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ghostsache · 2 hours ago
hi :)
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ghostsache · 2 hours ago
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ghostsache · 1 day ago
𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐓  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  .  .  .  (  𝐦𝐚𝐣𝐨𝐫  𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐚  )   set  the  scene  with  these  creative  prompts.       note:  these  can  be  used  for  starters.    *themes:  supernatural,  high�� fantasy  &  adventure. 
THE  FOOL:  A  cobblestone  bridge  at  dawn.
THE  MAGICIAN:  A  bustling  street  market  under  twilight.
THE  HIGH  PRIESTESS:  A  midnight  masquerade.
THE  EMPRESS:  A  sprawling  garden  in  full  bloom.
THE  EMPEROR:  A  high-rise  office.
THE  HIEROPHANT:  A  grand  cathedral.
THE  LOVERS:  A  secluded  balcony  overlooking  a  bustling  city.
THE  CHARIOT:  A  speeding  train  cutting  through  a  desert
STRENGTH:  A  clearing  in  a  dense  forest
THE  HERMIT:  A  small  cabin  atop  a  snowy  mountain
WHEEL  OF  FORTUNE:  A  crowded  casino  with  spinning  wheels  and  flashing  lights
JUSTICE:  A  dimly  lit  courtroom
THE  HANGED  MAN:  A  deserted  pier  at  sunset
DEATH:  An  abandoned  train  station  at  dusk
TEMPERANCE:  A  quiet  book  shop
THE  DEVIL:  A  lavish  underground  nightclub
THE  TOWER:  A  crumbling  lighthouse  during  a  violent  storm
THE  STAR:  A  lake  under  a  blanket  of  stars
THE  MOON:  A  foggy  forest  path
THE  SUN:  A  sunflower  field  at  golden  hour
JUDGEMENT:  A  forgotten  battlefield  at  sunrise
THE  WORLD:  A  bustling  festival 
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ghostsache · 1 day ago
𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂  𝐑𝐏  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  .  .  .  (  pt  1.  the  art  of  touch  )   Set  the  stage  for  longing  glances,  lingering  touches,  and  the  quiet  tension  of  unspoken  words.   ✧  ˚₊  Themes:  soft,  slow  burn  &  a  touch  of  angst 
✧     ›    SOFT   &   FLUFFY   .
My  muse  tucks  a  loose  strand  of  hair  behind  your  muse’s  ear,  their  fingers  lingering  for  a  second  longer  than  necessary.
My  muse  falls  asleep  on  your  muse’s  shoulder  during  a  long  ride.
My  muse  surprises  your  muse  with  breakfast  in  bed,  complete  with  a  handwritten  note.
My  muse  pulls  your  muse  under  their  umbrella  during  a  sudden  downpour.
My  muse  gently  wipes  away  a  tear  from  your  muse’s  cheek,  their  touch  tender  and  careful.
My  muse  laces  their  fingers  with  your  muse’s  absentmindedly,  only  realizing  it  after  a  few  seconds.
 ✧     ›    TENSION   &   SLOW  BURN   .
My  muse  fixes  your  muse’s  tie/dress/jacket,  their  hands  brushing  against  their  skin  for  just  a  moment.
My  muse  leans  in  as  if  to  whisper  something,  their  lips  dangerously  close  to  your  muse’s  ear.
My  muse  catches  your  muse’s  wrist  before  they  can  leave,  their  grip  tightening  just  slightly.
My  muse  watches  your  muse  from  across  the  room,  their  gaze  lingering  even  when  caught.
My  muse  challenges  your  muse  to  a  bet,  knowing  exactly  what  they’ll  ask  for  if  they  win.
My  muse  absentmindedly  plays  with  your  muse’s  fingers  while  they  talk,  not  even  realizing  they’re  doing  it.
✧     ›    ANGST   &   EMOTIONAL   .
My  muse  pulls  your  muse  into  a  tight  hug,  as  if  afraid  to  let  go.
My  muse  wipes  away  the  blood  from  your  muse’s  face,  their  hands  trembling.
My  muse  shows  up  at  your  muse’s  doorstep  in  the  rain,  eyes  filled  with  something  unspoken.
My  muse  gently  cups  your  muse’s  face,  whispering,  “Why  do  you  always  have  to  make  things  so  difficult?”
My  muse  kisses  your  muse  like  it’s  the  last  time  they’ll  ever  get  the  chance.
My  muse  lets  your  muse  go,  even  though  it’s  the  last  thing  they  want  to  do.
 ✧     ›    TEASING   .
My  muse  corners  your  muse  against  a  wall,  a  smirk  playing  on  their  lips.
My  muse  whispers  something  in  your  muse’s  ear  that  makes  them  blush.
My  muse  pulls  your  muse  onto  their  lap  with  zero  warning.
My  muse  playfully  steals  a  bite  of  your  muse’s  food,  then  grins  as  they  lock  eyes.
