#rop ama
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rey-jake-therapist · 2 months ago
I really hope you aren’t right about the likelihood of TROP being cancelled. I can see the worrying signs too, but the showrunners and most of the cast seem very confident about getting S3 😭 In the interviews and even in the Reddit AMA they hardly make it sound like it’s a conditional thing, more like it will happen. Fingers crossed, IG.
Also, good of you to try to keep the peace in the fandom when so many people are getting hot-headed. Something that bothers me amid all of this is that thanks to the naval warfare we have even more of that thing going on where most of the stuff discussed and made about Galadriel on Tumblr is about shipping and not about her in her own right. Going into her tag kind of makes me sad for this reason. It’s perfectly fine to use ships to enrich your experience of watching a character, but Galadriel is absolutely getting reduced to her ships these days. Breaks my heart to say it.
I received several messages about this subject, so I hope you don't mind me assembling them on one topic :) One post to rule them all... Yeah I know, awful joke.
The Nielsen numbers for the finale were so bad, almost shockingly so. It's making me worried for the future of the show. Amazon is losing hundreds of millions of dollars every season. House of the Dragon got more than twice as many viewers every week and that show isn't as expensive to make.
ROP season 3 was recently featured in Production Weekly, meaning they're hiring people to work on it 👍
I'm rather optimistic despite the numbers tbh, even though I wonder what takes them so long. I guess if they're hiring, it means they have the funds aka they got their renewal.. Fingers crossed !!
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uyak · 4 months ago
aglayarak kaldim kafamı dağıtmak icin şarkı da acamiyoeum ahahahah tez yazicaktim daha donem baslamadi ama hicbisey yetismemis hissettiriyo daha baslamayanlar var ben kendi potansiyelimde hicbir yere ulasmak icin cabalamadim bile minimum ne varsa orda kaldi defterime Chester rop alintisi yazmisim kafanizda yalniz kalmayin hicbir swy sona ermedi aslinda ama sadece beynin oyle dusunmek istiyo kesmiyo tatavayi. ama bazi seylerden umudu kesmisim artik etki etmiyor umarim bu devam etmez bir sure sonra hicbir sey hissetmezsem ne yapicam boyle sebze yasanir mi ya. çevremdeki insanlar hee gun planlar yapabiliyo yapamıyorum nefesim yetmiyo evden cikmak istemiyorum islerimi yapmadivim ixin ama bu bi bahane bwnce
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arte-e-homoerotismo · 2 months ago
Jean Boullet
Jean Boullet (12 de dezembro de 1921 - 2 de novembro de 1970) é um pintor , desenhista , ilustrador , crítico de cinema e escritor francês. 
Jean Boullet era filho de um comerciante de peles de gato na Avenue d'Italie , Henri Boullet, que cometeu suicídio por enforcamento. Em sua infância católica, ele passava os verões em Isdes , em uma casa que ele manteria. Ele começou a pintar em 1942, principalmente retratos. Ele fez seu nome como desenhista e ilustrador em Saint-Germain-des-Prés imediatamente após a guerra. Ele ilustrou tanto um livro de Daniel-Rops, o escritor católico (Este rosto que olha para nós), quanto a obra sulfurosa - proibida pela censura - de Boris Vian , Irei cuspir em seus túmulos, textos de Edgar Poe , Raymond Asso , poemas de Villon, Verlaine . Em 1948, ele foi o autor dos cenários para a peça J'irai cracher sur vos graves que Boris Vian tirou de seu romance homônimo e que ele assinou com seu nome real. 
Jean Boullet também é um crítico de cinema que venera os filmes fantásticos e de terror que podem ser vistos no cinema Midi-Minuit nos Grands Boulevards. Para exibir os filmes ainda mais raros que ele ama, ele montou um cineclube privado em sua casa na rue Bobillot: a Société des Amis de Bram Stoker. Ele também estará com Michel Caen, Alain Le Bris e Jean-Claude Romer , o cofundador da crítica de cinema Midi Minuit Fantastique (1962-1971). Esta revista foi publicada por Éric Losfeld . Midi Minuit Fantastique era dedicada a filmes de fantasia, terror e ficção científica5. Jean Boullet aposentou-se da escrita em 1966. 
