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rviner · 11 months ago
@secrettyrant roman x quinlan - horizon offices
The room is enveloped in silence as Roman's gaze drifts over the paperwork, the only sound the soft ticks whispering from an antique clock. Each second seems to echo the meticulous pace of Roman's thoughts as he absorbs the specifics of the contract before him. With a subtle inhale, he breaks the silence, his eyes shifting from the documents to Quinlan with a faint grin of apology. "Well...they got you bent over, if I'm being honest." Roman offers, his fingers deftly rearranging the pages before sliding them toward the edge of the desk. "I'll need to take a closer look, but at first glance, it seems pretty airtight. A typo or grammatical error might be your best friend here." his chuckle is wry but muted as he shrugs apologetically to his friend. "Who wrote this up? Them or you?" Roman leans forward again to turn some of the pages, finding the signature and his outward grimace is obvious. "Okay, better question: Who in your company wrote this up? Because..." his words trail off, puffing out his cheeks with a huff and unable to find the best way to adequately describe the mess before him. He can find two, though. "You're...er...fucked."
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e-c-guyot-blog · 3 months ago
Les Lectures Chatbuleuses de Grison (partie 6, Noël)
Chat-lut, mes escl… mes chat-mis lecteurs. Il paraît que je suis censée vous donner des idées de lectures et de chat-deaux pour d’autres gens qui lisent. Chat a quelque chose à voir avec le chat-pin et les boîtes en carton qui vont dessous et dans lesquelles je n’ai pas encore le droit d’aller… Donc plus vite je vous donne des idées et plus vite j’ai les boîtes? Qu’est-ce qu’on…
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rviner · 5 months ago
"I..." Roman begins, his gaze flicking to the stubborn hand Lina places on her hip. Like...she's annoyed at overhearing something never meant for anyone but him and Quinlan to hear. His head tilts once his gaze meets hers again, and he has to fight any expression of amusement over his features. "You didn't say anything, I spoke first. Do you mean you were...going to say the same thing?" he purposely argues specifics in his usual level tone, and just faintly his lips twitch with a grin.
He doesn't have time to leave, even if Lina attempts to wave him away because she ends up in her own cycle of a conversation. It takes Roman by surprise at first, his hesitant step leading him right back in front of her as he listens. Then, his amusement becomes much harder to veil. Still relaxed, he offers a simple nod of his head to each of her declerations.
"Did you just interrogate yourself?" a slight chuckle escapes him and there's a moment of brief consideration on his face, a glance to the door, then to the cameras seamlessly hidden in the room they share, despite knowing their placements. Then he looks back to Lina. "The thing is, you were there." Roman shrugs now. "And I don't trust you." he adds, his statement not malicious nor kind just a fact. "So. I'm afraid you're going to see more of me when you least expect it." he thinks she'll understand, even if he also thinks she's going to protest every time she catches sight of him in the background of her life. "But, if you don't plan on saying anything then we won't have any problems, right?"
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Within seconds of him opening his mouth, Lina realizes he was more intriguing when he stayed silent. Her face betrays every thought, a flicker of disdain sweeping over her features as Roman throws out his quips, clearly enjoying the sound of his own voice. "So...we were saying the same thing. You just needed to be difficult." she says as her hand bolts to her hip. She's not one to talk on 'being difficult' but her chin tilts with defiance. "Yes, thank you. Please excuse yourself." Lina adds, flicking a hand to the door like she's brushing off a speck of dust.
But Roman doesn't react the way she expects. He doesn't acknowledge what she's so sure she heard. Instead, he looks at her with a baffling calm, almost confused by her words. For a second, Lina doubts herself, did she mishear? The silence between them stretches, and she blinks, thrown off by his unreadable expression, but then a dry laugh escapes her.
"Oh, come on, just say it already." she challenges, forcing a confidence she doesn't quite feel. "The thinly veiled threat, the it's in my best interest to keep quiet conversation. Don't worry, I haven't told a soul, and I don't plan to. Whatever mess you're in, I don't want any part of it." her words spill out quickly, as if arguing with herself. Meanwhile, Roman's lack of emotion over his features only fuels her irritation.
