#romulus kim
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leoregs · 1 year ago
I'd write an entire essay about girl dick, but no. Societal constraints had to get in the way.
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kkkimkkkw · 2 years ago
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stra-tek · 4 months ago
Big random list of things that NEARLY happened in Star Trek with no context or citation...
Harry Kim was to appear in Picard season 3 as a Captain (possibly of the Voyager-B)
Sarek was to use the Guardian of Forever to go back in time to become Surak of Vulcan, in a Next Gen episode
An episode was pitched where an NX-01 med tech played by Alice Krige was captured and assimilated by the Borg, becoming their queen
A Star Trek movie was almost made about undoing the Kelvin Universe, and would have had Shatner and Nimoy appear
They considered having Will Riker die, Data become first officer and Thomas Riker the Ops officer in TNG's "Second Chances"
JJ Abrams wanted Nichelle Nichols to cameo as the mother of Zoe Saldana's Uhura
The first season of Enterprise was to be set on Earth, culminating with the launch of NX-01 at the end of the season
They considered a shock reveal in ENT season 4 that it was actually the Vulcans who split off from the Romulans, and Romulus was their original homeworld
William Shatner wanted to return as Kirk from the Mirror Universe, in an Enterprise episode that involved time travel and creating the mirror universe with the transporter
Elnor was going to "explore his sexuality" in early Picard season 2 plans, before a change of showrunner and his character mostly vanishing
The ENT writers wanted Shatner to play Chef, a Kirk look-a-like hired by Daniels and trained to act Kirk-like to give an important speech at some point in history the real Kirk is mysteriously absent from
Data was originally created by mysterious aliens, and was to have a twin sister
Prodigy season 2 writers discussed having Chris Pine's Kirk from the Kelvin universe join the crew for a few episodes
In the originally filmed cut of Star Trek: Generations, Kirk is shot in the back and dies
Very early discussions for what eventually became Star Trek: Picard considered an adaptation of the Star Trek: Destiny novel trilogy
These discussions span off from a Short Treks pitch where a young cadet Jean-Luc Picard met Nichelle Nichols' Uhura
Early plans for the 2009 movie had wholesale destruction of the Prime universe, including the destruction of Earth. Thank Perpetual Entertainment for getting the destruction scaled back to Romulus so Star Trek Online had a Federation left to feature
There's was a story treatment written for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock where Spock stays dead
This one might be a little sus, but Christopher Pike in Discovery season 2 was planned to be very religious and fall to his knees at one point before the Red Angel, and clash with Michael over science vs faith
Early ideas for Star Trek Into Darkness had Benedict Cumberbatch as Robert April, former Enterprise captain turned rogue
Seven of Nine was going to sacrifice herself in order for Voyager to get home
A time travel Justice League of Trek movie by Brent Spiner, bringing together all eras of goodies vs all eras of villains, was considered
Spock shot JFK to fix the timeline in a proposed sequel to The Motion Picture
Ripper/Ephraim was originally going to be a regular, if giant tardigrade, crewmember on Discovery
Prior to Leonard Nimoy's involvement in what would become the 2009 Star Trek movie, a story outline was written about prime-universe cadets Kirk and Spock, in a story inspired by TNG's "The First Duty"
The Enterprise crew went through a black hole, back in time and introduced primative man to fire in another 70's movie script
A TNG movie was written where Picard summons a hologram of James T. Kirk for advice
George Kirk was to be found in the pattern buffer of the wrecked U.S.S. Kelvin 30 years later and resurrected
Voyager's EMH was originally to take on the name of his creator early on in the show, and the first Voyager novels call him "Doc Zimmerman" assuming it would have happened by publishing time
There's concept art where the U.S.S. Cerritos is a Galaxy-class starship
Riker was planned to dislike Data, and treat him poorly because he was an android
They considered making Troi's loss of powers in "The Loss" a permanent thing, because of how much hassle they caused the writing staff
Harry Kim wasn't originally planned to survive Species 8472
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whencyclopedia · 15 days ago
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Odoacer (433-493 CE, reigned 476-493 CE) also known as Odovacar, Flavius Odoacer, and Flavius Odovacer, was the first king of Italy. His reign marked the end of the Roman Empire; he deposed the last emperor, Romulus Augustulus, on 4 September 476 CE. He was a soldier in the Roman army who ascended through the ranks to general and was then chosen to rule after the mercenary general Orestes refused to grant land in Italy to his soldiers, and they proclaimed Odoacer as their leader. The Roman senate approved Odoacer's leadership and awarded him the honorary status of a patrician. He provided his soldiers with the land he had promised, ruled in accordance with the precepts of the Roman Empire, and governed Italy judiciously until he was defeated in battle and then assassinated by Theodoric the Great of the Ostrogoths (475-526 CE). Although some historians have regarded his reign as uneventful and claim he introduced no innovations, he was successful in maintaining order, culture, and the last vestiges of the civilization of the Roman Empire which, considering the time in which he reigned, was an impressive achievement.
