#rose gold facial kit
phootra · 1 year
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bleedingichorhearts · 7 months
𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 X
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: Some of you got more than you bargained for.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams, @egrets-not-regrets.
TW // None?
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The fabric seemed heavier than I remember. The fabric also wasn’t the color of a steel blue, it was gray. I also don’t remember there being any fuzzy, soft blankets in the mix?
Confused at the differences, I slowly rose from the blanket I had been burrowed in like a burrito. Muscles telling me to lay back down, but I don’t remember Solor getting new sheets, and blankets?
They smelled familiar too, like the fresh breeze of the ocean at night. Some spots even smelled just a little different than the other, but it was still a relaxing combination.
Looking around, I realized that I wasn’t in the same room anymore. The walls, and flooring weren’t the cement of the bunker. They were painted, and decorated with the steel blue, and aqua green colors. Some gold-like elements here, and there.
There were even windows to look properly out of, the autumn season looking very welcoming to look upon. There even was a window opened, just above the bed. Fresh, cold air coming in through. Everything just felt pleasant, homey even.
Glimpsing a slight movement in the corner, I jumped, sliding off the bed at the unexpected move, like I was seeing a spider quickly scurrying on the wall. A yelp coming out of my mouth.
I would have hit the ground on the other side of the bed if it weren’t for the blue gauntlet that reached over and held me in place. Their electric blue eyes observing me. Squared face, strong jaw, a scar on his cheek.
“Hydra?” I questioned out loud the sound of other rushing steps coming into the room.
Looking over, two more “Hydras” entered the room. They also had their own helmets off, showing the same blue eyes as the other, but their facial scars, and sizes were different. I didn’t know whether to be shocked, crying, or relieved with all of this …copy and pasting? Was Hydra an actual Hydra???
“Little Serpent.” One of them called, grabbing my attention to him. His voice warm, almost husky. Feeling like a warm drink that had just passed down your throat.
“What… had happened?” I asked as the one “Hydra” slowly moved me back onto the bed properly. My hands grabbing onto the top of his armor, the movement making me a little nauseous. A low purr coming out of him.
“We have found you in a bed, wounded. Smelling like him.” He said with a slight growl, a flush going to my cheeks, embarrassed they had found me in a state like that.
“I thought there was just one of you?” I asked them, changing that subject. Truly wondering how I didn’t know there were three of them.
“It’s a…perk we alpha legions have.” He responded a little smugly. Something they were proud of.
“You weren’t angry when I called you guy’s Hydra?” I asked another burning question. “What are your names anyways?”
“I am Asclepius.” The one with a scar on his lip introduced, and the one that spoke to me first. “The one next to me is Hydra, and the one holding you is Leviathan.”
“Leviathan?” I repeated his name, looking up at him. A rumbling coo coming out of him.
Well, he certainly looks bigger, and it would explain the times I have thought that Hydra had grown a couple of times.
“Your arm! Is it okay?” I asked, looking at all of them for the injury. Suddenly remembering that day where he was supposedly died, right in front of me.
“Don’t worry little serpent.” Asclepius purred, coming closer to the bed. His arm extending, showing me his prosthetic. “It has been remade.”
Crawling over to the edge of the bed. I carefully touched the new arm. It felt cold, but smooth to the touch. A few dislodged wires here, and there, but it was a pretty advanced arm.
“I’m sorry.” I suddenly apologized to him, dragging him forward in a hug. Head nuzzling into his neck. Reveling in his comforting scent as the bloody memory of his arm being severed somewhere else came back.
“Do not cry little serpent, it was just an arm, nothing more.” He rumbled, nuzzling back. The others cooing in agreement.
Slowly leaning back, I took his face in my hands. Rubbing his jaw with my thumbs, his eyes softening at the touch.
“Are you triplets?” I asked, tracing the scar that went down from his lips to his chin.
“Something like that little serpent.” He hummed, turning his head to nuzzle into my palm.
“…What happened to the Gray Knight?” I asked another question while they popped into my mind.
Asclepius' eyes narrowed a little, his head resting in my hands before he spoke. “We have made a deal with him. He, unfortunately will still be around.”
So… they didn’t kill him? That’s a relief in some weird way, but a deal?
“A deal?” I questioned him, the unexpected thought of ‘who had their turn with me when they were playing as one’ coming to mind as I stroked Asclepius' jaw once more. My cheeks burning up once more. Damn these intrusive thoughts!
“You still think of us fondly?” Asclepius teased me, his form leaning forward a little more. His sour face turned mischievous, as the others joined in with their purrs.
“O-Of course I do!” I exclaimed, turning my head away from the group. Embarrassed by their teasing.
Asclepius cooed, his gauntlet coming forward to gently cup my head to look back at him. Our foreheads touching.
“Don’t leave me again.” I almost whined to him as I leaned back a little to give him a smooch on the head.
“We don’t plan on it.” Asclepius responded as the other two pushed each other for some long awaited kisses too.
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ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 XI
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 IX
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥: “𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗” 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙
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sunderedazem · 5 months
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Corrain de Fortemps (formerly Gealai)
Nicknames: Corr, "you little shit"
Age: 16 at ARR start, 22 at the end of Endwalker
Birthday: He doesn't know for sure - he was abandoned at an orphanage in Gridania as a newborn. Sometime in winter.
Race: Keeper of the Moon, Miqo'te
Gender: Trans man. He had to pick a name alienated from Keeper traditions on transitioning because he didn't know his bio mother, and well. The caretakers of the orphanage he grew up in were never close with a poacher's kit.
Orientation: Gay
Profession: Warrior of Light, weaver and gardener on the side. Field researcher and adventurer at heart.
Physical Aspects
Hair: Long, straight, and white as the greater moon. Usually pulled back into a single plaited ponytail that falls to his shoulderblades. Messy bangs around his face
Eyes: Bright silver, with that catlike pupil that turns round in the dark
Skin: warm and pale, with peach and gold undertones. Flushes as red as a Maelstrom jacket when he's embarrassed. Facial Markings: At the inner corners of his eyes, and a single dark spot in the center of his forehead. A target for flicking.
Tattoos: Tattoos at the outer corners of his eyes, curling on his cheeks. He tattoos them a darker shade of blue every time he loses someone. They go from pale sky blue when he's an apprentice conjurer to deepest black by the end of Endwalker. Scars: Myriad little ones, but only two worth talking about. One an angry, ropy white line carving up through his abdomen the bottom of his chest, courtesy of Zenos- in Rhalgr's Reach. The second a ragged patch of once-torn flesh, knotted and raised across the small of his back above his tail - a scythe blade, stuck into his spine and ripped furiously free at the end of all things. From Zenos, in Ultima Thule. He never walks quite right again
Parents: Edmont de Fortemps - by adoption when he was seventeen, and more importantly, by his own choice. He does not know his biological family, and does not know if he wishes to find them.
Siblings: Artoirel de Fortemps, Emmanelain de Fortemps, and Haurchefant Greystone. Elder brothers dear and treasured to him, forever. Lelesu Lesu - an all-but-sister and best friend, a soul-deep bond that has transcended reincarnations.
Others: His partners, Hades and G'raha Tia, one a flame eons old now lit anew, the other a fresh, dewy thing still unfurling rose petals. And his platonic partner Hythlodaeus, from ages past. And then Lelesu again, who is sister and friend and the other half of him - some things cannot be defined but by unconditional love.
Abilities: The dark rage of a Dark Knight, calling on his own pain as a weapon. The quiet ferocity of a Ninja, Doma's knife-work serving him well in close combat. And the blinding Light of a White Mage, a skill in magic from before the Sundering, a capacity for healing he ignores at his own peril. And then the Echo- his manifestation of it a cacophony near-impossible to block out, the past clamoring for his attention- and with that inability to look away from the sound of memory, a synesthesia of soul-colors
Hobbies: Gardening - in both growing plants from seed and discovering new ones growing wild. Weaving - conspiring with Tataru to make clothes for everyone, and weaving the cloth from scratch himself. Reading - anything and everything. He taught himself his letters at thirteen, and will always feel triumph when the words flow freely. Pranking - mostly Lelesu. He gets zapped for his trouble. And most of all- Traveling, as much as he can before there's no time left.
Most positive trait(s): His gentleness, and his stubbornness. He does all he can to keep these traits strong and polished, and pointed in the correct directions. He's the type to mourn a dying enemy, to spend the aether to ease their pain. He's the type to refuse to kill, to refuse to break, to bullheadedly plow through a problem until it collapses in on itself. He will not abandon hope or friends or the innocent - he will shatter himself (and has) before he does so. Good traits- as long as he aims correctly.
Worst negative trait(s): His cruelty, and his rage. Gentleness is not always kindness, and when Corrain's temper ignites friend and foe alike will be burnt by the blaze. He can cut deeper with words than any knife, and he'll do it seething with fury, with hate, and there will be no room for consideration. He will have to burn himself out entirely before the embers cool to the ash of guilt - and then he will have to make sure he does not choke on the apologies.
Colors: purples of all hues, the deep evergreen of trees, and blues the color of a dark lake.
Smells: the musk of old paper and creaking leather, honeysuckle, the sad sweetness of Nymeia lilies
Textures: supple leather and soft cotton, and the cloud-like softness of Lelesu's hair. Heavy quilts of fleece as well.
Drinks: coffee and tea in equal measure, fresh-squeezed apple juice from Coerthan apples.
Other Details
Smokes: no. It smells too bad
Drinks: yes, to cope - and likely too often. He doesn't want to remember, sometimes.
Drugs: Does catnip count? It's not even as strong as cannabis- or so he claims. Maybe a few times a year.
