#rosalind got it bad
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lodgeofeilhart · 9 months ago
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wanderingaldecaldo · 1 year ago
Yesterday I started a wkit file for Madam President. Today I'm exporting meshes to edit in Blender for outfits. I'm fucked.
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livwritesstuff · 8 months ago
for @steddie-week day 5 | exes to lovers
fully and completely inspired by @emchant3d's divorced dad's post [x] from a few weeks ago bc i did not once stop thinking abt it
tags: modern day, artist!eddie, finance guy!steve, steddie as rich gay divorcees, sort of an accidental parent trap situation
They were too young, Steve thinks in retrospect – married at twenty-three, their daughter born when they were twenty-five, and then divorced before his twenty-seventh birthday.
He gets to think retrospectively because in a few years it’ll be a full decade since the papers for that last bit got signed. Now, Steve is thirty-four and sweating his ass off in a red polo and crisp jeans, the stiflingly hot July sun beating down on him as he scans the perimeter of a crowded playground for a familiar head of curly brown hair – not his nine-year-old. He found Rosalind already, wreaking havoc on the jungle gym. No, he’s looking for his ex (-husband, technically, but Steve usually stops at ex; the -husband part just makes him sad these days).
It’s custody swap day, which is either his favorite or least favorite day of the week depending on who the swap is favoring.
Today it’s favoring him which is why he’s slowly making his way around the edge of a playground in Bushwick, keeping an eye out for his ex, Eddie.
“Steve,” he hears from somewhere behind him. Steve turns towards the sound and sees not that curly head of hair he’d expected. Eddie’s hair is completely buzzed (which, for the record, was not the case last week when Steve dropped Rozzy off with him) and he’s wearing a paint-splattered white t-shirt tucked into old jeans and all that combined is making it reeeally hard for Steve to pretend he’s not crushing hard on the guy he divorced eight years ago.
“Dude,” Steve started, eyeing Eddie’s hair (or lack thereof) as he made his way to the section of fence that Eddie was occupying, “What–”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie rolled his eyes, “Rozzy already hit me with all the good zingers so you’re too late.”
“No, I don’t –” Steve stopped, “It’s…not a bad look, just…you know. Why the change?”
Eddie looked away.
“Long story,” he replied as Steve remembered (yet again) that he doesn’t get full access to Eddie’s world the way he used to.
Luckily for Steve, Rozzy runs up to them and spares him from having to figure out a response for that.
“We should get pizza,” she says. Steve’s eyebrows fly up.
“We should get pizza?” he repeats.
“Please,” she adds, her eyes shining, “At Dad’s? And we play Mario Kart? Dad said I’m getting good at 200!”
“He said that?” Steve asked, and he glances over Rosalind's head to see that Eddie is making a so-so gesture with his hand.
He’s never been all that good at saying no to his daughter (or anyone), so it doesn’t take much more convincing on Rozzy’s part for the three of them to head off in the direction of Eddie’s loft, with a pitstop planned for the pizza shop down the block.
They actually have a nice time.
It’s true that Rozzy is getting better at 200cc – good might be a bit generous, but Steve’s fine with that (he doesn’t know if his ego could handle getting crushed by a fourth-grader).
Just as they’re finishing their second grand prix (the Star Cup, because Rozzy likes the dolphin race), one of the other kids in the building knocks on the door and invites Rozzy over for a sleepover, which Steve agrees to because he remembers the illicit kind of joy in a summertime Monday night sleepover.
Eddie doesn't show Steve the door after Rozzy's gone. Rather, he pulls a bottle of wine from the fridge – an expensive Sémillon he says was given to him by a client.
“So the art biz is still going well, I assume,” Steve comments as Eddie pulls two vintage wine glasses out of a cabinet and pours them each a healthy serving.
Conversation about work manages to sustain them through the first few glasses (Eddie actually remembered that it’s been just over a year since Steve left his dad’s Fortune 1000 for a CFO position at a marketing company that had just graduated from small to midsize status). They work through the second quarter of the bottle talking about Rozzy, and the third vanishes even quicker while Steve spills some of the latest Harrington family drama.
While Eddie is updating him on how Wayne is doing, Steve finds that he isn’t really listening, distracted in the way he can’t help but notice how Eddie’s paint-stained t-shirt is actually more like an undershirt, and a size too small for him, the torso and sleeves tight around lean muscle, and there’s a thin silver chain around his neck and a scruff of facial hair around his jaw, and –
Steve doesn’t immediately realize when Eddie stopped talking. When he does, when his eyes finally unstick themselves from the buzzcut and drop back down to Eddie’s, he sees that Eddie is staring at him too.
Eddie’s tongue darts out to wet his lip.
“Ask me again why I buzzed my hair,” he tells him.
“Why’d you buzz your hair,” Steve asks, because he’s obedient like that (and because he really does want to know).
“Steve–” Eddie stops, a giggly, wine-induced hiccup of a laugh slipping out before he shakes his head, “An entire can of paint tipped ov–” He cuts himself off with another half-hysterical laugh, barely managing to say, “Spilled on my head,” before he was completely doubled over, and Steve is laughing too because he can totally picture it and because he had a bit more wine than he planned to and this is honestly the first time that he and Eddie have hung out without their daughter in…Steve doesn’t even know how long.
“Steve,” Eddie says again when they finally both recover, and his tone is completely different this time around and there’s a vulnerability in his eyes that wasn’t there before and something is happening, something is happening, “Please don’t kill me for saying this, but…fuck, it’s really kinda pathetic how badly I still want it to be you and me.”
Steve thinks he tries to respond, but then he was too busy kissing Eddie to do anything else, too busy scraping fingernails over Eddie’s scalp, too busy choking back a moan as Eddie sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, too busy tugging Eddie’s shirt out of his waistband to shove a hand up underneath and finding that he’s built more solidly than Steve remembers from the last time they touched like this, but something is telling him that’s true about Eddie – true about himself too – in more ways than one.
And if Rosalind comes home the next morning ready to ask how she’s getting back to Daddy’s house only to find that he’s already there, stealing Dad’s mug out of his hand for a sip of coffee when his own is right there…that’s a conversation for another day.
part 2
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lovelytsunoda · 7 days ago
love is a losing game | Jake "Hangman" Seresin
Part II - All These Things That I've Done
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Summary: While Jessica struggles to adapt to motherhood, Jake and Bradley dig their hole deeper as they discover that a homicide reopening exposes them to the risk of jail time. After all, murder was never supposed to be part of the plan.
Content Warnings: Post-pregnancy mental illness, violence & gore, say what you want about this version of Jake but at least he's a good father and husband. The police corruption is strong in this one. So many references to Bosch that if you've at least seen the first season, it will make your head spin. Flashbacks are in italics.
Authors Notes: I DO NOT CONDONE JAKE AND BRADLEYS ACTIONS but I’m a sucker for the FICTIONAL good men doing bad things to protect their families trope
Series Masterlist
Jake took a shaky breath as he parked his silver Dodge Charger behind Jessie’s sleek Jetta GLI. He tried not to look at the blood on his hands, as if the errands he had run beforehand erased the gravity of what he and Bradley Bradshaw had done. His knuckles still stung with the memory of the doctor he had beat up. A doctor. Someone who saved lives, who's work meant something.
And Jake and Bradley were bleeding him dry. Bradley had set him up with two prostitutes he had in his back pocket, filming the whole thing and using it as a tool for extortion. Jake was just the hired gun.
He was quiet as he entered the house, acutely aware of how light a sleeper his newborn daughter and wife were. The keys to his car fell limply out of his hand, landing in the ceramic Mexican dish on the sideboard. He kicked off his cowboy boots, dropping the shopping bag on the floor before he headed to the bathroom and held his hands under the scalding water. The water ran red, taking the flaky dried blood with it down the drain.
Jake softened as he stepped into the master bedroom, heart filled with something positive, something warm, as soon as he saw Jessica curled up in their queen bed. Everything bad he had ever done, he had done for her. In the walk in closet, he locked his service weapon in the dun safe before fumbling into a pair of flannel pants and an old Nickelback shirt in the dark, doing his best not to disturb Jessie.
The baby monitor sat on Jessie’s side of the bed, and when Jake came out of the walk-in, he heard it come alive, hearing his newborn’s soft cries coming through the static. Jessie stirred in bed, groaning as she reached for the monitor. He rushed to her side, soothing her back to bed.
“Hey, Jess, I’ve got this one. Get some rest, mamas.” He kissed her forehead gently before ducking out of the room and into the nursery.
Rosalind Elizabeth Seresin was the light of Jake’s life. Jessie had been in labour for six hours before Jake had demanded she be taken for a C-section, not able to watch her in pain anymore. By that point, she had begun to hyperventilate and was on the verge of a panic attack. Rosalind was the most beautiful baby, and Jake was unafraid to admit that he had sobbed his eyes out when he held her for the first time.
“Hello pretty girl.” Jake preened, reaching into the crib and gently lifting the infant into his arms. “What’s troubling you, hey? Why don’t you want to let mama sleep?”
The infant seemed to calm immensely in her father’s arms, her whines quieting as he set her down on the changing table. When Rosie was changed and redressed in her teddy bear printed onesie, he settled in the rocking chair that sat near the door, rocking back and forth as he sang to her softly.
“When there’s nowhere left to run, is there room for one more son? If you can hold on, if you can hold on.”
Back in the master bedroom, Jessie was listening to her husband sing through the baby monitor with a soft smile on her face. She swore that she was falling deeper in love with Jake Seresin every single day.
Jake smiled at his daughter, her eyes a mirror image of his own, now hidden behind her soft eyelids as she drifted back to sleep in her father’s arms. Slowly, he rose from the rocking chair and returned to the crib, kissing Rosie’s head softly.
“Goodnight, sweetheart. Remember that Daddy loves you.”
His heart was heavy with guilt as he left the nursery. He was heading down a dark, desperate and slightly scary road. The electronic bug still sat in the pocket of his sweater, and he hoped against hope that if he kept recording, one day he would have enough to turn state’s evidence against Bradley. But he knew he’d need more: California wasn’t a one-party consent state, so his illegal wiretap wouldn’t hold up in court.
But maybe it would be enough that Bradley would finally set him free.
Jake slipped back into bed with his wife, wrapping one arm around Jessie’s waist and the other underneath the pillow under her head. He had seen the case file strewn around their living room when he came home, open to pictures of stolen Porsches and the men accused of stealing them, often right out of the driveways of Hollywood’s rich and somewhat famous. The doctor said returning to work too soon would do Jessie more harm than good, but she was starting to go stir crazy being at home, vacillating between wanting nothing to do with her baby and never wanting to let Rosie out of her sight.
“You used to sing to me like that.” She grinned, holding him close
Jake laughed, kissing her bare shoulder under the duvet. “I still can. Do you want my “Wonderwall” or my “Don’t Look Back In Anger”?”
“You choose.”
“Slip inside the eye of your mind, even though you might find, a better place to be.”
Jessie’s career trajectory hadn’t been easy. She’d been booted from patrol in her second month on the job after she had a panic attack in the field, and was relegated to various crappy desk jobs until RHD’s Beau Simpson rescued her from the evidence and property desk. She did a lot of desk work for homicide, working under Pete Mitchell until she took her detective’s exam. Jessica was one of the most brilliant people Jake had ever met, and it hurt him to see her like this, lost and uncertain.
“So, Sally can wait, you know its too late when you walk on by.”
In the dark, Jessie’s face lit up with a tender smile. She softened in her husband’s arms, his soft voice lulling her to sleep.
“I love you, Jake Seresin.”
Nine years earlier.
“Also, I don’t know if you’ve noticed because you’ve spent so much time in a courtroom lately,” Beau Simpson starts, moving to stand next to Detective Pete Mitchell “but there’s a newbie in your unit. Jessica Statham. I want you to be nice to her.”
