#rosende reads
simplyclary · 1 year
The ships from the shadows that I will never disembark from ➰
This post is based off of a ship game here on Tumblr, but to make things a little bit more clear and interesting, I just decided to make a whole post about it and include the top 5 ships from the shadows (if you know, you know) that I absolutely love and adore!
I love a good romance in fantasy so even though not all of my favorite ships are included in the discussion, I made a little list for honorable mentions at the very end.
Also disclaimer, I do not have any unpopular opinion about my ships so if you're familiar with the game, I simply answered the first two questions, which is "What made me ship it?" and "What are my favorite things about my ship?"
Another thing before I begin, the five ships included here is not arranged in any particular order and for the ships that already have a live-action adaptation, I will be using photos from the TV show and for those who does not have an adaptation, I will be using fanart (and of course, give credits to the artist)
I may end up rambling (as per usual), but hey, it's part of the ride.
This is a lengthy post, so get comfy, grab a cup of coffee or tea and read on...
Simon Lewis and Isabelle Lightwood 💜
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(Photo credits: Freeform)
Ahhhh! My most favorite ship in The Mortal Instruments series. Also, Alberto Rosende and Emeraude Toubia is my favorite adaptation of Simon and Isabelle. I just love them so much that the idea of them splitting up or one of them dying hurts my heart.
Anyway, before I get sidelined, let's get to the point...
What made me ship them?
Right off the bat, their chemistry from the beginning of the story is one of the many reasons why I ship them. The way that Simon was enchanted by Isabelle from the very beginning made me swoon. Their slow burn romance is to die for. I also love how their relationship is built on friendship.
Most of their interactions in the books (even in the show) were as friends and it was only in like the last couple of books (and episodes) did they become an official couple. They are the definition of strangers to friends to lovers (if there is such a trope?) and I adore that. They are also part of the hot girl dates nerd trope (again, is this a thing?) and I'm obsessed with it.
Another reason why I ship them is because they are always there for each other when needed. Like when Simon needs blood to drink, Isabelle aids him in getting a fresh supply. They've always got each other's backs and are both just really badass people.
What are my favorite things about them?
I have a lot of favorite things about Simon and Isabelle but some things that make the top list is of course, their undeniable chemistry. Their humor and comedic timing around each other makes me laugh. Their support for each other, the way they flirt and tease each other, they are meant to be in every universe (or dimension).
One notable favorite thing of mine is when Simon teaches Isabelle nerd and mundane culture and her confused reactions gets me giggling every time! Also, during Simon's time in Shadowhunter Academy, Isabelle went there and claimed Simon as her boyfriend and threatened everyone who even thinks about starting a relationship with him. That is one of my most favorite scenes from the books.
Their souls are meant for each other and there is no denying that.
Thomas Lightwood and Alastair Carstairs 🧡
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(Photo credits: @agnes-draws)
My current obsession and hyper-fixation! They are my world right now and I don't think I'll get over them anytime soon! By the angel, look at them! Aren't they too precious?? *swoons*
What made me ship them?
Where do I even begin with this? Oh, I know, the beginning (obviously!). I shipped them from the beginning because the tension that constantly existed between them since their days at the Academy to their days in Paris together until the day that Thomas threatened to knock Alastair into the Thames (I mean there's reason behind that, I know) and forward. They are the definition of the childhood bully (Alastair to Thomas) to companions (in Paris) to enemies (-ish) to secret connections to lovers (I clearly have no idea what I just said here but I think you get the point).
I also shipped them because of the honesty and openness that exists between them. The rawness of emotion that flows between them when they're in their little bubble of privacy is just wow and I love reading about it! They are also opposites that are attracted to one another (Alastair being sort of chin-up type of guy and Thomas being the awkward sweetie that he is). The desire that exists in their hearts for each other is just flowing through the pages, which I adore.
I wasn't expecting to ship them when I first read the short stories and the first two books of TLH, but hey, I'm here now and it's all that matters.
What are my favorite things about them?
I have a lot of favorite things about them, but their banter is one of my most favorites. In canon or out of canon, they have good banter and dialogue. I can feel their emotions rushing with every turn of the page. I also love their height difference (I apparently have a thing for this!), with Thomas being 6'5 and Alastair being a munchkin at 5'10 is something I will never get over.
They also bring out the best in each other and they are protective (and possessive) over one another. They are also there for each other during times of need (like when Alastair comforted Thomas when Thomas found out that Christopher is gone), and it makes my heart mushy. Their comedic timing is also one of my favorite things (the fire message scene lives rent free in my mind).
They belong together in every universe and I will stand by that.
Will Herondale and Tessa Gray 💙
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(Photo credits: @allarica)
Oh angel, these are two people meant to be together! Their love broke boundaries! What else can I say about these two amazing bookish angels? Also, this art is just one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever seen.
Let's move on before I babble, shall we?
What made me ship them?
I love a good slow burn romance and they are a couple that did just that. The passion is evident in the way they interact with each other, the way they look at each other, there was a spark from the moment Will (and Jem) saved Tessa from the clutches of the Dark Sisters that left me wanting more of them. Of course, with every romance, tension arose between them but it was nothing that they can't solve.
They are each other's safe space, they want to be together during times when they are apart. They have an invisible string that ties them together and I love that idea. Their love story is something that I will remember for eternity.
What are my favorite things about them?
I love that Tessa made Will a better person. I mean, he is still very much himself, Tessa just sort of improved him as a human being. I love that happy glow that they have when they are together, which clearly states that they are really happy and meant to be together. I also love that they have a shared love for books and stories, I really love characters who loves books and treasures them.
Their banter is unmatched and they are supportive of each other and are protective of each other. I can state a lot more but those are the top favorites!
They found love in the darkest of times and they are each other's light.
Gideon Lightwood and Sophie Collins 💚
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(Photo credits: @lemoncielart)
Now, they are a prince and lady's maid sort of story. Kind of reminds me of Cinderella but the meaning is much more special to me. Just the look on Gideon's face in the photo is the look of love and adoration for Sophie and it makes me swoon.
Let's proceed, shall we?
What made me ship them?
I like the way that they started from a master and apprentice relationship to friends to eventually lovers and that is just lovely to read. The forced proximity in a sense that in the beginning, Gideon did not want to like stay in London because he thought he would not have a good time but Sophie changed that because those training lessons were the ones that Gideon looked forward to the most. I just love that idea and reading it made me go "Awww!".
