#rosewood hills world
grungelvrr222 · 4 months
what i think the dps boys each read at the meetings
okay so the poems i picked i wrote the whole poem so its a longggg post (i worked really hard to find a poem i thought suited each of the poets)
neil: When I read the book by Walt Whitman
When I read the book, the biography famous,
And is this then (said I) what the author calls a man’s life?
And so will some one when I am dead and gone write my life?
(As is if any man really knew aught of my life,
Why even I myself I often think know little or nothing of my real life,
Only a few hints, a few diffused faint clews and indirections
I seek for my own use to trace out here.)
todd: A dream by Edgar Allan Poe
In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed—
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.
Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him with a ray of
Turned back upon the past?
That holy dream— that holy dream,
While all the world were chiding,
Hath cheered me a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.
What thought that light, thro’ storm and night,
So trembled from afar—
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth’s day-star?
pitts: The last word by Matthew Arnold
Creep into they narrow bed,
Creep, and let no more be said!
Vain thy onset! all stands;
Thou thyself must break at last.
Let the long conversation cease!
Geese are swans and swans are geese.
Let them have it how they will!
Thou art tired; best be still!
They put-talk’d thee, hiss’d thee, tore thee.
Better men fared thus before thee;
Fired their ringing shot and pass’d ,
Hotly charged— and broke at last.
Charge once more , then, and be dumb!
Let the victors, when they come,
When the forts of folly fall,
Find thy body by the wall.
knox: An explanation by Walter Learned 
Her lips wear so near     That what—else could I do?  You’ll be angry, I fear, But her lips were so near— Well, I can’t make it clear,      Or explain it to you,  But—her lips were so near       That—what else could I do?  charlie: I am he that aches with love by Walt Whitman 
I am he that aches with amorous love; Does the earth gravitate? does not all matter, aching, attract             all matter? So the body of me to all I meet or know. 
meeks: How pleasant to know Mr.Lear by Edward Lear 
“How pleasant to know Mr.Lear!”      Who has written such volumes of stuff! Some think him ill-tempered and queer,       But a few think him pleasant enough. 
His mind is concrete and fastidious,      His nose is remarkably big; His visage is more or less hideous,      His beard it resembles a wig.
He has ears, and two eyes, and ten fingers,           Leastways if you reckon two thumbs; Long ago he was one of the singers,       But now he is one of the dumbs.
He sits in a beautiful parlor,       With hundreds of books on the wall; He drinks a great deal of Marsala,       But never gets tipsy at all.
He has many friends, lay men and clerical,               Old Foss is the name of his cat; His body is perfectly spherical,    He weareth a runcible hat.
When he walks in waterproof white,      The children run after him so! Calling out, "He's come out in his night-              Gown, that crazy old Englishman, oh!"
He weeps by the side of the ocean,      He weeps on the top of the hill; He purchases pancakes and lotion,      And chocolate shrimps from the mill.
He reads, but he cannot speak, Spanish,     He cannot abide ginger beer: Ere the days of his pilgrimage vanish,      How pleasant to know Mr. Lear! cameron: I used to think by Trumbull Stickney
I used to think The mind essential in the body, even As stood the body essential in the mind: Two inseparable things, by nature equal And similar, and in creation’s song Halving the total scale: it is not so. Unlike and cross like driftwood sticks they come Churned in the giddy trough: a chunk of pine, A slab of rosewood: mangled each on each With knocks and friction, or in deadly pain Sheathing each other’s splinters: till at last Without all stuff or shape they ’re jetted up Where in the bluish moisture rot whate’er Was vomited in horror from the sea.
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ilovewhiteroses · 2 years
Workplace Affair Part 4.
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Pairing: The Corinthian x Female Librarian of The Dreaming Reader Genre: Fluff Warnings: none Rating: - Notes: - Requested by Harlekin6 from AO3 💕
You and The Corinthian spend Valentine's Day together 💕💕
"Oh come on, we both know Axel Foley is better, Indiana Jones would never make a good cop!" snapped Matthew. You were debating which of the two iconic characters of the 80s would come out victorious in a fight, and how well they could do the other's job.
The chattering raven was looking for a book about a man named William Wolf, and he told a story from his human life about a guy named Bill. That made you think of Billy Rosewood from ‘Beverly Hills Cop’ and how good the movies of the 80s were. Matthew also listed his own favourites, and that's how you arrived at the current topic of your conversation.
"You’re wrong! I think it's Axel Foley who wouldn't make a good adventurer. He wouldn't take dangerous situations seriously, he would make fun of them!"
"It may be, but at least Axel is funny and can shoot, while Indy is too serious for me and he's only good at cracking a whip."
You argued for a while, then Lucienne appeared.
“Y/N, I was looking for you. What are you talking about?" she asked and you told her. "Hm, it looks like nothing vital. I think you have more important things to do, don't you?” she asked you and adjusted her glasses.
"Well, yes". you answered with your head down and apologized to her. Matthew did the same and you went about your business.
You were finally alone and enjoyed the silence, but at the same time you were also overcome with sadness. Valentine's Day was coming soon and it reminded you of your human life and what it was like to celebrate this day. You haven't had many boyfriends in your previous life, but they've always surprised you with something nice and romantic. It's true, you always thought that when you're in love, then every day is Valentine's Day with your partner.
Then Corinthian came to your mind…
I wish I could return to the Waking World one last time to spend at least one day there with him…you sighed and looked ahead speechlessly. You knew it wasn't possible, yet you imagined it a few times. You should be happy for what you have and not cry for what you don't have...
You enjoyed your encounters with the nightmare, even though Morpheus' latest threat was always lurking in the back of your mind. With Corinthian, you not only did things you had never done before, but also, an unknown self of you came to the surface. As a person, you have always, almost embarrassingly, made sure that you never got caught doing something mischievous, which would have been impossible, because you have always been a good girl. So here, in the Dreaming, you met a guy you were warned against, but then, after overcoming your initial dislike, you started a secret relationship with him. No matter how hard you tried to resist him, it was impossible. He was handsome, well-dressed and had a captivating personality, plus he also excelled in the field of physical pleasures... No wonder he had so many sensual adventures in the Waking World.
During your last meetings, you realized that you have feelings for him, which were no longer about sex, but about emotion. You didn't even want to believe that while you couldn’t stand him in the beginning, now you couldn't wait to see him. Your only regret was that you didn't know how he felt about you. You tried to imagine what would happen if you two actually got together, what would the others, Lucienne, Merv, Matthew, and of course, Morpheus, think about it. They probably wouldn't be glad, but if they saw that you get along well, they might soften and eventually be happy for you.
Too good to be true, you said to yourself, then returned your thoughts to your work.
 Not long after, Corinthian entered the library. You and Lucienne were reading at the table when he stopped beside you and saluted like a good soldier who came for duty and put his hands behind his back. Lucienne rolled her eyes and shook her head, you giggled.
 "Very funny Corinthian." she said somewhat sarcastically.
"Why, what's wrong? Can't I pay my respects to two hard-working, pretty ladies?" he replied in surprise. He meant it as kindness and you knew inside that he mainly wanted to make you laugh.
"Well, there's no need for silly talk, you can't be taken seriously! Tell me, what can we help you with?" Lucienne asked as she stood up from her chair.
"Just the usual. I'm looking for a book about the owner of the next nightmare. But Lucienne, you can stay here, I want Y/N to help me find it.” he looked at you for a moment and flashed you a suggestive smile. Your heart started beating faster and you felt your body being flooded with heat...
“Y/N is working now, I'll help you find it.” Lucienne said and started heading towards the bookshelves. While she wasn't paying attention, Corinthian walked up to you and handed you a piece of paper while saying "read it later" and stroked your hand before following the chief librarian.
How can I work after all this? you asked yourself. You saw Merv sweeping between the rows and waved to him, then when you lost sight of him and were sure you were truly alone, you read the message which said:
Let's meet in Bella Vinson's dream!
You tracked down the owner of the name and it turned out that Bella was a young university student who liked cute, girly, romantic things and was secretly in love with a classmate named Robert Clavell. You imagined what a girl like her could dream of. Maybe it's about colourful candies and cute little animals, maybe a castle that even Barbie would envy, and you and Corinthian would enjoy each other's company in a pink bedroom of the castle...
You almost laughed out loud, having so much fun with your own thoughts. Whatever it was, you were already looking forward to the next meeting…
 Night fell and Bella fell asleep, you appeared in her dream and went to find Corinthian. You saw him a few meters away: he was waiting for you in front of a huge, colourful gate with the sign, 'Funfair'. He was looking around with his hands in his pockets, but when he saw you, he smiled. You walked over to him and gave each other a kiss.
"Hello beautiful! I'm glad you found me!" he said as he pulled you close by your waist.
"It wasn't difficult, the colours and huge letters can be seen from several kilometers away!" you said and stroked his chest. He was wearing a white shirt and dark jeans and he smelled so good it made you swoon. "Well, what's your plan? Do you want to do it here at the Funfair, on the Ferris wheel or what?” you asked with a laugh and to be honest, you wouldn't have been surprised if that was indeed his intention.
"Hm, that sounds good, but I've decided that tonight will be different. Since it's Valentine's Day, I thought it would be nice to have some fun in a different way, if you know what I mean…” he looked at you with one eyebrow raised and you imagined his mischievous look behind the dark lenses.
"So, are we going on a date tonight?" you asked excitedly.
"Yes. But of course, we can do something else if you feel like it, I'm not one to spoil anything." Corinthian put his hand on his heart. You smiled and became as excited as when you were a little girl when you first visited such a place. He took your hand and you walked inside. You learned from him that Bella was also dating Robert here, because she never dared to approach him in her life, she was afraid that he would reject her. Nevertheless, you hoped that one day the girl would gather her courage and confess her feelings to the boy.
This dream Funfair had everything: bumper cars, Tea Cups Fairground Ride, swings, trampolines, slides, etc. There was so much, you didn't even know where to start, but finally you went to target shooting. Corinthian asked the guy behind the counter what he could win after certain shots, then asked for a wooden-handled long gun. Before he started shooting, the man asked him about his sunglasses, to which Corinthian replied, “now that you mentioned it, you'd better hide.” He shot down the moving wood ducks one after the other in a nice line, which surprised you, as you would not have expected him to be able to aim and shoot so well. The guy at the counter was even more surprised than you, so much so that the cigarette fell out of his mouth. He could hardly believe that someone in sunglasses with such dark lenses could aim so well. Because your date was so skillful, he got to choose from the prizes and he chose a huge, heart-hugging teddy bear for you. You continued on and as a second stop you got on a carousel, where you could sit on the backs of various animals. You chose a unicorn, Corinthian a lion, the big teddy bear he won for you was sat close to you on the back of a camel. You had a lot of fun at the scene: the big, scary nightmare in a fun, happy place, in the company of a stuffed toy. Then he invited you to cotton candy, and after that, you went into a photo booth to have funny photos taken of you.
When you found out where you came to, you remembered your life as a human and when you learned that he wanted to go on a date with you tonight, you were completely touched. He might have been a nightmare, but you believed he had feelings deep down. You could see he was having so much fun, you almost forgot about his real self. Happy moments spent together are also part of human existence, and the good thing about dreams was that you didn't stand out from the crowd, you felt as if you belonged there.
Corinthian sat the big teddy bear on his shoulders and held its leg with one hand, he held your hand with the other and you walked cheerfully among the humans. You arrived at a bench and sat down, luckily there was no one around so you could be alone. He sat the teddy bear next to him and then turned to you.
"Did you have fun?" he asked smiling.
"Oh, yes! This was the best date ever!” you said with joy and kissed each other.
"I'm very happy about that, I also had a lot of fun tonight. Look, this thing has been going on between the two of us for a while and I've been thinking a lot about how to say it... I know we didn't like each other at first, but since then we've gotten to know each other, and I'm not just talking about things under the clothes."
You rolled your eyes and giggled. He was staying true to himself.
"I am always impressed by how dedicated you are to your work, I respect you very much for it. Whenever I'm with you, I always feel good and I always look forward to seeing you again. With all of this, I want to say that...I feel not only a physical attraction for you, but more than that, but I don't dare to say it yet."
You had to gulp, your heart was racing. You felt exactly the same. You didn't dare confess to him before either, because you were afraid that your feelings would remain unrequited. You held his face.
"Corinthian …I know how you feel because I feel the same way about you."
There were a few more things you wanted to say, but you couldn't think of words anymore, you only cared about your feelings and the moment. You felt that this was much more intimate than when you saw each other naked.
After a few minutes, he spoke first.
"Do you think it would be a problem if we would go official?" he asked.
"I do not know. I think it would be better if we would go slow at first and when we see that the others have nothing against it, then we can make it official that we are together." you said and Corinthian nodded in agreement before suddenly standing up.
"Before the evening ends, I have one more surprise for you!" he said and took out a lovely, large bouquet of red roses from behind his back.
