#romance club Leon McGrath
babkova · 22 days
дядя Леон
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reddforalt · 27 days
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"hodge and leon were literally gay for each other and you can't convince me otherwise."
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Diamond Rush Soon~
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farizrz · 2 years
Messagers from Love interestings, Andrew and Anastasia (OTI's Writer) on Anastasia's Telegram
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farizrz · 2 years
(SPOILER ALERT)All Question and Answer on Anastasia's Telegram who i already translate in English (sorry if there a wrong word since use translate on website):
1. How did you decide on this ending?
It's a bit of an imprecise question. If you mean the path of light/darkness/balance, that ending was accepted in the original plan. In the middle of season 3, I wanted to include another bad path finale with a sad outcome, but...there are some points that prevented me from accomplishing what I wanted.
However, the ending of a *very* dramatic story should have pleased readers with at least a little positivity.
2. The path of balance. What does it provide?
I've talked about it before, but I'll say it now. The balance path is designed to give you enough stats for all the choices in the story. And at the end, you can decide the fate of your main character.
3. will there be a special edition?
No, there won't be a special edition. The story ended the way it was supposed to.
4. Did you write the ending to a specific music? If yes, what music?
I like to listen to songs from different movies/series. It helps put me in the right mood. The last thing I listened to was:
1)James Newton - I'm listening.
2)The Danish Girl - the mirror
3)Ludovico Einaudi - primavera (slowed down)
4)Michael Suby - Kayleigh's Funeral
5)Princess Yue - Avatar the Last Airbender OST.
If from the soundtracks, the last ones are:
1) Isak Danielson - Power.
2) Claire Gueresso - Rise
3)Tommee Profitt - I'll Be Your Hero
4)Lana Del Rey - Young and Beautiful
5. What genre will the new story be? Is there an outline already? Are we waiting for a new story? Will there be a new story in the modern world.
1) The genre is uncertain. Many people think I will write a psychological thriller, but that was just a wish, not a statement.
I could also say that I would like to try mysticism or horror, but that doesn't mean I would definitely come out with that genre.
2) I can't answer that question.
3) Counting on late fall, and then we'll see... Maybe sooner, maybe later.
4) Probability is about 80 percent, but I'm still thinking.
6. Which of the characters had children and a wedding after the finale?
It could be all of them. Some have it sooner, some will help. It all depends on the desire of your main character (you).
7. The fate of the locket? What became of it? How did it end up at the mother of the MC?
1,2) It was said that her father stole and gave the medallion to pay off a debt. MC didn't look for it because she had an idea of the people in question and didn't take the risk.
3) It was also said that it was passed down by inheritance.
8. What happens to Cassandra in the finale? Does she stay in New York or does she leave with Hodge and Leon?
Cassandra stayed in New York to get back on her own feet and start her own business/agency. If she returned to Hodge, the distance finally killed any hope of their reunion. Cassandra herself rejected that kind of relationship.
9. In how many years can Katherine/Hodge or Katherine/Leon meet again and finally stay together?
Three to four years. After surviving the distance, Hodge/Leon will decide to propose to GH.
10. Maybe you can console us and tell us that Hodge has solved his problems early and will get back together with Katherine in a year?
That would be unfair and wrong. I can see them finally being able to work through their problems after three years (minimum).
11. Michelle and Brandon didn’t survive the long-distance relationship. Do you think Hodge and Catherine can handle it?
Michelle and Brandon had a completely different situation. Brandon prioritized work, which he regretted in the future.
For Hodge and Catherine, it was a necessity.
12. could Katherine even fly to Hodge/Leon for the whole summer?
For the whole summer, no, but for a month and a half...maybe.
13. Did MC/Hodge or MC/Leon stay happy with this ending?
Every time they met...were unspeakably happy to spend time with each other.
14. Who broke up after the events in the story?
It’s kind of sad...I think it should be up to you. After all, you play the main character 
Of the favorites, no one planned the breakup.
15. Why did you want to write the finale this way, without marriage proposals?
Our protagonist is a young girl who has been through a lot of events and problems for her age. Yes, she has found love, but... it’s too early for her to think about marriage. She needs to live an ordinary life, and spend her time with her love line. All in good time 
16. When will the other character profiles come out?
One of them is on its way. The other two are waiting for their moment of stardom. They were written a long time ago, their publication does not depend on me.
17. If you don’t go with Dominic on the his route will he end up staying in Seattle with his parents? Or will he return to New York to help with the club?
If Club Hodge stays, Dominic will be combining two businesses.
If Hodge’s club is sold, Dominic will help his parents, but he won’t forget about himself either.