"That's why you're here, isn't it? Conveniently in the same room I work from, like you just so happened to end up here." Lina scoffs, her eyes narrowing. "I don't even want to know how you get your information. I mean it, I don't care. About any of it. The train, The Wards, this room." she waves her hands in mock surrender, as if wiping the whole situation clean. "I wasn't in Whispr, and neither were you. Okay!?"
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valeriegriffin · 12 years ago
romancarrow liked your photo
Oh, thank you...
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esmereldasullivan · 13 years ago
Ally and Roman liked your photoset~
-half smiles- Hey there.
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rviner · 6 months ago
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It's easy for Roman to blend seamlessly into the background. He's done so for his entire career. He'd argue that becoming a shadow at an event full of egos and narcissism is much, much easier than camouflaged uniforms in the dead of night. Walking with Quinlan, Roman's scan through the evening is quick but takes in everything possible as he sips his drink. "Yeah, one of them mentioned something." he says casually, waiting until they're at the quieter table before divulging. "She said she recognized some of the security from the club." it's not much, but it means they're heading in the right direction. The club is predicted to be Renegade owned, and Roman doesn't much believe in coincidences. "I could find the hiring files. They might be around here." he suggests but knows that will need a rather impressive distraction to buy him enough time.
These days, Quinlan's demands no longer settle quite so easily over Roman. Despite his dutiful nature, the Mendez seems to have reached his limit of expectations. He says nothing as his gaze scans the other man for a beat, hiding the bitterness from etching over his expression. "Sure. Be better if I could get up there myself." because there's a slight difference in capabilities compared to him and some of the staff. Shifting, Roman collects the dice but offers them to Quinlan for the first move of a distracted game and he nods about the sensation of being watched. "Yeah, but...that might just be your wife." he says without glancing to the Kelly, but his lips twitch with a smirk.
closed starter, grand gala quinlan and roman @rviner
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This isn't the first time Quinlan attends the event hosted by Miguel Alvarez. It also isn't the first time that a gut instinct draws him to discover more about the man's family and businesses. His father's suspicions extend as his own easily, trusting Shaun Kelly's wisdom without a shadow of a doubt. Tonight, Quinlan feels confident that he will leave for home with more information about the mysterious Alvarez family. "Have you checked in with staff?" he asks Roman, not glancing to the other man as they settle at a quiet enough table. One set up with a few small table games, that at first, Quinlan doesn't take much notice of. "Figure out a way to get upstairs, too. Maybe they'll be able to easily." he mutters orders to Roman simply, glancing through the gala. Suddenly, he has an inexplicable instinct to reach for the backgammon in the middle of the table. "Do you feel that? Feels like some eyes on us." the Kelly shrugs, setting up the game to remain inconspicuous as they talk. But, the sensation of being watched only proves to Quinlan that his father's, and his, suspicions are correct.
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rviner · 7 months ago
@waterfallswords roman x isra - gallery thing bc essie started a trend
He can be cunning when he wants to be. Usually, any hint of a job involving a gallery or art, Roman is huffing his sarcastic comments. 'The only danger at one of those things would be someone lifting a fucking painting off the wall.' But it becomes obvious why Roman attends this one when Isra arrives. After hearing through the grapevine that she'd be there, he was practically first to put his name down for the job. Not that there was any use. The two haven't spoken for months, but Roman is convinced there's been clear messages sent through her latest releases. Still, all that can happen are hesitant glances across the gallery as Isra maintains her distance.
Roman waits patiently for any opportunity to arise and when it does, his hand reaches for Isra's arm before she can pass him by. He thinks the words would automatically fall from his mouth after that but Roman freezes, wearing a subtly stunned expression that somewhat mirrors Isra's as she stares at him. "Sorry." he realizes his hand is still gripped around her wrist and he drops it away in the next instant. "I just, I need to talk to you without..." an audience, but his gaze sweeps through the gallery and all of the figures dotted by the art. Roman quickly decides this is worst idea to date and throws a hand up in surrender. "You know what, forget it. I just heard the song and I thought..." he puffs out air. "Can we just talk? Properly?"
