#ron rakow
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labyrinthofstreams · 2 days ago
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Grace Slick photographed by Ron Rakow, September 1967.
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nostalgia-eh52 · 3 months ago
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Jerry Garcia in Concert
📷 Ron Rakow/Retro Photo Archive
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batteredshoes · 1 year ago
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Neal Cassady - Legendary Beat icon, driver of the Psychedelic Ken Kesey bus Furthur on their famous 1963 cross country trip photographed in the 2nd floor parlor room at the Grateful Dead’s Haight Asbury headquarters- 710 Ashbury St in San Francisco in 1967. Cassady is also immortalized in the Dead song “The Other One” with the lyric “The bus came by and I got on, that's when it all began…There was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land” - Photo ©️Ron Rakow
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aal Aalde Aar Aber Abord Aburg Ade Aden Adord Adt Adtim Ahau Ahden Ahna Ahne Ais Ald Alden Alind Alkel Alken All Allin Almun Als Alten Ana And Angen Ann Appen Arn Arrk Arsch Art Arte Arz Asa Asel Auber Aude Auer Aul Aund Aurg Axnōt Bach Bachl Badt Baer Baig Bal Bald Bark Bas Bau Baus Baut Bayen Bechl Beck Bein Ben Ber Berd Berdr Beren Berg Berim Bern Bert Bia Biber Bin Bing Birch Bisen Bitz Bla Bladt Blen Blena Blich Blutz Boch Boden Bof Bord Borda Borf Borg Bort Botna Bow Bra Bram Bre Bren Brich Bruch Brunn Bryn Buken Bur Bureu Burin Burse Burt Bus Böham Bømla Bück Bürg Bürt Bütte Bütz Cal Calch Cald Calda Calde Carch Casse Chem Cla Coben Cock Coe Cord Creim Cren Crino Cusel Dal Dals Dan Dard Den Dena Dieck Diedr Dieim Dien Digyn Din Dinda Dineb Ding Diten Ditz Dord Dorde Dorf Dorn Drud Dust Döben Dömho Dürg Ebel Eberg Eck Edt Eger Egern Egg Eid Eim Eißen Eke Elben Eld Elden Elfin Eln Emdin Emgo Emitz Emme Emsda Ena Erd Erg Erich Ern Ersee Esch Esen Esher Esle Ewal Fach Fal Fel Felm Fen Fil Filde Flana Flau Fleim Flen Fogen Ford Forf Forna Fra Fral Fran Frau Fre Freck Free Freim Freis Fren Frich Fried Frike Frim Frin Frow Fröde Ful Furen Furg Førg Fürg Fürt Gadt Gan Gar Garde Garg Garne Gart Gast Gebut Gel Geld Gen Genau Gend Georn Ger Gerb Gerf Gerg Gerja Gil Gis Gisen Gla Glan Gne Gold Gom Gotte Grach Gran Grd Gre Greha Greim Grich Grick Grim Grims Grin Groda Gron Grow Gríðr Grötz Grøya Grún Grúðr Grüch Grüm Guber Guden Gul Gulau Guld Gun Gunn Göld Gönin Görd Göttn Gößen Günde Güto Gütz Hadt Haer Hagda Hage Hal Halan Halze Hammo Han Hange Har Harf Harn Hau Haurg Haus Hause Haut Hed Heder Hee Heich Heif Heig Heim Hein Heina Heind Heing Heitz Hel Held Hemic Hen Hena Heng Her Herau Herf Herg Herms Hiden Hil Hild Him Hin Hinge Hirch Hja Hjack Hjel Hjørd Hock Hofn Hold Holf Hor Hord Horde Horf Hoth How Hren Hrin Hum Hus Håste Höna Hönia Höð Hück Hünd Hüren Ichau Idow Idt Ilden Ilen Ilin Immel Inne Irco Isfen Istad Itzen Iðr Jal Jalen Jar Jel Jen Jerg Jeve Joh Jord Jorde Jorf Jugne Jul Julz Jun Jup Jör Jørg Jøsse Jüllr Jürg Jüth Kald Kalde Kam Kange Kapa Kapla Kar Kas Kasse Katz Kau Kaurg Kaði Kel Keld Kemne Kemon Ken Kerst Kir Kirch Kirg Kirse Kisee Kitz Klau Klena Klow Kob Kock Kohn Kott Kow Kra Krau Krauf Kren Krey Krome Kuf Kul Kum Kup Kurg Kus Kár König Könul Külsa Künch Lach Lad Ladt Lagen Lahl Lainn Lam Lamen Lan Lana Lanau Landa Lann Latz Lau Lauel Ledt Leina Len Lens Lerg Lern Lerst Lest Leste Leue Leurg Lia Ligen Lik Lim Lin Line Linge Lip Litz Lival Lohle Loma Lomr Lotte Lotz Loued Louen Low Loßen Luch Ludal Lude Lun Luna Lusen Lut Lych Lysen Löfn Lön Lör Lörlo Lübth Lück Lüdi Lügen Lündi Lünna Lünz Lütz Lütze
