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lav-bee · 1 year ago
Romantic Killer x Reader Headcannons
PDA in public VS private
Characters: Kazuki, Riri/ Rio
❤️- read as romantic
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- Not huge fan of PDA over all
- Especially in public
- It feels like everyone is staring at him, its multiplied from before
- Small things like holding pinky fingers or quick pecks on the lips are okay, but he mostly does it because he knows you like PDA
- Will always be near you, not in you personal bubble but he’ll be hovering
- Really likes to be near you, you're his safe space
- In private is a little different
- Hugs and kisses last longer but there still isn’t much of them
- Will accept anything you give him in the comfort of your presents/ house
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Rio/ Riri
- They will show you love wherever you are
- Does not care for people looking, won't even notice it
- Won't go overboard with PDA in public such as making out or inappropriate touching
- But gives lots of hugs and kisses
- Their loud about it too, would almost be yelling as they run towards you and practically throw themselves on top of you “Y/n! I missed you so much!”
- They like poking and kissing your cheeks, it makes them smile when they see you flustered
- In private it's not very different
- Will keep you on the couch/bed for hours cuddling
- You’ll have to convince them up let you go, even if you have to go pee
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twilightjlo · 2 months ago
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Anzu Hoshino and Riri ❤️💗❤️💗❤️💗
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lefty-fizzy · 1 year ago
hey guys!!!
I'm still alive!!!! Sebastian is from a webtoon called The blind prince, the redheaded girl is from Romantic Killer and ofc my girls as always. I love u ddlc.
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faif-girlcel · 2 years ago
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uhhh nyways on a more cringe note here's my kin circle
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adrieliu · 2 years ago
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random fandom doodles
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anianimals-moe · 1 day ago
Momohiki from Romantic Killer
Today's AniAnimal is Momohiki the cat from "Romantic Killer". He does not enjoy Anzu's excessive affection. 今日のアニアニマルは『ロマンティック・キラー』の猫のモモヒキです。彼は杏子の過度の愛情を楽しんでいません。
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riri25 · 2 years ago
New Chapter!!! Rio and Anzu Fanfic Spanish
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jonjmurakami · 2 years ago
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So Gwen and I started watched a new anime on Netflix…. ^_^; (I never heard her laugh so loud in my life) #jonjmurakami #comic #cartoon #anime #manga #romantickiller #riri #SinceItIsUnsightlyWeveConvertedItToASliceOfCake https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckcl5iJOC1Z/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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fanboyscribbles · 2 years ago
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#RomanticKiller. UPDATE: Done and it was so good! I mean, it was already good but I didn't think it would be that good. So yes, keeping that 10/10 rating. After 12 episodes, I must say that it was indeed one hell of a ride seeing Anzu Hoshino struggle without her chocolate, games and litol bb Momohiki the catto. All while being constantly pestered and egged by a Riri/Rio the wizard to have a romantic relationship. For a 12-episode run, the pace was quite good. It wasn't dragging nor did it feel rushed -- from learning about Anzu's past to seeing the respective back stories of the other characters like Tsukasa Kazuki, Junta Hayami, Saki, and Ryuya. Though, I have to admit, Hijiri Konagei and Tsuchiya remain a mystery to me, given that not much was shown about their background other than those snapshots from stories and at the end. Also quite curious about Tsukasa's friend Manato. While I love the series overall, I must say that how they tackled a certain issue really caught me off guard. Didn't expect them to go that way, but it made sense given this character's motivations. It was gripping, tense, and very unsettling, which I'm taking as something very effective in execution. My emotions were running wild by this point, and it felt good to see how things turned out. Even with Riri. Although, I'm a bit unsure of a portion of the ending and whether or not that's a potential plot to be explored. But with the main story, I do hope to see more romantic blunders in case a second season does come along. Also, referring back to my initial review, the art of Anzu's reactions really do wonders for this series. Such an animated person whose very relatable, admirable, and maybe even another character I can see myself in. Well, that's it! Watch Romantic Killer because it certainly is making a 'killing' with its laughs and crazy antics. Get it? Pun intended in many ways. Haha! Again, 10/10. Go watch on Netflix. https://www.instagram.com/p/CkSFH58JxrW/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yanderekitten-124 · 2 years ago
RK Yandere Tsukasa Kazuki?
so if anyone wants a yandere story for this man I am willing to make one he is from the anime Romantic Killer which I refer to as RK cause it’s easier for me to type but if you want a story for him let me know. (I’m probably gonna make one anyway).
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gonagaiworld · 2 years ago
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Wataru Momose, autore di Romantic Killer, lancerà un nuovo manga su Jump+ a dicembre Un manga comico è incentrato su un ragazzo studente d'onore e un uomo affascinante. Info:--> https://www.gonagaiworld.com/wataru-momose-autore-di-romantic-killer-lancera-un-nuovo-manga-su-jump-a-dicembre/?feed_id=321982&_unique_id=6383d419c8672 #BokutoJingiNakiOjisan #Manga #RomanticKiller #WataruMomose
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lav-bee · 1 year ago
Romantic Killer x Reader Headcannons
Reactions to Reader stimming
Characters: Kazuki, Riri/ Rio
💛- read as platonic
A/N: Autism is not mentioned ‘cause people that aren’t on the spectrum can still stim 👍 Also Kazuki is mentioned to stim as well :]
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Stims mentioned: Voice stims, flapping wrists, leg bouncing, tapping
- Doesn't know what stimming is so the first time you did a voice stim he was so confused
- Will stare at you for a second before moving on
- The second time he notices is when you do some happy wrist flaps
- Still won't say anything but will do some research on his own
- Not only does he find out that its called stimming but he also finds out that leg bouncing is part of it
- He also bounces his leg when he’s anxious so he can understand to some degree
- After doing research he doesnt think too hard about why you do what you do
- He simply glances over and smiles whenever you make a tapping beat or voice stim
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Stims mentioned: Voice stims, patting, snapping, repetitive movements/ leg bouncing, hitting your leg and chest
- Does not fully understand what stimming is but doesn’t mind at all
- Since they aren't human they will ask questions as to why you do it and how it works/ helps
- The first time you had a voice stim they simply smiled and did it back
- Most of the time if its a simple stim like patting your legs or snapping your fingers they’ll do it with you
- If you do repeated movements with no rhyme or rhythm like bouncing your leg bouncing up and down they’ll place a hand on your knee
- After pushing them off and explaining its something you need to do they’ll back off
- However, if you're hurting yourself by hitting your leg or pounding your chest then they will interfere by trying to take your attention away from it
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missmiso · 2 years ago
Strangers | Anzu and Tsukasa (Romantic Killer)
I was really blown away with how they navigated such serious topics while keeping the vibe of the show. It was really well done and these two are so sweet together ���
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kamikikusan · 2 years ago
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theacstories · 2 years ago
Mixing it up this time by "killing" some drinks and watching the show (yepp not film) Romantic Killer on Netflix!
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elephanteadraws · 2 years ago
Anzu Hoshino // Romantic Killer
#sketch #art #anime #RomanticKiller
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