"Oh my goodness, this is beautiful!" you said in happiness and took the bouquet.
"Happy Valentine's Day my dear!" he said and you kissed each other.
 Tags:  @harlekin6, @thecorilove86, @placeinthemiddleofnowhere
@merryandrewsworld, @kittycat-kai, @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook,
@enkelimoonstone, @miss-wednesday98
@littlewierdalien, @littlefoxgirl-13, @dahlinq
@dayleis, @idealai
@destiny-rahl, @icytrickster17, @belladiaz, @smileymissbee
@foodlover123456789, @lazy-queen26, @yellowwithalisp
@amidalasruby, @e-dubbc11, @onehundredyearsofyearning
@constantron, @violentviolet88, @jessamydreams
@drowningnikki, @strudelbug07
@underwater-garden @translat0r, @mirandkimy​
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woods2006gal · 7 months
Chapter 10 - LARP and the Real Girl
Addison yawns as she stares out at the passing scenery from where she was sitting in the backseat of the Impala. Things were still tense between the three of them. She wanted to know why Benny had called Dean in the first place, but he refused to tell her the truth. Sam was still weary of Dean and vice versa. She just wanted things to go back to normal. She still couldn’t believe that she and Dean were married. Had been married since that trip to Vegas they took nearly ten years earlier. She was still trying to wrap her head around it and the fact that Dean had kept it from her for so long. “You okay, man,” Dean asks, glancing at Sam who was intently studying a map.
“We have the most powerful weapon we’ve ever had against demons and we can’t find a way to use it,” Sam reminds.
“Yeah, well, Kevin’s on it. And when he finds something, he’ll call. So we wait. Look, we have had a rough go over the past couple of weeks. And, uh…I know what you gave up wasn’t easy. Maybe we ought to take the night off. Go see a flick, hit a bar or two, have some fun. You remember fun, don’t you, Sammy?”
A phone starts to ring. It takes Addison a moment to realize it’s her phone that’s ringing. She digs through her bag and pulls it out. Garth’s name was displayed on the screen. “Hi, Garth,” she greets.
“Hey. Why don’t you grab a piece of paper,” Garth tells her.
Addison grabs a small notebook out of her bag and writes down the details of a case. She frowns, seeing that it was near where they currently were. “Um, okay. I got everything down, but um, how exactly do you know where we are?”
“Through the GPS on your phones. I track you and a bunch of hunters to assign cases. Yeah, you’ve been Garthed,” Garth explains.
Addison hangs up and drops her phone on the seat beside her. “We need to get new phones,” she tells the boys. “Garth is tracking us and other hunters to assign cases.”
“Smart,” Dean says, glancing at her in the rearview mirror. “A total Bobby move. What’s the deal?”
“Farmington Hills, Michigan. Some guy got ripped limb from limb inside his locked apartment,” Addison replies. 
“That’s not good,” Dean comments.
“Yeah. Definitely not.”
Sam reaches over the seat and grabs the small notebook out Addison’s hands. “Working a case,” he says. “As long as we’re waiting on Kevin, that’ll be our fun.” Addison sighs and turns her gaze back out of the window. She wanted things to go back to normal for them.
The trio flash the FBI badges at the officer standing outside of the apartment. “Sheriff,” Sam greets as they enter. Addison looks around the living room of the apartment. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. “Special Agent Taggart. These are my partners, Special Agents Rosewood and Todd.”
“FBI,” the Sheriff replies, looking at them. He was a middle aged man with a handle bar mustache that was more grey than anything. “You guys are quick. Haven’t even got the body out yet.”
“Well, the FBI is all work, no play,” Dean replies, shooting a look at Sam.
“You know, why don’t you give me the tour while my partners look around,” Sam asks the Sheriff, clearing ignoring Dean.
“I work better on my own,” Dean states.
The Sheriff shrugs. “Your world, Agent. Follow me.”
Sam follows the agent into the bedroom while Dean moves into the kitchen. Addison stands there for a moment then follows Sam and the Sheriff into the victim’s bedroom. Blood covered the walls. A body covered by a white sheet was on the bed. Sheets covered body parts of the floor. Addison lifts up a sheet and discovers one of the victim’s arms with a tattoo of a tree on it. She doesn’t miss the dark red marks around the wrist.
“Vic's name was Ed Nelson, thirty one years old, an insurance claim adjuster. He lived alone, which was a real shocker, considering his place is full of toys,” the Sheriff states.
“So, what happened,” Sam questions.
“No sign of forced entry. Near as we can tell, he was tired up and pulled apart. Died of the shock or massive blood loss. Dealer’s choice on that one.”
Sam motions to where bag contain chains was sitting. “So what about these chains?”
“That’s actually chain mail.”
Addison raises an eyebrow. “Seriously?”
The Sheriff chuckles. “Yeah. We did find clear rope burn marks on his wrists and ankles.”
“Was anything missing from the body,” Addison questions.
“You mean aside from the arms and legs? Uh, nope. All there. Twig and berries too.”
“What about the neighbors,” Sam asks. “Did they hear anything weird?”
“Uh, neighbor downstairs said she got woken up in the middle of the night by the sound of horses stomping their feet galloping. We didn’t find any hoof prints. She probably heard a TV was having a bad dream or she was high as balls. Fortunately, we got a real lead off of his cell phone. According to the phone records, Ed’s last call was from a guy called Lance Jacobsen. An accountant, also thirties, also lives alone.”
Sam frowns. “How is he lead?” 
“The two of them talked together for fifteen minutes and then Lance sent Ed here all kinds of angry texts. Some of them were you typical threat stuff, but some where a little weird,” the Sheriff explains as he leads Sam and Addison back into the living room. Dean walks over both the and subtle shakes his head, letting them know he hadn’t found anything.
“Weird how,” Dean questions.
“Like uh…‘you shall bleed for your crimes against us’ followed by the emoticon of a skull. And, uh, this beauty. ‘I am a mange. I will destroy you.’ These kids today with their texting and murder. My men just brought Lance into the station for questioning.”
“Well, we’re gonna need to take first crack the suspect,” Sam tells him.
The sheriff shrugs. “Like I said Agent, it’s your world.”
The trio walks into the interrogation room of the local police station. Lance Jacobsen was sitting at the table. Sam and Addison sit down across from him while Dean stands behind Addison, with a protective hand on the back of her chair. “Lance Jacobsen? We’re with the FBI,” Sam introduces.
“The FBI,” Lance asks, looking between the three of them. “I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe Ed's dead.”
Lance starts to cry. Addison reaches across and places a comforting hand on his arm. “Lance, just breath. Okay? You’re fine,” she softly tells him. "We just want to ask you a few questions, okay.” Lance wipes his face and takes a deep breath. He nods.
“We want to know about the, uh, texts you sent Ed last night,” Dean says.
“I told them when they brought me in those weren’t from me,” Lance replies.
“Well, your phone and Ed's phone say otherwise,” Sam counters.
“No, I mean, they were from me but they weren't me me.”
Addison stares at him. “Can you clarify what you mean?”
Lance sighs. “I’m sorry. This is all a big misunderstanding. Those text message were from Greyfox the Mystic to Thargrim the Difficult. Our characters in Moondoor. Moondoor is a game that Ed and I play. We’re LARPers.”
“Live action role playing,” Addison questions.
Lance nods. “We play Moondoor every other weekend at Heritage Park. All the info about it is on our website.”
“You guys have a website,” Dean disbelievingly asks.
“Yeah, one of the players designed it. In fact, if you log onto the site, they should have posted pictures from last night’s feast. I was there all night.”
“What does any of this have to do with the texts,” Sam questions.
“I play a character named Greyfox the Mystic. I’m a very, very powerful mage in the game.”
“Okay, uh, very powerful. Go on.”
“Ed is…Ed was Thargrim the Difficult of the Elder Forest, son of Hargrim and Bouphoin, brother to…He was the Lancelot to my Merlin.”
“What happened to cause the argument you two were clearly having,” Addison asks.
“We were named to the queen’s honor guard, in anticipation of the coming Battle of Kingdoms this weekend. I thought he broke protocol, so I called Ed after game hours and accused him cheating and then I challenged him a duel.”
“A duel,” Sam repeats.
“Wands and swords at dawn.”
Dean shifts. “Now when you say wands do you mean magic wands?”
“No. Un-magic wands, Agent. Because what I really want in a duel is an un-magic wand,” Lance sarcastically replies. “Yes! Fake wands! It’s a game! I can’t believe it. Oh, ye Gods! Thargrim the Difficult has fallen.”
Lance buries his face in his hands and lets out a sob. Sam and Addison stand up. Addison shoots him a soft smile then walks out of the with Sam. Dean awkwardly pats Lance on the shoulder. “Lance. Hang in there, champ,” Dean tells him before following Sam and Addison.
“So, either of you believe Dungeons & Dragons,” Sam questions.
“He’s not our guy,” Addison confidently says.
“He didn’t put a whammy on us,” Dean agrees. “Those weren't crocodile tears, man.”
“So, what are we looking at,” Sam asks.
“You saw the chain mail. This could be Fifty Shades of Greyfox for all we know.”
“All right, well, let’s check out the Moondoor website, see if Lance’s story checks out,” Sam replies. They walk over to a vacant desk with a computer on it and Sam sets down. It only takes him a couple of minutes to bring up the Moondoor website. “‘Welcome to Moondoor, Michigan's largest LARPing game.’”
“And I thought we needed get out more,” Dean mutters. Addison shoots him an unamused look. He smiles at her. She shakes her head and turns back to the computer as he places a hand on her lower back.
“There,” Addison says, pointing to a picture of Lance with two women. “There’s his alibi.”
“Huh. It actually looks kind of awesome,” Dean comments. Sam looks at him and Dean shifts.
“All right. There’s a video,” Sam says. He clicks on the link and brings up a video. They’re silent as they watch the video.
Dean frowns, recognizing a face. “Wait is that—”
“Charlie,” Addison interrupts. “Yeah, looks like it.”
Addison stares in disbelief as she looks around the park. Everyone was dressed in costumes. A few hours after they had talked to Lance, he had been murdered while still in the police interrogation room. He had the same tattoo on his arm that Ed had and the only other connection between the two victims was LARPing. Which is how the trio found themselves that morning at the park, surrounded by people who were all wearing renaissance costumes. Some of the people had ogre teeth or elf ears. The trio come to a stop in front of a man locked in a set of stocks with another man standing in front of him.
Addison raises an eyebrow as the man’s teeth fall out and the other man, wearing a red and white tunic, picks them up before placing them back in the man’s mouth. They finish their scene before the man wearing the tunic starts to walk away. “Excuse me,” Dean says, walking up to the man. “Hi. Uh, you are a LARPer, yeah?”
The man stares at him. “I perfect the term ‘interactive literaturist.’”
“Right. Uh, I am Special Agent Rosewood. These are Special Agents Taggart and Todd.”
“Hold,” the man shouts, pushing his hood down. “Um, guys, we’re not doing the whole genre mash up thing this weekend. We only do that every third month.”
“Come again,” Sam questions.
“Your fake badges, the cheap suits. It’s very cool. I get it. Your characters are FBI agents that somehow traveled to Moondoor, but I’m telling you it’s just — it’s straight up Moondoor this weekend.”
Sam frowns. “These aren’t fake badges.”
“Uh, yeah, they are and they’re…” the man trails off as he grabs Sam’s badge. “Very good, but, um, well, the ID number shifted to ten digits with, uh, two letters mixed in at the end of the year and the seal’s from last month. Really good work.” He hands the badge. “It’s just…it’s a tournament weekend, okay guys, so you got to follow the rules. If there’s no rule - chaos.” He pulls his hood back up. “Resume. If you would like to join the army of Moons, the queen is aways on the lookout for new squires.”
“Yes. Right,” Dean replies. “We would like to see your queen now, please.”
“Well, the queen’s calendar is booked up months in advance. But if you wish to witness what’s in store for you in her army, her highness is overseeing new squires on the pitch as we speak.”
It doesn’t take the trio long to find where Charlie was. She was in the middle of a large group wearing dark red clothing that resembled armor. “Greyfox and Thargrim are missing. We pray to the goddess they have not fallen victim of foul play. In there absence, the honor guard’s ranks are weakened. To join…” Charlie trails off when she recognizes them. “Oh, berg. Uh…The queen needs some royal ‘we’ time. Talk amongst themselves.”
Charlie walks into a large maroon tent at the back of the field. The trio follow her. Dean stops and picks up a fake sword. He examines. “Nice balance,” he says.
Sam shoots him a disbelieving look. “Dude.”
Addison shakes her head and walks with Sam into the tent with Dean following them. He was still carrying the sword. Addison raises an eyebrow seeing the elegantly decorated tent with ornate chairs.
“Charlie,” Sam begins.