My  muse  deliberately  leans  in  closer  just  to  see  your  muse’s  reaction.
My  muse  drags  their  fingers  slowly  down  your  muse’s  arm,  pretending  it  was  unintentional.
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ghostsache · 1 day ago
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guys i love him so much i want to put him in a blender
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ghostsache · 2 days ago
good morning gays and cuties in my phone
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ghostsache · 4 days ago
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Here is the last mustached rescue😔
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
of course allison understand's the concerns. there's people that have been terribly hurt by the supernatural, herself being one of them, so she would never judge someone for being doubtful that this works. she gives a very gentle smile, motherly, like she would for one of her kids when they're asking questions. " because not all of them are bad just like not all the humans are good. i just want to protect the ones that need it. if that goes against the supernatural i'm willing to do that but only when it's necessary. "
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she pauses for a moment to find the right words. " i think it's okay to not trust the monsters and to want nothing to do with them. they're called monsters for a reason and they can be terrifying but also they can not be. i just believe we shouldn't be hurting them just because they might hurt us and there are people that are willing to protect them. "
@ghostscrash ( allison ) liked for an oc starter.
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she watches allison for a second, training some kids who had come for defense classes. they were so young, so innocent / much like they had once been. before rules and expectations and hatred had poisoned their hearts. except allison had made it on the other side seemingly unscathed. camilla? well, she struggled. a lot. ❝ how do you do it? ❞ the woman asks quietly, teeth sinking into her bottom lip. ❝ how do you help them and protect the rest of them? ❞
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
taylor scoffs because even through the intense haley james judgmental tone she could still hear the worry seeping through. she can't help but roll her eyes as she stands in front of her computer that's so important. " i'm not going to die from doing my job so don't be dramatic. "
finally ! haley looks at her and for some reason that makes her feel less angry. her sister might finally see her and not judge her. just be her sister. it doesn't happen. the moment passes. she doesn't care again.
she has to roll her eyes again now that she's actually looking at her. " no i don't actually because i have to go back to work tonight so when would you like for me to sleep ? i'll take a shower when i wake up will that make you happy, mom ? " she crosses her arms. " do you have anything else you want to judge me on ? "
🌷 @ghostscrash (taylor); continued.
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❝ might not be long now, if you keep partying at this rate. ❞ it looks like a mindless remark, as haley didn't even take her eyes off her hands at the keyboard, but there was worry disguised as judgment laced in her words: and she knew that, even in her hungover state, taylor would pick it up.
that was the beauty and the curse of sisterhood: you know eachother too well to hide behind pretty lies.
now, this was some real, non-altruistic bafflement, and it warrants a direct glare from amber brown hues, ❝ taylor, it's 9 in the morning! you're seriously telling me you've nothing to do and would rather sleep the day away than take a shower and drink a coffee? or...a small barrel? ❞
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
'typical. you're always thinking of yourself' / elena to damonnn
one of these for sure, @story1ines
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they needed him to be the good guy again. he didn't. he chose to do the wrong thing again because choosing to disappoint the people you love at least hurts you less in the end. " well, yeah. someone's gotta do it. " he scoffs and doesn't even bother to look at her. the loneliness creeps more into his bones. none of them get it. he was the big brother with no one to look out for him with their father and a mother who faked her own death to get away from him. he forced to turn by his own brother. why doesn't anyone get it ? he's the real victim here. " don't let the door hit you on the way out. "
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
" eggplant sounds good but whatever you want, honestly. i'll run in and pick out a cake for you since you're cooking. " eddie loves to surprise buck. maybe it's a possessive thing. like, it's proof to everyone that buck is his because he knows him. maybe it's just an eddie loves buck thing. he doesn't know. he's truly never felt like this before. his own love for this man still leaves him breathless sometimes. and it only grows stronger by the day.
he's staring. he knows he's staring at this man like he hung the damn moon and maybe he did. eddie wouldn't be surprised.
he rubs buck's bad knee and kisses him again because he can't help it. " as much as i'm enjoying this with you, i should be organizing the ambulance. do you want to help me ? i'll even let you use a clipboard and let you boss me around. " it's a quiet day, not that he would say that out loud to buck because he wants to have to continue to have a good day, so all the chores are mostly done and it'll be better to do this together.
buck can't help but laugh. the grin he had previously still on his features while he looks up at him, eyes closed as he feels the kisses being pressed to his face. dinner. right. there's plenty of things he can make - or order, but he really feels like cooking tonight. arms wrap tighter around eddie's middle, almost as if to lock him in. he doesn't mind if people see them like this. it's not like they already know they're together. maybe it's a little unprofessional, but when has buck ever cared about that?
