#rookie historian goo hae ryeong
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ezhilmozhi · 3 years ago
I remember seeing a lot of Rookie Historian gifs of the archery scenes back in 2019.
I can't find them now. I need those gifs of Yi Rim protecting Goo Hae Ryeong, her archery skills....
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snowstorm808 · 5 years ago
Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryeong Review
The biggest concern I have during dramathons is WHAT TO WATCH NEXT. Sure, I have a list of shows I want to watch, but how to arrange them? Based on genre? Actors? Plot? Am I the only one having these silly thoughts? After watching Man to Man, I didn’t want my next drama to be a damper in terms of quality. I even watched Sassy Go Go (re-watching it, actually since I saw it on KBS World) and Cells at Work before making up my mind.
I’ve been dying to watch Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryeong because Prince Lee Jin is so darned hot and handsome. My fan girl heart has been screaming at me for delaying this but my brain was resisting with the excuse of rationality. I only succumbed to my heart’s urging because my sisters got fed up with my silent brooding and told me to just watch it.
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                                               My Eyes Set
I always had my eyes set on this drama because of the main cast. Shin Se Kyung, Cha Eun Woo and Park Ki Woong are enough to have me waiting. This drama just offered me a visual feast and the most beautiful set of brothers I have ever laid my eyes on in drama land (Sorry, Seo In Guk and Park Bo Gum. You guys leveled down to 2nd place). Even though they turned out to be cousins, they’re still effing beautiful and too bright for my poor eyes. Not to mention, some of the Historians are quite the cuties as well. Also I was curious how Cha Eun Woo has grown as an actor after My ID is Gangnam Beauty.
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                                            Fan-girl Delight
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Hae Ryeong and Lee Rim’s love story was like a cherry on top because the drama had more story than their love just like Sungkyunkwan Scandal, but this one is a bit more like Sherlock Holmes in some aspects (did that make sense?). As I mentioned earlier, I definitely watched for Park Ki Woong and I was not disappointed one bit. Although I did not expect him to have his own love line, I’m not sure how to describe how I felt, I suppose it was good that he was not a third wheel to Hae Ryeong and Lee Rim?! Every scene he was on was a spazz moment for me, I was giggling non-stop and held my breath when I thought he would be a villain. That was both the Park Ki Woong and Lee Jin effect on me. His eyes was so intense, I just wanted to cover my face even if he was inside the screen! And I want to reiterate how beautiful Ki Woong and Eun Woo looked as brothers, they definitely brought real flowers to shame. I love their chemistry and they seemed like actual brothers due their Asian mestizo features. I mean they definitely do not look like the typical ethnic Korean with chinky eyes and single eye-lid in comparison to Seo In Guk and Park Bo Gum as brothers.
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                                             Right Choices 
More than the visual feast, RHGHR was one those dramas which gave its audience something to actually ponder about. In my case, I thought about gender discrimination, integrity, equity and equality. And yes, making the right choices in our lives. We were also given a glimpse of the palace life beyond the King, Crown Prince and its ministers. This time, lower rank officials and other palace workers were given spotlight. The drama showed what life in the palace was like for its servants, and how they did their own politicking.
My ultimate favorite are the Historians because despite their own interests, they stuck with their principles of being true to their duty. They did not succumb to their political ambitions and the political forces around them. Instead, they chose to stay as a team, and I swear they were so adorable while at it. Of course, initially they were a bunch of misogynistic baboons, but they soon learned what our female historians were capable of. I thoroughly enjoyed the ‘hazing’ scene and how they came to the rescue of these ladies when the court ladies wanted to give them their own form of hazing rights.
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Everything boiled down to making the right choices for the characters. The characters were shown making choices not for their own good, but to uphold their principles and what they thought was for the greater good; from Lee Gyeom and Seo Moon Jik to Goo Jae Kyeong and the main leads as well. Their choices did not have a good outcome right away nor was it able to help the whole of Joseon in an instant, but it was the right choice given the situation they were faced with. It was the best they could do. I really reflected on that a lot because I often feel that I always make the wrong choices in my life. However, one thing I learned is that, if I do not have regrets with my decisions, whether it turned out well or not, then I made the right choice that was best for me. I would like to think it is the same for the characters in the drama. And yes, watching this drama was the right choice.
This drama definitely made it to my all-time favorite dramas with its quality story and production. I love how it tried to grip on the morals and principles of its viewers. I just hope the viewers also saw the drama beyond the pretty side and biases against Eun Woo’s acting because the boy performed well. Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryeong felt like reading a book by Jane Austen byway that it has sense and not to be discriminated just because the author is a woman. So I hope people also find that this drama is beyond shallow.
