#roscoe flatts
The fact that I'm tempted to call one of my lizard ocs Roscoe Flatts is just..... why?
I mean... his name is Roscoe, so...
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We end this round on the last day of the year. A lot of ups and downs in this one! The most albums I've ever deleted from my iTunes, but also i think the most 9.0's or higher i've given in one of these too.
doing this silly little project, I have listened to 515 albums this year that I probably wouldn't have listened to otherwise. so thank you to everyone who has suggested things when i post those lists. It says a lot about just how big my music backlog was that i think it will take until the end of 2022 until i'm actually done...and can start adding in new albums to my iTunes. or maybe i'll just add new stuff as i go, and rotate as i go? either way, thanks. that's so much fucking music.
I Am a Lake of Burning Orchids- Valediction (8.0/10)
Internet Club- Redefining the Workplace (7.0/10)
Iannis Xenakis- Kraanerg (8.0/10)
James Brown- Live at the Apollo (8.0/10)
Jason Crumer- Ottoman Black (8.5/10)
Kazumoto Endo- While You Were Out (9.0/10)
Lester Flatt & Earl Scruggs- Foggy Mountain Banjo (9.0/10)
Lindsheaven Virtual Plaza- Transversal Worldwide Shopping (9.0/10)
Luciano Berio- Sequenzas I-XIV (8.0/10)
Madonna- True Blue (8.0/10)
Mariya Takeuchi- Variety (7.5/10)
Meat Loaf- Bat Out of Hell (8.5/10)
Men at Work- Business as Usual (8.0/10)
Merzbow- Bloody Sea (7.0/10)
Merzbow- Merzbird (5.5/10, deleted from iTunes)
Merzbow- Sphere (8.0/10)
Merzbow- 1930 (8.5/10)
Midnight Television- Midnight Television (3.0/10, deleted from iTunes)
Mike Patton- Adult Themes for Voice (7.0/10)
Neil Young- Time Fades Away (8.0/10)
Nina Simone- High Priestess of Soul (8.5/10)
Nurse With Wound- To the Quiet Men from a Tiny Girl (6.0/10)
Pere Ubu- Dub Housing (10/10)
The Pogues- Rum, Sodomy, & the Lash (8.5/10)
Prince- Dirty Mind (9.0/10)
PrismCorp Virtual Enterprises- Home: Complete Edition (6.0/10, deleted from iTunes)
Prurient- Palm Tree Corpse (8.0/10)
Prurient- Rose Pillar (6.0/10)
Prurient- Time’s Arrow (6.0/10, deleted from iTunes)
Prurient- Troubled Sleep (7.0/10)
Prurient- Unmasking the Insect (5.0/10, deleted from iTunes)
The Red Krayola- God Bless the Red Krayola and All Who Sail With It (9.0/10)
The Replacements- Tim (7.5/10)
Roscoe Holcomb- The High Lonesome Sound (9.0/10)
Sissy Spacek- Freaked With Jet (6.5/10)
The Smiths- The Queen is Dead (9.0/10)
Son House- Father of the Delta Blues: The Complete 1965 Sessions (8.5/10)
Steve Reich- Drumming (9.5/10)
Sylvester- Step II (8.0/10)
Tom Waits- Heartattack and Vine (8.5/10)
Willie Nelson- Stardust (8.0/10)
식료품groceries- 슈퍼마켓Yes! We're Open (9.0/10)
死夢VANITY- Evening Bliss (7.5/10)
01100001 S.T.A.R.D.U.S.T. Subsidiary- Arcadia Campus: Virtual Tour (8.5/10)
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the-ass-assin · 8 years
I got tagged!!
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write 11 new ones. Tag 11 people to answer your questions, as well as the person who tagged you.
Thank you @booperdooperladdies
Favorite 3 colors?: Pink, yellow, and blue
If you have a pet, what’s their name?: I have two kitties, Roscoe and Arlis, and a pup named Harper
Last concert you’ve been to?: My first and only concert was Rascal Flatts when I was, like, 10. My friend had an extra ticket...
Snapchat, tumblr, or instagram: Tumblr
Last thing you ate: Ramen
What grade are you in if you’re in school?: I’m a junior in highschool (Eleventh grade)
How long have you been on tumblr? Couple of years. I’ve had, like, three different blogs in that time :P
Least favorite color?: I love all the colors
Writing with a pen or typing with a keyboard?: I dont really care tbh
Favorite meme atm?: What in tarnation?
New questions!
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?: Somewhere warm :)
Favorite type of candy?: Just chocolate
What did (or do) you want to be when you grow up?: I wanted to be an FX makeup artist for a LONG time
What was your favorite toy as a child? My stuffed panda bear (I still have it)
What is your favorite band?: I like too many tbh. Depends on my mood.
What’s your favorite music genre? Again, too many.
Movie genre?: Action or horror. Is animated a genre?
Do you like taking selfies, or not?: Yes!
In a zombie Apocalypse, what would your weapon of choice be?: Something quiet, but super deadly. Idk much about weapons tbh
If you could have any pet (real or not) what would it be?: A tarantula! Or a tiny dragon..
@yupsirey @cynosurecosplay @bunnyyumyum @freedomaboveallelse @elise-thebaguettebooty (I can’t really think of anyone else! I’m sorry  if I usually tag you and I forgot. My mind is sleeping atm :P )
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☆Roscoe Flatts☆
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♡ Comically has the last name of a famous music group because an employee loves the singers and thought it would be funny.
♡ Because he's so small, Roscoe doesn't have such an advanced voicebox like the other animatronics do, so he isn't able to talk like them. Instead, he speaks through squeaks, purrs, trills, growls, tail wags, feet stomps, and head bobs! The other bots are able to understand him perfectly, while humans can only guess what he's saying by his body language.
♡ This one foot long, two inch tall lizard was quite feisty when he first was introduced to the Pizzaplex. He didn't like many people, and would often try to bite or get aggressive towards anyone that tried to pick him up.
♡ Soon enough, though, he would find himself enjoying the affection from his new family.
♡ He doesn't have a designated attraction in the Pizzaplex, and hangs out with the other animatronics throughout the day. After all, riding on someone's shoulder is the only way to travel.
♡ Despite looking spiky and rough with his spines, he's actually quite soft! His spikes are designed so that they don't poke children when they pet him.
♡ He loves soft things... he's sometimes found snuggled down into one of the wolves' or Foxy's fur or hair. They don't mind, and find it rather cute, so they leave him there and go about their tasks with a cuddly lizard tagging along.
♡ Since he's so small, he can't use a charging station like the others can, and instead has multiple hidden charger pads he lays on in different areas of the building so he can charge when needed.
♡ He loves any type of affection he gets from his family, especially when it comes to the gentle nose-to-nose boops and nuzzles he gets from time-to-time.
♡ He doesn't like the manager or people that bother his family... after he was hurt by Wade, he learned just how bad some humans can be, and now he's more careful with who he trusts.
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