The pair are standing on the roof of the LAPD’s Hollywood division, looking out over a city that never slept. Detective Peter Mitchell gave everything to that city, and all the city did back, apparently, was take him to court over a good shooting, so forgive him if he wasn’t in the mood to listen to Simpson today.
“Why should I? Unless she’s a nepotism hire, or she starts causing problems, I shouldn’t have an issue with her.”
Simpson sighed. “She’s a plainclothes desk sergeant. And it’s likely she’s never going to do any field work.”
Mitchell turned to face him, raising an eyebrow.  “No field work? She’s just skipped out on patrol, putting her time in?”
“She has, for lack of a better word, issues that she fears would make her a liability in the field. But Pete, this girl is a genius. She’s young, she’s smart, and I want to give her a fair shot to go far.”
“You said issues. What kind of issues are we talking about? PTSD? BPD? Anything with an acronym?”
Simpson tucked his hands into the pockets of his blazer, squinting against the sun. “Agoraphobia and generalized anxiety disorder. Suffers from panic attacks, severe ones. She passed the gifted test with an IQ of 130 when she was eight years old. She’s in the second percentile, just shy of genius.”
Pete put out his cigarette against the side of the building, moving to sit on the ledge. “So what is she doing here? Aren’t most agoraphobes housebound?”
“It’s not a fear of being outside, it’s a fear of being somewhere where an escape isn’t readily available. She’s doing well here; I’ve had her working with Crate and Barrell while you’ve been sorting this whole court thing out. Jess does really good work, Pete. Anything we throw at her she’s been able to handle. Just be gentle with her. Your work style and hers are bound to clash at some point. She’s sensitive, and I don’t want you making her cry during your first week back.”
Everybody was gathered in the patrol room, closing rank, and leaving barely any breathing room as they watched with bated breath. The TV in the corner was tapped into the feed for the interrogation room. Jessica Statham stood in the back, arms crossed over her chest, fingers playing with the silver tree branch that dangled from around her neck.
There was a reason she could never do field work, and everything about this interrogation was reminding her why. Raynard Waits stood for all that was bad in this world. Murder, assault. Basic human indecency.
“What’s going on?” Pete asked, slipping into the back of the room.
Jess turned to face him. She had met the detective once or twice but understood that Simpson had made the introductions. Mitchell had barely spoken to her, and he hadn’t given her any work. “Patrol pulled him over in Echo Park, found a dead body in the back of his van. The guy gives me the creeps. Crate gave me the name to run, turns out that our buddy Raynard over here didn’t exist prior to ’93. I’ve done every name search, scoured every database. I’ve got nothing.”
“You know we have boots that do that kind of thing, right?” Pete cocked an eyebrow, referring to the lower-ranking uniform officers that did grunt work when they weren't out on patrol. "That must have taken you hours.”
Jess nodded. “I’ve been at it since they brought Waits in for questioning. Haven’t even had a chance to give Crate my report. I don’t mind, I like the work. This is what I was trained for. I wasn’t sure if it was polite to interrupt the obvious good-cop bad-cop thing they’ve got going on, and I also didn’t really want to be within spitting distance of Waits. You know, for personal safety’s sake. Crate and Barrell may be old, but I know that they can handle themselves. I’m not sure that I could.”
Pete reached for her, reassuringly squeezing Jess’ shoulder through her wool cardigan. Her outfit was black, white and beige, with silver jewelry that blended in. Everything about her was built not to be noticed. And wasn’t it just like Pete Mitchell to notice?
“I can give them the file, hand it off to me. I’ll make sure they know it’s from you. Jessica, right?”
“Yeah. Call me Jess. Or Jessie is fine too. You’re Pete, right?” she smiled softly, extending a hand for the older gentleman to shake.
The next morning, Jake was awoken by Rosie’s harsh cries. Bleary-eyed and concerned, he crawled out of bed and followed the noise to the kitchen. Rosie was sitting in her high-chair next to the kitchen table. Jessie stood stock still next to the counter, staring numbly at the bottle warmer as she held a prepared baby bottle in her hands.
“Jessie?” Jake asked softly, lifting Rosie out of her chair and trying to calm her down. “Love, is everything okay?”
She blinked, dimly aware of the tears trailing down her porcelain cheeks. Robotically, she put the bottle in the warmer, shaky hands switching the machine on. “I don’t know if I can do this, Jake.”
“Yes, you can.” He spoke softly, using his free arm to pull his wife closer. “You’re doing such a great job, Jessie. Rosie needs her mom.”
“I’m scared to even hold her. She’s so fragile. I don’t want to hurt her.”
Jake’s heart broke as he looked at his wife, pale and haunted. It killed him that there was nothing he could do to help her. At that moment, he decided it wasn’t worth it to go into work that day. As soon as breakfast was over, he was calling his captain and taking a sick day. Jessie needed him more than Los Angeles did.
From the counter, a small beep sounded, indicating that Rosie’s bottle had been warmed.
“Hey, sweetheart, put your arms out a little bit.” Jessie extended shaky arms, hesitantly taking her daughter from her husband. “There you go, easy does it.” Jake gently took her hands, repositioning them to give Rosie the appropriate amount of head and neck support. “See, you’ve got her.”
Jake grabbed the bottle from the counter, passing it to his wife. “You can do this, Jess. I believe in you.”
Slowly, Jessie extended the rubber lip of the bottle towards her baby’s mouth. Rosie latched on to it and began to feed. Jessie let out a shaky laugh of relief, a smile cracking her face. Jake smiled, sinking into one of the kitchen chairs.
It would be a long road, but they were going to make it out okay.
Jake took the day off, and the family of three went to the beach for the morning. Jessie and Jake split a milkshake, and Rosie waddled through the sand, steadily attempting to walk. She was almost a year old and had been making progress in her first steps. It was difficult in the sand, but the infant didn’t care, giggling as she stumbled.
Some of the color was back in Jessie’s face. Her hair was brushed and curled, and she was wearing blue jeans and a fitted tank top, showing off some of the extra skin leftover from pregnancy. Jake was certain that he had never found his wife more beautiful.
“You’re staring.” Jess laughed, taking off her sunglasses as she turned to face him. “Its unbecoming.”
“Shut up.” Jake chuckled. “You look gorgeous. Radiant, even.”
“Now you’re just trying to suck up to me.”
“And what if I am?”
She playfully punched him in the shoulder, her free hand holding Rosie on her lap.
Jake’s phone, which he had dropped on the picnic blanket, began to ring. One look at the caller ID told him that Bradley wasn’t too happy with the younger detective’s decision not to come into work. Kevin sighed, assuring Jessie that he’d be back in a minute as he answered the call and paced away from the blanket.
“What do you want, Bradshaw?”
“Penny Benjamin is petitioning the court to have the Alexandra Pilcher trial delayed. She says she has evidence that her guy didn’t do it.”
Of course, her guy didn’t do it. Because Bradley Bradshaw was the one who bludgeoned her to death. Jake remembered that night clearly. He had driven, so it would be his car on the CCTV and not Bradley’s. It wasn’t the first time that he was scared of what Bradley Bradshaw was, but it was the first time he had seen the full force of it up close. The first time he realised that there was no such thing as walking away, and that they would both go down with the ship in the end.
Alex Pilcher had figured out what they were doing. She had started asking questions, poking around their victims, the shop they used to fence the watches they were given as blackmail payments. Jake had thought they were just going there to talk to her, to reason with her.
When Bradley hit her with the tire iron, Jake was ashamed to say that he froze in place, unable to do anything as Bradley kept hitting her, blood spattering all over their clothes. He had started wearing the wire after that, trying to cover his ass in case things went south. He became paranoid, almost certain that they were going to get caught.
It had been over a year ago, before Jessica had given birth. He was supposed to have just stepped out to get her a pint of Ben and Jerry’s. He had never meant for anybody to get hurt.
“She’s got some RHD hot shot working for her. We need to nip this in the bud. I’m not going to jail over some bitch who couldn’t keep her mouth shut.”
“No. Absolutely not. You made your bed, now you have to lie in it, Bradley. You hit her, not me. You’re to one who beat an innocent woman to death, and I will testify to that, so help me God. I want nothing to do with this anymore.”
“I think you’ll find the consequences are worse if you don’t. I know about your wife’s criminal record.”
Jake froze. “She was fifteen. Those files are sealed. It was over 15 years ago, for god’s sake!”
“I doubt the rich folk who’s stolen sports cars she’s trying to find will appreciate the lead detective on their case having a history of aggravated assault and burglary. Powers is quite the chatterbox when you get a few beers in him.”
The detective took a deep breath, looking back over at his wife and daughter. The happiness he was trying to hang onto with both hands before it was ripped away from him. He could lose everything at the drop of a hat, and it scared the hell out of him.
With a shaky breath, he turned back to the phone. “What do you need me to do?”
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anti-dazai-blog · 2 months ago
miniseries-- BSD Characters as Musicals
see rules for what musicals qualify for this
this is not meant to be taken too seriously. this miniseries is mostly a joke. ha ha.
Atsushi -- Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
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why? -- everyone really do be jealous of this guy for being the Specialist Little Guy. and for being Dazai's "favorite." and they keep beating him up for it.
Dazai -- Into The Woods
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why? -- I'm not saying this from an anti-dazai lens. I just really think he'd resonate with Last Midnight. the whole "you're so nice. you're not good, you're not bad, you're just nice. I'm not good, I'm not bad, I'm just right."
ngl I always loved that song and also ngl but the witch is making some pretty good points 🤔
but also it applies equally to Fyodor so. it turns out that anything I wanted to assign Dazai would also work for Fyodor and vice versa.
Yosano -- Suffs
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why? -- specifically this song, also very girlboss of her.
Kunikida -- Hamilton
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why? -- I'm so sorry man it's 100% because of the work ethic this guy's got going on. my man really does write like he's running out of time.
Tanizaki -- Heathers
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why? -- my guy is truly always on the verge of snapping. he's just got those vibes.
Naomi -- As You Like It
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why? -- I feel like she'd like Rosalind. I also feel like both her and Rosalind are the type to do tiktok 'boyfriend tests' (the "would you love me if I was a worm" genre).
also-- second Shaina Taub musical mention and we're only in part 1. everyone go listen to literally any musical by Shaina Taub please and thank you.
Kenji -- Come From Away
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why? -- It's the sense of community,, it's the themes of everyone helps everyone to get by. it's the we're a tiny town but we care for each other and we care for any travelers passing through. it's the You are a stranger but you are a friend and I'll help and protect you
yeah I think he's appreciate that.
Kyouka -- Matilda
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why? -- You are a little girl in a big world and people are unfair to you. It's ok, you are strong. you can stand up for yourself. you can fight back. you can get a new family. found family > all else.
Ranpo -- Ride the Cyclone
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why? -- season 1 Ranpo be like: WHAT THE WORLD NEEDS IS PEOPLE LIKE ME
people who aren't into ride the cyclone will probably argue that Ranpo's not this obnoxious. people who are into ride the cyclone will probably be ok with it because ultimately. Ocean's really not that bad
Katai-- Be More Chill
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why? -- look it's the tech musical and he's the tech guy. I'm not gonna bother justifying it past that
and yeah it does feel very 2016 to put BMC Hamilton and Heathers in the same post. deeply sorry if that traumatized anyone. I already assigned musicals to everyone and this is just how it fell out.
PART 2 coming idk later or something. coming at some point in the future.
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armoricaroyalty · 8 months ago
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Their relationship worked because Mary could usually talk Rosalind out of her bad ideas. The problem was that Rosalind was more than capable of talking Mary into her worst ideas.
Previous | Chapter Start | Beginning | Next
author's note: Thank you so much to @madebycoffee for making these poses for me (also it is coincidentally HER BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY COFFEE). These poses are perfect and incredible and amazing and I am so, SO grateful to her!