Fundamentalmente libertário, anticlerical, inimigo das ordens estabelecidas e pessoalmente lançado numa busca frenética pelo bizarro e pelo proibido, Jean Boullet é também apaixonado por muitos outros temas: sexologia, ilusionismo, magia, demonologia, mitologia popular… Em dezembro de 1965, ele abriu uma livraria, Le Kiosque, na rue du Château, 79, especializada nestes temas e em histórias em quadrinhos colecionáveis. Aleijado por dívidas, ele fechou a loja no início de 1969 e, em agosto, mudou-se para a Argélia, para Ouargla , para administrar uma livraria lá. 
Em diversas ocasiões, ele viajou ao Magreb, notadamente à Argélia, Marrocos e Mauritânia, mas também ao Senegal e ao Sudão, de onde trouxe muitos desenhos.
Durante o verão de 1970, ele deixou Ouargla para o sul e empreendeu uma viagem enquanto mantinha sua livraria. Durante uma das etapas desta viagem, no final de dezembro, ele foi descoberto em Tébessa, ao sul de Constantino, segundo o relatório da polícia argelina, enforcado em uma árvore. No livro, Jean Boullet: Le Précurseur” de Denis Chollet, publicado em 1999, não se sabe se foi assassinato, suicídio ou uma coisa sexual que saiu do controle. Segundo o escritor Roger Peyrefitte , Jean Boullet foi morto a facadas.
Guy Loudmer, Hervé Poulain e Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr dispersaram sua oficina em Paris em 23 de abril de 1971. 
Assumidamente homossexual, proclamando-se “pintor da beleza masculina”, multiplicou os desenhos ou pinturas de uma estética homoerótica um tanto inspirada na de Jean Cocteau. 
Jean Boullet, durante a sua vida, conheceu os Tout-Paris cujos nomes eram então: Édith Piaf , Michel Déon , Marie-Laure de Noailles , Jean Cocteau , Juliette Gréco , Jacques Chazot , Piéral (a partir de 1942), Sacha Guitry , Marcel Carné , Roland Lesaffre , Kenneth Anger , Félix Labisse , Lise Deharme , Michel Laclos, Elliott Stein , Jacques Courtois .
Ele também era amigo de Max Jacob . Um retrato em tinta da Índia feito por ele em 1943 representando o poeta bretão usando a estrela amarela está agora preservado e apresentado no Museu de Belas Artes de Quimper.
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Jean Boullet
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timriva-blog · 1 year ago
Filosofar en galego: «Deus sorrí e ama» (ROP)
O escritor Ramón Otero Pedrayo Escrito por XESÚS ALONSO MONTERO Estamos ante outra das formulacións verbais antolóxicas do escritor Ramón Otero Pedrayo, neste caso do extraordinario epistológrafo don Ramón. Escólloa dunha carta a Fernández del Riego do 19 de febreiro de 1956. En realidade, que é o que motivou semellante formulación naquela altura? Foi un feito bibliográfico, nesas datas,…
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years ago
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@peregrintook​ Here’s the first post I made regarding my enthusiasm for the show BUT to answer your questions here;
- No they didn’t fire Tom Shippey. That’s a pretty prominent misconception going around. And honestly if they had fired him? I woulda been happy about it, he was incredibly present for the Jackson trilogy and look where that got us. But no, Tom Shippey has stated he left the project after working on it for a while for his own I think work reasons and there was no firing or dramatic walking out or any such thing. He’s also not the only Tolkien Academic working on RoP! Carl Hostetter, guy who produced the Nature of Middle Earth, for one was involved in the linguistics for the show (Quenya is going to be spoken regularly and Adunaic script plays a part). Dr Corey Olsen has also seen the project through from pretty much it’s inception as far as I’m aware. But also like... I want to be clear, you don’t need a Tolkien Academic to write a good tolkien adaptation. Someone who’s really familiar with the source material and extraneous books and the complexity within the canon? Sure, but that doesn’t necessarily mean an Academic but kjasd I won’t get on my high horse about the state of Tolkien academia today right now. Point is, they had more than enough people familiar with the text onboard. Which actually brings me nicely to the second part.
