devoutbrother · 6 years
💊 ❀✿ ❦ .  @rosevois​ ( sally )  has popped a sunshine !
               The ruffling of thick pages. The clinking of a warm coffee mug full of steaming hot tea. It clatters against the surface of the wooden table. The liquid within swirling around forward and back quite considerably. Hand was rough with it, nearly too much. Bony fingers forces the dish down swift. Digits tingle with a rage all too familiar, all too expected. Fingers slide from the handle to the top, sure to stop the drink from overflowing upon their expensive furniture. Sometimes, Arthur could hardly realize how much his anger can affect him physically.
               As usual, the man was waiting patiently at the supper table. Newspaper was in his hand, eyes scattering across the pages. On a regular day, it would take the Brit hardly any time to read the paper. One page would be skimmed and read through in thirty seconds with ease. But as his woman prepared their dinner, he couldn’t help but throw multiple glares and silent scowls. Teeth grit every time she turns, brows knitting as she would reach up and grab any tools or ingredients she may need.
               If she couldn’t notice by the harsh handling of the paper ( what with the obnoxious page-turning and the grunts that escapes pursed lips )  ,   she definitely would once the meal was complete. As she finished passing out their plates and silverware, the newspaper came down. He rolled it up with both hands, digits almost ripping it with their shaking rage. With a rather blunt force, the man puts the paper back on the table, flattening it out.
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               Hand clenches into a tight fist. Only for a second, though. For it unfurls once more as he grabs the fork and sticks it into his boiled green beans. It clinks upon the plate, making an uncomfortable squealing noise upon the plate. Arthur flinches at it, pulling the fork back. Other hand lifts somewhat -- he realizes now his emotions are becoming too much.
               But does that stop him? Unfortunately not. Not for Sally Boyle.
               Fork is ascended to his lips. Mouth parts as he takes a big bite of his veggies. He chews them loudly, cheeks puffing up and teeth gritting with his grotesque and unmannerly eating. Once he swallows, he speaks.
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               “   So. You were quite busy in the lab today, weren’t you? That’s brilliant. I haven’t seen that many customers in a long time!   “     another go at the elongated greens. Fork clinks against the plate. He eats this bite much faster. Normally, the man would respond to his woman with pride and excitement. But there was a colder aura surrounding his tone. An underlying mountain of ice that’s quickly deteorating and flowing overboard.     “   A lot of regulars. I’ve noticed, Especially Mr. Williams. How’s that bloke doing, Sal?   “
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fightsbck · 6 years
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       ‘     jack,    this    -    this is amazing !     you really drew all of this ?     ’     /    from davey for @rosevois !
*   no longer accepting   :   starter call   !
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ghaisgeach · 6 years
@rosevois liked for a starter!
“Excuse me, Commander, but I was hoping I could speak to you for a moment,” Cullen asked, trying his best to keep his nervousness from his voice. He wasn’t sure how he should go about this. There was a constant worry in the back of his mind about his past actions. Ever since the Blight, he hadn’t become a man he was proud to be. But joining the Inquisition he hoped to change that. A fresh start so to speak. And one thing he knew he could improve on was understanding mages and their magic better. Who better to ask than the Inquisition’s arcane advisor. 
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murios-archive · 6 years
@rosevois  »  〈 !! 〉
there is  ------more at stake for mary than she feels lola can understand.  she has given her husband no children,  no  heir,  and yet it had taken but one dalliance with the king for lola to become pregnant.   all of france,  all of  scotland  have their eyes turned toward their queen.  in this,  at least,  mary is a  failure.  all of that aside  ------  all of her pain,  her guilt,  her  regret   ------   lola remains one of her closest friends,  and she cannot,  will not  let one mistake taint that for either of them.