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rviner · 1 year ago
@ofwrxth roman x andrea - crash site
Com as mãos na cintura, Roman examina o caminhão acidentado com sua irmã e dá uma rápida olhada em Andrea. “Você acha que vai consertar isso?” ele pergunta a ela, sem muita esperança em seu tom ao ver o caminhão amassado cara a cara com a parede. "Carina vai ver se consegue descobrir quem fez isso, mas podemos ter um caminhão caído. Também não consegui encontrar Hunter em lugar nenhum para ver se ele poderia consertar." Roman explica, passando a mão pelo cabelo e encolhendo os ombros.
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rviner · 1 year ago
@wilddwcrds roman x carina - cross cabin
"Trago boas notícias, Rina." Roman announces with playful optimism as he enters the cabin, finally knowing it's where he'll find his sister after his uneventful search around the town. "Alguém decidiu dar uma volta com um caminhão e bateu direto na parede perto da garagem." he waves a hand to the cabin door before shrugging at Carina and wandering closer so he can ruffle some of Toby's hair. "Deixaram o camião com as duas portas abertas, então acho que procuramos dois culpados." he explains, before laughing slightly. "Não quero apontar o dedo, então deixarei isso para você."
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rviner · 1 year ago
"Sim, posso ver isso!" Roman exclama enquanto esfrega o braço, exagerando o soco de sua irmã. Ele estuda o caminhão novamente, a mente agitando-se em pensamentos e possibilidades. "Talvez seja melhor apenas reduzir nossas perdas? Procurar um caminhão novo?" ele dá de ombros, mas isso significará um grupo a menos saindo em busca de suprimentos e com o inverno se aproximando rapidamente, essa pode ser a diferença entre sobreviver confortavelmente ou lutar. Roman acena com a cabeça sobre Carina, também sem ciúmes por trabalhar com Jack. "Sim, eu falei com ela antes de encontrar você. Ela disse que está escondendo isso até termos certeza se fizemos isso ou não." porque as Cruzes estavam com problemas suficientes. Pegando as chaves, Roman acena com a cabeça para sua irmã e se dirige para o lado do motorista do caminhão. "Tudo bem, vou esperar aí por você."
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Andy bate no braço de Roman com seu comentário, "é claro que parece uma merda. Alguém bateu na parede." Ela suspira, esfregando a nuca. “Eu nem sei se temos tudo que precisamos para consertar isso.” Tudo dependia das missões, mas ela faria uma lista para o próximo grupo que iria embora caso não conseguisse reunir tudo do armazém. "Precisamos fazer mais corridas. Se eles mantiverem todas as Cruzes aqui… estaremos perdendo ajuda valiosa para encontrar suprimentos." Andy cutuca o pneu com uma bota. "Posso falar com Rina… ver o que eles estão pensando. Não invejo o trabalho dela trabalhando com ele." Virando-se ligeiramente, ela tosse as chaves para Roman. “Você pode devolvê-lo à loja? Vou ver se mais suprimentos chegaram ao Depósito.”
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e-c-guyot-blog · 4 months ago
Les Lectures Chatbuleuses de Grison (partie 5, Chat-lloween!)
Grison : ah vous êtes là! Faisons-vite, le Capitaine Fracassé est encore dans le coin. En plus il n’a laissé que des livres sur les chats noirs et les chats bizarres. Enfin, bon… c’est Chat-lloween, paraît-il. Voilà les 5 (+ 1) livres sur les chats de ce mois-ci! Et si les chats disparaissaient du monde… de Genki KawamuraÀ 30 ans, le narrateur de ce livre apprend par son médecin qu’il est…
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e-c-guyot-blog · 5 months ago
Les Lectures Chatbuleuses de Grison (partie 4)
Chatlut mouss-chat-illons! 😺 Capitaine Trois-Pattes : ce mois-ci, c’est moi le chat de bibliothèque! Grison : oh mais hein quoi dites quoi mais non!! 😾 Capitaine Trois-Pattes : que si! à force de passer à travers les bibliothèques avec ma Horde, je ramasse des livres. Et en bon chat pirate, je partage le butin avec vous! 😽 Grison : ce n’est pas les pirates, ça, c’est Robin des Bois……
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rviner · 1 year ago
Roman glances to Carina as she points to her expression, tilting his head in a slight frown. "That's terrible. No one would believe you didn't know." he tells her as he judges and his point is proven when Carina's features don't even change as she feigns surprise and innocence about the little talk with Isla. Roman finishes stirring his cup of coffee, tutting to himself. "Whatever you told her has me looking like an idiot. I know she's your friend but I don't think you understand the power someone Isla holds over men." and he has half the mind to never talk to the Alvarez wolf ever again. He thinks it seems easy enough, he can just nod if they're in the same vicinity and go on his own way. Never a word needing uttered ever again. "Eu adoraria se falássemos literalmente sobre qualquer outra coisa agora." he points then as if a lightbulb goes off in his own mind. "Acho que direi ao Diego que você ri quando falamos sobre ele. That's fair. Eye for an eye, Carina."