- Haven’t heard ‘they didn’t read the silmarillion’ before but no! The show runners, writers and even actors were all either silmarillion-style-nerds before the show or joined their ranks during production. Robert Aramayo actually got so into the books that he started organising salons to discuss specific elements of the text, which is so funny to imagine. And anyway, where has this idea come from that the Silmarillion is the book to read for this section of history? There’s essentially the same info about the Akallabeth in the Silm as there are is the Appendices. The unfinished tales has more to do with Numenor in it and they’ve been quoting stuff from there too. They don’t have the rights to the silm, or the unfinished tales, but they also have special allowances given by the tolkien estate to add in things from those sources anyway. Essentially if you’re hearing someone say ‘they didn’t even read the silmarillion!’ #1 they’re wrong and #2 they probably don’t know all that much about the Akallabeth or it’s sources themselves.
- Lastly jasdh it’s... a star! The basic eight pointed form of the so called feanorian star turns up everywhere in tolkien canon, including on gondorian imagery atop the white tree seven times to represent the ‘seven stars seven stones and one white tree’ poem. The Galadriel we meet in the show is a Commander of Gil Galad’s armies, and Gil Galad is covered in these stars in the show, he’s also got elbereth embroidered into his cloak. The stars likely mean either noldo, or just Gil Galad full stop, both of which are perfectly reasonable uses of an eight pointed star. 
There you are, hope that helps!
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onlyalperend · 5 years ago
#AlperenDuymaz #hellodergisi röportajından – Nisan 2019 @hellodergisi, : rop : @meldanar13 , video : @sozmentor . . ▶ HELLO!: Dizide Kerem’in idolü Kadir Adalı. Senin örnek aldığın biri var mı? . . ▶ Alperen: Örnek aldığım biri yok ama örnek aldığım davranışlar ve dürtüler var. Kafamda tartmam için işe yarayacak fikirleri ya da bana ilham verecek hayat senaryolarını farklı farklı kişilerden, ihtiyacım olduğu zaman ihtiyacım olduğu kadar topluyorum. Daha öznel ve kendime özgü kalmak istiyorum; ama elbette hayatın akışı için de farkında olmadan bazılarından bir şeyler alıyor, bazılarına da bir şeyler veriyorum. Bu karşılıklı alma verme halini seviyorum ben. En önemli şey iletişim; iletişim evrensel bir dildir; ırkı, cinsiyeti ya da bedensel özellikleri yoktur. Ama örnek alma konusunda düşüncem net: Hiçbir şey olma, kendin ol! . . ▶ HELLO!: In #Çarpışma series #KadirAdalı is Kerem`s #idol . Do you have anyone you take as an example? . . ▶ Alperen: There`s no one I take as an example but there are behaviors and instincts I do take as an example. When needed , I collect in order to be evaluated in my mind as much as I need valuable thoughts or life scenarios of different people which might inspire me . I want to remain more subjective and genuine to myself ; but of course in order for the life to flow , without even noticing I do take something from others , and I also do something to others. I like this mutual taking and giving state. The most important thing is #communication , communication is an international language . it has no race , gender or physical characteristics. But related the `taking an example from someone` , my opinion is clear : Don`t be no one , be yourself! . .
