#rostislav holland
kitkat-artcorner · 2 years
Some doodles 4 @swan-swanno
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1. the Meta God Vonel AU
2. Bad Parent Purgatory (ft. my oc's)
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Current Project ♤♡
Heya! This is a masterpost for a chapter series I'm currently working on solo, I've been working on it since April 2021 (2 years now!)
The name of it is "Paper's, Please: Hope or Glory"! It's an AU I made based off of the game, with minor alterations, new characters and deeper lore!
(Please Reblog so I can get this to more ppl!)
What is Hope or Glory about?
Hope or Glory will be mostly spoken from the perspective of 3 characters, Inspector, Manya Holland and Alexie Holland.
This is not only a retelling of the game, but a new story following a past incident with the Inspector's father and the Holland siblings, Nadja and Rostislav.
Meeting the Characters!
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Our main man, Inspector! He's an introverted guy who's pretty plain on his own. He got his job as border inspector for the sake of his family, he lives with his wife, son, mother in law and uncle. 
Though he's introverted for a slight reason, he's been trying to solve his Father's criminal case for years. The government has claimed to have solved this already but he believes there is more and will do as much as possible to prove his Father innocent.
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Alexie, the brightest sunshine in Grestin and proud childhood friend of Inspector!
He's the Chief of Border Security who is surprisingly kind for his status! His father, Anatolli Holland, was a First Lieutenant in Arstotzka's Marine Forces and died at the time Alexie was born. His mother and siblings had moved to the United Fed when he was 20. But for the sake of Inspector, he stayed behind and kept him company.
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Manya, a strange woman who has many secrets. She's the only daughter of Rostislav Holland, but after her father's death she was raised by Danic Lorun in Republia. She now works as an expert investigator in Arstotzka, catching criminals and solving other's mysteries. But what about herself? Is she just acting weird for the sake of it or is she hiding something behind closed doors?
What will be different?
There's quite a bit of things that are different from the game's canon, both minor additions like adding last names and new background characters to big changes like diving into Arstotzka's Economy and History and making minor characters crucial to the new plot!
Speaking of which, I've added a whole new faction, which has been renamed to:
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фиолетовый капитал (fioletovyy kapital)
They're a group that not only strives for freedom, but for equity and peace, half of its team works on protests and donations in the day, but sabatoge the rich and greedy at night. Their symbol is a violet and they usually leave the petals of the flower behind when they complete a mission.
How can I read this?
While I don't have an AO3 yet, I'm currently posting the chapters on my Art Tumblr! And I'll update this post for links to the newest chapters!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4 (Coming Soon!)
Thank you so much for reading! Again, please Reblog so I can get this around, I'm working really hard on it!
That's all I got for now so I'll cya later!
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oneinathousand · 2 years
In 2006, the Ukrainian game developer Action Forms (Carnivores, Cryostasis) began developing a sequel to the Adventures of Captain Vrungel series as they had done previously with Treasure Island 1988, only this was to be a 3D adventure game rather than a 2D platformer/beat-em-up. 
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According to a couple different archived articles from the website 1C (which also has some screenshots), the plot would have featured a new regatta which the characters participate in that takes them to different locations, and interestingly, some of the locations listed such as Holland and Scandinavia were places which the characters visited in the book that were not adapted for the show, and so the game probably would have taken more inspiration from there as well. It was also said that at least some of the surviving voice actors would return as had been done for the Treasure Island game.
The game seems to have been cancelled anytime from 2009 to 2011, coinciding with the dormancy of Action Forms at that time, but since it was in development for a few years, it’s reasonable to assume some progress must have been made and something could be floating around out there, right?
There’s actually some video footage I found on this one channel here (game footage starts 1:57 seconds in), but unfortunately, the guy speaks over it, his link in the description seems to be dead, and I was unable to find the source of the game footage (which comes from gala.net), but I’m certain it belongs to a guy named Rostislav Garbar who says he worked prominently on the game on his LinkedIn page. 
If this game had been completed, I sure hope it would have been more developed than the Treasure Island game, which was just a nice-looking tech demo. It’s a little strange seeing the Vrungel characters in 3D, but it’s not a bad conversion, and the animations look fairly fluid, I suppose. If I find more information, I’ll update this post.
