#ronald ward
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rwpohl · 2 months ago
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they met in the dark, karel lamač 1943
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wardsutton · 1 year ago
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My new cartoon for today's Boston Globe:
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nofatclips · 3 months ago
Black Sabbath live at Hartford Civic Center, 1980
Children of the Sea
Heaven And Hell
Die Young
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90smovies · 4 months ago
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mariocki · 2 years ago
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The Saint: Simon and Delilah (5.21, ITC, 1967)
"Put a cat among the pigeons and see who flies."
"Meaning this is an inside job. Somebody in the studio is behind it."
"I don't know. But you, uh, might spread the word around that I'm suspicious? Do a little snooping. See if you can uncover a few motives."
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stephen-king-deutschland · 2 months ago
34 Geschichten basierend auf Stephen Kings "The Stand"
Stephen Kings The Stand und wie andere Autoren dazu Geschichten schreiben Eine Anthologie mit 34 brandneuen Kurzgeschichten basierend auf Stephen Kings Meisterwerk Originaltitel: THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT – New Tales of Stephen King’s THE STAND Herausgeber : Buchheim Verlag; Deutsche Erstausgabe Edition Erscheinungsdatum: 19. August 2025 Sprache : Deutsch Gebundene Ausgabe : 900…
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perfettamentechic · 2 months ago
23 dicembre … ricordiamo …
23 dicembre … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic
2023: Lynn Loring, nata Lynn Zimring, attrice, produttrice televisiva e produttrice cinematografica statunitense. (n. 1944) 2022: Maria Del Monte, pseudonimo di Maria Esposito, attrice e cantante italiana. Affiancò Mario Merola in tournée negli Stati Uniti e in Canada. Nello stesso periodo partecipò a spettacoli teatrali. Ha recitato in varie film e fiction per la tv.  (n.1945) 2020: Rebecca…
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shotattheshow · 3 months ago
[PHOTOS] Mac Sabbath @ Rickshaw Theatre
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Shots by Jacob Zinn
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modernism-in-metroland · 7 months ago
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Nestlé Tower, Croydon
Ronald Ward & Partners
Image from RIBApix
Modernism Beyond Metro-Land
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awritessomething · 1 year ago
I have absolutely no ideas for writing whatsoever pleaseplease leave requests!!! Smut, angst, fluff, whatever y’all want I can probably do.
Ill write for these people and probably more that I forgot (all male character x fem!reader) :
Formula 1:
Max Verstappen
Oscar Piastri
Charles Leclerc
Lewis Hamilton
Carlos Sainz
Daniel Riccardo
Mick Schumacher
Franco Colapinto
Liam Lawson
Ollie Bearman
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
Bucky Barnes
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Spiderman (Tom Holland, Andrew Garfield, Miguel O'hara)
Harry Osborn (James Franco)
Wolverine (X-Men movies)
Cyclops (X-Men movies)
Charles Xavier (James McAvoy)
Call of Duty
Keegan Russ
Simon "Ghost" Riley
Phillip Graves
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Star Wars:
Anakin Skywalker
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Kylo Ren
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo
Outer Banks: (pls no spoilers s4 hasnt been watched yet)
JJ Maybank
Rafe Cameron
Topper Thornton
John B. Routledge
Ward Cameron
Harry Potter:
Harry Potter
Cedric Diggory
Draco malfoy
Ron Weasley
Fred Weasley
Blaise Zabini
Regulus Black
Severus Snape
Tom Riddle
Sirius Black
Lorenzo Berkshire
Oliver Wood
The Walking Dead:
Glenn Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Rick Grimes
Carl Grimes
Negan Smith
Joao Felix
Jude Bellingham
Brock Purdy
Joe Burrow
Leon Draisaitl
Jack Hughes
Vince Dunn
Mitch Marner
Connor Bedard
Wayne Gretzky (young)
Jack Champion (Ethan Landry)
Patrick Bateman
Batman (Christian Bale)
Johnathan Crane
Finnick Odair
Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark, Mike Schmidt, Sean Anderson, Clapton Davis)
Rodrick Heffley
Tristan Dugray
Dylan O'brien
Bellamy Blake
Patrick Dempsey (Derek Shepherd, Ronald Miller)
Joe Goldberg
Timothee Chalamet (Wonka, Paul Atreides)
Minho (The Maze Runner)
Keanu Reeves (John Wick, Neo, Alex Wyler, Dr. Beckham, Julian Mercer, Ted Logan)
Jim Halpert
Ulfric Stormcloak
Ben Schnetzer (Max Vandenburg, Brad Land, Russ Sheppard)
Ralph Macchio (Daniel Larusso, Johnny Cade)
Dallas Winston
Sodapop Curtis
Robby Keene
Zuko (atla dallas liu)
Jet (atla sebastian amoruso)
Cillian Murphy (Johnathan crane, jackson rippner, Neil Lewis)
Evan Peters (all ahs characters, Luke cooper)
James Franco (Laird Mayhew, Harry Osborn, all characters)
What I wont do:
Beastiality or anything animal-y
Male reader (sorry)
Character x character
Threesomes or anything not 1x1
Character x oc
Specific body types (i just don’t see the point)
Daddy/mommy kinks
Incest or stepcest
(I’ll prob have to add on but its midnight rn)
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heathersdesk · 8 months ago
Our lesson in Relief Society today was on Words Matter by Ronald A. Rasband. It was taught by our Relief Society president.