Magen Maind Mal Malln Mand Mar March Mard Marg Mark Markt Mart Marth Mau Med Mee Mef Meils Mel Meld Melde Melim Mels Mem Men Menau Mer Merg Mes Metha Mil Mils Min Mines Mirch Mirde Mirf Mirg Mit Mitia Mitz Monau Morn Mung Murth Mán Möl Mölld Mönid Mönn Mühl Münch Münd Münth Nau Naun Nebin Neck Necke Nee Nek Nen Nenda Nens Ner Nerg Nerma Nert Nes Netz Neuen Neul Neum Neunn Neurg Neven Newal Neyen Nich Nies Nig Nigen Nilde Nin Ninde Ning Nisim Nitz Njart Njört Noitz Nord Norde Norf Nost Now Nurg Nærf Nörd Nörf Nürg Obech Obelz Oben Obenz Obera Oberd Oberg Obern Obig Obuch Och Ock Ode Oel Oels Oerg Oesch Oessa Oeten Ofelm Olbe Old Olden Olz Opfel Ord Orden Ordt Orf Org Orn Osch Ossen Ossin Ossul Osta Osten Osth Oth Pain Par Patz Pau Pein Pen Per Pfa Pfan Pfen Pfurg Phel Phim Pla Plin Poch Pohau Pold Porth Poten Prin Puch Pul Pulf Putel Quel Quelf Quels Rach Radt Rakow Rand Rann Rasen Rath Ratz Rau Raum Raun Reck Red Reel Ref Rega Reim Remst Ren Rena Renz Resen Reut Rey Reyja Rhe Rheim Rhen Rhena Rherg Rid Ried Riede Riez Rijen Roch Rod Roden Rogen Rold Rolz Romar Ron Ronne Rop Row Rozen Roß Roßen Ránig Röden Rück Rüm Rünch Saal Saan Saarl Sach Sal Sam San Sana Sang Sann Sanna Sany Sarl Sart Sasen Sch Schen Schia Schl Schof Schrd Schte Schöð See Sel Selda Sen Sena Senz Sie Sien Sig Sigen Sim Sin Sina Sing Ska Skau Skjen Skord Skow Sna Snitz Sold Soll Son Sona Sow Soyth Spa Spau Speim Spel Spelf Spen Sper Sperf Speth Stach Stal Stau Staut Steid Steim Sten Ster Sterg Sterr Sth Sthop Sting Sto Stoch Stock Stren Strin Städt Sul Sulde Sulld Sum Sun Sunau Sung Sus Svel Sverg Svill Sviðr Syk Syken Ságar Ságau Süde Süden Tadel Taden Tadt Tal Tau Teim Tel Ten Terg Terio Tert Thau Tiane Tich Tin Tinau Tjørn Tocha Tomar Torg Tran Trau Trava Tren Trie Tring Tron Tyst Töne Tübz Uden Udin Uen Uetch Ulzen Unrau Urt Ussee Uwer Uwör Val Valch Vand Vanna Var Vart Vech Vedy Veim Velda Veln Ven Vend Ver Verg Vern Vest Viam Vich Vil Vin Vip Viðr Vogne Vold Volde Vole Vren Væna Vörd Vörðr Waach Wadt Wagen Wal Wald Walda Wali Walka Walke Wall Walln Wals Walth Wana Wanau Wand War Warna Was Wede Wedt Wegk Weila Weim Wein Weing Weirg Wen Wer Werau Werd Werg Wesch Wesen Weske Weten Wetz Wich Widen Wie Wied Wiedt Wig Wiga Wil Wild Wilde Willw Win Wiph Wisch Witz Wold Wolde Wolz Woode Worf Wurg Wurth Wusau Wykk Wört Würg Würn Xen Yre Yvde Zen Zer Zerg Ziedt Zietz Zig Zin Zitz Zoge Zow Zweim Zwer Zwerg Zwin Zwitz Zör Zörf Ård Ården Öld Ölen Übz Þordt Þrich
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don-lichterman · 2 years ago
Ron Rakow on His Early Days Documenting Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead
Ron Rakow on His Early Days Documenting Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead
(© Ron Rakow/Retro Photo Archive) ** The cover of the current Relix features a photo of Jerry Garcia taken by Ron Rakow, while the Grateful Dead were recording their debut self-titled record in 1967. It is among a treasure trove of images that has been tucked away in Rakow’s garage over the past few decades. Rakow was a Wall Street arbitrageur, who relocated to San Francisco in 1965. He would…
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jafreitag · 5 years ago
Grateful Dead Monthly: Great American Music Hall – San Francisco, CA 8/13/75
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On Wednesday, August 13, 1975, the Grateful Dead played their first show in almost a year at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco.
