#roo roids
casside-sionnach · 1 year
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Team Work ! Cassi provides the Protection while Roo brings the Pain. Casidhe SIonnach & Rodin Valdar : Second Life RP @ The Citadel Cass roped Roo into assisting an adhoc tactical team from The Citadel deal with a gang of boi-roids.
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gaywoso · 5 years
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I miss Kellie Skater :(
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me, as a us student: "hello friend, do not come to the zoom call tomorrow, I'll be bringing my semi-automatic sawed-off handgun"
me, as a british student: "oi bruv, don't be coming on zoom tomorrow, I'm gonna be bringing me radioactive nuclear poison"
me, as an australian student: "crikey mate, don't tag along on tomorrow's zoom call, I'll be packing a herd of angry 'roos on 'roids"
me, as a french student: "hon hon hon mon ami, don't- how you say? zoom tomorrow, I have shrunk le moon avec mon shrink ray and I will be crushing everyone to death"
me, as a russian student: "for tomorrow zoom I will bring putin, will be good time"
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Rating: Teen and Up
Fandom: Final Space
Part: 2
Link-  🌌
Still trying to leave Earth, Sheryl is reminded time and time again that bringing her son along is a big mistake. However he can prove useful. 
Meanwhile Gary is reminded that his mother is a very different person from his father.
For Better Or Worse AU
“Is this wrong?”
Sheryl Goodspeed paused her actions to looked up at the sky, annoyed beyond belief. They were only a day or two into their journey, they hadn’t even left Earth yet for fuck sake, and the kid was already driving her up the bloody walls! Kid was a friggen Stickybeak, with no idea about his own personal safety, (She pulled him out of traffic twice already.) but somehow was insightful enough to know when she was breaking the law.
Trust John to raise him properly. Now she had to wreck all his hard work…
“Yes, Gary, but we need to do this.” Sheryl said, going back to her work.
They had driven down to a place Sheryl knew people stored their space vehicles during the off season. Rich tycoons that camp in space or some other nonsense. If they could get a craft that doubled as a living area, that be perfect… However she’d settle for whatever was stored in the fenced in yard.
They just needed to break in and steal one.
God fucking damn it.
“I’ll tell you later Gary.” She muttered, shaking her head. “We just have to.”
“SHH!!” Sheryl spun to looked at him angrily, practically hiss in his face. “Listen here you little Drongo, see that there?!” She yell whispered, jutting her finger to the house just a few feet away. “That house?! If you wake up the person inside, then they’ll call the cops and take us away! You want to go into foster care?!”
The boy gave a frightened shake of his head.
“Right, then you’d best PULL your head IN!” She growled, then was back at the locks. She fiddled away for a few more moments, grumbling when she realized how rusty she had gotten. However she finally heard the tell tale click, pulling it apart and easing the door open with an ominous creek.
She looked around quickly. No signs of dogs. Or anything else. Suppose the guy just trusted his community. It was a high end area of town.
Sucks to be him.
She stepped in and could feel Gary follow behind her. She shut the door so it wouldn’t slam before leading deeper into the yard. Gary wandered a few steps away, with wide eyes.
“Are these… spaceships?” He asked in awe.
“That's a bit generous.” Sheryl shrugged. “More like space campers, space RVs and space cars, I suppose.”
“Wow…” Gary didn’t seem deterred by the explanation. He walked closer to a sporty looking craft. Likely a racing model. “W-what are we gonna do?”
“Steal one.” Sheryl said, looking over a large camper, only to deem it too noticeable and cumbersome.
“To go to space.” Sheryl glared at him. “Why else?”
Gary turned to her quickly, slack jawed and wide eyed. He began to bounce in place, growing a very large smile on his face. Sheryl realized what he was going to do a few seconds before he did.
“Don’t you dare!” She snapped, thankfully stopping him from squealing in excitement. She pointed forcefully to the house again, before going back to her search. As she looked, she kept having to make sure Gary wasn’t about to give them away. Sometimes he started talking too loudly and she’s hush him, forcefully. Sometimes he knocked over tins on the ground or started babbling to himself...and she kept having to stop him, wasting time they didn’t have.
This was a mistake.
He was a mistake…
Focus Sherie, focus.