“Charlie Bradbury is dead,” Charlie tells them. She unbuckles the leather arm guards she had on and shoves them into a duffle bag. “She died a year ago. You killed her. My name is Carrie Heinlein. Oh and guess what. Now you killed her too.”
Dean sighs. “Okay, listen, uh…”
“No, I buried myself. Then Dick Roman went down, his company belly up and I figure, ‘hey, it’s all good,’ and I was fine. I got my life back. Now you’re here and if you guys are here, monsters are here. Why do I have such bad luck? What am I? Some kind of monster magnet? Is there such a thing as a monster magnet? You know what? Don’t answer that. I don’t care. What I care about is not getting my other arm broken or dying So…I’m dropping my sword and walking off the stage bitches.” Charlie grabs her bag and crown off the table. She drops the crown on Dean’s head as she starts to walk out of the tent. “Have fun storming the castle.”
“Charlie,” Dean exclaims. “Greyfox and Thargrim, uh, Ed and Lance, they’re not missing. They’re dead.”
Charlie stops and stares at them. “Ed was drawn and quartered by Lance bleed out,” Addison softly explains. 
Charlie doesn’t move for a moment, then sits down at the table. She motions for them to each take a seat. “Drawn and quartered and bleeding out,” she repeats. “Please stop talking again. So what do you think did this?”
“Well, aside from the, uh, mark and them both being LARPers, there’s really not much else to go on,” Dean says, pulling a photo of the tree that both Ed and Lance had on their arms.
Charlie picks up the photo. “Wait, I’ve seen this before. It’s a Celtic magic symbol. At least it was in my favorite video game. Does that help? Can I go now?”
“It’s a start, but no. Um, listen. What can you tell us about Ed and Lance,” Sam questions.
Charlie shrugs. “Good guys. Two of the best members of the queen’s ever shrinking army.”
“Ever shrinking,” Dean asks.
“My kingdom has had a lot of bad luck lately, probably cause of me, but maybe it’s tied to this,” Charlie says, motioning to the photo. “A month ago, one of my guys had both her ankles broken before battle. Before that, I had three people have hospital worthy accidents while at home. You think there’s any connection there?”
“Any common enemies,” Addison questions.
“In real life? No. Everyone gets along famously. In the game, though…” Charlie stands up and walks over to a table with a map on it. The trio follow her. There were different colored figures on the table. “They had tons on enemies. Red reps the followers of the Moon - my peeps. Green’s for the Elves, blue’s for the Warriors of Yesteryear, and black’s for Shadow Orcs. Total d-bags. This weekend is the Battle of the Kingdoms to see who wear the Forever Crown. This weekend, each faction is definitely an enemy of me and mine.”
“You know, if you, uh…” Dean begins, motioning to the red figures. “Move your arches back and your broadswords men to the west…”
“Huh.” Charlie nods. “Fight the warriors.” Dean smiles. “Hey, good call.”
“What about the southern wall?”
“Guys,” Sam says, clearly annoyed.
“Yeah,” Dean asks, looking at his younger brother. He clears his throat upon seeing Sam’s annoyed look. “Right. Sorry.”
“Maybe someone from one of the other kingdoms got ahold of something and now their using real magic to weaken your army,” Addison says.
“But why not just come after me,” Charlie argues. “And why the escalation?”
“All right, we will canvass the kingdoms. You should get out of here. We don’t want you to get hurt,” Dean says, finishing with Charlie.
“Whoa, wait,” Sam says. “Charlie knows Moondoor a lot better than we do. We need her.”
“Sam, I think we can take care of a bunch of accountants with foam swords.”
“We need all the help we can get, Dean. People are dying.”
“My point, which is usually yours, is that she should get somewhere safe and get back to a normal life.”
“Hey, I am right here and I want to leave,” Charlie interjects.
Dean smiles, triumphal. “Thank you.”
“But the queen…she has to stay. I mean, Sam is right. People are dying. That can’t happen on my watch. And you know what? I am tired of running. I like my life here. I’m gonna stay and fight for it.”
Sam’s phone rings. He pulls it out and answers. “Yeah.” Addison lightly smiles at Charlie and Dean. “Okay. Thanks. So, the toxicology report came back on Lance. Nothing. But the medical examiner said his body showed clears signs that he was killed by belladonna.”
“The porn star,” Charlie and Dean ask at the same time.
Addison raises an eyebrow. “Poison?”
“Oh,” Charlie and Dean simultaneously let out.
“However, they couldn’t find a trace of it in his system,” Sam finishes.
“Just like they couldn’t find ropes in Ed’s apartment,” Dean reasons.
“Charlie, I’m gonna need to borrow your laptop,” Sam says.
Charlie frowns. “There are no laptops in Moondoor,” she tells them and is met with three incredulous looks. “What? There are rules. But there is a tech tent four tents down.”
“Okay. How about you two go canvas and Ads and I’ll dig into these accidents and this mark,” Sam tells them before walking out of the tent.
Addison forces a smile and quickly follows Sam. She finds Sam a few feet away of her head. “Sam,” she calls out.
Sam stops and looks at her. “I’ll look into the accidents and the mark. Since you’re good at marking friends with vamps, go talk to to the other groups,” he tells her, then walks off.
Addison lets out an annoyed breath. She had hoped they were fine. But it was clear that Sam had zero desire to work alone with after everything that had occurred with Benny and Martin. She shakes her head and walks in the opposite of direction. 
“Addison? Addison?”
Addison groans and opens her eyes. She was in a very nice tent laying on a very comfortable bed. And kneeing in front of her was Charlie. The last thing she remembered was walking through the woods, searching for the Shadow Orcs. It hadn’t taken her long to learn that the Shadow Orcs were using the same symbol that was found on Ed and Lance.
“Where am I,” Addison lets out, sitting up. She winces and places a hand to her forehead. “What the hell happened?”
“I was hoping you’d be able to answer that,” Charlie replies. Addison reaches into her skirt pocket and pulls out her phone. She lets out an annoyed breath upon seeing that she had no signal. “Did you see the skull figure too?”
“What skull figure,” Addison questions. Charlie motions to the figure standing by the fireplace, watching them. Addison slowly stands up. She holds up her hands. “Look, we’re unarmed. You let Charlie go. And you can keep me. We don’t want any trouble. I don’t want Sam pissed at me anymore and I want Dean and Sam to just be fine with each other again. And I’m sure that Charlie just wants to go back to being a run of the mill I.T. girl. I…I just want things to go back to normal.”
The figure pulls off the skull to reveal a beautiful woman standing in front of them. “That is all I want as well,” she tells them. She pulls off her cloak and she’s wearing a long white dress. “My name is Gilda. I’m from the Hollow Forest of Arkhmoor. I’m a fairy.”
“Swoon,” Charlie mutters.
Addison raises an eyebrow. “How did you get here,” she questions Gilda.
“I was summoned here by a spell,” Gilda answers, shooting a smile at Charlie.
“Who summoned you?”
“I don’t know his name, but I was brought here to do his bidding.”
“His bidding,” Charlie disbelievingly repeats. “That’s never good.”
“No. It’s not,” Addison agrees.
“My…master, he-he has me hurt people. He’s forcing me to. I’d never hurt anyone,” Gilda tells them. “I’m a fairy. The good kind.”
“So, why is the dick head who is controlling you forcing you to hurt people?”
“I don’t know. He started off with smaller commands, but he’s become more violent. He had me kill two men this week.”
“Man, someone is taking this game way too seriously,” Charlie says.
Gilda frowns. “Game?”
“This…my outfit, all of this…it’s just a game here.”
“Why would you play such a game?”
“This world…not so much with the awesome. The game is a way to get away.”
“It’s a lovely forest, but it’s nothing like my home.”
“And how do we get you back home?”
Gilda sighs. “I can’t break free from the spell, myself. A hero must take my master’s book of magic and destroy it, breaking the spell.”
Charlie stands up. “Gilda, my name is Charlie Bradbury and I am here to rescue you.”
Gilda smiles at Charlie and Charlie smiles back. Addison clears her throat. “Well, I’ll leave you two to it,” she says. “I’ll go find Dean and Sam. See if we can find this magic book or whatever.”
Addison turns to walk out of the tent. She stops upon seeing Dean, Sam, and one of the LARPers. “It’s him,” Gilda exclaims, staring up. “My master! Run!”
The LARPer pushes his hood down. Sam and Dean raise their guns. “No guns in Moondoor, gentlemen,” he says. “Gilda, if you please?”
A sad look crosses Gilda’s face as she waves her hand. The boys’ guns turn into feathers. “Well, now what, Gerry,” Dean asks.
“My name is Boltar the Furious,” Gerry snaps. “My plan was, after getting rid of all of my competition, to win the battle tomorrow, convincing the queen that I should be her king. But then you three idiots showed up and I was forced to improvise. Rescue the damsel in distress from the Orcs, become king, kill the three of you. That’ll work too.”
“So, why did you got from hobbling to murder,” Sam questions.
“Greyfox and Thargrim became part of the honor guard. They got close to the queen, but they did it by breaking the rules. Paying off other players with real money, rather than Moondoor currency. They were cheating.”
“And using magic isn’t,” Dean argues.
“Magic is part of Moondoor.”
“What is your problem,” Charlie questions. “Why would you hurt people? This is just a game.”
“There is no game,” Gerry shouts. Addison notices a small book hanging off his belt. “There is only Moondoor! I came here to be different, to get away from my crappy life, to be a hero, and guess what.”
“What,” Dean begins. “You were a loser in the real world and you’re a loser here? Shocker.”
“Would a loser track down a real book of spells and compel a fairy to do his bidding?”
Addison slides a under the suit jacket she was wearing. Her Colt Compact was sitting in the waist band of her skirt. “It depends,” Sam replies. He had noticed what Addison was doing. Her hand wraps around the handle of her gun. “How’d you get it?”
“Look. It doesn’t have to be like this, Boltar. Just hand over the book of spells. We can work this out.”
Gerry picks up a fake sword. “This will all work out after I remove you from the playing field and wipe her memory. Gilda?”
Gilda sighs. Addison pulls out her gun and shoots the book hanging on Gerry’s belt. He lets out a shout and falls to the floor. He covers the wound on his thigh. She walks over and yanks the book off of his belt. She tosses the book to Charlie. “Save the damsel in distress,” she amusedly says. 
Charlie stabs her dagger into the book. A bright light emits from it. “Are you okay,” she asks Gilda.
“I’m free of the spell,” Gilda replies. “You both saved me. The Hollow Forest is forever in your debt. I must return to those green hills now. I will take my former master with me. He must face a fairy tribunal for his sins.”
“Wait,” Charlie says. She walks over to the fairy and kisses her. Gilda smiles, then disappears with Gerry. “Call me…maybe?”
Addison sighs as she stares at the ceiling of the motel room. She had elected to stay behind while Dean and Sam went to visit Charlie. Her cell phone buzzes and she grabs it off the nightstand. “Yeah,” she answers, not taking her gaze off the ceiling.
“I need your help,” Sarah immediately greets. “Also, I’m outside of your motel room.”
Addison stands up and walks over to the door. She opens it to find Sarah, brightly grinning up at her. “What do you need help with?”
“A lead on our Rosetta Stone angel.”
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vixens-spotlight · 2 years
I was Just the Wrong Damn Girl in the Wrong Damn Room
Tumblr media
I Broke my Glass Balloon
Iris Rosewood- a playlist.
Running up That Hill- Kate Bush
Hermit the Frog- Marina
Ride- Lana Del Rey
Bloody Mary- Lady Gaga
Holding Onto You- Twenty One Pilots
Anti Hero- Taylor Swift
My Blood- Ellie Goulding
Saturn- Sleeping at Last
Cleopatra- the Lumineers
National Anthem - Lana Del Rey
Everybody Wants to Rule the World- Lorde
Lovely- Billie Eilish
Daniel in the Den- Bastille
House of Memories - Panic at the Disco
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historyhermann · 2 years
Steven Universe, vegetarianism, and media representation [Part 2]
Reprinted from my History Hermann WordPress blog and also on Wayback Machine. Originally published on Jan. 2. 2020.
The focus on Steven's issues is continued in "Prickly Pair," where Steven uses his new hobby, planting, as a form of therapy, connecting with his love of nature and life (another reason he is vegetarian). The Gems see this as clearly unhealthy, as he is naming plants after his friends likely a reference to the "stress free environment" (see up to 1:04 in the video above) created by Billy Rosewood (played by Judge Reinhold) in Beverly Hills Cop 2, and give him space, as he thinks he can solve all these problems himself, bumping through his teen years.
