#roomie fanfiction
desceros · 8 months
soooo in order to keep y'all from sitting on the edge of your seats, i decided to put together a bit of a february road map. uh. such as i'm capable of having one, barring me being thwacked in the head by an idea i simply MUST get out, ahahhaa!
feb 14: leo valentine's day one-shot
feb 19: super secret project that definitely isn't a present for my roommate's birthday
feb... sometime: symphony 24 (will likely be before the other dates, depends on how quickly i can get them finished!)
feb 27: ...dont worry about it
late feb: donnie didn't mean to do that but well he's here now
late feb again, if i have time fingers crossed: symphony 25
march 1: mating season event
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asexualasshat · 4 months
I have this fic I started writing for another fandom and then abandoned for a year but I still like the concept of it so I want to change it into a Steddie fic. The only problem??? Robin would have to be moving out of her apartment with Steve at the start cause Eddie and Steve need to be roomies. And I cannot think of a single goddamn reason why Robin wouldn’t just stay if she’s still living in the same city
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edupunkn00b · 2 months
Roomies, Ch. 4: The Gladiator
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Prev - The Gladiator - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 3548 - Rated: T - CW: swearing as always, suggestive, making out, very brief physical altercation - Written for @intrualityweek 2024, Plushies/Stuffies
Logan makes an observation. Oh, and did you know that The Gladiator 2 is coming out next fall, starring Pedro Pascal. Now you do.
After that first awkward gathering in the dining hall, he and Patton met up with RoLo most mornings for breakfast. And a lotta lunches. RoLo usually had dinner by themselves and those first few evenings, Patton acted a lot like he did their real first night. Quiet when he thought Remus wasn't looking, and then he'd get chatty, with a big, bright smile that stopped just before it reached his eyes. 
He’d perk right up at breakfast, though. The clouds would lift from those sky blue eyes, and his laughter came easier. And sometimes, when he was very lucky or very funny, Remus could pull that same sweet laugh from him. Tittering bells, tinkled keys at one end of a piano.
But usually, his biggest smiles were still reserved for Ro. For the first time in all their lives, really, they didn’t have any of the same classes and Patton would devour Ro’s tales of his day like a ravenous python.
Two months into the school year, though, and Patton’s face would still fall every time RoLo got all handsy in front of them. Fingers twisted around each other in his lap, Patton would sent his gaze down to his plate like he didn’t know where to look. Or he’d jump up, voice high and overly cheery, and offer to refill drinks or fetch more napkins or ketchup or some shit.
Finally even Logan noticed.
”Ai, mi amor, do not fret,” Ro had murmured, pressing Logan’s hand to his lips the breakfast right after midterms. “I’m certain you did wonderfully on your exam!”
”Yeah,” Patton said as he pushed up to his feet. Eyes down, he grabbed the three empty cups on the table. “You’re so smart, Logan, I’m sure you aced it! Hey, why don’t I get us more juice and stuff.”
Remus kicked his brother’s shin under the table and looked pointedly at RoLo’s hands when he looked his way.
”What the hell, Re—
“Oh, I do not require a refill,” Logan interrupted, giving Ro’s hand a little tug. “I must leave soon. I have an early lab this morning,” he said, swapping his empty cup for Roman’s half-filled one. “It does, however, appear you could use some assistance, Patton.” 
Ro finally got it and stood. “I shall see you after class then, mi amor,” he murmured as he bent and kissed Logan’s cheek. “Allow me to help you, Pat,” he smiled at Patton, laying on the gallantry chokingly thick.
Patton would barely look at him. ”Oh, thanks, Ro, but you really don’t hafta-”
”Please?” He said, reaching for the cups.
The morning sun glinted through Patton’s eyelashes when he finally looked up at Ro, casting long shadows over the apple of his cheeks. A slow smile spread across his face and he nodded. “Thanks,” he said and handed over one of the cups.
”It is my pleasure, my dear Pattington Bear,” Ro intoned in his best Prince Charming impression. Remus wanted to gag. “I’m happy to be an extra set of hands in all your endeavors!”
Patton giggled, bright sunlight cutting through the storm of his earlier expression. “My knight in shining armor.”
”After you,” Ro bowed, one arm spread out as though without his direction Patton somehow wouldn’t remember the way to the juice dispenser.
Patton gave him and Logan a little wave with one of the tumblers and chuckled, trotting off with Ro. 
Logan watched them leave and it was all Remus could do to not turn around in his seat and do the same. “You know,” Remus said, voice low so it wouldn’t carry over the din of the other breakfasters. “You have nothing to worry about with him. Ro’s head over heels for you.”
“I appreciate, though do not require the reassurance. I am well aware,” Logan said, smiling into his still half-filled coffee. “Roman has long since outgrown his old middle school crush.”
Remus felt his own jaw drop. How—
“You needn’t look so shocked,” Logan murmured, a smile quirking up his lip at Remus’ surprise. “Roman and I discussed it when I asked if he was aware of Patton’s feelings for him.” Logan took another bite of his food and chewed before adding, “I did not, however, discuss with him how your middle school crush has not evaporated with time.”
“What?” Remus choked on his yogurt. He dragged a napkin over his mouth and balled it up in his hands, shaking his head. “I don’t—I don’t have a—”
Logan met his denial with silence and that damned cocked eyebrow. Fuck he used to think that looked so hot. And now?
Sighing, Remus sat back in his chair. “It’s not just a crush, it’s—”
A bright peal of laughter drew both of their attention and Remus turned in his seat, following the sound. Patton and Ro were at the other end of the dining hall. Mouth covered with both hands, Patton couldn't quite muffle his laughter as he watched Ro balance a tray on his head, three filled glasses teetering on top. Ro turned a slow pirouette, then curtseyed when Patton applauded, not a drop spilled.
Remus turned back in his seat and saw Logan had been watching not the spectacle but him. He shoved the dirty napkin in his pocket. “It’s not just a crush.” 
“Indeed,” he said. 
Apparently Logan wasn’t satisfied with a mere confession. Steely blue eyes stared at him like a bug on a slide and Remus stared back. If Logan knew, how long would it be before everyone else did? “How could you tell?”
“Despite the declarations of self-described experts, autism is not necessarily the inability to perceive and properly interpret social cues,” Logan said, wiping his mouth and rising to his feet. “It is often the unwillingness to play pointless games that fail to address the matter at hand.”
Remus stared up at him, eyes wide. He’d always thought Logan to be kinda oblivious to all the glances and fidgets and glossy eyes on the other side of the table.
Logan continued, “May I suggest you direct your romantic attention elsewhere? With someone who is a willing recipient of said attention?”
”Hey, if you wanted to get back together,” Remus smirked, “You could’ve just said—”
He cut him off with a single raised hand. “Don’t deflect. You know I meant somewhere else outside this group.”
Remus shifted in his seat and stared at the sunlight reflecting off Patton’s coffee cup. “I… I don’t know about that, Lo.” He shook his head.
”I predicted you would say that. Fortunately, I prepared for such an outcome. Two tables down and three over is an attractive man who’s been watching you all morning,” Logan said matter-of-factly as he gathered his bag and jacket. “I tutor him in Biochem. His name is Jake. He’s a sophomore, reasonably intelligent, and an athlete.” He raised one eyebrow. Like Spock, he did it a lot. “And he’s clearly interested in you.”
”I’ll think about it,” Remus said, turning when he heard Patton and Ro’s voices grow louder. “I promise.”
“We are long past the time for consideration,” Logan said with a tiny smirk as he waved and nodded across the room. “I gave him your number last week.” On cue, his phone buzzed on the table, lit up with a text notification from an unknown number. “Call him today.”
Jake didn’t work out. ‘Reasonably intelligent’ turned out to mean ‘needed to demonstrate said intelligence by intellectually shitting on everyone around him,’ so after two dates, Remus mostly-gently asked him to stop calling.
Max and Taylor and Haseem hadn’t worked out, either. They were… fine, he supposed. Cute, good kissers, decent enough guys, but they just weren’t…
Remus had finished towel-drying his hair and was darkening his eyeliner in the dingy bathroom mirror when there was a knock at the door. Patton poked his head into their bathroom, one corner of his mouth pushed up into a little smile. “I think he’s here, Re.”
He met Patton’s eyes in the mirror. The heat and lingering steam from the shower was drawn to his features, glazing his round cheeks in a soft glow. Yes, he was here. Right fucking here next to him.
Remus put down the pencil and shimmied his shoulders, turning like a runway model. “Whaddya think?” He wore his new jeans with the rips in the thighs and a fishnet tank to show off his newest tattoo. 
“You look great!” His eyes darted to the door at a second knock. “Okay if I get it?” He started to turn when Remus nodded, then slid back. “Wait, which one’s this?” he whispered, the memory of the night they’d inadvertently overheard a couple breaking up in the hallway three doors down fresh in both their minds. Noise sure traveled on this hall.
“Uh,” Remus tapped his phone to check his last message. “Devin Moore.”
“Oh… Oh!” his face brightened in recognition. “I’ve got Stats with him. You ready?” he asked, flashing one more grin.
“I’m almost done, yeah,” Remus murmured. “Thanks, Pat.”
“Anytime, Roomie,” he said, running off to the door.
“Hey there, Devin!” Patton cheered as the door squealed open. “Re’s just about done.”
“Oh, Patrick. Hi.” Devin’s voice sounded… off. Surprised, maybe. Hadn’t he told Devin about his roommate? But something else in his tone urged Remus to finish up fast.
“It’s Patton,” Pat correctly, voice chipper but… thin. Like it got sometimes when talking to RoLo.
“Right… Patton. Nice to see you.”
Remus burst out of the bathroom and twirled, trying to ignore the voice in his head that said he’d seen Ro pull the same trick. Patton’s stifled giggle made it worth it, though, and he flashed him a quick grin before winking at Devin. “Hey there, handsome. Lemme grab my boots, and—”
Patton slid past him and grabbed his fleece lined MC from the closet. “It’s 40 degrees out, you should take this,” he murmured, eyebrows raised at his tank top.
He looked over at Devin’s puffer jacket, long pants, and boots and nodded before smiling at Patton. “Thanks,” he said and shoved his arms through the sleeves before joining Devin at the door. “Don’t wait up, yeah?”
“I won’t. I’ve got a quiz tomorrow.” Patton laughed. “Have fun!” he added and, with a little wave, closed the door behind them.
The credits had just begun to roll when Devin stood and motioned toward the aisle. “C’mon, it’s all on IMDB anyway,” he said when Remus, frowning, remained in his seat. 
Casting one more glance at the screen, he shrugged and sidled past the couple sitting near them. He wanted to see it again anyway. He could stay for the credits then. And If RoLo hadn’t gone yet, maybe they could all catch it together. Though Pat probably wouldn’t like that scene in the arena pits. But he could warn him about it, maybe they could even use it as a chance to get refills and check out—
Devin’s arm snaking around his waist pulled his thoughts back to the present. “Where’d you go, Sexy?” he purred close to his ear. 
Remus consciously leaned into his embrace and smirked, “I was not thinking about how hot Pedro Pascal looks in a toga.”
“Hmm… you weren’t, were you?” Devin’s lips grazed his neck and Remus let his eyes fall closed before nodding.
“Mm-hm,” he hummed and pushed away all other thoughts. Devin was hot, generous, smart. Here.
Devin led them closer to the exit and a blast of frigid air slammed into them as the doors slid open at their approach. “I’ve got heated seats,” Devin murmured, drawing him closer. “Why don’t we go for a drive?”
They didn’t even make it out of Park. For all its pretentious bells and whistles, the climate controls on the giant touch screen did at least make fast work of warming up the car. Under cover of the tinted—and now foggy—windows, Remus soon found himself straddling Devin’s lap on the driver’s seat, both of their jackets abandoned in the backseat. 
Even with the seat pushed back all the way, the steering wheel kept him close enough to feel exactly how pleased Devin was with their positions.
“I like your tattoo,” Devin smirked up at him, scalding heat in his eyes. He traced the longest tentacles curling toward his navel and chuckled. “It’s like they’re pointing me somewhere.”
“Yeah?” Remus shifted, not necessarily trying to move out of his reach but not sliding closer, either. “How ‘bout you?” he asked, tracing the skin just under his sleeves. “You have any ink?”
“And mark up the guns?” Devin said, pulling him in for another kiss.
Remus closed his eyes and abandoned himself to the scent of Devin’s hair gel, the heat of his mouth. The warm, rough palms dragging down his back. He pushed up Devin’s shirt, fingers walking along the cut of his abs. “You do keep it tight,” he whispered against his lips.
Trailing kisses down his jaw and along his neck, Devin laughed again, breath hot against his skin. He smelled like stale popcorn. “I knew you didn’t go for the doughy types,” he mumbled before sucking just below his ear.
“What?” Remus’ eyes snapped open.
“You know,” Devin chuckled then latched on to a new spot. Remus held his breath as he sucked hard against his skin. Finally Devin broke away, nipping at the mark he made. “Like your dorky little roommate.”
Remus pushed away from him, steering wheel jammed into his lower back. “The fuck you just say?”
“Oh, no, baby,” Devin cooed, one hand at his waist, the other pushing back hair from his eyes. “I’m all on board with that body positivity thing. As long as he’s happy, it’s none of my business. I’m just sayin’… you know…” He shrugged like his point was obvious. “He’s a bit… chunky. Not your type.” The hand that fell down to Remus’ waist burned through the mesh of his shirt. “Not in our league.”
Skin crawling, Remus shook his head and climbed back into his own seat. “Yeah, Pat is way the fuck out of your league.” He reached back and grabbed his jacket, ignoring Devin’s protests. “I’m gonna take the bus home. Have a good night,” he said, opening the door.
“Wait, baby, don’t leave like that—” Devin’s hand closed on his thigh before he could slide out of the car.
Grabbing his middle and ring fingers, Remus pushed back and twisted. Hard. Devin was left bent over the middle console, arm crooked back and hand up by his shoulder. Remus leaned close to growl in his ear. “Touch me again and I’ll break your fucking arm.”
“Okay, man! Okay,” Devin cried. Remus released him and he clambered back into the driver’s seat. “Jesus, you’re fucking crazy!” he said, starting the engine.
“Damn right I am,” Remus grinned and slammed the door shut just as Devin floored it out of the parking lot. He shot through the empty intersection just after the light turned red. “Call me fucking crazy,” he said, shaking his head.
Shivering, he took out his phone and, pretending he didn’t see it was already 34° out, pulled up the transit app. Good, he didn’t have long to wait for the next bus. He walked quickly and zipped up his jacket, shoving his hands in the deep, warm pockets. “Thanks for making me bring this, Pat,” he whispered to himself, already a little warmer.
Shaking off the last traces of his anger, Remus stopped outside his dorm room door and took a slow, deep breath. That asshole wasn’t worth another ounce of his energy. 
But inside his room was someone who was.
Remus dragged his hand down the door, loud enough to be heard inside if Pat was still awake—and possibly changing—but not nearly loud enough to wake him if he’d already gone to bed. He waited a beat then typed in the code and slowly opened the door.
Hallway light spilled into the dark room and cast a golden wedge across the floor and their beds. It caught just a bit of Pat’s curls where they peeked out from his usual nest of blankets and pillows. Looked like a halo. Remus’ shoulders dropped as the last shreds of tension from his fuck-awful night slipped away. When he turned to close the door, he was surprised to realize he was already smiling. 
Pat shifted in his sleep and as Remus’ eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he saw the stuffie Pat slept with fall to the floor with a soft thud. Remus toed off his boots and left them under his bed, then crept closer and crouched to retrieve it. It was a stuffed horse, about as big as both hands splayed out. It had a star between its eyes and a dappled grey coat. 
The first time he’d spotted the bit of grey fluff spilling out from Pat’s blankets, he’d had a flash of recognition. And his guess had been right. The stuffie really was Phillip. 
Ro had won it at their seventh grade end-of-year carnival. Just after Remus had won a stuffed stingray at the same bottle game. Remus couldn’t remember if he’d actually told Ro who he’d planned to give it to. Maybe he was just that obvious about it back then. All he remembered was that Ro had beat him to it, bowing regally and presenting the little grey horse to Pat like the golden apple offered to Helen of Troy.
For as old as he was, the little stuffie was in pretty good shape. He was a little threadbare in a couple spots and there were crooked black stitches along one hoof, but the plush material was still fluffy. He smelled like Pat’s conditioner.
His mane had splayed out in the night, sticking up every which way. Remus chuckled and smoothed it back down, leaving a little swoop over his eyes the way Pat’s hair fell over his own forehead when he got excited. Satisfied the little horse was back to his previous state, he looked up—
Right into Pat’s wide eyes.