One of the sisters brought up a conversation she had with her daughter about pronouns, being confused about it, and trying to understand and ask questions. She talks about her relationship with her daughter a lot and how she wants to understand and love her as her daughter navigates her place in the world. When her mother was trying to understand how to decouple personal pronouns from a person's genitalia, that this isn't how pronoun choices work, her daughter took offense and shut down the conversation.
It's a one-sided version of the story, of course. My sense, however, from hearing this Sister speak many times is that she leans towards more inclusion, rather than less. I think it's reasonable to think she was trying to understand and doesn't know how to have the conversation.
The Relief Society president, trying not to give space for any disagreement or contention on the subject, said she didn't want to dig deeper into that complex subject in that moment, but that we as members should always do our best not to give or take offense.
It's a difficult subject in a lesson full of grandmothers, which was the primary audience here. Distilling down pronoun use into the invitation not to give or take offense, especially when handling new and unfamiliar subjects, is probably what they were most prepared to receive in that moment. And I deeply appreciate how well our Relief Society president handled the situation.
Never take for granted what others in your church congregations understand, or assume they don't have a desire to understand. There are those who want to understand, and who will bring incorrect understanding they've absorbed throughout life and need guidance on how to understand correctly. They may use verbiage and ask questions now considered offensive. They're more open to correction than you might realize. And if they can't go to you to obtain that understanding, you leave them to go elsewhere to obtain it.
Never be so quick to correct and take offense that you squander an opportunity to create understanding. Imagine if this Sister had been able to say that even if you don't understand someone's pronouns, respecting what someone wants to be called is a kind thing to do. Instead, she came to us with questions that couldn't fully be answered in that moment.
Nevertheless, I appreciate that a Sister was able to bring this subject to a discussion to get guidance, and she got something of worth. The Relief Society president may or may not know the intricacies of gender in the LGBTQIA+ community, but she understands kindness. She understands the importance of creating unity for those who think and feel differently on a variety of subjects. I was deeply impressed by how masterfully she handled this.
Trust the capacity of Sisters in your wards and branches to be wise and loving, caring and kind. Trust them to be capable of preserving dignity and respect in our meetings. And trust that they receive revelation in difficult moments and on sensitive subjects in the moments when they're needed, exactly as they're needed.
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pagan-stitches · 28 days ago
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Pictured: a new bit of ribín Bride that I embroidered to be used in my folk rituals
“It was also a common custom to put a bratog Bride, brat Brude, or ribín Bride outside upon a window-sill overnight, being a cloth a garment, or ribbon which St. Brigid would bless in passing and which would subsequently prevent headaches in the wearer.” —Ronald Hutton, Stations of the Sun.
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A bit of ribín Bride left outside January 31, 2025 for St. Brigid to bless along with a Brigid’s cross to welcome her into the home.
St. Brigid’s Cloak was a piece of cloth called the Brat-Bhríde which was used for healing and protection during the year.
The Brat-Bhríde was the size of a handkerchief. It was left outside the house on night of the 31st of January, by the people who lived there. It was hoped that St. Brigid would bless the Brat-Bhríde as she passed by during the night.
The following morning the cloak was taken into the house to be used for healing. The cloak was also placed on the head of a person who had a headache.
