#romeo is a stoner
wiredalienvampire · 11 days
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there is such a lack of fanart for this dingus and it upsets me
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arolotl-queen · 4 months
My shitty tv show idea is a show that has EVERY SINGLE shakespeare play happening in a high school setting. Picture the maddness.
I'm thinking things like Romeo is a popular boy and Juliet is a nerdy band kid who plays dnd on the weekends. they start dating but secretly because they would be kicked our of their friend groups if anyone knew.
Macbeth got told by three weird kids that if something happened to the guy everyone was going to vote for in the school captain election then everyone would vote for Macbeth.
I would say more but i haven't really thought about any of the other plays and also haven't read a single shakespeare play other than romeo and juliet and macbeth. im so sorry. feel free to add on tho
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blot-squisher · 1 year
Evan and Dwight are STG:L2 Romeo and Juliet.
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yundeob · 3 months
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— featuring ot8!ateez in iconic HOLLYWOOD romance and rom-com movies
— TICKET BOOTH IS CLOSED! 🎟️ : the movies are about to start! all fics will have MATURE CONTENT! MDNI!
sit back, relax, grab your popcorn and tissues, and enjoy the silver screen . . .
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TROPE: exes to lovers! divorced!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
AS DIVORCED PARENTS to two twin daughters, you and hongjoong have your fair share of work cut out. Driving to piano lessons, cheering at hockey games, drop offs at each other’s houses, it can all be a little much. But could a relaxing summer retreat as a whole family possibly rekindle past emotions you’ve swept under the rug? . . .
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TROPE: bad boy!seonghwa, enemies to lovers!au , 60s!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, angst, crack
THAT WAS THE SUMMER before JFK got shot, before the beatles came, and when you were working part time at your aunts summer resort. That was also the summer you met resident heart breaker and cocky entertainment crew member, Park Seonghwa. Remind yourself why you’re suddenly dance partners with him again? . . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: dilf!yunho x formerstripper!reader, strangers to lovers!au, contract lovers!au,
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
LIVING IN BEVERLY HILLS comes with its perks. But for two different people such as yourself and multimillionaire business tycoon, Jeong Yunho, both of you can’t seem to find what you’re looking for in the so called ‘Land of Dreams’. So the proposal is simple really… let him spoil you with money, jewelry and clothes while in return, you stay by his side. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: marriage!au, established relationship, spy!au, assasin!au
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST, crack
WHO WOULD’VE THOUGHT picture perfect suburban neighbourhood couple, Mr. and Mrs. Kang would be at each others necks trying to kill each other first. You’ve both come this far in your marriage while hiding your secret identities, but it looks like only one person can remain standing. I guess you both did promise “in sickness and in health”. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: royalty!au, princess!reader x reporter!san, strangers to lovers!
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst
AS CROWN PRINCESS, you’re on a tightly scheduled tour of European capital cities. But after an especially rough day in Rome, you sneak out of the embassy to explore the so called Eternal City, running into no other than celebrity news reporter, Choi San, looking out for his next big royal scandal. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: college!au, stoner!mingi, enemies to lovers!au, fakedating(?)au, y2k aesthetic
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
YOUR YOUNGER BROTHER Wooyoung is desperate in getting you, his older sister in college, to date so that he can finally date in highschool. The options for potential candidates are scarce, considering men flock away like birds the second you’re near. Good thing campus stoner and weirdo, Song Mingi is the same as well. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: fashioncolumnist!reader x advertiser!wooyoung, y2k aesthetic, fake dating(?)au, enemies to lovers!au, mutual pining
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, angst, crack, slice of life
LISTEN, IF IT MEANS getting a promotion at your editorial company as a news journalist instead of pop culture and lifestyle columnist, you’d do anything. And that includes pretending to be the most annoying and clingiest girlfriend to some guy for 10 whole days. But just so you know, Wooyoung likes clingy. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
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TROPE: unrequited love, star crossed lovers!au, mutual pining, secret romance (shakespeare be rolling in his grave rn)
TAGS: nsfw, smut, fluff, ANGST
FOR CENTURIES, a plague of hatred and hostility has been present in the relations between the House of Choi and your own. You know you can’t be together, but yet why do you keep catching that dark haired boy staring at you so longingly? And why do you want him just as bad?. . .