Finally, near the back, she found a suitable ride. Perfect actually. It was a tow along trailer that had a self contained bubble at the front, where you could put a vehicle to move it, one just like her bike. The trailer area was smallish, but suitable. It had a mini fridge, sink, a few storage areas, a tiny bathroom at the back and two slim beds.
First, getting it out.
“Go hold the door.” She whispered to Gary, who actually ran off to do as he was told. With a heavy grunt she started to pull the vehicle from the storage area, hefting with all her might until her arms ached and her legs burned. Halfway to the exit she started to hurt.
Think of John. This is for John.
She managed it out before taking a second to breath. Gary scampered to her side, looking concerned and slightly upset. She frowned up at him from her seat on the ground.
“W-what?” She huffed.
“How were you moving that?” Gary asked. “Didn’t it hurt? Like a whole bunch? Forever?”
Sheryl moaned, standing up. “Well, sometimes you gotta work through the pain.”
Ah, this kid…
“Unpack our bags and get them in the camper.” Sherly grumbled. Thankfully the boy seemed interested in looking inside and ran to see.
Though still sore, Sheryl forced her bike into the bubble to act as an engine. Thankfully the bags were off it now, but looking inside, she could see Gary jumping from bed to bed, a big smile on his face as he made a mess.
Good lord this kid…
Sheryl leaned against the bubble. This was a mistake… and this was her last chance to leave the kid behind. Or at least on Earth anyway. She was tempted, so very, very tempted to just dump him here.I mean, sure he might get blamed for stealing the camper, but he was a kid. They’d let him off easy…
The boy giggled loudly, beds squeaking under his weight as he hopped around like a roided up Roo. As Sheryl put her head in her hand, pinching the bridge of her nose, the boy leapt from the trailer and ran to take a look at the rockets on the back.
This is a mistake.
Sheryl looked up into the barrel of a gun, she went rigid as a man dressed in his pajamas started to come closer. “Who the hell do you think you are?!” He asked crossly, waving the weapon around.
God damn it, she hadn’t heard the man coming because of all of Gary’s noise!
Still she shifted to an unimpressed stance, scowling slightly. “That supposed to be a trick question?” She asked dryly.
The man huffed and went fumbling for his pocket, not taking his eyes off her. “N-now you just stay right there until my help arrives, or I’ll shoot you! Don’t you make any sudden moves!”
Where did this guy get his dialogue, a cop movie? Sheryl scowled when he pulled out his phone.
“Wassa matter? Can’t handle a lady on your own?” Sheryl scoffed. The gears were turning in her head, trying to think of a way out of this. Thankfully Gary was quiet now, which was making it a lot easier.
She had to kill him. She just needed to do it before he called for this so called help, or else they’d have to make a runner. She tried to lean to one side, inching her hand down her waist to a knife hidden in her boot. Guy was still trying to dial his cell, which was perfect for her. The longer he struggled, the more time she had to arm herself.
She closed her hand around the hilt when the man seemed to notice her strange posture. He straightened his gun out. “Hey! What are you-”
Sheryl started, eyes rounded, as the man straightened like a board, then fell to the ground in a heap. Behind him stood Gary, who slapped his hands over his mouth when the man folded before him. A brick clattering down with the guy.
Sheryl blinked.
“O-Oh no! Oh no!” Gary whined, shaking his hands. “I killed him! That not good! Thats super not good!” He grabbed his hair tightly. “I friggen wreck his stuff!”
“Calm down.” Sheryl knelt, feeling the man’s neck. “He has a pulse Gary, you just knocked him out.”
Gary slumped in relief. “Oh thank crap!- Oph!” He flinched. “Sorry…”
“Fer what?”
“For swearing…”
Sheryl stared at him before laughing. “Ah you can swear all you fuckin want. I don’t give a shit. Just be quiet when we’re sneakin around, yeah?”
“Oh.” Gary stared back at her, processing this information, then hunched in on himself and spoke in a very soft voice.
Sheryl was… actually amused by this. She chuckled. “Feel good?”
“Yeah.” Gary looked up at her, but seemed a bit gloomy. “It just, dad said I shouldn’t…”
Sheryl darkened as well. “Hmm, he ain’t here now, is he?”
Sheryl glanced back down at the man before taking his gun, she inspected it quickly, lining up her sights with it, then checked the chambers.
