Rosso-Gakuen is one of my other rp blogs and of course right before I'm going to sleep is when I start thinking about shit. Why did I name it that? Why the Italian word for red and the Japanese word for school/academy. Why did I do that? For new students who don't speak English do the students who do the tours translate for them? And does it completely translate into their language or does it get lost in translation because the name itself is two languages mashed together? I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS WHICH MEANS I NEED TO FIGURE THAT OUT FUCK.
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postlimitformyblogs · 7 years
Some New Company {Closed}
Vlad was sitting down in some park near his and Adeline’s apartment, his creator had surprised him with a sheet of paper with a small story of him learning how to walk around in the sunlight without getting burned up for a day. She had apologised at not being able to make it a permanent thing but she had hoped it would be enough for him.
It was. He had never known how beautiful the streets looked during the day or how busy everywhere was. He was content on sitting and just staying for awhile, his hand palm up on his lap. The sun was a nice feeling and it was one he had missed dearly. He silently wondered if there was a bookstore nearby as it seemed perfect reading outside weather and stood up, making his way over to one of the other people in the park. 
The man he came across didn’t seem strange by the standards of what he’d seen come out of Adeline’s stories so he didn’t think twice in clearing his throat to get the other man’s attention
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morte-et-vita · 8 years
He had lived there less than a fortnight, bought his small yet cozy home closer to the main part of town than he had dared in years and found himself quite liking the place. Then the whispers made their way to his ears and his cheerful attitude toward his new home dissipated with a terrible pace. The word vampire wasn’t one he wanted to hear before he could even look for a job- not that he needed one- but to hear it spoken in such dark whispers? Something was wrong. 
It wasn’t like he hadn’t noticed how quiet the streets were at night, a warning in and of itself in a place lie this, but he hadn’t expected it to be because a clan of vampires had taken home. Despite protests of his neighbors Axel went out as the sun was sinking below the horizon, leather jacket zipped up and steps nearly silent. He walked until the tell-tale sounds of a struggle reached his ears and then he moved quickly, voice low and laced with fake cheer he says “I suggest you let the girl go, I’d hate to have to kill you.”
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ask-jackfrostler · 11 years
i have two followers now
thank you,
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rossogakuen-blog · 11 years
Aurora smiled as Lucinda and Zefe teased each other and Aki laughed at something one of them said. It was times like this that Aurora wanted to remember, times like this helped her remember even when she went so far into her bloodlust that she had people to protect. That she had friends, family, people who cared.
Zefe looked up and caught the hint of a smile on the group leaders face, he waved her over and Aurora sat down. Lucinda told them something that had happened to her brother and they all started laughing. Zefe always got worried that if Aurora spent so much time on her own she would be consumed by her natural nature again. He didn’t want to lose a friend-no he didn’t want to lose a sister.
Aki noticed Aurora holding her hands together in her lap, her knuckles were white and Aki put her hand on top of her friends and Aurora looked at her. Zefe and Lucinda followed Aki’s led and soon Aurora was holding back tears.
Seeing Aurora in tears sent Lucinda back to the other time she cried, it was when Aurora had gone Demon on them and she had told them that if that ever happened again. They were to shoot her and hit her with everything they had until she was dead, she didn’t want to be an evil demon again and she didn’t want to hurt people again.
Headmaster looked into the drawing room and he smiled warmly when he saw the group’s aura’s bonding together making a bright and wonderful Gold. He left them alone; he’d give the mission to someone else’s team. They needed some time to be kids, Aurora’s team started watching a movie and all of them fell asleep curled up under blankets in the drawing room. That was the place their teachers found them the next morning.
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4 more to save the lost ones...
It was the first day when Kili officially had a permission to leave his room. Fili got informed that there might not be that much strangers in the mountain as before, so he decided to give him that while making sure he will go with him. So there they were, wondering through the hallways of the mountain all sunk into their silent talk not noticing they had gotten into the empty part of a mountain. Older brother was the first one to realise when he placed his hand on Kili's shoulder and himself he stepped forwards to look around. "Anybody here?" he called before swallowing, this wasn't supposed to happen as long as Kili was so weak.
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iammorganlefay · 11 years
rossogakuen started following you
Morgan smiled and said, "Greetings. I am Morgan le Fay, with whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
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worsethanconjoined · 11 years
+ rossogakuen
(Is there anything of substance in our fridge?) Rose grumbled at her sister as she walked to the market, annoyed as always to have their pallets clash.
Vegetables are substance!Lily shot back indignantly, though she was only half-awake.
(I need more than just greens, it gets so boring.) The conscious twin sighed, finding the store and grinning as she saw the array of fruits and meats and spices. (I like exotic, you know that) Lily made a sound of derision and Rose promptly ignored her, poking through the food until she accidentally ran into someone's cart.
"Oh I'm s-" She looked up and shivered, frowning slightly before composing herself. Demons. They made her anxious, but she assumed they were harmless until proven otherwise. "I'm sorry. I didn't look where I was going." She finished belatedly, smiling as she wondered if the girl could sense her species as well.
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ladysifofasgard · 11 years
rossogakuen started following you
Lady Sif, and you would be?
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tintedsphinx · 11 years
rossogakuen is now following you
hello! i hope you enjoy your stay here at nekkosprite! ^w^
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