romtasticbookclub · 7 years
Alrighty, peeps. This bookclub is TOTES GONNA EXIST!
I’ve had enough people express interest that they’re down for a video/text romance bookclub, so here’s the deets!
1. GROUP BLOG I’ve just created our Romtastic Bookclub group blog and you should be getting an invite to join soon. If I’ve overlooked your name, or you’d like to join, please message me so I can add ya to the fun! This is our landing spot where we can post thoughts, quotes, reactions, etc. while we read the month’s pick. No one is obligated to post, it’s just for us peeps who wanna chat throughout the month before the club meets.)
2. CLUB MEETING: WHEN The Romtastic Bookclub will meet on the first Saturday of the month at 6 pm Central time...? This is negotiable and open to discussion because we all have different schedules. I’d like to pick a time and date that works well for most of us, so PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR FEEDBACK! :)
3. CLUB MEETING: WHERE The Romtastic Bookclub is going to be a Google Hangout. Up to 10 people can video chat at a time and so far we have 33 people who are interested. Each month I’ll rotate the 9 other video chatters, so everyone will have a chance to video if they want. Everybody else can chat along in the Hangout’s text chat. If you don’t want to video chat that month, or only want to participate via the text chat, that is totally ok. Just let me know.
4. CLUB MEETING: HOW You will need a Google account in order to participate in the Hangout. As a result I will need your Google name or email attached to your account so I can add you to the Hangout conversation. Please message me with this information either on my @diehard-fangirl​ blog or on the group blog. (Also hug yourself every time I said “Google,” “Hangout,” or “blog,” lol.)
5. CLUB MEETING: WHAT Every month I’d like to rotate through different subgenres. For simplicity’s sake, I’ll choose our first Romtastic Bookclub pick. I do want to open this up for voting so everyone in the club can have a voice in what we read. I just gotta figure out the best way to do this. DECISIONS WILL BE MADE SOON!
6. NO PRESSURE! Being a member of the Romtastic Bookclub in NO WAY obligates you to participate every month. If you can’t make it to the Hangout or you’re not interested in that month’s book pick, or life gets too busy, NO WORRIES! This is just supposed to be fun, so no stress!
7. I’M A NEWBIE IDIOT! I have NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE OH MY GERD!! Hosting a bookclub, doing a Google Hangout- this is all new for me, so I’m nervous am probably gonna screw up. Please be patient with me as I fake my way through our first few months of the club. I suck, but yall don’t, so IMMA GET THROUGH DIS WITH YA!
8. Das it.
I’ve tried to think of everything that anyone could ask, but I suck. If I left out anything or you have any questions, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME! You can also post questions on the group blog. I’ll be posting this on both my diehard-fangirl & on Romtastic Bookclub.
Here’s a cute puppy GIF for reading through this wall of text!
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Tagged peeps:
@nitelotus​ @sallux​ @kellyneedscoffee​ @msfehrwight​ @mariaslozak​ @skyewardswan​ @ameliafeministpeabody​ @romancypants​ @psychoblk​ @gallaxiard​ @puncturedbeauty​ @galatea-wannabe​ @thebooklrandtheduke​ @unhappy-mordred @lettingthewaterholdmedown @j9moore @stormy-reads @believingfairytales @not-your-average-romance @prettyharam @angelicsweetiew @youtransfixmequite @romcomkdramafan @thecrankyagnes @brenda-is-reading @blueangel91​ @mfred​
For some reason I can’t tag @thebabeontheback @tess-etc @Honeybeeshepherd @princessnerf-herder @unfriendly-black-hijabi so I’m going to tag them specifically in the tags. 
ETA: I’ve tagged everyone within the actual Tags of this post to hopefully make sure everyone sees it.
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diehard-fangirl · 8 years
romcomkdramafan replied to your photoset “bbcblackjack: “Though they can’t be here in person but they have send...”