This doesn't work out, ultimately, as he forms a cactus monster who he treated like a therapist, which hurts his friends (or guardians as you could call them), Amethyst, Garnet, and Pearl, not only physically but emotionally as the monster blurts out his personal feelings about them. While the cactus monster, which Amethyst names Cactus Steven, leaves his house, blowing off the front face of it, similar to the damage it sustained during the battle with Blue Diamond in "Reunited," Steven is clearly in emotionally (and mentally) rocky state by the end of the episode. You could even say that Steven and Cactus Steven represent part of the cycles of abuse. The absence of his father, Greg, his girlfriend, Connie (I hope they don't break up), and others, is disturbing enough, as the feeling he can't talk to anyone about problems, likely suffering from depression and other mental problems. [5]
"Little Graduation" and "Prickly Pair" sets up an interesting set of episodes ahead, even if you think SUF isn't "kid-friendly" anymore (as the fan base is growing up) as Steven will have to come to a more balanced state of mind and body (as he is acting a bit contradictory right now) working out his serious problems, making it possible for him to control his new powers, realizing that he should change, just as everyone else is changing, something he hasn't completely done yet. This would be much better than forcing others to not change, which is not healthy at all! Whether he talks the Diamonds about this (oh no) or his "uncle" Andy, or someone else about his problems is anyone's guess. [6] This is nothing new as he had similar struggles as shown in episodes like "Mindful Education," and other times before that, but the fact that he has the power to hurt others is scary, so I'm excited to see what future SUF episodes will bring. Perhaps Steven should take the advice he told Lars back in Season 5 to heart, although he may not.
© 2019-2023 Burkely Hermann. All rights reserved.
[1] At the same time, however, the article listed racial stereotype Apu in The Simpsons, Bobby in King of the Hill, Velma Dinkley in Scooby-Doo, Draculaura in Monster High, Doug Funnie from Doug, Heffer in Rocko's Modern Life; Dil, Chuckie, and Susie in Rugrats, Pac-Man, Eliza Thornberry in The Wild Thornberrys, Popeye, as some of the greatest "vegan cartoon characters." So, he got Pearl wrong, but perhaps he got these others right.
[2] Allyson Koerner, for instance, lists Lisa along with Monroe in Grimm, Phoebe Buffay in Friends, Angela Martin in The Office, Sara Sidle in CSI, and Temperance Brennan in Bones. Others list Hazel Grace Lancaster in The Fault in Our Stars, Rachel Berry in Glee, Phoebe Buffay in Friends, Angela Martin in The Office, Elle Woods in Legally Blonde, Britta Perry in Community, Phoebe Halliwell in Charmed, Topanga Lawrence in Boy Meets World, and Todd Ingram in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World, alongside Lisa as vegan/vegetarian characters. Kristen Martin, on the other hand, notes five fictional vegetarians who "defy stereotypes" while Jamie Gerber explains various superheroes and villains who are vegetarian (Todd Ingram, Damian Wayne, Iron Fist, Connor Hawke, Bruce Banner, Magneto, Zatanna, Scarlet Witch, Superman, Kitty Pryde, Ozymandias, Beast Boy, Karolina Dean, Animal Man, and Wonder Woman).
[3] Some on My Anime List have claimed that Rei Ayanami in Evangelion, Taikoubou from Houshin Engi, herbivores in Monster Musume, a vegetarian elf in Isekai Shokudou, Nadia in Fushigi no Umi no Nadia, characters in Nichibros, Denpa Onna, Kemono Friends, Happy Happy Clover, Hamtaro, and Shirokuma Cafe, the latter three only if animal characters count, along with the Circumstances of a Vegetarian Child Wherewolf.
[4] Some fans adored Shep and loved the representation, while others didn't get their gender and thought Shep was transgender (there's no indication that is true), or hated Shep for some reason, the latter falling into the category of "annoying fans."
[5] I think its worth quoting the psychological analysis of Steven by one fan here, as it says more than I could put forward:
What is happening to Steven right now is a consequence of three situations: -Being a half gem. -Being adolescent. -Trying to carry the weight of other people problems in your back Why you ask? in adolescence, you try to wonder who you are, what you want to be in the future. And sometimes that bring negative emotions like angriness and confusion. Before Steven Universe Future, his reason to be was to be a hero, helping others. Now, that reason is partly gone because the worst part of the conflict is over, and even when he still wants to help people, he looks at the lifes of other humans and starts to wonder what else could be. Thats it because as a crystal gem, fighting and helping comes as something natural; and in the context of their long life spans this objective doesnt seems to change much. In the counterpart, humans tend to change life perspective more frequently because we live less, and our fragility doesnt makes us want to fight intergalactic conflicts (instead, we choose to share with others, get jobs, and try to enjoy life). In the initial part of the show, things seems "inverted" because humans gave Steven a sense of continuity ("i want this to stay the same"), and gems a sense of something that needs to be changed ("i want this to be different"). When we reach SUF, humans are changing and gems are remaining the same (mainly enemies), so Steven starts to be greatly frustrated. He doesnt wants to recognize this, clearly, because he is the person that "helps", not the one that needs to be helped (that would mean he is a burden to others). So, his emotions (anger and confussion, normal for adolescence) start to emerge as unstable powers, which causes a mayhem so big that Steven has to begin to recognize his emotions. PD: So...if you have superpowers and feel like this...go therapy.
[6] Some fans hope Steven lies on a bed at the end of the series and talks to a therapist, while others just say he needs "serious therapy."
I am so glad to get one positive comment on /r/stevenuniverse, which makes me smile. I am glad to see it.
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chaoticcutiewhirl · 2 years
Dragon Ball: Memory
A short Story for my Namekian OC by the name Druchin, and as its pretty good I decided to also post it here:
For Pretense this story takes place after a sort of splitting event between two Namekians after their friendship fell out, one by the name of Cello and the other by the name of Druchin. Druchin is my OC. The Event was because of Cello siding with the Grand Makai which could doom the fate of Namek in the story of the RP this is based on, Druchin tried to convince him to not be evil, but due to that they fought and Druchin was badly injured without much energy left. Also should mention due to Cello not being the best parent, one of his kids blew himself up in hopes of killing Cello, allowing for Druchin to escape which is when this story happens. Please Enjoy ^-^ ______________________________________________________________
           Druchin flew fast though the night sky, even though his body was in immense pain, he needed the air to blend through his energies in the world, he needed to be distracted. Druchin was focused on this prospect most out of anything. He needed to feel free after all that… The betrayal, the death, and the ultimate feeling of being lost to the wind as he was stuck in the cycles after his final confrontation with Cello for now.
          The Namekian’s mind wandered as he continued, it felt like it has been hours since he began just barely holding it together, he needed somewhere to  stop and rest, he needed a sanctuary. His ship was the only place that came to mind that was close enough for a serene place that he could rest, possibly some time off world was something he needed. He would need to head to Namek soon enough either way so it's likely he would be contacted through his ship when the time came and with the last of the energy he had left, of the wind he whipped himself up a current to carry himself so he could rest until he arrived.            He laid there not even flying, at this point and with the pain he knew at this point with what energy he had left to regenerate before was to make sure he didn’t die but he had barely enough to stay awake. The Namekian watched as the stars and moon pass as he just laid there breathing shallowly as he succumbed to slumber, with dreams to come upon him as he would close his eyes and the darkness came and with it Silence.
                                                    = 🜁 =
        When Druchin awoke he didn’t recognize his surroundings at first before his mind saw the clearing, in the forest near the bottom of a few hills with a few treaded paths from pulling materials and grabbing things for construction, this was Cello’s Camp, but before it was destroyed, but the hut still did not seem exactly the same. Instead of using the materials of the area being an island continent with more clay rich surroundings, this hut was like one from a memory, one long distant and buried, one of the memories Druchin gained from Seilide, his parent. A building of a mixture of something you’d see in towering mountains, a mixture of Marble and Limestone, with glass windows formed of magical means of fire cleansing something other than sand, an old Namekian Technique possibly as something as unrefined was rare to see be made into glass. This house was eerie as it stood out among the mixture of eucalyptus, ash, and rosewood that dotted around the forest, almost as if it was placed there by otherworldly forces instead of formed from the environment it came from.
         Druchin walked the path he was on toward it still, as if he was used to this even though deep down it felt wrong. Not even a sign of the children of Cello was around when it was obvious one of them had some kind of earth magic capabilities with rising  pillars of stone that dotted around the camp in memory. Even the campfire area where the eggs rested and had other signs of use seemed pristine as if no one lived here. Druchin still pressed forth.
        When the Namekian came to the door, the window on the top bulb of the Namekian structure seemed to glow an orange brightness, almost unnaturally bright at that. When Druchin did enter the Namekian home was a natural home from what Druchin pieced together from Seilide’s memories he was given when born, it had a chair as the main piece followed by a few pieces of simple furniture like a desk and a table but it also seemed to warp at the same time as Druchin looked further. First a shelf appeared and quickly books started appearing, from Earth, Plant, and Namek primarily, even a couple from Sadala, Metonia, and Arcose appeared with one book he couldn’t identify immediately, one of a dark leather and seemingly a crest that looked like a Scorpion. There was a sense of familiarity to it all.
          Druchin would need to look further but more came clear to him as he saw scrolls on the desks appear as well as inks and writing utensils, even art and relics of some kind.It was like a home version of his life on the ship early in life. The Patrolman was about to speak when a familiar voice came from above where another Namekian flew, lighting a candle in a lantern that seemed to be out of raw ore rather than anything refined, it was clear to Druchin who this was but that voice confirmed it.             “About the time you arrived, the water was starting to grow stale.” The tone was similar to Druchin’s but way more playful as well as a more suave voice to pair in it all, it was clear this was Seilide. The Orange shoes he wore were standard kinds of footwear for a Namekian but it was even more clear as this one came down, wearing clothes more diverse than those of Namek. Seilide would stand out in a crowd with their loosely fitting shirt of white with a fitted vest a top it decorated with chains of a coppery metal beginning to oxidize and lose its bright orange sheen, all paired with poofy pants in Orange backed with a cloth of white held up with a golden belt, the same belt Druchin wore now as a memory of Seilide. Druchin’s eyes began to water at the sight of the more elder Namekian who shown some wrinkles, only lessened by the cat like expressions and flamboyant wear as more of Seilide’s wear seemed to appear elsewhere with earrings with the same coppery metal and golden orbs appeared on a table, with a wide brimmed hat hanging on the throne to one side and a dark wooden cane tipped with copper leaning on the other side.
          “S-Seilide?” Druchin uttered in a shaky tone as he outstretched his hand to the old and long dead Namekian now on the ground as they finally touched it. So many emotions whirled through the patrolman as he looked upon them, some kind of nostalgia, as well as sorrow and confusion in it all.
         As Druchin adjusted to this, the hand of Seilide held the back of his hand and pushed it against their face as they spoke  again in a similar nostalgic and melancholic tone: “It’s been half a century my child, far too long since we last spoke.” A saddened smile came to Seilide’s face as Druchin felt himself be pulled in by his parent, with a hug. A feeling of warmth, almost as if they were there in reality but Druchin only knew it was a feeling as it would be impossible for Seilide’s return as they died of sickness.
      When Druchin finally pulled away after moments of the embrace his words were less shaky and more formal as he would question existence itself as he would get into it: “How are you here though? I mean you are too… Well you! My mind would likely bring you back in a dream in a less…” Druchin motioned to the cluttered room that was far less Namekian than any memory he was passed down by Seilide and continued soon after: “This. How are you here?”        The older Namekian chuckled a bit before coughing a little, grabbing water from a tray to sip on before they answered: “Well it should be obvious, you did hear its call after all, the call everyone will get at least once.” Seilide didn’t seem too sad or direct with it as they went into  it and Druchin just seemed more confused by the wording. Seilide was always a riddle with what they meant  exactly, dodging what would be the clearest way to explain meanings of things as Druchin would remember, he remembered the Patrol nicknaming his parent The Story Serpent for this fact even. Always being indirect, coy, and long winded with their words when they weren’t being playful with someone.
        With the words in mind though, Druchin thought on it, unraveling the riddle as he thought of possibilities like conflict or the far more likely; Death. Druchin decided to ask to follow up on this idea of what Seilide wrought for him to go down while he was here: “Wait, did I die?” His words were confused again but now with a little surprise instead of sorrowful or nostalgic, just purely surprise as he spoke to his parent in this case.
           It wasn’t long for Seilide to respond though as they chuckled as they began to spoon a tale again: “Heheh “Not necessarily, I mean you were on its doorstep but now your body is healed but not your soul. You are broken, my child, hollowed, hurt, and if I could I would heal this but this is a journey for you to face and I am just here to help for a step or a few. I mean I have extensions of this hut beyond this world of weak reality as this is mere mimicry based on your and my memory. Echoes of the past. Debts of knowledge yet to be known by you. I mean if you do die my child I shall pay one debt to you after all.” Druchin had a hard time following what was said as the more staccatoed syllables of Seilide and their repetition in ideas just seemed to drown out what they said to the Namekian, truly like they were back in good health after their death at 168. Truly Druchin saw their parent in their element of sorts.