Early Life & Rise to Power
Nothing is clearly known of Odoacer's early life. His ethnicity is generally regarded as Germanic, but who his parents were, how he was raised, or even where, is a matter of debate among historians. It is generally agreed among scholars, however, that he was the son of Edico the Hun, king of the Germanic Sciri tribe, and trusted advisor to Attila. It was Edico, who had been sent by Attila as an ambassador to Rome, who revealed to Attila the Roman plot to assassinate him and so foiled the plan. After Attila's death, and the dissolution of the Hun Empire, Odoacer is thought to have fought for his father before joining the Roman army, ascending through the ranks, and finally assuming power. While it seems clear enough that Odoacer was Edico's son, the problem historians argue over is `Which Edico?' The 6th century writer Jordanes claims that Odoacer's father was Edica of the Sciri tribe but in no way associates him with Edico of the Huns. Much of Jordanes' work has been questioned by modern scholarship, however, and most historians agree that Edico of the Huns was the father of Odoacer. Historian Hyun Jin Kim describes Odoacer as "Edico's famous son" and notes his military skill as comparable to that of the Huns (96). The historian Peter Heather agrees, writing:
What's so exciting about Edeco is that he became king of the Sciri after Attila's death, even though he himself was not one. He probably owed his claim to the throne to having married a high-born Scirian lady, since his children, Odovacar and Onoulphous, are said to have had a Scirian mother. But Edeco himself is dubbed variously a Hun or a Thuringian (228).
Still, there are other historians who dispute these claims and suggest that Edico the Hun was not the father of Odoacer and that his father's name was Edica, of the Sciri tribe, who had nothing to do with Edico. As the majority of scholarship sides with historians such as Hyun and Heather, however, Edico has been identified as Odoacer's father, who was married to a noble woman of the Sciri.
Odoacer first appears in history in a minor role as a soldier called Odovacrius, fighting the Visigoths in 463 CE. He is also mentioned in the Life of Saint Severinus by Eugippius (5th century CE), where it is stated that he, with a band of followers, stopped by the saint's home to ask his blessing, and Severinus prophesied to Odoacer, "Go on to Italy - though now covered in mean hides, soon you will make rich gifts to many". While this prophecy proved to be true, it is unclear whether Eugippius wrote this anecdote before or after Odoacer had come to power. The story may be a later insertion into the life of the saint, written to lend him the gift of prophecy.
However that may be, by the year 470 CE Odoacer was an officer in the dwindling Roman army stationed in Italy. Julius Nepos (430-480 CE) had been appointed emperor of the west by the eastern Byzantine emperor Leo I (401-474 CE). Nepos appointed a general named Orestes as head of the army against the wishes and advice of the Roman senate. The senate did not trust Orestes because he was not of patrician stock and had fought for the armies of Attila against Rome. He was also, they felt, far too popular with the troops he had come to lead. The historian Gibbon writes:
These troops had been long accustomed to reverence the character and authority of Orestes, who affected their manners, conversed with them in their own language, and was intimately connected with their national chieftains by long habits of familiarity and friendship (547).
As soon as Orestes was elevated to commander-in-chief of the army in 475 CE, he marched them against Nepos who fled into exile. The troops then encouraged Orestes to declare himself emperor, but he declined and instead had his teenage son Romulus Augustulus (c. 460-500 CE) declared emperor. For their service to Orestes in deposing Nepos, and to augment the back pay they felt they deserved, the soldiers requested that a third of the lands of Italy should be given to them as homesteads. The problem with this request was that there were already people living on those lands who would have had to be re-located, and many of them were Roman citizens. Gibbon writes:
Orestes, with a spirit which, in another situation, might be entitled to our esteem, chose rather to encounter the rage of an armed multitude than to subscribe to the ruin of an innocent people. He rejected the audacious demand and his refusal was favourable to the ambition of Odoacer, a bold barbarian, who assured his fellow soldiers that, if they dared to associate under his command, they might soon extort the justice which had been denied to their dutiful petitions (547).
