soup-of-the-daisies · 4 months
Controvertial take: Remus is the worst, and most cowardly, Marauder.
James is so true and close to his core beliefs that it left his child an orphan, which is sad, but he has full trust in people who he gives loves. No matter how many WIPs of James who fights evil!Dumbldore by being sly and cunning I am writing, James would still never (if I stuck by true Canon) bc James is just the kind of open book where he'd just barge in and tell everyone what he thinks eventually. He can keep secrets and work under ground, but he'll fight for what he believes publically. He is brave enough to get down from the front row to protect his family, and brave enough to die, wandless and straight-backed just in hopes of giving his family more time.
Despite him letting Dumbledore and everyone step on him after Azkaban, Sirius also stays true to his core beliefs (AKA you mess with James in any way [including thinkng bad about him or thinking he could ever made a mistake], you die). He is James' less trusting, more real version and he doesn't fear anyone. Literally would kill for those he loves, a bit unhinged, and like a male version of Bellatrix (excepts it's James he'd do anything for instead of Voldemort-- and he never marries). He is also the only one who knows what Harry needs and what's best for him. He is brave enough to stay cooped up in Grimauld and brave enough to die for Harry.
Peter ends up betraying his friends, and while in Hogwarts just follows James around. Despite this, he is brave in his own way. He is brave enough to throw like a decade of friendship away. He is brave enough to beg James' son to spare his life IN FRONT of Sirius and Remus. He shows his true colours and doesn't abandon that. He is brave enough to be truly selfish, and do anything needed to live. He is also brave enough to feel guilt, and admit said guilt in front of the man who wants to kill him, how once best friends son and his friends, and the werewolf. He is brave enough to admit that he was selfish and only wanted to live. He is brave enough to be a traitor and turn his back on people.
Remus however, lives in the shadows and just gives his life up, in a way, because someone didn't hate him. The Marauders became animagi for them, so he kept quiet about the bullying even though it 'bothered' him. He keeps secret from the three people who truly accepted him, which kind of ruins like 7 lives (James, Lily, Peter, Harry, Sirius, Voldemort, Snape). He has no core values. Nothing he really believes in. He starts suspecting one of the people most loyal to James and him and his friends. He lets push him around because they stayed. Everyone (unintentionally or otherwise) exploited that. He doesn't raise his voice because he wants to. He doesn't say no because he means it. He runs away from his family and tries to guilt trip and manipulate Harry. He lets people manipulate him, and tries to guilt trip others. He has like zero anything bc he just lets everyone step on him. He is a COWARD, and James would not be happy with him and everything he did and did not do after he (James) died.
all of this, yes, but i will say that remus showed bravery at some point—at the end, for example, when he came to fight; or the sheer audacity of showing up expecting harry to take him with him on the horcrux hunt.
remus valued bravery. he wanted to be brave. he could be brave, provided others were there to be brave with him. he was capable of being brave while going under cover with the other werewolves.
remus was brave when he was ordered to be, and he was brave when there were others there to be brave with him. he’s a very interesting character who’s very flawed, but doesn’t seem flawed upon a shallow reading because they’re not as glaring as, say, sirius’, voldemort’s, and harry’s impulsivity; james’ and hermione’s black-and-white thinking; ron’s jealousy; peter’s capability of betraying those who loved him for who he was. it’s subtler, it’s glossed over in the fandom, and that’s a pity because he is a cool and tragic character who has to actively choose to be brave, and often chooses not to be.
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mauveberries · 5 months
Don't follow Riddledore but since you anted a riddledore ask here it is:
Favourite riddledore HC?
Do you think riddledore would work best back when Tom was young/un school/fresh from school or years after school/close to first wizarding war/in the first wizarding war or in the second wizarding war?
Looking at Canon, do you think the reason the first wizarding war went on for 11 years bc Dumbledore couldn't convince himself to fight Tom? Do you think Tom feared Dumbledore bc he loved him? Or do you think the whole Tom fears Dumbledore was a ruse?