        “Wait Guidance? And wait do you mean by your old stuff on the ship from your collecting of trinkets and the sort? Wait, don't answer that, I don’t need more of a headache trying to figure all this out.” Druchin held his face in his hand as his tone was more exasperated than anything but again came the chuckle of his parent who didn’t continue but seemed to watch him. Druchin knew what Seilide would say if he brought it up, just another riddle of observation. The patrolman missed his parent but it was certainly tiresome to speak with them again without being told just more stories of Namek beyond the handful of vague memories he was granted with life, the only sense of memory magic needed for Namekian ‘birth’ unless it was to be a mutant like the old stories. When Druchin finally felt like he wasn’t going to have an aneurysm from Seilide’s speech pattern he spoke with a more calm tone trying to reason what was said: “Are you trying to tell me to look for your old stuff, do you have any idea as to what? Also that weakened reality, what do you mean?”
      Seilide would have another light laugh as the began to seemingly draw rocks from the land outside and the rocks seemed to warp in their state between caliche to granite before changing more. Truly someone  talented in their element from the perspective of Druchin, but as they did this Selide spoke with a light and more fascinated tone: “Well this is your mind, so you should be able to tell. A mental village saved from me being able to affect you while you are still being called even though you made sure you stay planted in the reality you stand. Truly this is a place where you’ll be able to return and find more, as long as you access inner peace. Your inner sanctuary, a place of much joy and happiness, a place that can be further molded by your experience, one only found through introspection on a deep enough level to allow this.” After a few moments Seilide did create something with the stones mixed together that seemed to resemble a sort of snow globe but far more zoomed out and they held it in front of Druchin as they continued: 
     “As for the weak points of reality, it’s a matter of how souls work and the magic tied to them. Yours is determined tied to a body currently brittle and weakened from over exertion, this allows spirits whether good or bad to affect you, as a sort of dream that you won’t remember fully. There are ways to remember and perhaps you may be doing it right now. After all it is  you who  sought the guidance, sought peace without snuffing a spark. This is your own without dragging beyond what you can currently conceive, with memory only being the factor to go off of, heheh. Think of my guidance as me being repaid a debt by fate as destiny can snuff out many in one universe and many in another as some of the scientists of the living theorize.”  Their words yet again made less sense than if someone not manically wanting to catalogue every story heard or thought of would have explained but  this time it seemed more grounded as Druchin looked to their parent whose eyes softened as they seemed to begun to adjust, but something Druchin didn’t expect happened as he looked at them for more of their wisdom.  Seilide’s already paler green skin seemed to flick to almost like a statue made of terracotta before returning to normal in a millisecond and Druchin grew worried:
         Druchin’s face showed the worried expression like someone who saw a  ghost without thinking there would be a ghost as he saw it, and his words came quickly after as he tried to get an explanation out of the older Namek: “Wait- Wait, what’s happening?” Druchin’s heart raced as he wanted to keep his parent with him longer but instead of any comfort another flicker happened as Seilide seemed to draw a hand to their own face and gave a sigh before stepping past Druchin, heading to the outside and Druchin followed. “Wait, you’ll be here longer, Seilide, right? I don’t want to lose you so soon after we met again. Please say yes.” Druchin’s eyes were tearing up as some escaped leaving tear lines as Seilide simply looked beyond into the forest without much to their reaction to Druchin’s words.
         When Druchin thought he lossed Seilide fully again, the elder spoke again with a sigh as their tone was sorrowful: “Seems like time was cut far shorter than to my liking… I am sorry my child but I have to go once more, the connection is weakening. I will miss you, till we meet again…” Druchin tried to reach out before the last goodbye was given but Seilide turned to Terracotta with just tears remaining on their face as Druchin’s touch turned the Statuette to dust. Seilide was gone again, leaving Druchin to think about what they said and what to do while he was still in this mental sanctuary as Seilide called it.
Druchin had tears well in his eyes but before he could cry he wiped them away and stepped back into the recreation of Cello’s hut in more traditional Namekian stones. When back inside the nostalgia of the ship hit him again as he looked around, like a home version of the Namekian vessel’s interior. Seilide said he would know what of this he needed, or at least he assumed, and so the Namekian patrolman focused, and wind seemed to pick up outside as he did, but when looking around, still nothing stood out in this picture. Perhaps it was something different, something to match Seilide’s ability to bend stone and ore to their will, something like a key to all of this. Druchin did as Seilide did, using telekinetic ability in this mindscape to grab a stone from outside again and he did his best to erode it in a way where he could fix it as he tried to find the place to put it and so he begun to look around, effectively creating a dust storm in his hand, full of these particles of clay, soil, and fragments of something like quartz within it all.
          Druchin stepped around the hut looking, the scrolls were unwound and seemed to have writing in ancient Namekian, an even older script that Seilide said was found in the oldest ruins of Namek, ruins that even they couldn’t fully look into before they left. That was definitely not what Seilide meant but Druchin moved on looking at a bookcase dotted with books, some written by Seilide in their travels of the universe, ones he actually had kept and were still back in west galaxy at a Galactic Patrol compound  with Seilide’s ship itself, or atleast the parts that weren’t salvaged for study. Shelves beyond that on the back side looked like it was also relics of their travel, a few blades dotting the furthest back wall as well as a few petrified organic life, some plants turned to gems and some turned to stone, even an arm made of stone. Definitely something was  a story with each and every item, a story not to be learned as Seilide is now long gone and a moment of being able to speak with him was likely not going to come again anytime soon, and Druchin did not plan on staying dead if he were to die.
            Moving to the final wall that there was possibility of signs it was all the books Seilide collected, and Druchin left the cloud of a dust storm afloat as he opened one. The pages were sporadic with writing on them as he flipped through the book, some of it didn’t even look like real lettering, this was definitely something reconstructed by his memory. Again his eye drew to the book of a dark leather with a symbol of a Scorpion atop it, Druchin grabbed the book and the etched writing did look familiar, and opening it had a few pages more easily seeable than the other books, then memory flashed in his mind as he thought of it. Many a time he kept grabbing at books when he was young all while Seilide was attempting to fix things like the hydrogen to water converter on the ship for survival, this book was one he tried to understand… This book was where he drew his Split Ricochet technique from in fact even though he could barely understand what was said. Flipping to the page again he recognized it, it was definitely the book, and the writing in it was closer to Namekian than galactic standard, and he knew what the page said better now, it was written in Makyan. The only Makyan book in the whole collection in fact, as he could remember the symbols of the titles for the most part as before, again mostly Namek, Plant, and Earth somehow followed by others.
        When considering the collection Druchin looked at the Earth books again realizing these weren’t Seilide’s collection just filling the slots with what Druchin saw as a part of stores in cities, as they weren’t historical in context nor had magical pretexts. As Druchin focused more, the Earth books seemed to disappear, shifting the collection to be more akin to the ship than before, and the patrolman realize; this was a puzzle for him to see what was out of place.
          Druchin kept the Makyan book, now closing it as he looked around further opening one of the winged rooms of the hut to look within and instead of more collections of Seilide, it was empty. Heading to the otherside, Druchin was surprised to see what he did, a couple of Makyan trinkets but ultimately more of a performer theming, and with a sigh he knew who infiltrated this branch but it was still nice to see as he closed the door to it again as he went back to the main room. Realizing the only puzzle Seilide left was in there as if this was the main Namekian room and thus his search continued.
         Druchin looked around more trying to remember if anything was out of place but everything seemed to be in place, even the throne Seilide would normally sleep in, the one he modified to be big enough so when Druchin was a child he could climb up too. The steps for child Druchin were still there before the soft colored blue cushion began, all laid with a back of the sigil of Seilide given their ambiguous origin given what Druchin knew, the Warrior Clansman who was found in the wilderness than in any village, no sign of battle, just an egg lost within the Namekian plains, thus the sigil of the clanless was given to them as Clanless Namekians were extremely rare after the war begun. The symbol though was still not the thing wrong and with the hum of the cloud of dust behind him there was certainly some annoyance with it, or at least nothing appeared wrong until Druchin looked at the top of the Namekian chair, there was a divot. Druchin thought about it for a moment as he looked at it. The divot was like a bowl, like one where you would scatter small bits of charcoal to act as a torch yet that would be atop a pedestal instead of in the limestone-marble mixture of the chair, but Druchin attempted  this.
            Earth Magic was far from the patrolman’s strong suit but he took a deep breath as he attempted it, as the dust storm came to his hands again and began to spin. Druchin closed his eyes as he would attempt to be guided by the keystone nature of the room, and soon the energy in his hands grew more as the dust cloud began to spin. While Seilide could do it on mere whim in changing the stones to different materials, Druchin was someone adept to wind, not earth so he couldn’t do the same just needed to use wind to help. The dust kicked up in speed gradually in his hands and began to grow warmer and warmer, it was beginning to become liquid but at the same time evaporating from the friction of the event. Just a little further, Druchin needed to place more energy in this space to cause it and thus the wind grew more before the heat became stable and very hot even though it didn’t hurt like the burns he sustained from Cello.
          When Druchin opened his eyes and looked, it wasn’t just fire he had, but plasma, he was surprised at the energy ball as it was in his hands, something about it was somewhat calming as he held it. As if there was more to it than meets the eye to the energized atoms he had dancing in his hand he just watched as they danced, and soon enough, Druchin almost instinctively knew what to do as he began to pull his hands together to compress it. He didn’t know why he knew it would help but it was almost like a call, something deep down felt like the energy could be a catalyst for what he wanted just if he bent the world around him to his magic. 
          Druchin ultimately would be successful though as gas spewed from the compressing plasma, gas forms of metals and liquids trapped in the soil, all to which dissipated as Druchin’s focus was just on this. When his hands cupped around the plasma finally, with one last push of magical energy he knew it solidified, and when he opened his hands he was right, all that was left was carbon and microbiological enzymes left to a piece of coal. Druchin with a breath then crushed it in his hand, letting the fragments of the coal fall into the divot again, and as they did, a spark happened with each one until a flame occurred.
        When the Flame appeared the room became brighter as if energy of certain aspects began to glow brighter, and one book was the Makyan book he had still tucked in his arm. The book still was the same being slightly off in some aspects with a few blank pages but Druchin took it as a sign, he needed to look into these books more and he snatched them, one even being the unfinished scroll Seilide had on the table. In total twelve pieces of writing and the one he remembered where it was located was the Makyan book. In excited nature Druchin stepped out of the Namekian hut and when entering outside he saw for just a moment Tanbura was there and then darkness. 
      Druchin did not wake up though as he simply fell to the depths almost like being in a void between universes when he felt like he was falling forever then a flash happened. He was on stable ground again seeing Cello again,  dark loom over his friend’s face as a malicious grin was plastered as they held a spear of wood over him before glowing bright and his senses were assaulted with beeps and whirs as again darkness came over Druchin.
                                                       = 🜁 =
        When Druchin awoke he was aboard his ship, and he could see beyond the windshield of the cockpit, seeing the moon, it was only two hours after his battle with Cello but he was already being called to duty again. With the energy he had he tried to heal further but he was still very spent as he opened the messages on his ship’s console, seeing the message sent by someone he didn’t know personally, a little saddening but duty called and thus he begun his ship’s engines’ flare. And with a hover up he jetted out of the space port, sending one message once he was out in space:
“On my way.”
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keepgrow-05 · 3 months
Axel Back, But Is Anyone Else Here? A Look at Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F
Eddie Murphy's return as Axel Foley in "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F" has been a cause for celebration for fans of the iconic cop franchise. Debuting on Netflix in July 2024, the film promised a return to the wild, action-packed comedic roots that made the originals so popular.expand_more However, critical reception has been mixed, with many reviewers finding the film a predictable retread that fails to recapture the magic of the past.expand_more
There's no denying the nostalgia factor. Seeing Murphy slip back into the role of the wisecracking Detroit detective after a thirty-year hiatus is undeniably charming. The film cleverly acknowledges the passage of time, with jokes about Foley's outdated fashion sense and references to his pop culture ignorance. This self-awareness is a saving grace, preventing the film from falling into a tired imitation of its predecessors.exclamation
 From Zero to Hero: ElevateYour Channel Using Tuberank Jeet 6          
The plot follows a familiar formula.expand_more Foley's grown-up daughter, Jane (played by Taylour Paige), follows in her father's footsteps and becomes a detective in Beverly Hills. When her life is threatened, Axel rockets out to California, determined to protect her and uncover the conspiracy behind the attack.expand_more This premise allows for some interesting inter-generational dynamics. Jane is a skilled investigator in her own right, butting heads with her old-school father who relies on gut instinct and flashy improvisation.exclamation Their contrasting styles provide some humorous moments, but the script doesn't fully explore this potential.exclamation
The supporting cast is another area where "Axel F" stumbles. Judge Reinhold and John Ashton reprise their roles as Billy Rosewood and John Taggart, respectively.expand_more While their presence is a welcome nod to the past, their characters feel one-dimensional.exclamation They're relegated to delivering exposition and offering one-liners, lacking the depth and comedic spark they possessed in the earlier films.exclamation New additions like Paige struggle to find their footing amidst the established franchise characters.exclamation
Director Mark Molloy keeps the action sequences moving at a brisk pace, but they lack the innovative choreography and comedic timing that made the car chases and shootouts in the original films so memorable. There's a sense of been-there-done-that about the action here, a feeling reinforced by the film's reliance on familiar tropes and gags.