In case you missed it: there will be no story updates for at least a few weeks! I'm taking a creative break to do some travel and take care of some IRL stuff. Be back soon!
Transcript under the cut.
Rosalind's townhouse // Feb 2018
ROSALIND | ...ugh! We're only getting coverage on gossip sites. And like, more than half of it is just about my dress. ROSALIND | I was hoping we'd get picked up by some of the entertainment journalists. I mean really, how man princesses are out there composing film scores? ROSALIND | You're finally getting positive coverage, though. "Rosalind was accompanied on the red carpet by girlfriend Mary Yokoyama." And look, the shield didn't even call you foreign! They're learning. MARY | ...babe? ROSALIND | Hm? MARY | There's something I need to tell you. ROSALIND | Go ahead, then. MARY | Not now. Next week. ROSALIND | [ amused ] Why next week? MARY | You've got enough to worry about this weekend. ROSALIND | You know, I've actually been thinking about the trip... MARY | When you leave, I wait by the window the whole time. [ laughs ] Like a dog. ROSALIND | [ laughs ] Darling, you are druuuunk. MARY | Tipsy. And I'd say it sober. ROSALIND | Focus. You should come with me! MARY | What? ROSALIND | This weekend! To Morley! MARY | Babe...I wasn't invited. ROSALIND | You should have been. We're engaged, that's family. MARY | Roz, is it a good idea to antagonize your father right now? He's already pissed. ROSALIND | Oh, he's got no reason to be angry. He already gave his consent, and-- MARY | Not about the engagement. About the interview. ROSALIND | Oh, don't you start. I already got an earful about it from my mother. MARY | Good. I'm glad you're hearing it from someone other than me. You knew speaking to the press was a gamble, and this time, you overplayed your hand. ROSALIND | [ sighs ] I can't say you didn't warn me. MARY | Yeah, and I'm warning you again: don't push right now. Wait. MARY | He won't stay mad forever. He's your father, he loves you. ROSALIND | Loving me means accepting you. I'm not compromising on that. ROSALIND | ...and besides, I want you there. Even if it's only a weekend. I'll miss you. MARY | [ softly ] Babe... ROSALIND | ...and I'm not above ordering you to be there, either. MARY | [ laughs ] Be serious. ROSALIND | Darling, I always am. ROSALIND | ...especially about you. MARY | Stopppp! Quit making me blush. ROSALIND | Never. ROSALIND | In fact...I think I want you to blush more. MARY | Ah-- is than an order? ROSALIND | [ breathless ] Yeah. Now lie back. [ They make out. Among other things. ]
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rookie-chenford · 1 year ago
Dream a little dream of me
Description: Based on Season 4 Episode 17. Some things are the same and some things are my own added flare. So I hope you enjoy!
Words: 2617
Warnings: mentions of anxiety, lots of tears, mentions of what happened to Lucy. If there is any other warning I should put in here, please let me know!
A/N: This is a long one, so strap in for the ride!
Lucy emerged from her bedroom and stopped in the doorway. "What is that smell?" she asked cautiously.
Tamara smiled. "Breakfast. I saw this recipe on Cliptalk and wanted to try it." She placed the food on a plate and handed it over to Lucy.
"Ooooh, okay. It looks interesting." She takes a bite, contemplating all the flavors bursting in her mouth. "Okay, it's not bad; it has some uniqueness to it. For once, I can say this Cliptalk recipe isn't all that bad. What's all the fuss for?"
"I just want today to go well for you. I can't imagine having to tell the same story repeatedly and feeling like I'll never stop telling it."
"Well, I've told the story to my therapist a hundred times. I don't think one more time will hurt."
"I know, but it just seems so unnecessary for you to go through the worst moments in your life just so the D.A. can slap some more charges onto her time."
"All I have to do is tell the D.A. everything so they can prove Rosalind was an accessory in Caleb's crime."
"But is it even worth it when she's already serving four life sentences?" Tamara asked, concern and confusion laced in her voice.
"It's essential that she is held accountable for what happened. Most of her victims aren't alive to tell their stories, and I'm fortunate enough to do so." Lucy said with a bit of sadness in her voice.
Tamara nodded. "Fine, but I'm coming with you. Is Tim going to be there?"
Lucy let out a small chuckle. "You don't have to, and why would Tim be there?"
Tamara made her way around the counter, gathering up her stuff so they could leave. "I'm coming with you. That way, if you get upset, I'll be on standby with cute puppy videos and your favorite snacks. And I just figured he'd also be there to support you, like me." She smiled.
Lucy shook her head, a sad smile appearing on her face. "No, he won't be there. He's working today." She took a deep breath and grabbed her stuff. "Come on, let's go."
Walking into the main lobby of the ADA's office, Lucy took a deep breath and looked around, trying to come up with a small lie to have a moment to herself. "Umm, I am going to look for a restroom. I'll be right back."
"Do you need me to come with you?" Tamara asked with concern.
Lucy chuckled. "I think I can handle it. Will you let someone know that I'm here?"
"Sure thing."
Lucy quickly walked off and opened the first door that she saw. The lights were off when she entered, but she looked around to ensure she was alone. When she saw no one around, she leaned against the wall, her breathing becoming ragged. All the memories of Caleb and what happened to her quickly flashed through her mind. Her lip quivered, trying to keep her tears at bay. She squeezed her eyes shut and slid down the wall, trying to get the memories to disappear, a single tear making its way down her face. Once she felt she was okay enough, she wiped her face, got up, and exhaled a shaky breath. She cleared her throat and made her way out into the lobby.
As she entered, Tamara gave Lucy a soft smile that quickly dropped when she saw Lucy's red eyes. Tamara quickly dropped the conversation with the guy she was talking to and made her way over towards Lucy.
"Hey, you okay?" Tamara asked, concern lacing her voice.
Lucy looked around, trying to find Sara, the ADA she was supposed to be talking to. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She waved her hand, dismissing Tamara.
Tamara could see the whirlwind of emotions in Lucy's eyes, but she didn't want to push her, knowing she'd already be going through a lot. Tamara nodded and squeezed Lucy's hand, letting her know she was here with her and was not alone during this difficult time. Just as Tamara was fixing to speak, she saw Chris quickly approaching them.
"Hi," Chris said, a little worriness written on his face.
"Hey, do you know where Sarah is? I'm here for trial prep."
Chris cleared his throat, his face a little paler than usual. "Umm, she is out sick today, and they asked me to step in. But it seems awkward, given our relationship. We can reschedule if you'd like?"
"Uhh, no, it's okay. We're professionals. We'll just be discussing the details of the case." Lucy said, stumbling over her words a little.
"Okay then, follow me."
Lucy turned to look at Tamara, a little bit of worry on her face. Tamara squeezed her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. Lucy nodded and followed Chris to a conference room.
They sat across from each other, an awkward silence filling the room as Chris pulled out the files from his briefcase.
He cleared his throat. "Alright, let's get started. Did you ever hear Caleb talking to Rosalind on the phone?"
"Mm, no." Lucy's eyes cast down at the photos sitting in front of her.
"Did he talk about her as if they were communicating?"
Lucy took a deep breath before answering, her eyes now meeting Chris's "No."
"So, how do you know he was working with her?"
Lucy chuckled disbeliefly. "B-because she told me herself when I visited her in prison. She repeated the song I sang in the barrel. How would she know that if she and Caleb weren't communicating?"
Chris's voice faded into the background as she looked back at the photos, resurfacing memories of that day—memories of her tattoo, getting into the barrel, and trying to fight her way out.
"Lucy, I just want you to be ready."
She finally snapped out of it. "I'm familiar with the concept of trial prep." A hint of anger in her voice.
"I know," Chris said softly. "Uhh, how about we take a break?"
"Yeah," Lucy said, a little softer this time.
They left the conference room and made their way to the break room, where Tamara and her new friend were hanging out.
"I was wondering where you went," Lucy said as she entered the room, a smile forming.
"Two watered-down coffees coming up," Chris said in the background.
"How's it going?" Tamara asked.
"Uhh, great."
"This is Austin. He's saving the planet."
"It's Good to know someone is trying to. You can go; you don't have to stay here."
"Mmm, I don't know. I'm finding this whole law thing fascinating." Tamara said, trying to convince Lucy.
Lucy can see right through her, a knowing smirk appearing. "Uh-huh. And what exactly is so interesting?" She chuckled.
Before Tamara can answer, Lucy's face drops, tears forming in her eyes. Tamara's face turns into confusion, wondering what suddenly made Lucy's mood drop. She raises an eyebrow at Lucy, waiting for her to say something. Lucy turns around as Chris continues singing the song she sang in the barrel. Lucy hears Tamara ask if she's okay but doesn't answer. Her breathing picks up, a million questions going through her head.
Chris's face immediately drops at the realization, and he quickly turns to face Lucy. "I—I am so sorry. It was stuck in my head, and I wasn't thinking. It was thoughtless and stupid, and I'm sorry."
Tamara and Austin quickly exit the break room, and she quickly whips out her phone to call Tim. She wasn't sure what to say to him but knew Lucy needed his support for the rest of this trial prep.
"The- the uhh song was stuck in your head because you've, you've seen the video." Lucy's voice was shaky, trying to keep her tears from falling.
"Well, yeah. It's evidence."
"Ri-right. No, of course, you did. You're in the D.A.'s office, and it's evidence, so… you've…" Lucy's voice cracked, tears threatening to spill at any moment.
"Look, I should have told you I'd seen it. I'm sorry." Chris said as he walked towards Lucy.
Lucy stepped back as he approached her, making him stop in his tracks. "No, you said that part already." Lucy swallowed thickly. "Umm, I, I just need a minute."
"Lucy, please-'
Before he could say anything else, Lucy raised her hands. " Please, can you…" She stopped, unable to say anything else as her throat became tighter from holding back her tears.
Chris nodded and whispered a yeah as he walked out and closed the door. Lucy paced the floor, groaning and breathing heavily. She couldn't believe Chris would be so careless about singing a song that once brought her joy and now brings back her worst nightmares. She sat on the couch, her head in her hands, lightly pulling on her hair to relieve some tension.
After being in the break room for a while, Lucy lifted her head as a knock formed on the door. Tamara softly opened the door, her face falling when she saw the tears staining Lucy's cheeks. "Sorry to interrupt, but Chris just wanted to know if you were ready to continue."
Lucy wiped her face with her sleeves. "Yeah, I'll be out in a moment."
"Okay," Tamara whispered as she shut the door.
Lucy took a deep breath and stood up from the couch, fixing her clothes as she went to the door. She turned the knob and took one more deep breath before opening it and making her way back to the conference room. When she entered, Chris was already in there waiting for her. As he heard her walk in, he quickly put his pen down and stood up.
"Again, I am so-"
"Sorry. Yeah, I know." Lucy said, not wanting to hear another apology from him.
She reached the other side of the table and pulled out her chair. "Umm," She cleared her throat. "I- I need you to do something for me."
"Yeah, anything."
"I need to see the video."
The barrel video?"
"Yeah. You've seen it; half the lawyers in this building have seen it, and I haven't."
Chris took a deep breath. "Lucy, it's… It's incredibly hard to watch."
"I need to see it." She said with a more demanding tone.
Chris nodded his head and turned toward his briefcase. Pulling out his laptop, he opened it up and clicked the mouse several times before placing it in front of Lucy.
"Should I stay or…"
"Mnh-mnh, no. Umm, thank you."
Chris made his way towards the door and opened it, looking back at Lucy before leaving.
Lucy's hand hovered over the mouse momentarily before a knock interrupted her. She quickly moved her hand away from the laptop and looked up to see Tim opening the door. She pulled her eyebrows together, wondering why he was there.
She quickly stood up from her chair. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at work."
"Tamara called and said you were upset, and she wasn't sure why. She was worried about you." He said, a look of concern on his face.