The soldiers went over to Odoacer's camp, and Orestes fled to the city of Pavia and mounted a defense. Odoacer marched on the city and, when it seemed it would fall, Orestes escaped and re-formed an army at Piacenza. Odoacer pursued him there, defeated him in battle, and had him executed. He was then declared king of Italy on 23 August 476 CE. The remnants of the Roman army, however, refused to accept him, and a final engagement, known as the Battle of Ravenna, was fought on 2 September 476 CE from which Odoacer emerged victorious. Two days later, on 4 September 476 CE, Romulus Augustulus was deposed and the Roman Empire in the west was finished. He was sent away to Campania under a kind of house arrest with a fixed annual allowance and disappears from history. The Roman senate, which was still a functioning entity, approved of Odoacer and wrote to the emperor in the east (who, at this time, was Zeno) that they no longer felt a western emperor was necessary in Rome, and the empire could easily be ruled from Constantinople in the east and by a king in the west. Regarding this situation, historian Guy Halsall writes:
Zeno's response was sharp. He reprimanded the Roman senate for having killed one emperor sent by the east (Anthemius) and exiled another (Julius Nepos) and urged them to accept Julius back. If Julius wished to bestow the patriciate upon Odoacer, that was for him to decide. Odoacer had no wish to see Julius return and so, rebuked by the imperial court and left with no other means of legitimation, he did what more than one military commander had done before in that situation: he declared himself king (281).
Although he had already been declared king by his troops, and his position approved by the Roman senate, Odoacer's personal declaration was made as an acceptance of this honor and, also perhaps, to send the message that he felt himself worthy to be king on equal standing with any other monarch. This may have been especially directed toward Zeno in order to make clear that Odoacer intended to rule as he pleased in accordance with the precepts of the Western Empire and was not seeking Zeno's explicit approval. Though initially displeased with what appeared to him to be lawlessness, Zeno recognized that having a barbarian king in the west, instead of a co-emperor, would greatly increase his prestige as sole ruler of the Roman Empire and so approved Odoacer's reign (no doubt with the thought in mind that he could always find a way to rid himself of Odoacer later). Odoacer, at around the age of 42, was now the most powerful man in Italy.
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trekbait · 5 months ago
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You won’t believe these alien kinks!
Rage rooms appeared on Vulcan a few years back as an option for those struggling with their control to let off some steam in private. What was unexpected was couples partaking together. Frequent use has been known to trigger early Ponn Far and the Vulcan government is looking to ban the practice.
Threesomes are so kinky on Bynaus that it’s practically taboo to talk about them! But some insist on proving that three can be more than a crowd.
Klingon culture is known for being martial and aggressive. So it may surprise you to learn that on the back allies of Qo’noS the big new kink is a bit of age play with a twist: gentle parenting. Even the most fearsome warriors need some careful chastisement.
Findom has been secretly popular on Ferenginar for some time, but did you know that 70% of it is also femdom? Handing your money over to a fe-male to control is a deviancy too far for most! But some just want a sugar mommy.
On Romulus the predominant colour is grey. The buildings, the clothes, the people. Yet circulating on dark subspace are gigaquads of artworks from ancient Earth depicting erotic representations of colourful creatures known as “Tellytubbies”. Just erase your holosuite history of this "historic rule 34 content" before the Tal Shiar sees it.