However, there's a certain comfort in predictability. For some viewers, "Axel F" will be a welcome return to a beloved franchise, offering a chance to revisit a cherished world and its iconic characters. The film isn't a critical darling, but it might provide a nostalgic escape for those who simply want to see Eddie Murphy back in action, cracking wise and causing mayhem in Beverly Hills.
From Zero to Hero: ElevateYour Channel Using Tuberank Jeet 6  
Here's the crux of the matter: is predictability necessarily a bad thing? For some, the answer is a resounding yes. They crave originality, fresh takes on familiar themes, and characters who defy expectations. "Axel F" doesn't offer that. It's content to coast on nostalgia, delivering a familiar comedic cop formula with a dash of self-awareness.exclamation
But what about the audience who just wants to see Axel Foley back on screen? For them, predictability might be a plus. They know what they're getting into, and they're happy to settle in for a comfortable, if uninspired, return to a world they hold dear.
Ultimately, "Beverly Hills Cop: Axel F" is a film caught between two audiences.exclamation It tries to play on nostalgia while offering a fresh perspective, but doesn't quite succeed at either. For those seeking a groundbreaking cinematic experience, it will likely fall flat. However, for fans who simply want to see Axel Foley back in action, "Axel F" might just be the summer popcorn flick they're craving.
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rhetoricandlogic · 3 months
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by Yaroslav Barsukov ‧ RELEASE DATE: Feb. 20, 2021
This marvelous SF tale about dangerous technology offers sublime stretches that will warrant revisiting.
A man reckons with his past while overseeing the construction of a tower in this debut SF novel.
Shea Ashcroft disobeyed Queen Daelyn. He refused to gas protesters who ran amok in Red Hill. As punishment, she banished Shea to the border shared with the rival nation of Duma. Now, the former minister of internal affairs and ex-counselor to the queen must see to the completion of the Owenbeg Tower, an “anti-airship stronghold.” But Shea receives a chilly welcome from the duke at Owenbeg castle. The paranoid duke intends to censor Shea’s reports to the queen regarding details of the tower’s construction. Shea soon learns that instances of sabotage at the tower involve dangerous Drakiri technology. The humanoid Drakiri have been allowed to settle in Owenbeg, and their egg-shaped “tulips” provide anti-gravity assistance for raising the nearly 1,000-foot structure. But if not properly handled, the tulips implode, sucking in whatever surrounds them. Shea thinks often of his sister, Lena, whose death resulted from mishandled tulips. Doubly strange is that the duke’s counselor of arts is a striking Drakiri woman named Lena. She shares with Shea her people’s record of the Mimic Tower, which sprang into being as they tried to build another tower. Ultimately, the Mimic Tower destroyed many of the Drakiri, which is why none of Lena’s tribe labor on the Owenbeg Tower. As Shea falls for Lena, he becomes determined to ban tulips from the construction process. Yet Chief Engineer Brielle has a secret that makes such a move impossible.
Barsukov’s slim novel will remind readers of Robert Silverberg’s Tower of Glass (1970) and China Mieville’s work, which frequently includes a Cold War flavor of decrepit bureaucracies. While the Owenbeg castle appears lavish, “moths had taken a good bite out of the couches’ velvet.” The Owenbeg Tower, even unfinished, feels mythic, as in the passage “Entering it was entering a city...a world painted by a lover of chiaroscuro...shadows lay in pools of ink, and there were blinding patches of daylight.” The Drakiri seem slightly vampirelike, with their enhanced speed, strength, and elegance—though no blood drinking is ever mentioned. Barsukov sketches in characters slyly, as Shea assumes Lena is the duke’s lover, half revealing to readers his own desire. Echoes of Shea’s sister haunt him in the way this new woman “holds her head, the pride. The eyes.” When he survives an assassination attempt, Shea intuits that Patrick, the duke’s military counselor, is the culprit because of how the duke embarrasses the man publicly. The tower as an arms race metaphor succeeds gracefully. Drakiri technology is useful, as is nuclear power, but the drive to overshadow one’s enemies can lead to self-destruction. The author depicts the fantastic sparingly so that the instances pop against the narrative’s overall gloom. One character’s augmented hand, for example, “branched off in metal and purple veins,” and its “knotted ‘fingers’ rolled in the air as though strumming a chord.” One scene that reveals some truth about the Drakiri, their origin, and the reality of the Mimic Tower is pure surrealism. This marvelous SF tale about dangerous technology offers sublime stretches that will warrant revisiting.
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friendsafforestation · 5 months
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(via Embrace Nature's Beauty: Join the City Nature Challenge) 🌿 Dive into the heart of nature with the Saskatoon City Nature Challenge! 🌿 📸 Did you snap some incredible biodiversity shots between April 26 to April 29? Don't let those moments fade away! Upload your camera photos to iNaturalist from April 30 to May 5 and become a part of something truly special. Your images could help unlock the secrets of Saskatoon's vibrant ecosystem! 🔍 But wait, there's more! You can also lend a helping hand by assisting with identification. https://youtu.be/v0qzwlVhiXc Check out our handy hints and tips video to become a biodiversity detective. From converting unknowns to higher kingdom levels to uncovering species identities, every contribution counts! 💚 Let's show the world the natural wonders of Saskatoon together. Join us in celebrating biodiversity, fostering community, and making a difference. Your passion for nature could inspire others to connect with our environment in new and meaningful ways. 🌟 Don't miss out on this chance to be a part of the Saskatoon City Nature Challenge. Together, we can create a brighter, greener future for our city and beyond! 🌟 #CityNatureChallenge #Saskatoon #Biodiversity #iNaturalist #NatureLovers With thanks to our sponsors and supporters SaskPower, SaskTel, Saskatoon Nature Society, Wild About Saskatoon, Caswell Hill Community Association, SOS Trees Inc., Rosewood Varsity View Community Association, Nutana Varsity View Community Association, Montgomery Place Varsity View Community Association. City Nature Challenge Saskatoon CNC YXE 2024 led by Friends of the Saskatoon Afforestation Areas. #CityNatureChallenge #iNaturalistCanada #Biodiversity Founded by @NHMLA and @CalAcademy Community Science hosted by #friendsdareas #NatureCanada #CityNatureChallenge #BioBlitz #CitSciMonth #CommunityScience #CitizenScience #UrbanNature #UrbanBiodiversity #NatureInTheCity #NatureIsEverywhere #NatureForEveryone #NatureNerd #cnc #outdoors #nature #conservation #photography #biodiversity #citizenscience #inaturalist #wildlife #plantlife #wanderlust #naturelovers #optoutside #instagood #picoftheday #volunteer #training #parks #optingoutside #CNCYXE #CNCYXE2023 #FriendsAreas #FriendsAfforestation #citizenscience #communityscience #EcologicalEmergency #naturelovers @sasktel #inaturalist #saskatchewanbirds #yxebirds #getoutdoors #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #SNS #SaskatoonNatureSociety #citynaturechallenge2023 #yxe #thegreatoutdoors #citynaturechallenge2024 #citynaturechallenge #Canadacitynaturechallenge #citizenscience #Volunteering #nativeprairie #grasslands #wildlife #bees #pollinators #prairiepollinators #ExploreSask #NatureSask #wildlifewatcher #prairielife #sasklife #nativeprairie #speciesatrisk #conservation #KeepSaskWild #socialdistance #citizenscience #wildlifephotography #beesknees #LeavetheLeaves #NoMowMay #nature4all #FriendsAreas #FriendsAfforestation @FriendsAreas #saskatoon #saskatooning#naturelovers #inaturalist #saskatchewanbirds #yxebirds #getoutdoors #naturephotography #wildlifephotography #yxe #thegreatoutdoors #citizenscience #Volunteering #nativeprairie #grasslands #wildlife #bees #pollinators #prairiepollinators #ExploreSask #NatureSask #wildlifewatcher #prairielife #sasklife #nativeprairie #speciesatrisk #conservation #KeepSaskWild #socialdistance #citizenscience #wildlifephotography #beesknees #LeavetheLeaves #NoMowMay #nature4all #FriendsAreas #FriendsAfforestation @FriendsAreas
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dankusner · 6 months
Nelson Bunker Hunt
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This May 2, 1980 file photo, shows multi-millionaire brothers Hunt, W. Herbert Hunt, left, and Nelson Bunker Hunt.(The Associated Press / AP)
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Oil magnate Herbert Hunt, brother of Lamar, dies at 95
Oil wildcatter W. Herbert Hunt, a scion of the Hunt Oil dynasty who left a massive business and philanthropic footprint in Dallas and Texas, has died at the age of 95.
Hunt became one of the world’s most prominent oil barons and investors throughout his seven-decade career, following his father’s lead along with brothers — Nelson Bunker Hunt and Lamar Hunt — to form Petro-Hunt, growing rich on fossil fuel work in East Texas and later as property developers.
Hunt, born on March 6, 1929, died April 9.
Hunt followed his father H.L. into the oil drilling and speculation business after finishing a Bachelor of Science degree in geology at Washington and Lee University, joining the family business that would create several billionaires and business titans.
Forbes estimated W. Herbert’s Hunt’s net worth at $5.3 billion in 2024, mostly from his ownership in the Petro-Hunt company, which had major oil patch holdings and operations in Texas, Oklahoma and North Dakota.
Hunt used his fortune in oil to grow the footprint well outside of the energy industry into land purchases, including major developments that have shaped cities such as Richardson, Plano, Forney, Fate and more with major residential and industrial projects.
Hunt and his brothers Nelson Bunker and Lamar nearly went broke in the early 1980s after an attempt to corner the silver market with several billion dollars in holdings after a run-up in the commodity in previous years.
At one point, they reportedly held more than one-third of the private silver holdings in the world, worth $4.5 billion.
But after borrowing millions to finance the bet, the price dropped more than 50%, leading to a $1.7 billion loss.
They were saved by a loan, but the bad investment was a major hit to the Hunt family’s fortunes, forcing the brothers to declare bankruptcy in 1988.
The Hunts made it through the incident and rebuilt their fortune in the fields of oil, real estate and finance.
Hunt’s family is one of the most successful oil dynasties in the country, and H.L. Hunt’s 15 children became major players across several fields.
Herbert Hunt’s oldest sister is Margaret Hunt Hill, namesake of the iconic bridge in Dallas.
Another sister, Caroline Rose Hunt, is the founder of the Rosewood Hotels & Resorts company.
His half-brother Ray Lee Hunt is another energy industry billionaire in Dallas, and his half-sister Swanee was a U.S. Ambassador to Austria.
Herbert Hunt’s nephew, Clark Hunt, is the owner and chairman of the NFL’s Kansas City Chiefs and the family owns and has developed thousands of acres of residential and industrial property throughout North Texas.
Lamar, Herbert’s brother and Clark’s father, was one of the pioneers of professional football in the United States and founder of the American Football League, which later merged with the NFL to form the modern sports league.
Herbert Hunt is survived by his wife Nancy and children Doug, Barbara Hunt Crow, Libby Allred, Bruce and David.
A service is planned for 3 p.m. April 23 at the Highland Park Presbyterian Church.
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HUNT, William Herbert
William Herbert Hunt of Dallas, Texas went to be with his Lord and Savior on April 9, 2024, at the age of 95.
Herbert was born to H.L. Hunt and Lyda Bunker Hunt on March 6, 1929, in El Dorado, Arkansas.
His family moved to Tyler, Texas when he was ayear old and then to Dallas when he was nine.
Herbert attended Dallas Country Day School, Stonewall Jackson Elementary, and J. L. Long Middle School before, as he put it, "being shipped off" to The Hill School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania.
After graduation from The Hill School, he attended Washington and Lee University where he earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology.
While at Washington and Lee, Herbert met Nancy Jane Broaddus on a blind date.
They married the first Saturday after Nancy's 21st birthday and celebrated more than 72 years of love and devotion together.
Herbert joined the family oil business and had an accomplished career in oil and gas exploration and the oil service industry.
He was involved with numerous discoveries and field developments aroundthe globe.
Herbert served in a number of industry organizations.
He was a member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists since 1953, receiving their Pioneer Award.
He was President of the Dallas Wildcat Committee in 1965-66 and served as President of the Dallas Petroleum Club in 1970.
