#ron: this coming from the man that couldnt look his own son in the eye for years
pingvin-king · 2 months
Deruth: That’s my son 🤧🥹 That’s the boy I raised
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spicyboilouis · 4 years
pt 2 to it’s over isn’t it
(Only because I love them too much to see the suffer)
Regulus lived out his adult life and is now in a retiring home where he watches Disney movies with the teenagers who volunteer here. Regulus likes it a lot. He’s used to being on his own anyway. Sirius died a couple of years back and Remus died a couple of months after that. Regulus likes to think that Remus just could not live in a world where Sirius Black was not in. Regulus was still here and it was as nice as being alone could be. Well, he wasn’t as alone as he makes himself out to be. Harry and Ginny and their children would often visit him on the weekends and sometimes Ron and Hermione would tag along as well. Today was Saturday and in came the Potters. Ginny said she would take the kids to eat while Harry talked to Regulus. Which Regulus thought was odd, but didn’t question it.
“Papa! Hey how are you doing?”
“Harry oh darling I’m fine. How are you”
Harry sat dragged a chair to be by Regulus bed and was looking pretty serious. Regulus frowned and took Harry’s hand. Harry smiled a bit before a frown took over again.
“There’s just this one thing I need to ask you. I’ve had this question since I was 16.”
“Ok...whats the question Harry?”
Harry took a deep breath before looking into Regulus eyes. Harry’s eyes were filled with sadness and this whole interaction wasn’t making sense to Regulus. What was happening?
“Did you have a crush on my biological dad? It’s just the way you talk about my birth dad is the same way I talk about Ginny, and the same way Ron talks about Hermione.” Regulus can’t hold the truth from Harry anymore. Regulus doesn’t know when he’s gonna die but he knows it soon. So he gives him an answer.
“That’s a...tricky thing to answer. Well I guess you could say yes. We dated for a year before in joined the death eaters by my parents will. Once I came to my senses and fled it had been to late. Your father was with your mother.” Regulus already felt the tears and but he shook them away and sat up a bit squeezing Harry’s hand. “I was too late and I saw how happy Lily made James and I couldn’t come between that. He much happier with Lily then he was with me. So I just became his close friend. It’s pathetic i know, but I just wanted to feel close to him even though he wasn’t mine anymore. I wanted him to be happy more than anything in this world...I still do.” Harry had tears running down his cheeks and he leaned forward planting his elbows into the mattress.
“Regulus Arcturus Black you are not pathetic...you’re in love.” Regulus rolled his eyes out of habit but Harry kept going. “ You loved my dad so much you let him be happy with someone else. You’re so strong. I don’t think I’d ever be able to just see Ginny happy with someone else everyday.”
“Be thankful you never have to deal with that. It’s the worse type of pain. One that for me never went away.”
“Is that why you never dated anyone? My whole life I’ve never seen you dating anyone.” Regulus laughed because merlin knows he’s tried.
“I’ve been on some yes...none of them felt right. Ugh I must sound like Snape going on about Lily” Harry snickered but quickly assured Regulus he’s nothing like snape.
“Im glad you told me papa” Regulus smiled and Ginny returned with the kids and everything was alright.
It was Sunday morning and the whole family was sitting at the table eating their breakfast and talking. The phone rang and Ginny went to answer it.
“Hello is this the Potter residence?”
“Yes it is who is this?”
“Oh sorry this is the retiring home your relative is at a mister....Regulus Black?”
“Oh yes! That’s my father in law”
“Yes, sadly he passed away last night. I’m so sorry for your loss.”
“Oh...thank you” Ginny hung up the phone, and quickly wiped the tears from her eyes. Harry would depend on her during this hard time and she needed to be strong for him. She decided to tell Harry and then they’d tell the kids together. She sat back down and said the call was from some kid playing a telephone prank.
After breakfast Ginny pulled Harry into their bedroom and sat him on the bed.
“Ginny? What’s wrong?” She sat down on his lap and wrapped her his shoulders.
“Harry the call at breakfast wasn’t from a prank caller.”
“Ok...who was it from then?”
“...the retirement home”
“Oh did we forgot something while visiting pa?”
“No honey...Regulus died last night” Harry got pale and was stiff. The tears already welling up in his eyes.
“He died? No...they’re lying” Ginny pulled him into a hug rubbing soothing circles into his back.
“Why would they lie about something like that love?”
“I don’t know! They just have to be lying he can’t....he can’t be dead. He can’t be dead he’s my dad” Harry wrapped his arms around Ginny’s waist hugging her back and it was such a tight hug but Ginny didn’t dare say anything.
