#rookie slaf
croszukis · 4 months
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slaf post-game — buffalo v montreal prospects challenge 09.15.22
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hab-a-nice-day · 23 days
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—Happy Rookie Slaf, Montreal Canadiens, October 20, 2022, Pre and Post Game the night he scored his first NHL goal
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hockey-and-timbits · 9 months
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—Cinnamon Roll Rookie Slaf shares he hasn't yet been added to the team group chat, Montreal Canadiens Call Out Their Teammates for Fun
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kawhh · 16 days
Annual Hockey Update
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Another year, another 6000 hours of recording
I got a lot more efficient with it at the end of the season. It means that I’m not recording full games but I can record for a lot more teams. I pay monthly for storage so nothing is going anywhere - every season and clip I have is there to stay.
Teams I record game clips for:
The ducks will always be recorded - Zegras/Mason/some of the rookies/goalie moments. Cutter too. RIP Jamie
Canucks - mostly just Quinn but I’m willing to record more
Stars - Wyatt by request
Panthers - 72, 77, 16, 15, 25
Carolina - Aho, Svech, some Jarvis.
Rangers - Matt and Braden mostly with some Igor
Leafs - Mitch
Islanders - Occasionally I record Barzal clips. It’s the least common for me though.
Devils - Mercer, I’ve had a request for Jesper. Jack, Nico, RIP Marino, Luke
Habs - Cole and Slaf with some other appearances
Flyers - Of course Jamie
If you’re comfortable with messaging me more on tiktok >
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If you’d rather not, I have an anonymous recording form at:
My only request is that it’s for a team I record for already. I barely have enough free time to do what I do now, nevermind adding even more teams.
House keeping:
https://mega.nz/folder/UEdy1CDa#38LNb8beHNNjRco6Z53sAQ < this is always the main link. Won’t change. It’s linked on my tiktok and I’ll be pinning this post. You’ll find the general clips in folders and then the game clips in:
https://mega.nz/folder/0F83wIbS#sqZtxsZTVWWxffNPireOZg < in here specifically
NEXT SEASON LINK: https://mega.nz/folder/8M1XwaoS#GCh_MKMqF4R8i-xc0KKJdQ
You can get to anything from the main link however this’ll take you to only this season.
Q) I saw a clip you used in an edit but can’t find it. Help?
A) If you send me the link to the edit - anon message, DM, TikTok comment, TikTok DM, then I’ll try and send you the exact link.
Q) It’s asking for a decryption key?
A) Occasionally it messes up. Mega isn’t perfect. If you have issues, try another browser. If it still doesn’t work, message me.
Q) Why won’t you record more teams? Will you in the future?
A) No. Not a harsh no. I just have no time. Recording takes hours of my week already and I have a life lmao. It’s a one woman operation babyyyy.
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puckmaidens · 1 year
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If I Say It, Will You Respond? - Juraj Slafkovsky x OC
This is for @2manytabsopen as a part of @wyattjohnston ‘s summer fic exchange!
- I’m so sorry for making you wait Kesh, but this story went up and off the rails with Arber’s meddling (as big brothers do 🤣)
The story of Dinah and Jura is one that I definitely struggled with from an intimacy perspective. How do I make Dinah fall for Slaf without feeling like insta love?
Dinah Faye Clark doesn’t regret anything, actually almost anything. She’s gazing at her diploma on the wall, Bachelor’s in Media and Journalism from the University of Montreal.
“Another successful day of work finished. The article on the Habs blueline will go up tomorrow before the draft and hopefully that goes over well.” A soft *ping* goes off and Dinah sees a tweet from the Habs Twitter.
The Montreal Canadiens have the first overall pick for the 2022 draft. Find out more about what that means here. Link Here
Another ping.
The Hamilton Bulldogs are your 2022 Ontario Hockey League champions! They will advance to the Memorial Cup Tournament!