— not yet in theatres . . .
a/n: for updates, follow my blog! this will be a work-in-progress so I ask for your support:(🙏
taglist: @vent-stink @dazzlingstarrs @vcutparis @xpixie @potatos-on-clouds @showingmafandomlove @bibbleypoof @kpop-will-kill-me @avantalem @beabatiny @gabrielle-brugger @nsixns @amaranth1ne @stayminho @myblovedjyh @kkeshia @rebekah-reads @yoonbroom @4kwp @butterflydemons @iwaizumiismybae @soobinsputnik @stayatinykatsy @atitties @justconniez @kitten4sannie @ghostskilledmyaddiction21 @cheolsthicthighs @morethingsfandom @geminiml95 @byuntrash101 @quailbagutte @syubseokie @newworldwritings @urmom26john @sleepy-kat-here @pearltinyy @hjshyhyssnmgwyjh @cursedeastern @starryunho @piratekingateez2001 @jiminbility @paumll @drinkingrumandcocacola @roomsofangel @channies-bbg-room @meanaonthemoon @teeztopia @pommelex @kiln9z @sanhwalvr @youresolivlie @edawg77 @a-0206 @summer-gyu @bvidzsoo @yoongzsmile28 @tournesol155
taglist became too long so find the second taglist here💀 no longer taking requests
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kylestfs · 1 year
Can I take seat 17? I think it’s an emergency exit row?
Tattoos sprouting…. feet thickening… that’s right, you’re now Romeo. A stoner, skater bad boy. With a foot smell capable of making you pass out.
— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Sexuality ; Gay
Status ; top
Musk ; 9/10, all coming from your size 15 feet and your hairy pits.
Butt size ; 5/10, average, but you don’t really need it anyway.
Dick size ; 8/10, 7.5 inches, thick and veiny.
Farts ; 3/10, surprisingly not gassy.
Intelligence ; 5/10, you’re definitely not smart, but not completely dumb either.
Muscles ; 7.5/10
Overall looks ; 9.5/10
If you have any questions about your new amazing body, feel free to ask in PMS!
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i-smoke-chapstick · 2 months
HELLO WORKAHOLICS WRITER?!1?11 PLEASE SOME BLAKE HENDERSON FLUFF I BEG I’m torn between making out with him and playing with his hair TY!! ☺️
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⋆ 𝐒𝐘𝐍𝐎𝐏𝐒𝐈𝐒 ; blake general fluff hcs <3
⋆ tags/warnings. Blake Henderson x female reader. PURE FLUFF <3 This song is SO him, thank god for chappell roan!! making out, playing with his hair (ofc), canon typical drug talk, some vague spicyness. anons i love u pleaseplspls keep sending these requests in im FLOORRRREEDDDD
♫ “I don't care that you're a stoner / Put her canine teeth in the side of my neck / Okay, maybe it's a twin bed, and some roommates.” Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan
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He is such a BABE
I know I mentioned pet names before, but this man NEVER stops. Ever. There is a never ending list of all the sweet things that come out of this guys mouth. We see him through almost every single season say the word “sweetheart” at least once. It’s his favorite.
And of course, the obligatory “my love,” and “dude” and “brajette” he says 24/7
Getting the craziest stupidest texts with all the ideas he comes up with. Having to talk him down, or if you wanna stir the pot, go ahead and encourage him.
“Babe, you won’t believe the idea I had today. What if we opened a petting zoo, but for people? Like, you pay to come and pet really nice people.”
“Blake, No-“
LOTS of physical affection. Especially showing off infront of the guys. He’s got a girlfriend (probably his first…) and he is in LOVE. He wants to scream it from the rooftops. Besides, out of all the guys, he might be the most insecure deep down. Que his hands wrapped around your waist ALL the time, or hugs from behind. Tackles you with kisses.