           ❛  lola,  please.  ❜    she does not want to speak of what anyone  deserves  in this situation.  it had felt as though  god  himself was punishing her for her own stubbornness,  her own strong will when it came to her engagement to francis,  and the alliance that had stood on such shaky ground.  now she sees the tears ready to fall from her friend’s eyes,  and as much as mary feels the  pain  of it so deeply  ------  the  betrayal  that had occurred,  she cannot blame her friend now,  not when they need each other so.
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                   ❛  i  am  not  alright,  but  ------  ❜    she finds it difficult to meet lola’s eyes,  her own downcast and away,  but she concedes in honesty,  as it is requested of her.     ❛  ------  i  am  not  angry  with  you.  not  anymore.  there  is  nothing  to  be  done  about  it  now,  and  i  ------  ❜     glancing up,  her own eyes filled to the brim with emotion she’s tried so hard to keep at bay.  
they have been friends for as long as mary can remember,  and she knows,  deep in her heart,  that lola would have never done anything to intentionally hurt her.  it is but one more obstacle produced in the face of her reign,  and as with every one that has come before it  ------she will overcome.  a smile begins,  soft and wavering,  but her words ring true.     ❛  i  am  happy  for  you.   and  we  will  make  it  through  this,  i  promise.  ❜
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we-thefairfolk · 5 years
continued from x | @rosevois
The clever remark the human girl made obviously didn’t make much of an impression on the tall dragoness, the stars on her wings pulsing between an angry red and an annoyed emerald green.  “Entertain... you?” She sneered, her dark muzzle wrinkling as she loomed over the human, “What reason would I have to humor you? I didn’t fucking make you walk all the way over here, so it’s not my fault!” Nightfury lowered her head until she was eye level with the human girl, glaring all the while, “I would say you’re wasting your time here.. Usually at this point, I would tear you apart and eat you for lunch,” She growled, and then slowly sighed, her breath acting like the wind as it ruffles the woman’s black hair, “But I made a promise to someone, so.. come in, I guess..”
With that, the dragoness walked back into the cave, glancing back to see if the human would follow. She absolutely would never admit to delighting in this little interaction, nor would she ever say that she was feeling a tad bit lonely before this human came along.
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immortalxdreamers · 6 years
Send me a 💖 for a Valentine’s day starter!   ||  @rosevois
Hercules & Megara
( accepting )
     “M-Meg!” He stumbles, taken aback by how gorgeous she looked in a dress he had not seen her wearing before. Could it be that she changed for the date that he hadn’t asked her out on just yet? He wouldn’t put it past her to somehow know what he was up to. For some reason, he had quite often appeared to be an open book to her, even if Hercules regularly didn’t understand what he was doing or feeling, himself. Take their first meeting. He had been so mesmerised by her… and he still was, but he never thought he stood a chance with her — although that hadn’t stopped him from trying.  
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    “You look BEAUTIFUL,” he half-exclaimed, half-sighed. It was like the air had been knocked out of his lungs and forced back in. The mighty Hercules, ladies and gentlemen, was scrambling to regain his composure. His thoughts seemed to have come to a standstill, as he looked at her, smiling like an idiot. Once he no longer felt weak in the knees, he walked over to her and reached out his hand. “I know you don’t like to fly on Pegasus, so I gave him the night off.” — More so because his trusty steedbird still had his issues sharing Herc with anybody else. 
    On one of the plateaus in the grass where a gigantic statue had once held a spot, Hercules had set up a table with two stools, candles, and two place settings. Dinner by candlelight. And behind his back was a bouquet of flowers he had handpicked, himself, which he offered her with the hand he had not already extended. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Meg,” he said, and leant in slightly to press a kiss to her cheek. “Will you be my Valentine?”
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“i just....  needed to get out of there,  so  ---  i came here.  i needed to go somewhere,  and i figured you’d get it.  i can go somewhere else if you need me to but  ---  god,  bean,  my parents are just....”  shaking her head,  she throws her hands in the air,  at a loss for what to say.   @rosevois   //   sc.
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sparkadreama · 5 years
🖊 + sophie !