“Oh, shit, I’m sorry I woke you,” Remus whispered. Smiling, he offered him the stuffed horse. “You dropped this in your sleep.”
“That’s not—” he started, sitting up and shaking his head. 
Remus frowned and sat the stuffie on top of his covers. Pat stared at it for a moment before plucking it up and thrusting it under the blankets. “You—you weren’t supposed to see that,” he whispered.
“Pattycake,” Remus laughed, sitting back on the floor. “I saw Philip our second night here. I couldn’t sleep. You rolled over and I saw you cuddling him.”
“How—” He stared at Remus, lower lip caught between his teeth. “How did you know his name?”
Remus shrugged, “I was there when you got him.” 
Pat blinked, eyes faraway, replaying the memory like a movie. Suddenly his eyes widened, shiny in the dim light. “You remember that?”
“‘Course I do,” he nodded. “You don’t have to hide him. You don’t have to hide anything from me, Pattycake. I’m your friend.”
Pat’s head hung down and he hugged his knees to his chest. “My other friends made fun of me for keeping him.” He snaked one hand under the covers and fished Phillip out. 
“Those assholes didn’t know how to be your friend then, did they?” He pet the star on Phillip’s head and smiled up at Pat. “I’d never tease you, not if you didn’t think it was funny, too, at least.”
Pat looked back at him for a long time, holding his gaze. Finally he smiled. “Yeah,” he said, nodding. “Yeah, I know.”
“Ro, on the other hand…” Remus smirked, softening into a full grin when Patton giggled. Copper bells tinkling in the air. “Yeah, Ro, I’ll tease the fuck out of him.”
“He’d probably think you were sick if you suddenly stopped teasing him.”
“Yeah, he would,” Remus laughed. He reached for Pat’s hand then shifted at the last second and gave Phillip another little pet. “Good night, Patttycake,” he murmured. “Gonna take a shower and wash the stink of burnt popcorn offa me then head to bed.”
“Good idea,” Pat nodded. “‘Night, Re.” 
He pushed up to his feet and Pat got settled again under his covers, Phillip clutched close to his chest. Remus pulled off his belt and his shirt, then left them on the floor of his closet. In the dark, he felt around for a pair of sleep shorts from his drawer and headed for the bathroom.
“Hey, Remus?” Light from the art building’s veranda sparkled in Pat’s eyes.
“Yeah, Pat?”
Barely visible, he sat up and fidgeted with Phillip’s mane. “Breakfast tomorrow?” 
Remus’ throat clenched. Ever since the night Remus had spent at Taylor’s place, every day Pat would ask him if they would still go together to breakfast the next morning. Like he couldn’t trust anymore that Remus would be there.
He smiled, nodding, though he knew Pat couldn’t see him. “You bet. I’ll finagle fresh coffee from the kitchen and you can get us the good table by the heater.”
“It’s a deal,” Pat laughed and settled back into bed. “Night,” he whispered after a moment. Remus could just make out the flash of his smile in the dim room. 
“”Night, Pattycake.”
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caffeine-in-an-iv · 1 year
The scream I scrumpt when Mabel said she was crashing with Theo
(Friendly reminder that Theo lives in a studio and there is only one bed👀)
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asteria7fics · 28 days
Gerald putting on jazz music before sitting down to bully children on the internet is actually me settling in with my 12 hour long smooth jazz playlist to write my gut rotted smut.
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strbymacaroon · 2 years
✿ S1 E1: Your New Normal! ✿
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✿ Roomie Series!: Eren Yeager x Reader!
❥ S1 E1. 13:00 mins remaining, 4360 words.
❥ Previous Episode: S1: Pilot!
❥ Y/n now forced to adapt to her new life, tried to understand who she was before. With… a few inconveniences in the way.
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°•. ✿ .•°
You soon came to realize that the whole house layout changed. Actually, you were in a completely different house! You don’t even know how, it just happened. You blinked and– poof! Different. Well, that’s not exactly what happened, but that’s what it felt like. You just went to bed and woke up to a completely different room. 
The ceiling was incredibly tall, a small chandelier decorated with crystals hanging above you. Your bed was huge, a King to be exactly. A white and pink canopy tied to the post, some cute fairy lights strung along the top railing. 
Your floor was hardwoods, a massive white fluffy rug covering it. A few candles were lit, the scent of vanilla in the air. Jesus, alternate you had money to burn. 
In-fact, even your clothing were different. A short, silk, white, thin, gown resting over your frame. Knee high black socks, and some matching black lingerie.  You nodded at yourself. At-least alternate version of yourself had style. 
Sexy style. 
So, that’s where you were. 
In your room. 
Your dream room. 
You always told yourself, once you had the money you were going to decorate your room. And, in this world, where you do have the money, you did exactly that. Your room was luxurious and big. 
Decorated in whites and decor, your bed soft with some silk bedding, flowing curtains covering your floor to ceiling window, and that was the simple things. That didn’t include the balcony, restroom, and closet.
Yeah, balcony. Restroom. And the closet. 
You glanced at the time, which was a clock conveniently on your vanity. 7:30. You should have class in a few hours. Resting not too far from the clock was a planner. 
“That should be helpful.” You grabbed the pink book, opening it to this week. 
— Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday —
Payday!: Monday! (Send Dad a thanks, also dinner Sunday!) 
Classes: 12-3 on Mon. Tues. Thurs. (Easy classes.)
Free Days!: Wed. Fri. “Party Days! ❤︎︎”
Arts stuff— Wednesday. Sometimes Sunday. 
Check on Roger, Wednesday. ⇝ Important!!
Roger? Who the hell was Roger? 
You felt your stomach drop. 
..a sugar daddy?..
You shook your head, slapping your cheeks. Chill, Y/n. You glanced back at the calendar. Your schedule was so much more— free. Apparently you didn’t work a job anymore, and didn’t have as many classes. What do I major in? Is it the same thing? Hopefully. You worked your ass off becoming a nurse. 
You sighed, sitting in the chair. Glancing at the lavish mirror in-front of you. Seeing as the strap to your sleeping gown fell off your shoulder. 
Was I always that pretty? Or did I swap bodies with..
Your phone rang, making you jolt. You reached for it, reading the caller I.D. 
‘Daddy <3’ 
You blinked, smiling to yourself. Yeah, that’s who you needed to talk to right now, your Dad. I wonder what he’s like in this world? Generous, obviously. You slid your finger over the phone, holding it to your ear. Smiling, “Hey, Dad! What’s up?” 
You walked to your balcony, pulling it open. Feeling awed by the view. To add to that growing list, you also lived in a two story house across an ocean. A fucking ocean. What the fuck..
“Jean,” the person corrected, and you felt your stomach drop. “But, I'm not opposed to that when I come over.” 
You could feel your face burn. “Oh, that’s.. I thought you were someone..” You thickly swallowed, running your hand over the couch. Another silk thing in your growing collection. You sat on the couch, enjoying the view. “But, why did you call? Are you good?” You had no idea how to talk to Jean. You didn’t know how you acted here. 
“I’m good.” He told you, “Eren just said you were acting weird at practice, so I wanted to check up on you.” You couldn’t miss the strain in his voice. “Since when did you start talking to him?” 
Man, I must really hate Eren. “Uhm, since yesterday?” you were unsure how to respond. “I mean, he is my roommate. Wouldn’t it be weird if I didn’t talk to him?..” 
“I don’t know, you’ve done it your whole freshman and sophomore year. What’s different now?” He asked, shuffling a little. 
“I feel different.” You laid back on the couch, in slight disbelief. You were talking to your boyfriend– Jean. A fictional man from Attack on Titan. “I–I feel different.” You repeated. 
“How different?” He pressed, almost like he was confused. 
“Different enough.” You told him, feeling your eyebrows mush together. What was with that question? You pressed yourself off the couch, your mouth moving before you could think. “Eren was talking about me?” A part of you wanted to change the topic anyways. 
Jean laughed, “No.” There was a slight moment of silence, “And yes. He always talks about you.” You could tell from Jean’s tone that wasn’t a good thing. “He talked about you differently.” 
You blinked a few times, “Oh.” He shit talks you. 
Jean laughed again, “Oh indeed.” 
Your jaw dropped, peeking off the balcony. Is that a pool?! I have a pool?! You smiled, lifting your foot to the railing. “Hey babe, I think I need to call you back.” You told him. Confused on where the pet name came from, but forgetting about it quickly. Glancing at the built-in slide. 
“You think?!”
“Yup!” You ended the call and tossed your phone back on the couch. Lifting yourself over the railing and smiling. Jumping into the pool. 
You lifted your head up, running your fingers through your hair. Letting out a loud laugh, “This place is awesome!” 
You turned to the slide door being frantically opened. 
Eren was glaring at you, blinking in utter confusion. “Y/n, what the hell are you doing?!” 
You giggled, smiling at him. “Swimming?!” You shouted, “We have a goddamn pool, why in the world wouldn’t I swim in it?” You said, dipping under the water and popping back up across the whole pool. 
Eren smiled, remembering your sudden attitude change. He quickly gripped the bottom of his shirt, toying with it and walking to the pool. “Is it cold?” 
You tilted your head, looking at him with long lashes. Quickly looking at his outfit, some plaid pj pants, a tight black shirt. “Why don’t you come in and find out?” You played, pushing a wave of water in his direction. Watching as he dipped his bare foot into the water, his skin littering in goosebumps. 
“Jesus, you jumped into this shit?” He looked up, glancing at your balcony. “From there?” He pointed up. 
You giggled, nodding your head. “You’re telling me you don’t want to jump off my balcony?” 
He shook his head, “You never let me play with the idea when I throw pool parties.” He pulled his foot back out, “You always say your room is off limits.” His eyes moved to the water, trying to glance at what you were wearing. It didn’t look like swimming clothes to say the least. 
In-fact, Eren’s never seen you in swimming clothes. “What are you wearing?” He asked, tilting his head. 
You shrugged, “What I slept in.” You shook your head quickly, “But, that doesn't matter. Come join me in the pool.” You outstretched your arms, almost like you were waiting for a hug. “Let’s have fun!” You gave him a kind smile. 
Eren shivered, “Let me go change.” He turned on his heel, his back turned to you. 
You booed at him, swimming to the edge of the pool. Placing your arms on the edge and resting your chin on them. “Don’t be boring ‘Ren, just get in with your sleepwear.” You tilted yourself back, lifting one of your legs into the air. Revealing the sheer black stocking, “That’s what I did.” 
Eren blinked at you, his eyes dipping up and down your leg. Watching as you lowered your leg into the water again. He smiled, thickly swallowing. “‘Ren? Is that a nickname?” He didn’t know if he liked it. 
You rolled your eyes, pulling yourself out of the water. “Way to change the subject.” You pulled your hair over your shoulder, ringing it out. 
Eren glanced at the way your white dress clung to your skin, sheer from the water. He turned away, clearing his throat. “I said I’ll get in, just let me change!” He shouted, starting to rush into his house. Like hell he was going to miss his chance to slam you into the pool. He didn’t know if it was to mess with you, or get back at you. 
“I’ll probably already be out by then.” You yelled over your shoulder, standing up and looking for a towel. Quickly removing your socks and ringing them out. 
You threw your hair back over your shoulder. 
You turned to the sound, utterly confused. Before you loudly laughed, “I thought you said you were going to change?!” You shouted up, smiling as you sat back down. Dipping your legs into the water. 
Eren ignored you, just grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. You felt your eyes widen, your jaw dropping. Holy shit, Jesus take the wheel.
Eren laughed at your reaction, “I know.” Cocky bitch. He tossed it to the side, “Should I take the pants off too?” 
You rolled your eyes. Absolutely. “Gross, like I'd want to see your shriveled dick.” I’ve dreamed about it, actually. You leaned back on your palms, enjoying the show. 
Eren shook his head and jumped off you balcony, and it felt like he was flying. Something euphoric he hadn’t felt in awhile. Well, without the help of... 
He popped back up from the water, right in-front of you. 
You smiled, “It’s fun right?!” You teased, tossing your socks to the side.
Eren smiled back, “Mhm, a lot of fun.” He grabbed your ankles, making you look at his hands. His hands. They wrapped around your whole ankle. God. “I don’t know why you’re letting me do this now.” 
“Because,” I’m making the most of this, you thought. “We only have two more years. Let’s enjoy the time we have.” You responded. 
Eren nodded, “I agree.” And, he pulled you into the pool, dunking your head under the water unexpectedly. 
You popped back up, clinging onto him as you tried to breathe. Choking on the water, “Fuck! You bitch!” You coughed, secretly watching as Eren slowly freaked out. 
“Shit, I didn’t mean to–” 
You dunked him under the water, laughing loudly. He popped back up, jaw dropped. “You little– faker!” 
You giggled, “Get used to it, ‘Ren. This is how it’s going to be like everyday.”
Eren suppressed a smile, he didn’t mind that. Not one bit.
•° ✿ °•.
°•. ✿ .•°
You wrapped the towel around your body, walking out of your restroom into your room. Enjoying the way all the expensive lotions, perfumes, and conditioners felt on your body. Money did buy happiness. 
You opened your closet and your jaw dropped. It was practically another room. Littered in shoes, dresses, clothes, jewelry, and— “Lingerie?” You blinked, letting your hand grab the fabric. Soft. So this is the shit you sleep in. 
You walked back, glancing at your designer— everything. Practically everything had a expensive logo decorating its already expensive design. 
How much money does my Dad send me?!
You turned on your heel, peering at the table in the middle of the room. They were backpacks. “Which bag do I take?” You ran your fingers over a simple black backpack, looking at the logo. Gucci. 
Jesus fuck, you could be carring someones semester tuition right now. You turned your attention to the jewelry, grabbing some earrings and a matching necklace. Holding it to your skin. Were your ears pierced?.. 
You placed them back down on your vanity, looking at yourself. In fact, you looked different. Not entirely, your face was the same, it was just your body. In fact, it was your dream body. You wrapped your hands around your boobs, giving them a small squeeze. 
“Hell yeah.” You giggled to yourself. You could get used to this.
You grabbed a dress, trying to glance at the design. You didn’t like it. It was beautiful, just showed way too much skin. You weren’t used to that. You weren’t used to any of this. 
Or Eren Yeager. 
Fuck. Eren Yeager. 
You felt your stomach fly, a sappy smile coming over your lips. You were in the same house as Eren Yeager. Hell, you lived with him! Who else could say that? 
No one, but you. 
You wiggled, quickly spinning as your eyes landed on another vanity. You smiled, skipping over to it and looking at everything. 
You had a small speaker there, if you were correct— it was an Alexa. 
The top of her lit up blue, while she replied— “Mhm!” 
You smiled, “Play some music for me, please.”
“Of course!”
You nodded your head, moving your hips to the Doja Cat song playing. Then, moving back to your closet. Skimming your fingers through your racks of clothing. It felt like you were in a mall! 
You grabbed a lacy black bra, slipping it over your body. Along with some matching panties. Enjoying the way it complemented your body, before grabbing a light gray zip-up jacket. You kept the jacket over your shoulder, revealing your shoulders. 
Some sweats would look nice with this. You looked around, only to come to a small realization. 
“I don't have sweats!” You sighed, pouting slightly. 
You paused, looking at what was in your closet. Nothing. This style was completely out of your comfort zone. You grabbed a skirt, holding it to your hips. Discarding the jacket you were wearing. 
“Miss L/n?” You turned over your shoulder, peering at who called your name. A random old lady?..
You blinked a few times, “Yes?..” 
“Are you picking out your outfit today?” She asked kindly, her gloved hands cupping each other. 
“Uhm..” you looked around yourself, “Am I allowed too?”
She giggled, “Of course you are dear, but if you don’t mind me asking— why today? Anything planned?” 
You blinked, eyes skipping up and down her attire. A simple black dress, a small white handkerchief wrapped around her head, and some white gloves to match. If you didn’t know any better —which you didn’t— she looked like a maid. 
“None at all, just— uhm.” You looked around the room, “Looking around.” You cringed. Such a bad lie. 
She blinked at you, “You seem to be in a pleasant mood.” She walked into the closet, “How about this, you go down stairs and eat with Mr. Yeager.” She giggled, “Don’t tell him I told you this but, he requested for me to send you down.”
You felt a smile on you face. Placing your hands to your face and looking to the side, “Did he?” 
She turned back, seeing how you were smiling. “Oh, don’t tell me Miss. L/n.” She teased, placing a gloved hand above her growing smile. “You and Mr. Yeager—” 
“You don’t need to say that.” You cut her off, trying to change the subject. You could feel your heart beating quickly. The fact that you and Eren could be something was—
She grabbed the jacket on the floor, folding it into her hand. “And, I’ll pick out the outfit. Like always.” She gave you a kind smile. 