The way that they are open and honest with one another is just admirable because of course, they both went through tough times and they found safety and support in each other. I also adore Gideon's gentleness to Sophie during the training sessions (still can't believe Gideon swears in Spanish when he's having a good time, that fact still confuses me to this day) and them wanting to meet each other even outside the training sessions. If that is not the beginning of courtship, I don't know what is.
What are my favorite things about them?
Favorite things, you say? Hmm, let's start with the infamous scones story. I'll just say that I admire Gideon's determination and he will go through great lengths just to see Sophie, even though by the means of wasting a lot of scones and having a threat of a rat infestation. I love that entire scene and it still makes me giggle. Another thing that makes me giggle (and swoon) is Gideon's accidental declaration of his desire to get married to Sophie at the breakfast table and eventual proposal. Ahh, typical lovesick Lightwood boy.
I also love the way that they see beyond imperfection (mainly Gideon) and their caring and accepting personalities (my heart swooned extra at the epilogue of Chain of Thorns when Thomas declared that he would be living with Alastair and they accepted him wholeheartedly). They are also amazing parents so there's also that.
They are one of my most favorite parents in the entire Shadowhunters saga.
Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood ❤️
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(Photo credits: Freeform)
Ahhhh Malec! How to describe them other than revolutionary? They are the first gay couple I ever shipped in my life and my life is made better because of it! Thank you to my parabatai @jamielivesforthememesandthe-blog for introducing me to them and I will forever be grateful. Also, the way Harry Shum Jr. and Matthew Daddario portrayed them on-screen is perfection!
Now, let's dive into this revolutionary relationship.
What made me ship them?
It all started with a spark that clearly flickered when they first saw each other. That single spark of flame is enough to send readers feral. Magnus was obviously enchanted by Alec and Alec, of course, was also kind of attracted (though he will not admit it yet). They also have this constant yearning and desire to be with each other and they worry for each other when they're apart.
They also protect one another and help each other out, especially on missions that can be deadly. I also love that they balance each other out, like Magnus is very flamboyant and outgoing while Alec is very shy and introverted, but Magnus helps Alec be more confident and Alec humbles Magnus a little bit. They complete each other and each other's soulmate.
What are my favorite things about them?
They are a revolutionary couple! They set an example for those who are like them and make sure that they have a safe space in the world (Matthew, Thomas and Alastair are cheering from heaven!!). Their chemistry is unmatched and their love knows no boundaries. They bring out the best in each other.
Mostly courtesy of Magnus, their banter always makes me giggle and laugh. Also my favorite thing is that they are able to mend up their relationship whenever they have a rift in it. They also think of each other when they're apart and after the events of TMI, I love how they eventually built their family (Max and Rafael are so lucky to have Magnus and Alec as their dads)
They are meant for each other and I'm happy for Magnus, because after so many failed relationships, he finally found his home with Alec.
There we have it, folks! My top 5 ships from the shadows that I will never disembark from. I had a lot of fun writing this and listing reasons why I love these couples. I may have sounded redundant in the entries, but that is simply because I can't formulate enough words to share with you all how much these ships mean to me. 😁
But wait, there're more....
I said in the introduction to this that there will be honorable mentions for the ships that I will not discuss but I still love and adore.
Without further ado, here they are..
James Herondale and Cordelia Carstairs
Jace Herondale and Clary Fairchild
Kit Herondale and Ty Blackthorn
Jem Carstairs and Tessa Gray
Julian Blackthorn and Emma Carstairs
Jesse Blackthorn and Lucie Herondale
These are the honorable mentions, my dears! If you made it this far, thank you for reading! I adore you all and sending lots of love from my heart to yours! 🫶
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abwwia · 5 months
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Małgorzata Mirga-Tas @gosiamirga (born 16.04.1978) is an international artist, sculptor, painter, activist, feminist and educator, of Romani-Polish origin.
Polish Women Artists #sztukakobiet
In 2022 Mirga-Tas represented Poland at the 59th Venice Biennale as part of the "Milk of Dreams" exhibition, where she was the first Roman artist to represent any country at this art event. Via Wikipedia
Read also: Interview
‘When you say you are Roma, you have to work twice as hard’: #MałgorzataMirgaTas, outsider at the heart of Polish art | by #CharlotteHiggins
theguardian com/artanddesign/2023/sep/21/malgorzata-mirga-tas-roma-polish-art-artist
Her dazzling textile works caused a sensation at Europe’s two most important art events. #MirgaTas talks about defying centuries of anti-Roma prejudice – and turning her mother’s old dresses into art.
The International Romani Day (April 😎 is a day to celebrate Romani culture and raise awareness of the issues facing Romani people. Via Wikipedia
🇵🇱 Małgorzata Mirga-Tas (ur. 1978 w Zakopanem) – polsko-romska artystka wizualna, malarka, rzeźbiarka, edukatorka i aktywistka. Via Wikipedia PL
Portret wykonał Frank Rosendal,
a zdjęcia prac Marcin Tas
#artherstory #Romaniculture #artbywomen #romaniday #womensart #palianshow #art #womenartists #femaleartist #artist #polskoromska #artystka #malarka #rzeźbiarka #edukatorka #aktywistka
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esmealux · 4 months
Okay, but you have to read the lyrics of this Danish song, which was written by Jens Rosendal in 1981 when he fell in love with a man
Background: In 1981, Jens Rosendal wrote the poem "Du kom med alt det, der var dig" (You Came With Everything That You Have and Are) when he fell head over heels in love with a man. It was a turbulent time becuase he was living a family life with his wife and three kids. Men there was no way around it – Jens Rosendal couldn't hide his feelings any longer. He had to give in to love at the age of 50. He decided that while he might be able to keep his secret for all of his life, he didn't want to be buried with it. Jens Rosendal has said that he for the first experience that he really could love and that he therefor was a real person - that he has the biggest gift God can give us: Love! That was the occasion for writing this song.
[pretty much directly translated from Højskolesangbogen.dk because I couldn't say it better myself]
The song is included in Højskolesangbogen, the Danish Folk High Schools' songbook, and is so widely known and popular in Denmark you don't even understand. It is sung, in church, at so many weddings - all kinds of weddings. You can bet your ass it's going to be sung at my wedding too. Here are the translated lyrics:
You Came With Everything That You Have and Are
You came with everything that you have and are and blew away every blocked path and what a spring it was! The year when everything became strong and clear and wild and full with the speed og spring thaw and everything screamed: live!
