delay33 · 7 months
Root of Eden
Chapter 1
"Sera, where are we?" Emely whispered. Her fear-filled eyes wandered restlessly over the gloomy land. Rotten and corrupt, it was shrouded in the deepest darkness, driven by a silence that only death itself could bring. No life seemed to be able to take a foothold here. "You are too young to recognize it. This is what Lucifer did when he betrayed us. When he set the root of pure evil free by giving Eve the fruit." Sadness was reflected in Sera's voice. "This is the Garden of Eden. The rotten paradise.”
"It can't be," Emely whispered into her hands. Of course she knew the story of how the former archangel deceived heaven when he gave Eve the cursed fruit and set Root free. But no one had ever mentioned that he turned the Garden of Eden into a cursed neverland. "It's a secret, only I and the archangels know about it, and..." Sera paused. Hesitated to continue. "If you really believe that souls can be redeemed, there is only one angel who can judge this. Come on, we're almost there, stay close to me and be quiet." Emely pressed close to Sera as they followed the small path through the red blossoming trees.
At first she thought they were gruesome looking flowers with an unusual color. But on closer look, she realized that they were many tiny withered apples, shimmering with the power of Root.
"Don't touch them. The corruption is everywhere here." Sera warned them with urgency. They passed through the dark forest in silence, careful not to get too close to the trees that seemed to be following them. The question of which angel called this his home was on the tip of her tongue, but she didn't dare to speak. This place seemed to suck all the courage and hope out of her chest. It was all the more relieving to leave the forest and step into the open field in front of her. However, her breath caught in her throat. He stood in the middle of this field. The once mighty and magnificent Eden Tree resembled a memorial to all that Lucifer's betrayal had caused. It was nothing more than a ghostly skeleton of rotten wood.
She looked alarmed at the heavy fog that covered the ground around him. "You will keep quiet and stay behind me. No one knows what shape she's in. She never got over the fall of her garden, after all, she was no more than a child when it happened. Her strength alone is the only thing that keeps the garden standing. Since its fall, she has slept in her Tree and is waiting.”
"But why? He's dead." Sera glanced nervously to the side. "Hope dear sister, hope is all that keeps her here. There is no other place for her. She is the Garden of Eden. She's an angel of creation, a guardian."
"But then doesn't she hate Lucifer?"
"You want evidence Emely? If Lucifer's little daughter manages to convince Eden, then the Council will have no objections to helping her. That's what you wanted, isn't it?”
Yes, she wanted that, but what price would it be to unleash an angel on hell who had every reason to destroy him as she had once destroyed her empire? "Give me your hand, it will take the power of both of us to awaken her." Sera held out her hand in invitation. Emely hesitantly offered it to her. Her magic filled the air with a crackling sound.
"Eden, wake up! We have a pleasure to ask of you."
Nothing but silence answered her, but the fog seemed to grow thicker and thicker. It closed around her ankles like a cold grip and she moved closer to Sera. "Lucifer killed Adam in hell and is rebelling again. You get down there and see if his sinners deserve redemption. We need to know if the Fallen One dares to dream again." At the mention of his name, a rustle broke the silence. At first it was a muttering that resembled the sound of the wind. The murmuring became a whisper. A broken voice sounded from inside the tree.
"That's right, go to hell, find Adam and make sure they focus on his redemption. You decide if the doomed have a chance to rise to heaven. Or if it's just an excuse for Lucifer to rebel again.”
Two green eyes lit up in the darkness. They stared venomously at Sera, as if weighing up whether it was worth remaining peaceful. It seemed as if they were silently communicating with the elder seraphim. The figure that slowly separated from the darkness was different from what she had expected. Where the purity of her kind was reflected in bright blue and white, Eden's delicate pale skin stood in stark contrast to her pink hair, which was streaked with individual red strands flowing over her wings like silk.
At first Emely thought the angel had horns like a demon, but on closer look she realized that they were branches with apple blossoms sprouting from them. Vines twined along her long pale green dress as if they were alive. "She was once nicknamed Mother Nature, even though she was only so young at the time. Most of the earth's plants sprang from her ideas." Sera whispered almost respectfully.”
"You do me far too much first, big sister." Sweet and dark, Eden's voice softly caressed her ears. "Who's the little lady by your side?" Unexpectedly, Sera pushed Emely closer behind her as Eden stepped closer and eyed her down. A delicate scent of apple blossoms hung in the air. "She is the seraphim of humanity." She replied curtly. "Emely, you should go." A portal opened right next to her. Before she could object, she was pushed through. The last thing she saw was a knowing smile from Eden, which made her green eyes light up. An uneasy feeling spread through her chest as she stood alone in her room. She had to warn Charlie.
"That was very rude Sera, the poor thing looked a little confused." A wicked smile sneaked across Eden's red lips. "You were very quick to replace Lucifer."
"Quickly? Eden, it's been eons since you fell asleep after his betrayal." Eden clicked with her tongue.
"And now I'm supposed to judge whether Lucifer is trying the same thing again? What happened?" Sera hesitantly told her what happened. "Adam is dead and his soul has been thrown into hell. You have to find him before he causes trouble. Let's face it, he's a disaster. Lucifer's daughter firmly believes that sinners can be redeemed. She has to help Adam, and if she succeeds, the terms with hell will be discussed again.”
"Oh, so I'm allowed to hurt him as much as I want?" Eden bared her teeth with a grin. Whatever had happened to her back then. Root had changed her too.
Chapter 2
Coming soon..
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