"I'm fine. She shouldn't have called you." A defensive tone laced in her voice.
Tim cocked his head. "Clearly you're not fine. I can see the redness in your eyes. You've been crying. Tell me what's going on." He pleaded as he made his way to Lucy, standing before her.
She looked down at her hands as she fiddled with her fingers. "I-I… Chris started singing the song I sang in the barrel as we took a break. He said it slipped his mind. I-I just hadn't put two and two together that he and probably every lawyer here has seen the video."
"Excuse me?" Tim questioned with disgust in his voice.
"He apologized already. Don't go all Tim on him."
"I should give that prick a piece of my mind. How do you let something like that slip your mind?"
Lucy could feel the anger radiating from Tim's body. She sat down in the chair facing the laptop as he paced the room momentarily, trying to keep from walking out the door and causing a scene.
After a moment of calming himself down, he looked over at Lucy. "What are you doing?"
"I need to watch the video."
"Video of what?"
"Of me in the barrel." She whispered.
Tim made his way over to the chair next to her. He spun her chair to face him. "Are you sure you want to do that?" He asked, grabbing her hands.
Lucy looked into his eyes, so he knew she was serious. "Yeah, I am."
"Do you want me to stay?"
"Will you?"
A small smile formed on Tim's face. "Of course I will."
Lucy took a deep breath and turned back to face the laptop, her hand hovering over the mouse. She looked at Tim, who nodded, letting her know he was ready. With one more deep breath, Lucy played the video.
It started playing, and the sound of her fist slamming against the barrel startled her. Tim quickly placed his hand on her shoulder, squeezing it to let her know she was safe. Lucy couldn't sit still. Her hand lightly scratched her forehead, kept moving her hair out of her face, and finally, her finger rested on her top lip, rubbing it back and forth. As she closes her eyes, the video continues to play in the background. She bounces her leg, her anxiety becoming heavier as the video plays. A single tear slips down her cheek. Tim looks over at her, bringing his hand up to wipe her tear away. This makes her break down into a full-on sob. He quickly wraps her into his embrace, rocking her back and forth and whispering that she's safe and he's here. He's doing anything and everything to get her to calm down. His heart breaks for her, hating that she put herself through this, but he also knows she had her reasons and won't ever question why.
Long after the video ends, Lucy finally calms down enough to pull back from Tim's embrace. She stares at her feet while he looks directly at her, waiting for her to speak.
"Thank you." She finally croaks.
Tim placed his hand under her chin, lifting her head to look at him. Her red and puffy eyes finally met his. "I am always going to be here for you. No matter what."
"I know," Lucy replied with a small smile. "Umm, I don't want to testify anymore. I don't want to keep reliving that day over and over again. I want to leave it where it belongs, in the past."
Tim nodded, shut the laptop, and grabbed Lucy's hand. "Then you don't have to testify. No one is going to think less of you. Now, come on, let's get out of here."
They made their way to the door, Tim opening it to let Lucy out first. Tamara turned around at the sound of the door opening, happy to see Tim bringing out a happier-looking Lucy.
"Everything okay?" Tamara asked.
"Yeah, it will be," she said with a smile. She turned to look at Chris. "I've decided I don't want to testify."
"Understandable." He nodded.
"I've been trying to prove how strong I am, but… I survived that. I don't have anything to prove." Tamara walked over to Lucy's side and hugged her.
"You don't have to explain yourself. We have enough evidence to convict her without you. I promise."
With that, Lucy, Tamara, and Tim walked toward the elevator and left. Leaving everything behind and never looking back at this day again.
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weaveandwood · 8 months ago
The Bard and The Blade Chapter 2: A Small Continent
Wyll/Named Tav | Slow Burn | Read on AO3 | Entire Work
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Rosalind has a poor showing in battle and the mission is a complete failure. Will Wyll change his mind about accompanying the party now?
“I’m sorry,” she blurted out before taking a large gulp of her wine, which he instantly topped up.  “For what?” He laughed. “For having a bad day? It happens to everyone. I have had a number of days end just like this, returning to camp with my metaphorical tail tucked between my legs, my only solace at the bottom of a glass of wine. Now…I can honestly say I haven’t died in the middle of a fight,” he smiled as he teased her, hoping it would help lift her spirits. He wasn’t ready to admit to her that the sight of her lying lifeless on the ground sent a cold dread through him, even though they had only known each other a little more than a day at that point.
AN: This chapter was born out of the fact that I am playing on Balanced mode (and am Not Good at the game, even though I enjoy it immensely) and a glitch in my Investigate Kagha quest. I'm hoping to update this fic every 2 weeks, alternating with Weave & Woods. Also big thank you to @druizard for the banner!
Dying the second day of their adventure wasn’t part of Rosalind’s plan, but as she woke up gasping for air with her three party companions standing around her, it was clear that was exactly what happened. She groaned as she sat up, her now pounding head in her hands as her elbows were balanced on her knees. 
“What happened?” She asked the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with Gale, Astarion, or especially Wyll out of sheer embarrassment.
“Wood Woads,” said Gale. “Nasty buggers, they got us all pretty good.”
“Speak for yourself, wizard. I am perfectly fine, thank you very much,” said Astarion, a hint of amusement in his voice. Rosalind glanced up. Gale and Wyll looked way more beat up than Astarion. She assumed he used his sneaking abilities to get around the majority of the fight. She had been friends with plenty of rogues growing up in the Lower City, she knew how they operated. 
“As I was about to say,” Gale said as he leveled a look at Astarion who was no longer paying attention, having moved on to look around the small island for chests that may have loot in them. “Luckily, we had taken down most of the mud mephits and the other Wood Woad before you went down. Wyll here got the final blast in right after you…well right after you died.” 
She looked at Wyll, who was staring off into the distance, not making eye contact with her. While she had to admit he looked extremely handsome as the sun shone on his face, this had clearly not been a good first impression on her part. He was probably rethinking their deal right at this moment and was plotting how to leave their camp and capture Karlach on his own, leaving her in the dust. She thought about resurrecting the Wood Woad to take her out again or crawling into a large tree trunk and never coming out. Maybe she could get Gale to cast an invisibility spell on her so she could slink off for good. All three sounded like good and valid options at this point. 
“Weren’t we supposed to find some sort of clue here about Kagha?” Astarion yelled from behind the large tree trunk. The whole reason they came to this area was to see what shady deal Kagha was getting into based on the letter they found in her quarters and hopefully try to talk her out of performing the ritual that would seal the Emerald Grove and set the tiefling refugees out on a road far too dangerous for anyone who wasn’t trained to fight. “There’s nothing here!”
Rosalind took Gale’s now outstretched hand and he smiled at her as he helped her up from the ground. What a good, kind man. She was glad she pulled him out of that rock. She walked stiffly to Astarion, groaning and rubbing her back as she did. “What do you mean, there’s nothing here? There has to be!” She was desperate for something to go right today. 
“Darling, I’ve looked in every chest, under each rock, and in every nook in this tree. There’s nothing. Either someone else got to it first, or we were duped and there never was anything here.”
She sighed. This was not her day at all. “Alright, let’s head back, I guess.”
As they walked the path through the swamp back to the grove, she found herself falling in step with Gale while Wyll and Astarion led the way. Gale was easy to talk to - partially because he loved to talk, and partially because wizards had always been so interesting to her. The way they practiced magic was so studied, so precise. Sometimes watching a wizard cast felt cold, calculated, formulaic - less about artistry, more about precision. Gale was on a different level - the way he moved his hands was faster than any wizard she had ever seen, and the spells he chose had a certain flair to them, either in the type of spell he chose or when he chose to cast them, which resulted in the most dramatic effect. An artist can always spot another artist, and Rosalind felt a kindred spirit in Gale. 
“You know,” he said softly as he slowed down, putting more distance between the two groups, “I think Wyll was angrier when you went down than he was during the goblin fight yesterday. An instant after you fell, the Wood Woad who caused your demise was nothing but ash. He was also the one to revive you. Astarion and I didn’t even have time to attempt to dig our scrolls of revivify out of our packs before he was already chanting the verbal components at your side.” He smiled, a knowing tone in his voice. “Interesting, don’t you think?”
Rosalind stopped in her tracks, her mind racing. Wyll revived her? Instantly, she was giddy as she pictured him pushing everyone away to rescue the downed, fair maiden. She giggled internally at the thought and caught herself starting to blush. On the other, more practical hand, it made complete sense. He’s a hero - of course he’d rush to her rescue out of a sense of duty. Part of the job. Just another day. She knew that. And the anger Gale described? Well, that was definitely because she was a failure and put them all in danger. Any thoughts she had of him potentially fancying her disappeared as quickly as they came, replaced by deep embarrassment again at being unable to hold her own on the battlefield that day. Living in a large tree trunk for the rest of her days now seemed like the most appealing option again. 
Maybe a family of raccoons would take her and her tadpole in. 
The mood at camp that evening was subdued. Wyll noticed everyone seemed to take their cues from Rosalind, effectively the party leader at this point, and Rosalind was not in the best of moods. She sat away from the rest of the group, using her fork to stab at the remnants of whatever vegetables remained in her bowl of stew Gale had prepared and muttering to herself.
He recognized that mood.
He grabbed two cups and a bottle of wine and walked over, sitting next to her on the ground. He saw her freeze for a second before looking up at him. She had the biggest blue eyes with flecks of gold. He hadn’t taken the time to appreciate them fully the other day, but he was sure he’d notice their beauty all the time now. He filled one cup and handed it to her before filling his own. 
“I’m sorry,” she blurted out before taking a large gulp of her wine, which he instantly topped up. 
“For what?” He laughed. “For having a bad day? It happens to everyone. I have had a number of days end just like this, returning to camp with my metaphorical tail tucked between my legs, my only solace at the bottom of a glass of wine. Now…I can honestly say I haven’t died in the middle of a fight,” he smiled as he teased her, hoping it would help lift her spirits. He wasn’t ready to admit to her that the sight of her lying lifeless on the ground sent a cold dread through him, even though they had only known each other a little more than a day at that point. 
She groaned, burying her face in her hands. “Don’t remind me. I have a scroll I can give you to replace the one you wasted on me.”
He placed a hand on her arm, the contact making her look at him. “It wasn’t a waste, Rosalind. It would never be a waste to revive a valued member of a party.” 
She sighed. “I��m not sure exactly how valued I am. I am sure everyone here thinks I’m awful and would leave me on the side of the road in a heartbeat. Well, maybe not Gale. I’m just…new to this. Fighting, traveling, roughing it. All of it. I’ve only been outside of Baldur’s Gate just a few times, and one of those times led to me being kidnapped by mindflayers. Once this is over I don’t think I’ll be venturing outside the city again for a good long while,” she said and laughed nervously, finishing her wine. 
Wyll took a drink, observing the rest of the party. Lae’zel kept to herself mostly, sharpening her blades each night. He had heard her admonish Rosalind for dying, ordering her to train with her during any free time from now on. Gale, Astarion, and Shadowheart sat together, laughing quietly at something. Gale looked over at them a couple of times as Wyll watched. He thought he saw a smile, a nod directed at Rosalind. Wonder what that is about? He turned to look at her and caught her staring at him, her chin resting on her hands. She quickly tried to look away, but he noticed the blush rising up her neck. He smiled to himself. 
“Refill?” he asked, holding up the bottle of wine, now half gone. 
“Please,” she replied, holding out her cup. 
“So you’re from Baldur’s Gate?” He asked, wanting to confirm that his suspicions on her identity were correct. 