I stormed out to buy beer yes, the old, stiff foal of winter ran out on green meadows and you became warm and bright and drunk and your hair was pure gold like the sun – hidden for too long
And flowers opened up and saw that the sky became vast and blue and the moment had been created for joy Your fist was warm and good and you were beautiful and full of courage so beautiful that I had to cry
Our Lord himself invited people for a celebration and kissed every awestruck guest in the halls of love With eyes, wondering and blue we just saw and saw and saw and swallowed the speech of life:
That life is worth living in spite of doubt and great trouble in spite of all the things that hurt And love will always persist and no matter what the entire world says it will have our hearts
Based on translation by HinKyto on lyrictranslate.com, moderated by me. There is an official English translation of the English version in Højskolernes Singalongs, folk songs and hymns, but you have to buy a physical copy.
If you wanna know what it sounds like in Danish, here's the national women's choir singing it:
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gldnhrt · 5 months
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alberto rosende, homosexual, cis-male + he/him → isn’t that julian cortez? i’ve seen them hanging out with the siphoner. i hear they're twenty-five, but they’ve only been in alexandria for three years. they seem to be soft & empathic, but also naive & hopeless romantic. it’s cool that they’re capable of healing, molecular combustion, molecular immobilization, and teleportation!
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𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  julian jaime cortez 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  jj ( his friends ) , jules ( brother ) 𝐃𝐎𝐁  november 2, 1998 𝐀𝐆𝐄  twenty - five 𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂  scorpio 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  cis - male 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  he/him 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  homoromantic, homosexual 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍  ann arbor, michigan 𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐒  english, spanish, french 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  nurse
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𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌  alberto rosende 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑  dark brown 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒  brown eyes 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓  5′9″ 𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒  none 𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒  none 𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄  white shirts, black button ups, suits, brown jackets, beanies, knitted sweaters.
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𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  architect ( intj ) 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  soft, empathic, observant, festive, enthusiastic 𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄  quiet, discreet, naive, overly optimistic, sensitive 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓  playing guitar, painting, working out, reading books, writing, bike rides, walks, music. 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 verse-bottom 𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒  iced coffee
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐋𝐒        peeta mellark ( the hunger games ) , peter parker ( spiderman ) , alice cullen ( twilight series ) , apollo ( greek mythology ) , sora ( kingdom hearts ) , theo engler ( you ) , ricky bowen ( hsmtmts )
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julian cortez was born on november 2nd, 1998.   as siphoner, it was very ironic that his birthday ended up being on dia de los muertos.   how ironic it was that he himself was a little dead inside knowing he had no powers of his own. he wasn't fully there.
julian was born in a powerful witch coven, one that was proud of their powers. and julian was excited for when he would show magical abilities of his own, but when nothing came, he felt like the odd one out amongst his coven.
the day he discovered his powers, he was terrified.   he had the ability to do everything witches do, but he had no actual magic of his own. when he siphoned his older brother, that was when everything changed. he was only thirteen.
that whole time, he stayed quiet about his powers. he knew what it meant to be a siphoner, and his older brother was so protective over julian, so he kept it quiet, telling julian to keep acting like he was just human and the magic had skipped him. that was better than their parents finding out the truth.
his older brother made sure that every morning julian can siphon a little bit of magic for julian to store for the day, so that he can use it for protection. and most times julian just practiced his magic here and there before the magic was gone for the day.
for the next few years, julian did stay low. but he was so curious about his power. so he practice with the little magic that his brother let him siphon.
for years, julian felt broken, getting frustrated when the magic was gone, feeling like he wasn't whole.   but when he did nursing school, it had become the one thing that had helped him, because he wanted to do good, and thought the only way he could help was to ease those that needed it, help them to go on their way to a healthier and better self.
in college, he met a fellow supernatural, who never judged him, who got close with. with their help, julian got to siphon a bit of magic from him so that he could at least learn a little more advance stuff.
he graduated nursing school, even if it took longer than most.  but he did that.  and when he got a job offer at alexandria, where he was eyeing, finding out there were people like him. he was rather excited, knowing that he wasn't alone.
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OLDER BROTHER:  he was so happy he wasn't alone in this world. his brother was always so protective of him, even when he discovered he was a siphoner. he even moved out to alexandria with julian, and now they share a place together. ( TAKEN by @ )
HIS FIRST LOVE:  julian and his first love had dated all throughout high school.  but what he doesn’t know about his first love was that he was a supernatural.  ( either he was a vampire or a darklighter ).   julian didn’t know that the other would eventually fake his own death to protect julian. julian never felt so heartbroken, feeling the loss of someone he gave his whole hear to. so when he moved to alexandria, he couldn't believe that he was alive and living in the town too.
EX BOYFRIEND:  julian had one other boyfriend in his life, but the relationship wasn’t as loved filled as it was with his first love.  at least at first it was nice, but it ended up getting a bit too much,  maybe the fact that he had found the other cheating on him.
HOSPITAL BEST FRIEND:  seeing as julian was completely new, he had no friends in the city.  so he gets close to some of the people in the hospital.   eventually he makes a few good friends at the hospital, but one he is closest with. they often go get drinks after work.
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theoddshq · 10 months
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PETER LOPEZ (alberto rosende fc) the odds are in your favor! Please report to your nearest Capitol Agent to be prepped for the 74th Annual Hunger Games!
Alias/Age/Pronouns/Timezone: Sierra/32/she/they/cst Triggers: [REDACTED] If you had to describe your muse as a canon Hunger Games character, or mix, who would you compare them to and why? Pete is an interesting blend of Peeta (devotion and loyalty) and Finnick (charm, a bit of sass, rizz out the wazoo)
ALBERTO ROSENDE, CIS-MALE, HE/HIM The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes PETER LOPEZ, a DISTRICT 10 TRIBUTE. Word around The Capitol is that they’re LOYAL AND HARDWORKING but can also be BITTER AND SELF-DEPRECATING. According to sources, they’re 24 and were once described as late night diaper changes, untamable curls over broken glasses, oversized sweaters, forgetting words in english, and always eating a little less. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
Peter Andrew Lopez, the eldest of three, the big brother, the protector, the hard worker. He was born a year before his siblings, twins, and they were a close knit little family. Of course, that was all until the night, the worst night, the night that no one talks about anymore. Peter was six, Marisol and Adair soon to be five, and the screaming started well after the sun had set and everyone was supposed to be settled into bed. Loud, angry voices, banging cabinets, the sound of glass shattering. Peter was too scared to move out of his spot, curled up in his little makeshift cot on the floor, but he heard his siblings shuffling around and knew he had to do something. “Stay here.” His voice had been so soft when he’d whispered those words, and then he’d slipped from the window, falling what felt like the longest stretch to the ground, hurting his little leg on impact, but still standing and brushing himself off and running all the way to the one person he knew who could solve any problem. Abuela.