He served on the Board of Directors of the American Petroleum Institute (API), as Past President of the International Association of Drilling Contractors and as Chairman of the National Ocean Industries Association.
Herbert was the last surviving original inductee of the All-American Wildcatters, and he lived by the AAW creed "My Word is My Bond".
He was an Advisory Board Member of the Maguire Energy Institute at SMU and served on the board at SMU's Institute for the Study of Earth and Man (ISEM).
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Another of Herbert's endeavors was real estate development.
He was active in the development of various properties in Richardson, Plano, Forney, Fate, Lavon, and Royse City.
He also developed a number of properties in Scottsdale, Arizona and Orange County, California.
Herbert's non-industry involvement included serving on the Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America Circle Ten Council, where he was President from 1984-86.
He received various awards for distinguished service to youth.
He served on the Presbyterian Hospital Building Corporation from 1985-1990 and served many years on the Board of Wadley Blood Bank (now part of Carter Blood Care).
Herbert was a longtime member of Highland Park Presbyterian Church, where he served as aDeacon and Elder.
He and Nancy taught Sunday school for many years.
While Herbert's industry and business achievements are legendary and his civic involvement and philanthropy vast, he was most proud and took great joy in the family he and Nancy raised together.
Herbert is survived by his wife Nancy, children Doug (Margaret), Barbara Hunt Crow, Libby Allred (Al), Bruce (Leeanne), and David (Libby), grandchildren Taylor Hunt (Elizabeth), Casey Hunt (Morgan), Nathan Crow (Itzel), Marshall Hunt (Brittany), Hunt Allred (Brittny), Austin Hunt (Chelsea), Davin Hunt (Anne Lindsey), Megan Carter (Joel), Margaret Crow Casselbrant (Magnus), Nancy Collins (William), Carter Hunt (Michelle), DanielCrow, Bailey Hunt (Jordan), Dallas Hunt, Elizabeth Hunt, Sharon Hunt, and thirty-five great-grandchildren.
He is also survived by sister-inlaw Caroline Lewis Hunt, as well as half-siblings Ray Lee Hunt (Nancy Ann), June Hunt, Helen Lakelly Hunt (Harville Hendrix), andSwaneeGrace Hunt.
Herbert is preceded in death by his parents, his sisters Caroline Rose Hunt and Margaret Hunt Hill, and brothers Hassie, Nelson Bunker, andLamar Hunt.
A Celebration of Herbert's Life will be held at Highland Park Presbyterian Church on Tuesday April 23rd at 3:00 pm with Pastor Jay Lee officiating.
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venuefindernz · 6 months
Saying "I Do" in Style: Unveiling Christchurch's Premier Wedding Venues
As you embark on the journey of planning your dream wedding venue in Christchurch, one of the most critical decisions you'll make is choosing the perfect venue. From quaint gardens to opulent ballrooms, the options are as diverse as they are enchanting. In this guide, we'll take you on a tour of the ultimate wedding venues in Christchurch, catering to every couple's unique vision, from intimate gatherings to grand celebrations. Get ready to say "I do" in style amidst the stunning landscapes and historic charm of this vibrant city.
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Garden Elegance at Rosewood Manor:
Nestled amidst picturesque gardens and towering trees, Rosewood Manor exudes timeless elegance and romantic charm. This historic estate offers couples the opportunity to exchange vows in a serene outdoor setting, surrounded by blooming flowers and lush greenery. Say "I do" beneath the shade of a centuries-old oak tree or beside a tranquil pond, creating memories to last a lifetime against the backdrop of nature's beauty.
After the ceremony, guests can enjoy a leisurely stroll through the manicured grounds or gather for cocktails on the expansive veranda. With its idyllic setting and impeccable service, Rosewood Manor sets the stage for a truly unforgettable wedding day in Christchurch.
Sophisticated Splendor at The Grand Ballroom:
For couples seeking a touch of glamour and grandeur, The Grand Ballroom at Christchurch's premier hotel offers an unparalleled setting for a luxurious wedding affair. Step into a world of opulence and sophistication as you exchange vows beneath glittering chandeliers and ornate ceilings adorned with intricate moldings.
With its spacious layout and customizable décor options, The Grand Ballroom can accommodate weddings of all sizes, from intimate gatherings to extravagant receptions. Dance the night away on the gleaming hardwood floors, surrounded by friends and family, as you celebrate the beginning of your happily ever after in style.
Coastal Romance at The Pier:
Perched along the scenic shores of Christchurch's coastline, The Pier offers couples a unique waterfront setting for their wedding day festivities. Whether you envision a barefoot ceremony on the sandy beach or a tented reception overlooking the sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean, this venue promises breathtaking views and a sense of seaside romance.
Exchange vows beneath a rustic archway adorned with fresh blooms, with the sound of waves crashing in the background, creating a magical ambiance that perfectly captures the essence of coastal living. From sunset cocktails on the deck to dancing under the stars, The Pier offers endless possibilities for creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Historic Charm at The Canterbury Club:
Steeped in history and old-world charm, The Canterbury Club provides a truly unique backdrop for a timeless wedding celebration. Located in the heart of Christchurch's central business district, this historic venue boasts elegant architecture, rich wood paneling, and exquisite detailing throughout its grand halls and private dining rooms.
Exchange vows in the intimate chapel or host a lavish reception in the majestic Great Hall, where stained glass windows and soaring ceilings create a sense of grandeur and romance. With its unparalleled ambiance and impeccable service, The Canterbury Club offers couples the opportunity to create a wedding day steeped in tradition and sophistication.
Tranquil Retreat at Otahuna Lodge:
Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and discover the tranquil oasis of Otahuna Lodge, nestled amidst acres of rolling hills and verdant gardens. This luxury lodge offers couples a secluded retreat for an intimate wedding celebration, surrounded by breathtaking natural beauty and unparalleled hospitality.
Exchange vows in the historic gardens or host an intimate reception in the elegant dining room, where gourmet cuisine and fine wines set the stage for a truly unforgettable dining experience. With its idyllic setting and personalized service, Otahuna Lodge provides the perfect backdrop for a romantic and intimate wedding celebration in the heart of Canterbury.
Modern Elegance at The Tannery:
For couples with a flair for contemporary style and urban chic, The Tannery offers a modern and sophisticated venue for a wedding day to remember. Located within a historic precinct that has been transformed into a vibrant shopping and dining destination, this venue combines industrial charm with sleek modern design.
Exchange vows in the light-filled atrium or host a reception in one of the stylish event spaces, where exposed brick walls and soaring ceilings create a dramatic backdrop for your special day. With its versatile layout and innovative cuisine, The Tannery provides couples with the flexibility to customize their wedding celebration to reflect their unique style and personality.
Rustic Romance at Cossars Wineshed:
Nestled amidst the rolling hills of Tai Tapu, just a short drive from Christchurch, Cossars Wineshed offers couples a picturesque setting for a rustic and romantic wedding celebration. Surrounded by vineyards and orchards, this historic venue exudes charm and character, with its weathered timber beams and panoramic views of the countryside.
Exchange vows in the outdoor ceremony space, with sweeping vistas of the Southern Alps as your backdrop, or host a reception in the rustic barn, where exposed wooden beams and soft candlelight create a warm and inviting atmosphere. With its relaxed vibe and scenic surroundings, Cossars Wineshed is the perfect choice for couples seeking a laid-back and intimate wedding experience.
Cultural Heritage at Riccarton House:
Embrace the rich heritage of Christchurch at Riccarton House, a historic homestead set amidst expansive parklands and towering trees. Dating back to the early 19th century, this iconic venue offers couples a glimpse into the city's colonial past, with its elegant architecture and manicured gardens.
Exchange vows in the charming chapel or host a reception in the marquee, where views of the lush lawns and towering trees provide a stunning backdrop for your special day. With its timeless beauty and serene ambiance, Riccarton House offers couples the opportunity to create a wedding celebration steeped in history and tradition.
From intimate garden ceremonies to grand ballroom receptions, Christchurch offers a wealth of enchanting wedding venues to suit every couple's style and budget. Whether you're drawn to the coastal charm of The Pier or the historic elegance of The Canterbury Club, you're sure to find the perfect setting for your dream wedding amidst the natural beauty and cultural heritage of this vibrant city. Say "I do" in style and create memories to last a lifetime against the backdrop of Christchurch's stunning landscapes and timeless charm.
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curatedglobaltravel · 7 months
Caribbean Paradise: Family-Friendly Spring Break Resorts with Exclusive Perks
Spring break is just around the corner; who else is ready for Caribbean bliss? Whether you seek the tranquility of secluded pools or an exciting kids club for your little ones, there’s no better time to plan than now. Reach out soon, and we’ll begin crafting your family’s ultimate beach getaway.
 The Caribbean's combination of white sand, crystal-clear waters and activities for all ages makes it a popular choice for family getaways. Each island has its own unique charm, providing an opportunity to tailor your travel experience to your family’s preferences. That’s why so many of my clients ask about my top spring break destinations. When you book one of the below properties with me, you will receive exclusive benefits, like complimentary breakfast, early check-in and late check-out, a welcome gift valued at 100 USD, and an upgrade at the time of check in (all subject to availability).
Puerto Rico: Dorado Beach, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve
Grand Cayman: Kimpton Seafire Resort + Spa
Turks and Caicos: Beach Enclave
Saint Lucia: Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort
Jamaica: Round Hill Hotel and Villas
Request Details  ⟶
 Choosing a resort with a kids club can enhance your family’s getaway in a variety of ways; parents can take some well-deserved time to recharge and reconnect, while children play and learn in the presence of certified counsellors and educators. My favorite kids clubs allow young travelers to discover new cultural experiences and marine conservation, as well as the opportunity to make friends from all over the world.
Jumby Bay Island, Oetker Collection on Antigua Island
Children who visit Jumby Bay Island are offered opportunities to explore the local culture, unique wildlife and natural surroundings by bike, on the beach and on the water. Designed for two age groups (3–8 years and 9–12 years), Jumby Explorers are guided through a variety of activities like watersports and watching hawksbill turtle hatchlings make their way to the surf.
Rosewood Baha Mar in Nassau, Bahamas
The children-only Rosewood Explorers club is open year-round to children ages 4–12, and its conveniently situated next to the Lagoon Pool. Each day, the fun-loving, energetic counselors engage participants in a variety of activities and challenges. The experiential zone nurtures cultural connections and a love of nature with exciting hands-on activities.
The Ocean Club, A Four Seasons Resort in Nassau, Bahamas
Welcoming guests ages 4–12, the Four Seasons staff at Kids For All Seasons is ready to entertain and educate. Each morning starts with fun “name games” that help everyone get to know each other, followed by sports games, contests and artsy projects. Crafts, high-tech games and marine exploration are at kids’ fingertips, and first-time club visitors receive a special gift.
Request Details  ⟶
MICHAEL SHANE STEPHENS Curated Global Travel An affiliate of Protravel [email protected] 310.691.7461 curatedglobaltravel.com
Copyright © 2024 Global Travel Collection 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
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thecolorfultravel · 1 year
The best luxury hotel chains in the world
Service and quality are everything for those lucky enough to have the money to splurge on a five-star hotel. Whether you want a chic hotel in central Paris or a luxurious hideaway tucked away in the South American jungle, there are hotel chains that own the best hotels on the globe. Here are the top luxury hotel brands in the world.
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St Regis The St Regis brand began a century ago when John Jacob Astor IV opened a hotel on New York's 55th Street. Tailored service is essential here and in the rest of the group. It currently has over 40 luxury hotels and resorts around the world. Every place from Moscow to Mauritius, Bangkok to Bora Bora has one thing in common: the guest comes first. Tradition and timeless class combine with modern technology and sophistication to create something extraordinary.
Hilton Does the famous model and singer Paris Hilton ring a bell for you? She is the great-granddaughter of Conrad Hilton, who in 1919 founded the homonymous hotel chain, which also owns other brands in the sector. Present in 106 countries, it has hotels in the most strategic points and the major airports. Business people highly appreciate her. In Italy, the famous Rome Cavalieri Hilton, which dominates the city from the hill of Monte Mario, is one of Rome's most beautiful terraces.
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Four Seasons The Four Seasons has surprisingly humble beginnings for such a major luxury brand. The story began in Toronto in 1961 with the opening of what appeared to be, at least on the surface, an unremarkable motel. Yet, the company's exceptional standards have ensured its rise to its current industry-leading position, redefining hospitality over the years. According to the Four Seasons, the golden rule is "treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves." A long-standing commitment to innovation also sets it apart. It was the first to introduce hair dryers to its guest rooms, offered dry cleaning long before any other hotel, and in 2015, it flew guests in the hotel industry's first private jet.
InterContinental The InterContinental brand is synonymous with quality. This exclusive hotel group offers luxurious services, sumptuously designed rooms, suites, fine dining, and spas. Whether traveling for business or pleasure, seeing the name above the door is a reliable indicator of the luxury you'll find. With hotels in all the best locations – New York, Paris, London, and Hong Kong – the only tricky thing will be choosing which one to book.