Mount Issuance: Haurchefant's gift to him, a soft black chocobo that he names Snowball. She's a feisty but spoiled pet in many ways, but he's her willing treat dispenser and there was never a chocobo more affectionate. Then Twilight, a yol wrestled into submission on the Azim Steppe, a wide pair of wings and a stern glare. He's less a pet, more a partner, and while he will forever answer Corrain's whistle- he knows he is expected to fly free.
Been Arrested: At least twice outside of the bloody Banquet. Not for starting fights- but finishing them. Things are usually cleared up quickly. And perhaps just once because he'd gotten a little *too* mellow after Haurchefant's death and- well, son, while we understand the loss you are only eighteen. You've got three years until this is legal - in Coerthas, at least. Come on now.
tagged by @azems-familiar - thank you lee! I was a Slow about this one lmao!
tagging: Hopefully you all haven't done it already? @calico-heart, @thefrostflower, @orime-stories, @gatheredfates, @arinaxiv, and anyone else who sees and wants to join in!
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dkt3closet · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Brookstone Radiant Facial Cleansing Brush.
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herbalproducts23 · 1 year
Indulge in the ultimate skincare luxury with Lotus Radiant Gold Facial Kit by Lotus Herbals. This exquisite kit offers a radiant, gold-infused formula that revitalizes and nourishes your skin, leaving it glowing and youthful. Unlock the secret to timeless beauty with this meticulously crafted facial kit.
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mordysworld · 2 years
An encounter with God: a script
This is my latest draft of the script adaptation of my short story. (Warning: mentions of suicide, talk of death)
Fade into a tired haggard MAN (34, dark longish curly hair in a ponytail and dark eye bags with a deep frown etched into his features) shuffles room to room in his apartment.The interior is dark, cramped and claustrophobic. Photo frames in the living room have been turned on their fronts, coasters have half finished mouldy cups of tea on them. Take away boxes piled high spilling over the coffee table and dead plants decorating the window sill. The curtains are drawn in each room and no lights remain except from the dim light in the bathroom- he needed to see at least a little in there.
(he sighs with relief)
Camera closes in on the face of the man before panning down to the bath he's sat in. The water is stained red.
He basks in the feeling for a moment until a dripping sound interrupts him.
Camera spins round to show the tap dripping. He ignores it instead by getting out of the bath, drying himself and dressing his wounds. He pulls out a small first aid kit from a shelf in the bathroom and takes out everything he needs, uses them all and then puts them back.
He shuffles into his bedroom collapsing on the bed. Camera is positioned next to his pillow as it follows his sluggish movement to the bed and watches him close his eyes.
It is seemingly mid day, the sun is high in the sky and the trees are a luscious verdant green, bird trills could be heard all around. Even though it is mid-day, fireflies fleet through the air along with butterflies and other pleasant insects.
Cut from a pan of the peaceful forest to him opening his eyes. They grow wide and panicked, darting from place to place., paranoid. He had no idea where he was. He was in clean white flowing robes but noticeably not chilly despite the breeze that swept through the scene. He basks in the tranquillity for a while. He looked to the ground and he could see stunning yellow and pink wild flowers and grass swirling in the direction of the wind- not fighting the harsh breeze flowing with it  
“Where the fuck am I?”
He puts a tentative hand to his chest feeling an absence of pain and pressure from everyday suburbia. He refused to pinch himself because if this was a dream he’d rather not wake up. Slowly and with much caution he shifts, sitting up and watching his surroundings. Cut to a zoomed out shot of both the man and the forest. You can see the scale of the forest in comparison with him, he is small he is insignificant-
He finds some strength and stands awkwardly and inoffensively before walking in a direction, body suddenly sure of itself. His name echoes in the wind, an unseen force beckoning him.
A lady stands with long curls cascading over her shoulders, she looks youthful but you can see the experience and wisdom in her eyes. A crown sits upon her head (it's not a traditional gold one; it's made from bits of nature) Her facial features are soft looking and her aura that of kindness, tinged with sorrow.
Two shot which alternates between the man and the goddess being the subject of the shot
She looks at him with tear filled, rose quartz eyes.
Ethereal Being:
"I made you, are you aware?"
The man simply continues to gape at this goddess(?) his eyes scan over her over and over, she analyses him in kind. The man agrees, this surprises even him. The ethereal being nods before continuing.
Ethereal being (cont’d):
"I can see what you're thinking, feel how you are feeling- why do you hate my creation?"
Tears roll down her cheeks, the camera then cuts to a guilt stricken man, he looks conflicted for a second before the goddess speaks once more.
Ethereal being (cont’d)
"I made you perfect as you are, Please don’t break my heart!"
She hugs him tightly, but with the utmost care. Close up shot of the two’s faces, we can just see the vice-like grip he has on her, as if he never wants to let go.
"Please don’t make me go back there, I'm not strong enough to do it anymore!"
The pair separate and a one shot of the goddess is clear and stable as she talks once again.
Ethereal being:
"I know one way I can ease this pain but you would have to abandon everything you know in your realm and live up here. This is a big decision to make; my child you will not see your loved ones again for quite some time. This is usually a last resort but I can see the anguish you experience on a daily basis- I can feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and I wish to save you, to save my creation. So…what shall you choose?"
A long moment passes, he looks down to the floor, his answer doesn’t need to be spoken.
Ethereal being:
"I can feel the pain and suffering you feel and I wish to set you free, that is the only way you will be able to see how wonderful my creation truly is."
She puts her fingers on the camera lens (it like we see from the man's POV)
Ethereal being:
"Sleep now my darling for when you awake you shall emerge a beautiful phoenix from the ashes."
The final thing we see is the soft smile of the Ethereal being and the sparkle of rose quartz eyes before the screen fades to black.
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sensei-aishitemasu · 4 years
2020 Black-Owned Gift Guide!
2020 Black-Owned Gift Guide!
It’s that time again! Our SIXTH ANNUAL BLACK-OWNED GIFT GUIDE IS HERE!!!! This Black Friday, try and support a Black-owned business for all your gift-giving needs. For last years gift guide, click here. For the 2018 gift guide, click here. For the 2017 gift guide, click here. For the 2016 gift guide, click here. For the 2015 gift guide, click here.
Similar to previous lists, I kept every individual item listed under $100! Click on the links to be taken to the websites in order to peruse more yourselves: all businesses listed are Black-owned, and many are run by Black women, Black Americans specifically, manufactured here in the United States, and/or sustainably and ethically sourced with philanthropic causes attached to sales! Check them out. 
In addition, this year there are THREE NEW CATEGORIES! Check out items for the ‘Goth/Kawaii,’ for your ‘Activist Bae,’ and for the ‘Esoteric’ down below.
[As always, this guide has been split into categories to make it easier to get through, but feel free to mix and match for the person in your life that fits all of (or none of!) these categories!]
For the Homebody:
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Lettie Gooch Small Safety Matches, $18 Lettie Gooch Amber & Moss Soy Candle, $20 Lettie Gooch White Concrete White Tea & Ginger Candle, $28 Lettie Gooch Planetarium Throw Blanket, $68 Lettie Gooch Soleil Throw Blanket, $68
Debra Cartwright ‘Bike’ Watercolor Print, $38 Debra Cartwright ‘Aura’ Watercolor Print, $87 Debra Cartwright ‘Astro Millennial Ladies in Quarantine’ Coloring Book, $5
Harlem Candle Company ‘Brownstone’ Luxury Candle, $45 Harlem Candle Company ‘Lenox’ Luxury Room Spray, $30 Harlem Candle Company ‘Langston’ Luxury Room Spray, $30
Jungalow Genie Vase, $89 Jungalow Handwoven Peach Planter, $49 Jungalow Azul Face Pillow by Justina Blakeney X Loloi, $89 Jungalow Soft Mint Pillow, $89 Jungalow Aja Wallpaper in Green by Justina Blakeney, $5 (per sheet) Jungalow Tigris Wallpaper in Onyx by Justina Blakeney, $5 (per sheet) Jungalow Cream Looped Wool Rug, $99.00 Jungalow Silvia Teal & Berry Rug by Justina Blakeney X Loloi, $69.00 Jungalow Striped Orange Outdoor Rug, $59.00 Jungalow Reindeer Games Hook Pillow by Justina Blakeney, $60.00 Jungalow Peace Vase by Justina Blakeney, $68.00 
Kashmir Viii ‘S is for Soul’ Print, $35-$45 
Galerie LA Rooted Incense Holder, $45
Duchess365 358 Art Print, $23.99 
Jeff Manning Art ‘Aplomb’ Art Print, $45 Jeff Manning Art ‘Pacific’ Art Print, $30
Kicky Mats ‘Get Naked’ Bath Mat, $30 Kicky Mats ‘Did You Wash Your Hands?’ Doormat, $50 Kicky Mats ‘Go Away, Come Back With Wine’ Doormat, $50 Kicky Mats ‘Did You Call First?’ Doormat, $50
228 Grant Street Candle Co. Tobacco + Patchouli Gold Travel Tin, $11 228 Grant Street Candle Co. Wild Blackberry + Absinthe Amber Jar, $21 228 Grant Street Candle Co. Oakmoss + Amber Apothecary Jar, $32
Shea Makery Strawberry Cheesecake Signature Candle, $40 Shea Makery Cinna-Bowl Signature Candle, $40
The Silver Room Cider and Cedar Leaf Candle, $34 The Silver Room Rose Water & Tea Leaves Diffuser, $28 The Silver Room Minnie Ripperton - Les Fleur Vinyl, $26
Rituals + Ceremony Anonomy Sculptures, $79 Rituals + Ceremony USB Travel Ultrasonic Essential Oil Diffuser, $25
Handcrafted Ceramic Watering Cans, $64
Fill More Waste Less Natural Loofah Sponge, $2.50 Fill More Waste Less Food Huggers, $12. 99 
Ment Nelson Backwoods Baptism Print, $50 Ment Nelson Old Sheldon Print, $40
Quarantine Games!