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The venue that became the GAMH was built in 1907 as part of the city-wide rebuild following the renowned earthquake in 1906. It was reputedly designed by a French architect, and funded by a crooked politician, Chris “Blind Boss” Buckley, who called it Blanco’s after a notorious brothel on North Africa’s Barbary Coast. The venue was later renamed the Music Box by fan dancer Sally Rand, who bought it in the 1930s, and it kept that tag until it closed during World War II.
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After the war, the venue reopened as Blanco’s again, but fell into decline over the next few decades and was nearly demolished. In 1972, it was refurbished and became the GAMH.
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The band had “retired” after a string of shows at Frisco’s Warfield Theater at the end of October 1974. The reason, per San Francisco Chronicle columnist Herb Caen, was “to rest, recuperate, rethink, and one hopes, regroup” after a grueling period of running their own record label and touring with the Wall of Sound. Around that time, guitarist Jerry Garcia was having fun on his side projects with organist Merl Saunders and bassist John Kahn, and admitted that he preferred playing in small bars more than stadiums.
Tbh, it wasn’t much a retirement. The Dead played a benefit show at Kezar Stadium with Bay-area heavyweights the Jefferson Starship and Santana on March 23, 1975, then decamped to guitarist Bob Weir’s home studio to record their next album, Blues for Allah. The GAMH hosted Garcia’s Legion of Mary on the Fourth of July of 1975, and it was an easy call to book the Dead there a month later, so they could debut their new material. 8/13/75 was an invite-only show, attended by mostly music industry bigwigs, and it was the smallest venue for the band since March 1967 (Fugazi Hall in SF).
This show was broadcast live on FM radio a few weeks after it happened, and immediately bootlegged on vinyl under the title Make Believe Ballroom (Urubouros Deedni Mublasaron).
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In 1991, the Dead released an official version, One from the Vault, which was the first complete concert to emerge from their famed archive. The intro by promoter and GD-pal Bill Graham on OFTV is goose-bumps awesome. Graham says the band members one-by-one as they riff behind him. He ends with “Will you welcome, please, the Grateful Dead!” as they launch into a tight version of the triad that opens Blues for Allah – Help on the Way > Slipknot! > Franklin’s Tower. ECM’s research reveals that the actual intro was longer; Graham talked about winning a coin flip with the head of the band’s label, Ron Rakow, and getting $100 for his services.
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The music here speaks for itself. There are plus versions some chestnuts – It Must’ve Been the Roses, Eyes of the World, Sugaree, Big River, and GDTRFB. But it’s the yet-to-be released songs that get most of the attention – H>S>F, obviously, as well as The Music Never Stopped, Crazy Fingers (with an Other One Jam), and the twenty-minute Blues for Allah suite that closed the show.
Because it’s an official release, OFTV is on Spotify. Here’s the widget.
Thanks, as always, to Ed for his hard work. He just went to the NE with his band, Bear’s Choice, and he’s now catching some well-deserved rnr away from the office. So great that he helped put this one together before he hit the road.
More soon.
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thoughtsonthedead · 8 years ago
Possible Titles For The Dead's New Broadway Musical*
Possible Titles For The Dead’s New Broadway Musical*
Lady with a Phantom of the Opera. Cats (Under The Stars). The Philtasticks. How to Succeed in Show Business Without Really Trying and While Killing Multiple Keyboardists. The Best Little Whorehouse in Marin County. Olompali! The Producers (starring Lenny Hart and Ron Rakow). Bring in da Nitrous, Bring in da Funk. Kinky Birkenstocks. Guys And China Dolls. Hello, Bobby! God Damn, do I Declare…
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the-birth-of-art · 9 months ago
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Happy birthday to Carolyn "Mountain Girl" Adams Garcia.
Photo by Ron Rakow, taken on 7/2/67.
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thoughtsonthedead · 8 years ago
They've Got Five Years
They’ve Got Five Years
Speaking on behalf of all* Enthusiasts, TotD would like to congratulate Phil and Jill Lesh on Terrapin Crossroad’s fifth anniversary. 70% of all restaurants close during their first dinner service, so this is an accomplishment; doubly so for a Grateful Dead For example, the place has not: Burned down. Gone bankrupt. Been stolen by Ron Rakow. It’s been Phil’s lifelong dream to own a restaurant,…
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the-birth-of-art · 2 years ago
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Kid Charlemagne, 1967
Photo by Ron Rakow
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thoughtsonthedead · 6 years ago
Wake It Up, Baby This guy should've called Rakow.
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