Dinah’s heart thumped as she saw the players raising the Ross Robertson Cup. She sees the Xhekaj jersey and smiles.
Proud of you, big bro. So proud of you, Arber.
Dinah and Arber hadn’t spoken in years, but the sibling bond they share was unshakable across country lines and team switches. When Dinah left for university, Arber stayed and went to the OHL. The first few terms were easy when he was with the Rangers before getting traded.
Everything almost fell apart once he went to the Bulldogs though. Texts were getting lost, calls never making it to voicemail and nights full of tears. They never held it against each other, especially once Dinah graduated and Arber was front row and dead center waiting for her.
Dinah didn’t have both parents, just an Aunt. Having a hands off guardian made her independent and headstrong, from getting on the yearbook and newspaper teams to starting her own blog about the Canadiens before her junior year.
Six years later, she’s a trusted source and media channel for the Habs. What she’s lost in affection and time she’s got back in a supportive network virtually and adventures embedded into her brain. She’s a storyteller, analyst and writer who’s damn good at her job.
When Arber was traded from Kitchener to Hamilton, Dinah struggled with giving space to Arber. Her feelings of being too much to be around drove her into distancing him. The championship brought them back together.
Dinah asked him where his mind was in an interview and suddenly the conversation got deep fast.
Draft Day
”The Montreal Canadiens are proud to select Juraj Slafkovsky from TPS in the Liiga!” Dinah watches the first overall selection stride down to meet the GM, President, and Head Coach of his new team. Her hand flies across her notepad faster than she can comprehend, really.
He’s soft. Teddy-bear like, but not weak.
Dinah dragged her eyes back down to her notes as she waited for the next team to select their draftee.
Someone might say Dinah fell in love that day, but Dinah felt something stronger.
She wanted to tell his story, again and again.
1. Juraj’s first game
Mullet Arena is tiny and too cozy, Dinah muses. Everyone seems uncomfortable, too close, intimate in a way that bothered them instead of coming naturally. The warm-ups were starting and as the lights came up Dinah noticed that just right along the opening where the players came out she saw something. It was him getting ready to take his rookie lap. Dinah’s heartbeat got heavy and fast. She got warm although she barely had anything on save for a coat. She couldn't stop staring as he made his loops round and round and the wide oval shape that the ice was. Loop, loop, loop. The sight of him taking his lap on the ice and then heading back off burned into her brain. It was somehow too much but also not enough. She wanted to see more.
2. His first goal
C’mon Juraj, stay on him. You’re almost there, do not let up.
Nearly 12 minutes left on the clock and he’s passing Arizona’s Maccelli and aiming. It misses. The sound of bodies hit the wall ring in Dinah’s ears. The shot is clear this time, now 11:43 left in the second period. He aims, and it passes Ingram. He’s scored his first goal. Jake grabs him first, then Arber and everyone else crashes into Juraj. His first goal has been made and Dinah is watching the ice.. A volcano of feelings screaming to rush out of them as Juraj fist-bumps the lines not on shift.
“His First of the National League, Slafkovsky!” Arber is right behind him, whooping and hollering with everyone else.
After the game ends, Dinah goes to their media availability and records most of the post-game conversation, asking some questions of her own and getting Coach St. Louis to laugh.
Then there’s Juraj, laughing and blushing. Dinah feels her heart stop beating for a moment, but she manages to ask one good question.
“You think this a good start to your career?” 
Juraj laughs, and Dinah knows this feeling is more now, tied and infinite.
3. End of Season
It was a loss. Boston 5 - Montreal 4. Dinah had to hold back her tears when she saw the final score on her screen. Pasternak really shut the door on them. Her phone is a Roman Candle in a room of near darkness. She unlocks her phone and sends a text to Arber and Juraj.
To: Big Bro, Juraj
Hugs. god, I'm so sorry. I know how hard you both fought this season. Do you need me to come over?
From: Big Bro
You know where the key is, Dee. We wouldn’t mind company.