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“Although my family hung the ribbon out the window others laid theirs on the doorstep, window sill, a garden hedge or even over a low roof of a shed. In some places in Munster the ribbon/cloth was tied to the latch of the door so the saint would touch it when entering the house.
In my home the ribbon was used only for headaches but in other places and in times past it was said to cure sore throats earache, bareness, help women in childbirth, ward of the evil eye and protect children from fairies. It could also be used for farm animal that became ill the sign of the cross was made with the brat and it was then laid on the animals back to ensure the saints intervention on its behalf. It helped animals to give birth and have a plentiful supply of milk (Danaher 1972, 33).”
Source — check it out for more details
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morphic-mythos · 8 months ago
ARCANA OBSCURA: a personal occult library
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Disclaimer: this post is a perpetual WIP, serving as an archive of all the books I've read on topics of non-Hellenic paganism, witchcraft, occultism, etc. I read widely because I enjoy expanding my perspective.
This is by no means a list of recommendations (in fact, there are some titles on this list I wouldn't recommend), but feel free to treat it that way if you're looking for suggestions!
Other reading masterlists:
DIVINA OBSCURA: a personal Hellenic library
TRIVIA OBSCURA: books to honor Hekate
A History of Magic, Witchcraft, and the Occult, D.K. Publishing
On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears, Stephen T. Asma
Grimoires: A History of Magic Books, Owen Davies
Darkness: A Cultural History, Nina Edwards
The Spectral Arctic: A History of Ghosts and Dreams in Polar Exploration, Shane McCorristine
The Witch, Ronald Hutton
The Ruin of All Witches: Life and Death in the New World, Malcom Gaskill
Psychic Witch, Mat Auryn
Mastering Magick, Mat Auryn
Urban Magick, Diana Rajchel
Of Blood and Bones: Working with Shadow Magick and the Dark Moon, Kate Freuler
Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature's Seasons through Intuitive Magick, Temperance Alden
Rebel Witch, Kelly-Ann Maddox
Witch in Darkness, Kelly-Ann Maddox
Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft, Laura Tempest Zakroff
By Rust of Nail and Prick of Thorn: The Theory and Practice of Effective Home Warding, Althaea Sebastiani
Path of the Moonlit Hedge: Discovering the Magick of Animistic Witchcraft, Nathan M. Hall
The Green Witch, Arin Murphy-Hiscock
The Book of Hermetica, Hermes Trismegistus and the Three Initiates
Lifting the Veil: A Witches' Guide to Trance-Prophecy, Drawing Down the Moon and Ecstatic Ritual, Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone
Becoming Dangerous, Katie West
Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power, Pam Grossman
Waking Up to the Dark, Clark Strand
Meditations, Marcus Aurelius
The Forgotten Language, Erich Fromm
The Psychic Art of Tarot, Mat Auryn
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brokehorrorfan · 4 months ago
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The End of the World As We Know It: New Tales of Stephen King's The Stand will be published in hardcover and e-book on August 19, 2025 via Gallery Books.
Edited by Christopher Golden and Brian Keene, the anthology features 34 short stories based on The Stand. It includes an introduction by Stephen King, a foreword by Golden, and an afterword by Keene.
Contributors include Wayne Brady & Maurice Broaddus, Poppy Z. Brite, Somer Canon, C. Robert Cargill, Nat Cassidy, V. Castro, Richard Chizmar, S.A. Cosby, Tananarive Due & Steven Barnes, Meg Gardiner, Gabino Iglesias, Jonathan Janz, Alma Katsu, Caroline Kepnes, Michael Koryta, Sarah Langan, Joe R. Lansdale, Tim Lebbon, Josh Malerman, Ronald Malfi, Usman T. Malik, Premee Mohamed, Cynthia Pelayo, Hailey Piper, David J. Schow, Alex Segura, Bryan Smith, Paul Tremblay, Catherynne M. Valente, Bev Vincent, Catriona Ward, Chuck Wendig, Wrath James White, and Rio Youers.
Since its initial publication in 1978, The Stand has been considered Stephen King’s seminal masterpiece of apocalyptic fiction, with millions of copies sold and adapted twice for television. Although there are other extraordinary works exploring the unraveling of human society, none have been as influential as this iconic novel—generations of writers have been impacted by its dark yet ultimately hopeful vision of the end and new beginning of civilization, and its stunning array of characters. Now for the first time, Stephen King has fully authorized a return to the harrowing world of The Stand through this original short story anthology as presented by award-winning authors and editors Christopher Golden and Brian Keene. Bringing together some of today’s greatest and most visionary writers, The End of the World As We Know It features unforgettable, all-new stories set during and after (and some perhaps long after) the events of The Stand—brilliant, terrifying, and painfully human tales that will resonate with readers everywhere as an essential companion to the classic, bestselling novel.
