#roronoa tera
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mishelkie-art · 7 months ago
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Been working on some sketches of my mer!Zoro, since he's one of my favorite designs. What started as me figuring out what his markings look like under his bandana turned into some of them ending up a bit more uh... sluttier than I imagined 😅😆
And then, while drawing these, I started to spiral and wonder what Tera and Arashi would look like as well, what traits Zoro inherited from each parent. Well, all this pondering resulted in new mer designs!
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I had already designed a human form of Tera which is on my insta, so all she really needed were some tweaks, but I hadn't drawn Arashi yet so I had to come up with his from scratch. Originally I had wanted to take more inspiration from Kurogane from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (sole reason being he and Zoro share the same English VA lol) and while I could see human Arashi wearing a similar outfit, I decided to make his overall look more distinct. I made him a blunette since a lot of the Shimotsuki have blue or blue-ish hair, and, like Zoro and Ushimaru, Arashi inherited Ryuma's huge-ass forehead 😂
Obviously, Arashi is a tiger shark, and originally Tera was going to be a leopard shark, but I ultimately decided to make her a thresher shark instead as I think the long tail matched her hair. This now makes Zoro half-tiger/half-thresher. Her eye color is a little detail I enjoy, as in fics I often find that people can't decide if Zoro's eyes are gold or silver, I prefer silver personally, but I made Tera's eyes gold in reference to that lol
I also wanted Tera to have an obvious sun theme, to go along with the Shimotsuki's moon theme. If I remember correctly, Shimotsuki Village was founded after the people from Wano drove off bandits, and Tera is the daughter of bandits, sooo... what if she was the child of the very bandits that were driven off? Maayybe there was a little Romeo and Juliet thing going on with her and Arashi? Maybe a diamond-in-the-rough bandit's daughter met the descendant of Wano's sword god and it was the greatest romance in One Piece history?!! Lol I just think it would be so funny if Zoro's parents were pretty much a Disney couple. She's the Megara to his Hercules, the Aladdin to his Jasmine, the Eugene to his Rapunzel 😆🤣🤣
Bonus for those who made it though my rant:
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Other designs
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onepiece-polls · 27 days ago
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 4 Side C
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Tera/Sora art by @8balldoodles
Propaganda under the cut.
Two gay evil scientists. Need I say more? They definitely fell in love during their MADS days. Look at this picture and tell me it doesn't like like a wedding.
No two assholes have deserved each other more.
They got married 💜💛
Tera x Sora: Sora means sky and Tera means earth how poetic is that? Also I think if they had the chance to be single moms and raise their kids together they would have been unstoppable.
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girakia · 10 months ago
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It's mother's day and I just wanted to draw this piece with the strawhat's moms.
Happy mother's day to those who celebrate it
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sunnixsunshine · 5 months ago
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Something about Zoro having loving parents that he lost and expected to lose (or doesn’t remember all that well) so he isn’t as upset about their loss as he is for Kuina.
And lmao nerd ass lookin Koushiro (he can kick your ass however)
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kafkasugarmama · 6 months ago
Zoro being raised by a single mom is something not alot of people are exploring. I love, love Roronora Tera! Her raising baby Zoro on her own!
Like she's raising Zoro & being a Bounty Hunter, and a damn good one at that!
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mastomysowner · 1 year ago
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Meet the Roronoas!!
Father: Arashi
Mother: Tera
Son: Marimo
by @Rakkarts
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q-ueen-potato · 1 year ago
So, i decided give you a sneak pesk frol their first meeting
About the love story of Tera ans Arashi
(@alexoreality , @aenbyveryverygayperson , @botankirishima )
A young woman with chin-length green hair was cutting some meat in the kitchen of a bar, her ears paying attention at all times to the side conversations of customers.
"My Calla Lily we are out of drink"
"You'll have to wait guys, we're still out of alcohol" she comes out of the kitchen with a tray of snacks
"I can't do anything, Misha has already gone to the port to get it" she jokes, serving the fried food while laughing along with the drunks at the bar.
Back in the kitchen, Tera continues to prepare snacks in order to distract the customers who are starting to get stressed due to the lack of drinks.
"This way" she hears a male voice coming from the back and is relieved to know that the drink has finally arrived….until she hears the sound of boxes falling.
With the knife still in hand, Tera quickly goes to the storage room at the back of the bar, there she finds a young man with dark blue hair, tall and strong wearing simple clothes...a sword on his waist while holding a box...a box of meat lying on the floor.