A new message pops up, just between Dinah and Juraj.
From: Juraj
I’ll keep the couch warm. You want to pick a movie?
Dinah comes over and slips her shoes off before shuffling over to Arber, resting her head in his lap. Juraj toddles over and shoves his head in Dinah’s lap.
“You’re a puppy dog, I swear Slaf. Needy baby.”
That made Arber laugh, Juraj turning pink as the movie started.
4. Arber, Juraj and Dinah hanging out before Juraj asks Dinah on a date
Dinah sat themselves down, fiddling with the ring on her index finger as she waited for the boys. Now that the season was truly over, exit interviews done, there was a tiny, faint buffer of time before everyone scattered for the summer.
“Baby Dee!”
“Arber!” They crashed into each other, squeezing tight as Arber lifted Dinah off the ground.
Juraj follows Arber, quiet as he blinks at Dinah.
“Can I?”
“I’m a hugger Juraj, it’s fine. C’mere.” He’s gentle and wraps himself around her.
“So, I hear you’re heading home soon?” Arber nudges Juraj into a corner, raising his eyebrows.
“To finish my schooling, yes. In a few days, but I want to ask you something. Dinah, would you join me for a walk? Nothing too —“
“It’s a date Dee, Slaf is just shy. Meet him at the park Saturday, hm? We both know you think he’s cute.” Both Dinah and Juraj turn crimson.
“HEY. I told you that in confidence you dork!”
“You think…I’m cute? Not just something Arber is saying to be funny?” Arber gets up, heading to the bathroom and the air gets still.
“No. He’s telling the truth. I didn’t want to distress you—“
Juraj grabs Dinah’s hand and squeezes it.
“I like you more. I remember…. I remember my draft day and you couldn’t stop looking at me and I couldn’t stop thinking about you writing wondering what was making you scribble so fast.”
5. Dinah and Juraj’s First Date
“Time with you is never a waste, Slaf. You make any day less gray.”
“Sunshine, the sun is telling me I make their days better. Follow me. I have a surprise for you.” Dinah links pinkies with Juraj and follows him down the path to a picnic blanket laid out with food.
“How in the… Jura how —“
“Arber. Said feeding you would be the best way to woo you. Love you.” Dinah squeezes Juraj’s pinky again, the sentiment sending butterflies through their spine. The blanket has a bowl of strawberries at the center.
“Sandwiches, lemonade and oh, oh I love fruit! Jura, I thought you don’t like strawberries?”
“They’re not my favorite, but you are. Sit, let me feed you.” Dinah shuffles herself between Juraj’s legs and lets her body relax fully into his chest.
The basket shifts closer to the pair, and before long the taste of strawberries breaches Dinah’s lips. Sweet, tart, and juicy. They stay like this, Dinah being fed til every last strawberry was gone.
“How did you know that you wanted to be a journalist?”
The question makes Dinah freeze. Their head tilts back to meet Juraj’s eyes, and Dinah smiles.
“I’m fond of telling stories, and the only way I really could convey it is by following other’s stories. I tried writing fictional stories but it didn’t stick. The only common thread my family seems to share is hockey, from the love of the game to the thrill of watching it. It’s the only way I know how to do what I do best. To show my love to the people in my life.”
To show love? Juraj takes a breath, eyes meeting Dinah’s. He tries to kiss them, getting their nose. Again, their forehead before Dinah tugs his face to hers.
“I still like you most.”
“You’re not right. I wanted to kiss you proper —“
Dinah kisses Juraj again, but deeper, eyes shutting closed.
“I see.”
“I hope so because you seem ready to explode.”
5. The Summer Haze
Juraj is going to surprise her. The box in his hands feels heavy, but after talking (and getting laughed by Arber) he’s sure this is the right choice.
Two steady raps on the door, and the door swings open to show a sleepy Dinah.