Insists on being incredibly chivalrous. Type of guy to run up to any door you need to open JUST so he can open it up for you first. Or, if you and the boys are out on the roof, he’s keeping an arm secured tightly around you. Just so you don’t fall.
Also insists on dragging you along with him everywhere he goes.
Get’s really nervous and excited whenever you reciprocate the affection, but he melts right into it. Seeing you wearing his clothes gives him a heart attack /pos
He’s just so caring. Type of boyfriend to check in on you, make sure you’re eating. He’ll give you a high-five if you eat a taco in two bites, incredibly impressed and just wowed by you. You have his utmost support in everything you do.
The dominant energy and he’s a golden retriever boyfriend LAWD
Him getting reallllll back into theater, wanting to act out some monologues. Attempting to read off Romeo and Juliet, butchering the old english. He’ll have you hold whatever script he’s got, wanting you to check his lines and prompt him.
Talking about dreams with eachother. Getting highly philosophical while he paints your nails, both of you high off your asses. Listening to whatever music CD you two play.
“You know, I think I missed my true calling as a nail artist.” When he’s done, admiring his handiwork.
He just loves DOING things with you. You guys will need to get Der’s to drive you out somewhere, and he’ll take you to a nature park or arcade with the boys. Or if it’s a one on one date thingy, he’ll try his absolute best to cook a frozen pizza. When he inevitably burns it, he’ll take you late night snack shopping and push you around in the cart.
Would love to have you in his WoW guild <3 He’s such a giant nerd ahhh
You’re the ONLY person he lets touch his hair. Anyone else he immediately gets defensive with. But with you? Oh my god, he feels honored. And it feels good. Especially when you snake your hand through his curls while you two are sneaking kisses at some strangers house party.
Speaking of kisses…
Ultimate neck-kisser. That one scene, when he’s with the girl in the pool, and he flips her around kinda roughly so he can kiss her neck? Yeah, it’s those small slight acts of dominance that come out when he knows you’re comfortable with him and just as horny as he is.
The heavy breathing, the way he clings to you. He just can’t keep his hands off of you. One on your face, one on your waist, letting you climb into his lap. When he notices it’s getting real hot and heavy, he’ll flip you over so he’s on top ;)
Those little high-pitched moans he lets out with no shame. The little soft utterances of “Oh god,” and “Damn, you’re so fucking hot. Like, crazy hot.” Quickly muttered between open mouthed kisses he plants on you <3
Mmm the french kissing, the shotgunning smoke out of his mouth while he holds you’re chin, his sharp little canines brushing up against your neck when he bites down softly.
You know that little meme thats like, “If I was a worm, would you still love me?”
If you turned into a worm he’d build you a little sanctuary and take care of you everyday.
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Ten facts Jeremy?
Banned from the kitchen bc he keeps setting shit on fire and doesn't know how he does it
Loves to skateboard, part time stoner, mario kart champion probably of ohio
Undiagnosed ADHD king (and anxiety)
Favourite childhood memories include Jesse playing mostly classic rock records for him while Johanna and Chad would fight and, when Jesse got his license, Jesse driving him to Dairy Queen (and still playing classic rock in the car) to keep him away from the fights
His favourite comfort food is stouffers Mac & Cheese (specifically/only that brand) because it's what Jesse used to make for him every day, sometimes twice a day, in New York until he learned how to cook a few things – his other favourite food is pasta with garlic bread
Surprisingly good at math, especially algebra, he finds it very fun and is really good with memorizing equations
Jeremy's broadway debut is as Romeo in Newsies, which he does in the summer after s5 (well the summer after 100/New Directions). After university, his first leading role on Broadway is as Jack Kelly in Newsies