You nodded, taking a step back. She turned her back to you, searching through your clothing. “There’s another gown on your bed, if you wish to wear it.” 
You looked down, seeing you were just in your underwear. Your face burned in embarrassment, “Yes, thank you.” 
She paused, her head turning to the side. Peering over her shoulder. “Uhm, you’re welcome, dear.”
.•° ✿ °•.
°•. ✿ .•°
You turned around, doing a small spin. “I don’t know about this, it feels.. weird.” I feel weird. 
Your legs exposed with a short skirt, and your top a simple long sleeved crop top. Your shoes were some pink Nike’s that matched with your white shirt. 
Eren laughed, shaking his head. Keeping his position on the couch. “It’s what you always wear.” He told you, pulling out his phone and searching for something. 
You pouted, sitting down next to him. “Ugh, I’m going to go out and buy some sweats.” You complained, grabbing your phone and opening Amazon. Hopefully you wishlist traveled with you.
“You know what sweats are!?” He said, and by his tone you knew he wasn’t joking.  
God, alternate me sucks.
“Shut up.” You plainly said, seeing that it did. You smiled to yourself, doing something you never thought you would. 
Proceeding to checkout. 
Eren leaned on you, his head resting on your shoulder. Does he not know what personal space is?
“Is that a cosplay?” He asked, pointing to your phone. Completely oblivious to what he just laid out for you. 
You smiled, “It’s a Halloween costume..” you turned to him, “How do you know what cosplay is, ‘Ren?” 
He backed up, blinking a few times. “My ex used to do it.” You hated how fast he answered that. You didn’t know if he was lying. But, something was telling you he was. 
 I wonder what he cosplays? 
You felt your phone buzz, making you glance at it again. 
‘Daddy <;3’ 
“Jean’s calling you.” Eren voiced, looking at you. “He always calls you.” 
“It’s because I’m his sugar mommy.” You said with a serious tone, not taking your eyes off your phone. 
Eren was silent. “Everything make so much more sense now.” 
You shoved him playfully, throwing your phone on the couch beside you. “Gross! I can’t believe you’d think that!” 
Eren fell to his back, resting on his forearms. “What?! You’re loaded, Y/n, you can’t blame me.” He replied, “Shit. I’d do anything to be your sugar baby.” 
You laughed loudly, “Really?” You said sarcastically, “What about?…” you looked around trying to think of something. Fucking me until I cry. “Answering any questions I have.” 
“Really? That’s it?” Eren thought you were going to make him your slave for a day. 
“What? Do you want to be my slave for a day, or something?” You tried to sound as monotone as possible. But, you could admit the idea was very exciting. 
Your anime crush, doing anything you want. 
Money does buy happiness. 
Eren smiled, “Anything for you, Y/n.” 
You shivered. 
Eren noticed. 
You turned away, hiding your burning face. Your heart was beating like crazy. I seriously need to wife Eren up. 
You sighed, blowing a piece of hair out of your face. “You’re so boring ‘Ren..” you stood up and started to walk away. Eren quickly grabbed your wrist, yanking you back into him. You hit his chest. 
“Don’t even think about it, it’s about damn time I actually talk to my roommate.” He smiled, placing his chin on your shoulder. Peering at you, “It gets so lonely here.” You never noticed how much bigger he was than you. 
In fact, was he always this touchy in the anime?
You mumbled, turning away. Trying not to show how utterly embarrassed you were by the situation the two of you were in. “Ew, get your dirty hands off me.” Keep touching me. 
“No.” Eren laughed and you could feel his chest vibrate against your back. “I don’t think I will.” 
You relaxed, giving up. “Fine.” Curse this man’s attractiveness and strength. “But, now you're not going to be my sugar baby.” 
Eren whined dramatically, “Boo, you whore.” You could feel him jolt. “Oh, are you still coming to practice with me?” Eren asked, his lips close to your neck. You shivered. He noticed again. 
“That was the plan.” You tried pushing yourself off him, but he didn’t let go. Is this how he is with everyone? 
He smiled, his teeth biting his lip for a second. Like he was excited, “I think you’re going to love it.” Eren sure did.
Actually, what the hell was ‘it?’ You don’t even know what sport Eren plays. What if he didn’t play a sport at all. What if he was in a cult? And you were just blindly saying yes?!
Actually, if Eren told me to kill myself, I’d do it.
“Will I?” 
“Nope!” He replied, finally standing up and walking to the door. Grabbing his keys and smiling at you. “Anyways, I’ll swing by the house and drive you at—“ he clicked his tongue a few times, “—3:30, that’s fine right?” 
You blinked a few times, isn’t today my free day?
Eren noticed your confused expression. “Today’s your party day,” it was almost like he was informing you something you didn’t know. Which, you didn’t. Eren was also giving you a weird look. You recognized that face, it was the one he gave you when you acted differently from your alternate self. “So, don’t go to one tonight.” 
You smiled, nodding your head. “I knew that I was just—“ you paused for a second, “—testing if you knew that.” You internally cringed. 
Eren pressed his lips together, suppressing a laugh. You’re so awkward now, he thought. “Of course.” 
You heard him leave, the door clicking shut behind him. Jesus, it was either you marry this man, or kill yourself trying to do it. 
.•° ✿ °•.
°•. ✿ .•°
You never knew driving with Eren could be a surreal experience. I mean, there was that one time you got into a car with a guy you considered— just a friend. Only to come out with your face hot and heart beating like crazy. 
Your heart decided at that moment, you didn’t see him as— just a friend. As Adrien Agreste likes to say with Marinette. 
But this, this was on another fucking level. You could feel your whole body burning. Your heart was beating out of your chest, you could hear it in your ears. 
Jesus, you couldn’t even hear the radio blasting. 
“Do you wanna’ get food after this?” He asked, seeing how tense your shoulders were. “I can pay.”
You blinked a few times, “Huh?” You thickly swallowed, “Uhm, yeah. Food sounds nice.” You simply said. 
“What do you feel like having?” Eren looked at you for a second, seeing as your eyes were trained outside the window.
“Chick-fil-A.” You responded, before quickly snapping your head to Eren. “No! I take it back.” You smiled, “I’ll buy, I know this amazing ramen place.” Eren was about to speak when you cut him off, “Think of it as my first duty as your sugar-mommy.” 
Eren laughed, eyes moving back to the road. Trying not to get too distracted by the conversation. “Can’t wait.” 
You giggled, bright eyes slowly moving away from him. Looking back outside. Counting the cars that passed by. 
Eren however, still wanted to talk. 
“Are you excited?” Eren asked, his hand moving over the wheel as he parked the car into an empty space. 
“Maybe?..” you slowly responded, trying to see where you were. The college's football stadium. Did Eren play football? Wait, how was it going to work? You couldn’t play football.. Maybe, he was going to set you up as a manager?..
Eren opened his door, and shut it behind him. You were going to do the same, when he quickly locked the car. Walking to your side, unlocking the car, and opening the door for you. 
You laughed, “Idiot.” Before stepping out, “Thank you, Eren.” You placed your hand on his shoulder, before fixing your hair. 
Eren watched as you started to walk forward, the place you touched burning. He thickly swallowed, “Uh, I—I already talked to my director about you joining, and he said it should be fine.” Eren said, trying to catch up to you. His hand placed on your waists, and leading the way. His head turned to you, “But, I’m so excited! It’s gonna’ be nice having you at practice with me.” 
You smiled, grabbing his arm and squeezing it. “It sounds nice.” You softly replied, pulling yourself away and looking back at the field. 
You could feel your heart drop. 
Oh no, not this again..
You promised to leave this very ‘sport’ back in high school. Hell, it wasn’t even a sport! It was goddamn torture, and child labor. You looked at Eren, seeing the way he was smiling at everyone. “Eren, you do?..” 
“Marching band!” Eren smiled, grabbing your hand and pulling you close. “I’m in the drumline.” He whispered, pointing at the percussionist. 
That’s actually so sexy, what the hell?
You looked at him, mouth agape. “You do marching band?!” You blinked at him. 
Wait, does that mean you get to see him in the uniform?! 
There really is a god. 
You could feel Eren’s hand squeeze around your waist for a moment, before speaking. “I’m so happy, now we can spend more time together.” He whispered. 
You could feel your lips part, your hand moving over his. Your face burning with embarrassment. “Eren?” You softly said, hand tightening around his. 
His eyes dipped down to your lip, before looking back into you. “Y/n?” He said with a slight laugh. 
Your lips parted, before closing. Tell him you like him! “Eren, I—I really li—“ 
You flinched hearing your name. You could see Eren turn pale. His hand pulling away from you so fast, you couldn’t register it. 
You turned your head over your shoulder, confused by what— or who, would’ve caused such a reaction from Eren. 
You could feel your blood run cold. 
In front of the two of you, stood someone taller than both of you. Hands stuffed into his pockets, hair slicked back with gel, and a tight black long sleeved shirt, with gray sweatpants. His lips brought into a slight scowl. 
“What the hell are you doing here at my practice.” His eyes danced to Eren, “With him?” 
You couldn’t even register his question. The words leaving your mouth without thought. 
Your boyfriend. 
.•° ✿ °•.
°•. ✿ .•°
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softwired · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Today is a sangcheng roommate scene that has been sitting around for who knows how long. I will be repurposing it whenever I write an actual roomie au story~
Jiang Cheng had a rotten day. He’s not used to crying when or where anyone might see him. But, the day had truly been awful. He breaks down the moment he stops moving, after locking the apartment door, hanging up his keys, setting his bag next to the sofa. He’s at the kitchen counter with a can of grapefruit hard seltzer in front of him, unopened, condensation slowly beading up and sliding down the white metal.
The first tear slides down his cheek as he stares at the can. The tear is hot on his wind-chilled skin. He wipes it away reflexively, but the motion is like flipping a switch and more burning tears follow. Soon it’s an unstoppable torrent and he’s gasping for air between shuddering sobs, the cuff of his sleeve soaked and his face raw from being rubbed dry over and over. His throat feels tight and the anger comes. Why can’t he stop crying? He pounds his fist on the counter hard enough to hurt. The seltzer bounces and falls, racing to roll off the counter and hit the tiled floor. He jolts, watching it come to a stop against the side of his socked foot. It doesn’t break open, but there’s a significant dent in the can.
“Fucking fuck, Jesus motherfucking Christ,” he half-groans, half-shouts to the silent apartment.
“Jiang Cheng?” the apartment calls back.
“Fuck,” he curses to himself, trying harder to rub his face dry. His heart is racing as he jerks around, blinking hard, willing his stinging eyes to stop leaking his emotions all over the place.
His roommate, Nie Huaisang, is peering at him from the shadowy hallway. He looks sleep-tousled, pouting and squinting. “What’s going on?” he asks. His voice is thick with sleep, so he clears his throat. “Are you okay? I heard a loud noise,” he elaborates.
Jiang Cheng whips himself back around. He inhales sharply, trying to clear his swollen sinuses, and bends down to snatch up the dented can of seltzer. “I’m fine, I—” his voice cracks. “Everything’s fine. I just dropped something.” He wants to sound normal, but he can’t. He hopes Huaisang will at least be merciful enough to pretend he doesn’t notice. “I didn’t know you were here.”
“I was sleeping.”
Jiang Cheng has lived with Huaisang for four months. They’ve been friends for almost ten years. He knows immediately that he’s not going to escape this moment unscathed. He opens the fridge and puts the seltzer back on the middle shelf with the other undented cans. His tears have finally stopped by sheer force of will. He holds his breath for the few seconds it takes to close the fridge door. He clears his throat.
“I’m gonna study in my room. You should get takeout.” It’s a stilted series of words, missing a section that might have made it sound natural. He tries to force it back in, tacking on, “I didn’t get time to go to the store. Can’t cook. I—sorry.”
He has to face Huaisang to get to his room, unable to stop himself from glancing up from the carpet just before the living room fades into the hall.
Huaisang stops him with wide eyes and a hand reaching across his chest to grab his shoulder.
“Hold on—have you been crying? What happened?” He sounds so genuinely concerned that his words hit Jiang Cheng right in the softest part of his armor. He feels the tears brimming again and jerks out of his friend’s hold, trying to make a run for it.
“Nothing. I’m fine.”
Huaisang grabs his arm with both hands and yanks him back around. Jiang Cheng is too surprised by his strength to protest.
“Hey! Don’t run away from me! You’re obviously upset!”
“I’m fine!” Jiang Cheng has to swipe at his eyes, sniffling like a child.
“Jiang Cheng! What happened? I haven’t seen you cry since Jin Ling was born.” Huaisang’s eyes are red-rimmed from lack of sleep, his hair sticking up on one side and his too-big shirt cocked at an angle. Still, he holds on to Jiang Cheng’s arm.
“I didn’t cry when A-Ling was born,” Jiang Cheng protests, “There was just some smell in the hospital room that set off my allergies.”
Huaisang huffs in surprise, then smiles, then lets out a snap of laughter.
“You idiot,” he says with affection.
“I’m not—”
“Go sit on the couch. I’ll bring you some tissues.”
Jiang Cheng wants to protest but the fight goes out of him when Huaisang raises an eyebrow. He wipes his face again and sniffles once before trudging away to sit down on their second hand couch.
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Unavailable - Part 3 **
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Y/N has been living with Harry for a bit and it's getting harder for them to control their feelings for each other.
Warnings: Sex, oral (f receiving). Also, please keep in mind that in this AU at some point Harry was Y/N's therapist and this kind of relationship with a therapist is completely illegal and inappropriate and you should never try and hit on your therapist or stay with a therapist who hits on you (from a future therapist haha)! There's also a wee bit of angst if you squint real hard.
WC: 10.4K
It had been several months since Y/N had moved in with Harry and things had been great to put it simply. The very next day of her arrival  they talked about how this arrangement would work and she assured him that she didn’t want to invade his home for a long time, but he let her know that he hoped she would take her time to get on her feet so that she would have some stability once she was able to leave his place. With that in mind she started job hunting for something that paid better. Thankfully she was able to find a better job that was closer to his place with better pay, better hours, and better benefits. It finally felt like things were going to start looking up and for once she started to consider that maybe life could be really good. The only crappy thing she had experiences while being at his place was spending the holidays alone. Y/N had tried to reach out to her mother on Thanksgiving and she never got a response and close to Christmas the manager from the bar she used to work at reached out to her because her “Uncle Chris” had come around several times asking for a forwarding address for her because her mother couldn’t get in touch with her. Y/N instructed them not to give him any information about her under any circumstance, but she knew it was just a ploy of his to get her to call him, she had blocked his number and filtered his email as spam, she was sure that he had tried getting in touch with her but she was far beyond being manipulated by his antics ever again.
The holidays were lonely and cold. She mostly slept on the actual days as she was not working and then got back to her schedule as soon as the festive days were done. Harry wouldn’t be coming back until the 8th so she would need to endure the solitude for a bit longer. This particular day seemed to be dragging on and as she briefly looked through TikTok on her break a great majority of the posts were about wellness or fitness and she took that as her sign to go to the gym after work.
She and Harry liked to take walks in the evenings but as soon as it started cooling down he would drag her to the gym with him instead - he even added her to his membership. And while he would go off and do his thing she would do her half-assed exercises before sitting in the sauna with him for a while. It was amusing to go to the gym with Harry; Y/N very quickly noticed that most of the girls at the gym would ogle him. He seemed to be everyone’s gym crush. She also started to notice that when these women would see him make his way towards her they would shoot her odd or jealous looks and she would always tell him and he’d make a full on show of grabbing her hand or hugging her close with a very mischievous smirk. It was a fun little game they played and she would definitely miss it at her session today. 
Other than those playful interactions things had stayed extremely platonic between the two. There was obvious tension at times, but they never acted on it with each other at least. That had been her biggest concern with staying with him, but he was very respectful of her space which was so wonderful of him and she didn’t intend on getting tangled up with him while she healed from all the crap in her life. Sure, if they hooked up it seemed like an ideal situation for them if they wanted consistency, but that also meant that things could get complicated quickly and fall apart and she really didn’t want that to happen with him.
Y/N was not feeling tired after her session at the gym today, if anything she felt more energized, maybe it was because she skipped out on the sauna, but she didn’t feel comfortable going in without Harry. It was always full of dudes who were less than discrete when they looked over her, but they were a lot less ballsy with Harry around. Either way, she was making her way past the reception desk when someone’s voice caught her attention.
“Hey, where’s your boyfriend?” She didn’t think it was directed towards her but then she heard more specificity, “I’m talking to you in the pink shirt!” The voice said and she stopped and turned around and was met with quite a handsome looking guy behind the desk who was offering her a smile.
“Are you talking to me?” She asked pointing to herself and he chuckled.
“Yes, I don’t see anyone else in a pink shirt.” He said with a friendly smile and she giggled.