“You’re back early. What has you coming over?” Juraj gives Dinah the box and blushes.
“For you. I noticed the recorder was falling apart, so I got you a nicer one.”
“I like this. I like you.” It gets quiet for a moment before Juraj tugs Dinah close to him.
“I like you most.” A kiss to her head, her cheek and her lips.
“I like you most, Jura. Stop trying to one up me.”
“No. I’m always going to like you more.”
As Dinah pulls Juraj inside to cuddle, the thrum of her heart finally goes steady.
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
Stay Gold, Ponyboy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/TfJWh04
by TiredMidwesterner
Arber lifted his hands into the light of the room, not ashamed to notice them shaking. Heck, the minute tremor made it easier to see the light glinting off of the gold tips of his fingers and slightly shinier tone on his nails. Eddy stepped closer, blocking his rookie off from the view of the rest of the room.
“Okay,” he said, “This is why we have a magician on staff, you’re going to be alright.”
Blood drained from Arber’s face. No shame in being scared by non-consensual body modification from an unknown source, he figured.
“Holy shit,” Slaf said, finally turning to see why his normally chatty partner in crime had gone quiet. “Did you get cursed?”
______________________________________________________ I feel I should note that while I think calling this ship 2072 is cute we could be calling them Xhekovsky (pronounced Jack-off-ski) which I feel is very accurate to the vibe of two college-aged hockey players, but, in the words of an iconic vine, "THAT'S JUST MY OPINION"
Words: 2591, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Arber Xhekaj, Juraj Slafkovsky, Martin St. Louis, Kaiden Guhle, Jordan Harris, Elliotte Friedman, Jeff Marek, Joel Edmundson
Relationships: Juraj Slafkovsky/Arber Xhekaj
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Magical Realism, Established Relationship, Friedman and Marek aren't really in this they just cause the problem, no beta we die like a team tanking for Bedard
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/TfJWh04
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croszukis · 4 months
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slaf before the buffalo v montreal prospects challenge — 09.15.22
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croszukis · 3 months
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slaf — mtl @ stl 10.29.22
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hab-a-nice-day · 1 month
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—Suzy + Cole, Montreal Canadiens, chat about the possibilty of playing with newly drafted rookie Slaf, live on La semaine des 4 Julies, September 13, 2022, a little over a year before Marty put their line together for the first time, and these two were already sounding excited about it
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hab-a-nice-day · 1 month
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—Journalists teasing Montreal Canadiens' rookie Slaf about his secretly-caused-by-poutine-but-actually-not summer weight gain, Pre Game, September 15, 2022
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croszukis · 21 days
for the prompt thing, nick and the word litter? Or Marty and rein?
Thank you!
“What do you mean the rookies are cats?” Cole’s voice shakes in amusement over the phone that Nick has on speaker sitting on the counter while he tries to keep the 3 cats together in his kitchen. 
“I don’t know, I was hanging out with them after lunch and I came back from using the bathroom and they’re all cats!” 
“Are they getting along with Milo and Leo?” 
The one Nick’s pretty sure is Arber is trying to climb up the counters with the one that looks like Slaf right on his heels. Kaiden is sitting in the middle of the floor, calmly watching the other two. Nick quickly grabs the both of them, clutching them close to his chest. “God, please just stay still for a bit,” he mutters to them but they seem happy to stick their paws into his hoodie or play with the dangling strings of the hood. 
He shouts again at Cole through the phone, “Please, just come here and help.”
send me a ship/character + prompt and I'll write 5 sentences (ish)
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croszukis · 5 months
fill for @habsfic mini fics prompt — nick/cole/sidney crosby - Leadership Core
Crosby gets traded to montreal, and has to deal with seeing Nick and Cole in love and both in the leadership core, and navigate what he's feeling about the subject.
“They’ve got a lot of energy, don’t they?” Sid remarked to Marty from where they were standing in the corner of the dressing room.