Accidentally gets recruited to the Cheerios and eventually becomes Head Cheerio – he still doesn't know how it happened (but it starts with Sue seeing him do a duet of Hot Patootie with Carl in Rocky Horror Glee Show)
In his verse, not only does Jeremy go to school in LA (he wants to be close to Jesse & Roman) but so do Sam, Blaine, and Artie – Artie goes to USC, Sam goes to The California Institute Of The Arts, Jeremy goes to the American Musical Dramatic Academy, and Blaine goes to CalArts with Sam – and they get an apartment together. Since Sam, Blaine, and Artie graduated first, they all spent a year in dorms and then when Jeremy moved out there, they got an apartment
Jeremy's emotional support hoodie was a red hoodie of Finn's that got left at Josh's apartment years ago, has faded to more of a pink, is still too big on Jeremy, and Jeremy will never ever give it back
Bonus – I keep forgetting it but Jeremy (technically Josh but really Jeremy) has three pets: a cat named Phantom that Josh got when he was 5, a pug named Cha Cha adopted when Jeremy was 9-10, and a portuguese waterdog named Corny Collins that they got when he was 13-14 (all here)
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nocturnalazura · 2 years
Alright it's time!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Rosaline (Karen Maine, 2022)
Cast: Kaitlyn Dever, Isabela Merced, Sean Teale, Kyle Allen, Spencer Stevenson, Bradley Whitford, Christopher McDonald, Minnie Driver, Nico Hiraga. Screenplay: Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber, based on a novel by Rebecca Serle. Cinematography: Laurie Rose. Production design: Andrew McAlpine. Film editing: Jennifer Lee. Music: Drum & Lace, Ian Hultquist. 
Rosaline is an amusing trifle, an exercise in parashakespeare like Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (Tom Stoppard, 1990) or Shakespeare in Love (John Madden, 1998), though I'm sure neither screenwriters Scott Neustadter and Michael H. Weber nor Rebecca Serle, the author of the book on which Rosaline is based, would be eager to invite comparison with Stoppard's erudition and wit. In Romeo and Juliet, Rosaline is only a plot device: Juliet's cousin, with whom Romeo is infatuated, she's never seen in the play, but serves only, via the teasing of his friends, to emphasize Romeo's bent toward romantic ardor. The film casually turns the play on its head, converting tragedy into rom-com, as Kaitlyn Dever's Rosaline gets her revenge on Romeo's fickleness by trying to make him fall out of love with Juliet. Dever is a fine comic actress, and she gets good support from the rest of the cast. Kyle Allen, looking a bit like Heath Ledger in another parashakespearean movie, 10 Things I Hate About You (Gil Junger, 1999), plays Romeo as a lovestruck goof. His Juliet (Isabela Merced) is a faux naïf from the country, who manages to get the upper hand on the manipulative Rosaline. (There's a mid-credits scene at the end that suggests things will not go smoothly for Romeo and Juliet after they escape Verona by means of a fake death.) Bradley Whitford plays Rosaline's father, determined to marry off his independent-minded daughter. After a series of superannuated suitors whom Rosaline manages to scare off, he comes up with the handsome young Dario (Sean Teale), whom she initially rejects, but everyone who has ever seen a rom-com knows she will eventually fall for. There are nice comic bits from Spencer Stevenson as Paris, Rosaline's gay best friend who gets roped into an engagement with Juliet, and Nico Hiraga as Steve the Courier, a stoner who delivers -- or fails to deliver -- the crucial messages that in the original play would precipitate tragedy. And while Juliet's nurse plays a key role in Shakespeare, she's only a bit part in the movie. Instead, there's Minnie Driver as Rosaline's nurse, indignantly insisting that she's a trained registered nurse, not a babysitter. The screenplay wisely jettisons any attempt to evoke Shakespearean language and adopts contemporary speech that jars amusingly with the period setting and costumes. Director Karen Maine keeps all this fluff nicely airborne. 
