#rosie allen by cloudberrysims
simscapades · 4 years
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Rosie Allen by @cloudberrysims ​
After an emotional departure from the bachelor, Rosie went home to her little apartment in San Myshuno. She decided to follow her dream of becoming a chef and enrolled at a culinary school in San My. She now has her own cooking show “Rosie”  on a local network and is in the process of writing her first cookbook.
She met her fiance, the 10 year older restaurateur Beckett Holden, at an event. They now share a large and well decorated apartment in Uptown, San My were Rosie often hosts cocktail parties and dinners for their friends.
After two years together, Beckett proposed to her on New Years eve and they have been busy planning their wedding which they plan on having next summer. Rosie wants a big wedding and a dress that gives her the proper princess moment she’s dreaming off. With no plans on starting a family just yet they did however just adopt a golden retriever they’ve decided to name George.
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simscapades · 5 years
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Meet the ladies competing for Daniel’s heart(in Alphabetic order):
Amélie Julian by @yun-sims
Aniyah Samuels by @desira-sims
Cecilia “Cee” Hinkle by @abysims
Gretchen Kwon by @hookareh
Penny Hyatt by @fataleromeo
Rosie Allen by @cloudberrysims
Serenity Stanfield by @utamuse
I’ll try and start posting the intros someday on Monday :) (eeeeep! EXCITED!)
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simscapades · 4 years
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The Final Decision
Daniel: *Exhales* ... Rosie... I’m so sorry...
Rosie: ... But you kissed me yesterday... *Starts crying* We. kissed. yesterday... why...? 
Daniel: *Breaks down*  I’m so sorry, Rosie. I like you so much. But...
Rosie: It isn’t love...
Daniel: I had to kiss you to make sure... and then.. I hope you can find a way to forgive me, someday. You might not think it now but I do care about you. I never meant to hurt you... or hurt anyone.
Rosie: Well it does hurt. I really like you...  I’ll be ok, though....with time. But I’m not ready to forgive you yet. I am happy for you though. You’ve made it... you found her.  I’m just sad it wasn’t me. But if it had to be anybody else, I’m glad it’s Penny.
Daniel:*Exhales*  C-can I hug you?
I’m so, so sorry!!!  
I think Rosie is amazing and I am so happy you sent her my way. I really liked having her around and on a personal level, as a video game nerd myself, I always smiled seeing her in the arcade room. Going from “Never played a videogame” to obsessed veteran practically living in the MotionMonitor (FYI  her favorite games are Blickblock and or R.E.F.U.G.E)
In the end I based this decision on gut instinct after seeing each contestant interact with Daniel over the course of the challenge and their respective relationship level. Rosie and Daniel caught up on a lot of love during their solo date. But Daniel and Penny’s had always been a step ahead with their relationship throughout the challenge. 
However I know for a fact Rosie has good things coming her way in the near future. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
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simscapades · 4 years
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Daniel slept in till noon the morning after. Saying goodbye to Cee the night before had left him in a somber mood and he’d had some trouble falling asleep.
He wasn’t alone though as the girls, though some let their minds wander, spent the day hanging out and keeping busy with various activities. Later, after he’d woken up, Daniel decided to make some brunch as to lighten the mood, and clearly not bestowing his older brother’s talents in the culinary arts, he nearly burned it to a crisp.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Announcement: A Darling for Daniel will be back on “air” 24th of May
After a bit of a down period due to some personal stuff that I’ve mentioned in separate posts I’m happy to announce I will begin posting the conclusion of “A Darling for Daniel” bc challenge. 
First a quick recap: Aniyah Samuels, an aspiring actress from Del Sol Valley was the first girl to be voted off the contest as she and Daniel mutually agreed their relationship was a pure platonic thing. 
The second girl to be voted off was Gretchen Kwon, the adorable blind girl... with an edge. She and Daniel decided to call it quits after a... Daniel did something Gretchen highly didn’t like (maybe she finally found out this was a contest and not a string of blind dates while living with Daniel and his other... several female roommates ??) but decided to remain friendly.
Which left five girls still in the running to become “A darling for Daniel”; Lover of all things green and/or furry, Serenity Stanfield, aspiring artist Cecilia “Cee” Hinkle, devoted Pufferhead, Penny Hyatt, aspiring masterchef, Rosie Allen and accomplished void critter collector, Amelié Julian.                          Who will be the girl to win our Daniel’s heart?
So with that recap out of the way... I’ll be posting the third rose ceremony tomorrow(as I had already posted all their speed dates before the break) and from Monday we should be back on schedule with the 4 remaining girls.