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Trading Races, $19.99
Winsults, $25
Cards For All People - Black Card Revoked (First Edition), $17.99
Trap Wars - The Urban Game Night Experience, $22.99
Lyrically Correct 90's & 2000's Hip Hop/R&B Edition, $24.99
Black Wall Street - The Black History Board Game, $49.99
Pull Your Card Music Trivia: Hip Hop Edition, $14.99
Spill It Card Game, $23
'Verified' A Party Game for Social Media Lovers (Original Edition), $19.99
For the Foodie:
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Kashmir Viii ‘The Black Power’ Mixtape Coasters, $40 Kashmir Viii ‘Reclaim It’ Mug, $16 Kashmir Viii ‘I Slay.’ Clutch, $45 
Galerie LA Peak and Valley Balance Blend, $30 
‘The Cooking Gene,’ by Michael W. Twitty, $28.99 
‘From Crook to Cook: Platinum Recipes From the Boss Dog’s Kitchen’ by Snoop Dogg, $24.95 
Essie Spice Signature Sauce Collection, $42 
‘Your Guide to Tasteful Manners’ with Love Cork Screw, $19.95 
‘Deliciously Vegan’ Cookbook by The Chic Natural, $28.95 
EAT Apron, $30
Midnight Reflections Crowned White Ceramic Mug, $19.99
The Spice Suite Utensils + Oven Mitts, $50 The Spice Suite ‘The Little Black Spice Book’ (E-book), $30
Rituals + Ceremony Circle Mug, $40 Rituals + Ceremony Agate 6pc Plate Set, $24
Blk + Grn Stainless Steel Tea Ball Infuser, $4
Fill More Waste Less Reusable Tea Strainer, $14.99
Good Thoughts Tea Co. Tea Spoon Set, $12
KazvareMadeIt Personalised Alphabet Mug Tile Print, $20.99 KazvareMadeIt Banananana Cushion, $55.80
Addie Rawr ‘Addie's Cocktail Collection’ (Cards & Prints), $3.75
For the Beauty Guru:
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Lettie Gooch Blends Perfume: Earth, $30 Lettie Gooch Bloom Perfume Blend No. 586, $48 
Galerie LA Hand Sanitizer, $10 Galerie LA Cream Cleanser, $16 Galerie LA Citrine Sea Tropical Exfoliator, $18 Galerie LA Botanica Rose Roller, $14 Galerie LA Botanica Lavender Roller, $14 Galerie LA Aurora Superfood Elixer (Face Serum), $27 Galerie LA Jade Eye Mask, $44 Galerie LA Rose Quartz Facial Roller, $28.00 
Shea Makery Scar Healing Serum, $23 Shea Makery Cinnamon Bun Body Butter, $25 Shea Makery Glazed Donut Body Butter, $25 Shea Makery Milk + Honey + Syrup Bubble Bath, $22 Shea Makery Honeycomb Bath Set, $16
The Lip Bar Cheek and Eye Palette, $15  The Lip Bar ‘Goddess’ Lipgloss, $14 The Lip Bar ‘Bawse Lady’ Liquid Matte Lipstick, $13  The Lip Bar ‘4:00 Stuntin' Fast Face Kit,’ $99 The Lip Bar Limited Edition Easy Holiday Glam Collection, $25  The Lip Bar ‘Lip Bar Littles,’ $18.99 The Lip Bar Minimalist Lovers Bundle, $36
Auda B. Beauty Soy Polish Remover, $26 
Breukelen Polished ‘Paid and Full,’ $11 Breukelen Polished ‘Get Me Right’ Treatment Set, $25
Beauty Bakerie ‘Milk & Honey’ Highlighting Brush, $18 Beauty Bakerie ‘Coffee and Cocoa’ Bronzer Palette, $38 Beauty Bakerie ‘Black Egg-cellence’ Beauty Sponges, $18  Beauty Bakerie ‘Sugar Cookies’ Palette, $28 Beauty Bakerie ‘The Butter’ Hydrasilk Primer, $24
Mented Mini Brush Trio, $10 Mented Everyday Eyeshadow Palette, $28 Mented Brush Collection, $45 Mented Holiday Faves Trio, $50
Blac Minerals Highlight Bundle, $32 
Danessa Myricks Beauty Oil, $30  Danessa Myricks Waterproof Cream Palettes, $36 Danessa Myricks Luxe Cream Palettes ‘The Nudist,’ $44
Pear Nova ‘Holiday Essentials’ Nail Set, $90 
Habit Cosmetics Nail Polish in Voodoo, $18  Habit Cosmetics Nail Polish in Midnight Cowboy, $18 Habit Cosmetics Nail Polish in Black Orpheus, $18 Habit Cosmetics Nail Polish in Scarab, $18
Hunny Bunny Cuticle Cream, $4.50 Hunny Bunny Grapefruit Sugar Scrub, $20
Taupe Coat in Good Fortune, $11
More Brands To Try:
People of Color Beauty
Mischo Beauty
Suite Eleven
Brown Butter Beauty
Beija Flor Naturals
Plain Jane Beauty
Ancient Cosmetics
Hue Noir
Lotus Moon Skincare
For the Fashion Conscious:
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Merit ‘Fate’ Bucket Hat, $20
Chris Cardi Signature TwistDYE Tee, $33
Lettie Gooch Black Mineral Washed Jacquard Leggings, $68 Lettie Gooch ‘Smiling On The Inside’ Mask, $28
Kashmir Viii Face Masks, $16 Kashmir Viii ‘Around The Way Girl’ Clutch, $45-$60
Galerie LA Hemp Tie Button Down Sage, $90 Galerie LA Gratia Jumpsuit Tumeric, $100 Galerie LA Red Zipper Wallet, $45 Galerie LA Dopp Kitt (Makeup Bag) in Navy, $40 Galerie LA Lunar Star Earrings, $100 Galerie LA Meria Sunglasses Coral Pink, $75 Galerie LA Oda Ring, $45 Galerie LA Sabbath Cocoon Tunic, $85
Tree Fairfax Keychain, $22.50 Tree Fairfax Lois Belt, $45
LoveCortnie Polka Dot Leather Key Chain Clasps, $15 LoveCortnie Small Leather Tassel, $17 LoveCortnie ‘Color Me’ Coin Purse, $30 LoveCortnie Envelope Card Holder (Black & White), $32
Rue 107 ‘Toni’ Bikini in XOXO Print, $98 Rue 107 Signature Pencil Skirt in XOXO Print, $68 Rue 107 Tied Cropped Tank in XOXO Print, $48 Rue 107 Tied Cropped Tank in Vintage Rose Print, $48 Rue 107 Signature Pencil Skirt in Vintage Rose Print, $68
Grant Blvd ‘Sustainable Shit Only’ Fanny Pack, $26
Ebony and Green Mindfulness Earrings, $10
For the Bookworm:
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‘Daymares’ by Kenya Moss-Dyme, $12.99
‘Hood Feminism’ by Mikki Kendall, $26
‘The Source of Self-Regard’ by Toni Morrison, $28.95
‘Tar Baby’ by Toni Morrison, $15
‘The Beautiful Ones’ by Prince, $30
‘In Her Hands: The Story of Sculptor Augusta Savage’ by Alan Schroeder, $12.95
‘The Street: A Novel’ by Ann Petry, $15.99
‘Chasing Down a Dream: A Blessings Novel’ by Beverly Jenkins, $14.99
‘Rebel (Women Who Dare)’ by Beverly Jenkins, $5.98
‘Night Song’ by Beverly Jenkins, $8.99
‘Tempest’ by Beverly Jenkins, $5.98
‘Our Black Year: One Family's Quest to Buy Black in America's Racially Divided Economy’ by Maggie Anderson, $17
Rayo and Honey ‘Books Change Your Mind’ Pennant, $75
Jungalow Face Bookend Vase by Justina Blakeney, $98
Midnight Reflections Black Nerd Tote Bag, $18.99
Addie Rawr Book Club Dolls Stickers (Die Cut Stickers), $9.50
For the Kids:
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Jungalow Leela Terracotta Rug by Justina Blakeney X Loloi, $89.00 Jungalow Pink Looped Wool Rug, $99.00
Galerie LA Kids Face Mask, $25
Duchess365 237 Canvas Print, $98.99 Duchess365 231 Tote Bag, $24.99 Duchess365 279 Art Print, $23.99 Duchess365 241 Framed Art Print, $47.99
Shea Makery PB & J Soap, $10 Shea Makery ‘Save A Life’ Mini Assorted Hand Soaps (Set of 12), $5
Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History, $16.99
‘Clean Getaway’ by Nic Stone, $16.99
‘Bee Fearless: Dream Like a Kid’ by Mikaela Ulmer, $16.19
ABC Me Flashcards, $20
IkdKids Rag Doll, $40
KaAn’s ‘Living The Dream’ Denim Jacket, $40
Yinibini Baby Badminton Playing Octopus Tee, $23 Yinibini Baby Fox Pullover Sweatshirt Jogger Set, $41 Yinibini Baby ROAR Lion Hooded Pullover, $45 Yinibini Narwhal Toy, $28
For the Masculine:
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ALWD Signature DC PROPER Sweatshirt, $40
Chris Cardi ‘Bastards’ Tee, $30.03
Merit Flannel Shirt (Green), $65
Kashmir Viii ‘Everybody Eats, B,’ Tee, $45 Kashmir Viii ‘The Knockout’ Tee, $45
Galerie LA ‘Mister’ T-Shirt, $45
Jeff Manning Art ‘Overflow’ Art Print, $30 Jeff Manning Art ‘The Golden Age’ Art Print, $45 Jeff Manning Art ‘Overflowed Emotions’ Art Print, $50
Levi Fisher Beard Bundle, $39.99
Scotch Porter Face Care Collection, $28.99 Scotch Porter Journal, $9.99
Shea Makery Beard Oil, $15
Enbois Matte Lava Rock Bracelet, $40 Enbois Benji Matte Sunglasses, $45 Enbois Bracelets Collection - Cocoa, $50
The Silver Room Tourer Backpack, $95
Urban Profile Black Panther Shirt, $24.99
