#romeo pazzi — interactions.
rcsplendent · 1 year
closed starter — luciana holland. ( @classiqcals ! )
" you know, darling, " he begins as she returns to him, her hand sliding easily into his. it's one of those dances that has them moving from partner to partner — the kind he learned as a teenager & became muscle memory, a given at any social gathering these days. but tonight he finds himself wishing they'd get on with it & switch over to a slow waltz or something of the sort; anything to make it so that he doesn't have to keep letting go of her, so that he can have an excuse to be by her side all night. " we should've had one of these. " he presses a gentle kiss to her fingers before pulling her in to continue the dance, his free hand resting at her waist & his lips settling into a warm smile as they come face-to-face yet again. " it's a shame we didn't, really. although, now that i think about it — at eighteen i would've been insufferable to dance with. perhaps our poor timing was actually a bit of divine intervention in disguise, hm? "
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rcsplendent · 11 months
open starter — searchers only ! ( @francehqstarters ! )
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"  cazzo,  cazzo,  cazzo. . .  "   his  voice  is  low,  muttering  expletives  as  he  steps  over  a  fallen  branch  &  ducks  to  narrowly  dodge  one  hanging  at  head-height.  he  spins  around,  then,  eyes  scanning  the  terrain  as  it  starts  to  take  on  a  blue  tint.  the  sun  is  seemingly  racing  to  hide  under  the  horizon,  the  last  daylight  casting  steep,  orange  rays  through  the  canopy  high  above  &  scattering  the  ground  with  golden  spots.  soon  enough,  it'll  be  too  dark  to  see.  with  a  heavy  sigh,  he  holds  his  hands  up  in  defeat  —  in  his  right  one  is  a  revolver  (  his  father's,  etched  with  the  same  sparrow  peeking  out  from  his  unbuttoned  &  open  collar  ).  "  that's  it.  we're  fucking  lost.  "    he  turns  to  look  at  his  companion,  lips  pressed  into  a  tight  line,  arms  falling  to  his  sides  &  shoulders  sagging.   "  i  do  not  understand  how  this  happened. i've  hunted  in  these  woods  more  times  than  i  can  count. . . "
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rcsplendent · 1 year
𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙚𝙧 — 𝙡𝙪𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙝𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙙. ( @classiqcals )
so  far,  france  has  been  treating  romeo  remarkably  well. if  it  weren't  for  the  fact  that  he  owes  at  least  HALF  of  the  people  here  a  sum  of  money,  he  would  reckon  his  time  in  france  to  be  a  bit  like  a  vacation. however,  considering  the  fact  that  he  keeps  having  to  dodge  people  and  places  to  make  sure  he  doesn't  have  to  have  any  confrontations  with  his  creditors,  it's  turning  out  to  be  slightly  more  stressful  than  he'd  anticipated.       there  is  ONE  person,  though,  that  he's  been  hoping  to  run  into,  or  maybe  DREADING  —  he  can't  really  tell. it's  not  like  he  WANTS  to  get  married,  is  the  thing. but  also ... it  would  be  so  easy. all  of  the  debt,  those  sleepless  nights  waiting  for  the  day  where  he's  be  exposed  as  the  FRAUD  he  is... gone  with  a  simple  exchange  of  vows.
there's  a  number  of  things  he's  worried  about,  sure  —  will  she  recognize  him?  will  he  recognize  her?  will  she  even  want  to  marry  him  anymore?  —  scratch  that  thought  —  everyone  does.      turns  out,  he  does  recognize  her  as  he's  strolling  along  the  veranda,  and  he  halts  in  his  tracks  as  he  spots  her  out  in  the  gardens,  between  two  rows  of  rose  bushes. he  narrows  his  eyes,  his  demeanor  changing  to  something  more  determined,  smoothing  his  hands  over  his  waistcoat  and  adjusting  his  shirtsleeves  as  he  redirects  his  path  to  approach  her  from  behind.       "  well,  "  a  cool  smile  tugs  at  his  lips  and large, ring-decorated  hands  slip  into  his  pockets,  slowing  to  a  stop  a  few  feet  behind  her. "  you  look... healthier  than  i  remember. "
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rcsplendent · 11 months
closed starter — annaliese hölm. ( @hcrexcellency ! )
location : the polo pitch. time : mid-afternoon.