“Oh! I guess we didn’t really get a chance to talk much. Eventful day yesterday, what with the kidnapping, the crash, and the battle with the goblins. I think I fell asleep 10 minutes after setting up my tent. Anyway…” She cleared her throat. “Yes, I’m from Baldur’s Gate, born and raised, in a manner of speaking. You’ve already figured out that I’m a bard. Hmmm, what else? I mainly perform in coffee shops and taverns in the Lower City, sometimes the Upper City - but those are few and far between. I’ve been asked to perform at private events and bigger venues but I turn them down every time. One must keep their reputation intact, you know.” She rotated her cup in her hands as she spoke. “Do…do you ever stop in Baldur’s Gate on any Blade of Frontiers missions?” She asked. 
He shook his head. “I was raised there, but left seven years ago. I was seventeen with an eye for adventure and haven’t been back since. I did enjoy seeing bards perform in the Lower City Plaza when I was a teenager though.”
“I used to perform at that plaza! My first paying gig was there. I was so nervous!” She smiled, her face lighting up as she reminisced. “It was such a big place, and it was the weekend so of course it was busy with people not even pretending to pay attention to me. I remember it so vividly! I wanted it to feel intimate so I cast dancing lights but instead of the cool blue they normally are when I cast, I changed them to be warm yellow, like candlelight. I thought I was so creative,” she laughed. “I think maybe twenty people listened to me that night, but I’ll never forget it.” 
Wyll couldn’t believe it. It was her - The Sunlark. What a small continent it was. 
“I wonder if our paths ever crossed before this. It’s such a huge city, it feels unlikely. But I got that gig when I was seventeen, and if I’m doing the math correctly, that would have been when you were sixteen, so there’s a chance,” she said, looking at him again and catching him smiling at her. “What are you smiling about?” She asked, taking a sip.
“I remember you. I saw that performance.” He finished his wine, the bottle now empty. 
He heard her choke on her wine and had to hold back his own laughter. “You did? And you remember it after all these years? It was either really good or really bad to be that memorable,” she laughed nervously. “Hopefully good, though,” she added.
The fire cast a diffused warm glow onto her, reminding him of that night. “Good enough for a sixteen year old boy to skip drinking with his friends at the Elfsong. And good enough to remember a pretty bard’s beautiful singing after seven years,” he said softly as he looked over and saw her shy smile, the faint blush returning to her cheeks. His gaze traveled over her face, taking in the faded bird tattoos, the scar above her eyebrow, her freckles, the scar cutting through her full lips. They looked soft. He saw her beautiful blue eyes do the same, pausing when they got to his lips. He realized suddenly that he had been leaning toward her, their bodies closer now than they were when he sat next to her. All it would take was him leaning in just a little more…
No, there wasn’t time for that. He cleared his throat and stood up quickly.
“It’s getting late, I should get to my tent. Tomorrow we hunt down Karlach and we’ll need all of our strength to capture that infernal devil. Goodnight, Rosalind, thank you for the conversation.” He bowed to her before turning and walking across camp.
Rosalind smiled to herself as she finished the last of her wine. He had seen her perform. He remembered her. He called her pretty . Gone was the embarrassment of the day. Gone was the desire to run away. Gone were the feelings of doubt and insecurity - at least for now. She was positive she’d make more mistakes, most likely tomorrow. But none of that mattered because the Blade of Frontiers complimented her singing voice. She would float on the cloud she was now on as long as possible.
Not quite ready to end the day, she went across the campsite to sit between Gale and Astarion, laughing at jokes they were telling at each other’s expense. Her favorites were the ones about Shadowheart’s permanent scowl - even Shadowheart managed to crack a smile at a couple of them. As the wine flowed between the four of them, however, the attention turned to her. 
“So, Rosalind,” Astarion crooned. “You and Wyll looked rather…cozy over there.” 
Oh, no.
She felt her cheeks get hot, sure they were turning bright red. “We were just talking,” she said, taking a long drink. 
“Please, the two of you looked like you were two seconds away from -”
“Now, Astarion,” Gale interrupted. “Rosalind and Wyll are young. Surely you remember what it was like to be so young after the heat of a battle? I could hardly blame them for their…closeness.” Rosalind choked on her wine again. Somehow it sounded even worse coming from Gale. 
“No, no. He was just cheering me up! It was a hard day, what with dying and the mission being a complete failure. That’s all. We both grew up in Baldur’s Gate, so we were reminiscing.” Gale, Astarion, and Shadowheart all exchanged a look that implied they didn’t believe her for a second. 
She looked up at the sky, squinting at the moon, now high overhead. Does that even mean anything for nighttime? She thought, suddenly wishing she had taken the time to learn just a little about life in the wilds and not focus her entire childhood on just surviving in the city. “Well! Look at the time! We should probably wrap this up - big day tomorrow, capturing a devil and all! I’m just…I’m just going to go to my tent now.” She turned on her heel and raised her hand to give an awkward wave. “Good night! See you in the morning!” She heard the sound of muffled laughter as she entered her tent. 
She took two deep breaths, thinking again about her conversation with Wyll. She smiled as she climbed into her bedroll, grabbing her small notebook she kept for jotting down notes, potential lyrics. She wrote “fire, wine, soft lips, almost kiss” on a page and closed it, holding it to her chest. 
“Sorry family of raccoons, I think my tadpole and I are going to be sticking around here,” she laughed to herself.
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agentsofmarvel · 2 years ago
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 3 edition) (part 1!!)
season one & two fun facts are on my page!! this may be the last season i do though :)
- the little tagline they used in the writers room for season two was “what will i become?” to reference skye’s new powers and learning about her family, coulson’s new position as director, and other character changes. in season three the tagline became “what have i become?” showing the characters evolution into season three and onwards.
- many of the writers also said that the season focused on emotional balance between characters. it was focused on the emotional connection between may & andrew, daisy & lincoln, coulson & rosalind, and fitz & simmons.
- after being taken by the monolith at the end of season two, elizabeth got no confirmation that jemma was alive and she still had a job playing her until being brought back for season three months later.
- the writers were a bit unsure of mack’s character evolution after season two but when they saw henry simmons acting they immediately saw “leading man material” and began to discuss him as a possible director.
- they had a “skye jar” in the writers room when writing season three because everyone kept forgetting daisy and writing skye.
- apparently jed & maurissa’s newborn guest starred in the first episode [03x01] sometime during the opening scene with joey. i watched the episode on Disney+ and i couldn’t find her though, maybe y’all can! [the bts picture i found has her in a blue stroller, dm me for the pic if you want!]
- the inhuman lash is played by matthew willig, a former NFL offensive tackle. he was chosen because not only his huge stature but his previous acting work. he had to take 4 hours in the makeup chair daily for the role.
- the character rosalind price was created to give coulson a role other than “the surrogate father”. both the writers and clark wanted to give him a romantic role. however, when they talked about her to the costume department they described her as a “female coulson”.
- as skye was written as the “eyes of the audience” in season one and bobbi was the same for season two, the writers created the character of joey gutierrez as the eyes of the audience of season 3 with inhumans.
- the writers created the relationship between daisy introducing joey into shield/inhumans to mirror coulson introducing skye into shield back in season one.
- joey’s character was supposed to be a more permanent character in the following seasons but actor who plays him, juan pablo raba, had just booked another show and he couldn’t do both.
- according to the costume designers, they describe coulson’s season three look as his “bad ass civilian look”
i am working on more season three facts rn, but i wanted to post some now!! also i wanted to take this time to show my support for the writers currently on strike (some of which wrote the scenes we love in aos!), they ask so little for the amazing work they do and i hope they get what they deserve in the near future !!
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nonagesimus · 13 days ago
OC Kiss Week may be over but i am not done going insane over my friends OCs so we're back in the Rosalind and Ayden de Riva are siblings boat cc @orangeandclover
It wasn’t that Varric had spent an enormous amount of time around the Antivan Crows, but the urgency with Viago de Riva had asked him to get his two charges away from Salle had made an impression.
The four of them hoofed it, south towards the Free Marches, but the speed they were moving with meant he didn’t get much of a chance to look at the kids until they settled down for the night. Still in Antiva, but far enough from the city he was pretty sure they were safe. Camping, instead of looking for an inn, just in case. Which kept Harding happy even if Varric wasn’t a fan. He was getting too old for tents and bedrolls but he had a job to do so needs must. And it was a good opportunity to see what the de Riva kids were prepared to handle. He’d felt a little bad, pushing their speed as hard as he had. Both of them were worse for wear after the fight with the Antaam that’d dropped them in his lap.
Neither of them showed any sign of complaining which boded well as much as it worried him.
Might’ve been the only thing that boded well, but Varric had done more with less.
At least once they were settled with the campfire it gave him a chance to get a better look at the two.
One was taller, human, he could see a resemblance to Viago that said the surname was more than just allegiance; she was tall, with brown skin, hooked nose, curls falling down her back, and something watchful in her eyes. The other was an elf, shorter, paler—though it was hard to tell under a thick layer of freckles—with reddish hair, mostly cropped short, and odd, two-coloured eyes. They’d set up their own side of the campsite hardly exchanging a word.
“So,” Varric said, pointed towards the human, “Rosalind,” then the elf, “Ayden, am I right?”
“Got it in one,” Ayden said with a sharp grin. “Y’know, sometimes people get confused. Because of the family resemblance.”
He shouldn’t call them kids to their faces, even if he was getting old enough that everyone had started to look like kids to him. It was Harding’s turn to cook, and both de Riva’s eye’s tracked her all the way around the fire. Ayden stayed facing Varric, but one of their ears twitched towards Harding when she was behind him, handing Rosalind her bowl. Something in both of their shoulders relaxed once Harding was back on his side of the fire, settling in to eat herself, but they dug into the meal readily enough.
Waited until Varric had finished eating and set his own bowl down to talk.
“So, you’re really chasing the Dread Wolf?” Ayden asked, an intent look on their face.
The facial tattoos weren’t Dalish, at least not any kind that Varric recognised, but he knew the Crows took all sorts.
“I know it sounds crazy, but yeah,” he said.
“And here I thought the Antaam were a big target,” they said, that grin back.
Behind them, Rosalind shifted. Minutely, but Ayden’s ear flicked towards her. Then she stood, put a hand on Ayden’s shoulder briefly, something Varric could see but not recognise passing between the pair of them, before taking their bowl, walking around the fire to place both of theirs beside Varric’s.
“Is the plan to kill him? Rosalind asked, pinning him with a stare. They didn’t grin like Ayden did, just let the full brunt come to bear.
Kept that eye contact up as they rounded the fire again to sit down in that same spot, behind and to the side of Ayden.
“No,” Varric said, before pulling a face. “Maybe. It’s gonna depend on what he’s doing when we find him.”
Both of their heads tilted, very slightly, so in sync it almost made him laugh.
“Our main goal is to stop the ritual he’s been planning,” Varric explained. “But we still don’t know where or when he’s planning to do it, so. There’s an order of operations to figure out first.”
“We’re hunting then,” Ayden said, “Sounds like fun.”
There was an edge to their smile and suddenly Varric couldn’t help but see Hawke in it. In Rosalind too, the way she’d sat to give herself the best view of anyone trying to sneak up on Ayden. He pushed it all away. He saw Hawke everywhere; he’d think he was being haunted if he wasn’t well aware what grief felt like. It was just old familiarity, recklessness and youth. Varric had fallen in behind doomed leaders too often to fall into the trap of it all over again. It was his turn to do the protecting.
“You two have had a long day,” he said, eventually. “Harding and I will take care of watch tonight, we can start splitting it tomorrow.”
It was going to fall on deaf ears, he was pretty sure. The two of them were too wary, they’d be working out their own schedule as soon as they were in their tent, and all four of them were going to be exhausted the next day. But hopefully after another day’s walk they’d reach the Free Marches, and inns would feel less risky, and then they’d at least all be getting bad sleep in actual beds.
As it was Ayden said, “Sure, thanks,” in a way that almost sounded genuine, and Rosalind nodded a goodnight as they both disappeared inside their tent.
“We’re gonna have our hands full with those two, aren’t we?” Harding murmured, very softly, beside him.
