#roseypeached: derek.
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
allison loves that they've been doing this for years but every time it's still just as fun. still as thrilling. she tightens the grip on his wrist just a little then playfully flashes her red eyes and fangs at him. " oh. you're feeling old ? probably cause you're getting old. which is a shame considering vampires don't age. so another advantage they have on us. " she lets go of his wrist and moves to rest her hands on his ribcage so they can have a break. her smile slowly turns into a pout as she thinks about vampires more. " vampires seem cooler than us. would you love me more if i was a vampire ? "
there's something exciting about being able to train with her. not only can she keep up with him - there's been plenty of times that she's been able to beat him, and if that didn't make the heart grow fonder. that doesn't change even now. a grin matching her own as his hands remain pinned above his head, fingers flexing slightly to adjust his wrists in her hold. " faster. some are stronger. " he takes a deep breath, watching her closely, amusement in his gaze. " dunno... think i'm starting to feel my age... shame. "
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ghostsache · 28 days ago
‘ what do you wish for? ’ / derek, to rebekah.
one of these for sure, @roseypeached
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" love. " she should not be such a fool and spill her heart out to this handsome young man but it's the truth. it's all she's ever wished and hoped for. to love and be loved. to have a family that nurtures her love instead of laughing at it. she could get her hands on anything in this world but a love that's just for her and her brother keeping his naughty, dirty hands off that love ? she dreams of that every day and night. " isn't that what everyone wishes for ? and if they're lucky enough to have it i hope they wish to keep it forever. " she shrugs. " what do you wish for if not love ? "
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118diazs · 4 months ago
' you took a risk, but it was the right thing to do. ' / from derek, firefighter au (:
one of them for sure ( always accepting ) / @roseypeached ( derek )
the fire was pretty big. there was no way it was going to be able to be put out in time for those kids trapped in there to survive. so while no one is looking he slips his gear on and into the burning building they've all been ordered to stay out of until it's safe. he just doesn't really give a fuck about safety when kids are involved.
then everyone's out safely, no fatalities and barely any injuries. he's sitting on the back of the truck, breathing in oxygen even though he doesn't want to be because there's still stuff to do. derek comes up to him and the last thing eddie expects him to say is that. he has to look around to make sure that derek was actually talking to him but there was no one else around. it just catches him off guard obviously. they're not exactly friends or anything.
what he did was really risky but he wasn't going to let a bunch of innocent kids die. he wasn't expecting any sort of validation about that decision from anyone, let alone derek. of all people. but whatever -- he'll take it. " oh yeah. thanks man. i was just doing my job. "
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rebornache · 6 months ago
@roseypeached: " i’m worried that i’m not real. "
stiles always tells derek to come to him when he needs help but every time he actually does it always catches him off guard. it's not like he didn't know it was coming either, something has felt off all day. unfortunately he knows this all too well, with himself and with derek. they have a routine and they've gotten pretty good at it over the years. " well, you are. i am. we are. "
he sits down and hopes that derek will follow him. " i woke up to one of theo's birds in bed with me and no one else. do you know how terrifying it is to go to bed with two people and wake up with just a bird ? and i hate that bird, derek. " while he's talking he holds up his hand so derek can count the fingers when he's ready. stiles knows the correct numbers are there today because he's already checked. twice. " tell me your last memory. what did you do this morning ? "
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ghostsache · 2 months ago
stiles has been studying derek for a while now. he can tell there's something different this time but he isn't exactly sure what it is. he wonders if the werewolves have nine lives like cats. maybe seven. ha a dog joke, nice to know those never get old. but there has to be a cap on this type of thing right ? coming back to life so many times has to have some type of price.
when stiles came back last time it was in a completely different body. it used to be so hard for him to keep any weight on that he wondered if his body had a clock on it but he's still here partly because of derek and having him be his anchor. so he just has to do everything he can to avoid derek ever getting into a deadly situation ever again. great.
" yeah i've been writing down every time i've noticed something has been weird with you. and no i don't care that it's in evasion of privacy, you know who i am. so what? do you think your werewolfyness is just gonna go poof again or do you just think there's no coming back next time ? " because that's their life. there will always be a next time for one of them.
@rebornache : “   i’ll always be there to bring you back .   ” ( stiles @ derek :) )
he's died and come back too any times. a lot of it is his own fault, really. he trusted people too easily and they constantly let him down, but... stiles. stiles, the person who he didn't trust in the first place and eventually learned to. the one person he trusts most in the world now and so much so that this man has become his anchor. stiles has saved his life more times than he can count, and he's been there more than that.
i'll always be there to bring you back.
words that echo through his head as he sits on the other man's couch. today hasn't been a good day per say, but it's not the worst. it's been too long yet not long enough since he died in that fire, fingers still feeling the burning sensation as he rubs them over his own arms. " i know. " his own voice sounds so foreign to his ears and he takes a deep breath to ground himself again. " just... not sure if you'll be able to next time. pretty sure i've exhausted my chances. "
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rebornache · 6 months ago
@roseypeached: " okay, what do we know about vampires ? "
oh this is going to be be fun. they're training themselves on vampires in case they do become a problem. allison smirks at him, " well first, they can be faster than us. " she's in front of him on the training mat. she loves this. she gives him a wink before flipping him onto to the ground, straddling his chest then quickly pinning his hands above his head. heartbeat barely even rising while she does " so we have to learn how to be faster. you think you can do that, babe ? " she antagonizes a little bit because that's what she does.
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118diazs · 3 months ago
the game was going fine, great even up until derek left because the person they brought in to replace him was bad and not only was he bad but he kept traveling. so he laughed when he was benched not even three minutes into playing and was caught off guard by being tackled to the ground by the guy and attacked but eddie quickly recovered and fought back until they were sepearated and kicked out of the game.
eddie gets home and he's still seething, finding the whiskey and plopping himself down on the couch. he's not sure how long he sits there but eventually derek comes home and he's dropped back into reality. i give him the middle finger on both hands as he walks by. " thanks, hale. you're not looking too good yourself. " he actually does look good but that's no one's business but his own.
" nah, i think that it'll heal up fine it just looks bad. i didn't exactly catch his name before he tackled me to the ground but yeah, sure he looked like a jason. he sucks, dude. i called him out for traveling and he didn't like that at all. where did yo go ? you okay ? " he pauses. " wait -- do you have any warrants ? "
@118diazs : “Yeah, but you should see the other guy.” ( derek <3 )
tensions ran too high on the court ; derek is very aware of the fact. a few shoves and ball to the groin... it's enough to make anyone want revenge. unfortunately, he had to call it in early. laura needed help with her car and he's the only one that was available unless she wanted to pay money for a tow ( and he refuses to let her do that ).
getting back to the apartment, he's almost bone-tired. who knew pushing a tiny fucking car a few more yard to the gas station would take so much out of him. then again... he did also just get halfway done with a basketball game. still, it shouldn't be that hard. derek gets inside and he's met with a familiar --- and bloody face. the concern that takes over his features isn't hidden. with a frown, he's setting his keys down and walking over to take a look. " looks like shit, diaz. "
you should see the other guy.
the comment makes him snort followed by a roll of his eyes before he's moving to the kitchen to get a new ice pack. " should probably take you to the doctor with that. unless you have a warrant i don't know about yet. was it jason? "
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