So he was all bluff.
Sheryl tsked, but put it on her bike. Looking over she could see the house was still dark, but the door was open…
“Come with me.” Sheryl ordered before marching to the house. She nudged the door open, looking into the building. She flicked on a few lights once she knew no one was in the shadows.
For such a nice area of town, this sure was a dump. Everything was in a state. Newspapers and used dishes everywhere. There was no art on the walls, hardly any furniture, and it was cramped to hell.
She pushed Gary to the kitchen. “Find some bags and grab some food yeah? I’m gonna look upstairs.”
“Isn’t that stealing-”
“Gary, we’re already stealing. You konked this dude on the head with a brick not five minutes ago.”
“Oh yeah.”
“Just grab the food.”
Sheryl headed up the stairs, to a small bedroom. It was also sparse, the bed was unmade and every surface was covered in junk. She checked a few drawers and looked over the clutter. Then she found something interesting.
“Well, well, well. No wonder this place is a mess.” She said, holding up a tiny baggie of white powder. She opened it, dipping her pinky in and rubbed it on her gums. It dissolves instantly, leaving a bit of her mouth numb. Sheryl smiled. “Hello Basuco, its been a very long time.” She spotted a large amount of the baggies under a shirt. “And you brought the whole family!”
Sheryl wasn’t one for cocaine. She tried to steer clear of it, if mostly because she saw addiction as a weakness. She did, however, dabble in a few when… when John tossed her out. Thankfully she managed to slapped herself out of it a few days in and just stick to beer and smokes.
These would, however, sell very nicely.
She tossed the lot in a bag and kept looking. Eventually she found the ammo for the gun under the bed. Huh, maybe the guy thought the gun was loaded. Then a large wad of cash in his underwear drawer. After stealing her fill she came down, finding Gary struggling with a large bag of food. It was all junk food and things like that, but Sheryl didn’t care.
“Give.” She ordered, snatching it from him. She took everything down to the trailer, before tossing it inside. She looked back to Gary, but the boy was worriedly hunched over the man he knocked out. There was a sizable puddle of blood on the ground now, which she could see from the light of the house.
“Is he gonna be ok?” Gary asked, frowning.
“Hell if I know.” Sheryl scoffed, coming over. “Bleeding like a faucet though.”
“S-so I did kill him?” Gary asked, sniffling a bit.
“What? Your sad that you killed him?” Sheryl frowned. “He was gonna die someday.”
“Yeah, but I killed him! Me!”
“For the love of-” Sheryl knelted, pulled out her knife, and slit his throat in a quick motion. Blood splashed out, but not as much as she expected. He was likely running low, bleeding in the brain. She wiped her blood off on the grass before looking back to her son. “There. Now I killed him.”
Gary stared at her, eyes the size of pin pricks.
“What now?” She asked, exasperated.
“Y-you killed him…”
“Thats right.”
She rolled her eyes. Again with the why! “To shut you up and because the less people who see us the better.” Sheryl grunted. The boy just stared back, horrified, making her scoff. “Just get in the bloody camper. I’m gonna hide the body.”
Gary slunk away and Sheryl grabbed the corpse by the legs, dragging him into the junk yard, where she covered him with a metal sheet. Her body groaned, unhappy with all the heavy lifting and pulling.
As she finished up, the dark sky rumbled, a few raindrops coming down from above. It was an ominous sign, but also a stroke of good luck. The water would ruin evidence, and the thunder would hide the noise of their take off.
Walking back to their new home, Sheryl could see Gary curled up inside, clutching the bug jar like a lifeline and wrapped tightly under some blankets. She paused, biting her lip and staring at him. He looked pretty messed up…
Well, he’d get used to it. She had grown up around that sort of thing. Maybe not people per say, but animals definitely.
She came to the bike and closed the bubble, climbing on so she could pull the ship into the sky.
“Eh?” She didn’t look at him.
“W-why did that guy have to die?” Gary mumbled. “Was it me?”
Sheryl paused again, and then turned to him.
“Gary. In this world, its either you or them.” She said lowly. “Sometimes the best thing to do is make sure there is no them at all. He would have made it harder for us to get away to space. Now that he’s dead, less problems.”
“Oh… ok.” Gary looked to the window as they started to rise in the air. “But why are we going to space?”