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(I’ve been looking for a version of this still that is not cropped but i couldn’t find any. The historians look so cute here.)                                            
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ezhilmozhi · 3 years ago
I loved the journey from care free single woman and numpty prince to people who find agency over their own lives.
Prince Down starts out as a princess in a tower and slowly journeys towards his own goals.
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Prince Dowon: Be my wife
Hae-ryeong: No
Prince Dowon: Then let's elope and I'll be your wife
Hae-ryeong: That is not the problem here
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tricewithaz · 5 years ago
Top 5 fictional characters??
Wow this is a very difficult one since i consume lots of media of all kinds.....
I think, in no particular order
1) Prince Robot IV from SAGA
2) Nikolai Lantsov from Shadow and Bone
3) Molly Weasley from Harry Potter
4) Prince Jin from Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryeong
5) Izaya Orihara from Durarara!!
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shownumetal · 5 years ago
I started rookie historian goo hae ryeong last night and I very much enjoyed hae ryeong telling eunwoo (idk his character's name) that the book he wrote made her cry 3 times bc 1) she couldn't believe the paper that was wasted writing it 2) it was written in hangul and 3) she was afraid it was going to make the whole country stupid. also love that eunwoo is just 👁 👁 in every scene
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lafilleestmorte · 5 years ago
Thank you netflix, for not screwing it up
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beenheresinceforever · 3 years ago
Just saying that the female historians were proposed by the Second State Councillor that Rasputin like character to spy on the Queen Dowager's chambers and the rest of the Royal women. I've noticed while nothing zamina-like historical kdramas, there's a definite line drawn between where men could enter Royal women's quarter and where only directly-related men could.
That's why our brilliant schemer needs a woman - Song Sa Hui - to pretend to be a historian and spy on the Queen Dowager. But it sort of backfires when the Crown Prince pulls out a counter-prank because "Hey! Are you going to spy on my non-existent marital life too?" Crown Prince shows he's been trained well by his father-in-law. So that's how the entirely historically inaccurate female historians enter the palace because our arch villains needs to spy on the Queen Dowager and the Court Ladies aren't literate enough to write reports plus most of his spies get caught quickly by the old Queen Dowager.
Like any kdrama, the slow to be revealed characters and Netflix's abysmal translations of titles/names/relationship titles throw us off off. I guess at some point Crown Prince does call his brother-in-law by the family relationship title and even his father-in-law. But that's not apparent to non-Korean language watchers.
Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung - 7/10
This was... fine? I didn't DISLIKE this show. But none of the characters made a lasting impression on me. The romance was inoffensive but not compelling. The plot was just kinda there. So like it's not a show that I would rewatch or that I'm going to think about after having finished it. BUT it wasn't a chore. It was enjoyable enough and I'm always happy to see the pretty fancy Joseon royal clothes.
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This show gives zero fucks about historical accuracy so like... you just gotta go with it. For some semi-nebulous reason it is decided that the palace needs to hire Female Historians (historians in this usage are more like record keepers- they take minutes at meetings and such) to sit in on meetings in the Inner Palace and thus Our Heroine, the eponymous Goo Hae-ryung becomes one of the new female historians.
The male lead of the show is Prince Dowan, the younger son of the king who is isolated in a secluded section of the palace and basically not allowed to leave? So to amuse himself he writes romance novels and that's how Our Leads first cross paths. Dowan wants to know what people think of his novels so he sneaks out on release day for his new book and then gets into it with Hae-ryung who is trashing his novels. lol. Anyway then she then starts working at the palace and they fall in love blah blah blah.
The plot of the show is like... barely there for 80% of the show. lmao. It feels like things are just sorta happening until the last few episodes where the writers were like "oh shit, we gotta actually do some plot" and then the fact that the previous king was unjustly dethroned is revealed and that's like... that's basically the plot. idk. And then the show ends and honestly, it's like some stuff sort of changes. The main characters are all happier than when the show started but idk. It just feels like "well, ok. that happened, I guess." The plot just feels only moderately significant instead of super important.
At least Dowan wore some gorgeous hanbok.
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historianguhaeryeong · 5 years ago
Essay 2 - Eunmin Lee
          Back in the days, books were considered something really important, because there were no digital devices that can disseminate knowledge and printing technique which can produce many copies at once. Books were the only way to spread knowledge. In the drama, Rookie Historian Gu Hye-ryeong (Gang Il-su, MBC, 2019), publishing business is highlighted in the first episode, but has some inaccuracies compared to the reality.