It wasn’t until he was much older that he found out the story of what had happened that night, the worst night. Perhaps it had been a kindness on Abuela’s part not to speak it aloud until he was much older, but it also left a large gap in his childhood after that. Abuela had moved into their home that night, and Peter had never seen his dad again. An angry old drunk, probably drinking himself to death somewhere else in 10. Peter never really gave him a second thought, but he wasn’t sure how he was supposed to answer questions his brother and sister raised to him. He always told them that it didn’t matter, that Abuela was there to take care of them. That seemed like a good enough answer to him.
Peter never was the smartest kid in 10, but he had a few practical skills that couldn’t be matched. He was amazing at taking care of children, having helped with his own siblings since he was young. He was great with the livestock. Reading was hard, because he grew up in a house where that simply wasn’t something anyone cared about, but his Abuela taught him, even if it was hard, mixing the two languages they spoke in their home so often that he would constantly forget certain words even as he looked at them on the page in front of him. He gave up on school when he was only 14, deciding that he would much rather work, help his family in the best way that he could. Education was something he wanted for his siblings, not for himself. He had become the man of the house, it was his job to take care of everyone, Marisol and Adair and Abuela, especially as they all got older and Abuela got a little more frail than she had once been.
He worked every day up until this years reaping, having stashed away a little bit of money, and though he had no idea why he’d done it, he could say that it had certainly come in handy when his name had been pulled for the reaping. His family would have that little bit of money to live on. They would have that stash for a rainy day, something to keep close to the vest. He couldn’t bring himself to cry as he waited for the goodbyes that his family offered him before being shuttled off on the train. He felt too sick. He would try his best, of course, but what could a boy who was good with cows and pigs really hope for in the games he’d watched every year? He wasn’t sure he would ever be a winner.
writing sample
Deceive 1 Fight 3 Lore (knowledge) 2 Notice 2 Physique 3 Provoke 2 Rapport 2 Resourcefulness 2 Stealth 1 Will 2
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morganupstead · 2 years
Caleb Alvarez is my current book boyfriend and that man is the definition of cinnamon roll MMC.
@halsteadsbradshaw and I have decided that we are picturing Alberto Rosende while reading Mixed Signals by BK Borison, which is quite literally the most spot-on.
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sweetillusicn · 2 years
[ alberto rosende, cis-man, he/him. ] ✧・゚ is that [ sorin denatos ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ eternally twenty-four ] year old child of [ dimitri denatos ] from [ mom’s got a date with a vampire ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ honest ] but [ stubborn ] and have [ 1 adoptive younger sister ] sibling(s). i could almost swear i heard [ the other side - bruno mars ] playing when they appeared. [ sho, 25, est, she/her. ]
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Bio tws: Murder, death, kidnapping.
Sorin was born to a loving couple. However, to his misfortune, he doesn’t remember much of them. When he was just six years old, his parents were murdered by a Dimitri Denatos, a vampire who was looking to start a family.
With no parents to object to him, Dimitri took the boy and began to raise him as his son.
However the young boy was defiant and unwilling to listen to Dimitri. As a result, a year later, Dimitri decided that maybe “adopting” a second child might make his son more compliant. One night, Dimitri went out to work, and came back with a young girl.
The two children quickly clung to each other for support, and they became close enough that they consider each other actual siblings.
In their later years, the two were put on a vampire schedule, and Dimitri began to teach them about what it was like to be a vampire. However, if Sorin or his sister disobeyed, he’d punish them and make an example through innocent people.
Sorin was turned at the age of twenty-four, and although he’s actually a bit older now, he still appears to be twenty-four and when asked will give that as his age.
After they were turned, Ylania and Sorin planned on getting out. However, Dimitri found out and Sorin stayed behind in an attempt to convince Dimitri to let Ylania go.
Although Sorin hates living under the same roof as Dimitri, he keeps himself occupied with other things. He watches horror movies, plays computer games and video games, and sits and reads. Dimitri gave Sorin those things long ago with the hope that they’d make him compliant, and even though they never did, Sorin still felt it’d be easier to make use of them.
Overall, Sorin is a giant nerdy dork. He’s pretty awkward since he hasn’t really had much experience in socializing outside of Ylania and the rare conversation with Dimitri. But if you get him talking about a topic he likes, once he starts, he won’t stop talking about it.
Sorin loves horror movies, especially the classics. He especially loves vampire movies, since he uses them as a learning experience and a way to bolster his confidence. Some of his favorites are Fright Night, The Lost Boys, Dracula, Near Dark, What We Do in the Shadows, Salem’s Lot, and the Revenge of Count Krelsky.
Other non-vampire horror favorites are IT, The Shining, Doctor Sleep, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Frankenstein, Chucky, Alien, Ghostbusters, and Carrie.
He’ll often compare Dimitri to horror movie characters, such as Jerry Dandrige from Fright Night, Max the Head Vampire from The Lost Boys, or even Count Dracula. He never calls Dimitri any by paternal term, and will only call him Dimitri or by a horror movie character’s name. If he ever refers to Dimitri as ‘his dad’ or ‘his father’ then something is very, very wrong.
Sorin hates that he needs to drink blood to survive. As a result, he usually opts for a rare burger or steak. If that doesn’t satiate him then the local wildlife might. But he’d never bite a human.
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auroratalenthq · 29 days
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🎙️     ⸻     tap  tap  tap    [  ..  ]    is  this  thing  on  ?  welcome  to  aurora  talent  agency.  make  sure  to  have  your  luggage  correctly  labeled,  passports  at  the  ready  and  a  smiling  face  for  the  cameras.  let  the  world  tour  begin  !
welcome  to  the  roleplay  :  torie  +  em.  make  sure  to  read  over  the  after  acceptance  guide  to  know  the  next  steps  and  what  to  expect.  we  cannot  wait  to  see  the  chaos  that  may  be  bubbling  below  the  surface  !
apollo  jenkins  (alberto  rosende)  is  the  drummer  for  stage  revolution.
rowan  sánchez  (lizeth  selene)  is  the  bassist  for  stage  revolution.