Tera tries to pass by to get a better look but her path is blocked by the boy.
"Look, I…"
"Are you going to let me pass or not?" She says pointing the knife and the boy takes a step back, dropping the box that was in her hands. For a moment, Tera feels the sheath of the sword touch her leg, pushing her away just in time before a bottle falls from the box and the glass scatters across the floor.
"I won't pay for this"
"Pay? This what?"
"Booze and meat, idiot"
Tera looks around and takes a deep breath, the barrios are intact and the bottles only break twice and apparently the meat box only opened
"Are you going to help me or are you going to stand there like a cornflower?"
"Sorry" and he immediately bends down to help pick up the product that fell on the floor
"You're not Misha"
"I'm Arashi, I came on the ship that transported these products, Misha went to sign some papers and asked me to bring them" Arashi says closing the box
Tera looks again at the sword at his waist, it would probably be worth some good berries but she decided not to bring up the subject for now...
"You're going to leave or what?" Tera tells Arashi that he opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by a scream coming from inside
"Get lost" She says pointing the kitchen knife at him one last time before sulking inside.
As Arashi leaves, he takes one last look at the girl before resting his hand on the hilt of his sword and walking away, a cut made by the glass on his shin.
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sunclown · 9 months ago
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Zs’s little baby duck
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clockworkzoro · 2 months ago
Zoro's parents are so interesting to me. We know that Arashi's mom (? Someone on arashi's side of the family, at least) was a shimotsuki, and we know that he died in a fight with pirates. Tera died from an illness and was a "criminals daughter". I assume Arashi was a swordsman, but what about Tera? Was she a swordswoman? is that why Zoro was so passionate with Kuina? Also, what fucking criminal is she related to. do we know them.
how old was Zoro when they died? considering their causes of death, they didn't die together. Did Arashi die first? does Zoro even remember him? what about Tera? I assume she was already dead by the time Zoro went around challenging dojo's, but for how long? i think it's safe to say Zoro was on his own for awhile at that point, but HOW LONG?
Questions i will never get answered because oda HATES ME
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hylianane · 1 year ago
It’s just me and my HCs about Zoro’s mom against the world
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shranstan · 1 year ago
Writing a cracky op fic and I accidentally started shipping zoros mom with usopps mom and i think im gonna make it so zoro and usopp are actually full blood brothers and just. long nosed zoro and green haired usopp i guess idfk
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onepiece-polls · 4 months ago
One Piece Crack Ship War - Round 3 Side C
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Tera/Sora art by @8balldoodles
'Pepsi shipping' art by @orange-artist
Propaganda under the cut.
Tera x Sora: Sora means sky and Tera means earth how poetic is that? Also I think if they had the chance to be single moms and raise their kids together they would have been unstoppable.
Pepsi shipping: Daddy issues + fun hair colors + she'd sing and he'd play guitar + Sanji would cry.
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wifeofvinsmokereiju · 2 years ago
I haven’t thought about the Roronoa family in while so I’m gonna share what I think they looked like. Don’t be surprised if I reblog this with some sketches don’t except anything tho.
Furiko probably looks like Tashigi with her hair down and without glasses maybe her hair is a little bluer.
Judging from the silhouette Pinzoro probably looked like that time Oda drew Zoro at 40 maybe his hair was brown or something.
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Arashi was likely just Zoro with a different hair color.
I’ve mentioned before that I think Tera had green hair but I’d like to take that a step further, she looked like a female Zoro.
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sunnixsunshine · 6 months ago
Gonna just post this all together lol uh big post, lots of words, whatever, enjoy
Anyway, meet Roronoa Hikoboshi and Orihime! Hikoboshi resembles Zoro’s dad, he takes over the restaurant eventually while Sora is off sailing, Shinjiro is off sailing, and Takehiko is just causing massive amounts of problems to every type of authority out there lol. Orihime is actually Pudding’s daughter, her only child in fact. Idk, Pudding just eventually gets over Sanji(good, hes way too old for you sweetie tbh; narratively I enjoy their story but ooooooof couldnt she have been at least 18?), meets a new gentleman whos just as kind to her. He, too, has an interest in baking and they open a bakery together, which eventually moves to the exact oart of the All Blue where Sanji resides. Hikoboshi and Orihime meet when theyre 15/16 years old and immediately theyre pretty infatuated. With Orihime being a fairytale and love at first sight kind of gal and Hikoboshi being just as much as a hopeless romantic as his father. When the two want ther parents to meet—its pretty awkward at first lol
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Hikoboshi and Orihime is directly inspired by the myth and Tanabata festival itself. As I said, Hikoboshi more so resembles his grandfather Arashi. Orihime is supposed to look like her father the most, however I wanted to play with the idea of her resembling Big Mom a bit? Mostly just the hair honestly, which starts off as brown but as he gets older it gradually changes to pink. Which makes me think about the possibility of Pudding maybe holding some kind of issues against her early on???? Idk but I would like to explore the idea! Btw, their moles are supposed to reflect their respective stars’ positions, Vega and Altair!