Regulus fell asleep in the retirement home and woke up in a white room. A weird lady with short blue hair showed him around and dropped him off at some weird common place. There were so many people around him he was a bit overwhelmed. He missed Harry he knew Harry was going to be devastated once he found out. A weird parting was formed and he saw Harry sobbing and Ginny hugging and comforting him.
“Oh don’t cry darling please. I love you so much Harry so please don’t cry too much.”
Afterlife wasn’t so bad James found it kinda freeing no more stupid war. He did terribly miss the people who were still alive. He missed Sirius like crazy. He wanted to be able to raise his son with his wife and for baby Harry to have a nice family. That dream basically went to shit when both James and Lily died. They watched over Harry from above and were pleasantly surprised when Regulus took Harry in. James missed Regulus a lot...a lot more than he should for being just friends with him.
Lily and James were both looking down at their own funerals when they both heard Regulus love confession about James to Remus. Lily was sad for a bit because she knew that James was still in love with Regulus. She knew and she wanted James to be happy so she let him go. They’re still the best of friends no bad blood between them.
James was just walking around aimlessly as one does when they’re bored when he paused. He heard something familiar but couldn’t place it. James being the gryffindor he is went after the sound and found a man sitting and looking down. He was muttering to himself and was shaking.
“...please don’t cry darling everything’s gonna be ok Harry”
James’ eyes went wide as the realization struck.
“...Regulus?” Regulus turned quickly because he could never forget that voice.
“James” for a second it was just them standing there looking at each other like the other wasn’t real. James couldnt take it and pulled him into a hug burrying his nose into Regulus’ neck to just breathe him in. Hot tears landed on him and Regulus was hugging him really tightly.
“Baby shhh it’s ok you’re alright now.” The crying seemed to increase by that sentence and James could do nothing more than say comforting words and rub his back.
“baby? what happened to lily?”
“Ah the whole death do us part kinda took its course now we’re apart as in not dating not married. We kinda realized we aren’t a match for each other.”
“Oh well in that case...”
James smirked his hands rose up to cradle regulus’ head in his hands.
“in that case?”
“I’m in love with you have been for a while.” James laughed squeezing Regulus face together.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me sooner Reggie because I love you too...I don’t think I’ve ever stopped loving you” Regulus looked so happy and he was. Regulus was insanely happy because James loves him. James loves Regulus.
“Can I kiss you?” James nodded and so they kissed and Regulus never felt as happy as he does right now. Who knew that dying would get him and James back together.
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request:  Hey, I was wondering if you could do a Snape x reader where they used to go to school together but since he was so hung up on lily and with being bullied etc. He became rude and stuff to R so she left him, and now she comes back and doesn’t remember him (you can make up why) and you can choose how it ends :)
note: hope you guys enjoy this cuz this came to me at like 1am last night and i just wrote it. also i really hope this doesnt offend anybody, i just couldnt think of anything else
warnings: PTSD, war, death, jokes about depression/anxiety/PTSD, Iraq War mentions
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“You should go and visit, you know,” your therapist, Meredith said. Her hands were folded atop her stomach as she relaxed, notebook lazily thrown on her table.
You sat across from her, hands playing with the candy wrapper that had been pre-occupying your mind, “right, and I should do that because?”
Meredith chuckled, “definitely not related to the past hour I just spent with you. Y/N, you were in Iraq, away from the Wizarding World and you got shot. In the head. Not only that, you had amnesia.”
With a sigh, you threw the wrapper in the trash, “have, and I didn’t know that.” Sarcasm dripped from your words.
“And seeing an old place can help you retrace your memory, bringing back old times that you lost; this can be very beneficial,” she said, leaning forward in her seat.
You licked your lips, “and if I find and remember something bad?”
Meredith held up her phone, “ringer is always on.”
“So I’ve noticed; you tweet something very controversial because I know those sounds were from Twitter,” you joke, standing to gather your things.
Your therapist shook her head as she showed you the door, “keep in touch.”
Walking away, you said, “a cry a day keeps your therapist away!”
As you drove home, the only thing on your mind was Hogwarts. Reaching out hadn’t been your thing ever since the war, not wanting to get the look or talk of sympathy. But the Wizarding World was different from the muggle world, so who would know? Well, maybe the people who remember you.
Pulling into your driveway, you parked your car and grabbed your bag. Walking into the small but mighty house, you snapped three times to remember who and where you were, hearing the sounds of your owl Coco.
Seeing her in her cage, you immediately let her out and pet her. “Hey girl,” you whispered, “I might ask you to deliver something tonight. It’s urgent.”
She rubbed her head against your cheek, “I’m fine, everything’s okay!”
Grabbing a piece of paper, an envelope, and a quill, you snapped again, “Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hogwarts...”