“I’ve seen worse,” he said back. “Not much worse, but worse.”
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lodgeofeilhart · 9 months ago
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19 notes · View notes
bronx-bomber87 · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas Eve to all who celebrate it :) We’ve reached S5. Which is unreal. It shouldn’t be since I’ve been writing these for 7 plus months now and yet ha. I remember BUZZING for this ep. Then being in shock It actually happened. This entire season felt like a gift from the writers.
The long awaited reward for the slow burn. Although I enjoyed every moment of that slow burn. Was very happy to get to this place I will say. You thought Tim’s brain was broken last ep? It’s about to be obliterated haha Once again some long gifs I’ll make to get it all in. Might be the theme for this season LOL I fit everything in that I could this ep was wall to wall moments. Let’s get going.
5x01 Double Down
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We start out on a glorious high. Lucy is dreaming about kissing Tim. Making out really. Not only that but she is grinning like crazy as she does. Sure she’s had dreams like this before about him. No doubt in my mind she’s had naughty dreams about this man. (and vice versa let’s be honest) But now she had something real to dream about. A tangible moment. Didn't take long for that to take root in her subconscious ha.
Also in this dream we get another lovely angle to that kiss. It's like we got two first kisses everyone. It's glorious. They sure started this season off with spoiling us right away. He looks like he’s about to eat her face in this dream version. This is why she’s smiling so much heh I love having both angles. Real and dream version.
I like how the dream version is little spicier. Like this is her dream version of that kiss. How he’s cupping her face in this one. She wanted him to devour her like that. She would’ve been happy to be his meal for the night. Also showing Lucy has it SOO bad for him. Forgetting she has a blah BF at the moment. Chris who? Unfortunately as it gets good a knock startles her awake.
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It’s Tamara waking her up. Lucy is legit jarred from her dream. We watch her struggle to come back down to earth. Her messy hair and reaction are too funny. This one of my all time fav Tamara/Lucy moments. She has to give Lucy a hard time about the kiss. Wouldn’t be her if she didn’t. It’s too cute. Lucy goes into mom mode about school. Telling her about Rosalind’s trial shutting the city down. Her normal route will be closed.
Tamara mirroring her going into protective daughter mode. Asking her if she wants her to skip class? I love her always wanting to put Lucy first. She tells her no. She will be ok and no where near Rosalind anyways. She is bound to the station with Tim anyways. Waiting for their OP to jump off. Tamara asking if it’s for the UC thing from the other night? Lucy confirms this.
Tamara’s giving her crap about the kiss. Lucy being defensive saying didn’t mean anything. Oh yes nothing. You weren’t just dreaming about it or anything…Mmhm…Then she says her legendary line. ‘Make out. Stop crime. That totally tracks.' LOL I love her so much. Lucy tells her to go to school. Tamara replies in kind telling her to have fun at work. With her boss. Who she kissed…
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We then switch to Tim talking to Angela about said kiss. Now let me say how giddy it makes me he came to Angela about it. Yes she’s his best friend but he didn’t used to be this open with her. She had to pull teeth in 2x11 even when he asked for her help. This is a far more open Tim Bradford than we’ve seen before. He starts this convo then goes into full denial. Babe, you started this and she has great Chenford radar. You weren’t going to fool her. Not in the slightest. I love how she doesn’t let up the entire convo. Smirking this entire time through out it as well.
Asking how much did they practice? LOL Tim telling her it was just a kiss. No big deal. Angela’s reply is epic. ‘Then why are we talking about it?’ Boom. Mic drop. She is iconic in this scene. Sounds like he’s trying to convince himself more than anything else. Tim deflecting saying 'What if it wasn’t just a kiss for her?' Really asking 'Do you think she has feelings for me too?' Angela follows up asking if Lucy might have feelings for him? He looks so deflated when he says ‘No..’ Thinking no way Lucy could have feelings for him. Ugh break my heart Tim. When Angela gives me more logic it makes him said.
Telling him she probably saw the kiss as just as a weird work thing then. The defeated way he says ‘Right....’ Angela picks up on it immediately. Hence her next question to him. The way he says ‘No!' to her feelings question. He’s SO defensive. Not telling at all…Do you even believe yourself Timothy? His voice gets all high pitched. Just like Lucy does when she gets nervous about her feelings. He does his spiel about them both being in relationships. Being her boss. etc. Angela crushes it with some more solid logic. ‘All true. Not what I asked.’ God I love her. Also let’s note how deliciously tight Tim’s shirt is in this scene. Didn’t think I would let that slide by did you? Mmm.
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We rejoin them in the interrogation room. Tim complaining how greasy his double is. How he hates it LOL Lucy comes in looking like a stunner. Notice Tim agreeing with Aaron’s assessment of how good she looks. She then mentions regretting the choice of thong idea LMAO I love her. Also you are going to be the death of him Lucy Chen haha What are you doing to this man? They received a call earlier and now waiting for a follow up to where to meet.
The phone goes off and Lucy gives the most ‘ in love’ look at him. She couldn’t adore that man standing in front of her more if she tried. Tim answers and Hajek tells them to meet his guys at an air strip. I love the silent communication between them. Always adore that about them. Lucy tries to get them more time saying they can’t just up and leave. How she looks requires lots of suitcases and precision.
Swing and miss sadly. Tells them to meet them there or end up in a coffin. Angela is scrambling because leaving the state is a whole other thing. Aaron saves them by letting them use his private jet for him and Angela to follow in. Lucy says they can follow the flight plan the pilot has to submit. Angela is relaxing a bit and decides to let them proceed. Aaron cracks me up asking about caviar selection such a goob. Says he'll just get an assortment. Ha I love him.
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So begins them “pretending” to be a couple. When really it’s just them having no restrictions or boundaries on them. Getting to look, touch, flirt, and be free with one another. Under the guise of UC. It’s glorious really. I felt my brain stopped working multiple times in this episode the first time. Just like Tim. Lucy starts off STRONG explaining why they're late. Pulling Tim to her saying 'Their quickie wasn’t so quick.' Hot damn. (I can see this being a reason for them now a days too hehe)
They’re like magnets instantly drawn to each other. Gah I love it so much. I remember it being so hard to focus. Because they had their arms all wrapped around each other from the word go. The way they are all over each other in this hanger scene. It’s their normal banter but heightened. I’ll never be over her hand resting on his hip. His arms wrapped around her. The easy rhythm they quickly fall into. Almost like being a couple is the most natural thing in the world for them. I mean look at them. They are not struggling to sell this one bit.
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The way they’re attached at the hip. Swaying together like they’re in their own world. Which what else is new with them? This is par for the course when they're together. They’re always in their own world when they banter. Only right now they’re allowed to touch and hold each other as much as they want to. And trust me they want to. It felt like I was dreaming as I watched this portion. Truly in a daze. I had to rewind and pay attention to the SL. More than once...
The smiles and the swaying gah they get me. They basically mirror the smiles and swaying from 5x12. Because they’re just as in love right now as they are 11 eps down the road. I love Lucy’s face when they get interrupted LOL It was the biggest scowl. Like excuse me you weren’t invited to this party.
I truly think they nailed this because it was their shot. They thought this was their only chance to be with each other without any restrictions. So they went for it as we can see. We all lapped it up like it was the last bit of water in the desert haha I’m giddy as he tells her to get on the damn plane. It's so cute. Lucy cannot keep her hands off him from the minute they start this. Tim is more than happy to oblige. Gah this is cloud 9 goodness.
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The goodies continue on the plane as they head towards Vegas. I don’t know about you but first time I watched this portion I couldn’t focus. I was obsessed with her sitting on his lap basically. Leaning into him. Not only that but the start to Tim’s obsession we all love with her thighs. How he has his hand rests there naturally. Like his hand has found it's new home happily. Lastly their hands. I remember focusing so much on just their hands I missed dialogue. Had to rewind it to hear what was going on LOL
If you weren’t just as distracted by their hands and PDA you’re a lying liar who lies haha Or you don’t ship them. In that case why you reading this review right now? Ha I think they were both nervous about this being out of state. The hands weren’t necessary in the least. I think they were unconsciously grounding each other.
Finding comfort in each other’s touch. Also I think them being this way was incredibly natural for them. Just like everything else has been their entire relationship. Why the slow burn was so necessary. So when we got here it was basically a flawless crossover to this. Touching each other as much as possible and I love it.
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Lucy cracks me up trying to get info on their job. Saying right now it's the world’s most boring bachelor party LOL Tim saying this is a job not a party. They finally tell them what their job is since they’re airborne. They ask them if they know who Roman Krupka is? They say nope. Apparently he imports Heroin to the Monarch cartel. Lucy mentions so the competition?
He continues on saying ‘Something like that.' That Roman is paranoid of computers. Doesn’t keep a written record anywhere. That the details of his operation exist in one place. One man called ‘The Brain .’ His name is Leonard Madris. Tim makes the comment isn’t is dangerous for one man to carry all that? They say yes and he’s usually kept under heavy guard. Never leaves the compound.
The reason they’re headed to Vegas is because of him. They’re received a solid tip he will be there this weekend. They find out their plan in this. They’re to take out the guards while he grabs Madris. Then they’re gonna torture the man for every detail. Then they’ll take over the business by doing so. Lucy is so cocky in her reply. I love it. Saying sounds like they should be getting paid more heh. Lyon tells them tough. So charming...
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We rejoin them finding out Rosalind has escaped through Lyon. This is one of my fav moments of the episode. The way he immediately grabs her hand. Trying to ground her in this moment. Keeping her close to him so he can show her he’s there. Reassure her that she isn’t alone in hearing this. It’s just instinctual him doing this. Knowing this would be a massive trigger that would throw her off kilter. Trying to keep Lucy there with him. To stop her from losing focus and spiraling out.
Also the way Tim looks up at her. Checking in trying to get her to silently communicate with him. He needs to know she’s ok. Protective Tim is one of my favs. That immediate need to shield and protect her. Rosalind is a huge trauma trigger for her. He wants so badly to help her with this news. Look at how her hand is clutching his shoulder at first. He starts rubbing his thumb on her hand. Trying to get her to unclench. (Wasn't able to fit that one in but he does it.)
Tim being her calm in the raging storm she has going on right now. Her constant in this moment. Which is exactly what she needs. This man is so soft for her I’ll never be over it everyone. Tim isn’t able to get a read on her. She won’t look down at him. So he asks how long till they land? Lyon says 15 minutes. Tim tells them perfect. His cover being the mile high club. It’s his way of getting them a private moment. He needs to check in on her and he can’t do that with them around.
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They head back and Lucy goes into full spiral mode. This is why he wanted to do this. She starts to be taken over by her fear and PTSD. Tim sees it taking over her. He tells her to stop in the softest way possible. Lucy takes a deep breath and little stomp but does. Telling her if she is not 100 percent in this it’s going to get her killed. Which ultimately will kill him in the process.
Lucy defends herself and says she’s got this. The news got to her at first but this is their one shot at Madris. That she is fine. I love him being protective and wanting to pull the plug just for her. The beautiful thing is he listens to her on this. Doesn’t bulldoze her and make a decision like he used to. He is trusting her in this moment. Letting her decide for herself ultimately. Which is such growth for him once again I can’t stand it.
He’s so ready to kill this OP if she’s not ok. I love that sfm. Letting her know that there is no shame if she does. He is there if she is ready to pull the ripcord. Tim is about to leave when she stops him. Tim looks so very confused once again. Lucy telling him it needs to look like they hooked up in here. Tim isn’t on the same page as her right now and it shows haha
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Here comes that infamous airplane kiss. Has some similar aspects to their first kiss. Except way spicier this time around. Once again Lucy just pounces on Tim. He has to absorb the weight of her throwing her body at him. We watch him once again stumble into their kiss. Taken aback by her forcefulness. Her passion nearly knocking him off his feet. Tim isn't complaining once her lips collide with his though.