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newedensgarden · 1 year
Vinyl Shopping
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There were many songs, bands, and genres that many people had not even discovered yet. The thought of this fascinated August, and so sometimes when he was on tour he would seek out local record shops. Vinyls, instruments, posters, and more. Just to see if he could discover something he never heard before. Or perhaps something he hadn't heard in many years. It helped to inspire him to make more music. They were travelling through some city with a teeny population and big heart. With him today was someone else who loved music almost as much as the Father did, if not more. The redhead lifted one of the vinyls up, showing him from across the aisle. As per usual, she hit a jackpot. Wandering over to where she was, his fingertips flipped through the several titles of the thick vinyls. Current goth bands such as Roadside Memorial and Lebanon Hanover. Rock music like Sisters of Mercy, Switchblade Symphony, Faith and the Muse, and London after Midnight. Deathrock, never his cup of tea despite the type of music his band Avantgarden made. Snythpop bands like Wolfsheim were discovered, the essential type of tunes you would find in any 80s club. Darkwave. How could Auggie describe such a genre? Music fest stoners if they were dark-inclined. He put on a vinyl and put the big squishy headphones on to listen to half of it before delicately putting it over bumblebee's head, letting her listen to dark wave as well. She made a face, clear dissaproval. "Sounds like a gateway drug." A grin cracked across stone features, creasing dimples into stubble cheeks as he tried to hide his reaction to her comment. Pressing his lips together, August moved on to another aisle of records. All alphebitzed and color coded. Industrial to ethereal and everything in-between. Electronic Body Music. New Romantic, mostly 80s bands. The Prophet was never the romantic type as it is, so he moved on. Coldwave. Snythpop. New age punk. And then he found the jackpot. Right in the center. Whistling, he waved the woman with him over. She rest her chin on his shoulder and looked over to see what the curious shortking had uncovered in the heart of the vinyl shop. The two went straight into the Batcave. Bauhaus, Sioxsie and the Banshees, Joy Division, the Cure, Twin Tribes, Drab Majesty, Lebanon Hanover, Mode Moderne, The Hearse, She Past Away, Draconian Incubus, Linea Aspera, Virgin in Veil, Actors, Tempers, Merciful Nuns, Angels of Liberty, Neon Tzigane, O.Children, Cabaret Nocturne, SRSQ, Light Asylum, Night Sins, Hante, Sonsombre, Her Despair, The Awakening, Artificial Monuments, Scarlet Leaves , Geometric Visions, Boy Harsher, Pretentious Moi, Sombre, Whispering Sons, Velvet Condom, This Cold Night, Riki, Korine, Malefixio, Horror Vacui, Mirages, Cold Cave, HIGH-FUNCTIONING FLESH, Bat Nouveau, Disjecta Membra, Egoprisme, Opened Paradise, Molchat Doma, Living Temples, Future Faces, Kuta, Plastique Noir, Ritual Howls, The Rope, Wisborg. His head spun with excitement, almost overwhelmed. The only thing that yanked him back was the sound of a feminine laugh. Velvet and snake venom. He finally reached an inked hand out and settled on whatever it landed on. Leaving the store with Romeo's Distress.
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bolin-begs · 1 year
Took a trip today and here's our adventure!
- followed a dirt road some ways out into the desert(on foot) and saw some horse poop on the way and we came across some houses just kinda built out there with some teenagers in the front yard of one of them playing basketball.
- one of my favorite jokes these days is to call any teenager I(24 years old) see a hooligan. I shared with my brother that these hooligans were up to their tricks. My brother (32) told me that they're not hooligans just because they're teenagers :(
- we kinda circled around that dirt road a bit and then took a break in some shade. He told me I was getting really red. I told him I'm immune to the sun. He didn't believe me.
- we took a little side dirt road and saw some horse tracks. We decided to follow them to find the horse. They led us to the horse poop on the road we saw earlier.
- while walking back to the main road we saw a cloud peeking over the nearby mountain. Idk how else to describe it other than the cloud was giving it a hug.
- we decided to go down yet another dirt road, yet again in the middle of nowhere, and found this absolutely beautiful castle of a house on this dirt road in the middle of nowhere. It legit had a Romeo and bullet balcony and a beautiful driveway and it was just so gorgeous that we speculated on why anyone would build that out here.