Coco hummed and you closed your eyes, “Dumbledore. Professor Dumbledore, right. Right.”
Beginning your letter, you asked your old Professor to let you come back for a short visit, not going into your whole PTSD/loss of memory drama, just some amnesia. Not a big deal. You miss the magic and the castle, even though you can’t even remember it.
With a melted-candle seal, you sent Coco on her way to Hogwarts. It shouldn’t be far, hoping to see her the following morning. The sun had gone down, stars covering the night sky as you witnessed people turning off their lights. Getting ready for bed by your routine, you laid in bed anxiously waiting for Coco until deciding to sleep.
It felt like it hadn’t been long until Coco arrived in the morning, letter in claws. Shrieking you awake, you snapped your fingers three times to remind yourself.
“Good morning to you too, Coco,” you yawned, trying to calm her down.
Looking at the letter, your head ached until you tried to remember, “letter, Dumbledore...right! Oh - oh my gosh, okay!”
Coco landed next to you as you opened the letter, reading over it. Your owl awaited your expressions as she noticed your smile, “looks like I have to pack...bit of a vacation.”
Packing up a week’s worth of clothes and supplies, you immediately headed to the train station Dumbledore mentioned in his letter. He told you exactly where to go - 9 and 3/4. If it’s difficult to find, a student of his wouldn’t mind helping. It is September, after all. Right! September, school starting.
Stopping between 9 and 10, you stood and stared at the columns of brick. Looking down at the letter, you reread it over and over, “9 and 3/4...”
A mother was heard scolding her kids as she hurried along, “c’mon Weasleys, we haven’t got all day! You too, Harry; I love you like my own son but you are as slow as a sloth.”
All five kids stopped as an older woman stood them in a line, telling them to send letters from school. Then, each one ran into the column, disappearing!
You gasped, “what the-”
The older woman looked at you, “old trick to Hogwarts, never gets old...”
Why did she look so familiar?
All her kids were redheads - well, except the brunette - and she said Weasley. Weasley, Weasley, Weasley...
“Y/N L/N?” the woman asked. She beat you to it. Two teen boys looked on as the woman had the ‘pity eyes.’
Your fingers snapped, “yes, uh yes, that is me. I’m sorry, do I...do I know you?”
She had a kind face, wrinkles showing years of knowledge, “yes, you do. No need to explain yourself to me, dear. I’m Molly Weasley and this is my son Ron and his best friend Harry.”
You gave a small wave, “hey there.” They waved back, gentle smiles on their faces.
Molly turned her attention back to you, “are you visiting Hogwarts?”
With a nod and a smile, you answered her question, “indeed I am. I’m not entirely sure why but I was told I should.”
The woman chuckled, “I wish I could go every day with my kids...Are you staying for personal business or?”
You shook your head, “my therapist thinks revisiting old places of my life will...” -Let's not bring up your horrible past life- “bring peace.”
Molly smiled, “and Hogwarts is the place to be! Well, if I don’t see you, try to reach out sometime, dear.” With that, she turned around and talked with her boys.
“I want you to take her to Professor Dumbledore as soon as you arrive. Go with her everywhere and make sure she is okay, you hear me?” Harry and Ron nodded as Molly stood back.
You gave a slight wave, “see you...” Your fingers snapped, “Molly.” With that, you and the two boys walked through the column, quickly going onto the train and somehow finding an empty cart. It seemed as if everyone knew who you were except you, eyes of civilians and children looking at you.
The train ride to Hogwarts seemed endless until you stopped, not hesitating to get your things and hop off the damn thing. Seeing bright lights of lanterns brought you back somewhere, you just weren’t sure where.
Carriages were being driven by horses - or what you thought looked like horses - as you analyzed your surroundings, trying to snap but wanting to take everything in. Harry stood by your side, “you’ve been?”
You nodded, “I’m sure I have, just not sure when.”
The young boy shrugged, “well you can ride with Ron and me, also our friends Hermione, Neville, and Luna.”
With a smile, you didn’t hesitate to go towards the carriage and hop on with Harry behind you. You looked past Luna, “beautiful horse.”
The blonde seemed to agree, “calm beings, of course. Only those who have seen death can experience their beauty.”
The carriage ride became quiet until you spoke up, “Y/N L/N.” Around the small area, the students introduced themselves. They were certainly going to make you feel old.
As you passed over the river and towards Hogwarts, your heart raced. You snapped your fingers to remind yourself of who and where you were. Students hopped off the carriages, luggage hauling them along inside the castle.
Candles were floating as the knights of the castle moved to let everyone through. Voices filled the castle as a feast had begun but you didn’t join. Rather, you needed an explanation. Who were these people and why does that guy in the giant hat look so familiar?