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ivycovehq · 2 months
welcome to ivy cove, britt! we can’t wait to meet alec lightwood, tyler strand, wade wilson, kiara carrera, evan buckley, alastor. please make sure you read through the checklist and send in your account within 24 hours
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( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that ALEXANDER LIGHTWOOD walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from SHADOWHUNTERS. they’re 31 and live in RADIANT HILLS but watch out because they can be ANGRY + INSECURE but are actually COURAGEOUS +INTELLIGENT. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of LEATHER CLADDED BACK, SHARP BLUE EYES, A BOYISH CHARM, BLISTERS FROM ALWAYS USING HIS BOW, BLACK RUNES LITTERING HIS BODY, AND MESSY BLACK CURLS when imagining them. / alberto rosende, he/him 
( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that TYLER KENNEDY STRAND walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from 911: LONESTAR. they’re 28 and live in FULTON PARK but watch out because they can be RECKLESSNESS+ADDICTIVE but are actually LOYALTY + PATIENCE. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of A HONEY BEE TATTOO ON HIS ARM, CLADDED IN A UNIFORM FOR WORK, HAS A MILLION HOODIES, BRUISES ON HIS FACE AND KNUCLES, AND HAS KIND EYES when imagining them. /ronen rubinstein, he/him 
( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that WADE WILSON walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from MARVEL. they’re 40 and live in FULTON PARK but watch out because they can be TALKATIVE + SARACASTIC but are actually ENTERTAINING +HILARIOUS. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of HAVING A SNARKY COMMENT FOR EVERYTHING, ALWAYS DANCING AROUND, A RED BODY SUIT, TWO KATANA SWORDS, SKIN THAT CAN HEAL BUT ALWAYS LOOKS A LITTLE DEFORMED when imagining them. / ryan reynolds, he/him 
( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that KIARA CARRERA walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from OUTERBANKS. they’re 23 and live in SHOREGRAZE RIDGE but watch out because they can be DECIETFUL +SECRETIVE but are actually LOYAL +INTELLIGENT. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of CURLY HAIR THAT SMELLS OF SALT WATER, TANNED SKIN FROM BEING AT THE BEACH ALL DAY, A HUNGER FOR ADVENTURE IN HER EYES, A SMILE ON SEEING HER FRIENDS AND FAMILY HAPPY, AND A SEASHELL NECKLACE THAT SHE NEVER TAKES OFF when imagining them. /madison bailey she/they 
( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that EVAN BUCKLEY walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from 911. they’re 29 and live in RADIAN HILLS but watch out because they can be INSECURE + NERVOUS but are actually KIND + COMPASSIONATE. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of A BIRTHMARK ON HIS EYE THAT LOOKS LIKE A BRUISE, HAS A VIDEO CONTROLLER IN HIS HANDS, A FIRE FIGHTER UNIFORM, and MUSCLES FROM WORKING OUT. when imagining them. / oliver stark, he/him 
( britt, she/her, 30, est ) woah! was that ALASTOR THE RADIO DEMON walking down main street? i heard they’re not actually from ivy cove but come from HAZBIN HOTEL. they’re LOOKS 40 and live in GLEN OAK HEIGHTS but watch out because they can be SOCIOPATHIC + RUDE but are actually FAMILY-OREIENTED + HELPFUL. despite them HAVING memories, you’ll always think of A WICKED SMILE, A RED AND BOB THAT DOESN’T QUIT, A RED CANE WITH A SPEAKER ON THE END OF IT AND A BASS IN HIS VOICE WHEN HE SPEAKS when imagining them. / idris elba, he/him 
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palmviewfm · 2 months
what are your most wanted males?
for  counterparts  or  faceclaims,  friend  ?  i'll  just  give  you  a  mixture  of  both,  which  you  can  find  underneath  the  read  more.  but  just  let  us  know  if  you'd  like  other suggestions  !
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counterparts:  chris  halliwell,  leo  wyatt,  stefan  salvatore,  jeremy  gilbert,  enzo  st  john,  logan  huntzberger,  dean  forester,  tristan  dugray,  dave  rygalski,  luke  danes,  jordan  baker,  asher  adams,  spencer  james,  john  bender,  andrew  clark,  brian  johnson,  johnny  castle,  shawn  hunter,  cory  matthews,  eric  matthews,  jack  hunter,  xander  harris,  conrad  fisher,  steven  conklin,  dan  humphrey,  seth  cohen,  edward  cullen,  emmett  cullen,  carlisle  cullen,  sam  uley,  paul  lahote,  danny  desario,  jj  maybank,  pope  heyward,  john  b  routledge,  ross  geller,  chandler  bing,  mike  hannigan,  jesse  katsopolis,  joey  gladstone,  scott  mulder,  jesse  swanson,  harvey  kinkle,  archie  andrews,  jughead  jones,  reggie  mantle,  jason  blossom,  moose  mason,  kevin  keller,  troy  barnes,  atticus  lincoln,  derek  shepherd,  ryan  atwood,  nathan  scott,  lucas  scott,  caleb  rivers,  toby  cavanaugh,  and  noel  kahn.
faceclaims:  michael  evans  behling,  daniel  ezra,  cody  christian,  charles  melton,  derek  luh,  leo  howard,  jonathan  daviss,  diego  boneta,  leo  woodall,  noah  lalonde,  felix  mellard,  froy  guiterrez,  oliver  stark,  gavin  leatherwood,  ross  lynch,  d'pharoh  woon-a-tai,  tom  blyth,  jonah  hauer-king,  alex  fitzalan,  dylan  wang,  aubrey  joseph,  keith  powers,  austin  butler,  cameron  monaghan,  joseph  quinn,  joe  keery,  colin  ford,  corey  fogelmanis,  matthew  noszka,  dacre  montgomery,  gregg  sulkin,  grant  gustin,  tom  holland,  herman  tommeraas,  lorenzo  zurzolo,  jeremy  allen  white,  justice  smith,  logan  lerman,  tanner  buchanan,  xolo  mariduena,  nick  robinson,  keiynan  lonsdale,  manu  rios,  aj  saudin,  alberto  rosende,  brandon  perea,  diego  tinoco,  mason  gooding,  sean  teale,  tommy  martinez,  archie  renaux,  alex  aiono,  austin  abrams,  rege-jean  page,  josh  hutcherson,  josh  o'connor,  jack  mulhern,  charlie  rowe,  wolfgang  novogratz,  adam  dimarco,  chris  brieny,  david  iacono,  thomas  weatherall,  david  corenswet,  hero  finnes  tiffin,  paul  mescal,  tyler  lawrence  gray,  callum  turner,  danny  ramirez,  daren  barnet,  drew  starkey,  dylan  arnold,  elias  kacavas,  emilio  sakraya,  evan  mock,  harris  dickinson,  josh  heuston,  maxence  danet-fauvel,  mena  massoud,  zane phillips, nicholas  galiztine,  and  taylor  zakhar  perez.
