sspacegodd · 2 years
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Ronmey and Santorum together in biblical times.
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serinigalini · 8 years
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It has been around 5 years and Ronald still owes Mey-Rin a date.
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notchainedtotrauma · 2 years
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Mosie Ronmey, All My Babies
oil on canvas
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she-jo · 7 years
sometimes I think about RonMey but not too much because vanilla and we all know Meyrin is not about that life
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fyeahgothicromance · 8 years
More Bad Ass Librarians
Last week BookRiot posted a list of six “bad ass” librarians in pop culture and, well, I thought it could have been better. Yes, Evie Carnahan-O’Connell from The Mummy and Barbara Gordon from Batman are on their list (as they should be), but they’re accompanied by some strange characters like Parks and Rec’s sketchy librarians who are lead by Satan’s own Tammy 2 and the ghost from the original Ghostbusters movie.
So, here is a list of 6 more bad ass fictional characters who make me proud to call myself a librarian.
Alicia Hull (played by Bette Davis) from Storm Center
Storm Center is a 1956 film centered around small town librarian Alicia Hull and her fight against censorship. Mrs. Hull is based on real-life librarian and civil rights activist Ruth W. Brown who, according to the record, was dismissed from her position as the director of the Bartlesville Public Library for refusing to remove communist literature from her collection (although it was well known that the true reason for her dismissal was her work for racial equality).
Click here to watch Mrs. Hull in action.
Rubert Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
How was Giles left out of the list? He kept a rather substantial library of demonic literature behind that cage in the back and he was always there to aid the Scooby Gang in their battles against The Big Bad with fatherly patience and a creepy book in hand. 
Madame Irma Pince from Harry Potter
Some people don’t seem to like Madame Pince as she seems more concerned with maintaining the integrity of her books than encouraging the growth of her student’s minds; however, as an elementary school librarian I can tell you that her spells and charms would be a godsend. I love my students, all 329 of them, but I sure as hell wouldn’t mind if every copy of Diary of a Wimpy Kid didn’t magically hit a few of them over the head whenever they tried to color in the illustrations. 
Mrs. Phelps from Matilda
Mrs. Phelps only briefly appears in both the novel and the film, but despite her short presence, the effects of her interactions with our little heroine is lasting. It’s Mrs. Phelps who nurtures and encourages Matilda’s love of reading. She encourages the little girl to keep reading even if she doesn’t understand the words, to “Sit back and allow the words to wash around you, like music.” A lot of kids tend to give up when they reach words they don’t understand, having them push forward takes a surprising amount of effort, but Mrs. Phelps knows how to nudge Matilda forward towards the thing that feeds her mind and fosters the knowledge (and power) that saves her.
The Librarians from TNT’s The Librarians
I mean, obviously. 
Ronmey Wordsworth from The Twilight Zone (”The Obsolete Man”)
“You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future, not a future that will be but one that might be. This is not a new world, it is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advances, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super-states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: logic is an enemy and truth is a menace. - This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth, in his last forty-eight hours on Earth. He's a citizen of the State but will soon have to be eliminated, because he's built out of flesh and because he has a mind. Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths - in The Twilight Zone.”
Watch the full episode here.
Mrs. Hull and Mr. Wordsworth bookend this list for a reason. They might not fight demons and dragons like Giles and Flynn Carson and his crew, but they most definitely help fight monsters of the very real world. Librarians are tasked with gate-keeping the palaces of knowledge of their communities, and it is their job to make sure those gates remain open.
With the National Endowment for the Humanities facing federal budget cuts, we need more bad ass librarians and their equally bad ass colleagues to arm themselves with truth and facts and ready themselves for a battle to keep those gates open for everyone.
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 9 years
Death Can Only be Followed By Death.
Edit: this is a Ronald x Mey-Rin fic.