Face sitting may seem universal, but the Bajorans have taken it in a unique direction. Let’s just say there is something other than a pair of lips they're aiming for, something ribbed for her pleasure…
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chwedout · 2 months ago
✨films i watched for the first time in 2024 that i think everyone should watch at least once in their lifetime✨
favourites are listed in bold
After the Storm (2016, dir. Hirokazu Kore-eda)
Alien: Romulus (2024, dir. Fede Álvarez)
Anatomy of a Fall (2023, dir. Justine Triet)
Anora (2024, dir. Sean Baker)
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret (2023, Kelly Fremon Craig)
Beau Is Afraid (2023, dir. Ari Aster)
The Bikeriders (2023, dir. Jeff Nichols)
The Boy and the Heron (2024, dir. Hayao Miyazaki)
Challengers (2024, dir. Luca Guadagnino)
Civil War (2024, dir. Alex Garland)
Cure (1997, dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa)
Dìdi (弟弟) (2024, dir. Sean Wang)
Evil Does Not Exist (2013, dir. Ryūsuke Hamaguchi)
Exhuma (2024, dir. Jang Jaehyun)
Godzilla Minus One (2023, dir. Takashi Yamakazi)
Helter Skelter (2012, dir. Mika Ninagawa)
Heretic (2024, dir. Scott Beck, Bryan Woods)
The Holdovers (2023, dir. Alexander Payne)
Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023, dir. Ariane Louis-Seize)
I Saw the Devil (2010, dir. Kim Jeewoon)
I Saw the TV Glow (2024, dir. Jane Schoenbrun)
The Iron Claw (2023, dir. Sean Durkin)
Kinds of Kindess (2024, dir. Yorgos Lanthimos)
Little Forest (2018, Yim Soon-rye)
Longlegs (2024, dir. Osgood Perkins)
Look Back (2024, dir. Kiyotaka Oshiyama)
Love Lies Bleeding (2024, dir. Rose Glass)
MaXXXine (2024, dir. Ti West)
Millennium Actress (2001, dir. Satoshi Kon)
Millennium Mambo (2001, dir. Hou Hsiao-hsien)
Monster (2023, Hirokazu Kore-eda)
The Outrun (2024, dir. Nora Fingscheidt)
Perfect Days (2023, Wim Wenders)
Poor Things (2023, dir. Yorgos Lanthimos)
Problemista (2023, dir. Julio Torres)
Promising Young Woman (2020, dir. Emerald Fennell)
The Pye-Dog (2007, dir. Derek Kwok) (watch it jun stans!! watch it!!)
Red Rooms (2023, dir. Pascal Plante)
Robot Dreams (2023, dir. Pablo Berger)
Shin Godzilla (2016, dir. Shinji Higuchi, Hideaki Anno)
Society of the Snow (2023, dir. J. A. Bayona)
The Substance (2024, dir. Coralie Fargeat)
Suzume (2022, dir. Makoto Shinkai)
A Tale of Two Sisters (2003, dir. Kim Jeewoon)
Triangle of Sadness (2022, Ruben Östlund)
Tokyo Godfathers (2003, dir. Satoshi Kon)
The Wailing (2016, dir. Na Hong-jin)
Still Walking (2008, Hirokazu Kore-eda)
War for the Planet of the Apes (2017, dir. Matt Reeves)
We Live in Time (2024, dir. John Crowley)
The Zone of Interest (2023, Jonathan Glazer)
2021 | 2022 | 2023
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musicloverxoxo7 · 1 year ago
Professor Kim’s Teaching assistant
Professor!Namjoon   x   fem!reader
Summary: You feel drawn to the new professor like to nobody else. Does he reciprocate that feeling? How far will you take it?
Themes/warnings: smut with a bit of plot at the beginning, age difference (reader is Master student, so ca 5 years), hand job, oral (m receiving), fingering, unprotected sex, y/n has mild dom tendencies, tied up hands, nipple play
Wordcount: ca. 3300 words
I do not own BTS. They merely inspire me. None of this is related to their persons in real life.
“I want to use the last 5 minutes to discuss the topic that will occupy next lesson. Greek mythology in Harry Potter.”
When this new course opened the previous semester, you’d been dying to get a space. Which you finally did the second time around. But now that you’re sitting in Professor Kim’s course, you are bored. Either you know too much about literature or your minds are too alike. You already know almost all the stuff he talks about, while everyone else is in awe at his creative angles.
You raise your hand. Professor Kim looks around. Since none of the other 15 students want to say anything, he gets back to you with a sigh.
“Go ahead, Ms y/l/n.”
It’s almost always a conversation between just the two of you. It has been like that the entire semester.
“For one, there are all the beasts and magical creatures that J.K. Rowling involved in her magical universe. Things like the chimera, centaurs, Cerberus. Aside from that we also have characters in the book named after actual mythological beings, not just Greek, but also Roman.”
“That is correct. Could you give an example? Greek or Roman.”
“Take Remus Lupin for example. Roman legends say that Romulus and Remus were twins that were tasked with building a city. The short version is that Romulus got to build it and named it after himself, of course. Mythology says that they were raised by a she-wolf. I consider this fact of importance, since Remus Lupin is a werewolf.”
“Accurate. Everyone, until next week, if you haven’t done so yet, please read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone. Ms y/l/n, my office, please.”
You file out of the classroom with the other students and head to Professor Kim’s office. You have no idea why he’d want to talk to you. He’s never asked you to his office before.
Professor Kim appears a minute after you, his glasses askew and his hair a slight mess. Same as usual.