(a lot of questions but I hope they help you destress)
awwww thank you!! this ask did help me destress when i saw it :)
my headcanon for riddledore is that tom always admired albus' duelling skills and his sheer magical power and capabilities, but he was very disappointed that albus disliked him for a reason he couldn't exactly comprehend. (before he murdered myrtle.) i headcanon that this was because tom reminded albus of a young gellert who pretended and acted like he was a good person. (which is also why albus was so weird towards young tom riddle, and overly suspicious of him.) and because of this, most of voldemort's motives were to get albus to recognize that he was a great wizard. like, he went into that interview knowing that he wouldn't be hired, but went anyway to prove that he is extremely powerful and can jinx the dada position so hard that even mighty albus dumbledore couldn't break it XD.
his plans were so convoluted because he wanted to prove to albus that he can steal harry from right under his nose (gof) as he's incredibly petty like that.
i think riddledore would work best in the first wizarding war, when voldemort was at the height of his power. there are a lot of interesting things that can be done during this time. at the end of the day, without dumbledore, the entirety of the wizarding world would have been voldemort's. i wish we got to see first wizarding war voldemort and not just the suicidal nihilist he was in canon :( but anywaysss they can engage in so many cool duels, it has so much potential.
i think the first wizarding war went on for so long because voldemort was lowkey scared of dumbledore XD. but dumbledore wasn't too keen on facing him, either, because he knew voldemort would probably win in a one on one duel. albus is past his prime at this time, and voldemort was powerful, so he didn't want to risk it. i like to think albus felt terribly sad at the path voldemort had gone down because tom was an exceptionally bright student.
i like riddledore in more of an au setting than canon. i think same age aus are just... mwah *chef's kiss* i love same age aus for riddledore. like, young, doe-eyed, red-haired albus and handsome tom riddle??? count me TF inn it’s so good.
they’d be the BIGGEST power couple because their skillsets just meld together so well. if you put them both in the same school project…… you just Know who’s getting the best grades, like is that even a question anymore?? i love dark!albus too so this would such a win.
so.. um.. yeah, i’m super normal about riddledore…..
thank you for the ask!! you made my day 💕🌹
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jaylienpotter · 8 months
Picrew chain bc it's cute
Tumblr media
Npt (trying not to bother all my mutuals): @artbyace @bookishirishdancer @cazzythefrogking @half-cold-coffee @inprogresspleasewait @jmagnabo92 @kat-m-toast @lackadaisicallizard @literallytoogaytofunction @marauders-everything2 @my-beloved-fandoms @my-castles-crumbling @ninaisnotgerman @orchideous-nox @permanentlyexaustedpigeon @popspoo @reggiecantswimm @reggie-the-inferi @rosemelodyshah @siriuslydontknow @siriusly-remu @siriustar8 @soliloquy-dawn @spookymoonie @star4daisy @starchaser-lily @starsarestories + anyone
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lostwriter--xx3 · 7 months
Slightly Haunted
abused!James microfic dedicated to @rosemelodyshah <3 TW: Abuse, dark F&E Potter
The floor wasn't tiled. It was panelled, like the walls. A deep, woody hue. An almost lofty colour, but too hard to be completely comfortable to stand on. The difference between Sirius' heritage and aristocracy and his heritage and aristocracy was purely political — both houses had the ancient panelling with the tell-tale tallow drips. Between his feet, there were two drops of candle wax.
"I suppose you do this on purpose?", His father's voice wasn't angry, just resigned.
James was very sure that last week, there was only one wax drop on the floor. He kept his gaze down.
"Why, James? Why? After everything we have done — all the money we have poured, though goodness knows I don't like to bring it up!"
James kept his gaze down. The drips looked grey. A very deep grey, like an overcast, stormy night.
"Look at me, young man! You know you are one, I pray!"
James looked up, guilty. Again, he saw the Sirius' letter scrunched up in his father's hand. Again, he felt a tallow trip of lead in his stomach.
"He scored more than you, damn you! Don't you see? A Black! How could he be your friend? He is more than your family's council, I suppose?"