Large footsteps were heard as a hand landed on your shoulder, “aye, Y/N, is that you?”
Your head spun, “oh! Oh, yes, yes, I am Y/N.”
The very large man towered over you as tiny hairs from his beard fell, “it’s wonderful ta see ya! How ya been?”
You snapped your fingers, “listen, I’m very sorry but I-I don’t know who you are and I’ve realized this is a huge mistake and I never - no.”
You failed to notice Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall step into the hall, pulling you aside. Dumbledore started, “how are you, Miss/Mr. L/N?”
“Stressed, surrounded, very confused but living so that’s a plus,” you said, nodding to the old man. “Professor Dumbledore?”
He nodded, “in the flesh. And of course, Professor McGonagall.”
You smiled, “oh, Professor McGonagall!” Wrapping your arms around her, she rubbed your back, “hello, dear.”
Pulling back, you sighed, “it is wonderful to see you both! No, you three. Crap, I’m deeply sorry...”
Hagrid didn’t seem a bit offended, “Hagrid!”
You laughed, “Hagrid! Of course - it was there.”
Dumbledore gave a slight smile, “Minerva, would you mind taking over as I talked with our guest?” With a nod, McGonagall and Hagrid headed inside the Great Hall while you locked arms with your old professor.
“It is beautiful to see a past student here,” Dumbledore said, guiding you around the castle you once saw as home.
You grasped his arm, “it’s great to be back, Professor...I just wish I could remember it. That bullet to the head - it messed with me more ways that you could imagine.”
Dumbledore seemed to tighten his grip for a second until he relaxed, “Severus doesn’t know. You don’t remember him but the both of you were the best of friends, making a great team with Lily Potter.”
A small smile grew on your lips, “Lily, Lily, Lily...”
Professor Dumbledore continued, “you stopped talking after school. Severus had said some hateful things to you and you didn’t hide away. Vicious, it was. But it got worse after the Potter’s died. Severus worked here and never mentioned you - as if you never existed.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “it sounds familiar - the name - it really does.”
He nodded, “I know, my dear. I know many things and regaining lost memories is something of extreme difficulty and sometimes pain.”
Silence enveloped the two of you as your walk seemed to almost end. However, footsteps were heard from down the hall, someone calling Professor Dumbledore's name, “Ablus!”
The tall man stopped before the both of you, locking eyes with yours as he seemed to have lost his voice, “I heard...hello.”
Dumbledore directed his hand towards the man, “Y/N, this is Severus Snape. Severus, you remember Y/N.”
Severus’ eyebrows raised, “Albus, we know-”
“I was in Iraq in the muggle world and I was shot in the head three times but saved by my helmet yet it altered my long term memory,” you said, heart racing at the sight of this man.
He seemed speechless, “I...I apologize. Albus, may I?”
Dumbledore handed you off to Severus as he gave a slight wave, “come back to the Great Hall later tonight. We have much to talk about.”
Severus and you locked arms, taking a turn down the hall even further away from dinner. Snape gazed at you, “I know you don’t remember...but I’m sorry for what I said all those years ago.”
A slight laugh left your lips, “it’s quite alright. While I don’t remember what was said, I’ve been given another chance to start over.”
Snape stopped walking, “I spent a lot of time loving and grieving over Lily Potter. Grieving not only when she died but when James seemingly took her away from us. It was unfair to you...I never listened and I hurt you, so, so bad.”
You shrugged, “I wish I could remember what we did to hurt each other so bad for you to get teary-eyed.” You smiled and ran your thumb over Snape’s cheek.
He held your hand against his cheek, “over dinner? We can talk?”
A smile formed, “are you asking me on a date, Severus?”
Snape held out his arm for you to take, “my dear, it can be whatever you want it to be.”
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Where have you been all this time? part II - Before the Battle of Hogwarts (Hogwarts Mystery Imagine - fem!reader x Charlie Weasley)
Masterlist  (To view my Masterlist, visit my Tumblr page)
Series Masterlist (To read the other parts, visit my Tumblr page and you could find the link to the Series Masterlist or the main Masterlist)
A/N: Here’s the sequel to ‘Where have you been all this time?’. I probably have to write a third part after this >w>’
I hope you will enjoy it!
Words: 4k
It didn’t take too long before you and Charlie appeared in front of the Burrow. It has been so long since you have shown your face there. Not much seemed to have changed. You heard the Burrow was attacked by Death Eaters once, but it still looked the same as far as you could tell. It didn’t mean you were feeling less anxious to see everyone again.