- across the street from fairytale house was a mostly fenced off area with one entry in or out of it and a sign that said "sunset pond". It was neither sunset nor a pond because there was no water at all in it. It had rained before and the shrooms were starting to take affect so all of the plants around it looked extra green but we made fun of the "pond plants" for being in the wrong place.
- there were also benches inside the fencing area as well as a path around the "pond" and down into it too so we went to explore inside. Inside, I shit you not, was a place that had to be designated just for stoners, people tripping, and other hooligans because there was a breath taking rock formation that was definitely handmade next to an underground tunnel that was COVERED in graffiti. We decided to take a break there.
- while in there, the shrooms really started taking affect to the point that all the graffiti looked like it was melting away and every time I looked down I seemed to be covered in bugs that weren't there. I think this is the longest break we took the whole day and, at least in trip world, it felt like we were there for 300 years at least just watching the graffiti and the rocks and the desert around us.
- one notable hallucination during this time too was that while we were in the tunnel, we were staring at the clouds around the mountain(they were no longer hugging it). My brother was watching a flat cloud above everything else and swore it looked like a dragon ball z(?) Type fight in the air. Meanwhile I was looking at a line of clouds beneath that one that looked like a cartoony chase of an alligator, a hippo, a chipmunk, a squirrel, really just a bunch of animals chasing each other around.
-I also remember looking into the desert beyond and thinking if we had to run out of there for some reason, it would be like those nightmares where no matter how much you run you get nowhere. Idk why I thought this.
- we left the tunnel and followed the path the rest of the way out of there until we came to a closed gate(remember how I said the fence was only open on one side? This is why) and my brother, at the peak of his high, could not figure out why the gate wasn't open no matter how hard he stared at it.
- finally I pitched the idea to go the way we came. Half way through the pond, he decided to stop and make fun of the pond plants again.
- we went just a bit more past the fairytale house and we came to another house with a fake deer in its back yard. The fence to the back yard was completely see through so it spooked me and I asked him why someone would have it. He told me the backyard was where it grazed during the day. The back yard was filled with gravel and had no grass whatsoever.
- we came to another house with 2 horses outside. Success! We found out where the horses went.
- at a crossroads we decided to turn right. A plane flew over us, again idk if it was the drugs exaggerating things or what but it was super loud. We stared at it until it passed.
- we came across a very rotted old wooden realtor sign that said "1/2 acre lot- utilities". I started pretending we were archeologists discovering the ruins of an old city named "acrelottility"
- we came across another fenced off area with a bunch of small machines inside and a sign that said something about studying hydrology in the area. We later looked up what hydrology meant, it's something about studying water. Again, I can't stress this enough, this was the middle of the desert with no water.
- we came to an area with a bunch of hills and valleys. I assumed immediately that it was for local 4 wheelers. My brother did not. We made our way to the top of one of the hills and took a break again. I noticed broken glass on the ground and(safely) grabbed a piece and told him the ancient people used it as a digging tool. He started making a glass castle with the pieces, or as he called it, a glasstle.
- we sat there for 50 years shrooms time and all I can remember talking about is how terrible 9/11 would be to experience while tripping
-I know we were on an area for 4 wheelers but some asshole decided to ride super close to us and release all his exhaust fumes all over us so my brother finally made the connection that this is for 4 wheelers and not people so we got up to leave. On our way out I remember us talking about how that poor boy was a 4 wheeler/ human hybrid and how his mother cries herself to sleep every night because of how ugly he is.
- we also kept looking at the clouds on the mountain and they seemed to be rushing towards us with a big storm but also staying where they were at the same time.
- we decided to start going back home because we were both pretty hungry but we took an extended route around back to the main road. We passed by a house that looked like it had come from a small village in Germany or Switzerland and we nicknamed it "little Germany". We also talked about how little Germany was friends with Fairytale houses because weird out of place houses have to stick together
- while walking down the main road I remember thinking how we must have looked to anyone who saw us. We were both sweaty and covered in dirt and sunburned(turns out I'm not immune to sun) and my brother was playing pink Floyd with his speaker.
- also he was wearing a bandana, sunglasses, and a tank top, with this grime on him, with this trippy music and all I could think about was that this must have been how it felt in Nam. Like we had just survived a war.