He found himself spending a lot of time with the head coach and he wasn’t sure which was more to blame: them being old friends or if Sid still didn’t know where he fit with the rest of the team. He was the oldest player, by far, which wasn’t all that different from the Pens on paper but the energy surrounding the team certainly was. Nick clearly ran the room and Sid could see the confidence he wore now that he’s gotten a few more years as captain under his belt. And you could feel the way the rest of the guys, just a few years younger than Nick himself, all gravitated toward him—looking to him for help or praise. 
It was nice for Sid to be the one observing that dynamic from the outside for once. But it meant he had to relearn how to be a teammate, almost. 
“Oh come on, you’re not that old, Sid.” Marty laughed. 
“I’m closer to the head coach’s age than our rookies.” He said plainly, watching said rookies being picked up and carried by Cole who was at least 6 inches shorter. 
“Hey, now you’re calling me old.” 
There was another thing Sid wasn’t quite used to after leaving the Pens. 
Like walking in on their captain and one of their alternates kissing in the weight room before practice. 
“Oh, sorry,” Sid awkwardly tried to escape but he’d already alerted them to his presence and they broke apart. Nick clearly looked embarrassed and avoided eye contact but Cole just beamed at him, all his boundless energy focused on him, “Hey, Sid.” 
Sid just gave him a nod back before he snuck past them to get on the stationary bike. He tried not to watch them from where he was cycling, but the room was still empty with just the three of them and there wasn’t much else to grab his attention. 
They chatted while they did their stretches, their heads stuck together like they were lost in their own world. Nick would reach out and casually touch Cole, a hand on his arm or back. And it looked so close to any regular touch between two teammates that it made Sid pause. 
A few months into the season Sid felt like was really part of the team now. He knew all the inside jokes, every single nickname that the guys liked to throw out. He didn’t feel shocked to see himself in the uniform anymore; he was a Hab. 
And though he felt like he should decline since he was solidly in the veteran category of the team, Sid liked going out with the guys. Montreal had always been his favorite road city and it was somehow even more fun for him now that he played for the home team. 
“Siiid.” Cole always said his name that way, even when he wasn’t tipsy like he was right now. He invaded his space, jumping to get an arm around his shoulders, in a way that Sid was grateful for. His first day in the room, one of the first thing Cole said to him was teasing him about his old style skates. It was nice.
Right now, he was squishing his way into the booth next to Sid, making a seat for him that wasn’t really available. Cole was undersized (the nice way of calling a guy short, in the league) but his presence was impossible not to notice. The guy didn’t shut up, but nobody ever seemed truly annoyed with him. Nick, quiet as he was, certainly wasn’t. Sid could see why they worked together, in their own way.  
Cole didn’t get up while he tried to bully Slaf into grabbing another drink for him, his leg was practically on top of Sid’s lap.
“Is he like that with everyone?” he asked Kaiden. The three of them were the alternates, which was sold to him as Kaiden and Cole swapping off at home and away while he provided a more stable presence with his experience alongside Nick. Really Sid should know the answer to that question by now, after spending this much time with the team, but he still wasn’t sure. 
Kaiden peered around Sid to look at Cole, “Yes… and no.” 
“Cole’s cole.” Sid felt a tinge of annoyance bubble up in him at him. He liked Kaiden, it was easy being on the leadership group with him and he made a pretty good plane buddy. But he wasn’t making any sense. “I think he’s a little different towards you than the rest of us, though.” 
He was ready to sit with that and think about it. He’d wonder why or try to pick out what the exact differences were. But Cole finally stopped his yammering with the younger guys and apparently had been listening to their conversation. 
“Yeah, cause I think you’re hot.” 
Sid almost bit on his tongue, his eyes frantically searching for Nick where he was standing off somewhere else, talking to one of the rookies probably. He’d been called hot before, by other men too, but not like this. Not by his teammate who was dating their captain. Nick caught his eye and raised an eyebrow at him, or maybe him and Cole.
