosian month of Ergoja.
     Despite this, various theories circulate about different Cybertronians who strongly resemble Optimus - including Jubilee, Orbit and Starborn - saying that they are actually the supposedly dead Optimus Prime himself. Megatron’s body, however, came in contact with radioactive material, and has been stowed away on an asteroid in the Hazardous Waste Asteroid Belt, or HWAB. There is little to no chance of him returning to the galaxy to start any more tyranny.
     There have been no other recorded uses of the Eternal Surge. Before it was taken out to be used on Optimus and Megatron, it was hidden in Surge’s lab. It has been returned to the lab, and any record of the coordinations has been destroyed. The only being in this galaxy who knows of its whereabouts anymore is an ex-Decepticon named Pascal, but all contact with Pascal has been lost.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
Theming? In Veev’s story?
It sounds absolutely wild, I know. But I actually have a big thing that RotR revolves around. Not, like, a moral thing, but more “this is something that frequently appears and is a lot of what this story is about”.
The destructive properties of long-term war, even on those who have not participated in it.
I come from a military family that spans generations of men entering and being ruined by war. You don’t enter a war and come out of it knowing the same people. It’s a big reason why the majority of the RotR cast is unfamiliar - Blackarachnia is the only canon main ‘bot for now, unless Starscream counts in his and Moonkiller’s separate investigation. If you send me ‘spare’ and a Cybertronian you want to see incorporated, there’s a 90% chance you’ll instead receive the cause of that character’s death.
Many characters of RotR have been heavily impacted by the war. Optimus is a prime example [ba dum tsss], having caused this war, been killed (sort of) by it, watched allies die, watched friends die, watched children die or be conscripted into Autobot armies. He blames much of this on himself and the fact that he did just about nothing to stop this, despite being grand marshal of the Autobot forces. 
Blackarachnia was exiled for a war crime she didn’t commit. Sparkplug was created for entirely war-related purposes and forced to conform to those before her and Pascal’s escape. Ratchet’s spirit has been heavily degraded by the loss of all he knew in the wars. Moonkiller and Starscream are heavily triggered by loud noises as a result of their former positions as Decepticon infantry.
Even those characters who never participated in the war were influenced heavily by it - so many planets were gutted for resources, displacing or even killing families, societies, entire species. Sparklings grew up with parents never there because of military drafting. Those trying to avoid the war had to constantly bounce from planet to planet, with every intergalactic territory being claimed as Autobot grounds or Decepticon turf so quickly.
The war has literally gone to a war of attrition. Autobots and Decepticons are staying where they are, waiting until either their side gains a leader or the other side drops dead from lack of food, lack of proper sanitation, an inability to keep their territory and keep this war going. And attrition war is brutal. Attrition led to the discovery of all sorts of Cybertronian diseases that weren’t discovered until now because of the poor condition so many Autobots and Decepticons are in.
A log will come up soon informing you of another severe side effect of this long-term war (if I can keep myself working on RotR like I should) because it definitely deserves its own post.
War takes lives. That’s what war does. And TF is literally one giant ongoing war. Familiar faces are a luxury.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Excerpt from “Recent Cybertronian History, As Compiled By A Decepticon Archivist”
The Radiation Crisis of War Year 5895
Date: War year 5895-
Severity: High-Very High
The Radiation Crisis began one hundred thousand years ago, fifty thousand years before the deaths of Autobot marshal Optimus Prime and Decepticon marshal Megatron. Overuse of radiation in war weapons - primarily in explosives - led to concerningly high radioactive buildup around the galaxy. Various planets were labeled completely unsafe to step foot on from the sheer radioactive buildup, while others had highly radioactive zones that needed to be closed off and thorougly protected.
Section 1: HWABs and RWTs
In light of this issue, what few naturally occuring sparks and pre-war-manufactured protoforms remained were soon dug out of the ground and made radioactive waste transportation vehicles (RWTs). A particularly large asteroid belt was established as the Hazardous Waste Asteroid Belt (HWAB) and various backup HWABs have been marked accordingly in case every asteroid in the primary HWAB is filled to maximum capacity. Despite the ample amount of radioactive waste scattered around the galaxy, it appears that only three HWABs will be required to hold all the harmful radioactive material.
Any record of any of these RWTs does not exist. The government has no formation papers, no caretaker papers. Effectively, they possess no government confirmation of existence, other than the radioactive waste they cart off. Crimes that RWTs commit are usually brushed off, especially in the tumultuous setting at the time this book was written where war criminals are presented in front of the government every other day.
The names of all RWTs are unknown, as their lack of records allow them to change their names at any time and never be proven to be lying. Any more information about them and their jobs has been very difficult to gather for this reason, along with non-RWTs not being allowed to come within a certain distance of radioactive waste.
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riseoftheradiotrons · 4 years ago
LOG: Coursing Sparks (A Continuation of the Previous Log)
There are two main types of sparks: stationary, your traditional spark, and coursing. A coursing spark is not necessarily moving at all. The energy is simply being converted in the bloodstream, rather than in the spark.
Coursing energon holds more energy, and is a darker color than stationary energon of the same type. It is also more packed with energon sugars than stationary energon (stationary energon is not stationary, of course, it is simply a shorthand of stationary spark energon).
Coursing energon evolved from a very interesting situation. Back when the Cybertronian civilization was still in its Golden Age, spark-feeding was beginning to gain popularity. A famous case of overfeeding led to the spark completely refusing to stay in its chamber, and it burst, floating through the bloodstream. Surprisingly, this had no negative consequences, except for darkening the color of the energon, due to the spark-transport nanites no longer glowing as intensely now that energy conversion was done in the entire bloodstream. Through more spark-feeding, this new trait was passed on to a small group of the next forging era, and a larger group of the next, until around 1/3 of the Cybertronian population had a coursing spark.
The coursing spark still has a central area - known as the Spark’s Ex-Converter, or SEC. At first, it was only in the chest, where the usual stationary spark was, but as more generations lived on, it could be found in various places - the head, the stomach, the thighs, the forearms. The chest remains the most common SEC location, with approximately 55% of the Cybertronian population having their SECs located in their chests.
Coursing energon has much more power than stationary energon, and one with a coursing spark cannot receive an energon transfusion from one with a stationary spark of the same type; however, coursing energon could be given to a critical patient with a stationary spark. This must be done in smaller doses than stationary energon of the same variety, due to coursing energon carrying the spark itself in its flow. They are harder to kill quickly, but harder to keep alive in critical situations.
They can still spark-feed like those with stationary sparks - they can spark-feed from almost anywhere, due to where their spark is technically located. They still keep the traditional poses for convenience, however, in case they spark-feed with a stationary spark.
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