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"ok, bem, depois de encontrá-la, volte para mim e descobriremos como posso contar ao conselho. ou deveríamos apenas deixar jack ou rineike descobrirem e eu ficaria surpreso? assim?" carina points to her face where she practices her best shocked expression, hoping it seems authentic enough to help the crosses swerve away from trouble or accusations. and then roman mentions isla and her look of surprise doesn't change, because carina knows she's far from innocent. "listen, roman. is not what you think, ok? we were just talking. i didn't say anything bad!" she lies because she should have seen this coming, considering isla's sense of humor that she's known for years now. "aposto que ela não quis dizer isso. você não é uma criança. ela simplesmente acha as coisas engraçadas, só isso. mas nunca mencionei como você ficou todo corado quando falamos sobre ela." she fights her laughter.
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rviner · 1 year ago
"That seems like true but very damning logic. Might wanna keep that to yourself." three years isn't a long time to run with a pack but during a war and during the uncertainty, it's a lifeline that Roman would never turn his nose up to. He has no regrets choosing to leave for Colorado, but even then he is thankful for the Crosses and it seems he re-joined at the best yet worst time. Isla's direct question pulls him from his thoughts and he scoffs a small laugh, waving a hand to try and dismiss the conversation. "No, no. No, I didn't mean that. I mean you don't seem to cause any issues." he tries to not grimace obviously as he says it, because she's been back for weeks and he's now talking as if they've been life long friends. It suddenly is the least of his worries, Roman now stuck in a condemned cycle of either calling his sister a liar or admitting at his grand old age of a school boy crush. "I wouldn't call it lying but maybe she just wants to embarrass her brother?" he shrugs, hoping that will sound as convincing as he wants it to be but then Roman is stifling another laugh. "Scare me? What? Okay, you know what, this was great. I'm sure Elliot will be around soon."
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"Si," Isla nods and then she chuckles. "Maybe because is not so bad, it means it was not any of us. If something is really bad, then you know it might be." but all of her teases about the Cross reputation are different to how they used to be. They carry a fondness now because, while she didn't fall in love with the chaos, she quickly learned how close they all are. How the bond through each of the wolves is unique but special. "What do you mean by that? That I can get away with things?" her head tilts at Roman's words, lightly challenging him for her own amusement. Even more so when she watches his struggle and Isla has to fight the grin on her face, nodding at him slowly but facetiously. "Oh, so she is not a liar but she lies about this. That makes sense." Isla laughs at him, accepting his distraction but scoffing as he wavesa hand. She waves one of her own to mirror it. "Yes, yes. I will help, but you are going? Did I scare you?"
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rviner · 10 months ago
Quinlan's silence, Roman's learned over the years, is a still but shark infested ocean. He doesn't trust it, squinting his gaze to the witch sharply. "Stop plotting." he remarks quickly, before hearing Quinlan's gallant statement. It pulls Roman's eyes into a heavy roll, his head following lazily. "Okay, great. Good for you, my friend. And, that'll be great for whatever lawyer is stupid enough to help you but I'm not putting my name on this." he replies within the same instant, even if Roman returns to searching through the contract. They are friends after all, even if from the outside looking in, the Kelly and Mendez have established a rather bizarre connection.