You might have been able to write letters to everyone, but you couldn’t help it but to be nervous about meeting them again after such a long time. Probably because of the way you and Jacob travelled around the World as Curse-Breakers. You have got used to be on your own or just with Jacob.
Of course, that changed when you met Charlie again in Romania. Something that made you anxious at first, but once you two had talked you started to feel more comfortable around him again. You didn’t think you and Charlie would be an item after your Hogwarts’ years ended. It might have started as a long-distance relationship, but for the last couple months you have been living in Romania with Charlie.
 “There is no need to be nervous.” Charlie said when he wrapped an arm around you, rubbing your arm gently.
You looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “I’m sorry you have to keep reassuring me.” You said softly.
“It’s not a problem.” He said, giving you a sweet smile. “You know, it has been quite a long time since I have been here as well.”
“Well, considering you had to convince wizards in Romania to join our side, they will think you had a good reason for not visiting your family for so long.” You said honestly.
“I suppose you are right about that.”
“Jacob and I haven’t visited our parents in forever, so don’t feel bad about it.”
“You and Jacob don’t visit your parents because they don’t support your decision to become Curse-Breakers.” Charlie pointed out.
“That’s true.” You said. “They still don’t support the decision, but it is fine.” You said with a shrug.
  Charlie opened the door and was basically greeted by his mother, Molly, immediately.
“Charlie! It’s so good to see you again.” She said when she pulled her son into a tight hug.
Charlie hugged his mother back and gave her a grin. “It sure has been a while.”
Molly looked at you and then she gave you a sweet smile. “Oh Y/N, it has been forever since you have last been here!” She said before she also pulled you into a tight hug.
“I know, it has been quite a while.” You said when you hugged her back.
She looked at you and Charlie. “Charlie, why don’t you put your stuff in your old room? And Y/N, you can share a room with Ginny and Hermione.” She told you two.
“Mom, Y/N and I live together, she can stay in my old room with me.” Charlie said, rolling his eyes a little. The last time you slept over, you stayed in Ginny’s room. You didn’t mind it at all, but Charlie definitely wanted to have you close to him. You both had got used to sleeping next to each other.
“Oh, all right! No funny business though.” She warned.
“Mom!” Charlie’s face was a little flushed when his mom said that. You tried not to grin at him, but you knew he already noticed you were about to grin.
  Charlie began taking his and your stuff upstairs. You raised your eyebrow at him. “You know I can carry my own stuff, right?” You said.
“I know, I know. Just let me bring the stuff upstairs.” He said with a grin.
“Okay.” You said softly, still not sure why he was doing this. Then again, Charlie often suddenly did things to help you without asking if you needed help. You knew he was just being sweet.
  “Look at that, George. Charlie is showing off for his girlfriend.”
You noticed Fred and George, watching Charlie carrying his and your stuff upstairs.
Charlie huffed. “I’m not showing off, this is called being a gentleman.” He said, giving you a wink.
“Sure, you are.” Fred and George said sarcastically at the same time, looking amused.
Charlie just shook his head and then he put the stuff down in his old room.
“You two haven’t changed a bit, have you?” You said with a grin.
“Says the one who basically became a Curse-Breaker during her first year.” Fred said with a grin.
“Touché.” You said with a chuckle.
“I have got say, I’m surprised Charlie brought you along. I always thought he was going to bring a dragon as his date.” George said.
“Dragons first, ladies second.” Fred said.
Charlie rolled his eyes with a grin. “You two make it sound like I’m married to my job.”
“Well, aren’t you?” George said.
“And here he is, bringing the legendary Y/N, who solved the mysteries around the Cursed Vaults.” Fred said, shaking his head a bit.
“Come on, Y/N.” Charlie said, leading you into his old room.
“Don’t do anything inappropriate.” Fred and George teased before Charlie closed the door.
  Charlie sighed softly before he took a step closer to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist and moved his face closer to you. His forehead touched yours and he smirked lightly. “I saw you were about to grin when my mom said ‘no funny business’.” He whispered.
“I could barely resist it when you were blushing like that.” You told him softly, smirking lightly back at him.
“Heh, at least you are feeling comfortable.” He said honestly.
“Mostly because of your presence.”
“Well, I’m suppose it’s a good thing you are comfortable because of my presence.” He said with a grin. “Then again, I’m sure you would be all right without me around for a little while, right?”
“Of course.” You said honestly. “I mean, your family is great and I like being around them. It just has been a while. I haven’t been around a lot of people in quite some time, if you don’t count some Curse-Breaker jobs now and then.”
“Good.” He chuckled and then he gave you a sweet smile. “Don’t worry, I know it has been a while for you to be out here. I suppose I haven’t been out with the people a lot either because of my job.”
