swimmingsirenindierp · 2 months
closed starter: @nytehavyn-circle
Rose had been sitting on the bench for a while now, eyes darting up every so often to catch the details of the stranger. Blue eyes were swift, hoping to go fairly undetected. As undetected as one could be when sketching a stranger in the park. Rose knew that some people might not take too kindly to being sketched. But it was a good practice for her.
She finished the sketch, signing the bottom before standing up. She rolled her shoulders back before grabbing her bag. She walked over to the man. She was nervous obviously, Rose was always a bit on the shy side. "Hi," she managed to say with a sheepish smile. "I know this is a little weird but. Here," she said extending the sketch out to him.
As soon as she watched it move to his hands she quickly took a step back. "You have a very interesting look so I wanted to capture it." She explained getting a little nervously. "Anyways, I hope you have a good rest of your day," she exhaled, ready to dart off if he was upset or annoyed.
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