Solo Noir Starter Kit, $28.99
Bevel Shave Starter Bundle, $89.95 Bevel Skin Starter Set, $61.95
For the Tech Savvy:
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Enbois iPhone Case, $12 Enbois Power Bank, $15 Enbois Grip Socket, $4
Chic Geeks Brown Faux Crocodile iPad Case, $75 Chic Geeks Brown Snakeskin iPad Case, $75 Chic Geeks Emerald Faux Crocodile iPhone Case, $50 Chic Geeks Grey Marble MacBook Case, $80 Chic Geeks Black Faux Crocodile iPad Case, $75
Khristian A. Howell Cava Melon Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99 Khristian A. Howell Cava Black Sleek and Chic Phone Case, $39.99
NSPRE ‘Inferno’ Bluetooth Sunglasses, $71.99 NSPRE Micro SD Card (128GB), $21.98 NSPRE ‘The Ombres’ Bluetooth Audio Sunglasses, $59.99  NSPRE ‘The Solars’ Bluetooth BlueTech Glasses, $59.99
For the Goth/Kawaii:
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VickiBeWicked Vinyl Sticker Heart Drippy Mushroom, Laptop Decal, $4 VickiBeWicked Rainbow Unicorn, Black Girl Magic Laptop Sleeve, $30.99 VickiBeWicked AfroGirls Masked Up Laptop Sleeve, $30.99 VickiBeWicked Pastel Horn Face Resin Keychain, $12.99 VickiBeWicked Red and White Splatter Skull Dangle Earrings, $7.50
Kashmir Viii ‘The KeKe’ Print, $35-$60
Adorned by Chi ‘Goth Club Presidenct’ Unisex Raglan T-Shirt, $34.99 Adorned by Chi ‘Pro Black’ Unisex Raglan T-Shirt, $34.99 Adorned by Chi ‘Pretty Girls Like Anime’ T-Shirt, $32.99 Adorned by Chi ‘Awkward’ Iron-On Patch, $11.99 Adorned by Chi ‘I Need My Space’ Hard Enamel Pin, $12.99
The Colour Polka Dot iPhone XS ‘Creepy Cute’ Rainbow Phone Case, $40 The Colour Polka Dot ‘Creepy Cute’ Spoopy Ornaments, $12 The Colour Polka Dot ‘Kawaii Cute’ Face Mask Case, $16
Embrii Shop Blush Pink Laptop Sleeve, $36
Gothic Lamb Anti Social Goth Club Tee, $28 Gothic Lamb ‘FedUp’ Tee, $24 Gothic Lamb ‘Make America Goth Again’ Tee, $28 Gothic Lamb ‘Melanin Manson’ Tee, $24
For the Esoteric:
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Behati Life Third Eye Vision And Prophetic Dreams Intention Oil, $22 Behati Life New Moon Bath Soak Herbal Mix, $22 Behati Life Lunar Goddess Moon Magick Intention Oil, $22
Lettie Gooch Ecuadorian Palo Santo Quartz Crystal Bundle, $18
Jungalow Chaya Wallpaper in Amethyst by Justina Blakeney, $5
The Silver Room White Sage Bundle, $6
Grandma Baby's Black Gold Lenormand Tarot Deck, $44
Pretty Spirits ‘The Truth’ Decks, $50
The Afro Tarot, $88
The Hoodoo Tarot: 78-Card Deck and Book for Rootworkers by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, $18.66
‘Rootwork: Using the Folk Magick of Black America for Love, Money and Success’ by Tayannah Lee McQuillar, $11.99
Rituals + Ceremony Palo Santo Pack, $7 Rituals + Ceremony Empowered Vibes Ceramic Incense Holder, $10 Rituals + Ceremony Adinkra Intention Candles, $23 Rituals + Ceremony Cleanse and Protect Ritual Kit, $34 Rituals + Ceremony Crystal Candles, $22 Rituals + Ceremony Crystal Bliss: Attract Love, Feed Your Spirit, Manifest Your Dreams Book, $14.99
Ebony and Green Raw Clear Quartz Earrings, $15
For Your Activist Bae:
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Kashmir Viii ‘Kash’s Bacon Shack’ Clutch, $45 Kashmir Viii ‘Copy and Paste’ Tee, $45 Kasmir Viii ‘We Did It First’ Stickers, $5.25-$20 Kashmir Viii ‘Reclaim It’ Clock, $45 Kashmir Viii ‘The Black Family’ Tee, $45
Jeff Manning Art ‘MLK’ Art Print, $35 Jeff Manning Art ‘We Shall Prevail’ Art Print, $45
‘The Spook Who Sat By The Door’ by Sam Greenlee, $21.99 ‘The Black Panthers Speak,’ $20 The Black Power Mixtape: 1967-1975, $22.95 A Beautiful Ghetto by Devin Allen, $26.95 ‘Are Prisons Obsolete?’ by Angela Davis, $15.95
Angela Davis T-Shirt, $25
Legendary Rootz ‘Black Girls Are The Purest Form of Art’ Tee, $25
Rayo and Honey ‘Much To Be Done & Undone’ Pennant, $75 Rayo and Honey ‘Black Lives Matter’ Pennant, $75 Rayo and Honey ‘Joy Is An Act Of Resistance’ Tote Bag, $65
‘They Carried Us: The Social Impact of Philadelphia’s Black Women Leaders’ by Allener M. Baker-Rogers & Fasaha M. Traylor, $ 28.99
Midnight Reflections Black Radical Woman Tank, $25.00
The Colour Polka Dot ‘Fuck Racism’ Resin Heart Keychain, $8
Rituals + Ceremony Be The Change Scented Candle, $24
Grant Blvd ‘Disrupter’ Tee, $30 Grant Blvd ‘End Cash Bail’ Hoodie, $54 
Cards, Notebooks and Wrapping Paper + Holiday Ornaments:
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VickiBeWicked ‘Skull Santa’ and Candy Cane Greeting Cards, $2
Harlem Candle Company Set of 10 Vintage Nightclub Greeting Cards, $30
Kashmir Viii ‘Nina En Printemps’ (Nina Simone) Notebook, $14 Kashmir Viii ‘Boo Yow!’ Notebook, $14
Midnight Reflections Wrapping Paper 3-pack, $26.97
Midnight Reflections Claus Ceramic Ornaments, $15.99
Midnight Reflections Emoji Black Santa Christmas Stockings, $24.99
Bylianarae Note Cards, $15
KazvareMadeIt Rap Lines Inspirational Coloring Book, $18.20 KazvareMadeIt Lemonade Notebook, $18.20 KazvareMadeIt Fried Egg Wallpaper, $4.88 KazvareMadeIt Diamond Retro Wrapping Paper, $4.88
Khristian A. Howell ‘Speak To Me’ Wallpaper, $12 (sample pack) Khristian A. Howell ‘Palm Springs’ Gift Wrap, $8.99 Khristian A. Howell ‘Sonar’ Gift Wrap, $8.99 Khristian A. Howell ‘Twinkle’ Gift Wrap, $8.99 Khristian A. Howell ‘Ansley Park’ Gift Wrap, $8.99 Khristian A. Howell ‘Rosy’ Holiday Gift Wrap, $8.99 Khristian A. Howell ‘Long Weekend’ Gift Wrap, $8.99 Khristian A. Howell ‘Bonjour’ Card Set (10 pk), $18
GreenTop Gifts ‘Clarence Claus’ HOHOHO Gift Wrap, $7.50 GreenTop Gifts ‘Clarence Claus’ Do Not Open Gift Wrap, $7.50 GreenTop Gifts ‘Clarence Claus’ Candy Canes and Trees Gift Wrap, $7.50
Addie Rawr 2021 Planners (Preorder), $30 Addie Rawr The Great Gratitude Journal, $20 Addie Rawr The Great Gratitude Journal, $20
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writeanapocalae · 5 years
TCK: Twilight City Part 3
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2
The Horned and the Snowy Owl’s smiles grew. The Tawny still looked like xi didn’t agree with his trust and The Barn Owl was staring at the map with glassy eyes.
“Well then!” The Horned Owl rose from his seat and tossed his long silvering hair over his shoulder. It reached the floor, as did all of the other Owls, and, since they were not needed to go to the surface they tended to wear it down most of the time. His beard, on the other hand, was closely trimmed and handsome, striped almost as if it was planned. “Let me show you what I think you’re fit for!”
The knights took a step closer to the map as The Horned Owl took up a wooden pointer. He used it to point at the section of the map that was already surrounded by six thumbtacks, blue string wrapped around them to make a zone. In the very center of the zone was a bright gold thumbtack. It wasn’t a quarantine zone, those were marked off with black string, though there were a few quarantine zones near it.
“We got ourselves a distress call last night coming from the old Carlyle Apartments. Five people in all, two parents, a child, and two teenagers, have holed themselves on the fourth floor of building eighteen,” he explained. “They had to go through the quarantine zone to reach the apartment complex so my guess is that both magic and The Feral have followed them into the complex. As you can see there’s only one route left to the complex that does not cross through the quarantine zone, but the road doesn’t go through anymore.” The road in question had a large black X over it. “You may possibly get through one of the buildings on the side or make a bridge.”