           In the late Joseon, the publishing business became blooming. Common people started reading books – in Hangeul – and publishers made profits. However, in the drama, it displays a book rental shop that is being managed by common people. According to Kim Young-jin, publishing business became prosperous or known to common people in 17th to 18th century (Kim 2010, 11). The first record is 1574 which is after Jungjong’s reign (Encyclopedia of Korean Culture, 1998). It shows that book culture has started flourishing after the drama’s background.
           Like the one in the drama, book rental shop means people can borrow books for a limited time instead of purchasing. In the late Joseon, people gave collaterals to borrow books (Jeon 2008, 365). On the contrary, the drama displays people purchasing books, and historian Gu has a fan meeting or a fan signing event for book readers. Thinking that the owners of books are not people but book dealers, it is highly likely that such event would have never happened. Damaging other’s items would have resulted being sued by publishers or book dealers.
           Also, the drama displays book rental shops as something popular, but in fact, during that period, book rental shops were minor but government controlled bookstore (교서관, gyoseogwan) and personal publishing business (방각본, banggak edition) were major instead (Ryu 2006, 274). The first edition of this kind of book appears to be published for the first time during the reign of Seonjo (Ryu 2006, 274). For example, a book dealer leaves his address at the end of the book so that people can find the dealer or his house to buy another book later. It was more like a personal private business unlike a bookstore (세책점) back then.
           People could not really buy books because knowledge was like an exclusive property to yangban class, and that is how book rental business became popular to common people. The drama shows a little about the book culture of Joseon through only a few episodes, but it depicts some inaccuracies about that. Since audiences nowadays live in a modern society, people do not really understand or know about the late Joseon’s book culture. That is probably why the directors made these inaccuracies so that people feel familiar with the story.
김영진 Kim, Young-jin. “조선후기 서적 출판과 유통에 관한 일고찰 - 『欽英』과 『頤齋亂藁』를 중심으로 - A Study on Publication and Distribution of Books in the Late Choseon Dynasty - Focused on <Heumyeong(欽英)> and <Yijaenango(頤齋亂藁)>.” 동양한문학연구 Dongyanghanmunhagyeongu [Dongyang studies in Korean Classics] 30 (2010): 5-28.
류준경 Ryu, Jun-kyoung. “논문(論文): 독서층의 새로운 지평, 방각본과 신활자본 The new horizon in a class of readers - "Bangkakbon(坊刻本)" and "Shinhwaljabon 신활자본(新活字本)".” 한문고전연구 Hanmungojeonyeongu [Journal of Korean classical Chinese literature] 13 (2006): 271-302.
전상욱 Jeon, Sang-uk. “세책 대출장부 연구 1-세책 대출장부의 유형과 실상-Characters of Lending Library Users - A Case Study on the Tōyō Bunko Lending Account Books -.” 열상고전연구 Yeolsanggojeonyeongu 古小說 硏究 [The Research of Old Korean Novel] (2008): 239-274.
한국민족대백과사전 Encyclopedia of Korean Culture. “서점 Seojeom [bookstore].” http://encykorea.aks.ac.kr/Contents/Item/E0028163#self, 1995.
Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung. Directed by Kang II-soo and Han Hyun-hee. Seoul, Korea: MBC TV, 1961.
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kpopdancings · 6 years ago
Park Ki Woong has officially joined Cha Eun Woo And Shin Se Kyung in upcoming drama “Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung”
New Post has been published on http://www.whatsupkpop.com/park-ki-woong-has-officially-joined-cha-eun-woo-and-shin-se-kyung-in-upcoming-drama-rookie-historian-goo-hae-ryung/
Park Ki Woong has officially joined Cha Eun Woo And Shin Se Kyung in upcoming drama “Rookie Historian Goo Hae Ryung”
This is the first time I have ever seen a new official in Korea.
I am sure that I will be able to present my dreams for this summer with Shin Se Kyung, Cha Eun Woo, Park Ki Woong, Lee Ji Hoon and Park Ji Hyun. I finished the strongest casting. As the next work of Gang Il-soo PD and Kim Ho-soo who gave a heavy sound through the previous works, it is anticipated that they will announce the birth of the historical drama that will attack all generations.
The MBC new drama “The New Korean Embassy Gwang Hae-ryeon” (play by Kim Hyo-soo / director Gang Il-soo, Hyeon-Hee Hahn / Production Green Snake Media) will be broadcasted in July and the news of Shin Se Kyung-Cha Eun-Woo-Park Ki-woong-Lee Ji Hoon-Park Ji-hyun were confirmed.
The ‘New Guards’ is a fiction historical drama based on the 19th century Joseon Dynasty. It is the story of the women who have been handled differently by planting the precious seeds of ‘change’, confronting the old truth that men and women are unique and their status is worthy.