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while romeo tends towards hunting during the fall & winter, the warmer months had much more to offer in terms of sporting events — polo included. the gentlemen of versailles had organized a sort of intramural tournament amongst themselves, & romeo had been happy to participate. & while he's never been one to brag, he is quite good at the game. he's dismounting from his horse after yet another clean sweep of a match when he spots her watching from the makeshift stands — the queen of austria. luciana's sister. his interactions with her so far have been interesting ( read: intimidating ), but he's determined to make a better impression, now that thoughts of following through upon his betrothal to luci have cemented themselves in his brain. he approaches her, removing his sport jacket as he goes, light brown curls flattened slightly against his forehead from exertion under the summer sun. " your majesty, " he greets once he's in earshot, slinging his jacket over his shoulder, fingers still hooked in the collar. he bows politely at the waist, before straightening back up. " i did not know you enjoyed watching polo. how is the warm weather treating you? would you like any refreshments? i'd be happy to send for them. "
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rcsplendent · 11 months
closed starter — luciana holland. ( @classiqcals ! )
he feels like he's been walking for days — his legs are numb, his arms ache, his head swims. he's seen — so much blood, so much pain, in the past few hours. it's difficult to see himself as lucky, surrounded by the sound of weeping coming from the injured & the sight of ghostly pale skin among the unconscious. regardless of it all, he feels a bone-deep imperative to get back — to return to her. he's got the arm of an injured guard around his shoulder as the group limps through the woods in a solemn parade. an eerie silence fills the air as they break through the treeline & approach the courtyard — those waiting for them hold their collective breath, before it all shatters into wails of relief & horror alike, once the palacegoers see what has become of the search party. rome, slowed down by his companion & therefore towards the back of the group, scans the crowd as he approaches. he spots her after what feels like an eternity, & after he gingerly lets go of the guard & sends him off with a nurse, he moves towards her like a moth to light. " mio dio — i'm so sorry, darling, " he says on an exhale as he envelopes her in a crushing hug, his exhaustion finally making itself known — his entire body sags & his eyes slip shut, muscles trembling from the amount of physical effort he's been exerting. " i'm so sorry i'm late. "
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rcsplendent · 1 year
closed starter          —           annaliese hölm. ( @hcrexcellency )
location :  the dining hall.       time : during breakfast.
" your highness, "  romeo greets with a practiced calmness as he approaches the queen from behind, exuding a learned charm in the form of an ever-present smile & an easy, confident posture. he holds a porcelain cup in his hand, filled halfway with coffee — with a splash of cream and a teaspoon of sugar, just how he would prepare it at home ( italian coffee is, admittedly, much better, but french coffee will suffice until he returns ). the way he holds the cup with two hands, as well as the way his gaze remains locked on the woman before him are, admittedly, an attempt to disguise how nervous he is — holding the cup is an attempt to prevent his hands from shaking, & his steely gaze is an effort to keep his eyes from flicking around the room the way they do when he's anxious. as much as he's changed recently, he's still proud & headstrong as he's always been  — ever-confident he can charm his way into people's good graces ( and out of trouble ).  " i'd begun to wonder when i would finally get the chance to formally introduce myself. or, well — re-introduce myself. "  they've ... met already, sort of, when he was much younger & he'd met the entire holland family upon his engagement to luci. but he was eighteen, then, & practically an entitely different person. he removes one hand from his coffee cup to hold it out between them, with the intention of taking hers to kiss the back of it — a sign of cautious respect.  " duke romeo pazzi of florence. it is lovely to make your acquaintance. "
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rcsplendent · 1 year
closed starter          —           amara romanov. ( @frvgcleternty )
location :  a tea parlor.       time : evening, after supper.