Gushing About OCs!: Always Accepting!
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By now it’s pretty well known that Sophie loves animals, however what might not be that well known, is that there is one sort of animal she doesn’t like. Bugs....she can’t stand bugs. Though, so long as they aren’t within a close proximity of her she’s fine but the moment they get within her personal bubble she’ll freak out. The only exceptions to the bug rule are butterflies, moths, fireflies, ladybugs, dragonflies, and rollie pollies.
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gravespat-blog · 5 years
     megara is so alike to katherine. that’s why katherine will never fully trust her but always respect her. sipping her red wine, she rests her feet against the coffee table as she watches the flames in the fire place rise higher.      ❛ not i, we. we’re going to get revenge on the mikaelsons. we’re going to make them hurt, just like they hurt us. ❜     @rosevois ft. megara / continued
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monstrumdeiarchive · 5 years
                     ❝   Everything was SIMPLER back in the OLD DAYS.   ❞
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@rosevois  HOWLED for a starter (canon-lines).
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heavenrejected-a · 6 years
@rosevois cont. 
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   Raven is never really sure why she comes to these things, usually it’s because Maddie dragged her there with false promises of spending the evening with her before disappearing the second they arrive to (usually literally) bounce off the walls and talk to everyone. Maddie was so easy to get along with. Not like Raven. There hadn’t been much call for learning how to party back at Queen Castle and at school- well, until recently it had felt a lot like everyone hated her and would do much better without her presence ruining their party atmosphere.
   It was a sign, she hoped, of the way things were changing that she hadn’t disrupted this party yet, she’d just done her best to fade into the wallpaper and she’d thought she was doing a very good job of it. At least until Apple came dancing towards her, arms outstretched until her fingers are wrapped around Raven’s wrists and Raven gets that same sinking sensation she usually gets that Apple is about to ask more than she can give. Dance with me. It’s not such an unusual request, but Raven still feels her cheeks heat up with preemptive embarrassment. “I’m not sure that’s such a good idea!” Not that she had a choice, she was already being pulled out onto the dance floor. She holds no resistance against the fair-haired Princess, simply follows her whims with heavy footsteps. This, she thinks, is going to be a disaster. 
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fightsbck · 6 years
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      ‘     i    ...     i don’t think it’ll end.     ’      /     from luke for @rosevois !
 *   no longer accepting   :   starter call   !
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ghaisgeach · 5 years
[ @rosevois | Continued from here ]
This was why he hated Orlais. Well, one of the reasons. The other being he hated the Game. Not being one for words, or being able to weave them as elegantly, Cullen always found himself getting frustrated whenever they tried to get him to play. And it didn’t help that he was well aware of how well Orliasan hid their true motives behind them. He had been blindsided by pretty words before and didn’t wish for another experience. Especially since he was sure he couldn’t get drunk enough to truly deal with it. 
Therefore he was thankful that Freya was with him. Her presence was making this more tolerable. And the fact that she was trying to keep away all of these noble ladies by staying with him meant a lot to him. It might not have been working as they would have hoped. But Cullen appreciated the gesture all the same. He just wished that all of these nobles hadn’t gotten him into the habit of replying so promptly and in the most uninterested tone. There had been a couple of occasions that Freya had spoken to him and he answered her as if he was talking to one of the noble women. He quickly apologized though. The last thing he wished for was to upset her. 
A blonde brow arched as he took a sip from his own chalice when she said she had an idea. And he wished he hadn’t taken a drink as he coughed a little on his wine. A blush appeared on his cheeks. Mimicking her by leaning down towards her and covering his mouth, praying to the Maker that none of the noble women were paying too much attention to him, he whispered back at her, “I have no objections dancing with you but...Are you certain? I’m not...The best dancer.” It wasn’t like Cullen had much of a chance to do so while at the tower. Josie had given him lessons and had commented that as long as he relaxed he would do well. But that was easier said than done.