First, actor Shin Se Kyung, who has both popularity and acting ability, plays a leading role in the promotion of the marriage. Especially, the ‘new recruits’ Guo Hae-ryeong is the historical drama that Shinsegae has appeared for three years after ‘Deep Rooted Tree��� and ‘Kwon Ryong’s Narsa’.
Kwon Hae-ryeong is a character who takes a step forward to pioneer his destiny in Korea, where Confucianism is deeply rooted. She is in front of the brush and is doing the duty of the officer that all people are equal, and the woman who blooms new passion in the heart. Kwha Hae-ryong is going to carry on the rope of the Taewon large army and the strange ties that come in the fire in his life.
Rising star actor Cha, who has been receiving many love calls from the film industry, is in charge of the Taewon Tae-won Army. It is not only his first drama challenge, but also the expectation that he will complete a beautiful “hanbok visual”.
Lee is a solitary mother solo living in the palace in the second place in the succession to the throne. He is a popular love writer who has listened to Hanyang outside the prince and the king. He is a honest officer and a legitimate stalker who is involved in a double life.
Actor Park Ki-woong, who has shown outstanding acting skills, plays the prince Lee Jin who loves his brother Yimim very much. The princess, Lee Jin-jae, who has a long life-span, is a person who fights against the blind bosses in the greed and greed for a starving and sick people. He will present Chosun ‘s ideal army status and show off his charisma in an ambulance theater.
Actor Lee Ji-hoon, who received many acclaimed performances from his previous works, punched Minwoo Won, the senior officer of the Kwanghwaryeong. He is a member of the Ministry of Justice and is the son of Minship Councilor of the Supreme Leader of the Joseon Dynasty. Park Ji-hyeon, who is also a hot new actor, plays Song Sae Hee, a new officer who enters the palace together with the Kwanghaejil. Song Hae Hee predicts that he will grab viewers with a mysterious reverse maze that hides his aspirations of flame.
In the meantime, expectations for the writer Gang Il-soo PD and Kim Ho-soo, who have gathered together after the ‘perjury of Solomon’ The two people received an intriguing and insightful message through the previous episode, which led to popular acclaim. The ‘new recruits’ Kwak Hae-ryeong is not only a dramatic romance to be created by Shin Se Kyung and Cha Woo-woo, but it will also include solid narratives, stories and massive messages.
The new entourage, the Kwha Hae-ryong, is expected to stimulate interest in the romance full of souls, including Shin Se Kyung, Cha Eun-woo, Park Ki-woong, Lee Ji Hoon and Park Ji-hyun, and the massive stories of those who want to change Korea. I would like to have a lot of interest and support for the ‘new recruitment officers’. ”
The new entourage is expected to be broadcasted in MBC in July, bringing hope to the reunion of Kang Il-soo PD and Kim Ho-soo, as well as Shin Kyung Kyung, Cha Ki-woo, Park Ki-woong, Lee Ji-hoon and Park Ji-hyun.
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chronomally · 3 years ago
They're having a meeting about the French guy who's still on the loose
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chronomally · 3 years ago
I feel like they've implied the crown prince has a wife but 1) we've never seen her and 2) I'm so obsessed with whatever he and Song Sa-hui are doing
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chronomally · 3 years ago
"I will help you take back the royal throne. And when I do that, no one will be able to hurt you anymore." But you still won't be allowed to marry the woman you love or leave the palace. You know, the only two things you actually want
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chronomally · 3 years ago
He lights candles and strews rose petals on the floor and lies on her bed with a rose between his teeth and when she gets back she's like "I'm so tired 🥱 I had to work all day 🥱 and then I had to go out with coworkers 🥱" and he's like "You didn't miss me at all? 🥺" and she's like "Of course I did I dreamed of you every night now get out of my house" and he's like "Okay 🥺" and then right when he's about to leave she's like "Babe 😏 don't forget to lock the door 😏" they're so annoying lmao 💕
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chronomally · 3 years ago
I'm actually kind of obsessed with the themes of this show like "let's hire female historians so we can record the lives of common people!" "no, the lives of common people are not worth recording" "I want to be an active participant in the historical record!" "no, we must be unbiased, these are historical records not journals" LIKE as a hobby historian/anthropologist I am frothing at the mouth and tearing chunks out of my walls
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chronomally · 3 years ago
Nokseodang feels like the Toontown from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
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chronomally · 3 years ago
It might sound weird but I do kind of like this scene where she screams at everyone and then storms off to cry and demand to know what they did so wrong; I know this is a reimagining of history, but there's very much a tendency to be like "This historical figure changed the world! And everyone agreed with them and supported them the whole way :)" when that's...almost never how it works, especially when a minority group is trying to reclaim power/agency they've been historically denied
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