It looks like it does. If you look on the episodes synopsis of it episode 13 is where the book ends and it sounds rather nice but then there are two special episodes.
WHEW! and YAY!
Thank you for helping a fangirl out. LGBTQIA+ love stories NEED happy endings. Anything else is an insult.
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nabtime · 7 years
Our first Christmas 🎄 together 💖💖 @legendofbekah @masterkelcey @romcomkdramafan
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ultra-violet-heart · 8 years
‘Noble Idiocy’ Explained, a.k.a. The Complicated Reasons Why Bai Pingting Left Chu Beijie.
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Because at long LAST I’ve recently gotten an eight-hour sleep, and as I’m feeling refreshed, I can answer these questions, which I’ve discussed with @yoonhaemin @jude85 and @romcomkdramafan, all of us agreeing in one point: WE HATE THE WRITERS FOR THAT 20-ish SEPARATION and LOVE THEM for whatever is happening right now, though I’m not sure if @romcomkdramafan had caught up with the eps or something [WATCH EP 53 PEOPLE, PLEASE].  Anyways, I thank these three peeps for the previous, lovely discussions we’ve had over the past few days. And as for anon #1, WATCH THE DRAMA. ALL THE EPISODES. BRACE YOURSELF FOR POWER COUPLES, TACTICS, BETRAYAL, LOTS OF EYE SEX, AND ONE OF THE BEST ROMANCE NOVELS TURNED INTO DRAMA EVER. CURSE AND RESENT THE WRITERS WHEN THE POWER COUPLE SEPARATE, AND PUMP YOUR FISTS IN THE AIR AND SCREAM IN GLEE WHEN THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER. AND YES BAI PINGTING AND CHU BEIJIE ARE THE MOST EPIC COUPLE EVA Sorry if this is is in all caps, because that’s how intense my fangirling is. And for the other ten people I’ve sucked to this fandom, their emotions are the same. As I’m bad at screencaps and gifs, this will be a text-heavy post.
Spoilers for both novel and drama under the cut.
LET ME START WITH A DISSECTION OF PINGTING’S CHARACTER FIRST. And yes, these are the reasons why Pingting left Beijie despite our protestations.
1. Her father, a seer and a tactician who should have had the glory of the Yan Court, was banished and then was killed for helping a stranger. Then the family she almost adopted [a.k.a. Beijie and his mom] needed to separate with her, as she was to be adopted by the Jing-an Manor, who somehow knew her father. She was treated respectfully in the Manor, like a daughter even, so she gave all her best to help He Xia and his family. But we all know despite this, they’re using her and her military genius, and she knows it. These are the first of her MASSIVE trust issues. And another thing, He Xia didn’t trust her in the first episode about the Yan king.
Which is why I’ve a theory relating this point to PT’s virginity.... but I’ll post it some other time.
2. She has attempted to kill Beijie so many times. Even when she’s falling in love with the man she thought of as an older brother before, she knew that because of their countries, politics and genius, they can never be together at first. She even thought they will only belong together in death. (Remember Pingting’s nightmare in Episode 8?)
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[Yes I’m evil]
3. In the novel, Beijie didn’t trust Pingting enough because of her supposed plan that had his brother’s children poisoned and killed. He even kidnaps her and puts her into house arrest later. When they almost reconciled, He Xia suddenly demanded Pingting to be a ransom of sorts, to which the monarch of Jin (or in the novel’s case, Dong Lin) consents to. Beijie made her a promise by then to protect and love her despite their differences, but like in the drama, he fails to. Pingting gets truly desperate because of this:
At that moment, she forgot that it was the sixth, forgot about the surrounding soldiers, forgot about Zui Ju, forgot about He Xia and forgot her vows.
She forgot everything. Everything was as empty as a hole. Her limbs were attached, but they were no longer supported.
There was only the sound of her heart cracking, slow and harsh, piece by piece.
Like a crystal lotus, its petals began to be torn ruthlessly until not one was left.