You smile just a tiny bit. You’d definitely straighten out those glasses. But you’d definitely leave the messy hair be.
“Please, Ms y/l/n, come in. Would you like something to drink? I have tea, coffee or water.”
You sit down at the corner of his desk as he makes himself a cup of coffee.
“I’m good, thank you. Why am I here?”
He waits until the coffee machine is done, then leans against the cupboard on which it stands. His pecks are on display like that, and you give yourself a second to admire them.
“I want to discuss your future. You are exceptional in the field I teach.”
“I just like reading a lot and finding out what could have been behind it.”
You shrug your shoulders.
“Have you considered doing a PhD and becoming a professor?”
“You don’t have to share with me, y/n, if you don’t want to. I merely wanted to offer you my assistance, in case you’d like it.”
Maybe it is because he’s trying so hard. Maybe because this is the first time he has called you by your first name.
“I did consider it for a while. But I had a professor last semester who said they’d do whatever it takes so I don’t get in anywhere as a PhD student.”
Professor Kim moves so abruptly that he spills coffee all over his chest. Thanks to your long talk it’s only warm anymore, but he still curses. He puts the cup aside. It gives you a full frontal of his chest, including dark nipples that strain against the fabric.
You jump into action helping him clean up, because otherwise you might do something stupid. Something stupid like burying your face in his chest.
“Take it off.”
“It’s beyond saving. I never get coffee out.”
“Take it off. I’ll do it.”
He doesn’t even turn away to unbutton the shirt. When he tugs the rest of the shirt out of his pants to get the last 2 buttons, you have to cling to your composure very tightly. He hands you the shirt and you put it in the tiny sink in his office.
With the cold water and the immediacy of your reaction, the stain is out in next to no time.
“Et voila.”
You hold up the dripping shirt. No stain left on the light blue fabric. Your smile wavers when you see that Professor Kim is still standing there shirtless. His caramel skin looks like it is supposed to be savored slowly and explored extensively.
“Was it Lim?”
“Did Professor Lim tell you those terrible things?”
“Oh, well…”
“Okay, yes, he did.”
Professor Kim sighs deeply. He straightens out his glasses and walks over to his desk.
“He hates women that are smarter than him. Especially if they are also beautiful. He’s an insecure pig. Time for some measures.”
“What? No!”
You are at the desk with 2 quick steps, your hand on Professor Kim’s upper arm. He looks up slowly from what he was writing, his eyes not focused on your hand but on your eyes.
“Y/n, if you want to go to university for a PhD, I will help you.”
“Okay, then help me. But please, let’s try to keep Professor Lim out of this for as long as possible. He won’t be able to do anything if he finds out last minute.”
Professor Kim straightens up and you finally let go of his arm. You’re a little sad, because it felt very nice. Strong and warm.
“How about you become my TA in the meantime, for your last semester here? That way we would have a valid excuse for spending some time together. Time we will mostly spend on prepping you for that PhD and the application process.”
“Thank you, sir.”
Professor Kim looks at his shirt in your arm and then his naked torso.
“I forgot I wasn’t wearing a shirt. Sorry about that.”
He grabs a jacket from a stand in the corner and buttons it up. This way, he is mostly covered up again. What a shame. You’d grown used to seeing him shirtless by now.
“And one more thing, y/n.”
“Please call me Namjoon. Teaching assistants and their professors are almost always on first name terms.”
You hand him back the moist shirt.
“Got it. The shirt should be fine now. But please give it a wash in the washing machine as well.”
“Thank you for your help. I’ll remember that for next time.”
As it turns out, Professor Kim – no, Namjoon – spills something quite regularly. No matter how elegant he looks, he can be quite clumsy. The following week you end up washing coke out of his shirt. The week after hot cocoa. You end up almost getting too comfortable with seeing him shirtless.
Being a TA is turning out to be quite fun and not all that much work, since Namjoon does not hold that many courses this semester.
The day comes when you get accepted into 3 different PhD programs at very prestigious universities. They are out of Professor Lim’s league, so he doesn’t dare mess with you. And finally, your graduation day arrives.
After a beautiful graduation ceremony, you have dinner with your mom and granny. Granny urges you to get married and mom wants you to finally start working full-time. They both talk way too much about your brother and sister and their little families.
Afterwards, you are in dire need of a drink. You end up in a poorly lit bar two houses down from the restaurant. Surprisingly, it smells like peppermint and lime in there. You sit down at the bar and order your favorite drink.
“Long day?”