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haberkat · 3 years ago
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP), erken doğan bebeklerin gözlerinde gelişebilen ve görmeyi tehdit eden önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri. Bebek ne kadar erken doğarsa ROP riskinin o kadar artacağına işaret eden Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Özge Yabaş Kızıloğlu, prematüre retinopatisi hakkında önemli bilgiler verdi.    Retina, gözün iç kısmının arkasında yer alan, ışığı algılayan ve görmeyi…
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sondakikabu · 3 years ago
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP), erken doğan bebeklerin gözlerinde gelişebilen ve görmeyi tehdit eden önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri. Bebek ne kadar erken doğarsa ROP riskinin o kadar artacağına işaret eden Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Özge Yabaş Kızıloğlu, prematüre retinopatisi hakkında önemli bilgiler verdi.    Retina, gözün iç kısmının arkasında yer alan, ışığı algılayan ve görmeyi…
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habergezgini · 3 years ago
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP), erken doğan bebeklerin gözlerinde gelişebilen ve görmeyi tehdit eden önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri. Bebek ne kadar erken doğarsa ROP riskinin o kadar artacağına işaret eden Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Özge Yabaş Kızıloğlu, prematüre retinopatisi hakkında önemli bilgiler verdi.    Retina, gözün iç kısmının arkasında yer alan, ışığı algılayan ve görmeyi…
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sanathaberleri · 3 years ago
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP), erken doğan bebeklerin gözlerinde gelişebilen ve görmeyi tehdit eden önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri. Bebek ne kadar erken doğarsa ROP riskinin o kadar artacağına işaret eden Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Özge Yabaş Kızıloğlu, prematüre retinopatisi hakkında önemli bilgiler verdi.    Retina, gözün iç kısmının arkasında yer alan, ışığı algılayan ve görmeyi…
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haberdosyasi · 3 years ago
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP), erken doğan bebeklerin gözlerinde gelişebilen ve görmeyi tehdit eden önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri. Bebek ne kadar erken doğarsa ROP riskinin o kadar artacağına işaret eden Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Özge Yabaş Kızıloğlu, prematüre retinopatisi hakkında önemli bilgiler verdi.    Retina, gözün iç kısmının arkasında yer alan, ışığı algılayan ve görmeyi…
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medyadergisi · 3 years ago
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Sık Görülen Ama Az Bilinen Bir Hastalık Prematüre Retinopatisi
Prematüre retinopatisi (ROP), erken doğan bebeklerin gözlerinde gelişebilen ve görmeyi tehdit eden önemli sağlık sorunlarından biri. Bebek ne kadar erken doğarsa ROP riskinin o kadar artacağına işaret eden Göz Hastalıkları Uzmanı Doç. Dr. Özge Yabaş Kızıloğlu, prematüre retinopatisi hakkında önemli bilgiler verdi.    Retina, gözün iç kısmının arkasında yer alan, ışığı algılayan ve görmeyi…
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japanmars-tomh · 5 years ago
Katsushika Hokusai
One of the most recognizable Japanese paintings is The Dream of the Fisherman’s Wife. It was executed in 1814 by famous artist Hokusai. If we follow strict definitions, this amazing Hokusai’s piece could not be considered as a painting, since it’s a woodcut design of the ukiyo-e genre from the book Kinoe no Komatsu, which is a three-volume book of shunga erotica. The composition depicts a young ama diver entwined sexually with a pair of octopuses. This image was quite influential in the 19th and 20th Century. The work has influenced later artists such as Félicien Rops, Auguste Rodin, Louis Aucoc, Fernand Khnopff, and Pablo Picasso.
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years ago
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I’m using @eamonorus-blog​ ‘s question here to do the post I’d been meaning to do for a while. But I want to give a bit of backstory first. 
Initially, as many people were, I was very skeptical about the show. Tolkien adaptations and I have never gotten along and initial reveals about the show weren’t particularly inspiring. I hadn’t seen what I wanted to see out of a story about this particularly point in Middle-earth history; namely a deep dive into the political religious philosophy of Numenorean Kingsmen vs the Faithful. And not only that, I had some other lore and plot related concerns surrounding what was being released. MUCH of those issues have been settled since then within some of the recent promotional material but some still remain, namely;
- Why do we have two Durins living at the same time, considering they are supposed to have the same soul. - Where is Anarion that’s my fucking boy. (I’m more reassured about this one than I was before but it’s still present as a concern for now) - There is actually no feasible way to sensitively deal with the Numenorean slave trade, deforestation and colonialism without making Elendil a bad guy. - The Southlands plot is looking quite uncomfortable in terms of the implications it has for Middle men/High men politics but we really don’t know enough about it to say. 