Broken into a myriad pieces.  
...The silence in the room made the atmosphere even more suffocating.
Her heart.
The gentlesss had gone.
The joy had gone.
Only despair and pain remained in her eyes, churning constantly. Her eyes were wide as if watching someone slowly taking out her heart and liver.
- Feng Nong, A Lonesome Fragrance to Be Appreciated, Volume 2, Chapter 36
Pingting becomes batshit angry after over the world, over politics, and at Beijie, so she lets the world believe she was dead.
4. No. 3 dooesn’t happen with the drama, thank God. But remember the previous eps when Pingting wa a captive of Tao Tian and He Xia? She was apparently told the LOVE OF HER LIFE AND HER HUSBAND WAS DEAD. And then SHE WAS TOLD HE WAS ALIVE AND THAT HER PLAN COULD KILL HIM. Which, as you see in point no. 2, is Pingting’s greatest despair. 
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(Credits to @romcomkdramafan for the photos above) I’ve a long tolerance for Yao Tian and He Xia because I know how their story would end, but during those episodes my patience almost grew pretty close to a breaking point. 
5. Pingting isn't an idiot, and all her fears are valid. This post from faythe from  soompi clearly explained my feelings for this.
She never told him about their child because she didn't want to put him in a position where he is forced to choose. BPT is anything but selfish. Three years apart is a long separation. But in my opinion both in the drama & novel, they both needed for their heart to ge more decisive & grow. In the novel, CBJ in that moment dI'd choose the country over her. He would have been back in time, but he chose to stay back. If that was the case, then he should be faithful to his belief. Why drag all the innocent lives in his personal war. That was what BPT was saying to him in the letter to stop the war. Actually CBJ in the novel doesn't have as much trust in BPT as in the drama. He loved her a lot & admired her intelligence but when something goes wrong he never asked his heart if it's true or not. It was only after that life & death reunion was his heart & brain became one & have absolute trust in BPT. He never actually stopped to think how much BPT has to go through & how powerful political figures never leave her alone. 
In the drama, her decision to leave wasn't out of selfish or weak. It's because circumstances just wouldn't leave them alone. Even had she stayed with CBJ, they might not necessarily be truly happy at that time either.  People will never leave them alone. CBJ's heart was always torn between his country & BPT. Even though he chose BPT, but his heart always felt guilty & BPT can sense that 100 miles away. It was only after BPT 'death' that his heart & brain worked as one. And if the world know about their child, enemies will be attempting kill them even harder. It wasn't the right time for them. There were too many forces against them. They need some quiet time to sort things out. I think BPT deserved this 3 years of peace with her child & close friends. - faythe, soompi General and I forums
Pingting is never selfish. And as this post clearly explains, it’s not noble idiocy either. It’s the circumstances around them that have problems, and with the stress they were both facing, I think the timeskip was necessary. THOUGH I STILL HATE THOSE 20-ish episodes.
6. Pingting loves Beijie so much, so didn’t want him to choose between her and the kingdom he so dutifully serves, and will harm him devastatingly in the process. Pingting knows they are their skills will have all the other countries either clamoring for their talent or just killing them off. She wants to stay with him, truly, but if they are together, shit happens despite their efforts. Which happens in relation to no. 7. 7. PINGTING NEEDED TO PROTECT THIS LITTLE FLUFFBALL OF LOVE. Seriously, kudos to the amazing director and cast for finding a child that looks so much like Chu Beijie. 
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Chu Changxiao has become Pingting's center of existence during those troubled times she was kidnapped and during the timeskip when she was living with Ze Yin and Yang Feng. But after being pressured by He Xia and his greed, she knew it was finally time to step up and find her man to help defeat her former master, and protect her family and friends.
SO STOP TELLING ME PINGTING IS AN IDIOT. Her fears are valid, and were I in the same situation, I think I will do the same despite condemning myself to despair.