“And,” The Tawny Owl interrupted, “I would assume that you’re not such fools to go through one of the quarantine zones yourselves, though it is possible. We don’t want you to be in any more danger than necessary.”
The Crow Knight nodded in understanding. The Puffin opened and closed her mouth a few times while coming up with the words she wanted to say.
“Why us?” she finally chose. “Why not one of your people?” she pointedly looked to The Horned Owl, “They are better at stealthier missions, getting in and out undetected. Why do you need such hard hitters?”
The Crow Knight shook his head solemnly. The Senate had their reasons and they had discussed thoroughly before they had chosen the pair of them.
The Snowy Owl sat forward in her seat, running her hands through her own beard. It was longer than the Horned Owls but just as well shaped. “You were chosen because you are tough hard hitters and can better protect these survivors than a stealth team. You may not be as fast but you have much better odds, especially since there’s threat of The Feral instead of human foes. Light weapons don’t work as well against The Ferals Skulls.”
The Barn Owl finally spoken up, tilting her aged head at them. She also had facial hair though hers were the white whiskers of the very very old instead of deliberate beard. She shook as she spoke and her voice was so soft and airy that The Crow and the Puffin Knight’s had to lean forward to hear her. “There is also the chance of supplies. The apartment complex has been investigated but only enough for our records, it has not been plundered for supplies yet. There is also a gas station on route. If there is an opportunity to collect some gasoline for our generators it would be greatly appreciated.”
The Horned Owl turned back to the pair of them, arms outstretched, the golden threads sewn into his robes twinkling in the candlelight. “Is this agreeable?”
“I agree to it,” The Crow Knight bowed his head once more, “and I am proud to be chosen for this mission.”
The Puffin Knight seemed a bit more concerned, looking from him to them a few times before answering, “I guess? Yeah, sure, I’ll do it.”
The Tawny Owl stepped down from xir chair as well then, taking a small square of paper off of the table and bringing it to them. It was a polaroid photo of the map, the safest route drawn over it with a red marker. Xi handed it to The Crow Knight before retrieving two large backpacks from beneath the table and giving one to each of them as well. “May Sandross watch over you both and may your journey be quick and safe. There is fresh water, flashlights, and a first aid kit in your packs. Fill them, if you can, with as much as you can reasonably carry.”
“Thank you,” The Crow Knight bowed again, taking what was offered. It was somewhat difficult to get the straps of the backpack over his pauldrons but it was definitely doable. He would ask The Puffin Knight to retrieve anything he needed from the bag as he would for her, even though her pauldrons were much smaller and closer to her shoulders.
taglist: @chauceryfairytales​ @detectivesebcas​ @vanity-glass​ @thelunaticghost​
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victorialynbeauty · 5 years
24 Karat Gold SKINCARE💦💛Did you know Cleopatra used a gold face mask every night? Me neither 🧐 I did some research and wanted to try my own 24K Gold Flake Face Mask and see what the hype was - It left my skin feeling super soft & glowy! It was really cool to feel/see it melt into my skin. Would you try it? ❤️ • • • Products Used: @petitfee_koelf_official_eng Gold Royal Jelly Hydrogel Eye Patches @tonymoly.us_official Golden Pig Collagen Bounce Mask @modabrush Spa Facial Treatment & Cleansing Kit @elizavecca_ Gold Essence Gold Bio Collagen Face Mask @makeuperaser Use my code VICTORIALYN to save! @tatcha Camellia Gold Spun Lip Balm @sigmabeauty S02 Spatula Skincare Brush @farsalicare 24K Rose Gold Skin Mist #skincare #skinglow #skinhealth #skingoals #tonymoly SONG: Dancing As One @elwin_music 🎶 https://www.instagram.com/p/B-TR-FqHpiJ/?igshid=zbkse6yguy76
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djemjacob-blog · 5 years
The rise of e-cigarettes and RELX Technology
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The use of electronic cigarettes has surged worldwide over the past decade, with the global market valued at US$10.3B in 2018 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.9% from 2019 to 2025 per multiple reports. 
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Though there are several major players in the vaping industry, most of them owned by tobacco companies, one recent independent entrant, RELX Technology – pronounced “relax” – has stood out from the competition.
Origins: Female entrepreneurship and concern for family and friends
Founded by ex-Uber China Head Kate Wang in January 2018, RELX Technology’s products have experienced tremendous success with adult smokers globally, catapulting it to the position of the leading closed-system e-cigarette brand in Asia. Motivated by her father’s lifelong struggle to quit cigarettes and the lack of suitable new generation products in the market, Wang took it upon herself to start a company that prioritizes innovation, safety, and product quality.
An independent e-cigarette brand that works ethically
With a mission to empower adult smokers through advanced technology and user-friendly design without sacrificing ethics, RELX Technology’s core business encompasses independent R&D, product design and development, and sales. From its inception, RELX Technology has conceptualized and put into effect its ‘Guardian Program’ - a company-wide initiative that stretches from product development to sales, ensuring that the company puts the necessary effort in preventing and discouraging the use of e-cigarettes by minors, whether this be through concerted efforts with retailers to step up on-site identification of purchasers, or launching facial-recognition vending machines in China that dispense products only to adults against their national ID cards.
Cutting-edge R&D that focuses on problems faced by adult smokers wishing to quit cigarettes
In an industry focused on top-line growth, RELX Technology has invested millions of dollars into building its own facilities and operates the first CNAS-certified lab owned by an independent vape brand. RELX Technology also holds more than 20 international patents on its groundbreaking innovations in e-cigarette technology, all geared towards improving safety, quality, and user experience that helps smokers quit cigarettes more efficiently. Its products such as the RELX Alpha and RELX include a haptic feedback feature called SmartPace, which vibrates to let users know when they should stop vaping and put down their devices. RELX Tech’s latest product, a smart e-cigarette called RELX i, connects to the companion smartphone app that features in-depth usage statistics and a child lock that prevents unauthorized use.
RELX Technology brings its advanced e-cigarette products to the Philippines
RELX is now available in the Philippines through its physical stores and online partners such as Lazada and Shoppee. The RELX starter kits are available in the variants of Classic Black, Rose Gold. Space Gray, Navy Blue, Red, and Turquoise and just recently they have released the Celestial series, which features the stunning variants of Sunset Glow, Solar Eclipse, and Mystic Aurora. RELX also has a wide range of pod flavors such as Mango, Lemon Tea, Blueberry, Grapefruit, Ludou Ice, Fresh Cucumber, Mint, Classic Tobacco, Banana, Greentea, Peach Oolong, and Icy Slush. All RELX starter kits come with 1 vape electronic cigarette, charger, and 1 pod priced at Php 1,599.00
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Check out relx.com.ph to check physical and online stores near you. Follow them on Facebook: RELX Philippines and Instagram: @relx.ph
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tsgaustintexas · 5 years
2019 Holiday Gift Guide
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The 2019 Holiday Gift Guide is here! We’ve SCOUTED high and low for unique gift ideas to create ten lists of our favorite LOCAL finds! All of the items featured below are either designed, made or sold by independent businesses in Austin. The holiday season is the most important time of year to support small businesses, so spread the local love by sharing this gift guide with friends and family! And don’t forget to check out our 2018 +  2017 +  2016 + 2015 guides for even more great ideas - shopping local never goes out of style…  We hope this list will help you find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. 
As always, don’t forget to tell them that THE SCOUT GUIDE SENT YOU! 
xo - Leigh Ann 
For Her
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Freya Panama Hat from Hearth & Soul | $220 
7 For All Mankind Fringe Wrap from Domain NORTHSIDE | $425
Gold Dust Vinyl from Liz James Designs | $55+, make sure to check out all the options! 
Easy Rider Jacket from Understated Leather | $495
The Carryall from Tecovas |  $475 now $245 
Michelle Mules from Fortress of Inca | $250 (multiple colors available) 
Molly Haertle Art’s “Sandy,” 12x16” oil on panel | $290
Custom Beaded Clutch - use your monogram or add a fun phrase - from Estilo | $180+
Slim Aarons Coffee Table Book from SPARROW INTERIORS | $60, take 30% off starting Friday! 
Fur Bomber Jacket from ESTILO | $265
For Him
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The Austin Cowboy Boot from Tecovas | $695 
Quilted Leather Jacket from Estilo Mens | $798 
Zilker Belt’s Antone’s Belt | $109
Fly Reel Case from Sparrow Interiors + Gifts | $185 
Cuff Link Studs Set from CASSANDRA COLLECTIONS | $400+
True Grit ½ Zip Pullover from Hearth & Soul | $135 
Yeti Hopper Backflip from Olivia Shoppe | $339.99 
Palo Santo Beard + Face Oil from Loot Finer Goods | $40
Growler Tote from Hearth & Soul | $44
Stratoliner Fedora from Domain NORTHSIDE’s Stag Provisions | $190
For Little Ones
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Star Chalk Set from Hearth & Soul  | $32
Barbarossa Pirate Ship from Olivia Shoppe | $85 
Farmers Market Play Shop from Alexa James Baby | $120
Kid’s Three String Guitar from Picket Fences | $80 
Woodie Toy Cars from Olivia Shoppe | $35+
Model Roadster from Alexa James Baby | $190 
Mini Lightbox from Picket Fences | $24 
Melamine Plates from Grace Charles Design Studio | $22
Easy Rider Leather Jacket for boys + girls from Understated Leather | $180 
Alphabet Kingdom by Starla Michelle | $15.39
For the Home
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Brass Vase from PAGE HOME DESIGN | $25+ each VASES
Gunmetal Bar Cart from HEARTH & SOUL | $815
“Sometimes It’s a Whisper” from Meredith Pardue’s Flower Bomb Series | 60" x 48", Price available upon request, please make sure to view all of works 
Wood Chargers from Sparrow Interiors + Gifts | $54
Crystal Glassware from Sparrow Interiors + Gifts | $128 for a set of four
Maple + Rope Wall Hanging from Loot Finer Goods | $35
Alpaca Throw from A Custom House | $445, check out their other colors! 