“True.” She pointed out as she approached the desk.
“I was just wondering about your man because he usually comes in religiously and I haven’t seen either of you over the last few weeks.” He explained.
“Oh yeah, well just to clarify he’s not my man, which is why I didn’t respond to the boyfriend thing.” She informed with a flirty smile, “And he hasn’t come in because he went home to England for the holidays.” She explained and he hummed in understanding.
“And what’s your excuse?” He asked with a teasing grin and she narrowed her eyes playfully at him and then read over his name tag that said Aaron.
“Well Aaron, if you must know, I hate working out and my roommate bribes me with Chipotle for dinner if I join him.” Y/N explained and this made Aaron laugh and she giggled at his reaction.
“I see. So why did you come in today? Did you bribe yourself with Chipotle?” He teased with a smirk and she giggled. 
“Actually, my TikTok feed was showing me fitness videos for like ten videos straight and I took it as a sign from the universe to not waste away my evening.” She confessed and he laughed again, she liked that he found her funny and he was cute and his laugh was also nice, it made her giggle along with him.
“You’re funny and I’m glad you decided to come in.” He said flirtatiously but in a very subtle way and she smiled and nodded.
“Thank you, me too.”
“Well maybe I’ll see you around if you come in again, this time is usually towards the end of my shift.” He informed her and she bit her lip to suppress her smile and nodded.
“Yeah, maybe.” She said as she started to step back to leave.
“What’s your name?” He asked her before she turned around fully to head out.
“Y/N.” She disclosed and he smiled.
“Very cute, it suits you.” He flirted and she grinned.
“Thank you, Aaron.” She responded and he grinned.
“I’ll see you around. Have a good night.”
“You too!” She smiled and then turned around and left. 
She felt a bit giddy at this guy’s attention towards her even more so when she realized that he was probably the most age-appropriate man she had flirted with in a really long time, her one hit wonder with Harry didn’t count because it should never have happened; in fact she was kind of grateful for the way things went down with Harry because it felt like the proper goodbye to her old and fucked up ways, it was quite poetic really. And as hot and attractive as she continued to find him, getting involved with him now was just not a good call and now she was even able to flirt with other guys. She could just feel it in her bones that things were about to take turn for the better, this was going to be her year.
Regardless of her slight disdain towards exercising and gyms she found herself stepping into the gym at the 7:30pm hour. When she came up to the front desk to sign in she was slightly disappointed that Aaron was not there and she just went on to the elliptical to warm up; the after work crowd was starting to leave, freeing up sufficient equipment for her to take her time and she did and was even glancing around for the first 20 minutes of her time there before giving up on finding Aaron. She was just finishing up her last few reps on the assisted crunches machine and when she leaned back she was peering up to a smiling Aaron and she giggled as she sat herself up through some laughter as he came over to the side of the specialized bench. 
“Two days in a row, huh?” He grinned and she shrugged, “Were you bombarded with another blatant sign from the universe?” He teased and she giggled.
“Yeah, something like that.” She responded with a smile.
“What are you doing on this thing the incline is awful? Did you need someone to hold your feet?” He asked with a smile.
“No, I can do a sit up just fine, but the floor is too hard, even with the mats and it makes my tailbone hurt.” She explained, “So I opt for this thing.” She said and he hummed.
“Are you almost done?” He asked and she nodded.
“Just a 10 minute cool down after this last set.”
“Well, would you maybe want to grab a drink at Jamba Juice just a few doors down? My treat?” He asked hopefully and she nibbled on her lip.
“Alright.” She agreed.
“Cool. I’ll meet you up front when you’re done?” He asked and she nodded, “Perfect.” Aaron smiled and soon headed off.
Y/N was actually quite happy as she chatted and joked around with Aaron as they drank their smoothies. She was having a nice time, hearing about his endeavors outside of work and sharing her own hopes and dreams. They exchanged numbers and it was nearly 9:30pm when she started driving home. Y/N was quite distracted thinking about Aaron and his flirtations and his stories and when she keyed her way into the house she screamed as she stubbed her toe on something and then proceeded to trip over it before landing on the ground with a groan. She didn’t recall leaving anything out of place and was shocked when suddenly the lights came on and she was met with a frowning and just woken up Harry.
“What’re you doing here?” She asked as she sat up and he came over slowly.
“Fuck, are you alright?” He asked instead, crouching down to her and she nodded.
“S’just my toe.” She assured him.
“I didn’t think they were too in the way.” He said of his two suitcases.
“It’s alright. When did you get in?”
“Around 7:30. Where’ve you been? Did you work late?” He asked as he helped her stand.
“I was at the gym.” She said and he looked quite shocked at this and she rolled her eyes.
“There were signs I couldn’t ignore.” She mumbled and he smiled, “Welcome back. I’m sorry I woke you.” She apologized and he shook his head.
“It’s fine. I was only asleep like twenty minutes.” He assured her.
“Why’d you come back early?” She asked and he sighed.
“I’ve got an old patient coming back in a couple days. If we have readmits the same clinician should work with them if they’re still there.” He explained and she nodded in understanding, “Gotta prepare for his intake and all that.” He said and Y/N nodded again, recalling her own intake with Harry and feeling weird about it for a second before letting it go.
“OK, well again, welcome back. I’m happy you’re home, I’ve been bored.” She said as she leaned in to hug him and he hugged her back and held her for a few more seconds that just a quick hug hello.
“You were bored…well I missed you.” He said emphatically, “Like I actually did miss you.” He said to her before letting go and she grinned at him.
“Did you now?”
“Yeah, I thought my sister would be as annoying but turns out you’re far more annoying and it’s irreplaceable.” He teased and she rolled her eyes before reaching out to play punch him in the gut, but he caught her hand and stopped it, “I also brought you some stuff back for you to try. Junk, since I know you like that.” He smiled and she laughed softly.
“You’re so considerate.” She said.
“I know.” he hummed smugly before letting her hand go, “Now, I’m gonna get back to bed.”
“You do that, old man.” She teased and he rolled his eyes before heading back towards his room. 
Y/N felt really happy that he was back in town, it was true that she was bored without him. Harry always pushed her to try new things and to get out of her comfort zone and she liked that about him. She would fall into this purposeless routine when she was all alone and it was so exhausting and unproductive, so she knew that things would be picking up again in no time.
Harry was due for a long day, he was out of the house shortly after Y/N who left for her shift at the hotel at 6:30am. He had to read this his old client, John’s file again. It had been about two years since his last stint bat New Beginnings. Harry always hoped that his patients would follow his recommendations and choose to use the information and insight he gave them to make better choices for themselves, like Y/N. But Y/N seemed to be an exception to a lot of things.
As soon as she popped into his brain, working on anything else was moot and that seemed to be a pattern for Harry. Since they met she had piqued his interest. He hadn’t ever fully planned on sleeping with Y/N, it had lived in his brain for a long while, but when it finally happened she seemed to be seared in his mind forever after. He couldn’t stop thinking about Y/N; he couldn’t help but worry for her wellbeing, he wanted to call, he wanted to hear her voice, to see her, to hold her. He was so drawn to her and having her around was making him feel happier than he had been in a while. 
When he told her the night before that he missed her, Harry hadn’t been lying. He had talked to his mom about Y/N a few times, well about her situation and how he was helping her out. And being with his family, there were moments where he would glance to the side to laugh with her and she wasn’t there and that scared him. Especially when she tried calling him for Christmas, it wasn’t Christmas for him anymore so he wasn’t busy, but it made him feel some kind of way. He felt a bit guilty for not being there with her since he knew that the holidays were really the only times when her mother would make an effort to have things go well between them. He knew how to talk himself down from feeling weird about her wanting to talk and before he could get too far in his head about what she wanted to say, she had texted saying that she didn’t mean to interrupt, she just wanted to wish him and his family a great Christmas and that’s when he came to terms with how much he missed her. 
Harry could picture Y/N curled up in bed, too lazy to move until he’d come in and beg her to have a late breakfast with him; if he begged enough she would give in and make him her famous pancakes. He could picture her making pancakes while he made them an exceptional cup of coffee before they curled up on the couch to watch Christmas movies all day.
Harry smiled as he remembered his thoughts over the holidays. Yeah he was sad that his time with his family got cut short by a day or two, but duty calls and his physical house felt a lot more like a home with Y/N around. He got a bit distracted with all that, but he soon put his head down  and got to work.
Y/N was on her break and just heating up her lunch in the staff room when her phone started ringing and she hurried to answer it when she saw it was Harry.
“Hello!” She chirped happily and Harry smiled at hearing her voice after dedicating a lot of his time thinking about her.
“Hey. Are you up for the gym today or should we skip it?” He asked.
“I’m up for it.” She responded with a small smile.
“Who are you and what’ve you done with my Y/N?” He asked and she bit her lip to suppress her smile as his words processed. He had said “his Y/N”, hadn’t he? It made a swarm of butterflies flutter through her tummy as she stammered a couple times trying to come up with a response.
“I-it’s me. I j-just I don’t know. I’m not gonna fu-fuss as much as before, you know?” She said and he grinned. He felt quite pleased with himself that he had flustered her.
“Won’t need to coerce you into it with Chipotle anymore?” He teased and she giggled.
“I never said that.” She responded with a grin as well and he chuckled.
“That’s true…” he smirked, “So gym and then chipotle.” He confirmed.
“Yeah, sounds great.” She responded, “I’ll catch you later, OK?”
“Perfect, see you at home.” He said and hung up.
Y/N and Harry got changed rather fast before heading off to the gym. Harry hadn’t missed how put together she looked today. Usually she wore a baggy old t-shirt with leggings or bike shorts, but today her set matched and he didn’t say anything about it, but he did check her out and he couldn’t help but smile thinking about her possibly wanting to look nice for him. They were making their way to the entrance when she stopped suddenly.
“What’s wrong?” He asked and she shook her head.
“Forgot my AirPods in your cup holder, can I have your keys?”
“Yeah, here.” He said reaching into the pocket of his tote, “I’ll wait for you here.” He smiled.
“Oh, no it’s OK you can head inside.” She said and rushed off to the car and despite her telling him to go ahead he waited outside of the door for her until she was back and she looked a little skittish.
“You alright?” He asked with slight concern and she nodded.
“Yeah. It’s cold, lets ummm, get inside.” She said and he opened up the door for her and they headed inside. As soon as they walked inside Harry noticed the guy working at the desk looking over Y/N and it made him feel a bit protective.
“Nice fit.” He said as they walked up to the counter to sign in. Harry opened his mouth about to check this guy and he stayed quiet when he heard Y/N speak up.
“Oh thanks, Aaron.” She smiled timidly at the guy and as he looked at her he could’ve sworn that she was blushing.
“And the roomie’s back!” He said with a friendly smile and Y/N nodded before looking to Harry who was looking a bit perplexed, “Welcome back!” Aaron said to Harry, who just nodded as he looked over this young fit guy.
“Ummm thanks.”
“Yeah, of course! Alright, you guys can go ahead and scan in now.” He said and they both scanned the barcode on their phones before heading further past the desk.
“Are you gonna start with a jog today?” Harry asked Y/N who hadn’t answered and when he glanced to his side she wasn’t there, but he did see her leaning on the counter chatting with Aaron and he felt his stomach start to knot up in a sickening way. He felt a lump forming in his throat as she smiled at whatever he was saying to her, very clearly flirting with her and she was flirting back. He sighed and headed into the locker room with a huff before putting his things away and heading out to one of the treadmills and she was still there. He started his music and started to run, trying to keep whatever was going on there out of his mind and he sort of blacked out after that. He was completely lost in his head, he was thinking so many things and he wasn’t sure what was going on around him, just how he wanted until he felt some taps on his shoulder and he popped his earphone out and hopping his feet off to the sides of the treadmill and glancing over to see Y/N there.
“What’s up?” He asked and she shook her head.
“Nothing, I was just wondering if you’re going to be doing anything else? You’ve been running for twenty minutes.” She informed and he felt a bit shocked as she relayed this information.
“Ummm, not today. The plane ride was bad on bad on my back, don’t want to overwork it, just gonna do cardio.” He said lowly and she nodded.
“OK, I’m gonna go to the leg machines, OK?” She informed, “Just over there.” She said pointing to the area and he looked over and saw Aaron, the guy from the front desk, wiping down machines nearby and again, he felt his heart crumble up in his chest but he nodded.
“Yeah, fine.” He said curtly and popped his AirPod back in before she could say anything else.
Y/N was feeling perplexed at Harry’s attitude, he had seemed fine…well now that she thought of it he had been a bit quiet since he came home. Maybe he’d had a bad day, she knew that he would be working with a previous patient, maybe it had been hard on him, that case. And as she walked over to the machines she wondered if maybe it was someone he had been with, the way he had been with her. She quickly shook herself from thinking that and got on the machine, doing very light weight as she and Aaron chatted as he cleaned around the area she was at.
“I was wondering if you wanted to go grab food after this?” He ended up asking and she nibbled on her lip as she nodded.
“Yeah, sure. I came with Harry though-”
“I can drop you off at home after.” He said and she nodded.
“Yeah, alright.” She agreed, “Let me go have a quick chat with Harry. I think he had a bit of a day at work.” She explained and Aaron frowned.
“Oh.” He said and she nodded.
“Yeah, might be good for him to have a bit of space. I can be a bit much at times.” She said and he frowned.
“Has he said that to you?” Aaron asked in slight offense and her eyes went wide and she shook her head.
“Oh no, never!” She assured, “Just some ummm…something I’ve heard before. I guess, I just assumed he’d think the same thing.” She shrugged, suddenly feeling so embarrassed for unknowingly revealing how damaged she still was deep down.
“I was about to say, you shouldn’t be living with someone who talks to you like that.” He explained and she giggled as she thought about how that had literally been her entire life up until she was living with Harry, “I’m no expert or anything but he might need you. You’re friends, sometimes we need friends on bad days and sometimes we need space. If it’s one of those ‘need a friend’ kind of day then we can do dinner another day.” He assured and Y/N smiled.
“That’s sweet of you, thanks. I’ll go check on him.” She said and went off. Harry had been watching this entire exchange as they spoke and it made his stomach twist and ache with jealousy. It was hard to watch and when she started coming over towards him he knew that it wasn’t just to see if he was done. He pulled out his earphones as she walked up to him. “You alright?” She asked him with a small frown and he nodded quickly.
“It was just a long day.” He said and she nodded in understanding.
“I can see that.” She said and he sighed, “Well ummm, I-if you’re tired Aaron asked me if I wanted to grab dinner with him?” She asked and he felt his heart sink, “Said he could drop me off at home afterwards.”
“Oh ummm…yeah, that’s fine.” He said lowly.
“If you don’t feel like being alone I can totally tell him tonight’s not a good night.” She said and he shook his head.
“I’m fine.” He assured and she looked in his eyes for a few moments. 
“OK, I’ll tell him another night.” She said and walked off and he ran after her. He didn’t want to ruin her plans because he had no idea what he would say when she asked about his day because it had been an absolutely peach of a day until he saw her flirting back with this gym guy. Harry had seen him before and he was always nice, but this was something else - it wasn’t very professional of him.
“Wait, no Y/N!” He hurried after her, “Please go eat with your… friend.” He said stiffly.
“Harry, you’re my friend too and if you need me to be with you tonight-” she said and then shook her head when he giggled a bit, “You know what I meant.” She said pointedly, “I care about you and I want to be there for you if you want that.” She said and he bit his lip, “We can get the Chipotle to go? And we can even get frozen yogurt.” She suggested with a small smile.
“Share one?” He asked and she nodded.
“Yeah, on me. Both the food and dessert.” She added in and he finally smiled and it made her heart feel all full and happy again.
“Yeah, alright.” He hummed, trying not to give away how happy he felt right now.
“Are you done then?”
“Yeah, I’m done for today.” He said and she nodded.
“OK, I’ll go let Aaron know.” She assured and hurried off. He watched from afar as she broke the news to him and he didn’t seem let down in the slightest. He just nodded with a smile and they hugged for a few moments before he also waved at Harry from afar who just nodded quickly before Y/N was back at his side and they were heading to the locker rooms to grab their things before heading off. 
When they got home they both settled onto the ground in front of the couch and Harry put on a film, What a Girl Wants actually, per Y/N’s request and he honored it since she had paid for dinner and dessert. They ate while watching the film, but when she got up to throw away their bowls and grab the fro-yo container from the freezer he knew that she’d be back with questions.
“Here you are.” She said as she handed him the spoon and then scooted into the spot on the rug beside him before opening it up and letting him have the first scoop of it and then she went for a scoop.
“Can never go wrong with plain tart.” He hummed and she smiled and nodded in agreement. 