  Charlie was still holding you close and you gave him a playful look. “So, are you just holding me like this because you want to know if I’m comfortable or because of something else?” You asked amused.
Charlie grinned. “Well, maybe I’m holding you like this for more than one reason.” He told you amused before he leaned down to kiss you.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him back, feeling even more at ease. Charlie was the cure to nerves, at least to you. You haven’t met anyone who you felt more comfortable with. You couldn’t trust a lot of people because of your job, because some people were behind curses. You could be yourself around Charlie and tell him what was going on. Sure, you could tell Jacob things, but it was not the same. Charlie was one of the few people you could trust. He was the one you trusted the most.
Once your lips parted you stared into each other’s eyes, smiling sweetly. You two were still holding each other close, not wanting to let go.
  The door opened and you two looked at the one who opened the door. It was Ron, who kind of blinked when he saw you two like this.
“Eh… Mom asked if you wanted to come downstairs, Charlie.” Ron said.
Charlie sighed and nodded, slowly letting go of you when you also let go of him. “I suppose I should go then. It’s probably about being Bill’s best man.” He said with a grin. “You can unpack if you want, Y/N.” He said before he left the room.
You nodded and then you looked at Ron. “It’s good to see you again, Ron. You sure have grown a lot over the years.” You said with a smile.
“It’s also good to see you again. It sure has been a while since I have last seen you.” Ron said.
“I suppose it was the year before you attended Hogwarts, right? Now look at you. You are an adult. I kind of feel old.” You joked.
  Before Ron could say something else, you saw a brunette walking over to him. “Ronald, come on. We should do something to help.” She said.
“Sorry, I was just greeting Charlie’s girlfriend, she used to come over here at the Burrow when she attended Hogwarts. She was friends with Bill and Charlie.” Ron said.
You held out a hand and gave her a smile. “Hi, I’m Y/N Y/L/N. It’s nice to meet you.”
The girl looked a little surprised. “You are the Y/N Y/L/N? The one who solved the mysteries around the Cursed Vaults?” She asked before she shook your hand. “I’m Hermione Granger. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I have heard so many things about you.”
“Didn’t we have to help out mom?” Ron interrupted, thinking Hermione would probably keep talking about the Cursed Vaults if he didn’t stop her. After all these years, Ron had heard enough stories about the Cursed Vaults from Bill and Charlie. You have told him many things as well when you stayed over at the Burrow.
“Oh, right…” She said before she gave you a smile. “I’m sorry, I suppose we can talk later if you like.” She said.
You nodded. “Sure, that would be nice.” You said honestly.
  Once you were alone, you began unpacking some stuff. You also unpacked some of Charlie’s things, knowing what he would basically need soon. After living with Charlie for quite a while, you kind of knew his habits and routines, so it was easier to anticipate what to do. Besides, you couldn’t do much besides trying to help the Order with Charlie in Romania. You couldn’t do any Curse-Breaker jobs, because they were too dangerous. You would start doing things around the house and wait for Charlie to come home.
Sometimes you went into the town, wanting to get out of the house. And other times, you would spend the day writing about your Curse-Breaker adventures during Hogwarts and after Hogwarts with Jacob. It helped with passing the time until Charlie got home. You kind of were annoyed by yourself, feeling slightly dependent on Charlie nowadays. You began missing your Curse-Breaker Adventures, but you also enjoyed living with Charlie a lot. Maybe you should just stay in Romania as a Curse-Breaker, hoping there are enough jobs to do there. That way you could stay with Charlie and still be a Curse-Breaker. Of course, you would do this if Death Eaters weren’t a threat anymore.
  Once again you heard someone entering the room; an old friend.
“Bill.” You said with a smile and then you walked over to him. You gave him a hug. “It’s good to see you again.”
Bill hugged you back. “It’s also good to see you again. I’m glad you went along with Charlie.” He said.
“Well, I would be a bad friend if I don’t attend the wedding of one of my best friends at Hogwarts, right? Especially because I’m dating your best man.”
“I suppose I would have been disappointed if you didn’t come. I mean, you basically began writing me last year after you disappeared without a trace.” He pointed out.
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that… I mean, I probably would still be gone if Charlie didn’t see me. At least, I think so. Perhaps with all the dangers I would have shown my face somewhere.”
“It’s a good thing you and Charlie ran into each other then.” Bill said honestly. “I have to say, he seems to be smitten by you.” He laughed.
You blushed lightly and grinned.
“And I can see you are also smitten by him.” He said amused.
  “Anyways, how have you been?” You asked.
“Besides the whole Fenir Greyback incident, I’ve been fine. I mean, I’m really looking forward to the wedding. Fleur has been there for me the whole time, especially after the attack.” Bill said honestly.