Thank you for your patience ..
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simscapades · 5 years
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Free Day! - Karaoke Competition
Next up was Daniel and Rosie who jazzed it up with some jazzy tunes. The audience seemed amused though they probably sustained some temporary hearing loss from Daniel’s screeching in the microphone (he may love singing but sadly he ain’t no singer) while Rosie was thoroughly enjoying herself.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Solo Date - Rosie Allen
Daniel and Rosie’s day together, in Selvadorada, started off a little slow, until Daniel found his courage to make a move, while enjoying some time in the hot tub. The courage only grew and he finally FINALLY experienced his first kiss with Rosie. And Rosie didn’t take much time to react and pull Daniel into a heavy make out session that lasted all through the night. 
The producer of the show was speechless (LIKE OMG!)
Again, there was no woohoo involved ( Daniel wasn’t ready, as in no whims, and like the producer seemed to agree it might not be fair/ethical. And bc Daniel is a good boy)
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simscapades · 5 years
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Day 2: Group Date
Next day it was time for a group date. Daniel took everyone to the park in San Myshuno to hang out. Some decided to go rollerskating with Daniel(fyi I’m not a 100% sure Gretchen realized that’s what they were doing but she did great  on the rink though) while some went straight for hanging out at the bar. After a few laps everyone gathered at the bar for some mocktails. A few of the girls seeked Daniel out for some private conversations but most had fun hanging out with each other and talking with the bartender, Jasmine Bheeda.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Group Date 3/3
While Rosie was engaged in, a pleasant but casual, conversation with Bjorn. Penny was caught casually flirting(flirty introduction) with a stranger on the dance floor.
@cloudberrysims @fataleromeo
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simscapades · 4 years
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The Final Decision
Will it be Penny or Rosie?
@fataleromeo @cloudberrysims
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simscapades · 5 years
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Speed Date 2/6 - Rosie Allen
Daniel: To be honest I’m actually not that much for nectar but this was really good
Rosie: Well Von Haunt Estate Meloire isn’t just any type of nectar. 
Daniel: Well it is hauntingly good
*Rosie laughs*
After the epic flop(food wise, it was otherwise a great first date) of their previous date Daniel knew they needed a second chance to get it right. He and Rosie went to the ruins in Windenburg were a picnic area had been set up. They dined on chevice and a good Von Haunt Estate Meloire.
Daniel kept the conversations casual while slipping in a few jokes and eventually a few encouraged attempts at flirting. Rosie was gobbling up everything he threw at her and seemed to be enjoying the time they spent together.
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simscapades · 5 years
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Introday Outtakes:
So while Daniel was talking with Cee it started snowing and everybody flipped out(it was the FIRST snow) and went to look at it. Before that Amélie was trying out the karaoke machine I’d set up for them on the balcony while Penny was playing on the dartboard. Rosie tried her first videogame(think we’ve just seen the birth of a new gamer as she seemed to like it a lot) in the arcade room joined with  Aniyah.
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simscapades · 5 years
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Day 1: Welcome Home 2/2
Since it was spooky day they decided to have a halloween party at the house. Everyone chose a costume to wear, giving Penny the chance to show off her pre- prepared cosplay (is that a cyberman I see?). Daniel showed off his culinary skills making sushi. For some it seemed to be the first time using chop sticks but everyone seemed to enjoy their food. After dinner they drank and had a dance party. Dancing late into the night.
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simscapades · 5 years
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Day 1: Welcome Home 
Some early birds had spent the morning lounging around the pool but after breakfast the day was spent playing board games and chilling around the house. Daniel got to know the women a lot more and raised a lot of relationships.
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simscapades · 4 years
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Elimination #3 (5—>4)
Daniel: Penny, I really liked our last date. And I’d want there to be more dates like that 
Penny: *giggles* I’d really want that too
Daniel: Rosie, we’ve come to know each other a lot and I’d like to learn even more
Rosie: Oh watcher, of course!
Daniel: Amélie, I want you to stay. I really enjoy the moments we spend together
Amélie: I really enjoy them too, Daniel
@fataleromeo @cloudberrysims @someone-elsa (aka yun-sims)
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simscapades · 5 years
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After introductions Daniel made everyone a late lunch(or early dinner) of BLT sandwiches. There were a few glances and brief conversations with  some of the ladies before everyone went back to doing activities on their own before bedtime. Daniel for example spent the remainder of the night playing Sims Forever in his room.
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