“So do you want to talk about what happened today?” She asked and he sighed, “I know you can’t like…go into details but ummm, I can just listen.” She said and he sighed. He wanted to sort of get this off his chest but he needed to be vague and not make her suspicious of what he had been feeling since she clearly was interested in someone else now.
“It wasn’t all that bad, I just got in my head.” He said and she nodded in understanding, “Like sometimes being a therapist is really hard because there are just some patients that sort of…worm their way into your heart.” He explained and as he said this she felt a little pinch of jealously in her chest but nodded regardless in understanding.
“Yeah, I can see how that can happen.” 
“Yeah and it’s hard sometimes to cope with those feelings. When you’ve crossed that line sometimes it’s hard to not cross it again.” He said and she swallowed thickly and nodded.
“So this patient…you’ve ummm…” she trailed off and looked down at her lap and he frowned as he understood what she was trying to ask. He quickly set down the fro-yo container and turned to her.
“No.” He said lowly but emphatically, “Hey,” he said as he grabbed her face gently, upturning it towards him, “I’ve never done that before. W-what happened between us was a one time thing a-and I never thought I would do that and I’ve never even thought of doing that again and it never should’ve even happened. It was wrong and-” he paused as he saw the look in her eyes of embarrassment and concern, “That’s not…fuck, I don’t regret it! I enjoyed it, a lot! But I do wish it had been under…other circumstances. Not that you would even want that or me, but if we had met somewhere else or-”
“I get it, Harry.” She interrupted with a small smile and he sighed in relief.
“Good. I’ve never slept with another patient, I swear.” He said again.
“Geez. I don’t know if I should be proud or ashamed of being the person who led you to tarnishing your impeccable professional integrity.” She mumbled and he chuckled and reached for her hand.
“It wasn’t your fault. Not in the slightest.” He shook his head, “I wanted you. Badly. I was selfish and I wasn’t thinking about you or your wellbeing in that moment and I suppose\ that’s why I feel it was wrong. Sometimes I wonder if I…took advantage of your trust in me and I…hate that.” He frowned and she shook her head and squeezed his hand that was holding hers.
“You didn’t. I wanted you too, from the very start I was attracted to you and I toyed around with the idea the first couple days, but I ummm…I wanted to actually put effort into working on myself and my issues and I decided that for once focusing on a guy and getting him to like me wasn’t the priority.” She explained and he nodded along, “I ummm…I was shocked when even after getting to hear all of the fucked up-ness that I came with you still…wanted me.” She said, “And that’s why I ummm…let it happen. I knew you would’ve stopped if I properly asked and I ummm, didn’t want to, so you’re fine.” She assured.
“Well it’s good to know I didn’t make you feel pressured or something.” He said and she smiled.
“So, this patient…?” She asked and well, the patient he had been talking about this entire time was her, but he supposed he should talk about the patient she thought he was talking about from the start, John.
“Well, like I said the other day, they’ve been in and out a few times and I just get a little too invested. Could’ve sworn we had a breakthrough when he was last in and I kinda hoped it was the last time I’d see him there.” He explained, “Makes me feel like maybe I’m not doing a good job, but then again I realize that we make our choices ourselves and there’s people like him who can’t help themselves but stick to what they know and then there’s people like you who don’t want stay stuck in what they know so they just…take it all in and use it. And I feel happy that I was able to help.”
“You did. I swear it, Harry, you saved my life.” She said and he smiled as she let her thumb run over his knuckles, “Are you feeling better?” She asked.
“Definitely.” He assured and just before she pulled her hand away he brought his other hand over, to hold her smaller hand between his own, “So this guy from the gym.” He brought it up though he didn’t want to and that there was why… she giggled bashfully at the mention of him.
“Aaron. Ummm, we’re cool.” She shrugged, “He’s cute and sweet. It was actually his idea that I ummm, spend some time with you one on one if that’s what you needed. Not that I didn’t want to be here for you!” She added in quickly, “But I was thinking of giving you space instead. It’s mostly because that’s what I was most commonly asked for in the past by others so I just assumed you’d want the same thing.” She explained and he hummed.
“I would tell you if I needed space from you. I promise.” He said and she nodded in understanding, “So you and this Aaron?”
“We actually got to talking a few days ago. He had wondered where you were when I started coming in alone.” She explained, “He thought you were my boyfriend.” She said with a giggle and Harry bit his lip, he didn’t know why this was amusing. Maybe it was to her since she was not interested in him that way.
“Well, I supposed that’s not a difficult deduction to make. We always show up together and we’re warding gym creeps away from each other.” He explained.
“Yeah…” she hummed with a smile.
“You looked very pretty today. Was that for him?” He asked with a slight lump in his throat and she giggled quietly.
“No…and a little bit yes.” She confessed and he smiled despite the hurt in his heart.
“A little bit yes…” he repeated before looking into her eyes.
“Yeah, it’s just…he’s attractive. My age, so appropriate. and he was flirting with me. No one has really flirted with me in a while and I just-”
“Oh, is that so?” He asked with a grin and she rolled her eyes playfully.
“You don’t count.” She said and that hurt him more than he thought it would.
“And why not?” He asked and she sighed.
“Because Harry… then I’m gonna develop a crush on you and that would suck because I’m not nearly good enough for you!” She said, “And I don’t want to get all hopeful over something that can never happen.” She said in exasperation.
“I think I can decide who is good enough for me and who isn’t, Y/N. And quite frankly if anything I’ve done has given you hope it was completely intentional.” He said and her eyes widened in shock, “I care about you. More than I ought to, from the start. Every day after you left I was thinking about you. I wanted to call or know how I could help. I thought you hadn’t called because you regretted what happened or just chose to forget about me.” He explained and she shook her head.
“I just didn’t want to drag you into my mess.” She explained and he chuckled.
“Your life is not a mess, Y/N and I don’t see you as a charity case or anything like that. I genuinely care for you, Y/N. I’ve enjoyed having you here the last few months and I don’t want you to feel bad if you don’t feel the same way I do about all of this. I know that you’re trying to get back on your feet and the last thing you need is another layer of complication to what you’re dealing with-”
“No Harry, you’re wonderful and I couldn’t have asked for a better situation to be in. For the first time in my life I feel like everything’s right and like I’m happy.” She confessed, “I’m so happy being here with you.” She assured and he smiled, “And I’m not going to lie. I am worried about complicating things a bit since we are living together right now but I do care about you so much and I try and hold back how much I care for that very reason an-” Y/N was cut off as he grabbed her face in his hands gently and kissed her lips tenderly. 
It felt so amazing to have their lips meet again. They’d each been dreaming about it since the day after she had moved in. He had kissed her then, but he told himself it happened in a bout of passion, he couldn’t just pursue her how he wanted to, he told himself he would take things as slowly as possible.
“That guy, Aaron, do you like him?” He asked and she sighed.
“Of course, but it’s more of a mild crush it’s nothing compared to how I-” she cut herself off and he smiled as he leaned back in and rubbed the tip of his nose against hers.
“Compared to what?” He asked quietly, trying his best to hold back his grin, “Tell me, baby.” He coaxed her gently. Y/N felt like her entire body was on fire at Harry’s words and proximity, she swore that her heart was hammering in her throat.
“Compared to how I feel about you.” She finally said in a small voice and he smiled even wider as she felt her face heat up with the blood rushing up to it.
“Oh…” he responded and she rolled her eyes playfully, “And how exactly do you feel about me?” He asked, puling her onto his lap and she giggled.
“You first. I already confessed something.” She said and he chuckled.
“OK, that’s fair.” Harry smiled, “I like that despite everything that you’ve been through, your heart is still so open and full of care and love. I like that you’re lazy-” she scoffed and he giggled, “let me finish, yeah?” She nodded as he continued, “it reminds me to slow down and enjoy the little things. I like the way your hair is now, it looks really pretty when it’s down-”
“My balayage is all grown out!” She laughed and he shrugged with a little smile.
“It just means you’ve come a long way.” He said and that made her smile drop into a pout of endearment as she felt her eyes welling up, “I like how happy I feel around you too. You’ve made this home away from home.” He said, “I like your pancakes, I need the recipe, you do something to them, I just know it.” He insisted and she giggled as she sniffled away the urge to cry, “I like how you make fun of my accent,” He said and she giggled again, “and how you quote films and shows in everyday conversation, I like how much you’ve been smiling recently, I like how willing you are to being the best version of yourself, makes me want to do the same. I like it when you say my name and when you hug me when I get home from work…I just like having you around, Y/N.” He finished simply and she leaned in and kissed him deeply it knocked him back a bit, but he managed to keep them upright as they kissed again and then parted with a soft smack.
“Wait, so what does this mean for us?” She asked and he hummed as he looked down to where her hands were on his chest and he grabbed one of them, interlacing their fingers before he glanced up into her eyes.
“I would like to be with you whenever you’re ready to take that step.” He said softly.
“I’m ready now.” She giggled and he did as well.
“Eager.” He hummed and she shrugged, “I do need to tell you this though, in the state of California a clinician isn’t allowed to engage in any type of romantic affair with a previous client until after 5 years after completion of treatment. It’s in the code of conduct.” He explained.
“Oh shit.” She exclaimed and he nodded.
“Obviously, I’m not going to make you wait 5 years for me and I don’t want to do that either but ummm… we will need to lay low for a while, you know? I love my job and I don’t want to lose my license and I also don’t want to get you into any trouble. I never told anyone what happened between us before, so in terms of that and like my personal life, that should be OK. But like when it comes to my co-workers and being together anywhere near to where I work we just need to not look like a couple. It’s one of the reasons I live so far from the facility, I wanted to make sure that there’s not too much bleeding of my personal life into my professional life.” He explained and she nodded.
“Yeah, I understand that and I don’t take offense to that.” She assured him, “I get it and you’re great at your job. I would hate for you to lose that on account of me.” She explained, “And well, as much as I want to move forward with you I think I also need to continue working on myself. Now that I have insurance I actually started looking for a new therapist to keep working through things with. We can take it really slow, you know? I want to be able to move out too, not that I don’t like being here with you, I love it! But I also know that if our relationship continues to evolve it’ll be important to have our own spaces while we get acclimated to that.” She said and he nodded.
“I agree. Research on cohabitation does not show a favorable outcome for relationship longevity.” He said and she giggled.
“Such a nerd.” She whispered as she leaned in to his lips and he grinned.
“You love it.” He hummed as he leaned in as well.
“That I do.” She smiled before connecting their lips slowly. She took her time feeling his lips on her own, loving how warm and soft they were as they connected against hers. She could feel him squeezing her fingers in his grip and her free hand came up around his neck. He hummed as she accidentally dragged her center over his, he was getting hard and she did it again, deliberately this time and she inhaled sharply as this movement in particular caused some friction to her clit. Harry felt like fire was running through his veins, he wanted her so bad. The last time they had sex it had been kinky and rough, but he wanted to love on her now. Make her feel good and cared for even if he knew he wouldn’t be lasting too long, there was no way he would. Like her, he hadn’t had sex with anyone since her - that was a long time for him.
“What happened to taking it super slow?” He teased and she sucked his bottom lip between her own a few times before responding.
“We don’t have to do anything past this.” She reasoned, “Unless you want to.” She added in as she pulled back to properly look into his eyes.
“Do you want to?” He asked and she bit her lip coyly, which made him smirk, which then caused her to hide her face against his neck and he chuckled as he ran his free hand up and down her back, “How about we have a shower and then cozy up in bed and watch a movie and we’ll see what happens. Sound good?” He asked.
“Yeah. And we’re showering separately, right?” She asked and he chuckled.
“Yes, unless you want to share, I don’t mind.” He said.
“I’ve never actually showered with anyone so maybe not.” She said and he smiled.
“OK, see you in my room?” He asked and she nodded and with one final kiss they broke apart. Harry assured her he would put away their untouched and melted fro-yo and she headed off to shower in a ball of nerves. 
Y/N made sure she was extra thorough, she wanted Harry to smell her shampoo and body wash on her skin. She even went as far as moving up her body scrub routine because she wanted to be extra soft for him. Soon enough she was all done and just blowdrying her hair to a damp consistency because she didn’t want it to be sopping wet. Then she got into some sleeping clothes and wandered into his room, he had left the door open and it sounded like he was just brushing his teeth or something so she turned down the bed and slipped into the side that he clearly did not sleep on and curled up, shivering at the cold temperature of the unused sheets. It was just moments before he was stepping out, still shirtless and it made her blush. Harry liked seeing her in his bed, it did funny things to his tummy.
“Let me just get on a shirt.” He said lowly as he headed towards his dresser.
“I mean, you don’t have to wear one…” she joked and he chuckled.
“I also don’t have to get pneumonia.” He joked back and she rolled her eyes at his dramatics. 
Soon enough he was turning off the lights and settling into bed beside her. He switched on the TV and handed her the remote to choose what she wanted. Harry wasn’t all that picky with what he watched, which she appreciated. She was largely into docuseries and those Netflix specials on cults and murderers and he had sat through plenty of them with her, but she would certainly choose something lighter for this occasion. She smiled to herself when he curled into her chest, assuming the position of little spoon. It didn’t take long for her to just put on a rom-com and slide the remote under the end of the pillow so that she could hug her arms around him. She nuzzled her cheek into the top of his head and he pulled her left hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. 
That was it for a little while, but soon he started to kiss her hand again, and he opened up it up before kissing her palm, which made her giggle as his slight scruff tickled her skin. Then he started kissing her fingertips so gently, but she could hear the smack of his lips and the little smooching sounds as he moved from finger to finger. She really wasn’t expecting it when he nipped at the pad of her middle finger before he slid it into his mouth and sucked. It immediately made her go hot all over and she bit her lip as she felt the smooth texture of his warm tongue against her finger. She had done this before, but it had never been done to her but now she understood why guys liked that so much. He skimmed the length of it with his teeth as he drew his mouth up her finger to let it go and it made her breath hitch as he pulled off. Seconds later he was taking two of her fingers between his lips, humming around her digits before popping off and turning around quickly. He settled himself over her body and kissed her fervently, it took her breath away as his tongue dipped into her mouth and rolled against hers. His hips were grinding into hers, letting her feel how hard he was for her and it was making her wetter for him by the second.
“Can I go down on you?” He mumbled against her mouth and Y/N hummed and nodded.
“Yeah, please.” She panted and he immediately started kissing down her jaw, to her neck, then her throat, and down her sternum. He sat up and tugged at her shirt which prompted Y/N to sit up and tear it off before he grabbed at her breast. His warm hands kneaded at her gently and but with purpose as his mouth took turns in suckling at her nipples until she was squirming beneath him and pleading him for more. He mumbled a smug “I’ll get there.” As he kissed down her tummy as his hands ran up her thighs, spreading her legs open so that he could settle comfortably between them. As he pulled down her sweats she lifted her bum and he chuckled when he didn’t see an underwear band, “To be fair I never wear undies to sleep.” She informed him as he made some remark about it.
“Sure, sure…” he teased before he tugged them off all the way and got a good look at her. 
Harry’d been dying to get a taste of her since he saw her little pussy all sticky and wet for him. He wasted no time in pushing her legs up, banding them at the knee and delving in. She moaned immediately as he started to tongue through her folds, rubbing and flicking in all the right places. Her fingers wove into his hair, holding his face down to her as he started to suck at her clit. Y/N’s eyes rolled back as she let out a cry as she felt his fingers start to rub over her entrance. She was itching to feel them push into her and start to open her up for his cock.
“So good…” She moaned as he shook his head from side to side, his moans were reverberating through her body, sending waves of pleasure through her stomach and to her limbs. He was so good at this…the way he was making out with her entire pussy was something she had never experienced before. It was so much better than she ever thought it could be. Her tummy was fluttering as she suddenly felt so close to the edge. He’d only been down there five minutes and she already about to come, “I’m close!” She warned and he moaned before he used his fingers to open her up a bit more and really use his tongue on her clit. It was almost too much, it was making her tremble. His warm tongue rubbing over her clit, his stubble ticking her labia and inner thighs, his moans vibrating through her entire body, the sheer delight he was experiencing as he gave her head, it was all coming together beautifully to carry her over the coveted precipice of what is an orgasm, “Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” She cried as she started to come undone. Her thighs started to close as the tingle started to become too much for her, she was shaking and tugging hard at his hair as Harry worked her through her orgasm. He was living for her moans and her taste and everything that she was in this moment as she came undone on his tongue.
“Oh my god!” She whimpered as he kissed over her entrance before slipping his tongue inside, wagging it a few times and moaning at the taste of her cum. He them worked his way back to her clit, all sensitive and throbbing. He was gentle as he rolled his tongue over it slowly, barely letting her come down before he started to wind her up again.