- there was a sign on the road that said "hidden drive- 300 ft" so I told him "be careful, there's a hidden drive around here" and he said "AND it has 300 feet?!" Truly I wish I could have seen the faces on the people who were outside to hear this.
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magnumversumplus · 1 year
Written By Joseph M.
| Written In Consultation With writeformeAI: A ChatGPT Language Model By @antienjoys On Poe App |
1428 A.D.
Gandabash: A Country Somewhere In Medieval Europe
The sound of silver armor plates aggressively scraping against each other, horses screeching as they chased each other through the rotten streets of Gandabash and the violent thunderstorm rolling on overloaded James Wyran Annavyani’s ears as he chased a group of bandits down Gandabash streets, knocking over fruit vending carts and hand-brewed coffee stands, filling his nostrils with an aroma of mud, freshly crushed coffee beans and citrus.
James Wyran chased down one of the bandits and cornered him, leaping off his horse, Dewy, and drawing his longsword from his silver-encrusted scabbard. The bandit’s horse screeched as it furiously galloped away from its owner. James Wyran felt the tears of relief drip down behind his helmet. The feathers adorning the silver crown, whose grates masked his titillated expression, stood like the hairs under his pauldron.
The bandit had tears of sweat rolling down his chin, perspiration that smelled of scotch and frustration at getting caught rather than shame for his actions. He had a bitter heart, a drunken mind and a bottle of some generic brand drink in his hands. This man was Bartham Kolson, a drunken lowlife with a gurgly voice and bushy eyebrows.
Bartham and James Wyran’s bloodlines were destined to be longstanding rivals, but neither Kolson nor Annavyani knew that at the time.
James Wyran just wanted to arrest Bartham and have him tried for his crimes, and Bartham wanted to get away scot-free. It was a tale as old as time, a song as old as rhyme and a riveting story about two enemies and those trapped in the crossfires of their feud, a Romeo and Juliet story for the ages.
1600 A.D.
Kanaraft: A Country Somewhere In Asia
Vazin Annavyani walked through the streets of Kan’on, carrying himself through streets flowing with people, sidewalks littering with the entrances to small houses whose clotheslines were draped with all sorts of garments from people of all different walks of life. He walked down these sidewalks followed by a parade of soldiers wearing black steel armor, guards carrying sabers with serrated edges and sharp, golden outlines.
Vazin carried the arrest warrant for one of the most hated, most vile men in the city of Kanaraft: Barron Kolson. Vazin, accompanied by his army of troopers, pushed away white-bearded men dressed in raggy, tattered robes, children playing in the streets with rag dolls and wooden samurai miniatures, and marched up to Barron’s doorstep, pounding on his door.
“Open up!” cried Vazin, drawing his blade, his voice carrying a hint of rashness and impatience. “Open up, Barron!”
Barron was struggling to escape through a small escape trapdoor, a wooden hatch hidden under a rag by the fireplace decorated by tchotchkes. He was crawling into a tunnel on the other side of the house, his legs–draped in robes slipping in as Vazin slashed down the door with his blade. Vazin and his men slashed apart the floor with their swords, their blades nearly gashing Barron’s back as he crawled in the maze under the house.
Barron crawled through the claustrophobic space under his ransacked abode until he reached a second trapdoor, one that led him into a dimly lit forest, the light of the gleaming Sun obfuscated by the shade of the swaying treetops. He was temporarily spared from the bloodthirst of the Annavyanis, surrounded by the embrace of nature.
Seattle, Washington
Modern Day
There was James Wyran battling Bartham, there was Vazin battling Barron, and now there was Andrew and Vitnya Annavyani fighting the drunkard of legend, Stoner Kolson, whose alcoholic tendencies resembled Bartham’s, but his resentment of the two families’ destructive rivalry resembled Barron’s hatred. He had a long beard that curled up at the tip, and its hue faded from a dirty chestnut to a rusty gray. He wore shades that were missing a left lens, had a gray biker jacket and stored two pistols in his blue jeans.