And really... that’s all the issues I have left! And what I’d say is, essentially, the things I’ve seen since the original first few leaks were released are more than exciting enough for me to still want to watch the show inspite of those four issues. 
I have to start with talking about Numenor. Remember when I said I hadn’t seen what I wanted to see, the political religious philosophy of Numenorean Kingsmen vs the Faithful? Well since SDCC where RoP had a massive presence, that plot thread has been WELL in view. Trystan Gravelle (actor who’s playing Pharazon) has talked at LENGTH about the kingsman perspective, the worries and frustrations that drive him and the very understandable issues surrounding being a mortal in a world where immortal creatures exist and speak to you and ask you favours. 
Lloyd Owen, Elendil’s actor, has mentioned that we find Elendil in a time of such high emotional turmoil that even HE is looking for more stability, turning away from the strict faithful dogma and looking more to the capitol. And Elendil having a crisis of faith? Perhaps the most exciting concept I’ve ever heard. I love Elendil’s crisis of faith I want to kiss it’s beautiful little head and tuck it into bed at night when it is inevitably resolved. Just the mere idea of watching Elendil struggle with these issues, not being just a stoney wall of holy righteousness, that’s interesting! I want to watch him go on that journey with his children! I want to see him discuss it with Pharazon and Miriel! 
And these themes aren’t just present in the characters, the whole Numenorean set is riddled with such a depth of world building, I have to stim everytime I see a new thing about it. Numenor visually is what Peter Jackson never gave me for Gondor, there are COOLING TOWERS there are frescos and massive statues and tiny little secret shrines tucked away in street corners and adunaic graffiti over the top of elvish script!! Have you all seen Nimloth? 
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This is a terrible image but she’s absolutely beautiful in the trailers. And most vitally these more elven architectural arches built to honour her are falling into disrepair now that she is becoming more a symbol of what men are apparently barred from ever having, than a divine blessing. 
I could go on and on about how excited I am just to see this Numenor, even if the rest of the show is absolutely terrible I will be excited to just turn the sound off and stare at more images like THIS and THIS and THIS 
BUT I know not everyone cares about Numenor like I do SO, in terms of elf excitement (difficult for me, doesn’t come naturally but) The most promising thing I would say I’ve ever heard on the elf front is hearing Benjamin Walker (Gil Galad) talk about elves and their struggles in this particular era. There is going to be ELF POLITICS! They have thought about the tolls as well as the benefits of a somewhat immortal existence, Gil Galad and Galadriel have a RELATIONSHIP with each other that is both respectful and old and difficult, he’s talked about the need for elves to maintain a strict society given that grudges held can last forever, he’s talked about this weight of grief that the elves are trying to overcome by falling in love with Middle Earth. Like!! Even if you don’t like the specific way they’ve decided to go with some characters, doesnt that sound neat? Aren’t you intrigued? I know I am and I could not care less about elves. 
The Dwarven stuff has to be the SECOND MOST exciting thing I want to see. Durin and Disa’s relationship is such a unique thing to see onscreen, we’ve never gotten a mainstream portrayal of dwarves who are in love with each other! And they are figuring out their own political discourse as well, they are treating with the elves, they are dealing with their family politics, Khazad Dum is at it’s HEIGHT and the sheer vastness of the design for the whole city just makes me buzz with a thrill each time I look at it. There’s also been a verbal acknowledgement from the writers team that dwarves have previously been depicted just for jokes on film, and that they all wanted to move away from that and treat dwarves with more care and respect. Which I’m all for! And I suppose this isn’t about the show itself but, did yall know Sophia Nomvete gave birth to her child a WEEK before she flew out to start filming the show? And they sewed special accomodations into her costumes to allow her to breast feed on set? That cast and crew members would take care of her baby whilst she was doing her scenes? I’m absolutely enamoured with Sophia honestly, she’s been the most elegant and bold and joyful ambassador for the series. 