“That’s a good thing then. I haven’t met Fleur yet, but she sounds great.” You told him. “I’m also glad you are doing fine after the attack. I can’t imagine how awful such an attack must have been. Fenir Greyback is pretty infamous after all…”
“Well, I have been pretty lucky. I mean, I haven’t turned into a werewolf.” He said honestly. “Greyback attacked Tonks’ husband, Remus, when he was nearly five years old.”
You knew that Remus Lupin was a werewolf. You were taught werewolves were awful when you were younger, but you knew werewolves never asked for such a condition. No, you were aware most werewolves didn’t want to be a werewolf, especially because the condition was looked down upon.
“Enough about Greyback, why don’t you go downstairs? I’m sure you can unpack things later.” He said.
“Well, I suppose you are right.” You said with a smile. “I probably should ask your mom if she needs some help.”
“You know you don’t have to do that.”
“I know, but I want to. It’s the least I can do.” You said honestly before you went downstairs.
 You ended up helping Molly in the kitchen and you also met Harry Potter for the first time. The day was pretty eventful and you somewhat felt exhausted. You were glad when you and Charlie both went to bed a little early. Charlie made sure his room was locked when you both were in his old room. He didn’t want people walking in without a warning. If someone needed you two, they would have to knock on the door or they would have to use Alohomora.
Once you two put on your night clothes you two lied down in bed. Charlie was holding you close, spooning you.
“I’m glad mom didn’t force us to spend the night apart.” Charlie said with a chuckle. “I mean, how would I fall asleep without holding you like this? I’ve grown accustomed to this, you know.”
“I’ve grown accustomed to this as well.” You said honestly. “It’s really comfortable to fall asleep like this instead of waking up alone.”
You two both enjoyed a moment of silence. Perhaps because you were both tired, but also because you two didn’t always need words to be comfortable around each other.
  “You seemed to enjoy yourself during the day, despite being in a pretty crowded place.” Charlie said softly.
“I did enjoy it.” You said softly, slowly turning around to face him.
“Good, I mean, I know you prefer less crowded places, so I was worried you might not be comfortable after all.” He said honestly.
“Charlie, don’t worry about it. Besides, it’s not too crowded in your parental house.” You told him. “Sure, I might be more comfortable when I’m with just a few people, but it’s not like I can’t deal with crowded places anymore. Also, it’s not like I have never gone to your parental house in past.” You gave him a grin.
“Sorry, I was just making sure, Y/N.” He said with a sheepish grin. “We both got used to more secluded places, because of our jobs, but since you aren’t the most social butterfly….”
“I’m definitely not a social butterfly.” You chuckled. “That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy social events.” You said before you yawned.
“You should sleep, love.” He whispered before he kissed your forehead.
“I probably should. Good night, Charlie.” You told him softly.
“Good night, Y/N.”
  Of course, you would finally meet up with your Hogwarts friends again after a really long time. They all attended Bill and Fleur’s wedding and you couldn’t help it but to feel nervous once again. It would have been a lot easier if you had met up with them more often, but since it would be your first time in years…. No, you just had to pull yourself through this. You couldn’t avoid them forever. Writing them was definitely a lot easier, but since you only have written them a few, you knew you would have to answer all kinds of questions.
The first one who had found you was the one and only Penny Haywood. She might be older now, but you could still recognize her immediately, just like she recognized you. You bit your lip slightly when she made her way over to you.
  “Y/N Y/L/N….” She said, giving you a very serious look.
“Hey Penny…” You mumbled, not sure what she was trying to do. Was she angry? Was this the look of someone who was disappointed in you? You just couldn’t tell what Penny was trying to do.
Suddenly she pulled you into a tight hug and giggled. “It’s great to see you again!” She told you.
You blinked, processing what just happened before you hugged her back with a grin. “It’s great to see you too.”
“We definitely have to catch up, I want to know how you are doing in person instead of just some letters.” She told you honestly.
“Yeah, we probably should.” You said. “Penny… I’m sorry I have-”
“Don’t apologize! I understand your reasons why you didn’t make any contact with us before you saw Charlie again. You were just trying to do something with your life, doing something you enjoy without being seen as Jacob’s sibling or The One who Solved the Mysteries around the Cursed Vaults.”
You were glad Penny was so understanding about the situation, but you felt like not everyone would be so understanding.
  Of course, you were proven wrong when everyone seemed to understand your reasons. Even Rowan wasn’t angry at you. She was just glad to know you were still alive. She was afraid you and Jacob had died or something.
Everyone was definitely older, but you could still recognize all of your friends. They haven’t changed a lot in your opinion. They all were doing things they loved. For example: Penny was on her way to become a Potioneer, Barnaby became a Magizoolist and Rowan was on her way to become a teacher.