" i was thinking eggplant or chicken parm. we can buy dessert. as much as i love baking, i'm gonna be exhausted after cooking that. we can do a movie too, if you want. " spending time with him has become the highlight of his after-shift activities. even more so when the kids are there, but they'll be out for the night. " i was thinking a cake. just for us. " @ghostscrash
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
allison loves that they've been doing this for years but every time it's still just as fun. still as thrilling. she tightens the grip on his wrist just a little then playfully flashes her red eyes and fangs at him. " oh. you're feeling old ? probably cause you're getting old. which is a shame considering vampires don't age. so another advantage they have on us. " she lets go of his wrist and moves to rest her hands on his ribcage so they can have a break. her smile slowly turns into a pout as she thinks about vampires more. " vampires seem cooler than us. would you love me more if i was a vampire ? "
there's something exciting about being able to train with her. not only can she keep up with him - there's been plenty of times that she's been able to beat him, and if that didn't make the heart grow fonder. that doesn't change even now. a grin matching her own as his hands remain pinned above his head, fingers flexing slightly to adjust his wrists in her hold. " faster. some are stronger. " he takes a deep breath, watching her closely, amusement in his gaze. " dunno... think i'm starting to feel my age... shame. "
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
what's going on ? question of the year right there. sometimes this just happens to him. ever since void. he'll just completely go cold and space out. it's like something takes over him for minutes or even hours. then he snaps back to himself again. it's a gift he was left with, a reminder that he'll never be truly alone in his own head again.
he blinks. he's not even sure where he is. he was in his bedroom mere moments ago, right ? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN ? he's unsure how to answer that because he doesn't know. " where are we ? " he finally looks at her. his eyes wide but empty. " how long have we been here ? did something happen ? " did he hurt someone ?
rain would not call herself someone who was very good at reading people, she would actually say the opposite. if she were being honest, most of the time, it was just too much work. but this was a little different. no, something about the way stiles carried himself tonight was... wrong. hair stood up on the back of her neck, and it felt like there was a siren going off in her head.
muscles tighten a bit, and a hand goes up, telling him to stop. "what's going on?" suddenly, she feels a bit like a wild animal, being backed into a corner. there's always a way out, but she feels like she doesn't have the space to plan. "you look like something happened. did something happen?"
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
"Is this your way of apologising?" - wren ( @clickedbait ) @ stiles
one of these for sure, @clickedbait
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he was wrong. he doesn't know how but it finally happened. he was wrong about someone and it bit him in the ass. he feels uncomfortable but yeah, maybe he should actually try apologizing. " yeah. actually. it is. look. uh -- yeah. i'm sorry about all that. i get weird -- " understatement. " i get weird around new people. "
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
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hope can't take it anymore. " it would matter more to me if you actually said something that contained any substance, lizzie ! " that was probably a little too mean considering who she's talking to.
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@ghostscrash. lizzie shakes her head, ❝ i meant besides me. ❞ lizzie points out, ❝ because it's pretty clear that what i say doesn't matter to you. ❞
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
" well, as your friend, you should know i would never tell you throw in the towel. i'm telling you to take a break. " he takes a quick glance at the sketches she's working on and they look great. of course they do, they're made by brooke davis. but that doesn't matter to him if his friend isn't taking care of herself. he tilts his head with a raised brow. " do you really think you can't impress them in your sleep ? c'mon. i don't even know what i'm looking at and i know these are great. "
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he laughs because yeah, buck has told him that too. he really doesn't care though. he will continue to care and worry too much because the people in his life deserve that. and tend to do this. " yeah i do worry too much and i have a lot that i'm already worrying about so you're taking a break so i can worry about other things. " he takes the cup from her hands and sets it on the table then pulls her chair out so she can get up. to go rest. " to bed. "
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" as my friend, you should be telling me to not throw in the towel until i finish up the sketches for the spring line. " she's running on empty now, a woman solely comprised of caffeine and exhaust fumes who hasn't had a good night's sleep in, well, god how long has it been? not important. " we drew in some new investors this season and i have to impress. "
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rest sounds good though, relaxing even better. she bites back a yawn, instead taking another sip of the jet fuel in her mug — not her preferred order but its what she needs to get the job done.
" i'll be fine, seriously. you worry too much. "
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ghostsache · 5 days ago
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okay. the audacity ! hope could gasp and give lizzie the reaction she wants. she doesn't. instead she just calmly smiles and takes the muffin right out of izzie's hand anyway. she was polite and asked nicely but she was still met with izzie's incredible attitude. so the muffin is now hers. " real mature. grow up, lizzie. i don't care if you licked it. it's in my hand now so it's mine. " then she takes a bite.
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❝ seriously? ❞ a scoff breaks out of glossy lips, head shaking. is she freaking for real right now? lizzie saltzman knew that hope mikaelson was selfish but this? this is ridiculous. it is not even as if she is talking about something unimportant. it is important. but of course hope does not care about anything other than herself and what she wants. and the funny thing? lizzie does not even want the stupid muffin anymore. but now? she grabs it and licks it. ❝ i licked it so it's mine. ❞
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