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novumtimes · 3 months
Insta-worthy spots in the Free State province
The Free State province is known and loved for its natural beauty, open farmlands, vast mountains and quirky towns. For those seeking the perfect Insta shot, the area is a treasure trove of photogenic locations waiting to be discovered. Here are just a few of the province’s Instagrammable spots: Free State National Botanical Garden Image: Sourced (South African National Biodiversity Institute) On the outskirts of Bloemfontein, one finds the picturesque Free State National Botanical Garden. It boasts tall grasslands and is dominated by magnificent wild olive trees. Come with your camera battery fully charged to capture all the breathtaking natural beauty. Moreover, it is also the ideal spot to pose with lush greenery in the background. Golden Gate Highlands National Park Credit: Getty Images The Golden Gate Highlands National Park is nestled in the rolling foothills of the Free State’s Maluti Mountains. From majestic mountains to intriguing caves, there is plenty of beauty to explore and capture. If you are looking to photograph the stunning national park in all its golden glow and glory, one of the best times to do so is just before sunset. Basotho Cultural Village The Basotho Cultural Village is located at the foot of huge sandstone mountains. At this picturesque village, you will be able to capture the beautiful visual story of the Basotho nation’s rich culture. Image: Melanie Van Zyl Plus, you are guaranteed shots that are authentic, vibrant and colourful. Most importantly, be respectful, considerate and open-minded when visiting the village. Rosendal Picture: Sourced / @rosendaltown Known as the ‘Free State’s best-kept secret’, the quaint town of Rosendal is a paradise for photographers. It boasts beautiful landscapes and picture-perfect sandstone buildings. All across the town, there are a number of spots where you can get lovely images to give your Instagram feed an aesthetically-pleasing content revamp. Follow us on social media for more travel news, inspiration, and guides. You can also tag us to be featured.  TikTok | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter ALSO READ: 10 Majestic mountain passes to drive in South Africa Source link via The Novum Times
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umichenginabroad · 5 months
Stockholm Week 15: Already Time for Austria! 
My time in Europe is running out and I am trying to make the most of it. 
Welcome to Jiwoo’s blog. This week’s main attraction is Vienna (or Wien), Austria! 
However, before leaving for Austria, I enjoyed a new experience in Stockholm.  
4/24 Wed: The ABBA Museum
Our Glued to the Screen: TV Film course voted on the location of our field study  last week. The winner was the ABBA museum! 
Did you know that ABBA, who sang hits like Dancing Queen, was a Swedish  supergroup? To be honest, I did not know until I came to Sweden. Surprisingly many companies and groups are Swedish and I had no clue! Top examples I can think of right now are Spotify, IKEA, H&M, ABBA, Roxette, and Ace of Base. 
I knew the museum was popular but it was on the more expensive side so I never visited before. This was a perfect excursion for me! 
There were various interactive activities and photo spots such as karaoke rooms, dance stages with ABBA members, and places with phone stands for selfies (very convenient)! 
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I was the fifth member of ABBA for an hour   
The ABBA museum is in Djurgården, an island that is rather far from everywhere. Since I was there already, I made it a whole trip by checking out Rosendals garden as well! 
It has been on my places-to-visit list for a while due to its flower gardens and cafes. 
I saw a wide variety of beautiful flowers, which momentarily healed my soul. I strongly encourage the gift shops too! 
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I wanted to live here
On the way to a meeting, I saw the cherry blossoms that were starting to bloom now. I’m planning on visiting them when I return from Austria! 
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There weren’t in full bloom yet but I think they are now! 
My partner and I met at illycaffe to practice our Swedish oral exam. The cafe had a relaxing, studious atmosphere but the wifi was a bit janky so we had to move around in the cafe.     
4/26 Fri: First Day in Austria!
Finally, the day of our flight to Austria. As soon as I finished my last class of the day, I headed to the airport. 
After flying for two hours, we arrived in Vienna! The first view of Vienna from the airport was unexpectedly so green, which made me helplessly fall in love with Vienna. 
The sun was going down when we arrived; soon, darkness covered the sky.  
Airbnb was our first destination, then the city center for dinner and touristy things. We devoured dim sum for dinner at this really good Chinese restaurant called Hao Han. After we got satiated, we walked around the innere stadt. Even at night, the palaces and statues were beautiful. We walked around quite a bit until our legs failed us.
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You can find a few stars in the photo too!
4/27 Sat: Schönbrunn Palace
We started the morning early by leaving at 9 am since we did not want to waste any time that could be used to travel. 
My roommate started her day extra early by leaving for Prague at 4 am. My friend and I, who stayed in Vienna, went to a flea market. I didn’t buy any clothes or accessories there, but I bought a small digital camera that I have been craving for a few months now! 
After a small pastry and lunch break, we traveled to The Schönbrunn Palace. The place was HUGE. My friend and I decided not to go into the palace due to time constraints; we were glad of this choice because just walking around the free gardens, fountains, and viewpoints took us over three hours. 
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The parks were free to enter yet extremely well managed and decorated -- we talked about how we would come here every single day to stroll around or read a book under the sun if we had studied abroad here. 
We went thrifting for an hour after our excursion, but couldn’t find anything that caught our eye. Stockholm has better thrift stores in my opinion! 
We called it a day after getting dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. Our legs were about to fall off and we had work to do :( 
Unlike our original plan of going back to Airbnb and working on our projects and presentations right away, we took a nap for an hour before getting everything started.
4/28 Sun: Prater Amusement Park, Albertina Museum, Austrian National Library, St. Peter’s Church 
I couldn’t pass by a hotdog stand in Vienna, so I got a classical Vienna hotdog for breakfast. The sausage came wrapped in a carved baguette! The bread was softer than I thought it’d be and the sausage was better than I expected :)  
Since we ate breakfast, it was time for dessert. We met up with my roomie at Cafe Demel, a popular cafe known for authentic Austrian desserts.
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After lining up for thirty minutes, we got in and ordered sachertorte (a dark chocolate cake with apricot jam and icing, served with whipped cream) and kaiserschmarrn (bite-sized caramelized scrambled pancake with powdered sugar served with sour apple sauce).
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It was such a good combi, a rich dark chocolate cake paired with savory pancakes and sour apple jam.
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The souvenir store downstairs was also cute but pricey. 
For lunch, I went to Prater amusement park to meet my high school friend who is currently studying abroad in Vienna. It was so funny because I am going to meet her again next week on a trip to Italy. We are meeting more often in Europe than in the United States, and that was funny to us. 