“Want you to come again.” He mumbled briefly before he brought his fingers to her entrance again, “Can you give me another one, baby?” He asked, glancing up to her briefly and she nodded with a pained look on her face and while their eyes were on each others he sunk his two fingers into her and he watched as her brows creased and her jaw went slack as he curled them up into her spot. So hot and smooth against his finger tips. He smirked at he watched her eyes flutter closed as she moaned out in pleasure as he rubbed into her g-spot, “So fucking wet for me.” He moaned as he heard the wet and squelching sounds of his fingers moving in and out of her entrance.
“Fuuuck…” she mewled, “Don’t stop! Please, don’t stop!” She begged and he grinned again before he busied his mouth over her clit again. 
She was so fucking perfect, he could do this all day if she’d let him. He could feel her tight, wet walls squeezing around his digits, sucking them in deeper into her. He started using more force, loving how her thighs were threatening to squeeze around his head as the pleasure started to overwhelm her. All he could hear were the wet sounds of his fingers fucking her, the wet slurps of his mouth at her clit, and her steady flow of praises as he brought her to her orgasm once again. He was enamored with the feeling of her orgasm, he couldn’t wait to feel it around his cock. It was driving mad and he kept going and going until her legs were shaking hard and he could hear her begging him to slow down. So he did, he slowly came to a stop, but before he could pull away she was tugging his hair up and guiding him back up to her. Their lips met desperately and she moaned at her taste on his mouth. Her hands were now tugging at his shirt and she broke the kiss for a moment.
“Told you, you didn’t have to wear one.” She grinned and he chuckled as he knelt up and pulled it off of his body and their eyes met for a moment, just a quiet and tender moment before he was letting his body settle over hers again, slower this time. Their noses nudged and their mouths hovered as their breathed each other in, the moment suddenly became so intimate and tender. Y/N could feel her heart swelling inside of her chest, everything she felt started to surface and it made her want to cry with joy because who on earth was she to deserve someone like him.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful.” He whispered between them as he took her in and she felt her eyes start to well up.
“You’re gonna make me cry.” She said sniffled and he smiled.
“Happy tears I hope.” He said with a little smile and she nodded, “I’m going to kiss you now.” He said and she craned her neck up towards his as their lips pressed together slowly.
There was no urgency to this kiss, it was deep and heartfelt and that was tangible the longer it went on, “Want to go nice and slow.” He said and she nodded in agreement, “Want to see your face.” He said and she moaned at the thought of watching his face while they had sex, “Gonna grab a condom.” He said and she nodded as he drew away from her for a moment to dig in his bedside table and cursing a bit when he realized there weren’t any in there and he hurried off to the bathroom. He quickly slipped out of his own sweats before climbing back on the bed and sliding the condom onto his erection before he settled over her body. She was aching to feel him inside of her, she was desperate to feel him so close to her again. She could feel him now, prodding at her entrance as he situated himself and their lips met again in a slow kiss. She hitched her legs up around his hips and he glanced down between their bodies briefly before looking back into her eyes as she nodded, indicating that she was ready for him and he pressed inside, his mouth dropped open in a low moan in tandem with her as his head pushed into her. He then slowly guided his hips down, watching her face as she took every inch of him until they were nose to nose and her eyes fluttered closed as she basked in the feeling of him finally inside. He was in deep, she felt like he was in her tummy and she had no idea how to cope with it as he started to gyrate his hips against hers, somehow managing to open her up further until she was completely at his mercy as he started thrusting deep and slow. She felt like her skin was on fire as his touch grazed over her arms and up to her hair. He buried his fingers in it before kissing her deeply. They were drinking in each other’s moans and sounds of pleasure as their bodies met in the most delicious way possible.
“I missed you so much.” He panted and she smiled as she pulled him down for a kiss again.
“Me too, baby.” She whispered into his mouth. Everything was perfect and slow and romantic and intimate. Y/N had never made love with anyone before and it was carrying her body and soul to a new height, a place she had never experienced. She couldn’t help it as her eyes welled up with tears and he saw it happened and kissed her lips.
“It’s OK if you need to cry.” He said to her and she sniffled as she surged forward as their lips met in an ardent kiss as a few tears streaked between them, “So perfect.” He hummed as he pulled away to let her breathe properly as he continued thrusting his hips against hers in deep motions until he was barely holding on. His arms were trembling and she pushed herself up to sit and he followed, pulling out of her before having her straddle his lap and sink onto his cock again. She gasped at how deep he felt now that she was on top but he continued to thrust up against her as she hugged him to her chest. His kisses were hot and needy against her chest and throat and neck. She had set the most delicious pace and they were soon getting close. 
“I’m so close.” She mewled and he hummed against her throat as he hugged her tighter and she gripped the hair at the back of his head and yanked it back before kissing him hard and parting with a wet gasp.
“Fuck.” He groaned as she started to grind down against him. Their climaxes building together perfectly. Everything about this moment between them was perfect and as their sounds grew in frequency they started to peak together, “I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come!” He panted and she kissed his lips quickly.
“Just a little more, baby. I’m right there!” She pleaded and he groaned, his thighs and abs trembling as he tried to hold on. He brought his thumb between them to rub little circles into her clit and her body curled into his as she gasped, “Oh my god! Harry!” She whimpered and he felt her squeeze so tight around his cock and he couldn’t help it as he started to moan and come undone, shooting ropes inside of the condom as she started to grind against him in no particular rhythm, just riding out her orgasm until she was trembling and he was pulling them down into the mattress, their bodies still connected as he held her close. 
Their ragged breathing and sweaty bodies a testament to what they had just done with each other, but it felt so comfortable, basking in his warmth. As they settled down she kissed at his neck and throat tenderly, careful not to leave any marks on his skin.
“You OK, baby?” He asked and she nodded against him, giving him a soft hum as confirmation, “Good.” He said before pressing a kiss to the top of her head. 
He warned her before he pulled out and went to toss the condom and so she let him go do that and when he came back he helped her get dressed, like the first time they had sex, and then he got himself dressed before they both settled into his covers, shivering as they adjusted into the warmth of the bed, he was the big spoon this time. She smiled as she felt him pressing kisses into her hair and her head, his arms were looped tight around her body as their legs tangled together. He was making remarks about how cold her feet were and she was giggling as she ran them against his calf, making him yelp. But soon the laughter settled down and they were both just breathing slow and deep together, basking in each other’s warmth after being so deprived of it for so long.
“Was that OK?” He asked after some silence.
“It was perfect.” She smiled as she responded, “I’ve never done it like that before.” She confessed and that made him a bit sad for her.
“I’m happy to be the first. Fucking is also fun but I also enjoy showing you what I feel for you so if you ever want that just let me know.” He said and she smiled.
“I will, thank you.” She whispered.
“Of course, baby. I just want you to be happy. So, so happy and I would love it more if I could be the one you’re happy with.” He said softly against her ear. It made her entire body covered in goosebumps as he said this, both of them vibrating with affection for each other, neither of them had ever felt whatever it was they were feeling now and it was so wonderful.
“You already are the person I’m happy with.” She assured and he couldn’t even contain the giant smile that was on his face as her words processed and sunk in. 
“You’re that person for me too.” He assured quietly. Y/N smiled as she scooted even closer to his body and hummed in happiness. She couldn’t wait to see what the future had in store for them.
"It's love, by the way." she suddenly whispered and his brows furrowed in confusion.
"What is?" he asked and she smiled.
"The secret ingredient. In the pancakes." she whispered and he chuckled and kissed her on the head.
"Knew there was a secret." he grinned happily.
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endlessnightlock · 1 year
8, 14, 20, or 25 (or any combo of) for fluffy dialogue prompts, please!
8. "who let you look so cute today?"
As I fidget with my tie in front of the mirror in our shared bathroom, Finnick slides up to me and starts fussing with his hair---finger-combing, fluffing, then smoothing it back down. He catches my eye in the reflection and gives me the job interview outfit I have on, slim-fit black slacks and a fitted button-up (along with the tie I'm two seconds away from yanking off and whipping across the room because it doesn't want to cooperate), a swift appraisal.
“Whoa, who let you look so cute today?” he asks, picking up the bottle of texture salt spray from the washstand and spritzing his hair. I watch him fiddle with his waves, which always lay messier than mine, but when he doesn't get an answer, Finnick prods me expectantly. "Well?"
"I'm not supposed to look cute. I'm supposed to look professional," I remind him, giving up on the tie. It looks fine, I know, I'm just nervous. Job interviews always make me feel like I'm gonna puke.
Finnick sits the bottle down and gives himself a nod of approval. "I didn't say you weren't professional. You can look like you know what you're about and still be cute."
"Yeah, yeah," I laugh.
Finnick gives his hair one last toss, satisfied with the finished style. "Trust me, from a guy whose face has opened more than one door in the past, looking good is never a bad thing."
I'm whistling cheerfully as I let myself into our apartment that evening. Finnick glances up from an episode of The Great British Baking Show. "Well, well, well. Looks like someone knocked their interview out of the park."
"No, not exactly," I say, toeing off my shoes and putting them back into place on the caddy. "Pretty sure I didn't get it."
He frowns as I plop beside him on the couch. "Really. Why so chipper then?"
It's a struggle to keep the huge smile off my face I've been wearing all day. "I met someone."
Finnick slaps my arm. "No shit?"
"Technically, I rediscovered someone. An old friend from high school I was madly in love with. Katniss. Her interview was right before mine, and afterward, I went around the corner and had a drink with her at the bar. And then we went to dinner. And I'm seeing her tomorrow," I add as Finnick claps his hands in glee.
"I told you, man, looking cute works."
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bix-bom · 1 year
Marble Roomies AU Lore !!
The guys didnt go through everything with The Operator, but they have the feeling that they did.
Let me explain:
So the guys went through everything in a different timeline, they see all of the stuff happen as memories they didnt actually make or as dreams/nightmares that feel too real. They sometimes get flashes of memories in different places or while doing different things, like an extreme sense of deja vu.
Some scenarios where this has happened:
One day, the guys were all over at Alex's place cleaning and packing. They just bought the house they now live in and Alex was the first one to move in after they cleaned and redid the whole place. Tim was grabbing some open boxes and came across the mask. He knew it was probably just from some project Alex had to do for a thesis or something, but as he looked at it he started to have a panic attack. He dropped the box and shakily held the mask, memories he didnt even know he had clouding his brain. He fell to the floor and sat shaking, sobbing,  and hyper ventilating. Jay heard the commotion and ran into the room, the others following not far behind him. Jay grabbed the mask from Tim and grabbed his arms, trying to get him to explain whats happening. After everything calmed down, they all sat in the room together silently. The mask sat on the floor in the middle of the room where Jay threw it. Nobody knew what the mask was from, besides Alex but he just knew it as the mask from a past project for school. They all felt uncontrollable fear, sadness, anger, everything. They all knew what it was, but they didnt actually know, it was their memories but not theirs. Theirs from a different world, different timeline, one thats still linked to them somehow. This left the guys shaken up, and for some reason Jay felt the strong urge to call Jessica and make sure shes ok. Apparently she had a lot of anxiety all of a sudden at the same time that they did, weird coincidence huh? They all agree to take a break and ask Jessica if she wants to go out to eat together and she accepts happily. They go to a small diner that they hang out at pretty regularly and talk, though there are times when everyone got quiet and it was the type of quiet that hung heavy in the air and invaded everyones lungs like a thick smoke. As soon as everyone got back to Alex's place, they threw the mask out. Or at least they swear they did, but it was in the back of Tims trunk somehow. They all threw it away together? So why is it back?
Another instance was when the guys were hanging out late at night in Tims place. His stuff was only half packed up so they decided to stay the night so they could get to work when they woke up. Tim was a little off the whole day and nobody thought anything of it. At some point during the night everyone got pretty open. They all talked about random things, things that frustrated them, things that hurt them, things they love, reminiscing the past.They never did this often, but when it happened it helped them feel more human to eachother and bond. It was especially weird for Brian or Alex to say anything but that night they did. Maybe everyone was feeling emotional because of the house change, the progression of time hitting them harder now than ever. Maybe they'll have these nights more often when they all move in together. Some time during that night, Tim became silent. After a depe conversation between Jay, Alex, and Brian about their fears for the future and how they wish the past was different, they notice how quiet Tim is. Brian asks first whats wrong and Tim hesitates before finally speaking. He tells them about these visions, these memories that he doesnt remember doing, this tall pale monster, the murder and hurt between all of the guys. Everyone sat stunned and silent and Tim poured his heart out. Finally, he told them about his childhood in the hospital, his schizophrenia, and how even with his medication he gets very vivid episodes and sees the Operator. After he finished, the guys slowly agreed that they've also had these visions and they dont think its only Tims schizophrenia. They all told eachother about the things they've been experiencing and all of their theories. Maybe they all had schizophrenia by some freak coincidence? Maybe they all have some sort of shared delusion? Maybe they all shared this experience in a past life? Maybe they are all on the brink of time together, living a life they shouldnt have, they accidentally went in the other direction of the timeline? Who knows. But what they do know is that they all feel a little closer, a little more seen, and are willing to take on whatever they are going through together.
Ill def do more of these in the future but if you guys have any ideas for any, send them in! Doesnt have to be angst it could be literally anything. Also doesnt have to be just my au it could be normal mh, creepypasta, slenderverse, or whatever other arg! Thanksssss <3
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cerriddwenluna · 1 year
The Diary of Kurt E. Hummel (19/24)
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Please do not read this without my express permission. (Yes, that includes you, Finn.)
Have you always wanted to find out what Kurt writes in his diary? Now is your chance! But, ssssht! Don't tell Kurt we stole it... ;)
For this one, I implied the prompt more than I outright mentioned it. Want to find out what possible way I interpreted the word Roomy? 😏
You can read chapter 19 now, on AO3 and S&C!
Read from the beginning
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cambria-writes · 2 years
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happy spookmas everyone!
cranked this out at the very last second. shoutout to @anothermunsonsimp for encouraging this when i first brought it up (though i originally mentioned how pissed i was that the princess bride came out in 1987) and to @alovesongshewrote for being very enthusiastic about the concept of a halloween fic.
hope you're all having or have had a great day, regardless of current festivities! we will resume our regularly scheduled program on sunday. :)
rating: T warning: mostly just swearing, minor implied spoilers for ravenloft word count: 674
𝕴𝖙'𝖘 𝖔𝖓𝖑𝖞 𝕱𝖔𝖗𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖗
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Halloween, 1986
You check yourself in the hallway mirror for what feels like the hundredth time in the span of ten minutes. You adjust the poofy sleeves for the nth time, fiddle with the hair pieces again, and make sure the necklace is well centered. You know you’re being ridiculous, but your blood feels like it’s full of static and you’re considering going back to the bathroom to wipe the blush off your cheeks. The heat in them makes it feel redundant. 
You rush into the kitchen to look at the time on the stove before noisily making your way back to the hallway mirror to fluff up you hair. It’s not really your hair; Maggie from Genealogy somehow just happened to have the perfect clip-on hair extensions for you, that also just so happened to be curled just the way you needed. You’re honestly still shocked and still suspicious, but if there’s one thing you’ve learned this year, it’s to not look a gift horse in the god damn mouth. 
When you check the time again, you huff and reach for the phone on the wall next to the fridge. You’ve just dialed the first three numbers when you hear the head-splitting buzz announcing someone’s arrived at the door downstairs. 
You run to the front door, stuff a handful of twenties and a lighter in your bra and run out the door. 
The stairs are an unexpected challenge—even when you grip as much of the gown’s skirt as you can, you nearly fall down  three flights of stairs about five times. 
When you finally manage to make it through the building‘s lobby, you have to take a second to just. Look at Eddie. Take him in, just for a bit. 
It had taken weeks of pestering, convincing, and literally reciting essays to Eddie to get him to agree. Not only to do a couple's costume—that's too cheesy, he said, I have an image and reputation to maintain, he whined—but to dress up as fucking Jareth. 
You're only human. It's not like anyone with a pulse can resist David Bowie.
And in this moment, staring dumbly at Eddie in a ballroom get-up, with straightened hair, you're not sure how you're supposed to resist him, either. 
When Eddie looks up at the glass door and, consequently, at you, you choke on your own spit. You can hear him burst out into laughter, and the sound shocks you from your stupor. You burst out the door. 
"Hey! I almost fucking died! Don't laugh at me!" You shout, smacking at his should with both hands. 
"I yield, I yield!" he cries out, still laughing. 
When he's finally recovered enough, and pulled you out of the way of the building's door, Eddie holds you at arms' length. It's his turn to stare at you now. 
And stare. 
And... stare some more. 
You shuffle nervously on your feet, and clear your throat. 
"H-hey, c'mon, you're making me feel like I'm doing something wrong."