Pre-order The End of the World As We Know It.
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saraakpotter · 7 months ago
Hi guys! i was thinking about doing this some time ago, i'm completely out of ideas and requests are open! so, here are the fandom's i write for but before requsting please remember theses stuff:
i don't write smut, NSFW and things like that.
i only write 'x reader'
i only write 'female!reader' becasue i'm more comfortable like that :)
i don't feel comfortable writing about (male x male) or (female x female)
now for the characters:
(by the way you can request for the actors\actress's of those characters too)
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Romantic and platonic:
Tony Stark\ironman
Loki Laufeyson
Stephan Strange
Wade Wilson\deadpool
Steve Rogers\captain america
Peter Quill\starlord
Thor Odinson
Clint Barton\hawkeye
Bucky Barns \winter soldier
Sam Wilson\falcon
Pietro Maximoff
platonic only:
Natasha Romanoff
Yelena Belova
Kate Bishop
Wanda Maximoff
Stranger Things:
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Romantic and platonic:
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Steve Harrington
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Eddie Munson
Platonic only:
Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
Dustin Henderson
Jim Hopper
Joyce Byers
Max Mayfield
Harry Potter:
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romantic and platonic:
Harry Potter
Ronald 'Ron' Weasley
Cedric Diggory
James Potter (marauders)
Sirius Black (marauders)
Remus Lupin (marauders)
(i may add the Slytherin boys later btw)
platonic only:
Hermione Granger
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
Lily Evans
Marlene McKinnon
Alice Fortescue
Mary McDonald
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romantic and platonic:
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Greg Lestrade
RDJ Sherlock Holmes
platonic only:
Mary Morstan
Jim Moriarty
Eurus Holmes
(i mostly write platonic for John and Greg tbh, but feel free to request both :)
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romantic and platonic:
Ravi Singh
Sal Singh
platonic only:
Pippa 'Pip' Fitz-Amobi
Cara Ward
Connor Reynolds
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thevirginwitch · 1 year ago
Current Reads + Book Reviews
To stay more up-to-date with what I'm reading, and to see my book notes, be sure to check out my Patreon!
last updated October 25, 2024
Current Reads
Weather Magic: Witchery, Science, Lore by Debra L. Burris
Inside the Mirror Box: Spells and Theory for All Practitioners by Ray Baker
Queer Chaos Magick & LGBT Witchcraft Covens by Justin H. Guess
Queering Your Craft: Witchcraft from the Margins by Cassandra Snow
Queer Magic: Power Beyond Boundaries edited by Lee Harrington and Tai Fenix Kulystin
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick and Manifestation by Mat Auryn
The Triumph of the Moon: A History of Modern Pagan Witchcraft by Ronald Hutton
A History of Witchcraft: Sorcerers, Heretics, and Pagans by Jeffrey Burton Russell
Elemental Witchcraft: A Guide to Living a Magickal Life Through the Elements by Michelle Heron
The Black Arts: A Concise History of Witchcraft, Demonology, Astrology, Alchemy, and Other Mystical Practices Throughout the Ages by Richard Cavendish
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in America by Margot Adler
New World Witchery: A Trove of North American Folk Magic by Cory Thomas Hutcheson
Weather or Not: Two Books About the Magic of Timing & the Timing of Magic by Katrina Rasbold
Coven Craft: Witchcraft for Three or More by Amber K
Read Recently + Reviews
The Everyday Witch's Coven: Rituals and Magic for Two or More by Deborah Blake
Traditional Witchcraft for Urban Living by Melusine Draco
Urban Magick: A Guide for the City Witch by Diana Rajchel
Postmodern Magic: The Art of Magic in the Information Age by Patrick Dunn
The Crooked Path: An Introduction to Traditional Witchcraft by Keldon
Condensed Chaos: An Introduction to Chaos Magic by Phil Hine
By Rust of Nail & Prick of Thorn: The Theory & Practice of Effective Home Warding by Althaea Sebastianti
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