Sheryl looked back out the bubbled, which was rippling with raindrops.
“We’re gonna bring John back.”
The ship took off with a rumble, blending into the thunder as they rose to the cosmos.
And one step closer to John.
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ssteezyy · 6 years
Ask the Cat Doc: Cat Sucking on Tail, Spraying Cat, Cat’s Personality Changed and More
Welcome to our regular “Ask the Cat Doc With Dr. Lynn Bahr” segment! Once a month, Dr. Bahr answers as many of your questions as she can, and you can leave new questions for her in a comment.
Dr. Bahr graduated from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine in 1991. Unlike most veterinarians, she did not grow up knowing that she would become a veterinarian. “It was a cat who got me interested in the practice and I am forever grateful to him,” said Dr. Bahr. Over the course of her veterinary career, Dr. Bahr found that the lifestyle of cats has changed dramatically. As the lifestyle of cats has changed, so did Dr. Bahr’s client education. In addition to finding medical solutions, she also encourages owners to enrich their home environments so that their cats can live long, happy, and healthy lives.
This new understanding led Dr. Bahr to combine her passion for strengthening the human-animal bond with her veterinary background and knowledge of what animals need and want to start her own solution-based cat product company, Dezi & Roo, inspired by two cats of the same names.
For more information about Dezi & Roo and their unique and innovative cat toys, please visit their website.
Cat’s personality changed after being on Prednisolone
Hi Dr. Bahr, In February my 17-year-old male kitty started on 8mg daily Methyl Prednisolone to treat GI disease. He’s tolerating it well, has gained back some weight and his personality has perked up too. Perhaps as part of his feeling better he’s started picking fights with my other kitty, a 7 year-old female. I think it’s to get attention – he wants the bed she’s lying in usually. I have read your article about kitty boredom and I am working in more play time with him, but do you think he could be experiencing a bit of ” ‘roid rage”? I realize this is kind of a weird question, but wanted to find out if this medication could cause personality changes. Thanks! – Louise
Hi Louise,
Congratulations on having a 17-year-old cat. You are blessed. I am so happy he is gaining weight and feeling better but sad to hear he has now started to pick fights with your other kitty. While most cats tolerate steroids well with few side effects, there is no reason to believe they have absolutely no ill effects on the body, physically or mentally. If this is a completely new behavior and the only thing that has changed in your cat’s life is the addition of medication, then it is possible it is making him a little crankier. There are certainly many other possibilities as well. It is not uncommon for me to see cats that have become feeble or those dealing with chronic diseases to begin feeling more vulnerable and less tolerant of housemates. Perhaps they lash out as a way to show their strength and hide their weakness, or they could just be feeling more stressed because of their weakened physical condition. It is hard for me to know exactly why your kitty has become grumpier and I would suggest you watch closely for any other signs of possible pain or distress. If these fights occur simply over a bed then it might be helpful to acquire a few more so that everyone has their own. Older cats benefit from heated beds or those that retain heat and you might want to invest in one of those for your wonderful old man. Good luck and thank you for writing in.
Cat is peeing and spraying all over the house
Dr.Bahr, we have two cats, a Siamese that is 9 and female, and a handsome blonde barn cat that is 8, and male. His name is Kitty. He is bad. He is peeing and spraying in the house. This is not new but this phase has been the worst. He has been to the vet each time his behavior gets worse and there is nothing wrong according to the ultrasounds and tests. He pees on shoes that are left on the floor, he sprayed on the dining room table the other day. I have covered all the windows so he can’t see out at night. We live in Florida and he is allowed to go out on our screened in patio and he loves it. He gets a lot of attention from all three of us humans. He is mean to our siamese, Mischa. I have used pheromone plug ins, feliway spray, a calming collar, lavendar on cotton balls placed in area where he pees. I am afraid he is going to ruin our house which we will have to sell one day. He talks ALL the time, and we listen, and we answer him. I don’t know what else to do. He also goes outside of the litter box both pee and poop. We have 3 litter boxes. – Lynne Wyre
Hi Lynne,
I completely sympathize with your problem and understand your frustration over it. It sounds like you have done all of the common things to remedy the situation but to no avail. From your brief description, it sounds to me like there might be an underlying issue with some major stresses between Kitty and Mischa. Kitty may be uncertain of his relationship with her, causing him to feel insecure and seek ways to assert himself better. However, I cannot diagnose the actual problem or give you a remedy with the little information I have at hand and am just guessing at this point. I believe this is a good case for contacting a feline behaviorist and allowing them an in-home visit to assess your situation more thoroughly. They may find solutions for the problem or, if indicated, they may refer you back to your veterinarian for some behavioral modification medications to either reduce Kitty’s stress or build up his confidence. Good luck and let me know how it turns out for you.