HOBBITS? Now for a long time I was really uncaring about the hobbit plotline, I love Lenny Henry but it seemed like an unnecessary addition to the show. BUT! Recently we got confirmation that we have entwives in the show. And isnt the idea of ancient hobbits interacting with entwives just the coolest? Especially when we know that will all go rapidly downhill VERy soon? And alongside the later seasons plots, they could be a great lead into a variety of aspects. I’m essentially accepting of them now and we’ll see how it goes. 
The Southlands!! Are Mordor!! This is both terrifying and fascinating, we are going to see pre-sauron mordor, with what I can only assume are the people who... HOPEFULLY NOT ALL BUT SOME? Will become the slaves of Nurn. Which... as I said!! DICEY.. but still fascinating and I do want to see it. 
There were a raft of short reviews from some folks who got to watch the first two episodes early and they were pretty much universally positive but the one that actually inspired me the most was a guy who said it was ‘beautiful’ but also ‘really dense and slow’. Which... isn’t that the greatest desire for tolkien fans? Fuck yeah give me the densest slowest show you’ve got. 
The last thing I’ll say is like... I think I’m actually in a pretty good position. I think my already very great disappointment in the Jackson films has really helped me keep the right perspective for the show. It’s not going to be exactly what you all want it to be! The time compression is going to be frustrating, the character changes will be disorientating, the fandom that will spring up around it will have misconceptions about the lore and that WILL annoy you. But take it from me! You’ll survive and you’ll also still probably have a good time watching it to boot. Untense! Take a deep breath! This is an exciting new era for the tolkien fandom and you might as well enjoy yourself. 
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years ago
Why does it matter that the actors and creative team are book fans when the finished product grossly misunderstands and misrepresents the text? No background detail or linguistic accuracy will fix the total invention of 99% of the plot, or the deviations from canon. If a cake is made with concrete dust instead of flour it doesn’t matter if a pastry chef made it. It fails as an adaptation and it’s been very honest about that from the start, so why get excited about it when you like the books?
Alright. Firstly, what I want you to do is read this message again, then imagine it is about the Jackson films, which it absolutely could be and in fact it fits them BETTER since we actually know the vast extent to which PJ misrepresented the books and deviated from canon, cus his films have been out for 20+ years already. And then think about how much of an impact those films had anyway. Think about how many book fans enjoyed those films anyway including myself.
And then think about all the extraneous other adaptations of Tolkien that have happened over the years, from cartoons to games, and think about how book fans have also enjoyed those despite their own massive changes that go all the way too cutting out main characters entirely! And THAT is when we are talking about adaptations that change the actually written stories that have a real narrative and a plot and characters. RoP is basically adapting a sparse tale of years at this point, which have themes sure, and the bare bones of characters, but there's a lot of space to fill in with their own creativity. Which is literally what I do all the time!
This entire blog in fact is dedicated mostly to me taking what the text has given me and fleshing out the parts I like in ways that I enjoy. Because tolkien's writing is not some religious canon that requires legions of supplicants and holy warriors to defend it. It is good enough to be adapted in countless ways and still have more to offer, that is exactly what classic stories are there for.
And that's all the things I'd say if I even agreed with your strange assertions. How do you know the showrunners are grossly misunderstanding the text? The various disparate versions of the Akallabeth you mean? As far as I can tell they've gripped the actual meat of the narrative very well. Religious debates, free will over suffering, mortals dying for immortals and that sparking a growing resentment to flourish, that's all IN the promo material for this show. Are you talking about the time compression? I assume you are. Yeah it's a massive squish and it's cutting out a lot of kings and queens but, and this pains me a little to say because I still am grieving Tar-Telperien, the only thing the actual NARRATIVE is losing here is an agonisingly slow burn to the end. All the beats are the same!