Have a low-res picture of Lom hugging Fuchs:
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kitkat-artcorner · 2 years
(small warning for smoking mention!)
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It was yet another somber afternoon for Alexie Holland, He was in his room, dressing himself in fancy, black and red attire. His uncle; Rostislav Holland, had unexpectedly scheduled him for a dinner party, but then again, when was the last time he was told anything?
He started to fidget with his tie, careless about the time he put into making it look perfect. Although he's been to many parties and meetings like this, it doesn't get less nerve-racking.
Soon, there was a knock at the door, this startled Alexie, he turned around to the door to answer. "Oh- um.. come in!" He called awkwardly to the person knocking. To his misfortune, it was Rostislav, coming in to check on his nephew. "Alexie, are you ready to go?" He asked, Alexie answered sheepishly. "Um, yes, in a moment дядя!" He then fumbled with his tie, trying to get it back in order.
Rostislav closed the door behind him and walked up to Alexie, peering over from his side. "Are you having trouble with your tie again?" Alexie looked over at him and gave a quiet 'yes', then let Rostislav fix his tie. "This is the fourth time in a row and you've only gotten slower, has something been bothering you?" He asked, Alexie only looked to the side, there were a number of things on his mind but he was hesitant to say out loud. His uncle then reassured him. "C'mon, Alexie, you're my nephew, you know you can tell me anything.."
Alexie glanced back at Rostislav, taking a few seconds to answer. "Well.. I-I guess.. work has been stressful, maybe that is what's getting to me." Although work wasn't actually a problem, it was enough of an answer to satisfy his uncle's curiosity. "Oh, Alexie.. you shouldn't let something so little get to you, you're a Holland! It's a glorious family name that earns you power and riches! We are above the rest, so there is no need to worry about silly things like work or people, you got that?"
Alexie thought for a while, before giving Rostislav a soft smile. "I got it, thank you, дядя." His uncle chimed as he finished up Alexie's tie and walked out of the room. "That's my boy, now hurry up, we don't want to be late!" Alexie only replied softly "Alright." Then the door shut again, Alexie turned back around and faced the mirror, dropping his fake smile and sighing.
[ Later into that Evening..]
Rostislav and Alexie had driven over to the restaurant where Rostislav's 'friends' had set up the dinner party. Alexie looked up at the flashy sign hung out in the front, feeling dreadful deep down. His uncle then whispered to him. "Remember to use your manners and don't call them by their first name, instead, call them by their last name." Alexie nodded, then the two walked inside.
It was almost a routine to Alexie, fake a smile, shake hands, satisfy the conversation and be quiet when you're not needed. He's gotten a bit bored of going through the same thing. Not only that but the women around these places were always trying to catch his attention when he didn't even like girls in the first place. Soon Alexie had noticed the amount of couples in the restaurant, laughing and kissing without a care in the world for who was watching. That's when he remembered, it was Valentine's day, of course there'd be a lot of couples. His emotions went from confusion, to jealousy and down to sorrow as he remembered his own love life. He had a lover back during the Six-Year-War. They were always loyal and loved one another deeply, the only reason why things ended was because Alexie wouldn't be able to keep their relationship a secret anymore. He still blames himself for not speaking up.
Eventually, Alexie had asked his uncle and the host at the table. "May I be excused? I need a moment." They both gave him permission to leave and he left from his seat to the bathrooms, when he got to the corner he made a sharp turn and quickened his pace, heading outside of the building. He couldn't stand looking at these happy couples without feeling the heartbreak.
When he got back out to the front again he went walking down the street, Alexie knew his uncle would be very upset when he got back but that was the least of his worries right now. He had wandered from the Paradizna streets down to East Grestin territories. He found a small park that had a small bridge going over a river and into a dirt trail. He went over to said bridge and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, taking one out to smoke.
Then, a voice called out to him. "Alexie? Is that you?" He was startled and nearly dropped his cigarette, he looked to his side and was shocked to see a familiar face.