Nestled in one of his eye sockets was not a wonderfully beautiful iris but a solid steel ball. Resting in his other eye socket was what remained of his old self, a beautiful lapis blue eye. Vitnya and Andrew confronted him in his dark, desolate lair.
Andrew’s appearance was much more formal, wearing a black trench coat, black slacks and slick black shoes. Vitnya wore much of the same attire, except he also wore a black fedora, some black gloves and had a rope stored in a belt with golden fabric designs intricately weaved into the latté leather. They both carried police-issued guns–they were dignified policemen and they were here moreso to carry out an arrest than to carry out a grudge.
Vitnya and Andrew had rancor against Stoner, but it wasn’t comparable to the bitter quarrels James Wyran and Vazin had against the Kolson bloodline. Still, the Annavyani brothers were determined to bring Stoner in.
“It’s over, Stoner,” said Vitnya. “There’s nothing you can do. Put down the gun.” Vitnya slowly approached Stoner, his hands clasping a pistol stowed in his holster.
Stoner backed away, his own two “silver babies” out and spitting warning shots. Ammo poked through tin cans, shattered rocket-shaped glass bottles and knocked a shiny obsidian bowling ball off a shelf.
Vitnya and Andrew kept closing in, with Andrew assuring, “We won't hurr you if you turn yourself over to us. We will get you a good legal team and minimize the damage your crimes might do.”
“No!” Stoner cried, running away from the brothers. He shot off into a damp corner, lights flashing from his pistols’ barrels. Vitnya and Andrew hurried after him as best as they could, but he made a swift getaway behind a closet.
Vitnya leapt above a pile of Amazon shipping boxes, a stack of cardboard packages with the shipping labels and the senders’ addresses still on them. He fired off a first, second, third bullet–he blew several magazines into the darkness like an impulsive child destroying Nintendo game cartridges, or Stoner trudging through several bottles in one day. He just shot until he hit something, which he did: Stoner’s arm.
Vitnya and Andrew turned on their flashlights, beacons of light glowing through the dark room. They found Stoner injured and limping down the hallway, flailing his left arm around and staggering nose-first into a wall. As Detective Vitnya Annavyani of the NYPD crept nearer towards Stoner and a promotion to Chief Detective, a shrewd figure grabbed his shoulder, pulling him into the void.
Stoner–and Detective Vit’s promotion–vanished within the corridors of his own man cave.
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beatsbyhannah · 5 years
I want a love story like Romeo and Juliet and when I say that, people say, “you know they die, right?” and honestly that’s one of the major perks
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newblues64 · 6 years
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Verona, Italy.
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nocturnalazura · 2 years
What are the fics you wanna write rn but can’t find time?
Oh let's see there's a lot. Maybe I'll do a poll and have you guys decide on one I should try and focus on after I finish this Shoto one.
But there's
Nanny x Shoto
Dabi smut which is him chasing you down
being Fuyumi's friend and being into Touya
College au with stoner touya
Ceo Shoto and eventual sugar baby/gf reader
forbiden lovers with shoto (Kind of romeo and juliet expired.
There's more but these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
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jackgoodfellow · 2 years
My pitbull is completely convinced that everyone at the weed dispensary is there specifically to say hi to him. People love him there so much (and he loves so much that they showed up today just for him) that today he attempted to become the store greeter and sat right at the door as people walked in.
And while queer stoners apparently love pitbulls, I had to pull him away - Romeo does NOT understand he is 80 pounds of muscle and teeth and therefore cannot lie in wait at the only entrance into a building, no matter his intentions. He is just stumped by it. After all, as far as he knows, he is an extremely tiny guy! Maybe even the tiniest! He may actually be TOO tiny! Perhaps that is why people fear him. They think he is a mouse, for no dog has ever been so smol, so miniscule. But fear not, everyone - it is only Romeo!
Alas, for every chihuahua that thinks it is a pitbull, there is a pitbull what thinks it is a chihuahua. But good news they both have anxiety!!!!
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