Cole just laughed though, his hand squeezing the space between his shoulder and neck. Sid hadn’t even felt his hand move to rest there. 
“Don’t worry. Nick thinks you’re hot too.” 
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croszukis · 7 months
thinking so much about the habs draft narratives, slaf wanting to play with nick and cole and them wanting him back, etc etc in contrast to nick actually being traded away by the team who drafted him at rookie camp. ouch!!
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croszukis · 5 months
yes, another @habsfic mini fics fill!!
nick/(always a girl) cole/(always a girl) slaf + little bit of the hr department in nick's head
He wasn’t checking the time to see if it was an appropriate time to dip because the last time he’d done that he’d gotten called out on it. Nick was just spiritually checking the time. He liked to go to bed early, was that a crime? 
He was stuck too, trapped in the booth by Arber on the end. Cole and Slaf were squished together on his other side, giggling to themselves as usual. They were enjoying themselves and clearly tipsy with the flush on Slaf’s face and Cole’s laughter turning into a snort from time to time which she only did when she was drunk. So he wouldn’t have left anyway, not without seeing both of them into an Uber first at least. 
Nick wasn’t following the conversation happening around himself but definitely heard when his name was brought up. 
“I’m convinced Nick might be a virgin,” Arber stated drily to the rest of the table. The way he glanced at Nick when he said it told him it was supposed to be a chirp, goading Nick into responding back, but he wasn’t even sure how this had come about. 
He sputtered, “What are you talking about?” 
This made Arber smirk, spreading out his arm that wasn’t holding onto a beer on the back of the booth. “Just that I’ve been on this team for two seasons now and I’ve never seen you with anyone. A girlfriend, a date, or even picking up. Are you a monk or something?” He laughed when he said that last bit. 
Nick scowled, he wasn’t really sure how to answer that. “No. I’m just—focusing on hockey.” 
He glanced to his right, Slaf had her head resting on Cole’s shoulder even with their mismatched heights. Cole’s hand reached up to pat Slaf’s head, petting her hair that had started out with curls at the beginning of the evening but had wilted in the heat of the club. 
“Why are you paying such close attention to my sex life?” Nick countered back finally, sending Arber on a defensive rant that he ignored. He got Cole’s attention with a hand on her shoulder and tried not to think about how warm her skin felt. 
He leaned in closer to make sure she could hear, “You guys wanna split an Uber? I’m about to order one.”
“Sure, Suzy.” She didn’t even look to check with Slaf, but Nick was pretty sure they would leave together like always. The media liked to joke about him and her being attached at the hip around the rink, but they didn’t see how much time Cole and Slaf spent together outside of it. How easily Cole had latched onto their new rookie when she’d joined them, clearly happy to have another woman on the team. 
He’d put in Cole and Slaf’s addresses as additional stops in the app and everything but when they’d arrived at Nick’s place first, they both simply followed him out of the car. It wasn’t that unusual, he’d heard them say how his couch was nicer than anything they had and frequently showed up uninvited at his house declaring it ‘Liney Bonding’. 
So Nick didn’t even blink when the two of them settled in his living room without even waiting for Nick to unlock the front door himself, using the spare key the two of them shared.     
He turned towards his kitchen instead of following them into the living room to check on Milo and Leo and to grab Gatorades for all three of them. He had the three bottles stacked in one arm and was startled when he rounded the corner to see the two of them making out. 
Nick’s wondered before of course. He couldn’t tell what was close friendship or something more between them, or even where that line was between them and him, but he’d never seen anything as obvious as this. Like Cole guiding Slaf’s head as they kissed even though she was on top of Cole. He wasn’t sure what to do with himself, like should he sneak back to the kitchen? But he couldn’t look away. Not when Slaf had her hand tucked behind Cole’s ear and her long legs straddling their other liney. 
He must’ve moved or made a noise to grab their attention because Cole pulled away from their kiss and looked at him. 
“Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be a creep or anything.” He walked over closer to the couch now that they’ve stopped, placing two of the Gatorades on the side table for them. He really tried not to look at Slaf’s lips that were even more red and swollen or the way Cole’s skirt was hiked up, showing off more of her thighs. “I’ll, um, leave you guys to it. The guest room is free.” 
He was about to turn away and run away to his own bedroom, to forget about all of this so he could be normal with them at practice the next day, when Cole stopped him. “Wait, why don’t you stay?” Like they were perfectly in sync, or maybe planned this, Slaf reached out and tugged on Nick’s arm so he flopped onto the couch next to them. 
He laughed trying to gauge how drunk they actually were, “Well, I don’t wanna cock block you.” He paused, realizing what he’d said and corrected himself. “Or whatever the equivalent would be, I guess.”
“You’re not cock blocking us,” Cole still had her hand on Slaf’s waist. She looked content, her head leaning back against one of his throw pillows that had come with the couch, but her smile had that edge to it, the one that always made Nick look and wonder what she was going to do next. 
“Do you want to kiss us too, Suzy?” asked Slaf with that hoarse voice that kind of drove him insane. He’d realized how much she liked to be blunt like that, blurting out whatever came to mind, after her rookie nerves had been shaken off. But she was looking at him the same way as she had the first time they met—huge sparkling brown eyes in awe towards him. 
He looked at Cole for help or clarification maybe but she was just staring at him too, with that smirk. 
“Yes,” he admitted, thinking about all the times he’d seen them wrapped up in each other off the ice, arms linked or Cole hanging off Slaf’s shoulders, and felt left out. He wasn’t supposed to say that though. “Sorry.” 
“Why are you apologizing?” Cole laughed, clearly amused. 
“I dunno, it’s like, inappropriate isn’t it?” The long list of reasons he had in his head all season flew out of his mind at that moment. He couldn’t recall any of his very convincing points when he wasn’t laying awake in his bed thinking about it. 
“It’s not. Not if we’ve kinda been waiting for you to make a move since the All-Star break.” 
Slaf giggled at him, her nose scrunching up and everything, and he and Cole shared a look together before starting to laugh themselves. 
“Okay then.” Nick leaned in so he was fully in their space now, not just sitting beside them on the couch. He wasn’t sure who to kiss first. Cole nudged him with her leg that had somehow made its way into his lap, “God, hurry up. You’ve taken long enough already.” 
He rolled his eyes at her and just for that, he reached out to grasp Slaf’s cheek and kissed her. She responded immediately, kissing him back eagerly. And when he bit gently down on her lip she sighed so sweetly he seriously regretted telling himself not to do this for months. 
He couldn’t forget about Cole though, waiting patiently watching him and Slaf. He broke off to lean over her face and smiled down over her. When he kissed Cole, Slaf had a hand on the back of his neck, resting there like she just wanted to be connected to both of them. She hadn’t moved off Cole’s lap either and the two of them shared the space above her. 
It felt right—the three of them, their bodies, crowded together and feeling like they’d won something.
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ao3feed-hockey · 2 years
in my head (i play a supercut of us)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/knuYUtH
by novembrs
“We were the same when we were their age,” Nick says, still not looking up from his phone.
Cole doesn’t even pretend he’s not offended by that statement.
“No we weren’t?”
Nick frowns, his eyes still fixated on his phone.
“Yes, we were, Cole.”
Or - Cole learns that a couple of star rookies have grown close.
Words: 3464, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Men's Hockey RPF
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Cole Caufield, Nick Suzuki
Relationships: Cole Caufield/Nick Suzuki
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Sexual Content, chaotic horny dump pretty much, mention of arber and slaf getting it on
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/knuYUtH
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st-louis · 2 years
according to the rookie camp measurements slaf is 238 lbs (up eleven from dev camp in july) ... like okay.
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