#nytehavyn circle
lilahemorgan · 3 months
Ghosts of the past
After their fun on the jet;Lilah cleaned herself up and by the time they had landed and were in the car headed to River Falls, she looked the picture of perfection. The long drive to River falls was mostly in silence, but her mind was racing with thoughts as they drove.
She watched the passing scenery and tried to mentally prepare herself for the environment that was her hometown. It wasn’t too long before they were turning onto Main Street downtown area. Once they did she finally spoke as they passed the‘welcome to River Falls’ sign. “Home sweet home..” softly muttered, before turning to Tolass. “So.. where do you want to start? As far as seeing the town?”
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@nytehavyn-circle (Tolass)
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formergoldenboy · 3 months
After spending all night talking to Lilah, Lindsey had spent the next few days trying to figure out who had brought him back and why. So far he was coming up empty handed and had decided to take a break and just enjoy the fact that he was back and that Lilah hadn’t turned him away.
So in an effort to try and enjoy his second shot at life, he had decided to take in the sights of London. He’d tried calling Lilah a few times to see if she wanted to join him, he’d just gotten her voicemail. He was walking around town and decided to check out one of the rare book shops, he stepped inside and accidentally bumped into the guy coming out. “Oh.. sorry..my bad…” he started to apologize and then he saw who it was. “Great.. of course just my luck.. of all the shops in town I had to pick one you apparently frequent..”
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@nytehavyn-circle (Wes or Tolass )
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swimmingsirenindierp · 2 months
Alma had spent most of the evening with one of her clients in their hotel room of the Hilton, a very bad cheating scandal that had escalated to crisis mode while her client was consistently needed her to sooth them. Sometimes her job also meant being emotional support to weepy actresses in hotel rooms.
They had put together a press statement and she slowly made her way to the lobby of the hotel. She was pretty excited to get home, but was thinking about stopping by the hotel bar for a drink before she grabbed a cab. As she hit the button of the elevator she began taking her hair out of it's ponytail. Messing it up as she heard the doors ding open.
She stood their looking over the man who looked more like he should be from an old western film then the lobby of the Hilton. Her eyes scanned over him curiously before she smiled at him. He was very handsome, and tall, rugged in a very sexy way.
She smirked a little as she moved to step around him. "So is did I miss country western night at the bar?" She teased with an arch of her brow. @nytehavyn-circle
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titanofthemoon · 2 months
(I don't want a moodboard of our last reply, I just want a moodboard of Donna and Tolaas. Nobody ever makes my ships' moodboards anymore and I am very unartistic and do not know how. lol)
Send ✨for a mood board relating to our last reply in a thread (or ship) Always accepting
Can do!
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Chance Meeting
Belle was busy in the library. Someone had knocked over an entire bookcase and she needed to reorganize it. She didn’t even hear anyone come into the library.
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naughtynecromancer · 1 year
o4﹕ a  text  sent  out  of  excitement .
{Text: Vampy} Karaoke is coming back<3!-MM {Text: Vampy} You in, darlin'? <3-MM
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little-miss-buffy · 2 years
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
She worked at Double Meat Palace, so she can make burgers, but that's it.
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down-in-dixie · 2 years
favorite disney princess movie?
Okay, I'm excluding Mulan and Pocahontas from the princess list to choose from even though they've been added to the official Disney princess lineup now. They weren't born royals and they didn't marry any so they're not princesses to me (they're something better IMO). Still love them, though.
So, with those two out of the mix, I'd have to say that it would actually be a tie between Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast. Even though I have nothing against Aurora, the reason why Sleeping Beauty was chosen is actually because of Maleficent. She's one of my absolute favorite Disney characters of all time (#1 on the list in fact). Plus, the animation / art style in that film is unique and stunning. As an artist I love the fact that they tried to make each frame look like a medieval painting. It was a nice touch (that cost them a small fortune! back then). Beauty and the Beast was also chosen because Belle was also a favorite character and one that I related to the most (at least up to that point anyway). It also gave me a pretty good life lesson - don't judge a book by it's cover, which has always stuck with me.
The rest of the princess films would probably go as follows:
Aladdin Brave The Princess and the Frog / Moana The Little Mermaid Rapunzel Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Cinderella
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shermerclassclown · 2 years
@nytehavyn-circle said: ((Just want to say that I love your muse! :D))
Thank you very much!
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nytehavyn-circle started to following you
Luna aka the Dragon Empress, raised by the Shredder along with Karai as sisters, however unlike Karai, Luna weren’t a fighter, she were more the mystical one, but she never get it why, she lost her parents and older brother as a kid, she only remember Shredder walking thru the orphanage to adopt.
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She never get it why her, she only had an asian dragon arm bracelet that used to belong to her mother and other things that Shredder got from a museum.
She were at her room in the middle of the night as everyone was asleep, she started to felt a stranger’s presence, she stood up and left her bedroom, making her way to Shredder’s throne room as she looks around, unaware of who or what she would found.