In the end, they are putting enthusiasm and effort into investigating pieces of Middle Earth history that I had never expected to be depicted like this before. And they aren't the worst people in the world or betraying the fans or causing some irreparable harm to Tolkien by changing parts of that history and inventing things within that history to tell a story that they think is good. And this vitriolic rhetoric is completely inappropriate, especially when, again, it isn't even out yet! Like you're in my inbox talking about a finished product that doesn't even exist, they're only on season 1! So yes, just like I do with the Jackson films, just like I do with the old cartoons, just like I do with every fan made film and all the lotr films made in other languages that I've seen and enjoyed for themselves, I'll sit in my book fan little seat and enjoy this adaptation with my friends too. I'm excited to see what they come up with! And if I don't like it then it won't be the end of the world, which I know from experience.
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lesbiansforboromir · 2 years ago
hi! you don't have to answer and I'm sorry if I misunderstood what you said, but I think it's a little unfair to say you cannot distinguish people who criticise trop because they're racist vs because they don't want to support amazon vs because it doesn't follow the "original storyline". also the Jackson trilogy had its fair share of problems, but they mostly followed the story and I think the heart was there. amazon has to change a lot of plot points because they don't own the rights to the silmarillion, so it's not really the same thing. I understand the need for caution because unfortunately the tolkien fandom is full of misogynists and white supremacists, but I don't think it's as undistinguishable as you made it to be. again, sorry if you're done talking about this, I love your blog, nor trying to start any shit. ok bye <3
Never done talking about this! Might be talking about this for weeks to come.
To be clear, what I mean is that the talking points are indistinguishable. If I see someone talking about how RoP is betraying Tolkien's vision or how this is a sin against Tolkien or how he's rolling in his grave and other such rhetoric, I cannot tell if that person is saying it because they don't like the canon changes, or because they are racist. Because I have seen all sides of the fence, often verbatim! make those same points. The only way to tell where they fall is often either digging quite deep into their social media, or by actually engaging with them in a discussion that can get incredible nasty very quickly. And even then, it is not a surefire thing. And with the massive weight of the backlash, often you don't really have time to do any of that in the first place. What I'm saying is that, no matter the original intention, the vitriol and aggression of the pushback against RoP is only serving the white supremacists, no one else.
Next, and I'll keep saying this until the cows come home, they have absolutely enough of the rights to the canon material to adapt the Akallabeth. They do not have to change a lot of plot points. They are making plot points, in order to fill in for the scarcity of character and plot within the actual text itself, but they are fully able to tell this story. They even have special dispensation from the tolkien estate to use material they dont have the rights too on a case by case approval basis. This is misinformation which is, I'm pretty sure, from the racist backlash on places like youtube.
Peter Jackson, I might add, had the rights to a fully written and characterised story with everything he needed and he STILL changed: - Every character's personality, and most of their motives and dialogue - Removed characters with large speaking roles and entire sections of the story including the ending to the whole thing! - Removed all of the complexity to the plot, the philosophy, the mentions of the west, boiled down every theme to something something 'friendship' and Frodo's whole agency in the ring's destruction entirely.
So I really don't see where RoP is going wrong if we're all fine with the jackson trilogy. Is it the heart? If you watched the interviews from cast and crew, I think you'd find a lot of what you're looking for. Peter Jackson was under the thumb of a massive profiteering mega corporation too, Harvey Weinstein literally produced those films.
I'm not saying you can't dislike it, I'm not even saying don't criticise it or hate on it! What I'm saying is #1 think about where you got the information that caused you to hate it, #2 make sure that's not misinformation #3 allow RoP's right to exist, even if you hate it. Don't treat tolkien's work like a religious text that cannot be tainted, it is still just a story and anyone could improve upon it if they wished.
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