Though at least her noble intentions are finished so I guess I will leave you people with a good note and this pic courtesy of Episode 53-ish. Happy watching, folks :D
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Credits to Soompi, Hunan TV, Croton, KissAsian, DramaNice, DramaFever, for all the photos. Please reblog and credit everything to appropriate owners, thank you.
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diehard-fangirl · 7 years
I think I’m gonna do it. 
I’ve tried having an IRL romance club twice (between 2 states no less) and they were epic fails for months. So I thought, “Screw it. I already have friends on Tumblr. IMMA DO IT THERE!”
But that’s a lie cause really I’m want to do a monthly video chat bookclub. (I think Google hangouts is a thing??? but I’ve never used it??? and apparently it’s complicated???) Skype too will be a big huh for me but I could learn! Plus with Skype I know you don’t have to enable video so it could be a voice only chat if that’s more your jam.
I just wanna have a place where we can chat about books in a more intimate setting and the video/audio option feels more immediate. We can hammer out what day/time would work best for everybody, we can vote on what books or nominate books, etc. at a later point. Right now I’m just trying to figure out if this is something anybody would like. 
Imma tag my romance squad to get their opinions, but if anybody else wants to respond to join or offer advice, please feel free!
@angelacolsin @ramblingromance @romancypants​ @thecrankyagnes​ @brenda-is-reading​ @thebooklrandtheduke​ @msfehrwight​ @romancingthebookworm​ @lettingthewaterholdmedown​ @romancetherapy​ @sunnysaysbookreviews​ @respectingromance​ @mariaslozak​ @romcomkdramafan​ @destinyspoon​ @mercilessgods​ 
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ultra-violet-heart · 8 years
To all fans who are currently on the updates and are watching General and I and are practically annoyed or are freaking out.
GOOD NEWS FOR US FANS. @romcomkdramafan my prediction is correct bwahahahaha @shenmeizhuang Don’t drop this yet please Seriously, I really love that I read the three volumes of the novel thrice. And, as a writer, I love the annoyance the latest angstfest makes on fans.
GUYS, WE ONLY HAVE TO ENDURE ALL OF THIS UNTIL EPISODE 46. I’ve told you before, we need to endure. As a writer, though, I really LOVE THE ANNOYANCE you all people, including myself, feel. I am not sarcastic about this, but I will explain all of this things in a later post. I’ll explain all of this in the future, but for now, please search the concept  孽恋 and relate this to why Ping Ting is basically acting this way. I’ll explain all of this in a rather long post I’m finishing right now but I need more sleep, so I’m just catching up. BTW, here’s something for you guys to get going with the fandom. PLEASE ENDURE!!! [I need not tell this to fellows who read the novel, do I?]
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And, oh, here’s another. http://www.miaopai.com/show/CG9iAxS0zeDr0ESIIW--sg__.htm
P.S. I’m getting annoyed by the OP and ED, but I do love every background song of this drama. P.P.S. I NEED MORE SLEEP.
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diehard-fangirl · 9 years
Do you have a Drama List account? I intermittently look at Cherry Cordial's and Kchat Jigae's to see how they felt about certain dramas and would love to know what you've watched and loved versus not.
I totally do, and thanks for being interested because yay dramas LOL! Sometimes I’m bad at updating my currently watching list, but I always keep newly completed or dropped dramas updated and with a star ranking. I don’t do reviews there, though, since I have my YouTube channel for that.I hope it’s okay that I’m answering this publicly, since if any of my other followers want to follow me they’re welcome to do so! :)My MDL Account!
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diehard-fangirl · 9 years
romcomkdramafan replied to your post “When you too deep in the fandom:”
Literally thought the same when I first started reading this post. Was wondering who the heck Yoo Hoo was and how protein powder could taste like him.
Seriously, thank fluffy-bunnies I wasn’t the only one whose brain went wrong. We are all too deep in the fandom, and if anyone rescues us I’m gonna get mad.
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