Namjoon turns to you. You sat down on his right side without even noticing him there. You notice that the top 3 buttons of his shirt are open, and the sleeves pushed upwards. Your mind wants to go in some dirty directions, but you don’t let it.
Thankfully, the bartender puts down the drink in front of you right that moment.
“Kind of. Beautiful, but also laden. Like a landmine.”
“Sounds dangerous.”
“Sounds like family.”
Namjoon snorts into his drink.
“No matter how much I love my family, I understand what you mean. What did they say to you getting into the 3 best universities in the country?”
“Haven’t told them. They’d be livid that I haven’t gotten married or taken a full time, highly paid positions somewhere yet.”
“You’ll probably have to tell them sometime.”
“Yeah, sometime. I only see them once or twice a year and that’s soon enough for me.”
You let out a long, heavy sigh.
“You want to sit down in an alcove?”
You move to an empty one with your drinks. The lighting is different here. Warmer, sexier. Namjoon’s dimples look like they want to pull you closer to him. You have a hard time resisting.
“Now that I’m no longer your professor, I’d still like to at least stay friends with you.”
“Of course. It’s thanks to you that I got to this point.”
“Not really. I only guided you a little. But thanks to you I now know how to clean almost all stains out of my shirts.”
You smile. That is true.
“I didn’t mind.”
You don’t because you find his clumsiness endearing. And also, because you got to see him shirtless on a weekly basis. Which was worth the effort.
Namjoon smiles. And something in that smile tells you that he knows.
You fidget a little. Since the nook is small and the bench short, your arm touches his in the process. You withdraw your arm and sit still again.
“I will miss having you around nearly every day. Of course, you were a great help, but mostly your presence is very stimulating to my mind.”
“Well, you wanted to be friends, so we will still get to see each other.”
“Of course. But that won’t be the same, will it?”
“I suppose not.”
Namjoon takes another sip of beer. When he leans back again, his cheeks are a faint strawberry color. You keep your eyes on him. He doesn’t look at you, though, but far into the distance.
“I am a very clumsy person. Which you know.”
“I do spill drinks on myself quite regularly.”
“I know.”
“But maybe not quite so often. More like once or twice a month.”
“What are you saying?”
You’re still looking at him and he finally meets your eyes.
“I wanted to be close to you. The way you looked at my chest whenever I took of my shirt... I hoped you’d make a move on me someday.”
“Wait what?”
“Ridiculous, I know. You have marvelous self-restraint. And perhaps you only enjoy pecks in general, not specifically me as a person.”
His eyes are honest, with a hint of vulnerability. You hold his gaze for a few moments, then your eyes move down to his pecks. His shirt today is just the right amount of tight. But the fabric is midnight blue, so you cannot see through it.
You bite your bottom lip. You do like Namjoon as a person.
“I do like pecks. But yours are particularly… delectable.”
You slowly look up at him again. His dimples are showing. You move your hand up and gently poke one of his dimples with your finger. When you withdraw your hand again, Namjoon catches it and blows a kiss on your fingertip.
Butterflies flutter through your stomach. You move a little closer and put your hand on his thigh. He does not object. When you stroke up and down his thigh, his breathing becomes a little labored.
Encouraged by your bold movements, Namjoon leans forward and touches his lips to yours. You deepen the kiss. He tastes like peppermint and beer.
You break apart after what could have been seconds or hours.
“Would you like to disappear from here? My apartment is just down the road. If you aren’t ready, though, we can postpone that.”
You take him by the hand and pull him out of the alcove. Thank goodness the drinks are already paid for.
The warm summer air outside caresses your legs and arms. Namjoon takes your hand and guides you to his place. On the way you talk about books, as usual.
Only once the door to his apartment closes behind him do things change again. You’ve barely taken off your shoes when Namjoon grabs your waist and pulls you against him. This kiss is much less restrained and civil than the one in the bar.
You melt into him, your hands on his firm pecks. You run your hands over them, making sure to also caress his nipples gently. Every time you give them a twist, his breath catches. Finally, you can’t take it anymore and unbutton his shirt. He does not stop you.
Once you have peeled the shirt off him, you let your hands roam over his entire upper body. He gives you time to explore while keeping his hands at your waist.
When you break apart for a breather, Namjoon smiles.
“This kind of curiosity will bring you far anywhere, y/n.”
You giggle. Even in a situation like this, he can’t help but think of work and books.
“I hope it can also bring me as far as your bedroom.”
“If that is where you want to be, definitely.”