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But anyway heres my designs for Zoro’s parents. Arashi was s two swords style user trying to work his way up to three swords style before he died. He grew up an orphan on the very outskirts of the village after both of his parents passed away when he was roughly 10. Tera grew up on the same island but she wasnt born there, her father bringing her there when she was eeeeeh like 4-6. She didnt grow up in the village though, in fact she didnt up grow up having a home town to name, she doesnt know where in the east blue her family is specifically from, they camped out in a tiny cabin in the wood with a few other bandits. She gets lost a lot, which is where Zoro gets it! She actually ended up having to choose between “carrying on the family business” (being a thief) or Arashi, and she chose Arashi because she’s actually really bad ar being a bandit. They met when they were 18, married a year later, but it took four years to finally have a family of their own. And turns out Zoro is the only kid they ever would have. Quick little details; when Arashi was fatally wounded by the pirates attacking the village, his swords were both essentially destroyed and later buried with him. And so was his earring. Same with Tera, who had genetic illness, Huntington’s disease, however she actually died of pneumonia in the winter time, but her Huntington’s symptoms were prevalent and Zoro was aware of what was going on. She, too, was buried with her earring, two of Zoro’s earrings specifically just being replicas in memory of his parents. And gonna state it outright here: no Zoro doesn’t have Huntington’s disease, but it is a fear of his that he pushes off to the back of his mind constantly. Tbh I just think it makes him more human as a character to have such a natural fear, idk.
Something I kinda REALLY wanna expand on is my idea of Arashi and Koushiro having a relationship somewhat similar to Zoro and Kuina; Arashi being a few years younger than Koushiro who has actual training to begin with, Arashi having no formal training, just his parents’ swords that they left behind. Now neither of them even knew they were like distant cousins, to Koushiro Arashi is just this younger kid with an obnoxiously loud desire to go above and beyond to learn two swords style when he doesnt have any formal training nor does he even know one swords style! Koushiro finds Arashi annoying and even talentless—and yet for several years they met in a field so Koushiro could pass his formal lessons onto Arashi. Arashi couldnt learn at the dojo because he couldnt afford it. The lessons would stop once Koushiro is being prepared to take over the dojo one day and also when he meets his future wife—so hes about 21 give or take, Arashi is around 17 at the least. Their relationship was mostly bickering because Koushiro doesnt like Arashi’s rash attitude and tendency to goof off. And Arashi found Koushiro to be uptight and too grown up. Arashi never could surpass Koushiro in a dual, both one sword style and two sword style. Hes just always been several steps behimd Koushiro and that’s what pushed him to train more. Fast forward to present day, and honest to god Koushiro NEVER connected Zoro to being Arashi’s child. For one thing, he didnt know Arashi had a kid, thats how strained they became, and another, Koushiro, to be fair, doesnt even see an ounce of Arashi in this kid whatsoever. The ego and eagerness to go above and beyond, sure, but what little kid ISNT like that?? Anyway, it comes as a shock and a part of him feels more obligated to take care of Zoro after having witnessed Arashi’s death himself years prior when Zoro wouldve only been a toddler.
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saturninemartial · 8 months ago
Hi I'm back again with more mushy future zosan business. This is post-zosan marriage, about a decade in the future; Loof is the pirate king, but the gang has stayed together to make sure everyone achieves their dreams (and also bc they're family).
They're sailing past a smallish island with no plans to stop, until they see worryingly big plumes of smoke, too big for bonfires or cooking fires, so they divert course for a possible rescue. When they land, they find a village that's just been decimated by some outside force. It's a somber moment as they're surrounded by bodies and crumbled buildings, as whatever invaders laid waste to this mostly-defenseless society.