"No," Eddie says, so forcefully and instantly that it makes you jump. "Shit, sorry, I mean—no, you're. You look..."
"Strange? Nerdy? Larger?" You emphasize the last word by patting down the many layers of your gown's skirts.
Eddie huffs at you like you've just said the most ridiculous thing. "Magical. You look magical," He says, quietly, moving his hands from your shoulders to your face. "Absolutely enchanting. Bewitching. Mes—"
"Oh god stop," you groan, slapping his hands away and hiding your face behind your own hands. "You've made your point, I'm sufficiently flustered."
"Perfect," Eddie replies, and you can hear the smug tone in his voice. When you peek through your fingers, he's wearing the most obnoxious smug grin and crosses his arms. "That shade of pink looks better on you." 
You make a gagging sound but pull at one of his arms to wrap your own around. 
"Come on, nerd. We've got booze to drink and teenagers to pretend we're chaperoning." 
Eddie starts walking first as he's chuckling. 
"Please, they're going to be chaperoning you."
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orangeteaenthusiast · 6 months
"this is what I studied english for!"
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edupunkn00b · 2 months
Roomies, Chapter 1: My Best Friend's Brother
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Mash-up of edited public domain photos.
My Best Friend's Brother - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
WC: 3098 - Rated: T - CW: references of parental homophobia Written for @intrualityweek 2024
Patton and Roman have known each other forever. They were each other’s best friend, favorite neighbor, closest classmates all through school. They were even each other’s first crush. Roman’s crush had faded with time. Patton’s had not. Oh, yeah, and Roman’s weird twin brother Remus was there, too. Now Roman and Patton are all set to be roommates their freshman year of college and everything’s going to be great. Right?
Faded with sun and age, the little green You Are Here flag was hard to find but when it finally popped out on the giant campus map, Patton grinned. He was on the right path. One more left turn and then up the trail between the fountain and a big field and he'd be at his new home for the next year. Nodding, he took one more deep breath and hitched up on the thinning straps of his duffel bag and marched on.
He'd made it.
The line outside the Resident Advisor office spilled out down the stairs of Carrefour Hall. Patton—and the rhythmic chu-chunk of his cracked suitcase wheels—slowed as he approached it. He hesitated, eyeing the line of students waiting for their dorm room keycodes as his backpack and duffle bag straps dug into his shoulders.
With a little grin, Patton shook his head and bypassed the line, walking right through the side door. Patting his pocket, he didn’t need to take out the dorm assignment letter he’d had memorized since June of their senior year. 
Carrefour Hall, Room 604 Dormmate: Reyes, Roman
After a much shorter wait for the elevator, Patton squeezed inside with his bags, bouncing on his toes as the elevator emptied a bit more at each floor until it was just him and a bored-looking RA-a senior, maybe?-when the elevator doors stuttered open on the sixth floor.
Patton spilled out, barely noticing his bag bonk the backs of his own heels. Eyes on the door labels, all the troubles of the day, all the troubles of the entire flippin’ summer melted away. A heady mix of relief and excitement and nervousness propelled him forward until he practically skipped down the hall.
600… 601… 602… 603…
“Ready for college, Roomie?” Patton laughed after tapping quietly on the open door of room 604. “Or would it be Rome-y? ‘Cause we’re Rome-mates?” He danced his shoulders back and forth, smile only faltering when Roman turned around with his forehead crinkled in confusion. Behind him were the dorm’s standard twin-sized frames, shoved together and made up to form one full-size bed.
Sitting on the edge of that bed, folding one of Roman’s old tee shirts was a guy from their old high school. Floppy dark hair, longer than Patton remembered, and square black glasses. Was Landon his name?
“Pat!” Patton melted into Roman's arms when he pulled him into one of his patented—ha, Pattoned—crushing hugs. “It’s so good to see you! But…”  Roman pulled back, shaking his head and shooting a confused look at the other guy. “What—what are you doing here, Pat? I don’t…”
“Whaddya mean?” Patton tried to laugh but his throat had grown tight and it came out a little broken sounding. But Roman and the other guy—Llewellyn?—were too busy looking at each other to notice. “We’re… we’re rooming together, Ro.”
Roman’s eyes widened when he finally seemed to register Patton’s bags.
“The Housing Office didn’t call you?” Roman asked. “I—I texted you but when you never replied, I…” He looked down at his bare feet and the other guy stood and moved next to him. “I thought maybe you were just, y’know… a little mad and needed some space.”
Mad? Patton forced his smile to stay bright.
“New number, who ‘dis,” Patton said, waggling an older gen iPhone. The late afternoon sun glinted against the cracks in the screen. “Just got it yesterday. Um… can you put your number in…” Roman nodded and tapped at the device. “Sorry, all my contacts were on the old sim card.”
“No sorries needed, Pat! I’d be lost without my phone. I…” He nodded when his own phone buzzed with the message he sent and passed Patton back the device.
Patton couldn’t not chuckle when he read the contact name Roman had created, Really Obviously Muscular And Nice 👑.
“But, I don’t understand…” He looked up at Roman as he slid his phone back in his pocket. “Why would I be mad at you?”
“I… I, well, my parents got the Housing Office to switch our rooms. They said they'd call you," he said, shaking his head. The other guy raised his eyebrows at him and Roman shook himself, presenting him with a bowed head. "Um, do you remember Logan?”
The man with big square glasses nodded and offered his hand. “Logan Sanders… We had Bio together sophomore year.”
“Patton Hart,” he nodded, shaking his hand and ignoring the sinking feeling in his belly. “I—I remember. You talked back to Mr. Saxby when he said Watson and Crick discovered the double helix.”
Logan dropped his hand and glanced at Roman before staring down at the floor, jaw clenched.
“You were right! He was a teacher—he shouldn't've ignore Rosalind Franklin!” Patton added quickly, turning his head to smile at him. “You got in trouble for that, didn’t you?”
He rubbed his arm and nodded once. “And I’d do it again.”
Roman curled a muscular arm over Logan shoulders and grinned proudly. “Logan tutored me in summer school so I could start this semester without having to make anything up and, well…” Uncharacteristically quiet, Roman looked to Logan, a question in his eyes.
Logan cleared his throat, eyes glossy. “We started dating and…” He let out a slow breath and nodded again. “And my parents didn’t like that and, well…” The sinking sensation turned into a cold rock in the pit of Patton’s stomach. “They… they threw me out.”
Nodding, Patton shifted the pack still slung on his shoulder. Pins and needles, like after you foot fell asleep, crawled down Patton's limbs and he reminded himself to breathe. “Oh, Logan, I’m so sorry. That’s horrible.”
“Exactly,” Roman said, pulling Logan a little closer. “Logan’s been staying at my house since that all happened. My parents have kinda taken him in."
“Your family has been more than generous,” Logan murmured, eyes on his feet. “And very gracious.”
“Hey, after surviving eighteen years of Remus running around the house, you’re nothing.”
Patton swallowed. The last time he’d seen Remus had been right after graduation. He’d run up to him and Ro and unzipped his gown to reveal his brand new tattoo—and that he’d been wearing Speedos and nothing else underneath during the ceremony. He looked carefully at Logan. “Has he been… okay with you?” 
Remus had never directly bothered him—Patton had no doubt Roman would’ve put a stop to it in a heartbeat if he’d so much as said one mean word. But as early as second grade, Remus had been suspended three times for fighting. He was tough and fought dirty, brutal enough to make even Patton’s biggest bullies cry. 
Patton was still grateful Roman really never left them alone together.
Logan tilted his head, brow furrowed. “He’s been Remus but, yes… Once I informed him I did not find his references to ‘Little Orphan Annie’ as humorous as he did, we’ve been getting along acceptably well.”
“You know if that ever changes,” Roman began in a soft voice, lips close to Logan’s ear. Patton looked away and tried harder not to listen. The room was just so small.
“If that ever changes, you’ll be the first to know,” Logan replied just as quietly. “Remus will need you to drive him to the emergency room.”
Roman chuckled, low and quiet and rich. Not at all like his best friend’s typical laugh. Patton risked a glance up.
Roman was smiling down at Logan, eyes bright and cheeks a gentle pink even through his summer tan. He absolutely glowed. Suddenly seeming to remember Patton’s presence, Roman faced him, fingers still laced together with Logan’s. They’d painted their nails matching colors, every other nail Roman’s favorite red and a deep blue that matched Logan’s shirt.
“Right, I was explaining.” Roman’s voice dragged his attention away from their interlocked hands and Patton nodded. “Logan’s parents withdrew the dorm deposit they’d paid and he lost his room. I convinced my parents to switch me to a “single” so he’d have a place to live this year.” 
Patton looked around the room. They’d already moved the dorm-issue twin beds side-by-side, with a big red quilt stretched over them. Two dressers were tucked into the corner by one closet, leaving just enough space to set the desks face-to-face on the other side of the room. Patton imagined them studying together, holding hands over the desk, stealing little glances between readings. Quizzing each other like he and Roman used to when he’d study at his place after school.
Roman suddenly stepped closer and Patton looked up at him, pushing on another smile. “Have no fear, my dear Pattington Bear.” He booped Patton’s nose and, for a moment, everything was as it should be. “The Housing Office assigned you a room in the new dorms. It’s over by the Art Building. We saw them—they’re really nice and…”
“You probably want to get settled in,” Logan added, taking out a folded slip of paper from his pocket. “Dormitory orientations start in an hour, then dinner, and an evening program on ‘Health and Safety.’”
“Ha,” Patton forced a laugh, craning his neck to peek at the printout. His eyes widened when he saw the number of activities and information sessions they’d be expected to attend over the next few days. The list was a lot longer than the one he’d seen at the start of summer. “Sounds like camp!” 
“I sincerely hope your summer camp did not distribute prophylactics on the first night,” Logan frowned and put away the list. “Well,” he looked up at Roman  who winked back, blushing. “We have a bit more to tackle before Orientation.”
“Right,” Patton nodded. “Of course. Maybe we can meet up for dinner at the dining hall?” he asked, hoping neither caught his stomach grumble.
“Well, um…” Roman drew Logan a little closer. “Lo and I were going to drive into town for dinner together and…”
“Oh! Oh, yes, right… Celebrate with a date.” The yawning pit in his stomach turned into an a ball of ice. “Of course,” he said again. “Let me, um, let me get out of your hair, then and, uh…”
“Here, Pat, I’ll help you.” He lifted Logan’s hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against each knuckle before releasing his grip and following Patton into the hall. “Jeez, Pat!” Roman exclaimed, eyes widening when he took in Patton’s overstuffed duffel bag, another backpack, and his beat up old wheelie suitcase in the hall. “Did you bring enough?”
“Oh, you know me,” he laughed, his voice strained as he tightened the straps on the larger backpack pulling down his shoulders. “It’s just a little of everything.” Roman hefted the duffel bag, his hand scraping over a crumpled tagboard label.
“Ha! Speaking of camp, I think you left your bunk tags on from last summer,” he laughed, turning it over and reading the bunk information. His eyes widened. “I can’t believe you went back!”
“You went to summer camp before college?” Logan asked, adjusting his glasses and peering at him through narrowed eyes from the doorway.
Patton shrugged, a flush crawling up the back of his neck. “Yeah, I was a counselor. Good money for a summer’s worth of work and no expenses… You’re living where you work, so…”
“Ah, Pat, I figured you’d take the summer off!” Roman clapped his shoulder then helped him hook his other backpack over the handle of the wheelie bag. “You worked your ass off to get a full ride here. Your parents were so proud at graduation, I bet they’d send you anything you’d need.”
“Mm-hm,” Patton nodded and didn’t look away fast enough to miss the stiff look Logan gave him. 
“Oh, mi amor,” Roman murmured, stepping back into their room and cupping his boyfriend’s cheek. Patton ducked his head and tilted back the suitcase to drag it back to the elevators, making just enough noise to cover their whispers. “I’ll be back before you know it, love,” he promised in his regular voice before stepping back into the hall with Patton.
“You know, Ro… I’m being selfish,” he said quietly to Roman when he joined him with the duffel bag. “You should stay here and help Logan get settled. I just need to head down to the RA’s office and get my new room and keycode.” Patton smiled brightly up at his oldest friend.
“Are—” Roman’s hand twitched on the duffel strap, already shifting his weight to set it down. “Are you sure?”
Patton looked up at him. Hope had brightened his already brilliant green eyes, and his usual crooked smile now bloomed over his face. “Yeah, Ro, of course I’m sure. I got it all here, didn’t I?” He nodded and looped the duffel bag over one shoulder.  “Besides, you know me…” He grinned brightly and mimed flexing his muscles. “I’m stronger than I look. Logan needs you,” he murmured.
“Pat, you’re the best friend a guy could ask for!” Roman pulled him into a long hug. Breath caught in his throat, Patton squeezed back, the familiar scent of strawberry shampoo and a new floral cologne pleasantly tickled his nose. “I’m not just saying that, either,” Roman murmured, bent over his head. “Thank you for being so understanding. Logan doesn’t have anyone right now. His whole family disowned him when he came out. They wouldn’t even let him take his computer or his clothes or anything.”
Burning eyes squeezed shut, Patton nodded silently against his shoulder, throat too tight to even try to speak. The weight of everything he carried in his backpack cut into his shoulders and he hugged Roman a little tighter. 
“He just really needs me right now,” Roman whispered. “I’m the one who encouraged him to come out. It wouldn’t be right to just abandon him now.”
“Of course,” Patton managed when Roman pulled back and smiled down at him. 
“You’re a good friend, Pat. The best.” He gave his shoulders one more squeeze before turning back to his room with a little wave. Just before he closed the door, he poked his head back into the hallway. “Hey, we should meet up at the dining hall… uh, maybe sometime tomorrow? Or maybe Monday?”
“Yeah,” he nodded. “Yeah, Ro, that sounds great! You have my new number!” He called just as the door closed. Alone again, Patton pushed up the corners of his mouth until it felt something like a smile and walked back down the hall toward the elevators.
The line for the RA’s office wrapped around the hallway. He watched the time tick down on his phone, the wait stretching even as his battery slowly died. Still, he cheered when he reached the head of the line and grinned at the harried volunteer flipping through a clipboard of dog eared papers.
“A313,” she said and handed him his new door code in a tiny envelope.
“Does it say who my roommate will be?” Patton bit his lip. He and Roman had spent the last four months of school planning on rooming together, sketching plans and making up stories about who else they might meet in the dorms. Patton hadn’t even considered not sharing a room with him. The thought of living with a total stranger sent a cold child down his spine.
The volunteer scanned the sheet but shrugged. “Sorry, doesn’t say on my copy, just that he’s a senior. It would’ve been on the copy mailed to your permanent address.”
Nodding, Patton caught his bag as it began to slip off his shoulder. She smiled, briefly, and glanced up at the line behind him. “Here—” she said, plucking a parking sticker from a thick envelope. “You’ll need to switch out your pass when you move your car to the other lot.”
“Yeah,” Patton nodded again and tucked the decal into his pocket along with the old one. Don’t need a pass if you don’t have a car. He gathered up his bags. “Um, thank you!” he added, remembering to smile. The volunteer had already moved on to the student waiting behind him, crumpled check in-hand.
The Art Dorm was on the opposite side of the quad, tucked into a corner behind Greek Row. A raucous party had already started at the largest fraternity house and Patton hitched his bag a little higher. He’d dodged a bullet there, at least.
He skittered around a pocket of laughing students making their way back across the quad toward the dining hall, then another as he waited for the elevator. One of them shoved a thick Orientation folder into the recycling bin. He waited until they’d passed and fished it out again. He'd missed the session, but at least he could catch up with the handouts. And if he hurried, he could still make the tail end of dinner and figure out what else he'd missed later. Who knew, maybe his new roomie would be nice and they could get to know each other a little before bed.
The elevator doors opened and Green Day played at too a high a volume poured into the tiny elevator. Patton dragged his bags out and into the hall. The music came from the only open door on the floor, about half-way down from the elevator. He re-read his dorm assignment and checked each door. His footsteps slowed with each tread, his bags growing steadily heavier.
301, 303, 305…
Patton stopped just outside room 313. A mostly empty suitcase sat open on the bed nearest the hallway and a stack of clothes still on hangers were draped haphazardly over the back of a chair. Teetering stacks of books and art supplies covered one desk and music—now Queen—blared from a flashing bluetooth speaker by the window.
In the other corner of the room, a very tall and very familiar guy with neon green hair and a cropped tank top was inside. Back to the door, he danced as he shoved an armful of clothes into a dresser drawer. A shiny tattoo, still red around the edges, covered his left shoulder and the safety pins adorning his ripped jeans swayed with his movements. 
Maybe it wasn’t him. Maybe… Patton held his breath and knocked. Loudly. 