He is trying to sabotage you, distract you, ruin your reputation while...
"He is trying to sabotage you, distract you, ruin your reputation while he builds one for himself!"
Tears sprang up in James' eyes. He couldn't help it. The words were a blow to his guiltiest insecurity.
James had not been selected Prefect.
"He intentionally sabotaged you from become Prefect! He knew his family's awful reputation would get him nowhere, do he pulled you down with him!"
Remus had.
"How else could that werewolf's leavings win over you? Over you, damn it! After so many summer tutions, so many camps, so many private tutors — how many did that Lupin boy have? All the money— I don't like to speak of it, but all the money!"
I love my friends.
"Your friendships will ruin you", his mother warned. "Mark my words— they won't be grateful! Only family remains. Your friends will not chose you over their family." Hateful tears were in her eyes. "Only you are damned enough to do that."
There were few more grey drips on the floor now. All years.
James bit down on Sirius' lip, hard, trying to clear his head. Sirius gasped, leaning closer. "Yes."
The dorm was dark— and empty. James reached out, struggling with Sirius' robes. Sirius pulled apart, pulling them over his head. In the half light, James could see him brilliantly. The half shy, half cheeky smile. The invitation in his eyes. The flush on his cheeks. A dozen cuts on his arms from petty scrapes. Fresh bruises on his necks. So lovely, so perfect, so personal, so familiar.
What if that was real, and this isn't?
Sirius swooped in for a hard, intense kiss. "You're so goddamn lovely, mate."
"Funny", James muttered, breathless. "That's what I was thinking."
Sirius pressed his lips harder against him, teasing his mouth open. As he slipped his tongue over his teeth, he mumbled. "I love you too goddamn much."
How much is it worth to me?
"Everything", James whispered. "You are my everything."
Sirius' eyes flit open, meeting James' already wide, open ones. And Sirius' eyes were grey. A tallow-drip grey, like an overcast, stormy sea. So, James closed his eyes.
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jmagnabo92 · 2 months
Snippet Games
Thanks @jamesunderwater
The darkness has enveloped him, he’s not sure for how long before suddenly there’s a bright light and he’s forced to close his eyes to protect himself from it.  Until he hears a chuckle from beside him.
“Hey, Pads, long time no see.”
He knows that voice.  James.
He opens his eyes and sure enough, there he is – smiling softly, eyes bright, and holding out a hand. 
“Rough landing, I guess?”
“You could say that,” Sirius states as he takes the offered hand.  “Wasn’t exactly expecting it.” “No one ever is,” James offers.  He pulls him into a hug and gives him a quick kiss. 
Tagging @lovelymasks @roalinda @rosemelodyshah
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mycupofrum · 5 months
Thirsty Thursday Friday
Thanks for the tag @squintclover! ❤️ It just so happens I've been writing something very thirsty today. It's from a missing scene in my Prongsfoot drabble First day of work (which is also part of the CEO Black AU verse). In short, James has a one-night stand with a stranger who later turns out to be his new boss.
James stumbles backwards until his calves hit the edge of his bed. The next thing he knows, he's lying on his back, his shirt open, and the lips of the handsome stranger are tracing a path of kisses down his chest, sucking, nipping, licking. 
A moan escapes James. "Fuck. What's your name? I need to know, please." 
"No names." The man's soft hair tickles James's stomach as he undoes James's jeans. 
"Then can I suck you off?"  
The man pauses and sits up on James's thighs, gazing at him curiously. "You don't want me to do it to you first?" 
"You can do whatever you want, darling. But I can be loud, and if I can't speak your name, I'd rather just put my mouth to better use." 
Tagging @rosemelodyshah @roalinda @gracelesslady23 @fiendishfyre and anyone who wants to do this. :)
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jamesunderwater · 9 months
thank you for the tags @just2bubbly @rosemelodyshah!!!
tag game: (9) people you'd like to get to know better
1. last song: ANTHEM PART 3 by Blink-182
2. currently watching: PJO tv series obvs, & rewatching Friends (I described this to my therapist as being like hanging out with the problematic aunt in the family who says homophobic and misogynistic things all the time but you love her cause she's just the problematic aunt)
3. three ships: jily, prongsfoot, percabeth ;)
4. favourite colour: all the greens!