" amara, darling. "  romeo's words are accompanied by a gentle kiss to both of amara's cheeks, a classic italian greeting for anyone from acquaintances to family members. his smile is warm, posture lax, despite the questions that linger in the back of his mind. he's been meaning to speak with amara anyways — just to chat, to catch up, really; especially amidst the aftermath of the explosions. but finding her had become all the more imperative once valentina had revealed her little secret to him. perhaps it's unfair, going to valentina's most trusted friend in order to find out more information about her relationship — but he can't help it, is the thing. he cares so deeply about his sister's safety, her wellbeing, that he needs to know more about this king of hanover.  " how are you, my dear? how has russia been treating you? "  his head tilts as he goes to prepare the both of them a cup of tea — he imagines they'll be sitting down to chat a while, & of course, beverages are in order.
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rcsplendent · 1 year
closed starter.   —    nico ferucci. ( @effervcscents ) location: romeo's chambers.      time: 6pm.
❝  so,  hold  on,  run  it  by  me  again  —  ❞  for  the  fifth  time.  it's  just  a  lot,  is  all,  the  damage,  both  financial  and  emotional. each  debt  nico  lists  off  is  a  new  wound,  something  to  desperately  stitch  up  before  his  pockets  bleed  out  entirely.  ❝  —  HOW  much  do  i  owe  the  russians?  and  the  —  the  —  jesus. you  know. that  bavarian  bloke,  the  one  with  the  dead  family.  ❞   he  waves  a  hand  dismissively  before  bringing  it  up  to  pinch  between  his  eyes,  trying  to  quell  the  ache  that's  quickly  growing  there. ❝  and  papa's  business  partner  —  he  hasn't  written  you  again,  has  he?  i  need  to  get  HIM  off  my  back  most  of  all,  that  greedy  fuck. ❞  he  neglects  to  mention  the  part  where  it's  not  exactly  greed  if  the  guy  is  just  trying  to  retrieve  his  own  money,  but  romeo's  always  been  a  tad  delusional  about  this  whole  situation  anyways. he  sighs,  dragging  his  hand  over  his  face  and  squeezing  his  eyes  shut,  as  if  opening  them  again  might  get  rid  of  the  ungodly  amount  of  RED  in  his  ledger.  ❝  this  is  so  fucked,  nico.  i'm  fucked.  ❞
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rcsplendent · 1 year
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☼☾ ( aaron taylor johnson , 30 , he/him , cis man , duke of florence ) - have you seen ROMEO PAZZI?  we’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re PRAGMATIC but also MANIPULATIVE. when you think of them , you think of A WISP OF TOBACCO SMOKE RISING TO THE CEILING, PIANO HANDS GILDED WITH RINGS, & A SUAVE, CONNIVING SMILE.
parallels  :  tangerine  (  bullet train  )  ;  tony stark  (  the marvel cinematic universe  )  ;  lloyd hansen  (  the  gray man  ) ; max wolfe  (  gossip girl  )  
FULL  NAME:  romeo  giancarlo  pazzi
AGE:  thirty
GENDER:  cis man
PRONOUNS:  he/him
ORIENTATION:  bisexual, uninterested in romance ( for now )
LANGUAGE(S)  SPOKEN:  primary  —  italian,  conversational  —  english,  french
ACCENT:  italian
LABEL:  the lothario or the pretty boy; a man who is very handsome and uses it to his own benefit.
FACE  CLAIM:  aaron taylor johnson
HEIGHT:  six feet, three inches
HAIR  COLOUR:   brown
EYE  COLOUR:  light  blue
USUAL  EXPRESSION:  smug, or mildly bored
POSITIVE  TRAITS:  pragmatic, intelligent, witty, protective, charming, humorous, eloquent, charismatic
NEGATIVE  TRAITS:  hedonistic, stubborn, lazy, unyielding, desperate, greedy, crude, manipulative, conniving
FATHER:  unnamed,  deceased
MOTHER:  unnamed,  deceased
SIBLINGS:  unnamed sibling, valentina pazzi
romeo was raised in a world of unspeakable wealth. he never wanted for anything, never needed anything that he couldn't have — he had servants at his beck and call from the moment he was born, and he always took advantage of it.