He walks to the bedroom door and pushes it open. You walk inside past him and turn on the light. There are beautiful paintings on the wall. The bed isn’t made, but overall, the room is very clean and organized.
You turn back to Namjoon.
“I love the interior design. I want a painting tour later on.”
“Whatever you wish, y/n.”
You put your hands on his belt buckle and open it.
“IF there is anything you don’t like, tell me to stop. Ditto for if it’s too much.”
“Who is the teacher here?”
You smirk up at him.
“Tonight, I think it’s me. But I’m always willing to switch roles.”
You pull the belt out of his pants.
“Lie down.”
He does.
“Put up your hands.”
He follows your instructions again. You tie his hands to the head of the bed with his belt.
“I’ll untie you whenever you want. Just say the word.”
“Got it. But I’m feeling pretty comfortable right now.”
You unzip your dress and drop it on the floor before crawling on the bed. Namjoon lies stretched out, the muscles in his arms and torso prominent. You sit down on his lower belly and give him a kiss.
“This could take a while.”
And it does. You start with feathery kisses on his dimples and then move down his neck. You are very tempted to leave marks there, but that wouldn’t be good for a professor who has to teach his students tomorrow.
So instead, you suck a mark into his bulging upper arm. You gently scratch your teeth over the inside of his forearm. That has goosebumps running over his arms. You bite down on the inside of his palm.
By then you’ve teased enough and move down to his chest. His gorgeous chest. Finally, you get to touch and savor. You place sloppy kisses all over his pecks. Namjoon watches you with hooded eyes. When you run your lips over his nipples, his eyes cross. You do it again and add a little tongue. He huffs out a breath.
You keep up the ministrations for another minute or two until you move down his stomach. You leave tiny bites there, which has his stomach muscles contracting like crazy.
You unzip his slacks.
“Hips up.”
He does and you pull the slacks and underwear down. As you already felt earlier, he is fully erected. You run your hand up the shaft and pay special attention to the frenulum. Namjoon takes a shuddering breath. Your thumb draws a circle around his slit.
“Baby, stop torturing me.”
“Are you in pain?”
“Do you want me to stop?”
Namjoon sighs.
“Goodness, no.”
“Then stop complaining or I’ll gag you next.”
You smile up at him.
Then you lower your head and repeat the circular motion around his slit with your tongue. His moan is a true turn on. You ditch your panties, slip your hand between your legs and start playing with your clit, while you keep working him with your tongue and mouth.
It doesn’t take long until you have him at the brink of desperation. And ecstasy.
You raise your head and let go of him. His eyes linger on your other hand, which is between your legs.
“May I do that too, tonight?”
“Definitely. But later.”
You crawl back up to the headboard and untie him. He lowers his arms and presses you against his body. The close body contact feels heavenly.
Namjoon undoes your bra. You sit up and throw it aside. Then you lay down on him again, rubbing your nipples against his chest. It feels like heaven. Until you’re so sensitive you have to stop.
You kiss the tip of his nose.
“Your turn now, professor. I want to feel you in me.”
He rolls you around until you are lying on your back and he is hovering over you. With one hand he grabs your hands and pins them against the pillows above you. You find that very, very hot.
You arch your body towards him.
“How could I say no to that.”
You feel his tip push against your entrance. It’s a nice stretch once he finally pushes into you, slowly, so you can adjust. Except that you are so turned on that you don’t really need time to adjust.
Namjoon is breathing heavily by the time he bottoms out.
“Give me just a second like this, okay? I don’t want to cum right away.”
He smiles down at you and the dimples appear in all their glory. You pucker your lips. He gets the message and leans down for a kiss. A very deep, slightly messy kiss.
Once you break apart and he finally starts moving, your eyes meet. His are dark, almost black, with lust.
His moves are slow and steady at first. He lets go of one of your hands, so you can play with your nipple. It doesn’t take long until his moves become sloppier, harsher. With a few more twists or your nipple your high burns its way through you.
Namjoon’s breathing gets shallower while you moan into his ear. He lets go of your other hand and you sling both around his torso.
“I can’t… much longer…”
“It’s okay. We have all night for more.”
A few more sloppy thrusts, then Namjoon cums. He buries his face in your shoulder, and you hold him once his body ceases to move.
It takes a bit for both your breathing to normalize and for heartbeats to slow down again. Until that happens, you stroke Namjoon’s hair.
You don’t know how long you lay there like that, but you enjoy it.