B Shawn Cox “Vaquerios” from Walden Art Agency | $1100 (24” x 24”) 
Tiger Print Pillows from LIZ JAMES | $75 each 
Brass Catchall from Austin Design House | $74  
Geranium + Rose Candle from Slow North | $34 
Something Sparkly 
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Black Bonnie Floral Earrings from Cassandra Collections | $210+ 
Tie One On Earrings from Elizabeth Volk Designs | $48
Yellow Gold Straight Diamond Bar Necklace Korman Fine Jewelry | $575
Hazel Bracelet from Liz James Designs | $209
Millicent Adjustable Bracelet in Rose Gold from Kendra Scott | $425  
Dainty Necklace with Writing Stone from Elisha Marie Jewelry | $140 
Cane Earrings in Silver from Rahya Jewelry Design | $123.20
Rose Cut Diamond Hexagon Eternity Band in Yellow Gold from Dowry | $1,600
Nova Lyra Bangle in 14K Gold from Domain NORTHSIDE’S Limbo | $99
Riri Collar from Estilo Boutique | $125 
For Four-Legged Friends
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Paws By The Lake at Lake Austin Spa | Worth It
Enamel Food + Water Bowls from Hearth & Soul | $16
Dog + Cat Noiseless Holiday Crackers from Paper Place | $10
Pet Collar Charm handmade by Liz James Designs | $20 
Holiday Bandanas from Paper Place | $15 
Squeaky Beverage Toys from Hearth & Soul | $15.95+
ACL Dog Collar from Zilker Belts | $59+ 
Rattan Dog Bed with Cushion from A Custom House | $195 Medium, $245 Large
Custom Bandana from Understated Leather | $25
For your Hostess 
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"Putting the Pieces Back Together II” by Erin Donahue Tice Fine Art | $125 (4x6”)
Garden Jar with Cilantro from Slow North | $20 
The Southerner’s Handbook from Liz James Designs | $20
Recipe Tin from Paper Place | $115 
Madeleine Gift Box from Fluff Meringues & More | $11.75
Fraser Fir Wreath from Gracious Garlands | $29+ 
Bud Vases from A CUSTOM HOUSE | $32 each
Potted Olive Tree from Page Home Design | $36
Truffle Salt from HEARTH & SOUL | $28
August Morgan Cocktail Napkins from Olivia Shoppe | $40 for a set of four 
Stocking Stuffers
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Sugarfina x Tito’s Vodka Martini Olive Almonds from Domain NORTHSIDE | $8.95
Mimosa Society Sew-On Patch from Paper Place | $9 
Magic Rainbow Fire Sticks from Paper Place | $21.90 for a set of 3
Starry-Eyed Travel Mask from Understated Leather | $40
Coloring Austin Coffee Table Book by Avery Price | $32
Nourishing Body Cream from Fine Healing Goods | $55 
Jonathan Van Ness Prayer Candle by Illumin Idol | $15
Bridesmaids Partaaaay Mug from Olivia Shoppe | $18.95
Christian LaCroix Playing Cards from Paper Place | $35 
Double S’More Kit from Fluff Meringues & More | $9.50
Baggu Reusable Bag from Olivia Shoppe | $12
Unicorn Headband from Picket Fences | $8 
For Pampering
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Pilates class at The Peach House | $40/class, new members receive 3 classes for $99
A luxe mani + pedi from LACQUER | Manicures start at $63
Drybar Membership at Domain NORTHSIDE | $80 
Leonor Greyl Body + Face Oil from Haute House Lash & Beauty Bar | $59
Rose Quartz Facial Roller from Slow North | $34 
Personal training with PE Fitness | $90/hour for 1, $75/hour per student for 2, $60/hour per student for 3
Lemon Wellness Drops from FINE HEALING GOODS | $75 
Gift card for skin rejuvenation from REJUVENATE | Inquire for pricing
Skin+ Starter Kit from Austin Skin Plus | $290  
Relaxation at Lake Austin Spa | Holiday packages start at  $260
For the Person Who Has Everything
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THE HEADSHOT HAPPY HOUR with four friends, shot by Paige Newton | $125 per person
Private cooking classes with La Pera | $300 / 3 hour session, class selection includes Pasta, Empanadas, Sous Vide Cooking, Basic Knife Skills, or a Custom Curriculum
Peloton - choose between the bike or the treadmill at DOMAIN NORTHSIDE | pricing varies
One-on-One Workshop with HOUSE OF MARGOT BLAIR | $595+
A game-changing backyard makeover with LAWNPOP for the hostess in your life | Inquire for pricing
A dinner party hosted by THE AUSTIN ARTISAN at your home | Inquire for pricing :
The Wayback Holiday Package | $500, includes a 2-night stay at The Wayback + cheese board + bottle of select Texas wine
Donate on your loved one’s behalf with In Lieu
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dkt3closet · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NEW Brookstone Radiant Facial Cleansing Brush.
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xodaniellevictoria · 6 years
Holidaze, The Ultimate Gift Guide
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With the holidays rapidly approaching, I wanted to get a jump start on my 2018 gift guide! Sometimes buying things for your loved ones can be a piece of cake... Then other times you have those people in your life that you genuinely have no idea what to get for them. Hopefully this can help you spark some ideas on some simple gifts to spoil those who you love most! Happy Holidaze Everyone!
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Sometimes the men in your life are the hardest to shop for. These are some gifts that he’ll love, that will never go out of style! Some easy go-to’s are watches, cologne, good skin care, a nice stylish jacket, a duffle / gym bag. These can double as husband / boyfriend gifts or gifts for dad!
  Michael Kors Leather Jacket $99, Nike duffle bag $24, Kiehl’s Facial Fuel $28, Ted Baker Watch $59, Cologne sampler $65
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Do you have a hard working babe on your Xmas list? These Items will be great additions to her desk! Boss babes always love new things that help their productivity, or make their workspace cute and inspiring.
Dreams Do Come True Notebook $12, Colorful Pens $12, Wake Up Call Mug $14, Instax Mini Camera Set $78, Cute Pencils $10
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Music lovers are probably the easiest to shop for, at least in my opinion. Any vinyl of one of their favorite artists, record player, concert tickets, or record cleaning kit will make them a happy camper! 
Headphones $49.99, Victrola Record Player $45, Tom Petty Vinyl, Beastie Boys Vinyl $18.95, Record Cleaning Kit $79
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In 2018 we really discovered how important self care is. Let’s keep the trend moving onto 2019! Gift your mom, sister, bff, or whoever else a little self care kit to help them relax! 
Candle $55, Face mask Set $25, Nail Polish $14, Rose Water Facial Spray $32, First Aid Beauty Skin Care Set $25
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What do we get for the woman who gave us life? Basically anything to help her make her house feel elevated. Moms are the experts at hosting and making the house feel warm, so let’s help her out! 
Christmas Tree Cutting Board $19, Gold Rimmed Champagne Flutes $28, Cozy Blanket $49, Cheese Knife Set $7.99, Christmas Candle $14
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isabellafoster13 · 2 years
Chapter Fifteen: Gajeel Redfox
Lucy rushed out of her apartment. She internally cursed at herself for oversleeping. She had made a point of not oversleeping whenever she had work the next day by hooking Horologium's key onto a bracelet around her wrist so that he could act as her alarm. However, she accidentally forgot to attach the silver key to the bracelet. This caused her to oversleep and now she was late for work. She hoped that Minnie wouldn't fire her or be too mad, but she wouldn't blame the older woman if she did. 
The celestial wizard turned a corner, pushing her legs to run harder. She weaved around some people that exited buildings and homes, ignoring the annoyed remarks that were shouted after her. She had the bakery and cafe in her sight when a sudden blast behind her sent her flying forward before she crashed and rolled along the ground. 
She groaned in pain as she rose to her hands and knees. She brought her left hand off of the ground and placed it on her still bandaged side. She winced at the strong stab of pain before she moved her hand away from her side and looked at it, seeing a small amount of blood. Her wound from almost a week ago had been reopened. She rolled over to sit on the ground and looked at the area of impact that had launched her through the air. She watched as two women appeared several feet in front of her. 
One woman was dark-skinned and curvaceous. Her black hair was pulled into an ox horn style while her green and yellow-colored clothing resembled a bellydancer's outfit. A pair of scales hung from her fingers by thin, gold cords. 
The other woman was dressed in a fashion that resembled a maid. Shackles and chains were on her wrists. Her blue eyes were empty and her facial expression was emotionless. She was tall, perhaps five feet ten inches, curvaceous, and had wavy, pink hair that reached her hips. 
Lucy asked, trying to sound unafraid and hoping that she hadn't failed, "who are you? What do you want?"Stupid questions. She already knew what they wanted and she was able to guess who they were. 
The pink-haired woman answered, "we're here to take you to our Mistress." 
Lucy knew who she was talking about. Kit. These two were Virgo and Libra, she knew that because she knew that Pisces were two spirits. A man and a woman. Though, which of these women was Libra and which was Virgo, she didn't know. 
With a few grunts of pain, the celestial wizard got to her feet and reached for Cancer's key, however, her fingers met nothing. She looked down at her hip to find, to her horror, that she had forgotten her keys in her haste to get to her workplace. She looked at her other hip, finding that she had also forgotten her whip.
Lucy looked back at the two women that began to close in on her. With each step they took toward her, she took a step back. She looked around, trying to find somewhere she could run to. A way to escape. She found none. 