5. currently consuming: coffee, and theoretically the banana waiting on my right.
6. first ship: lol honestly, I think it was Romione? I can recall being 8 and reading GoF and for some reason I thought "Don't Go Knock My Door" by Britney Spears was the perfect song for Ron and Hermione...? dude idek
7. relationship status: single and honestly pretty content with that.
8. last movie: Home Alone the other night (:
9. currently working on: Dead to Me chapt. 13; old prompt requests; Dorlene fic (in theory)
tagging: @deermessrs @in-flvx @delicris @ethercain @spindrifters @kaleidoscopexsighs @moonys-bf @uncertainwallflower @practicecourts
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Week 1: Trans Reggie From ANON PUBLISHED 2/2 chapters, 6.2k link here
Week 2: Fluffy prongsfoot ft. insecure James from @rosemelodyshah TPB
Week 3: Angsty prongsfoot ft. abused Slytherin James and strict parents Gryffindor Sirius from @rosemelodyshah TPB
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solitaire-sol · 8 months
Snippet: sirius > james < remus untitled... thing
@rosemelodyshah and @lovelymasks mentioned wanting to see a bit of this (@impishtubist also seemed interested, maybe?) so I'm finally getting said snippet out; real life keeps stealing time from fandom life, how dare it! Anyway, it's a little long, but this is the least-terrible part so far that has both Moonchaser (majority) and Prongsfoot (kind of, post-breakup) in it. No warning besides the above, but "Jamie" does make an appearance for those who dislike its usage. Anyway!
"I can wait," Remus said, and James' brow furrowed as he looked back, not sure what Remus meant or where that had come from. A beat or two passed before Remus realized that his words hadn't been nearly as clear to James as he'd thought. "For you to be over him," Remus clarified. "Or for you to be into me. Whichever comes first."
James blinked, now very aware of the way that Remus seemed to have accepted something that was, apparently, obvious to him. Remus had his hands in the pockets of his coat, giving that faint twist of his lips that couldn't really be called a smile, which always signified something that he wanted to say but didn't want to say aloud. "I've gone for years without any intention of telling you," Remus said, his eyes sliding away. "I really never thought I'd get this far. So, yeah, I don't mind waiting. At least now I might have something worth waiting for."
That's when it clicked for James, and his eyes narrowed behind their lenses as he stepped closer, retracing his steps so that he and Remus were in arms'-length of each other once again. "You don't have to wait for me to be into you," James said, leaving the first part of Remus' offer alone entirely, because one wasn't necessary for the other. "I just kissed you, Remus. Why would I do that if I wasn't into you?"
"Well, technically I kissed you," Remus pointed out, lips twitching in a half-smile that wasn't entirely humorless. "And you very graciously allowed it. But you're still-- Look, we both know you're not over Sirius--"
"That doesn't have anything to do with us," James countered firmly. He reached for Remus, taking his sleeve; it was an unconscious gesture, a thing he'd done with Sirius too many times to count, and James was immediately struck by how different Remus' slightly rumpled jumper felt in his hand, the weave of the thick cable-knit and the extra give that wasn't present in Sirius' beloved leather jackets. Remus looked down at James' hand, then back up at James, his brown eyes wearing the same expression James remembered from that first meeting in primary school, both hopeful and expecting to have that hope betrayed.
"I wanted you to kiss me," James said, surprised by how easy that is to admit, although he didn't let that slow his momentum. "Only I was too in my own head to do it first. But I did want it, Remus, and you know me. When I want something--"
James released his grip on Remus' sleeve, let his hand slide up to Remus' shoulder, tugging the other man in. The movements are careful, once again familiar and yet new: James is reminded, again, that he'd never done anything like this with anyone who wasn't Sirius. He used to think that he'd never want to.