Rosewood A rising star at the top end of the market, Rosewood now has over 3,000 rooms worldwide. The chain was founded in 1979 in Dallas, Texas, but can now be found in as many countries as Cambodia, Italy, China, and the United Kingdom. Each property reflects the underlying "Sense of Place" philosophy that draws on the destination's unique history, architecture, and traditions. A key feature at select resorts is the Sense Spa, whose treatments draw heavily on local ingredients and practices.
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Ritz-Carlton The Ritz-Carlton was the brainchild of celebrated hotelier Cesar Ritz, who managed the Ritz in Paris and the Carlton in London. After he died in 1918, his legacy remained, revolutionizing hospitality in America with the opening of the Boston Ritz-Carlton in 1927. The Ritz-Carlton group was born in 1983 with the purchase of that Boston hotel and rights to the name. Today, it's a luxury hotel brand owned by Marriott, operating 91 locations in 30 countries.
Aman The history of this hotel chain is recent and particular. It was born from the desire of the Indonesian entrepreneur Adrian Zecha to build a villa for his holidays on the island of Bora Bora. Not settling for little, he made a structure with many rooms, various services, with a vast garden, and he estimated that it was too much to enjoy alone. He then founded the company today, with a handful of very select luxury hotels, 32 in the world, guaranteeing unique and costly experiences. A room in an Aman hotel can cost as much as buying a house, but it will give you "sovereign" affairs, which, as the hotel motto states, "you only have once in a lifetime."
Fairmont Hotels This luxury hotel chain was born in the 19th century in Canada as an offshoot of the colonial railway corporation! It was necessary to provide accommodation for travelers and workers who worked on the immense railway lines of the country. From those makeshift hotels, already at the beginning of the 20th century, a chain of high-quality hotels was established, present in major Canadian cities and beyond. Mandarin Oriental
The luxury hotel chain that bears this name derives from the history of two chains and eras. The Oriental Hotels were founded in the 19th century in Thailand by an American entrepreneur who went bankrupt in 1910.
On the other hand, Mandarin was born in 1963 in Hong Kong, with entirely different needs, namely to make luxury an opportunity. It was the Mandarin that was the first to have worldwide success, to the point of recovering the old hotels of the Oriental line and unifying the two names into a single brand. Today this company supplies hotels mainly in Europe and Asia. They are also present in China, although with a different word ( Wenhua Donfang.
Six Senses Hotel&Resort This luxury hotel chain is a far cry from the stereotype of the hotel for the rich. They are undoubtedly expensive and high-class hotels, but they arise from a noble need: always respecting the environment. The beginning was that of wellness treatment resorts, with some associated rooms.
Then the brand was successful, and by focusing on eco-sustainability, it established itself in the world, even in the luxury one! In recent years, in addition to resorts, Sex Senses has also begun to manage actual hotels, where the wellness center is just one of the many high-quality services offered to the customer.
If you are interested in more information about the best hotels then this blog will help to you
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superchandigarh · 2 years
Find the Best Rooftop Restaurants in Mohali
There are many beautiful rooftop restaurants in Mohali; given below are the top best rooftop restaurants in Mohali to look for.
1) The Empire - It is a rooftop restaurant that has great views of the hills and is also a perfect place for enjoying a barbeque.
2) Woodland Terrace - The view from this restaurant at the airfield is one of its best aspects, but it also offers some great food and a wide range of drinks to keep you refreshed.
3) Pizza Hut - While it's a chain restaurant that you can find anywhere in the world, there is something about this eatery that makes it one of the most sought-after places when it comes to rooftop restaurants in Mohali. The restaurant has a very good ambiance and wonderful music.
4) Cafe Delight - Located at the Huda City Centre Mall, this is an amazing place for those who love their coffee. It also has other great food items on its menu.
5) Sky Restaurant - Located at the Rosewood hotel, this is one of the finest places to dine. The ambiance is amazing and the food is to die for.
6) Hotel Aerodrome - This place offers an amazing view of the airstrip, even if you don't have a plane to watch. The ambiance is quite good and so are the drinks it serves.
7) Barbeque Nation - Located at the Mohali Golf Club, this rooftop restaurant is the perfect place to spend some good quality time with your close ones.
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sadiajafarlaque · 2 years
5 Exciting Ways to Enjoy a City Break in Bengaluru
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A potpourri of cultures, Bengaluru is a happening city that can challenge the monotony of our daily lives. From fun adventure to blissful shopping and dining, the city is filled with options of activities to make you spoilt for choice. So, no doubt, it is the right place to enjoy a city break where you'll be hooked all day without any complaints!
Say, you stay in Kolkata. Then just book a Kolkata to Bengaluru flight, pack your bags and set off.
Here are 5 exciting activities to try in Bengaluru after you land:
1. A Vineyard Tour
This is a unique thing to try in Bengaluru. The city and its surroundings have some of the most breathtaking vineyards. After deboarding from the Kolkata to Bengaluru flight, drop by a vineyard and try fun activities like:
Grape stomping
Wine tasting
Learning about the art of winemaking
Two of the popular vineyards are:
Grover Vineyards in Raghunathapura, Devanahalli Road
Heritage Winery in Channapatna
2. Snow City Adventure
As the name hints, Snow City is a vast snow theme park with plenty of exciting activities to lure you with. These activities include snow mountain climbing, snow sliding, snow basketball, snow rafting and even rocking a snow dance floor. The temperature is -5°C to give you the chills (literally too)!
The location is Fun World Complex in J C Nagar. The park is open daily from 10:00 am to 8:00 pm. The entry fee is ₹390 per head on weekdays and ₹490 per head on public holidays and weekends.
3. Memorable Coffee Time
After exploring vineyards and the Snow City, you may wish to sit back and relax at a nice café. Bengaluru is popular for its unique cafés where great food meets mesmerising ambiance.
Here are some fave picks of café-hoppers:
Atta Galatta in 5th Block, Koramangala (renowned as a Bookstore-cum-café)
Rasta Café in Bengaluru-Mysore Road (well-known for the 3-acre activity area featuring this Rastafarian café
Marzipan Café and Bakery in Ulsoor Road (loved for its Mediterranean food)
4. Street Shopping
The streets of Bengaluruare treasure troves of goodies like jewellery, clothes, bags, shoes, electronics, condiments, and more.
Some of the famous street-shopping hubs are:
Commercial Street (known for clothes, jewellery, and spices)
MG Road (known for brass, sandalwood, and rosewood items)
Jayanagar 4th Block (known for household goods, footwear, and artworks)
Majestic Market (known for garments, perfumes, and local and Chinese electronics)
These places are great to take souvenirs back home on your Bengaluru to Kolkata flight.
5. Trek on Nandi Hills
Love trekking? Then head straight to Nandi Hills, 60 km from Bengaluru on the second day. Feel your adrenaline rush as you trek on rails or cycle up the whole route to a magnificent viewpoint. You can even try paragliding over the fortress of this ancient hill while enjoying a bird's eye view of everything around you. The entry fee is ₹10 per head.
Between your Kolkata to Bengaluru flight and the return flight, enjoy every moment in Garden City. Click loads of pictures to show your loved ones back home.
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newmusickarl · 2 years
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Top 101 Songs of 2022
2022 has been an exceptional year for new music and as always, I thought I would share with you my favourite songs of the last 12 months. Unlike my albums list, this one is unranked as this isn’t necessarily what I think are the best songs of the year, but more the songs that have ultimately come to soundtrack my 2022. Also, I find it impossible to favour songs over one another half the time – these are simply different tunes for different moods.
In this year’s playlist are plenty of lesser-known gems from some of my favourite new discoveries, the year’s best album cuts, my favourite collaborations, guilty pleasures and, of course, some of 2022’s biggest singles and club bangers. As always for the sake of diversity, I’ve kept it to strictly one song per artist (excluding a couple who are also included on other tracks as features).
Now I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes – as the official Sound of the Summer for 2022 here in the UK, Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush is included, despite the fact it was originally released in 1985. Also, the playlist is 101 songs this year rather than the standard 100, as a certain Miss Simz came along very late in the day and needed to be included. So this year you get a bonus track!
Listen to the Playlist:
Listen on Spotify here
Listen on Apple Music here
Listen on Let’s Loop here
My Top 101 songs of 2022 in alphabetical order by artist:
1. Philadelphia by alt-J
2. Northern Star by The Amazons
3. Body Paint by Arctic Monkeys
4. One More Night by bexx
5. BREAK MY SOUL by Beyoncé
6. Bread Song by Black Country, New Road
7. If We Get Caught by Bloc Party
8. SUCKER by Blood Red Shoes
9. Visions by Blossoms
10. Wicked & Bad by Bob Vylan
11. Rosewood by Bonobo
13. Used To Know Me by Charli XCX
14. FLAG (Feel Like A Girl) by Coach Party
15. Holiday by Confidence Man
16. Aquamarine by Danger Mouse & Black Thought (featuring Michael Kiwanuka)
17. See You When The End’s Near by Day Wave (featuring KennyHoopla)
18. Set You Free by DC Gore
19. Kids by Deaf Havana
20. Rain by Deco
21. Far From Over by Deserta
22. I Don’t Need To Hide by DMA’s
23. Strawberry Lemonade by Editors
24. Additions Attachments by Elder Island
25. B.O.T.A (Baddest of them All) by Eliza Rose & Interplanetary Criminal
26. I Want A Love Like This by Everything Everything
27. Forget The Name by Express Office Portico
28. Forever In Sunset by Ezra Furman
29. Not Okay by Fickle Friends
30. 2am by Foals
31. Jackie Down The Line by Fontaines D.C.
32. the angel of 8th ave. by Gang of Youths
33. Cold by George FitzGerald
34. Biggest Mood Ever by HAAi & Alexis Taylor
35. As It Was by Harry Styles
36. Giving The World Away by Hatchie
37. Gone by The Haunted Youth
38. Polygod by Hayden Thorpe
39. Can You Afford To Lose Me? By Holly Humberstone
40. Not Alone by Hot Chip
41. If I Die Tomorrow by Jack White
42. The Old Style Raiders by Jamie T
43. The Drum by Josef Salvat
44. Mirrors by Just Mustard
45. More Pressure by Kae Tempest (featuring Kevin Abstract)
46. Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God) by Kate Bush
47. Renegade by Kavinsky (featuring Cautious Clay)
48. Sailor by KAWALA
49. N95 by Kendrick Lamar
50. Bittersweet, TN by Kevin Morby (featuring Erin Rae)
51. Willing To Trust by Kid Cudi & Ty Dolla $ign
52. Neverland by Kyla La Grange
53. What Have You Done To Me? By Lane 8 (featuring Arctic Lake)
54. Happy New Year by Let’s Eat Grandma
55. Camera Chimera by LIES
56. X by Little Simz
57. Forever Is Too Long by Low Island
58. Hate by Loyle Carner
59. Set My Mind Free by Matt Guy
60. Doomscroller by Metric
61. Brooklyn. Friday. Love. By The Midnight
62. Goosebumps by MØ
63. The Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance
64. Still Call You Home by The Mysterines
65. Weird Goodbyes by The National (featuring Bon Iver)
66. Looking Back by The Native
67. Self Care by Nile Marr
68. anotherlife by Nilüfer Yanya
69. You Better Mean It by Nimmo
70. I Love You, Baby by Opus Kink
71. Call Me When You Leave by Oscar and the Wolf
72. Radio by Paolo Nutini
73. This Is Why by Paramore
74. words by piri & tommy
75. Happy Birthday In The Sky by Placebo
76. Lose Our Minds by Porij
77. The Rip by Porridge Radio
78. Reputation by Post Malone
79. Diet Coke by Pusha T
80. Black Summer by Red Hot Chili Peppers
81. The Void or Nothing by Sad Boys Club
82. Wild Grey Ocean by Sam Fender
83. Headspace by Sharon Van Etten
84. On the Run by The Sherlocks
85. We Don’t Know What Tomorrow Brings by The Smile
86. Funny Way Of Showing It by Spector
87. That Boy on the Stage by Suede
88. Little Blue by Swim Deep
89. Never Good Enough by Tom A. Smith
90. Remind Me by Tom Grennan
91. MAGIC by Vince Staples & Mustard
92. Champion by Warpaint
93. Operator Error by We Are Scientists
94. How Do I Make You Love Me? By The Weeknd
95. If You Ever Leave I’m Coming With You by The Wombats
96. Widow by Working Men’s Club
97. Leader of the Pack by Wunderhorse
98. Pour Another by Yard Act
99. Burning by Yeah Yeah Yeahs
100. Haunt by Yumi Zouma
101. Happiness by The 1975
Hope you enjoy and keep an eye out later today for the first of my Top 10 Albums of the Year!
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