As if on cue, Roman's expression drops to Quinlan's words and the smirk is gone. Never to come back, he thinks. He's been narrowly avoiding Aiyla but it has been successful, easily a ten day streak now which Quinlan wants to see brought to an end. "Fuck you." Roman bites back, although it's without volume as Quinlan remains on the call. He says it again once it's ended. "Fuck. You." added with extra bite, Roman glancing to his watch. "This is nothing about you thinking she's good at her job, don't even fuck with me right now." he waves the contract like a warning. "I could've said yeah Quin, I'll take this on for you and watch you lose twenty million with a grin but I didn't. I was honest. Because I'm a good fucking friend, she's going to waltz in here and just..." he's said too much, more words for his daily quota and Roman glances to his watch, quickly working out how long it will take for Aiyla to arrive. "I'm leaving in fifteen minutes. Don't say I do nothing for you. But, fuck you."
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Quinlan doesn't appreciate sarcasm unless it's delivered by his own quips, so his head tilts a fraction to the side at Roman's remark. It's barely evident what he thinks from his unmoved expression, but there's a slight twitch of a mean-spirited smirk at the corner of the Kelly's lips. As if Roman has sealed a fate for himself that he isn't even aware of. "I don't care, Roman. I want out of it, and if there's going to be a messy court case, so be it." Quinlan states, only offering a shrug with his words. He lets Roman dig his own grave, however. Allowing the wolf his moment of smug retorts, because the tides often change in Quinlan's favor without him needing to lift a finger. And Roman's passionate response about Aiyla's presence gives the Kelly all the power he needs to find glee in the situation. "I always love how quick a smirk can be wiped off your face, Roman." he grins to his friend, waving away Roman's attempt at intervening as he takes it upon himself to call his assistant, quickly demanding contact with the Avcis. With an entirely straight face, he looks Roman dead in the eye as he speaks on the call. "Yes, Aiyla if possible. As soon as she can get here." he waves his hand back in mockery to Roman's. "Stop acting like a child. She'll be here for five seconds." he whispers harshly inbetween the call, finishing it before sitting smugly as he sinks back in his seat. "Leave if you want to Roman, I don't care. You obviously can't deliver results and Aiyla will be able to. Maybe that was always the problem with your marriage."
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rviner · 11 months ago
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"No, obviously. Just an entire legal team you needed to fire." Roman nods facetiously with a small grin. It remains as Quinlan gets on the phone, the wolf bopping his head down to focus again to the contract even if Roman's already made up his mind. There's not much that can be done. He hums slightly once Quinlan speaks to him again, understanding all too well the principle he speaks of. "Okay well, I think you should pick a different contract with another company to withdraw from because this one is solid. Three years left to go. It'll fly by, you won't even be that gray by the time it's over." Roman smirks, his tone flat and dry as he glances back up from the contract to Quinlan's accusation. "Me? No. Not at all." he responds smoothly, sliding the contract back to the desk and resigning himself from it. Especially as Quinlan insists on Aiyla being a second set of eyes, his expression shifting to one of literal concern. "I never said I can't do it, thanks very much. I said this contract is airtight. No one will be able to do it." he insists, already hovering up from his seat once Quinlan grabs the phone again. "Put that...I'll leave. I'll just leave." his hand reaches in an attempt to stop the witch. "Okay, that's it. I'm going."
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Despite Roman's words of warning alerting Quinlan inwardly, all he offers the wolf is an unimpressed blink. "I don't make a habit out of hiring complete morons. Obviously it all got changed." whatever it all is, but to be on the safe side he's quick to pick up his phone and call his assistant. The conversation is brief, and Quinlan's back to the conversation with an annoyed sigh at Roman's response. Still, there's no reaction from him much further than a blink as he sips the whiskey. "It's not about the money, it's the principle." he explains and as always, he gives about as much context as a contemporary art show. He notices the slight grin to Roman's face, and the glass is placed to his desk so Quinlan can lean slightly. "Are you finding this funny?" he asks without a hint of ire in his tone, but there's nothing similar to a smirk of amusement either. Quinlan doesn't even care for Roman's little hissy fit about Aiyla, and he sinks back in his seat to offer his friend a careless shrug. "Mm, the wrong wife died, which is why I ended up with another one floating around with a psychotic smile." he responds blankly, reaching for his phone again. "It will take five seconds. If you can't even be in a room with her for that long, why were you married in the first place? I want a second set of eyes, anyway. Since you keep telling me you can't do it."
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