She racked her brain for a way to escape. She couldn't run to the bakery and cafe because that would cause too much damage and trouble for Minnie. She also couldn't run to her apartment. As far as she knew, Kit wasn't aware of where she lived, and she wanted to keep it like that. 
She continued walking backward, trying to figure out what she should do, when the black-haired woman swung her hand up, causing Lucy to be lifted high into the air. She screamed as she soared upwards, coming to a stop she was just a little bit higher than the tall buildings around her. She waved her limbs around, fear filling her being as she struggled not to let the fearful tears that pricked the corners of her eyes spill. She watched as the pink-haired woman kneeled on the ground, placing both hands on the ground. In an instant, she was released from the black-haired woman's spell, but she was also trapped within rocks that she assumed had been ripped from the ground below her. 
She stood with shaky legs and looked around herself at her rocky trap. It was small. Too small. She could feel her heartbeat's pace quicken in rapid succession. Her breathing got quicker and ragged, making her struggle to breathe properly. She stumbled a few times, her legs shaking, and she placed a hand against her forehead. She felt dizzy and lightheaded. A feeling that she could only describe as a mixture of fear, dread, and anxiety took over her entire being, starting in the pit of her gut before spreading rapidly. She was barely able to register the pain in her side and on other parts of her body that she minorly scraped from the earlier surprise attack.
Lucy collapsed to her knees, longer able to stand. She felt suffocated and the trap seemed to be getting smaller and smaller by the second. Her eyelids became heavy before she felt herself fall over and she lost consciousness. 
Gajeel tossed a few pieces of metal in his mouth, munching on them as he lazily glanced around at his guildmates. Many were either talking with each other or playing card or board games. Others were laying around, seeming to be asleep. Juvia was talking to Aria and Sol about some woman she met and befriended. Gajeel didn't really care about whatever she was babbling about. He was just glad that she was bothering those three idiots and not him. The water mage quickly ran out of the room, probably to find Totomaru and ramble on to him as well. 
He heard the doors open and turned to see two of Kit's spirits walk inside. He raised an eyebrow in slight curiosity. He wasn't aware of Jose Porla sending Kit on any mission, and they didn't take jobs like legal guilds. So, why did Kit send out two of her spirits? He stuffed some more metal into his mouth and chewed as he looked closer as the two female spirits walked through the hideout. 
Virgo was carrying a blonde woman while Libra glared at anybody who even tried to ask why they had the unconscious woman. Gajeel took a deep breath, catching a scent of blood coming from the blonde. He could also smell her natural scent. It was vanilla and strawberries. The scent was enticing and possibly addictive. He watched as they disappeared through a door, assumedly taking the blonde to Kit and Jose Porla. 
The Iron Dragon Slayer stood up and made his way over to the aforementioned door. He was curious as to who the blonde was and what she did to earn the master's anger. Pushing open the door, he found Kit standing in an empty room. It wasn't a surprise that the room was empty since it was in this room that they would keep captive until the master decided what exactly would be done with them. The green-haired woman was standing in front of the blonde woman, who was suspended into the air by her wrists with chains. She seemed to still be unconscious.
Gajeel closed the door silently and asked, "what did she do?" He crossed his arms over his chest.
Kit turned around, her green eyes widened in surprise. She turned her back to him with a huff before she answered, "None of your business."
Gajeel's curiosity rose. He knew that Kit was hiding something, and he knew how to get it out of her. He shrugged and said calmly, "alright, I'll go get the master."
He turned around and reached for the doorknob. Before his hand touched the metal, Kit exclaimed, sounding almost panicked, "wait! Don't!" 
Gajeel turned back around and crossed his arms over his chest again. He questioned, fighting back a smirk, "so, who is she and what did she do?" 
Kit looked back at the woman and then at him. She seemed to be internally panicking as she answered, "I...um...sh-she's a target."
Gajeel raised an eyebrow, asking, "why did the master want you to capture her?"
Kit answered, now more nervous than panicked, "he...didn't."
Gajeel furrowed his brow. "Why did you capture her is the master didn't send you after her? You know that's against his rules."
Kit rolled her eyes. "She won't be here for long. The master doesn't need to know." She then waved her hand at him as if she was shooing him away as she added, "now, go away, Metalface."
Gajeel scowled at her. He inquired with a sneer, "are you being paid to capture her?"
Kit shrugged, looking away and crossing her arms over her chest. She muttered, "maybe."
Gajeel growled, "you know that's against the master's rules!" He didn't care what the blonde woman did or how much Kit was being paid, Jose Porla had made it clear that none of the mages in Phantom Lord could target someone for any reason without his permission. This ensures that he gets a large portion of the money earned. If anybody were to break this rule, the master would not only punish the rulebreaker, but also any mages that knew. Gajeel wasn't interested in receiving that kind of punishment, so he knew that he had to stop Kit before she could complete the job. 
He walked over to the blonde and took a better look at her. She was pretty. Incredibly pretty. He could feel his cheeks become warm just by looking at her. He sniffed her, becoming overwhelmed by her scent of vanilla and strawberries. He usually didn't like being overwhelmed by any type of smell, however, he didn't mind becoming overwhelmed by her delicious scent. He looked at her side and pressed his hand against it. He pulled his hand away and looked at his fingers, seeing a small amount of blood had seeped through the black shirt and got on his fingers. 
He lifted up the hem of the shirt to find that her side was bandaged. He could see that her wound had already stopped bleeding. He let go of the shirt and locked his red eyes back on her pretty face, telling the mage behind him, "I'm taking her."
He reached for one of her wrists and broke the metal cuff around it as Kit exclaimed, "what? No! She's my target!"
Gajeel calmly responded, "I don't care if you get in trouble for this, but I'm not letting you drag me down with you." 
He then wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist as he reached for the other cuff on her other wrist. Once he broke it, he caught her with his other arm before he swiftly sept her into a bridal-style hold. He then turned around to leave, but found Kit standing right in front of the door, pointing one of her gold keys at him, clearly not going to let him leave with the blonde so easily. 
Gajeel sighed and said, "do you really want to fight me? You're not as strong as you think you are."
Kit sneered, "you're not going anywhere with her! Give her back now!" 
Gajeel looked down at the blonde in his arms. He felt an unfamiliar feeling tug at his heart. He felt sorry for her, something that he was new to. He didn't know why he felt bad for her and wanted to help her out, but he decided to brush the feeling away and focus on getting her out of the hideout. He repeated his earlier question, "do you really want to fight me?"
Kit scowled but she remained in place. The dragon slayer she was threatening sighed once again before he kneeled and laid the woman in his arms on the floor. He then stood up and turned his arm into a metal club. He didn't mind fighting Kit. He knew that he would win and that the master wouldn't care because pointless fights happened all the time. 
Before Kit could summon her spirit, he extended the metal club, hitting the green-haired woman in the abdomen, launching her through the door behind her and across the main room of the hideout. Gajeel smirked to himself, knowing that she would be out for a while. He then picked up the blonde woman and made his way out of the hideout, ignoring the few mages that tried to ask why he had attacked Kit. They didn't care, just nosy. 
As he walked away from the hideout, Gajeel looked down at the woman in his arms. He had no idea what to do with her or where to take her. Looking around, he found a tree that he could prop her up against and wait for her to wake up. 
He sat her down in a sitting position, resting her back against the trunk of the tree, before he sat beside her, staring at her as he waited for her to regain consciousness. 
He had no idea why he helped her out. Sure, he didn't want to face his guild master alongside Kit, however, there was something else that drove him to help her. What was that reason? As he watched her, he felt like he was drawn to her. He breathed in her alluring scent once again. 
Gajeel ran his gaze over her golden blonde hair. It reminded him of the sun, appearing as though it was weaved from the rays of sunshine. It looked like it was soft and silky. The dragon slayer reached out and ran a few fingers over her hair, allowing the strands to flow through his fingers. His suspicions were right. Her hair was remarkably soft to the touch and silky like linen. 
He continued to lightly pet the young woman's hair until she began to move. Gajeel froze, his red eyes widening slightly as the blonde opened her striking brown eyes. She quickly focused her confused and dazed gaze on him, blinking a couple of times and taking a few moments to take in where she was. Gajeel continued to stare at her, frozen, and his fingers still on her hair. He wasn't sure what to do now that she had woken up. 
The woman's eyes soon blew wide and she screamed, "who are you? Get away from me!" She scooted away from him, looking scared. 
Gajeel put his hands up, palms facing her, as he said as calmly as he could, though he didn't do a good job at it, "Woah, Woah! I'm not going to hurt you, okay? Just calm down!" 
The woman stopped scooting away from him, but she stayed in place and remained visibly on edge. Gajeel sat down and crisscrossed his legs, his hands still up. He asked, "what is your name?"
The woman looked to be anxious and hesitant. Gajeel couldn't blame her. He didn't like how scared and hypervigilant she looked. His heart twisted and he had an unpleasant feeling in his gut. He thought that maybe it would be best if he introduced himself and told her why she was outside with him. 
The Iron Dragon Slayer took a deep breath and laid his hands, palms down, on the grassy ground before he calmly said, "I'm Gajeel, an Iron Dragon Slayer. I saved you from a dark mage. I've been waiting for you to wake up."
The woman studied him for a few moments before she relaxed a little. She responded hesitantly, "I'm Lucy. I'm a Celestial Spirit Mage."
Gajeel nodded. He inquired, "what keys do you have?"
Lucy raised an eyebrow, asking, "you know what Celestial Spirit Magic is?"
The dragon slayer nodded, answering, "yeah, of course."
Lucy then brightened as she answered his previous question, "I have the keys of Lyra, Horologium, Crux, Pyxis, Cancer, and Aquarius." 
Gajeel nodded in understanding. He then questioned, "why was Kit after you?"
The blonde mage hesitated. She appeared to be apprehensive. Understandably. Lucy then managed to answer, "I...um...she w-was paid to capture m-me."