The gang searches for clues as to who could have done this, any weapons left behind, really anything distinct that Robin could research and help them exact revenge for these helpless people. While digging around, Usopp finds something—or someone: a baby, hidden away for safety, not far from her deceased mother, who was obviously hoping for someone to find the infant. It makes everyone even more angry and sorrowful, wanting revenge for this baby.
They take the baby onboard and let Chopper check her over for injury and general health. Zosan both immediately take to the baby (several nakama point out that they both have a protective/nurturing instinct), and it's pretty much left up to them to figure out what to do with the baby. And, um, here's a little scene about it from the fic I'm gonna write:
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(Spoiler alert: they end up keeping the baby as their own.)
In this scene, they then have a conversation about what to name her; and Sanji immediately tosses out naming her after a dead family member (so no Kuina, Sora, or even Tera) bc according to him, that's a lot of weight and expectation put on a child, and she should be able to live free of expectations and do as she pleases. They end up naming her something that Zoro liked from his childhood/from Wano (so basically a Japanese name). The next morning, at breakfast, Sanji announces their decision to keep the baby with, "Introducing the newest member of the Straw Hat Pirates: Roronoa Firstname!" And everyone cheers bc tbh they've all been loving on this baby and love being aunts and uncles (and also still have revenge in their hearts).
The crew has a little "break" planned soon at Syrup, so Usopp can spend some time with the wife, and everyone gets some time to chill: and Dr. Kaya is overjoyed to see the baby and buys all kinds of supplies and clothes and books to help.
(The Straw Hats do end up figuring out the perpetrators of the attack, and exact revenge on them for their youngest member.)
(I don't have much figured out about this baby/child OC except that she has peach-colored hair. I also like Spanish-speaking Sanji bc of Taz and his accent, so Sanji calls her duraznita or duraznaja—little peach—bc of her hair. 🥰)
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ironicikonic · 5 months ago
One Piece Masterlist Part 2
For these masterlists I will be including unfinished works. If they are old enough and get enough love maybe I’ll re-write them in my newer style. 
Some Notes:
List is a living document and fics will be added as written
This list descends from newest to oldest
My personal favorites will have a bunny next to them as well 🐇
If I have ample time I may at some point be open to taking request
Thank you a ton dear readers!
Smoace = 🔥🌪️
Zosan = ⚔️🍳
“The Hummingbird’s Cry”
Sora&Judge // OneShot // 14,237 Words // Mature - See Tags // Completed AU: Fantasy, Elf Sora, Magic, Royalty, Angst, Trauma Posted: 2024 Part of “The Butterfly’s Revenge” 🦋 Summary: Sora knows she has a role to play in the kingdom of Germa by providing the perfect heirs. Children with strength and elven magic. Once she has she can return home where the ghosts of her past will leave her alone once and for all.
🐇 “The Butterfly’s Revenge” ⚔️🍳
Zosan // Multiple Chapters // 38,155 Words Currently // Mature - See Tags // In the Works AU: Fantasy, Fae Zoro, Elf Sanji, Royalty, Angst, Romance Posted: 2024 Summary: Twenty-one years ago Vinsmoke Judge lured the Fae queen Roronoa Tera. Now to feel worthy of ascending the throne as the last royal for the Fae kingdom Roronoa Zoro needs to murder the Vinsmoke’s crown Prince.  An eye for an eye. A life for a life. He’s been given three facts about the Northern Royal to aid his hunt. Firstly the crown prince is a known womanizer, secondly he fights with the fury of the veil, and lastly he has curly eyebrows akin to sheeps wool.  What’s confusing is if these facts are proven then why is the blonde he’s corned with a blade against his throat matching all the given qualities begging the fae to kill him.
🐇 “Embers” 🔥🌪️
Smoace // Multiple Chapters // 984 Words Currently // G Rated // In The Works AU: Modern Day, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Holidays Posted: 2024 Summary: The holidays are never easy, especially for those who lost a love that’s not gone. Just Forgotten.
🐇 “My Love With Blue Eyes and A Smile That Outshines the Sun. Where Did You Go?” ⚔️🍳
Zosan // Oneshot // 5,739 Words // G Rated // Completed AU: Modern Day, Old Age, Reminiscing, Implied Character Death, OC POV Posted: 2023 Summary: Lilly misses her bus and ends up meeting an old man confused about bus routes who tells her what love should look like. OR Zoro confides in a stranger with whom he reminisces about his life with Sanji.
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