As risk-taking adults, we invested some money into claw machines. And the best part: WE ACTUALLY GOT ONE! High risk high return  ദ്ദി(˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ 
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Talented pookies right here
And with that adrenaline, we decided to go on a ride with five loopy loops. Why? I’m not sure because the moment we got on the line we were shivering with fear. 
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As proper grown-ups, we came out in one whole piece without crying. With our jittery legs and spinning vision, we somehow managed to walk towards the archery game stop and popped some balloons too (I popped one out of five balloons!!!). I had to say goodbye to my friend after that because the museums closed early, but it was definitely a core memory. 
I was a busy gal that day! I speed-walked to the train station to go to the Albertina Museum. I was debating between the Belvedere museum (has Klimt’s Kiss), but decided that I wanted to see more of Monet’s paintings. I found other pieces of artwork that I cherished on top of Monet’s artworks. I call that a win! 
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I discovered during my study abroad that I love impressionism and still art!!! My favorite is Monet so far if you couldn't tell 
The souvenir shop had an assorted collection of goods made out of popular artworks -- I ended up purchasing several coasters and postcards :) 
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Buildings right outside the museum
Without delay, I moved on to State Hall in the Austrian National Library.
Unlike other libraries, it had an entrance fee of 7.50 euros (student price). However, it was worth it. It was a mix of museum and cathedral with a hint of palace. In short, it was stunning and breathtaking.
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People for scale
There isn’t any place to study because there are no tables, but other parts of the library might have had study spots. 
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The ceiling was the final blow for me -- I was awestruck
At last, we went to a famous restaurant with authentic Austrian food. We got there without reservation but they were kind enough to provide a table for us. We got Pork Schnitzel (~thin katsu), Beef Goulash (~beef stew), and potato salad. The combination of those three dishes was amazing - the potatoes surprisingly went well with both main dishes, allowing us to eat every little piece on the plates. 
Our final destination in Vienna was a string concert at St. Peter’s church. For a little over an hour, we heard a true harmony of Classic Ensemble Vienna playing a series of songs by Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, and Mozart. 
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The concert sparked my desire to play the violin again!
Overall, my trip to Vienna was wonderful! The weather was perfect, the food was amazing, and the attractions were gorgeous. I would 10/10 recommend a weekend trip to Vienna for studying abroad students! 
Next week is when my Milan and Florence trip begins. Come back to see what I am up to in Italy! 
Jiwoo Kim
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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wealthtv · 6 months
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ATTENTION ALL PASSENGERS, this message carries the information for any travelling companions of reputation.com's favourite elite. and, well would you look at that? even THE RICH AND FAMOUS HAVE FRIENDS ,  find out more about them below the cut. 
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍        (  familial  )  —  showing  results  for:  alexander  ortega  (  our  alberto  rosende  fc  )'s  family  (  mom  and  dad  +  2  siblings  ). their  wiki  page  says  they  are  25/55  range  and  photos  of  them  look  like  utp  (must  be  latin  descent). news  articles  state  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  the  ortegas  are  very  famous  and  elite  acting  family  in  hollywood,  and  are  known  to  only  have  good  works  under  their  belt. they  have  conquered  both  the  english  and  spanish  market,  and  the  parents  are  industry  giants. the  three  young  ortegas  seem  to  be  taking  the  same  path. the  oldest  should  be  up  to  35  years  old,  alexander  is  31  and  the  middle  child  and  the  youngest  ortega  shouldn't  be  under  25  years  old. you  don't  need  to  reach  out  @booscratchbook.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  (  misc  )  —  showing  results  for:  jonathan  yoon  (  our  hwang  hyunjin  )'s  bandmates  (singer/guitarist,  guitarist,  &  bassist). their  wiki  page  says  they  are  23-25  years  old  and  photos  of  them  look  like  any  fcs. news  articles  state  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  the  band  was  formed  in  a  shitty  university  study  room  with  a  group  of  project  mates  that  were  fucking  around  too  much. one  thing  turned  into  another  and  they  were  in  a  heated  discussion  about  the  greatest  music  in  history,  all  of  them  settling  on  pop-punk  being  the  genre. that  erupted  into  a  round  of  high-fives  and  even  deeper  into  their  individual  connection  to  music,  somehow  figuring  out  they  had  all  played  an  instrument  and  were  actually  really  good. with  a  bunch  of  raised  brows  and  questioning  looks  around  the  study  table,  they’d  agreed  to  test  out  how  they  sounded  altogether  and  the  rest  was  history. two  years  after  forming  (in  2020),  they  were  playing  a  gig  at  some  shitty  dive  bar  where  they  were  scouted  by  a  representative  from  one  of  the  largest  record  companies  in  the  world. after  meetings  here  and  there,  they  were  signed  and  have  since  gradually  started  to  rise  to  fame. you  don't  need  to  reach  out  @idlecoded,  but  can  if  you  have  any  questions.
𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃  𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍        (  romantic  )  —  showing  results  for:  luciana  labaki  (  our  emeraude  toubia  )'s  husband.   their  wiki  page  says  they  are  33  -  43  and  photos  of  them  look  like  callum  turner,  can  yaman,  lakeith  stanfield,  jeremy  allen  white,  any  male  fc. news  articles  state  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  headlines  read  "love  in  shreds  ⸺  marriage  on  the  rocks"  and  fans  speculate  if  the  pair  is  facing  relationship  apocalypse... y/m  and  luciana  have  been  privately  separated  for  quite  some  time,  but  they've  kept  their  marital  status  intact  for  the  sake  of  their  joint  business  venture. struggles  to  maintain  their  public  facade  while  seeing  other  partners  have  turned  their  relationship  into  tabloid  fodder;  complete  with  whispers  of  infidelity,  open  marriage  rumors  and  juicy  gossip  about  polyamorous  adventures  that  have  sent  social  media  into  a  frenzy. by  now,  i  imagine  that  their  business  partnership  has  started  to  show  signs  of  strain,  especially  as  they  struggle  to  maintain  the  illusion  of  marital  harmony  in  the  public  eye,  and  they  are  itching  closer  to  a  divorce. career/occupation  utp,  all  you  need  to  know  is  that  they're  co-founders  of  an  entertainment  company  &  premium  streaming  service. you  don't  need  to  reach  out  @mvndobizarro  (  but  you  can  if  you  want  to!  )
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marvelousgeeks · 10 months
Chicago Fire had its most questionable season during a large chunk of the last two years when it decided to kill off one of its most riveting characters to progress another love story. At the same time, when Taylor Kinney took time off the series, the writers didn’t’ exactly flesh out Kelly Severide’s temporary exit, making the relationship between Stella and Severide rocky and awkward. Now, we have the news that Alberto Rosende will exit the series as Blake Gallo when it returns for Season 12, adding further questions to the mix. Before that, we were made aware that Kara Killmer will be exiting as Sylvie Brett.