Gajeel grunted. He knew that Kit wasn't following the strict rule that Jose Porla had set. He decided to not question further. He instead wanted to ask Lucy questions about herself. He wanted to know more about her. Her voice was lovely to hear, her scent was delicious, and she was gorgeous. This all made his cheeks warm up, his stomach feel weird, and his heartbeat pick up its pace. He had never experienced these feelings towards anybody before. 
Noticing that Lucy was still on edge, he asked, "do you want to go somewhere with more people?"
The blonde nodded her head. Gajeel slowly stood up and offered a hand to her. Lucy looked at his hand and then up at him, apprehensive, before she gently place her small hand in his larger one. Gajeel pulled her to her feet and then began walking toward the main part of Crocus. 
He loosened his grip on Lucy's hand, allowing her the ability to pull her hand away if she wanted to. However, she didn't. Instead, Gajeel felt her tighten her own grip on his hand. The dragon slayer felt a smile tug at his lips, but he fought it away. He kept his face sent in a neutral expression, silently hoping that Lucy wouldn't think he was scary-looking. This surprised Gajeel. He was used to, and even enjoyed, people being scared of him purely based on his facial expression. But, he didn't like the idea of Lucy being scared of him for that reason, or being scared of him at all. He thought about smiling at her, but he couldn't even remember the last time he had given someone a smile that wasn't meant to intimidate and scare, so he doubted he would be able to smile at her without scaring her. Or at least making her uncomfortable. 
Gajeel came to a stop when he stepped into a rather crowded marketplace. He turned around to ask Lucy if she wanted to get something to eat, but was quickly stopped when she said, looking down at the ground, "thank you, Gajeel, for saving me and bringing me back here. I hope to see you again soon, but I have to go." 
Gajeel didn't want her to go so soon. He was about to stop her until she pulled away from him and quickly disappeared among the busy people. The dragon slayer unwillingly watched her go, tempted to pursue her, but didn't want to seem creepy or scare her. So, he instead turned back around and began making his way back to Phantom Lord's hideout. He decided that he would wait to see her again, and when he did, he would talk to her more and learn more about her. 
She was bound to be on his mind for some time, and he was fine with that. He wasn't quite sure what this feeling was that she was making him experience, but he found himself liking it. He looked forward to seeing her again. 
Lucy weaved through the crowd of people, making her way to Minnie's bakery and cafe. She wanted to get there as quickly as possible. It was the only place where she felt safe. 
As she ran, Lucy's mind wandered to the man she had just met. Her cheeks were still warm, her stomach was still doing flips, and her heart was still beating rapidly. She looked down at her hand, seeing that it was still shaking a little. 
She remembered what Mira had said, but she had barely spoken to Gajeel. Why was she feeling this way about him too? Maybe it was because he was very handsome and had saved her. She couldn't help but liken him to Laxus, Midnight, and Cobra. She began to view him in a similar way to how she viewed them. Cold, tough, and sharp-tongued on the outside, but soft and loving on the inside. 
Lucy shook her head. What was she thinking? They were real people! Not fictional characters that she could interpret in any way she pleased! So, why was she likening these mages to characters she had grown up reading about? 
She caught sight of her destination. Happy to soon be somewhere that she felt safe, she pushed her thoughts out of her mind and began running. She was going to find Minnie and tell her what had happened. She was going to do it! She was determined to finally seek help. She just hoped that Minnie would be able to help her, in any way. 
Pre-Fairy Tail Gajeel is difficult to write. I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. I'm excited to finish this book and start on the new one. 
Here is a hint for who is next: Black Hair.
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cossouqcosmetics · 2 years
The Top 5 Bridal Facial Kits in India for Glowing
Facial kits are the best and quickest way to get a natural glow in a short amount of time. And, as the saying goes, there is nothing a facial kit can't restore, especially on your wedding day.
But, on the most important day of your life, can you rely on any random face kit? We all know what the answer is. On your wedding day, you take special care of everything. So why not give your skin some additional attention? If you are spending a hefty amount on a bridal makeup kit, then why not invest in a quality facial kit as well!
A decent facial kit will not only make your skin shine and smooth, but it will also offer you a confidence boost that will be noticeable on your face and overall appearance as you make your bridal entrance. Everyone has a unique skin type, and we take it into account. So today, we will offer the 5 best bridal glow facial kits in India that are dermatologically certified and appropriate for all skin types.
#1. Lotus Herbals Radiant Gold Cellular Glow 4 In 1 Facial Kit
The first facial kit on our list is the Lotus herbals Radiant Gold Cellular Glow 4 in 1 facial kit, which has appeared in many lists of the top 10 bridal facial kits in India.
Getting ready for your wedding can be taxing on your body, especially your face. This herbal skin care package can quickly brighten your skin and erase any signs of stress. This beauty package offers the benefits of 24k Gold leaf, Papaya extracts, and Horse Chestnut packed in four creams in each sachet.
Exfoliate your skin gently with the exfoliating cleanser, then apply the activator in a circular motion. Rub the massage cream on your skin to restore your skin cells, then place the dazzling gold mask on your face to behold the tantalizing impact of this fantastic facial pack. The best aspect about this bridal glow face pack is that it cures rashes, evens out rough-surfaced skin, preserves elasticity, and leaves a satin-soft feel on your skin without creating irritation.
#2. Khadi Natural Luxury Spa Kit
The Khadi Natural Luxury Spa package stays true to its name by providing your skin with the sumptuous treatment of all-natural ingredients. This spa package offers a fantastic experience full of refreshment and rejuvenation therapy.
These products are precisely designed to calm your body and spirit, leaving you with a fresh and radiant appearance on the happiest day of your life.
This Spa kit is the most efficient approach to treat yourself not just on your wedding day but on any special occasion. You can also gift this package of joy to friends or relatives.
Inside this fantastic kit, you will find Lavender and Ylang body washes, Sandalwood massage oil, Peach and Avocado moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated, Sandal and Rose body wrap, and Rose and Papaya body polisher for an even-toned skin.
#3. VLCC Gold Single Facial Kit
Next, we have the VLCC Gold Single Facial Kit. So, what makes this face unique? Well, the list goes on and on! First, there are anti-aging qualities, including reducing wrinkles, pigmentation, age spots, and lines. This facial package comprises gold, which has long been a favorite among women, whether for wearing or accentuating their charm. VLCC acknowledges the appeal of the gold extract and has benefited from its skin-enriching benefits.
The facial package exfoliates and detoxifies your skin, leaving it with a porcelain-like smoothness and radiance. Your skin needs cell renewal to look younger, and the VLCC gold facial kit stimulates it with each usage.
The goodness of this product doesn't end here; it nourishes your skin, removes dead skin cells, maintains your skin's pH levels, and gives you a luminous, youthful complexion so that you shine bright on your big day.
#4. O3+ Meladerm Vitamin C Gel Bleach
The main concern when using bleach is the possibility of skin dryness and inflammation. However, this is not the case with the O3+ Meladerm Vitamin C Gel Bleach Cream. This bleach lotion lightens hair and includes no peroxide or other dangerous ingredients. The Ammonia Persulfate in this bleach recipe functions as a micro sponge, keeping your skin hydrated throughout the day.
The O3+ vitamin C bleach cream not only lightens hair but also eliminates tan for a 2-in-1 effect. All leading beauty salons suggest it for the desired glow and skin-friendly components. So stop spending a hefty amount on a salon for brighter skin and buy the O3+ bleach cream home at a really affordable price.
#5. O3+ Shine & Glow Kit Single-Use
What if I tell you that you could eliminate blackheads, whiteheads, and tan while also increasing the moisture in your skin? It is all possible thanks to the O3+ Shine & Glow Kit. This dermatologically tested and professional-approved single-use facial kit is the best bridal facial kit for sensitive skin that will offer you perfect and healthy-looking skin.
Your skin needs hydration to keep it fresh and easy transport of oxygen for your skin's general health. This product will remove all the dirt and grime gently and give a vibrant, refined and bright skin. The pack consists of a foam cleanser, lactic peel, purifying tonic, Arbutin serum, Arbutin powder mask, and whitening cream. Apply all of these items sequentially for an overall flawless finish.
So this is it! You can find many other facial kits on the internet. However, not all of them will be suitable for your skin and may include hazardous chemicals that may dry up your skin and damage your face on your wedding day. We tried several facial kits before trusting these exceptionally well-performing best bridal glow facial kits. You can get these easily online only on Cossouq, your one-stop solution.
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wowskinscienceindia · 3 years
Mom and world radiant boost face wash review https://youtu.be/iWm5lpylOsQ
Mom and world youth anti ageing face wash review https://youtu.be/Q4-FP4VkaUE
Mom and world conditioner review https://youtu.be/B1WlrZbGEtE
Mom and world shampoo https://youtu.be/aK8dGiVFUao
Wow Moroccan Rose Otto foaming body wash review https://youtu.be/J1J59_WqJTE
Greenberry organics SPF 40 Day lotion review https://youtu.be/jqnRDPrB_Qg
Greenberry organics sunscreen review https://youtu.be/2woG0_RyX9o
Wow hair mask argan oil https://youtu.be/R7_6IlQTQxc
Qraa gold facial kit https://youtu.be/bKuZFbsu8IU
Wow body lotion https://youtu.be/CJrrACRf8Y4
Organic harvest oil control face wash review https://youtu.be/pqkbltkDcRE
IBA halal fairness face cream https://youtu.be/X7Z4UjlQ3Zk
Herbal organic hand wash powder https://youtu.be/-JJp9e-EXFY
Hair rinse water https://youtu.be/PtjgYFoHeI4
Wow Argan oil review https://youtu.be/7v9IZPW92QU
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