Ingrid’s note: If you can’t find a local behaviorist, I can highly recommend Mikel Delgado http://www.felineminds.com/ and Daniel Quagliozzi https://gocatgosf.com/ Both offer remote consultations.
Cat does not want to go out in safe yard
I finally have a beautiful, safe yard for my 12 year old Tuxedo to play and do her business outdoors. However she will have no parts of it, not even curious, wont go near the door, however, my 11 year old male tuxedo is loving life to the fullest. Both are fixed, not related and get along with her has the alpha cat. Got any suggestions on how I can coax her outside, Ive tried everything, like carrying her, staying with her, letting her smell the flowers, just leaving the door cracked open for her. Am I wasting my time, in that are some cats just “inside” cats? – Jeanette Eads
Hi Jeannette,
Having a safe yard for your cats to enjoy is a luxury most owners would love to have. It is nice that one of your babies is able to enjoy it. Do not worry at all that your other beautiful Tuxey girl wants no part of it. It is wonderful that you are allowing each of your cats the opportunity to choose how they want to live and she is letting you know she wants no part of it. Respect her wishes and let her enjoy life inside where she knows she is safe and loved dearly.
Siamese cat is sucking her tail
Hello, I’m Carol , and I have a Siamese that is now ten years old & her name is Jenni Leigh & she keeps on sucking her tail why is that? Jenni Leigh also has a problem with screaming when she goes to the Loo & she is on dry food from the vet. – Carol Graydon
Hi Carol,
It is not typical of cats to scream when eliminating and I am concerned that Jenni Leigh may be experiencing some pain and discomfort that is causing her to do so. Please have a veterinarian check her out thoroughly. If she were my patient, besides getting a complete history, I would perform a rectal exam, check her anal glands, palpate her spine, and collect urine, stool, and bloodwork. In this situation, I consider x-rays to be very important and one of the best ways to evaluate her tail, spine, pelvis, and entire skeleton. As a side note, Jenni Leigh might benefit from the introduction of canned foods into her diet if not contraindicated by another disease process she could be dealing with. Since I am not sure why you are feeding a dry food from your vet, I do not have enough information to make a comment on her diet at this time. Hopefully, the proper diagnostics will reveal the cause of Jenni Leigh’s problems and she will find relief soon.
Cat overgrooms her belly
This is a question for the cat doctor. My spayed female cat has odc. She over washes her area around the spayed area out to her anal area. She has over wash so much, her skin is very red. How can I get her to stop ODC, over washing that area and let it heal? – Patricia
Hi Patricia,
Was your cat recently spayed or did that occur a long time ago? It would be important for me to know in order to address the issue. I have seen many cats overgroom their belly for a variety of reasons. If she is an older girl, I would first look for evidence of abdominal pain from conditions like IBD, pancreatitis, or kidney disease. It is not uncommon for cats with urinary tract infections to present with bald abdomens and a urinalysis will help rule that out as a cause for your kitty’s problem.
Allergic dermatitis is a very common reason cats obsessively lick their bellies and she should be evaluated and treated for that possibility if indicated. Finally, some cats that are extremely bored or stressed will spend their time grooming as a way to alleviate their anxiety. This should only be determined once all medical reasons have been ruled out.
If she was recently spayed and is compulsively licking, I would examine her closely to see if there are any sutures left in the incision site or if this is a reaction to the sutures.
A visit to your veterinarian should help you find the answer to why she is over grooming and will be more helpful than simply trying to stop her from doing it. Hopefully, it will be a simple solution and she will be a happy girl with lots of new hair on her tummy soon.
Do you have a question for Dr. Bahr? Leave it in a comment!
The post Ask the Cat Doc: Cat Sucking on Tail, Spraying Cat, Cat’s Personality Changed and More appeared first on The Conscious Cat.
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