"-- I don't hold back."
James wasn't holding his breath, but it felt that way: Unlike Remus' impulsive act, this was deliberate, this had to be, if James is going to move forward. Remus had always been outside of the James-and-Sirius dynamic, even when they'd all been best friends, and James had to prove that Remus didn't have to wait for things to changed. They already had.
James cupped Remus' face in his hand and leaned in, and when Remus didn't move away, James let their lips brush together, lightly but without hesitation. It was different, James thought, from kissing Sirius: Leaning down instead of leaning up, the smell of tea and the faint lingering traces of rich earth instead of smoke and tobacco and the spicy scent of his cologne. There's no faint scratch of stubble against his skin. What struck James most deeply, however, is the strange and unfamiliar separation between Remus and himself: Kissing Sirius, even in their earliest and most fumbling attempts, felt like falling into a mirror, like each melding into the other.
Remus had none of Sirius' effortless confidence, that surety in how he kissed and that he was meant to be kissing James, just in that way. Remus held back, at least at first, and it was only after James drew him in, hoping that he hadn't just made a dire mistake, that Remus had surged up, gripping James jacket and pulling him down with a kind of suddenly-unrestrained urgency that James hadn't expected but, in retrospect, should have. Remus had never been like James, who wore his heart on his sleeve and was often given to impulse; he didn't have Sirius' deliberate artlessness or Peter's need to avoid rocking the boat. Remus lived an inward life until he couldn't anymore, his enthusiasm or his criticism tearing its way out from behind his carefully-upheld facade.
James pulled away to catch his breath, only as far as Remus would let him, and looked down at one of his oldest friends as if seeing him for the first time. Remus looked… resigned, maybe, as if regretting how he'd just given himself away. Nonetheless, there was a sharpness in those brown eyes that James had only rarely seen, a kind of focus that makes James re-evaluate their prior conversation. Whatever Remus might have said, it was clear that kissing James might have been impulsive, but it was an act that had been years in the making.
"I'll wait," Remus repeated, although the way his fingers dug into the denim of James' jacket felt as though he didn't intend to wait for long. "If you want me to."
James smiled-- No, grinned. There was a lightness in him that he hadn't felt since Sirius had walked out of their flat for the final time. "I want," James said, and then he leaned down to kiss Remus again.
Kissing Remus wasn't like kissing Sirius, and maybe that was exactly what James needed.
They parted ways at the coffee shop, as always, and James was riding the high as if it had been his first kiss instead of just his first kiss with Remus, barely noting when he had to step around the usual puddle of water in the lobby and taking the stairs with a spring in his step. He'd only just stepped onto his floor when he saw the figure slumped in front of his door and stopped short, his unexpected visitor immediately recognizable despite the dodgy lights in the hall. Briefly, with an edge of panic, James considered turning around and spending the night literally anywhere else, but then the man at his door lifted his head and those grey eyes found James', and James found himself unable to do anything at all.
"Jamie." Sirius flashed a smile, that bright white crescent knife-sharp in the watery florescent light, and James felt something crack inside of him, the splitting-open of a scab that had only just started to form. James didn't want to think about that smile, how it used to make him feel and how it made him feel in that moment, standing in that slightly dingy corridor with all of his earlier euphoria replaced with icy, prickly dread. James had finally been getting over Sirius, or he thought he'd been, but--
"Can I come in?" Sirius asked, as if he hadn't abandoned that flat months ago for greener fields, as if he hadn't broken James' heart. James wanted to go off on Sirius in a particularly vicious way, or laugh, or maybe punch him, but Sirius looked at him with that hopeful smile and those pleading eyes, the way he did the last time he'd turned up on James' door, sixteen and drenched in rain, backpack over his shoulder.
Jamie, I didn't know where else to go. You've always been my home.
"… Alright," James said, fishing his keys from his pocket. Sirius' face lit up as he got to his feet, and James had to look away as he tried not to fumble at the lock.