It doesn’t take long for him to adjust to it and go with this mini make out session of their's. He is adjusting much faster this time around. It’s all hands at first. His body absorbing the shock of her body slamming into his. Tim wrapping his arms around her anchoring her body to his. Lucy’s hands firmly planted on his face as she leads this kiss at first. Tim’s hands moving up her back fully enveloping her in his arms. Getting so very lost in her once again. Instantly melting into her.
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I love how the kiss continues to get deeper. Sexier as well. Hot damn look at them above. Tim is the one chasing her lips as they continue this much spicier kiss. The way he’s leaning into her as they sway together. Two people in perfect tandem with each other. Not missing a beat. They were both so very thirsty in this moment. It’s all over this kiss. Tim running his hands up and down her back as he is savoring her. Lucy hands moving down his face not looking to part from him any time soon either. Tim isn't the only one getting easily lost in this.
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Lucy’s hands sliding down his chest once again. This kiss getting deepened much faster this second time around. Their desire for one another is very evident. Tim can't keep his hands off her. Like I said for their kiss in 4x22. If they kept going his hands would end up on her face. He can’t keep them still and as she runs her hands down his chest. He pulls her closer to him not wanting to lose any contact with her. Eliminate any unnecessary space between them.
Her lips are quickly becoming a drug he is getting addicted to. He sure loves her upper lip. Captures it between his as he looks to further this impromptu kiss. *fans self* Look at him in that gif above. Wants her as close to him as possible. I just adore how softly he cups her face wanting to keep this kiss going. Totally forgetting about the mission and the men outside the door. All that matters right now is Lucy and her lips on his.
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How Lucy has the self control to pull herself from him I don’t know. Gah it’s the grunt Tim does when she breaks off. *phew lord* That noise is doing things to me. Mmm. He was basically chasing her lips again when she broke off. Chasing that high of kissing her some more. He was very not ready for that to end. Also how glossy his lips look post kiss. She had her damn way with that man haha
He looks so dazed snd confused when she wipes his lips. Her hand shaking as she does this. I know we all joke about how “unnecessary” this kiss was. I think part of it was Lucy seeking comfort from Tim in this moment. The kiss quelling her Rosalind fueled anxiety. She needed to be connected with him for a moment before she could put it behind her or attempt to.
Tim was more than happy to oblige. Poor man has short circuited once again though. Eric once again the master of expressions comes through again. He doesn’t know how to restart. She’s like ok let’s do this and moves leaving Tim stand there in her wake. He is trying to figure out WTF just happened in the last 30 seconds.
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We then get this pretty shot of them in the SUV. There is so much being said in the short time span of this shot too. We can see Lucy is still struggling with her PTSD. From the minute she heard the news Lucy has been scaling the walls emotionally. Almost like she’s back in that barrel. All her emotions threatening to drown her. Her lowering the window to get some air on her face. Cool her emotions down.
Looking at the bright lights trying to ground herself. To help her stay in character. Desperate not burn their UC covers. Tim looking over at her so much worry carried in eyes. She can feel his eyes on her and looks back at him. Their silent communication doing all the talking for them. She’s still in a panic but at least she has Tim with her. To keep her grounded and from spiraling out completely.
Tim giving the most space he’s given since this started. Not wanting to physically comfort her right now. Not because either of them want that space. It’s because he isn’t wanting to draw attention to her emotional distress. That would draw questions they can’t have right now. So they share a look and he doesn’t take his eyes off her. I love it so much.
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Someone in the casino recognizes Jake. A girl. Which isn’t great. But does give us some protective Lucy which I always love. Finally getting to do that hair take down of her's. The one she threatened Stanton with back in 3x05. I love her taking charge of this moment. Getting this woman to back off. Don’t mess with Lucy Chen ya’ll lol They spot Angela and Aaron across the way after she lets this woman go. Figures this is the time to break off.
Lucy says she wants to gamble. See if they can get lucky three times in one day. Heh I love how he walks with her to them. Wish I could've fit the gif in. His hands on her shoulders from behind as they walk. Totally necessary to walk like this with her LOL I have a feeling this was possibly Eric being a goober steering her towards the table haha But either way I'm a happy girl with it. This was quite the married thing to do though regardless of why. I loved it. Also low key protecting her as they walk toward Angela and Aaron.
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They update Angela on everything. Lucy’s first question is about Rosalind. Angela says she got a psycho lawyer to help break her out. We watch Lucy comprehend this. Saying 'Another Caleb....I knew it.' Then says Tamara needs protection. (No mention of Chris BTW) Her other fav human is with her. So no one else to protect from Rosalind. As they talk about this Lucy trying to keep her panic at bay but not doing the best job about it.
Angela picks up on it right away. Asking if Lucy is up for this? That she can pull out if she needs to. I adore Tim answering for her. Backing her and saying she’s solid. The look she gives Tim. My damn heart. He wasn’t gonna pull her till she told him to do so. Until then he supported and trusted her decision. The growth is astronomical in him. You see that written all over Lucy's face. It’s so damn good. You can tell she wanted to touch him as a thank you but stopped herself.
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The minute they’re inside the room Lucy turns on the TV. Tim saves her from herself and turns it off. Saying they don’t know anything they don’t. Protective Tim is present through out this episode. Here for it. She is starting to spiral again and sits on the bed. She looks so tired and stressed out. Tim gives her a sweet compliment to cheer her up. He knows how down in the dumps she is about this. Wants to build her up in anyway he can. Saying how she's really good at UC. Just in awe of her once again.
The sweet smile he gives her when he says it too. Be more smitten Timothy I dare you. Lucy asks if he’s ok with her showering first? He says yeah. Then we see her break his brain once again. The door doesn’t close all the way and he gets a sneak peak of her naked back. He stumbles back to the bed trying not to look back at her. Replying 'Yeah... ok.. um fries.' LOL Lucy you have broken this man and I’m dying.
Eric once again crushes it with his facial expressions. Trying not to be turned on and needing a cold shower more than ever. What cracks me up is his sigh as he watches TV. Trying to drown out his dirty thoughts of her in the shower. She comes out saying the water pressure is epic. Wanting to steal the robes and asking if that's stealing? Tim says no it’ll just be charged to the room. She says ‘WE’ should take two then. There’s that married ‘We’ again.
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You can tell Tim is antsy af to talk about their kisses. First off let me say how proud of I am of this man. This is the same man who couldn’t have a serious conversation with his current GF to save his life. He is the one to broach this topic with her. Once again making that first move. NEEDING to know if she’s feeling what he is very much feeling. Lucy is the one to bring this courage out in him. To want to talk about this.
He went far outside his comfort zone to get this convo started. Telling her it doesn’t feel like pretend to him. The look on his face as he says this. The hope in his eyes desperately trying to see if she is feeling their connection. Lucy panics and stutters in her reply. To me it’s not because she doesn’t feel the same. He has stunned her into silence. What she is worried about here is losing what they have.
To admit what’s going on between them means she now has something to risk. Something to lose if she does. Her person. The most important person in her life. Tim is far too important to her lose over them trying and possible failing. She is very aware it doesn’t feel like pretend. But isn’t willing to risk that. Ironically in a city like Vegas where one takes such risks. So she crushes Tim with her reply. Saying it’s an intimate act. It’s basic biology. You know a BS answer.
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She is deflecting so she doesn’t have to risk losing him. Or confront this at all really. What she doesn’t know is the damage she just inflicted. Tim was already panicky from his convo with Angela about her not having feelings. He suddenly feels very alone in his desire for more. For feeling something. She’s basically rejected him in this moment. He is so sad with her reply.
He gives her one last chance with his ‘So you're saying it’s not a big deal? Doesn’t mean anything?’ She stumbles some more saying ‘Right?’ Wanting him to answer this question for her. She can’t possibly accept he wants her too. So she deflects once again. Tim put himself out there and she shut him down. Their convo is interrupted his cell phone. The looks she shoots his way break my heart. Knowing she’s hurt his feelings. When really she broke his heart a little.
It’s Angela with an update. He tells her he’s alone in the hotel with Lucy. Her ‘Uh oh’ always cracks me up. I love their friendship so very much. Her teasing is primo this season and it makes my heart happy. She is so shipping them and just wants her bestie to be happy. I love it. Telling him not to do anything she wouldn’t. He slams the phone shut and tosses it on bed. LOL
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Lucy goes to dry her hair and there is a knock at the door. It’s the girl from earlier saying she knows he’s in there. Tim opens the door and gets hit in the face. They know he’s not Jake. Saying she told them he had a gut last time she saw him. That it was only 3 weeks ago. I mean that sucks for Sava. Means Jake was cheating on her long before 5x18.
He sends Wisco after Lucy and says he says not to kill her yet. Lucy is a BAMF and takes out most of the crew. This part is hilarious about her robe. I’m dying. 'Showed him the whole world just now.' Oh Lucy never change. Tim shakes his head so much I’m cackling. This is the woman you’ve chosen to love Timothy. So exasperated with he right now. I love how she stares down at him lovingly. But you know it’s just basic biology right Lucy?
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I love love love him walking her up. That’s last bit of protectiveness being displayed. He doesn't want her to be alone. Tim saying he can’t wait to get out of these clothes. Lucy making a joke she isn’t going to miss that hairstyle. Then Tim is so cute and flirty says he kinda likes hers though. OMG he’s so damn cute. He is such a goner for her oh my word. Lucy’s smile not believing what she’s hearing. Gah this end portion was the death of me. Tim says I guess this is it as they approach her door. Saying they go back to being them tomorrow.
He almost seems sad about that fact. Lucy turning to him and sharing 'Right..everything that happened undercover they’ll leave behind'. No you won’t lol Then Tim does his dorky UC line and regrets it instantly. Scolds himself for that line. Basically saying why are you like this? LOL Cracks me up the way he shakes his head. Like why can't you be more smooth? Oh that's right because you're stupid in love with her and a nervous wreck about it. Funny pre-cursor to his 'Naked time.' line heh.
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It’s then Lucy deciding to make a move here. All this talk about going back to being them stoking something inside her. Saying in a sense they’re still UC since they haven’t been debriefed. Tim not catching what she’s throwing down. Just replies 'I guess you’re right.' Lucy is eyeing him like she is ready to have him right then and there. Her ‘Mmhm.’. Trying to give him a hint as she flicks her eyes to the door. It’s then Tim starts to catch her drift. The look on his face when it hits him. Like he can't believe she feels the same way he does.
That there is something there. There is a whole lot of want and excitement in that man's eyes. Lucy has created a loophole of sorts. One where they’re still Jake and Sava. And what do Jake and Sava like to do? Have sex. Lots of hot sex. The amount of bedroom eyes Lucy is throwing at him is insane. The sultry inviting way she says ‘Do you want to come in?’ Tim falling back on his professional boundaries like he has for years. Tells her he shouldn’t…Not that he doesn’t want to. He SHOULDN’T. The song in this scene is solid too BTW. Whoever picks music for this show needs a raise.
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Lucy nods and goes to open her front door. Tim looks longingly at her as she does. Lucy gives it one last go. Cranking it up on those sultry bedroom eyes of hers. Basically inviting Tim in to have his way with her. Gah Melissa killing it with the inviting stare. We watch Tim struggle outside her doorway. He has been fighting this instinct for YEARS. I’m sure whenever he had an impure thought he pushed it down. Shoved away any attraction to her. Pushed her away as well. Maintained the professional boundaries he set up years ago. (For the most part.)
Thing is he’s been slow receding those boundaries for years as well. Especially last season when that last bit of his wall collapsed. Slowly letting her into every aspect of his life. To the point that we are now here. Where Lucy is blatantly inviting him in for something very unprofessional. We see Tim have an internal battle with himself. Then basically says ‘F*ck it and comes in. His attraction and his draw to her winning out. He would be lying if he said he didn’t want this. Or hadn’t wanted it in the past before either.