He spun around, tapping his wrist, and the music cut out. A too-broad grin slashed across his face, topped with a thick mustache. Green eyes two shades darker than Roman’s stared back at him, wide and wild. Remus dropped his clothes and opened his arms wide.
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nozoroomie · 8 months
going through that old tag was a curse and a blessing because so many good things in that tag but also.
I miss writing Nozoeli content .
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strbymacaroon · 2 years
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❀✿ Pilot: How it started! ✿❀
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✿ Roomie Series!: Eren Yeager x Reader!
❥ S1: Pilot. 10:00 remaining, 3,095 words.
❥ Y/n is living her normal life, but when her roommate finally arrives home— things go from normal to weird... Who would’ve thought that in a matter of minutes her life would completely change.
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You gathered all your hair, trying to place it into a ponytail. Grabbing your reading glasses as you finished and awkwardly pushing them on your face. Wrapping a white fluffy blanket around your frame as you reached for your computer. Opening up your Macbook and clicking on your favorite website. 
Typing in words familiar words of your new anime crush. Oh yeah, You were also on facetime with your best friend, explaining to them about said anime guy. Basically explaining to them how utterly sexy this man was. 
Hair, eyes, body, shit this man had it all. 
Eren Yeager. 
Even his name was sexy. 
You huffed dramatically, “Dude, none of these fics seem…” you couldn’t say the words. “It’s not what I want.” You pouted, looking on your phone that was propped on your bedside counter. 
They laughed at you, “You’re just being picky, I’m pretty sure there's something out there.” 
You nodded, closing out of the site and sighing. Fixing the glasses on your face and grabbing the drink that’s been on your counter for god knows how long. You just drank it. 
You could feel your mind trailing back to Eren. Smiling unintentionally. 
Your friend noticed. 
“He’s perfect, Nana.” you softly said. Biting your lip and feeling your face heat up. A certain fan art popping into your head. 
“Mhm, right.” They said, a smile on their face. He tilted his head. “Tell me, what’s wrong with him?” 
You blinked, grimacing. Licking your lips and shrugging. “Oh nothing.” You sheepishly said. Looking down at the book in your hands whispering a soft ‘ocide.’
They raised an eyebrow, getting closer to the phone and cupping their ear. Despite having headphones on. “Come again? Didn’t hear ya’?” 
“Genocide.” You quickly said, “Mass genocide.” You scrunched your nose. “He commited mass murder on his enemy.” 
“You’ve got to fucking kidding me.” 
“Look, if he was real, he would be a regular college student.” You said, “like us.” You looked away thinking about it a little more, “And, proabably a god at sex.” 
“God, we’ve gotta’ get you a boyfriend.” 
He said, your just shrugged. “I do have one.” 
“Do you?” 
You nodded, laying back in your bed. Enjoying the push pillow beneath your head. Slightly humming into it. 
Nana tilted their head, raising an eyebrow. “And, if you don’t mind me asking. Who is this boyfriend of yours?”
You smiled, stifling a laugh. “Eren fucking Yeager.” You scoffed, “Who else could fit my standard.” 
“Y/n, you haven't showered or left your room in three days.” He said, “I’m pretty sure anyone could fit your standard.” 
You loudly laughed, shrugging. “I guess you're right.” 
“Don’t worry Babe, it’s the start of freshman year. You’ll find someone.” Nana said, smiling at you. 
You shook your head groaning. “I don’t want to find anyone, I want Eren.” You dramatically groaned, trying to fake cry. 
“I promise the moment you go into one of your classes, you’ll forget all about this fiction crush of yours.” Nana told you, taking a sip of their drink. “I promise.” 
You glared at Nana. “I highly doubt that.” 
You looked at the notification that popped on your screen. It was your roommate texting you to open the door. You pouted, eyebrows mushing together. Now you would be forced to leave your room.
You sighed, “Hold up, I’m gonna’ go. Roommates home.” You laughed, “You know how she is when I take forever to open the door.” Nana laughed, recalling the last time that happened. 
They nodded, blowing you a kiss and ending the call. You smiled, getting out of bed and stretching. Walking to the door of your room. 
When you felt… uneven. 
Like you were going to pass out, suddenly light headed and heavy. Your mind blanking. 
Were you going to pass out? 
Did you get up too fast?
Your body leaned on the wall, collecting yourself. Wondering where that random feeling came from. 
Iron deficiency? Maybe?
Huh, weird. 
You walked to the front door, opening it for your roommate. Squinting your eyes immediately because of the light. 
Damn, you really should get out more. 
Yet, nothing in the world could’ve prepared you the sight in front of you. You could feel your jaw slack, your eyes bulging out of their sockets. 
Eren fucking Jeager. 
There was a playful smile on his lip, a bag of food in his hand, and a few words of- ‘Hey Roommie!’ 
Yeah, you were dreaming. You were going to wake up and start sobbing because, Eren wasn’t real. 
You laughed, shaking your head “Oh my god, pinch me.” A sentence said without thought.
Eren shrugged, lifting his eyebrows. “Weird request but, I’ve had weirder.” 
You flinched from the pain, instictly moving out of the door frame. Eren immediately walked in. Hanging his keys on the coat hanger and kicking off his shoes. Kicking the door closed and placing the bag of food on the floor. 
Before stealing a glance in your direction, giving you a quizzical look. He almost laughed, “What the hell are you wearing?” He looked at your face, his eyebrows coming together “And are those glasses? Since when did you need glasses?” 
You blinked a few times, his words not even processing in your head. You were still processing him. You forced an uncomfortable laugh, tapping yourself a few times. “Okay, Y/n, time to wake up.” You sang, turning around and patting your cheeks. Trying to see if that would help. “You probably have class and are oversleeping.” 
Eren again felt his eyebrows come together, turning his head to the side slightly. “Since when do you care about class?”
You gave him a look. I mean, I literally pay to go to college.. It would be a waste not to go to class. Again, you had to process who was standing in front of you. Again. 
If you could describe the feeling rushing through your body- you’d need a whole fucking libary. And, that was if you could. 
1- Eren Yeager was currently silently judging you for what you looked like.
Oh my god, he just said my name.
You wanted to cry. You peered over your shoulder, looking at him. Taking a moment to nod weakly.
Eren suppressed a laugh, placing a hand on his hip and using his free hand to point at you. “I’m going to ask you again. What the hell are you wearing?” 
It took you a minute to process what he said. Then, you looked down at your outfit, slightly confused by his question. It was what you wore everyday? You looked back at him, tilting your head. “Sweats and a random cat shirt?” 
He blinked at you, tilting his head. This time, he didn't try to suppress his laugh. “The all mighty bitchy Y/n is wearing a ugly cat shirt?” He said, shaking his head amused. “I think I’m the one dreaming.” 
You abruptly laughed —no— scoffed. “Yeah, I think you’re mixing me up with someone else.” You said, fixing your glasses. This was literally what you always wore. It didn’t matter where you went.
Eren looked at his watch, then backed up. Counting silently before looking back at you again. “And, we’ve been talking for a minute now without you scolding me for something I did- are?..” he got close, placing the back of his hand to your face. “Are you sick?” 
You felt your face heat up. “I-“ You pushed his hand off you, looking away embarrassed. “No, I’m not—“ You placed your hands to your face, taking a moment to yourself. Then whispering, “What the fuck is happening?” 
“You tell me.” Eren said, lightly laughing. 
You sighed, putting your hands to your temple. You shook your head and slowly started to make your way to your room. “I need a nap.”
Eren laughed, walking to the couch. “You’re acting.. different.” You stopped and looked at him, tilting your head. 
“Different?..” you softly said, looking to the side and thinking. 
Eren turned on the TV, clicking onto a movie you recorded a few days before. “Don’t worry, I like it, it’s.. different.” He looked at you, “I like being able to have a convo with you.” 
You blinked, feeling your heart start to beat faster. As you smiled, you couldn’t help it. You nodded your head once.
“Do you want to..” He paused, “..to watch a movie with me?” 
You blinked a few times, feeling your heart pounding. “Uhm..” You just ended up nodding, walking down the stairs and sitting on the opposite couch. Eren gave you a look, before continuing the movie. 
You tried watching it -you really did- but you were just constantly looking back at Eren. Eyeing him up and down and enjoying how absolutely stunning this man was. Jesus, the anime— let alone fanart, didn’t do him any justice. 
You flinched, but nodded your head. Eren looking at you then continuing. “Are you sure you’re okay?..” He forced an awkward smile. “You’re not acting like.. you?”
You felt your mouth open then close, you didn’t know how to respond. It was very clear that Eren knew you. In some weird way, but— didn’t know you. Which could seem confusing, but made sense in your mind. 
It was like.. he knew a different version of you… 
You felt your eyebrows mush together. Did I cross realities or something? Which made sense in your mind, somewhat. Well, it was the only thing that made sense considering you weren’t dreaming. 
You opened your mouth again, “I—“ You sighed, closing your eyes and speaking again. “I’m a different person.” You softly said, “If that makes sense.” 
He laughed, getting up and moving to the couch next to you. Smiling at you, “Is that a bad thing? Change?” 
You fixed your glasses and shrugged, “You tell me.” 
Oh my god, I’m talkin- conversing with Eren Yeager. 
He leaned his head towards you. “I like it, it’s nice to talk to my roommate.” He squinted his eyes playfully, “Even if she’s acting really weird.” 
You got offended by that. 
Eren noticed, “I don’t know how Jean’s going to feel about it though.” He leaned his head back, trying his best not to ruin the moment. I mean, he literally can’t remember the last time the two of you had a pleasant conversation. “He’s really into how your bod-“ He paused, thinking before speaking. “How you present yourself.” 
You laughed, placing both your legs on the couch and leaning into him. “Why would Jean care—“ 
Wait, Jean?.. Does that mean that every AOT character is in this world? Oh my god, I’m going to fucking die from a heart attack. I don’t think I can take that.
Eren gave you a look. “Because, he's your boyfriend?”
“I have a boyfriend?” You shouted, it was quickly followed by— “I’m dating Jean?!” Oh my god, he was hot but— the man you wanted was sitting right across from you!
Eren’s wide eyed expression brought you back into the conversation. You cleared your throat, placing both your hands in your lap and in the most calm voice you could muster you said— “I’m dating Jean.” It wasn’t a question this time.  
He slowly nodded, a studle amused smile on his lips. “Yes, Love. You’re dating Jean.” 
God, take me now.
You leaned back in the chair, closing your eyes and processing. “Eren.” 
You laughed, looking at him. “I’m going to break-up with Jean.” You didn’t like him like that. You needed to wife Eren up. And you needed to do it as soon as possible. 
Hell, you’d be satisfied with a simple kiss. 
He laughed, laughed so hard because that was the last thing he’d ever expect to hear from you. 
The girl who had Jean in her room everyday. The girl who clung to him like a lost puppy everywhere he went. The girl who would only talk to Eren if it was about their future wedding or an argument about something stupid he did.
Literally. Someone stupid he did. 
“And why would you do that, Y/n?” 
Because I want you. Duh!
“I don’t like Jean like that.” you mumbled, Eren smiled at that, “He’s wonderful and deserves the best but, I’m pretty sure he has a thing for Mikasa.” You hoped the show was somewhat connected to this world. 
His jaw dropped, his eyebrows coming together as his hand went up in the air. “Dude— no stop.” Jean was anything but wonderful. Hell, when was the last time you used a positive word to describe anyone?
You gave him a weird look, “What?” It was a pretty obvious ‘what?’
“Why are you admitting this now? After you literally went to hell and back defending him for cheating on you with her.” He put his hand out, “Let me correct myself, my girlfriend at the time.”
Your jaw dropped, “He cheated on me?” You scoffed, shaking your head. “I defended someone who cheated on me?” You shook your head. ”With my roommates girlfriend?!” 
“Ex roommate's girlfriend.” Eren corrected. 
You laughed, shaking your head. “No fucking way.” What the hell is wrong with me in this universe? You looked at him, smile. “Eren, literally fuck him.” 
Eren laughed, slowly nodded his head before nodding it vigorously. “Yeah.” He smiled, “Yeah!” He shouted, “Fuck him!” 
You laughed with him, “I mean, Mikasa probably—“ 
“Stop.” Eren cut you off. Playfully shoving you. 
You loudly laughed, looking away and nodding. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop but—“ You sighed, and looked at him. “Seriously, that’s such a stupid thing to do.” You giggled, leaning into him. “On roommates no less.” 
Eren nodded, thickly swallowing and leaning back slightly. “Who am I talking to?” He softly said. 
You shrugged, “Y/n?” You laughed, “Who am I talking to.” 
“Eren.” He replied. 
“It’s nice to meet you, Eren.” You extended your hand, giving a warm smile. 
Eren looked at your extended hand, taking it into his much larger one. Jesus take me now— “Nice to meet you better version of Y/n.” 
“Better?” You questioned, trying to ignore the way your heart sped up when you two touched. 
“Better.” He confirmed, nodding his head seriously. “I prefer this,” he waved his hand around you, “Then, whatever the hell you were.” 
You huffed fondly, nodding your head. 
“When did you even get that shirt?”
You sighed, leaning back in your chair. “I actually bought it at the thrift store a few blocks away from us.” 
“You thrift?!” Eren asked shocked, you nodded. 
“That’s where I buy all my clothing?” You slowly said. I mean, you weren’t made of money? Where else would you buy cheap but somewhat cute clothing? 
Eren laughed, “Now, I know you’re lying.” He pointed to a closet. “That closet is filled with empty shopping bags from every designer store possible.” 
Your eyebrows came together. “Designer? How the hell would I afford that?” You innocently asked. I mean, you didn’t even really talk to your parents. Let alone ask them for money. 
Eren had a look, like he was suppressing something he wanted to say. He ended saying it anyways, “Daddy’s money.” 
You laughed, “My Dad sends me money? What is he a CEO?” 
“Yes, he is actually.” He had a serious face, “That was the first thing you told me when we met.” 
“Damn, I sound like a bitch.” 
“Yeah, you are.” 
You gave him glare, he laughed.
“Were a bitch.” He corrected. 
You shook your head, pulling out your phone. You needed to check something. 
Your bank account. 
“Holy shit.” 
“Holy shit indeed.” He said, his eyes dancing over your screen. “Like I said, Dad’s a CEO.” He raised an eyebrow. “Y/n, you freaking me out— just a tad.” 
You glanced at him, blinking a few times. “I’m—“ you paused, “I’m really tired and— high.” You said, silently cringing. Best fucking excuse, Y/n.
Eren slowly nodded, “Makes sense.” He smiled, dimples denting into his skin, “I am too.” 
“Naw, but I can be.” 
You shook your head, “No, but— seriously I need..” 
Eren flinched, feeling his phone buzz. “I’m sorry, but—“ he gestured to his phone, quickly picking it up. You pressed your lips together, something Eren could help but double take at. “Yeah, I’ll be there in 30. See ya.” 
You watched as he lowered his phone. “Ugh.” He groaned. 
You giggled, “What happened?” 
“You know how we were talking about Mikasa and Jean.” You nodded. “Well, the sport I’m in decided to hold a last minute practice I gotta’ go to.” He stood up from the couch, taking a small stretch. 
You blinked a few times. “Oh, well..” 
“I guess it worked out.” He said, “You get to cool down from being high, and I have to deal with you boyfriend and my ex.” He said. 
“Our ex’s.” You corrected. 
He looked back at you smiling. Placing a hand on your head and ruffling your hair. “Tell me that when you’re not high.” He said. 
I’m not high. “Okay, I will.” 
Eren pressed his lips together, his head tilting. “I doubt that, but I’ll believe it for now.” Eren wants to believe it. “And, if this is what you’re like high, you should get high more often.” 
“Maybe I should.” 
Eren laughed.
There was silence, a comfortable silence. The conversation ended. You didn’t want the conversation to end, but it did. Eren felt the same way. 
“Uhm, do you want to join the sport I play?” He asked, “I’m pretty sure they’re still accepting people, if you wanna come with.” 
You blinked a few times, giving him a kind smile. “Uhm, yeah, but I’ll go with you tomorrow.” You answered, “I really need to rest.” And find out more about myself. 
Eren forced a smile. “Sure, yeah, that works.” He pushed himself away from you, “See ya’ Y/n.”
You smiled, giving a soft wave. “See ya’ ‘Ren.” 
He blinked at you, nodding his head. His body paused for a moment. Before waking to the door, reaching for his keys. However, he stopped. 
Because he was scared when he got back home, you were going to be gone. 
“See you in a bit roomie.” He called out.
You peaked your head from behind the wall like a cartoon, smiling and nodding your head. “Can’t wait roomie.” 
You squinted your eyes at him. “Promise, you little weirdo.” 
Eren forced a smile, nodded his head and left. 
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