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the-chaosbringer · 1 year
Kali's Stray Snippets
This is where I post random little parts of whatever I'm working on, to tease you hehe
Anyways I'm working on the second part of Mission Impossible right now, and here's a paragraph from it!
"Tell me, sweetheart," Sirius said, bending low to press his lips against James' throat, the pet name spoken in that low voice sending tremors down James' spine. "Tell me what you want."
James arched his head back when Sirius started to nibble on the skin of his throat, letting out a soft noise.
Tagging: @ambrxsiaa @benjamin-ovich @soopsiedaisies @fiendishfyre @strwbi-laces @rosemelodyshah @achilleslikespeas
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roalinda · 7 months
tagged by @abihastastybeans ♡ ty for the tag. I'm old so are the songs in my list. 🙈
R rolling in the deep by Adele
O Ocean by Darren hayes
A anti-hero by taylor swift
L love me dead by Ludo
I I kissed a girl by Katy Perry
N Novembre by Giusy Ferreri
D don't threaten me with a good time by Panic! At The Disco
A Animal by Chase Holfelder
Tagging @mycupofrum @rosemelodyshah @fiendishfyre @jmagnabo92 @soup-of-the-daisies
@gracelesslady23 @groundzero-v @siriuslyasorceress and whoever that likes to play ♡
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jaylienpotter · 10 months
15 questions, 15 people
Thx for the tag @marauders-everything2
Starting a new post, it was too long. Slightly modified some questions.
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
Don't remember, probably yesterday.
3. Do you want to have kids?
No thanks :)
4. What sports do/have you played?
My parents tried putting me in a bunch of shit when I was younger so I've done: swimming (for some years, still not great at it lol), surfing (quit after like 2 months), kizomba dance (hated it), another type of dance, contemporary dance (I liked it but the place closed), and we went skiing several times (which I love). If horseriding counts, I did that for a year. Currently not doing any.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Yeah, sometimes. But I'm also quite direct and straightforward. Only "straight" I am.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
Their fashion style. I love going up to strangers to compliment their outfits!
7. What's your eye colour?
Dark brown.
8. Movies with sad or happy endings?
I love movies with uncertain, ambiguous endings, in which the meaning is up for debate (like Inception).
9. What talents do you have?
Fast at absorbing information (sometimes), hypercreativity, great at bullshitting in academic tests/essays, good at making accents and voices, ummm... Can't remember more.
10. Where would you like to live?
New Zealand. It's pretty and one of the least problematic English-speaking countries (wanna live somewhere where English is the official language).
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing fanfiction and original stories (more like my passion), playing The Sims 4, drawing digitally (haven't in a while though), singing?
12. Do you have any pets?
My parents have 3 dogs (no breed) and koi fish. I want a cat :')
13. How tall are you?
165 cm or 5'5" for the Americans.
14. Favourite subject in school?
At college. Don't really like any of my current classes. Ig English C1.2 because we studied the Broadway play Hamilton. Although I haven't learned anything new.
15. What is your dream job?
Writer/author, would also like to do voice acting. Maybe a psychologist too, haven't decided if I'll take a second college degree.
No pressure tags: @siriuslystarbucks @starsandmoonys @whoopsiesnodaisies @star4daisy @starchaser-lily @half-cold-coffee @cazzythefrogking @starsarestories @my-beloved-fandoms @my-castles-crumbling @reggiecantswimm @artbyace @literallytoogaytofunction @rosemelodyshah @theres-an-endless-starry-sky
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lostwriter--xx3 · 3 days
Dedicated to the lovely @shivstar and my own dear Prongs @rosemelodyshah
"And, who's the first?"
It was a casual question, and Lily knew the answer. She turned away with the dish.
Thus, she missed James' sheepish face as he replied, "Sirius."
Lily stopped, her slipper halfway across the tile. She locked eyes with James in the mirror above the basin. "Sirius?"
"Yeah", James sipped his black coffee, glancing at Sirius beside him. He hid a smile behind his own cup.