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Lucy asks him if he wants a drink? Can she make him one? Tim declining not wanting to waste any time in this precious loophole of theirs. Also didn’t need alcohol to have the courage to do this. He already pushed past that to even enter this apt. Not wanting to dull any senses or touch with alcohol. Wanting to be fully present with her. Lucy looks like was ready to jump his bones right then and there. The sexual tension is palpable. Their UST is off the charts with this entire scene but reaches critical levels once they’re inside.
Lucy understanding why he didn’t want that drink. Love her sweet but nervous smile as she goes to put her stuff down. It's then we see Chris there which ends up ruining everything LOL Just bleeding out on her couch. I love how Tim throws his head back when she see’s Chris is there. I’ll never forget that amount of hilarious memes Eric posted. People putting the funniest shit about him being there. I wish I could find them. They were SO funny. I’ll be honest as frustrated as I was in the moment I was glad they didn’t hook up. The UST was fantastic. Don’t get me wrong good god.
But it’s much better they got together the way they do this season. Way less mess and not worth the angst it would’ve caused for them to cheat on their SO’s. It’s the fact that they almost did that was so damn telling IMO. Phew well hot damn this was a beast to write. But I loved it. This premiere is fantastic from beginning to end. The amount of moments are unreal. Hell of a way to start out a season of non stop gifts. I haven’t watched S5 the number of times I’ve watched 1-4 so this will be fun. Excited to finish out this rewatch with you all as we count down to the S6 premiere. It’s 58 days btw...
Side notes-Non Chenford
This isn’t something I enjoyed so much as it rubbed me the wrong way. Nolan getting a Golden Ticket. Lucy has accomplished more, done successful UC ops before and after she graduated FTO and is currently going on another UC but sure Nolan who was disgraced and held back gets one. Sure sure…it does for being Juarez in who I love so there is positives.
Tim telling Nolan he needs backup career when picking his assignment. LMFAO I LOVE THIS MAN.
Thank you thank you to this incredible fandom that has embraced these reviews. You all are amazing and I love every single like, comment and reblog I get. ❤️ shall see you all in 5x02 :)
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theflyindutchwoman · 11 months ago
Hey! How are you holding up? Just finished the episode and I haven't really recovered. I am sad, I am frustrated, I don't really know what's happening? I thought they were mature and Tim is so dumb right now, I can't even.
And Lucy? I can't even start to imagine what she's going through. She has been so badass for the 5 seasons and this season she just gets fail after fail and loss after loss and doesn't even get a good job storyline.
So sorry I didn't reply sooner but I first wanted to take a little step back in order to fully digest the episode. As much as the waiting is killing me, I actually appreciate the hiatus for that. I imagine your feelings may have changed a bit as well since then… or that was the impression I got from our different conversations here and there. How are you feeling now? A bit better or still frustrated?
I'm going to start with Lucy. I was rewatching the beginning of season 5 and this is hitting even harder now. Not because of the pining era. But because the narrative was already showing her isolation back then. I couldn't quite put my finger on why her storyline in season 6 felt so familiar but now I get it. This is merely the continuation.
As we all noticed, the scene of Tim breaking up with her had a very similar vibe to the one at the end of 5.02. But think back of when she went to Nyla for advice about going to UC school, when she was trying to confide to Aaron who was too caught up in his own drama to hear her… or when she spent hours locked in a freezer because no one realised she was missing - besides Tim, that is. And then, there was the whole Rosalind thing where Lucy had to push through her own trauma to help Chris deal with his and help Bailey stay calm. But no one ever took the time to ask her how she was doing with all of this (on screen). They all had good reasons, by the way, this isn't me trying to paint them as the bad guys. But this still has an eerie similarity to what is happening right now. Only there has been no payoff for any of this. Yet. It didn't seem to go anywhere. Until now. Same with her career : she nailed UC Academy, something that was supposed to help her standout come promotion time… She helped the FBI on a raid, she was asked to be the acting Watch Commander, she was told that the whole station had her back… And yet, none of this paid off either. Yet. So this is a great opportunity to finally connect all the dots that have been dropped for the past two seasons and give Lucy the amazing arc she deserves. I sincerely hope this will be the case.
As for Tim… Look, the reason why I didn't want a breakup (besides the fact that I dislike this trope so much), is that I was afraid that it would cheapen the whole "worth the effort / worth the risk" speech. You can't say that and leave at the first difficulty without downplaying the whole story. So I'm glad that the writers were able to find a way to circumvent that issue by showing Tim completely unravelling. Because this isn't about him thinking Lucy is not worth the effort or the risk… This is about him thinking HE is not worthy of her. And that changes everything. For me, at least. I still get the frustration. I still wish this storyline would have been done with them sticking together and trying to work through it. But I can understand his perspective, why he thought this would be better for her. And I can see how that could make them stronger in the end. So, just like with Lucy, I hope Tim's arc will be treated properly and carefully. I need to see the payoff, the progress… I need to see them heal. Separately and then, together. It's always hard to see where a story is going when it is still unfolding… But for now, I choose to remain optimistic and hopeful. Does that help you even a tiny bit?
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pyrosex · 1 year ago
Genderbend IASIP headcanons/generalizations
Mac is butch but is very insecure about her masculinity and didn’t like being perceived as a lesbian so she did try to perform femininity but was super uncomfortable during it
Charlie was dropped off in a basket on Man!Bonnies doorstep by her mom
Franny knew right away that Denise and Dee weren’t hers but was still pissed that the mother was Fem!Bruce
Charlie, Mac and Denise tried out for the cheerleading team in high school, but only Denise got in, Mac broke her pelvis trying to do splits and Charlie couldn’t follow directions, even then she didn’t last long
Mac’s full name is Ronette McDonald, Dee’s is Dedrick Reynolds, and Charlie’s is Charlotte Rosalinde Kelly
Dee frequently crossdresses for his characters, like in over the top drag queen fashion, he wants to go on RuPaul
Cricket is a prostitute with a bad pimp
Mac, Charlie and Denise have all gotten pregnant at one point
Mr. Mac is an alcoholic instead of a smokes
Charlie smells down there
Everyone has raging mommy issues
Maurice Ponderosa is a dog man
Dee is still as misogynist as ever
Denise has big honkers
Mac enjoys action movies with hot chicks and boobs
“Flashing Tits” = Hang dong
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dragonologist-phd · 5 months ago
Introducing: Shay Surana
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In Summary:
Circle Mage turned Apostate, Somniari
Elven Mage (Spirit Healer)
Main School: Spirit Magic
Intelligent; Reserved; Focused; Secretive
Relevant Fic: And So They Burned
more rambling:
A mage with prodigious talent who was taken to the Circle at a very young age. They know they come from the Denerim Alienage and that their name was "Shay"; beyond that, they know nothing of their origin. "Surana" is a surname they picked out themselves
They were a quiet child who spent most of their time hidden away with books. Their talent with spirit magic was obvious from a young age, and Wynne took them on as her personal apprentice
Their Harrowing occurred when they were very young, and it kickstarted their Somniari talents
For the next few years, they kept their Somniari status hidden from everyone, knowing that if it got out they would be seen as a threat
They aided in Jowan's escape, but were caught by the Templars. With no Wardens around to interfere, they were sent to Aeonar as punishment
Wynne: Being so young when they came to the Circle, Wynne was the closest thing to a parental figure Shay had. As a child they would follow her through the tower, and even sit in on lessons she had with older apprentices. They viewed her as something between a teacher and a mother, and often turned to her for advice or comfort. As they grew older, however, they became quietly frustrated with some of her advice- an occurrence which Wynne chalked up to Rosalind's bad influence
Jowan: Jowan was Shay’s first real friend at the Circle, and vice versa. They were both quiet, awkward children who preferred to spend time away from other people and did their best to look out for each other. As much as Shay tried to keep their head down and follow the rules, there was never any doubt that they would help Jowan escape
Rosalind Amell: Ros arrived at the Circle at an older age and was quickly brought into Shay and Jowan’s friendship. Among the the three, she was by far the most rebellious- yet Shay couldn’t help but be drawn to her, even when they knew she was heading for trouble
Sloth: Despite their talent, Shay nearly did not survive their Harrowing; the sudden attention from demons and discovery of their Somniari abilities overwhelmed them. Sloth protected them, and continued to do so for years; in exchange, it fed off Shay’s dreams and the weaker demons they attracted. Shay knew better than to trust the demon, but it was useful- and, in some ways, it was a familiar and comforting presence
Cyrion & Ellimere Tabris: After escaping, Shay finally managed to reunite with their father and adopted sibling. The relationship was an awkward one- especially with Ellimere, who’d had bad experiences with magic and spirits- but the reunion did give Shay a sense of closure
Shay had a crush on Ros from practically the moment they met; the two eventually got together when they were still in the Circle. Like most relationships between teenagers, it was an open secret- technically not allowed, but people would look the other way so long as they maintained a level of discretion
Their relationship was always an open one. Shay had no interest in others, but Ros liked to flirt and fool around, and they didn’t mind
Their crush on Jowan was much more subtle, and they didn’t fully realize it until Jowan announced his plan to escape and they realized he’d been gone forever. By then they assumed it was too late to do anything about it
The three of them did eventually work things out and became a polyamorous trio
During the Blight:
After they were caught helping Jowan escape, they were sent to Aeonar with Lily as punishment
Ros and Jowan, having escaped the Circle and Redcliffe respectively, launched a rescue together. They were able to save Shay, but at great cost
Sloth had been destroyed by the Wardens, but a small piece of them remained behind as a Spirit of Repose, which sought out Shay and joined with them much like Faith did with Wynne
Shay, Rosalind, and Jowan are all presumed dead by the Circles at this point, so they lay low and travel the rural areas of Ferelden, helping refugees where they can and doing work for the Mage’s Collective
When the mage rebellions kick off, the three of them aid the rebel mages. They remain wary of the Inquisition and its connections to the Chantry, but do offer their help as agents when circumstances become dire
By the time Inquisition happens, I think the three of them also have a kid together. Not sure of any details beyond that but I do think it happens
Shay has a special interest in maps, atlases, and geography, partially inspired by their life spent in a tower
They’re a healer first and foremost and keep violence as a last resort. Even so, between them, Ros, and Jowan, they are by far the most dangerous
Music is something they really appreciate. They’re not Andrastian, but all Circle mages were required to attend services; the only part of that they enjoyed was singing the Chant
Sometimes they do miss the routine of the Circle, simply because it made things simple and was less overwhelming than the rest of the world (That said, they would never go back; they had too many choices taken away from them by the Circle)
Birds are their favorite animal, and they’ve always wished they could fly. If they ever had access to shapeshifting knowledge, they’d learn it just for that
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rosalind-learns-blogging · 7 months ago
ellery is running. ellery hasn’t stopped running. did ellery even stop running from the owners? ellery doesn’t know.
there is someone behind it. someone or something but somehow it is being followed.
is it the blood? there is a cut on its neck, a bite(?), it doesn’t know where from, the wolf(?), and there are cuts on its legs from branches and tumbles but the little bunny will not stop running.
the little bunny will not stop running away away from the wolf.
Rosalind followed Ellery for a while. Following and running behind and knowing exactly what she must look like, must feel like to Ellery. The way she must’ve felt to so many kids much littler than her after he left. She tried not to think about it for too long. But it was hard not to make the connection. Maybe she’s just as bad as she believed she was.
Rosalind did, eventually, stop running. She wasn’t tired, but she knew Ellery would keep running until he was sure nobody was coming after it. That’s how he got away. That’s how he survived. So, Rosalind stopped, and hoped not to lose Ellery’s scent. She called out to him, “Ellery? It’s just me, nobody else.”
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