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ayakoito · 3 months
“May I ask yer advice on somethin'?” he asked the woman sitting on the bench in the park.
Ayako raised her head when she heard the stranger's voice, scrutinizing him for a moment. She had been engrossed in her phone, so she hadn't noticed him at first.
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"Um… yeah… sure! What's it about?" Aya lowered her phone, keeping it in her lap and giving the stranger her full attention.
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lilahemorgan · 3 months
One their second day in Lilah’s hometown,while they had breakfast at the diner Sheriff Williams had mentioned that the local bar in town was hosting a karaoke night. He’d also suggested that Tolass check it out and persuade Lilah to sing. “It’s a pretty good crowd and she’ll never admit it, but she’s really good.”
Lilah sipped her coffee and looked over at the sheriff. “You know I don’t usually sing in public..” he nodded. “Yeah I know and it’s a shame letting that talent go to waste.”
Lilah sighed. “Is Reid going to be there?” The sheriff nodded. “Then I’ll think about it.”
Later that evening she walked into the bar with Tolass and took a seat at one of the tables in the back of the bar. She ordered a dry vodka martini and eyed the empty stage for a moment before looking around at the bar, it was a fairly packed place. “I can’t believe I let him talk me into this…”
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@nytehavyn-circle (Tolass)
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formergoldenboy · 2 months
Lindsey had gotten a package delivered to his hotel room, it was addressed to Lilah. He figured it had to do with her residence having a special barrier. So he’d called her and she came over to get it. Everything should’ve been fine, except that she opened the box and took out a stunning diamond and emerald necklace.
Lindsey helped her put it on, he fixed the clasp. Once he stepped back, once he did everything was fine for a second,then it was like someone had flipped a switch. The necklace glowed bright for a second and Lilah hit the floor. When the light faded in her place was a teenager lying unconscious on his living room floor.
Lindsey immediately placed her on the couch and called both Wes and Tolass. He let the phone ring and he kept glancing back at the girl on the couch. “Come on.. one of you please pick up..”
@nytehavyn-circle (Wes and/ or Tolass)
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swimmingsirenindierp · 2 months
closed starter: @nytehavyn-circle
Rose had been sitting on the bench for a while now, eyes darting up every so often to catch the details of the stranger. Blue eyes were swift, hoping to go fairly undetected. As undetected as one could be when sketching a stranger in the park. Rose knew that some people might not take too kindly to being sketched. But it was a good practice for her.
She finished the sketch, signing the bottom before standing up. She rolled her shoulders back before grabbing her bag. She walked over to the man. She was nervous obviously, Rose was always a bit on the shy side. "Hi," she managed to say with a sheepish smile. "I know this is a little weird but. Here," she said extending the sketch out to him.
As soon as she watched it move to his hands she quickly took a step back. "You have a very interesting look so I wanted to capture it." She explained getting a little nervously. "Anyways, I hope you have a good rest of your day," she exhaled, ready to dart off if he was upset or annoyed.
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titanofthemoon · 2 months
titanofthemoon asked: what did you think after our first kiss? (tolaas) "Honestly? That ya could prolly rock my world," he laughed lightly. Then he shrugged. "I wasn't wrong, either." He winked at her. @titanofthemoon
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Donna leaned forward, resting her elbows pleased by the playfulness in Tolaas's response. "What do you say we relive that moment, then?" she asked, her voice lowering with her gaze by degrees.
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bcdlands · 3 months
closed starter for @nytehavyn-circle
There was an old saying Emily's mother used to love to tell her. 'When it rains, it pours.' At the time Emily had been a child and didn't quite understand the message her mother had been trying to convey when saying that phrase but as she slowly got older she discovered its meaning personally. In the last few days she'd had anything and everything bad happen to her. She'd gotten dumped by her long time boyfriend, he'd kicked her out of their apartment and her car had broken down. Now her work was asking her to take some time off since she'd had a breakdown in the middle of her work shift today.
She sat silently on the bus stop bench, sniffling to herself as she checked off the list of reasons as to why her life was going to absolute shit and wondered where her fucking bus was. She pulled her phone out of her pocket, silently cursing to herself when she saw not only the time but how low her battery was. If her phone time was correct then she'd already missed the last bus, which meant that for tonight she was going to have to walk to a nearby hotel if she was hoping to get any type of peace.
Her only other option was to call a friend. She quickly opened the contact app on her phone and found their name. Knowing she was pressed for time she hit their name and brought the phone to her ear where it was met with three beeps, signaling the loss of life to her device. "You've got to be kidding me." She pulled the phone away from her ear and looked down at the black screen before shoving her device back into her pocket and standing up.
Emily was officially done with everything, she'd just walk and hope she wasn't murdered on her way to a nearby hotel. Not that she knew where the nearest hotel was, damn she was just not having a good day. She'd only just started walking when she saw a man walking her direction, not wanting him to meet the same fate as her. "If you're going to the bus stop you're out of luck. The last one is already gone." She said, offering them a smile. "I'm having to walk to a hotel so I figured I wouldn't let you waste your time."
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