In more ways than one, Killmer’s exit makes a lot of sense, especially for the character and where she could potentially go because the series hasn’t known what to do with her for a while. But Gallo’s is the one that raises more concerns. We could argue that perhaps writers didn’t know about Rosende’s desire to leave when wanting to progress the relationship between Gallo and Violet (Hanako Greensmith), but if the relationship is that important to the series and the story writers want to tell, why wouldn’t they check with the actors? Situations that’d be abrupt can come up, but there’s something to be said about decision-making that doesn’t always feel right for the characters, and pushing it makes the story arcs dreary and unnecessary.
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fictionfromafar · 2 years
The Hand That Feeds You by Mercedes Rosende
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The Hand That Feeds You
By Mercedes Rosende
Translated by Tim Gutteridge
Bitter Lemon Press
Publication Date: 23 February 2023
It does seem quite some time since Mercedes Rosende’s English language debut, Crocodile Tears was published in January 2021 – or perhaps in my case, it is due to the large number of books I have read since. So It was quite easy to start this book with an open mind. While this novel almost immediately follows the events of the previous book, I don’t believe it is actually a prerequisite to read it first. The basic background required is that the main protagonist Ursula Lopez, a middle aged, middle-sized woman managed, Ursula to outwit some dangerous criminals and acquire millions of stolen pesos. However, she faces a waiting game as her honest (by the standards of a robber) and meek (also for a robber’s standards) accomplice Diego acquires the courage to resurface and touch base with her as he is the one concealing the physical cash.
As Ursula attempts to remain patient, both the police and the criminals are unrelenting in their attempts to recover the loot. Moreover, she has an increasingly curious sister Luz who is keen to establish exactly what Ursula is hiding.
This book makes a change from the norm of crime fiction as there is no whodunnit and our hero Ursula isn’t looking to return the money or do anything noble. She simply wants it for her own purposes. So the mystery is all about what will happen which gives the book its intrigue.
Although there are police officers of very different virtues, Inspector Clemin and Captain Lima, the reader is drawn to wish that their mission ends in failure. While the crooked lawyer Antinucci set up the armoured car heist is unable to determine who swindled him out of millions, he’s reliant upon the brute who carried out the raise Hobo to identify him. Unfortunately for him, Hobo is in a coma and under police guard.
When Diego finally does reach out to Ursula, this interaction sparks off a chain of events for which the outcome is uncertain for all parties.
Through her translator Tim Gutteridge, Mercedes Rosende has an amusingly descriptive way of describing the scenarios that her characters find themselves in and the people that they meet. This keeps the writing feeling very fresh and I felt as a reader very attached to the narrative. It helps maintain a high level of interest in the outcome of the novel and the fate of its various characters. There is a lot going on in this story, which is told from a range of perspectives, but I found it fully engrossing. Depictions of Montevideo and some of its recent history is explored while the author has a very astute ability to create strong female protagonists. The Hand That Feed You is, I feel, a more substantial piece of work than Crocodile Tears. This a very worthy addition to the finest of Bitter Lemon’ Press’ Latin American collection, which I hope continues to grow:; and ultimately this is a very rewarding read.
Many thanks to Anne Cater at Random Things Tours for inclusion on the blog tour and to Bitter Lemon Press for an advance copy of this book. Please look out for the other reviews as shown below.
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The blurb
The attempted robbery of the armoured car in the back streets of Montevideo is a miserable failure. A lucky break for the intrepid Ursula Lopez who manages to snatch all the loot, more hindered than helped by her faint-hearted and reluctant companion Diego. Only now, the wannabe robbers are hot on her heels. As is the police. And Ursula's sister. But Ursula turns out to be enormously talented when it comes to criminal undertakings, and given the hilarious ineptitude of those in pursuit, she might just pull it off. She is an irresistible heroine. A murderess with a sense of humour, a lovable criminal with an edge and she is practically invisible to the men who dominate the deeply macho society of Uruguay.
The Author: Mercedes Rosende was born in 1958 in Montevideo, Uruguay. She is a lawyer and a journalist when not writing fiction. She has won many prizes for her novels and short stories. In 2005 she won the Premio Municipal de Narrativa für Demasiados Blues, in 2008 the National Literature Prize for La Muerte Tendrá tus Ojos and in 2019 the LiBeraturpreis in Germany for Crocodile Tears.
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The Translator: Tim Gutteridge is a Scottish literary translator based in Edinburgh. He works from Spanish and Catalan into English. His translation of Potosí (Ander Izagirre) won a PEN Translates Award and was published by Zed Books as The Mountain that Eats Men.
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lydiashipsmalec · 4 years
Q: What is the latest book you’ve read?
Dom: Do pamphlets count?
Harry: A cool book called Night Man  by Brett Battles. It’s this guy who is a former cleaner who cleans up after assassins that don’t clean up, they’re all a mess, so this guy comes and cleans up all these assassins, but ends up going down this rabbit hole and trying to uncover these mysteries that no one’s figured out. Anyway, it’s a really really cool book.
Matt: He’s a guy who cleans up after he kils?
Harry: No, he’s part of an agency that cleans up the mess that assassins make.
Matt: The physical mess?
Harry: Yes
Kat: The latest book that I read was Beloved by Toni Morrison at the suggestion of Alberto, so thank you Alberto!
Alberto: You’re welcome. Mine was actually The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison. 
Tessa: Mine was The Library at Mount Char. Well, that was the last narrative book I read - I read a lot of stuff.
Harry: Y’all got Story back there - I just finished Story, Robert McKee.
Alberto: You did? I haven’t read it yet. I bought it and put it back there, it sounds so dope.
Harry: It’s so good , I want to read it again, it’s just really really good.
Matt: I’m reading Rama II, which is the sequel to Rama by Arthur C. Clarke, but I’m only about 50 pages in, so we’ll see how that goes. It’s a lot different, I think it’s not actually written by him, I think it’s written by someone following him. 
Alberto: Rosende Reads is reading If Beale Street Could Talk  by James Baldwin. We have our discussion for that tomorrow. 
Harry: Hop in to your book club! 
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