“I miss you.” Ronald sat in front of her headstone. 3 years had passed since she had passed away and he had reaped her soul. After her cinematic record had been recorded he had snuck into the library and stole it, he placed it on his bedstand. “I’ll be able to join you soon love.” He let out a sharp gasp. A hand clutched at his chest right above his heart. He had contracted the thorns of death the year before. The attacks were happening rarely but with every soul he reaped they grew stronger. “Rin you won’t have to wait for long. I’ll join you in a few more years or less I promise.” His lips brushed against the cool stone. “You showed me just how important life is. You saved me. I will always be grateful for that.” He rested his hand on the wedding ring that he still wore. “Till death do us part. That was the vow we made that day. That day I took you as my wife. You may be gone but you are still my wife. Death is not the end of our union. Even if you are not here you are the only woman I’ve ever loved the only one I want to be with.” He traced the words with his ring finger. “I wish I had been by your side more. I’ll forever keep the moments we spent together close to my heart.” He stood up. “Mey-Rin I have and will always love you. You are still my wife living or dead.” He placed a bouquet that contained sweet peas, forget me nots and a single red rose at the top of the stone. A few tears slid down his face as he walked away. -2 Years Later- “Looks…like…I’ll…be…joining…you…soon…Rin.” Ronald collapsed in front of the headstone. He let out a sharp cry of pain. He gasped for air. The thorns of death had already reached his heart. He clutched at his chest right above his heart with all his strength. Waves of relentless pain hitting him every second growing in power. “Shh it’ll be over soon.” A gentle voice said and the pain in his chest lessened. “I’m…glad…you’re…here.” He said between breaths. He opened his eyes and smiled. “Take my hand” She smiled gently at him. He reached up and took it. “I’ve…missed…you.” He closed his eyes and used the last of his breath to say that. As the life left his body he smiled at her. “You look so peaceful.” She looked at the man beside her then turned her eyes to the body. “I feel peaceful.”He smiled at her. “I’m sorry for making you wait so long.” He apologized and squeezed her hand. “You didn’t make me wait that long.” She smiled at him. “I’m glad you waited.” He glanced down at their matching rings. “You are my husband i would have waited for you no matter how long it took.” She kissed his cheek. “Thank you for showing me true love.” He kissed her back. “You’re welcome. Let’s go home.” They walked into the orange glow of the setting sun. Disappearing the farther they went.
Based off of this:http://shinigami-mistress.tumblr.com/post/138751843713/in-her-memories-mey-rinronald-ficlet
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shewalkswithwings · 12 years
‎"Both parties in Washington now agree that our country is headed toward a "fiscal cliff." The bad news: We just elected a guy whose campaign slogan was 'Forward.'"
- Jay Leno
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mey-rin-is-fabulous · 9 years
Why i ship Ronald and Mey-Rin.
I’m going to enlighten all of you with why i ship Mey-Rin and Ronald. To be honest i didn’t even think about them being a couple until the Campania arc. The Campania arc started me considering who would Mey-Rin be better off with because at that point i never really shipped her with anyone i was aware of the SebMey pairing but i didn’t have any feelings that it was possible. I ship them because i feel as if Ronald would take care of her, treat her right and actually love her in comparison to Sebastian who actually calls her stupid and makes his hate for her known at one point in the series. Ronald and Mey-Rin are not what they appear to be like at first. Most people write Ronald off as a lazy, loves parties, big flirt and a womanizer type of guy when he actually shows that he hates working overtime, compulsively checks his watch and the to die list, he takes his job just as seriously as Will does (he managed to hold Grell back from killing Druitt for crying out loud) another thing is he probably cares for his friends greatly. Mey-Rin is written off by the majority of the fandom to be nothing more than a ditzy, can’t do her job right, lovestruck klutz when she is smarter than Bard and Finny, really kind, caring and compassionate not to mention she is willing to accept others despite their differences. Both of them have their strengths and weaknesses. Mey-Rin is her far-sightedness and compassion. Ronald is the fact he takes his job seriously and his hate for overtime and wanting to get things done quick depending on the situation. I personally think their relationship would be 50|50 because they would be there for each other no matter what and Mey-Rin would probably not care whether he was a reaper or a human she’d still choose to be with him no matter what. Ronald would be a tad over protective of her only because he cares and because he wants to stay with her as long as possible. Either way it’s a relationship full of support and love. There are a few ships with Mey-Rin that i’m okay with Mey-Rin x Bard and Mey-Rin x Phipps are the only other ships that i’m okay with.
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theothertargaryengirl · 12 years
like how is mitt romney even in the running for president america what r u doing america stahp
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thepaintedwarrior · 12 years
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vernalagniax · 12 years
So Mitt Romney has 5 sons... What if one of them is gay? What's he gonna do then? Take away all his rights also?
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rimjobrobyn · 12 years
im liek so excited about the us election.. and im like australian
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keikaikunt · 12 years
so basically, 
i'm done with all of my homework except one.
i have to write a horror story for creative writing.
thing is, i don't know how to scare people.
so i was thinking about writing how it would be if Romney were prez?
yes? no?
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canon-autopsy · 12 years
Romney: btw you skipped Israel. btw they noticed
Obama: btw when i DID go to Isreal i didn't go to be a lil bitch like u
me: Ooooooh!! Buuuuurn!!! Biyatch!
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