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murios-archive · 6 years
SHE  TOSSES  BACK  A  DRINK  of unknown origin,   wincing slightly at the  sting  when it hits the back of her throat.  shepard’s been here enough times to build a rapport with the staff,  and they know what she likes   ---   strong enough to hit her hard tonight,  not debilitating enough to prevent her from  working  tomorrow   ---   so she’s not concerned about the impact it might have in the immediate future.  one hand rises to get the attention of a turian bartender,  and she turns with a listless shrug for the pathfinder beside her.
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          ❛  listen,  kid  ---  ❜      a cringe takes over her features the moment  kid  escapes her lips,  but she does nothing to apologize for the label.  no one  likes  being called kid,  or child,  or anything that speaks to a lack of experience in  life.  but it feels appropriate  enough,  all things considered.      ❛  ---  it’s  not  all  it’s  cracked  up  to  be,  you  know,  the  fame  thing.  ❜      not to mention,  she isn’t  universally  adored.  there are plenty out there that still see her as a  target.
a hand waves between them,   as if to brush away the concern over  rudeness.  maybe her reputation hadn’t  truly  preceded her in  this  case,  or ryder wouldn’t even bother with such an apology.      ❛  you’re  fine,  it’s  just  one  of  those  things,  you  know  ?  ❜      replacement drinks arrive,  and she slides one over to her companion with a crooked smile.      ❛  sounds  great  in  theory,  not  so  exciting  in  practice.  ❜    not that she’d  ever  sought out fame.   she’d just been a soldier,  following in her parents’ footsteps,  who stumbled into something that had to be  handled  ------and that,  at the time,  she’d been the only one interested in  handling.      ❛  but   ---  ‘s  not  as  bad  as  you’d  think,  ❜     here it is,  hitting her in that delicious way that’ll make the lights go fuzzy,  the colors soften,  and the sounds muffle before long.   she  holds up her glass.     ❛  ------free  drinks  almost  anywhere  i  go.  ❜    //   @rosevois   »  〈  !!  〉
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we-thefairfolk · 6 years
starter for @rosevois​
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The alicorn stood in front of the building, suddenly feeling unsure and hesitant, gazing quizzically at the door. She really didn’t think this was all necessary, but her sister, the Oh-So-Radiant Princess Celestia, insisted upon it. More like commanded, in her opinion. But she said it with such a smile and a voice that left no room for argument. Well, she could’ve argued some more, but she couldn’t risk getting sent back to the moon over such a silly thing... Luna smiled slightly at her own joke, and took in a deep breath as she opened the door and stepped into Canterlot Carousel. It might’ve been her own imagination, but the door closing behind her filled her with an irrational sense of dread. The princess tensed up, trying to resist the urge to look over her shoulder and bolt back through the door. But she was stopped by the sound of two voices chatting, steadily approaching the main lobby. She sighed, it was too late to escape now.
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immortalxdreamers · 5 years
plotted for starter || @rosevois
     Just like any other day, Miss Mary-Margaret Blanchard had woken up, fulfilled her morning routine, and headed off to Storybrooke’s school. It was as if it had ALWAYS been this way, as if she had lived here all her life, known all these people for as long as she could remember, but it also always felt like something was missing — something she couldn’t identify, though it was easy to say that feeling like she belonged here was out of the question. Each day, she tried not to think about it too much, to let the joy of teaching children like Henry Mills remove that sensation of ‘something missing’. 
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     It was on another day just like that, that the raven-haired woman bumped into one of her colleagues. She seemed to be bumping into people a lot these days. Being a bit of a daydreamer would do that to a person. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t see you there.” Noticing the books the other had dropped in their collision, Mary-Margaret instantly kneeled down to gather them. “Here, let me help you with that,” she said, having taken the books off the floor and subsequently reached them out to be retrieved by the other. “It’s been a while since I’ve last seen you around. Is everything okay?”
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