Lily looked away from the mirror and bent to the basin, washing away the pie crumbs on the plate. "I hadn't expected that. I didn't know you..."
"Could bake?" Sirius smiled. "I can't. But Prongsie was craving apple pie. I snuck into the kitchen and stole what I thought were the ingredients." He laughed, rippling and blue. "Guess what they were?"
"Eggs, flour and apples." James was laughing too. "He mashed and baked it in an open fire...in a cauldron."
Lily smiled weakly, privately horrified. "And that got first place? Better than your mom?" Or me?
"It had Paddy's touch." Jame nudged him with his shoulder affectionately. "He could serve up spaghetti with fish sauce and it would be the baar spaghetti I've ever had."
Lily saw Sirius blush in the mirror. She bent to the cabinet under the sink with last night's leftovers. Some spaghetti was left at the bottom. She dumped it out and washed it.
"I couldn't get a cookbook", Sirius said apologetically.
"That made it special." James shrugged, slinging an arm over his shoulder as he reached over to take his plate. He came to the sink and put it down, smiling at Lily. Lily smiled back, tightly.
"Did you actually eat the apple contraption?"
"I couldn't hurt his feelings", he winked at Sirius over his shoulder, who made a face.
"You guys are so sweet, like an old married couple!" Lily exclaimed, dumping out the leftover pie in the dustbin.
Sirius grinned. "We are."
"Besides, he did all that. He literally stole the ingredients under the Head Elf's watch. And snuck into the Potions classroom. Of course I loved it. Of course I love him." James had left Lily's side, and was chokehold-hugging Sirius from behind the chair.
I got up at 5 today.
"You really need to stop embarrassing me in front of your wife." Sirius wrapped an arm around him fondly.
"James, can you stay in and help remove this mirror?" Lily called out. "It'd look better in the sitting room."
"Tomorrow, dear. I and Paddy have plans today."
Lily slammed down the dish. "Have fun. I need go write a letter."
She left the room. James didn't really notice.
In their bedroom, she found the writing desk. The pad was empty, the ink was at its dregs. James had gone through all the pages writing long, detailed letters to Sirius about every mundane household thing. Lily had seen the replies. Sirius had specifically responded to ever single thing James had gushed about. How sweet. How thoughtful.
There was an unsealed envelope beside the pad. It was the letter James had written last night, planned to post today, before Sirius payed a surprise and definitely unauthorised visit to him. Lily hesitated, then pulled out and unfolded the letter.
Dear Sirius,
I miss you. How I miss you! I sit down for breakfast, lunch, supper (I'm never at home for dinner these days, always some fad at the Order) and I'm always staring out the window at the front wall of the house (have I told you about the new curtains? They are grey with polka dots. Lily didn't like them very much but I insisted on them, they look just like your eyes) hoping you will appear. I'm rambling, of course. I'm not in my right mind, I feel crazy without you. I wish you would come live with us. The guest room isn't ready yet, but we could curl up on the floor with the sleeping bags (the ones we got for Quidditch final in 7th Year) and watch the stars. The window faces the backyard, y'know. It's beautiful. Lily can take the bedroom.
No, honestly, I'm happy with Lily. It feels like a constant adrenaline rush. I finally won her over! But I miss you. I wish you'd visit. I need to feel your arm around my shoulder, I need to hear you laugh, I need to feel your knuckles under my thumb. I need you, love. I wish you'd come. I miss you like a limb. You're always the first thing on my mind when I wake up and my last waking thought before I sleep. Sometimes, I even dream of you (crazy, I know). I hold a pillow pretending its you and that I'm back in the dorm and it's Fifth Year and everything is fine. I wish I could feel that safety again. I can't tell Lily, but I'm so scared, Sirius. I'm scared of dying. I'm scared that one day I will die in a solo mission and I won't see you again. I wish I hadn't joined the Order. Of course, I want to fight. But sometimes, when I think of you and me and how we used to joke about sharing a red-bricked house with a picket fence with a swing in a kitchen garden, I can't help but be selfish. Are ideals worth more than you? I don't know, I honestly don't know...