  Things seemed to be great at Bill and Fleur’s wedding until a message sounded: The Ministry had fallen. Not too long after that the Death Eaters were attacking. You had grabbed your wand and began using spells in defence. You would try to protect the people who weren’t able to do that on their own. Still, you needed to be cautious.
You almost got hit, when someone protected you with defensive spells. You looked at the person and noticed it was Charlie, who protected you from the Death Eaters.
“Bloody hell… There are quite a lot of them.” Charlie muttered. “We need to get out of here, now!” He grabbed your hand and you two apparated away from the scene. You two were still pretty close to the Burrow, but at least this spot seemed to be safer.
“Y/N, you stay here. I need to see if the rest of the family is okay.” He said.
“What? Alone?” You said. “No! Let me at least help you.”
“And risk you would get hurt?”
“I can take care of myself, Charlie.”
You could tell he didn’t like the idea of you going along when you could get hurt. “Fine… Just stay focussed.”
“I know what I should be doing, Charlie.” You said honestly.
 The only Weasley that was missing was Ron. Then again, Hermione and Harry were gone as well. Molly said she had already suspected they would leave to save everyone. She wasn’t sure what they were planning completely, but they were trying to destroy You-Know-Who.
You were glad everyone seemed to be doing fine, but that didn’t mean things were fine. No one would be safe anymore, you could feel it. The Ministry was no more, You-Know-Who had risen and it all caused the Second Wizarding War.
Charlie didn’t want to go back to Romania, but he had to. He needed to gather the wizards and witches that wanted to help out here. You had grabbed both your stuff and went back to Romania. You had suggested you could travel back and forth to help out, so you could check on his family for him, but he said he preferred you staying with him.
Once you were in Romania, you suggested to come along with him when he was about to find allies. Of course, Charlie didn’t want you to come along. You weren’t an official member of the Order and he kind of wanted to keep you out of it.
  The more you were alone, the more useless you felt during the war. You and Charlie also got in arguments more often, something that rarely happened before the war started. You just wanted to help, but Charlie didn’t seem to want your help. He wanted to keep you safe and tried to keep telling you how dangerous things could be. You just kept telling him you weren’t helpless in these situations, but he didn’t listen.
One day, you just were done with all the arguing.
“Why don’t you just let me help? Really, I can do something useful as well.” You once again told Charlie.
“And I keep telling you it’s not safe, Y/N. I don’t want you to be involved and put your life on risk!” Charlie said, feeling annoyed.
You could tell he was getting angry because he was annoyed by it all. You just huffed. “And I keep telling you I can defend myself.”
“Damn it, Y/N!” He nearly yelled, slamming a fist against the table. “I said I don’t want you to get involved! Just bloody listen to me for once!”
  Once he just stormed out of the house, you felt almost like crying. You were just done with the arguing. You wanted to do something useful and if Charlie didn’t want you to, then you should probably just leave. You couldn’t just sit here and wait for the war to end. If Dumbledore was still alive, you were still he would have wanted you to help out as well. You ran a hand through your hair and went to the bedroom you shared with Charlie.
You were glad you didn’t move the trunks away yet. You would pack your stuff and just get out of here. You didn’t have much you needed anyways. You would just need enough to move around again. If you needed something, you would probably just buy it or improvise something. You just wanted to be quick. You used magic to lock your trunk and you felt like you were ready to go away.
Once you were ready to walk out of the door, you glanced back. Was this really the right decision? Once again leaving everything behind? Leaving the one you loved the most again? You knew this was probably a mistake, but you just couldn’t do nothing when everyone was fighting out there.
  You ended up going to Penny’s place. She was surprised when she saw you had showed up at her doorstep, but she let you in. She understood you wanted to help out during the war as well and decided to let you help her out.
“Y/N, perhaps you should let Charlie know where you are.” Penny suggested when she was brewing healing potions. “He fire called me last night. He seemed to be wreck without you around.”
You felt guilty Charlie was feeling this way. You only left Charlie a letter you left the house to help out during the war as well, without telling him where you were going. “You didn’t tell him I’m here, right?”
“No, I did not tell him. I just think you should tell him eventually.” She said honestly. “You two love each other. What if something happens to one of you? You would never forgive yourself for that…”
Penny definitely had a point. You would have to talk to Charlie. “I guess I should fire call him then.” You said softly.
Penny nodded and gave you a small comforting smile.
 Once you were at the fireplace, you began fire calling Charlie. You could see he looked surprised and you gave him a small smile.
“Hey Charlie….”
A/N: I’m sorry for the cliffhanger
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