18. How did Dominic start working for Hodge?
Just like in normal life, when an employer selects the resumes of employees. The only thing... Dominic had to go through many tests before Hodge could trust the dark side of his business.
The most important test was for trust.
19. If MC went to university, does she want to be a coach in the future? Will she be able to work side by side with Tate?
1) Yes, the protagonist wants to fully immerse herself in learning so that she can be a professional coach with experience in the future.
2) And yes, she can.
20. How did it work out for them with the Olympics?
Depends on your skill level and then your level of credibility.
If you win gold at the Championships, you are more likely to get a medal at the Olympics. But which one... will remain a secret.
21. Will Tate’s father be healthy? What is he sick with?
Tate’s father has a heart problem. He survived a heart attack.
Mr. Tae-Ming tries to undergo treatment, but what the final outcome will be will remain off the screen.
22. On the Tate’s route, will Katherine be able to communicate with his mother normally?
Maybe, but very, very soon. Tate’s mother works around the clock, and in her spare time she travels with her husband to hospitals. It will take some time to get used to her son’s girlfriend.
23. Could there have been something between Cassandra and Dominic?
A friendship of sorts is possible, a relationship is not. Dominic couldn’t handle Cassandra’s character. He needs ease, adventurism, and freedom.
24. Will Dominic and Brian become good friends?
If the Hodge Club survives and Brian becomes the head of it, more than likely, yes.
25. Will Catherine continue her communication with Cassandra?
If you have a good relationship with Cassandra, friendship is possible. But they will not communicate as often as they would like.
26. Is Leon’s mother alive?
Yes, she lives in Europe.
27. Why is it Leon who gives peonies?
Why not? He’s the only one who decided to give MC real flowers. And roses are... too corny for him.
28. Where is Leon from?
Leon is originally from Ireland, but he and his family have often traveled to Europe.
29. What major did Liz enroll in?
Simply put, a physical education and sports teacher.
30. Do you have a favorite?
They are all favorites for me because I put a piece of myself into each one.
31. How difficult was it to write the finale? Was it difficult to say goodbye to the characters?
1) It was hard to write eleven different dates 
Otherwise, it was quite comfortable. You have experience 
2) Psychologically speaking, I didn’t realize at first that I was writing an ending...
And when I started looking at the finished backdrops, characters and cutscenes for this update... it got sad. I couldn’t believe that we had made it to the finish line.
32. If you had the chance, would you want to write stories on behalf of a guy?
I wouldn’t dare do such an experiment.
33. Did Sirius still stay in the “pet hotel”?
No, Hodge took him away.
34. “Follow the call of your heart and determine your own destiny”-is this quote your personal instruction to readers?
More like a wish.
35. Why was the farewell as if to the entire company, since only Hodge and Leon were leaving. I hope they all stayed in touch?
Yes, it was a farewell to Hodge and Leon, but it could also be called communal because the main character is going her own way. She won’t be able to keep in touch with her newfound friends as much because she has to build her life.
They will see each other, but not as much as they would like.
36. Why did you decide to make the compromise fall into the hands of the FBI and Leon and Hodge will have to go away for a few years and leave Mr. (long distance relationship).
This is a consequence of their darker side of life. You can’t get away with something like that, you have to pay for everything. And this became their path to redemption. They were very lucky to get away with it.
And long-distance relationships, they will endure. Especially when they see each other once a month for one week.
37. When the chairman of the corporation was caught, he said it wasn’t over. What does that mean?
The chairman wanted to frighten Hodge into living his life of speculation and tormenting himself from day to day. But Baker found another way 
38. What kind of business did Hodge and Leon have in Brazil?
If Hodge sold the club, they decide to open a chain of restaurants.
If Leon sold the car dealerships, they decide to open collectible watch stores.
And whether they will do anything illegal...life will tell.
39. Will there be crossovers in your future story?
It will all depend on the setting and the genre of the story.
40. Have you ever had a situation where during the course of writing a story you’ve gotten into and perceived the main character’s problems as your own?
Some of the problems I experienced and some I could feel and empathize with.
41. How long did it take you to write the ending?
I can’t say exactly, but I think two to three weeks.
42. Did you plan to write a book based on the OTI and SBTR novellas?
It took a while for me to realize that I was more drawn to screenwriting.
I see myself as a screenwriter, but not as a writer.
It’s a tremendous job that’s admirable. But, alas, I still have to stomp and stomp to it 
43. Are OTI and SBTR in the same universe?
No, they are in different universes.
44. Why does OTI bring up issues of self-acceptance, themes of violence, both moral and physical? Have you/your acquaintances had such experiences or did you want to highlight these issues?
You know, a little bit of everything. The primary objective was to highlight these issues in history.
And I could take examples from my own experiences, loved ones, or sources.