Eventually, Namjoon raises his head and looks down at you. His eyes have cleared up to their normal dark brown. You see something in them that looks surprisingly like love. You’re even more surprised that you don’t mind that at all. Maybe it is time to trust another person and give them your love.
“Would you like to go and take a hot shower with me, y/n.”
He pulls out of you and helps you up.
“About that paintings tour of your apartment?”
“Let’s postpone that until tomorrow. I think we’re busy for the rest of the night.”
Namjoon guides you into the bathroom, where he turns on the shower. There is easily enough space for two people in there.
“As you prefer, honey.”
When you look at him his eyes are crinkled in a smile.
© musicloverxoxo7, 2023
Please do not copy, translate, or repost my work (reblogging is fine though). Doing so will make you legally liable for stealing intellectual property.
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perezhilton · 2 months ago
Kim Kardashian is so rich that...
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movieswetrust · 2 months ago
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youleftandnevercomeback · 2 months ago
Kim Kardashian ciertamente sabe cómo hacer que un amigo se sienta querido en su cumpleaños.
Kim demostró exactamente eso cuando reveló el regalo increíblemente lujoso que le dio a su amiga y vicepresidenta de SKIMS, Tracy Romulus, para su gran día.
Tanto Kim como Tracy compartieron el momento en que la primera recibió su regalo de casi $100,000 en las redes sociales.
En videos publicados en sus historias de Instagram el jueves, el dúo reveló que Kim le regaló a Tracy un Tesla Cybertruck. Según informes de People, el distintivo automóvil probablemente costó entre $96,000 y $100,000.
"No hay nadie como tú, mi loco y exagerado novio", escribió Tracy en una publicación en su historia de Instagram, que mostraba una foto borrosa de su nuevo automóvil con un lazo rojo en la parte superior.
En un video, que Kim volvió a compartir en su historia, vimos el momento en que Tracy recibió el regalo por primera vez.
"Kim, ¿hablas en serio? ¿Estás loca? ¿Estás loca?”, grita Tracy después de ver el auto, a lo que Kim simplemente responde: “Feliz cumpleaños”.
“Sinceramente, no tengo palabras”, escribió Tracy en otra publicación. “Nadie hace regalos como tú… esto es una locura exagerada… solo tú… te amo”.
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loislane-ana · 2 months ago
Kim Kardashian Surprises Bestie Tracy Romulus With A New Cybertruck For Her B-Day! 🚗
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biographyit · 2 months ago
Kim Kardashian shocks best friend Tracy Romulus with lavish birthday gift
Kim Kardashian shocks best friend Tracy Romulus with lavish birthday gift Kim Kardashian surprised her best friend and SKIMS Executive Vice President Tracy Romulus with a lavish birthday gift, a $100,000 matte black Tesla Cyber truck. The extravagant surprise unfolded at Kim’s $60 million Calabasas mansion, where the vehicle came with a large red bow and was parked in the driveway. In a video…
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akeliciousmedia · 2 months ago
Kim Kardashian Gifts Best Friend Tracy Romulus a Cybertruck for Her Birthday
Reality star Kim Kardashian has made an extravagant birthday gesture for her best friend, Tracy Romulus, by gifting her a Tesla Cybertruck. The luxury gift comes as a sweet surprise, reflecting the close bond between the two. View this post on Instagram A post shared by AkeliciousMedia (@akeliciousmedia_) Romulus, who is known for her role as a top executive at Kardashian’s company, was…
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universomovie · 7 months ago
Box Office: ‘Alien: Romulus’ arrecada US$ 18 milhões no dia de estreia
By J. Kim Murphy Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Courtesy Everett Collection “ Alien: Romulus ” caiu para US$ 18 milhões em 3.885 locações na sexta-feira e exibições de pré-estreia – um resultado substancial que sugere que a última entrada do século 20 na série de suspense de sobrevivência chegará ao norte das projeções do estúdio e arrecadará cerca de US$ 40 milhões na estreia. fim de…
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byalexandreds · 1 year ago
Kim Kardashian et Tracy Romulus quittent la soirée Vanity Fair Oscar à Beverly Hills - 10/03/2024
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Photos : HawtCelebs ©
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celestekrp · 1 year ago
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+ !! congratulations! your application has been accepted, welcome to cheonsangui university! we have sent an acceptance letter to your inbox. make sure to accept it before your spot opens up!
ahn hanabi / kieran valentine (kim jennie) . fae . choi minsik / romulus (jeon jungkook) . vampire . ryu haelin / ari hauntington (choi san) . werecat .
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