It was Calensk, his ex-lover from the war, he hasn't kept in touch with him since their 'breakup'. "Cal.. I didn't expect to see you here.." Alexie spoke up, a little nervous. "Heh, neither did I except you to be around East Grestin. How have you been?" Calensk chimed, his tone feeling bittersweet. Alexie responded shyly. "I-I've been fine.. How about you?" "Doing alright, I suppose.." Calensk answered.
The two shared a moment in semi awkward silence, they both felt the urge to run up and hold one another, to say how much they loved and missed each other, but they resisted as much as they could since they weren't supposed to do those things anymore. Calensk then broke the silence. "You haven't even written to me in a long time, I am guessing your family business giving you trouble?" Alexie sighed, sounding defeated. "Yes.. I haven't had much private time for few months now, my uncle keeps on setting me up for meetings I do not know of till last second!"
"Yeesh.. sounds like hell." Calensk commented, feeling sorry for Alexie's lifestyle. "It definitely feels like it." Alexie complained, it felt like everything had piled up around him and he had to deal with the constant anxiety of it all crumbling down onto him every second. Calensk had noticed the unlit cigarette in Alexie's hand, and asked. "You've taken up smoking? How long?" Alexie snapped out of his thoughts as he looked down at his hand. "Oh, yes, I did. Started not too long after border opened." He answered "Hm, at least I don't have to worry about you nagging me anymore." Calensk jokes, trying to make light of the situation. Alexie failed to stifle a laugh.
Calensk brought out a cigarette of his own and lit it with his lighter, Alexie felt around in his pockets, only to find his wallet and house keys. "Must've forgot my lighter at home.." He mutters, Calensk looked over at him and offered to help. "I could light up your cigarette for you." Alexie glanced at Calensk and smirked. "Thanks." He put the cigarette in his mouth and turned his head to Calensk, who leaned in and used the lit end of his cigarette to light the other, making it look like a sort of kiss. Alexie only froze up, flustered with his face turning a soft red.
When Calensk pulled away he whispered to Alexie. "That better?" Alexie, still half dazed, gave a quiet "Y-yeah.." the two shared another moment of silence, looking up at the bright, shining moon in the sky. Subconsciously, they both held each other's hand, enjoying the peaceful moment. "You know.. you don't have to keep listening to your uncle, if you want, you could live with me." Calensk spoke up, he missed spending time with him like this, just them and the environment around them, they didn't need to worry about much else back then. But now, things are very different.
"I'm sorry, Calensk. But I can't let my last bit of family down, I already failed enough during war.." Alexie mentioned, he noticed his expression turned solemn and then added. "But.. one day.. I'll figure things out, when that time comes, I'll go with you.." He then looked up at him with hopeful, yet worried eyes. "Will you wait for me till then?"
Calensk was surprised but then gave a bitter smile, using one hand to cup the side of his lover's scarred face. "I would wait centuries for you, Softie.." Alexie then shared that same, bitter smile. They couldn't be together now, but one day, they would be able to. He was forever grateful that he was given such a loyal man to love.
[ End.. ]
Writers Note: Glad to bring out this old AU again! Alexie and Calensk's dynamic in this is just so 👌 also sorry if I messed up on certain words, I'm kinda half asleep while writing this lol, still, I hope ya enjoyed n' I'll cya next time, Happy (late) Valentine's day! ♡
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kitkat-artcorner · 2 years
Holland Siblings ♡$
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2 new Paper's, Please Oc's!!
Rostislav Holland $
Rostislav is Manya's Dad, he was a lawyer back in the 1950's, although he was greedy and a corrupt judge, he still loved his family deep down, that included his sister (despite having completely different views on values)
Nadja Holland ♡
Nadja is Alexie's Mom, he gets alot of his personality from her, they're clumsy, friendly and loyal to those they love! She was a wonderful mother and raised 4 children with her husband who worked as a marine. (I like to think she has a voice like Cinderella in the classic movie)
Even though they're canon-ly deceased in Hope or Glory, these are their designs in the 1950's and I love this duo! mostly Nadja cuz' Rostislav is a jerk. And who knows? I might make more content of them later on!
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