when he was a teenager, the king of the netherlands approached his father, the duke of florence at the time, and proposed a deal. the king needed money, and in exchange, he would offer one of his daughters to marry. the duke was more than happy to oblige, and romeo, being the eldest and therefore the heir, was arranged to marry the princess.
however, after the deal was made, the betrothal was ... mostly forgotten about. romeo spent much of his teenage years and young adulthood under the assumption he'd be married off at any moment, so he spent almost all of his time partying, sleeping around, and getting blackout drunk as if it was his last chance to do it. months passed, and then years passed, and still no marriage came; romeo figured the betrothal was a thing of the past.
when he was twenty, he left italy for six years to study at various universities around the world, including oxford, the university of salamanca in spain, the university of aberdeen in scotland, the imperial moscow university in russia, and sorbonne university in france. he mostly studied philosophy and politics, with the hopes that it would help him when he eventually took on the role of the duchy.
he returned home briefly when his mother passed away of a lingering illness about five years ago, but departed again to continue his studies; then, when his father suddenly passed just one year later, he had to return home to accept his new role as the duke.
unprepared and hateful of his responsibilities, romeo continued his lotharian lifestyle, and with new access to his family's horde of funds, he made a litany of poor financial decisions, from throwing party after extravagant party to simply purchasing ungodly expensive things he didn't actually need. the pazzi estate had never looked so ornate and beautiful, and once again romeo never wanted for anything, but at the same time, the pazzi's wealth was diminishing rapidly as a result.
now, romeo is ... well, for lack of a better word, broke. he realized his mistake far too late and is now indebted to too many people to count. when he received the invitation to france, he may even been the first person to accept, not because he was excited to go, but because he needs to make connections who can provide financial help, and FAST.
and, of course, there's that betrothal that never actually happened, but also never really fell through ... technically, he's been engaged for a decade. he only met her once, but he knows she'll be here in france. he's not exactly eager to get married, but ... it surely would solve those debts, wouldn't it ?
romeo is betrothed to luciana holland, the princess of the netherlands ! it's actually kind of up in the air if they'll actually get married, since the original arrangement is over a decade old at this point, and made by his father who's passed ... romeo didn't want to get married, but now that he's in his little financial pickle, he's reconsidering, as it would very quickly solve all of the debts he owes.
romeo is an ASS. at least, that's what he is deep down. on the surface, he's very charming, likeable, and just the right balance of confident and humble. but he starting to take after his backstabbing ancestors; he's the kind of person to make friends if he sees some kind of perceived benefit on his end.
despite that, it's not that he's mean or antisocial, necessarily — considering how many parties he's thrown back in italy, it's obvious that enjoys people's company and socializing. it's just that, at this very moment, he's incredibly desperate to make the right connections to secure some kind of financial stability quickly, so he's not afraid to rub shoulders with people just to get them to like him enough to provide him with a "gift" or two.
he is quite protective over his siblings ; the biggest reason why he's trying to recover his lost funds is so that they don't have to suffer the consequences.  
because he spent so much time at university, he is, unfortunately, quite smart. if he were in a modern au he would definitely be a philosophy bro.
the fact that he's spent almost all of his family's wealth is a secret he keeps VERY close to his chest. he finds it humiliating, and almost overcompensates by flaunting his material wealth. especially because of the pazzi's history, he would rather literally disappear forever than have people find out what he's done and ruin the family name for a second time.
associates:  people he's essentially trying to make friends with, but in the end, it's for monetary gain - he's trying to get them to help him in some way, but he's not quite sure how yet.
creditors:  people he owes money to ! he's definitely taken out quite a few "personal loans" from people that his parents had been close with, and he definitely has NOT paid them back yet ... and they're all here in france. what a nightmare !
paramours:  he's betrothed, sure, but he's not MARRIED yet ... at least, that's what he'd say. plus, he's on the fence if he even wants to go through with the betrothal, so he's definitely going to sleep around in the meantime.
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