Well, I'm all out of paper. Seems like writing letters to you is all I do nowadays. Dumbledore is pressuring me to spend more time with Lily. I love her, but I need some space too. He keeps insisting on knowing when we are having kids. It's so odd and uncomfortable, how is it any of his business? And I don't want kids. Who has kids in war? Lily wants a daughter. I want a damn cat and you. I'm starting to detest Order meetings because of all these wrangles now. But I'll always attend them. I get to see you. I'd attend a conference in hell (that's what the meetings are these days) to see you. Don't forget me in your roomie bliss with Peter, okay? I love you.
Your James.
Lily put back the letter and fetched a new pad of paper from the shelf. She looked at the dregs of the ink. It would be enough. She sat down to write.
Dear Sev—
Lily got up and put on a jacket. She had to go out and buy some ink. She would need it.
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resident-gay-bitch · 9 months
Thanks for the tag @spookymoonie <33
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Superache - Stranger Things
Spellbound - Marauders
Prongsfoot - Marauders
Twelve Days Down Under - Stranger Things
Azkaban au - Marauders
Put Your Loving Hand Out Baby - Marauders
Kas Eddie fic - Stranger Things
Paper Flowers - Marauders
Vampire Prongsfoot - Marauders
Prison Boyfriend - Stranger Things
No pressure tags: @rosemelodyshah @plecotusauritus @solitaire-sol @unclewaynemunson @piratefishmama @wynnyfryd @flowercrowngods it’s very late and I’m very tired so my brain won’t supply anymore authors lol :))
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mycupofrum · 9 months
Tagged by @roalinda
First 9 pictures on pinterest are your moodboard
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Tagging (with no pressure) @jollyrolls @plecotusauritus @rosemelodyshah @lovelymasks
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jmagnabo92 · 5 months
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
@jamesunderwater. @forestdeath1
1. Are you named after anyone? I am! My Nonna!
2. When was the last time you cried? Uhhh... does getting teary-eyes at the reaping scene & Katiness getting a three-finger salute count, if so , yesterday.  Yes, I am re-reading.  If not, hmmmm, IDK.
3. Do you have kids? God, No.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Absolutely.  It’s the only way I could get through some of the stupidity I deal with.
5. What sports do you play/have you played? So MANY.  I was a swimmer the longest, but I played Bitty Ball (basketball) for 4 years, Soccer for the off-season for swimming, and some other ball-related sports plus Cheerleading for a bit.  
6. What’s the first thing you notice about other people? Pretty eyes and pretty hair -> ironically, I don’t notice glasses even though I wear them.  Like I noted my co-worker has like the prettiest eyes, but then, months after knowing him, I noticed he was wearing glasses and I was like “Have you always had glasses?” - the look he gave me as he said ‘yes’ -> OMG.
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings!
8. Any special talents?  Define special talent?  I’m double jointed, I suppose…
9. Where were you born? The Big City -> I’ll let you guess which one :)
10. What are your hobbies? Reading, Writing, watching TV and getting annoyed at timeline errors and inconsistencies - ask me about never ending November, I dare you. :)
11. Do you have any pets? My puppy who is a freaking menace and my two piggies showcased on my profile :)
12. All-time fave piece of media? Uuhhhhhhhhhh.  I don’t - I can’t pick a favorite.  I have different moods.  Some moods lend to some shows, others lead to others.
13. Fave subject in school? Anything math related. 
14. Dream job? Not working...  Alright, not an answer.  I’ve always wanted to be an Astronaut at 31, I still do.  But I have glasses and I am terribly overweight so, it’s probably out of the cards.  
15. Eye colour? Light brown.  
@roalinda @fiendishfyre @gracelesslady23 @iboatedhere @onthewaytosomewhere @bullets-from-another-dimension @strugglequill @creative-girl @seriouslysam8 @ramonahblog @rosemelodyshah @jollyrolls @groundzero-v @lovelymasks @lemongrass77777
NO Pressure!
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