45. What is it like to describe intimate scenes? Do you have to imagine everything, visualize everything?
It’s been very difficult lately. Maybe because of fatigue, or maybe there were other reasons.
But intimate scenes also need inspiration.
For example the scene with Dominique in the car, I began to write it when the idea, the desire and the inspiration kicked in. It’s the kind of explosion that happens once every indefinite amount of time. I caught the moment 
46. How did Hodge and Brian get their father’s guns? Can we have a backstory about that?
Do we all remember what the brothers’ father was involved with? Hodge got his father’s gun, after he came of age, because he was very serious about that kind of thing.
Brian got a gun, after his father died. The kid was a hot-tempered character, and his father couldn’t trust him with a gun before his due date.
47. How hard is it to walk away from the ending of a story and start writing a new one?
I wouldn’t say it’s very difficult. When you think about new ideas, it’s very easy.
When you try to write them out, you involuntarily go back to the characters from the last story.
But I quickly come away from that and start something new with renewed vigor.
48. Who would you date if you were the main character?
I’ve already answered that question. I understand that with my character you need someone like Leon. But I’d date Tate 
49. Do you play in the CD? If so, what stories do you play?
I do. I try to play them all as much as I can.
50. Is it hard to write out the character profiles?
I just don’t have enough time for that. That’s why I was writing profiles when I was on vacation.
51. How would you rate the ending of the story? Was everything satisfactory to you?
When it was written and turned in, I thought I had survived everything possible...
But after resting, reading each piece again...I realize that many moments lacked a more precise ending.
The same ending with Leon and Hodge. Many people thought the ending was open ended and it was unknown what was in store for them. It wasn't.
I wanted to show that they were going to go through an ordeal that would not only be a finale, but also a success.
I see the displeasure of many who didn't like Hodge's answer, "We'll see," but it wasn't said to piss them off :)
It was said to the main character so as not to scare her off by getting married. After all, she's still young, and she doesn't want to rush into it.
These kinds of moments I would like to describe in more detail, so that the players do not have questions.
Well... and I wish there had been a sad ending, but alas.
52. Were there any moments that you wanted to add, but they wouldn't fit into the screen time of the series?
Such moments are present, but they don't affect the outcome of the story. It's more like a nice addition.
53. Why on the branch with the minions did they give the ring as a gift and not a proposal? Do you think that the heroine has been through a lot lately and now she does not need it? Or are the characters little explored for each other and it is too early for such a responsible step?
You answered your own question :)
54. Will there be a Sirius questionnaire?
No, there will not be a Sirius profile.
Sam's questionnaire was a nice bonus + he influenced the plot of the story in season one.
55. What is Cassandra's orientation?
She is bisexual.
56. Are there any prototypes of the characters? Or are they all collective characters?
Collective images :)
57. Who called Catherine and said nothing but breathed heavily into the phone?
It was Hodge.
58. In one of your interviews you were asked how Hodge was able to help Katherine deal with a panic attack. You said that he had already had the experience. Could you tell us more about where this experience came from, please.
After his father died, he was dealing with a panic attack himself. Fortunately, he had people around him who helped him come to his senses.
59. Whose idea was the crossover with the novel Fury of the Titans?
Join idea.
60. You left an open ending with each favorite. How do you personally see Katherine's relationship in a few years with each of them?
1) Brian - they love to travel, Brian often draws the main character, and was even able to sell a few masterpieces with Katherine's permission.
2) Liz - they like to spend time at home. They often go skating, and try to help each other with their studies. Also, they help Harry open his own restaurant.
3) Tate - they spend a lot of time together. Both at the rink and at home. They plan to buy their own apartment. They like to drive around the city at night, and often have a date somewhere in the middle of nowhere.
4) Dominic - They each work hard, but they manage to miss each other.
Dominic arranges all sorts of outings for her, and she agrees to his adventures. They support each other in their endeavors.
5) Hodge - Despite the distance, they see each other every month and spend a happy week together. They tell each other about their plans and arrange surprises. At a distance, they often connect by video call.
6) Leon - works very hard, but calls the main character every night to check on her well-being. Every month they see each other in a new country, which he leads tours of. And the nights are spent in each other's arms.
61. What kind of car does Hodge have after all?
Hodge is a 2019 Cadillac CT4.
Brian - 1966 Cadillac deville.
Dominic - BMW X5 Premium SUV
Tate - Chevrolet Aveo 2015
62. Tell us a little about the fate of Tom and his partner?
Along the way, when Tom wasn't competing...he took a break and got depressed.
Along the way, when Tom participated...does well, but changes partners. Unstable.
63. What sources served as inspiration for writing the short story?
Series, movies, and other kinds of sources.
Some problems were inspired by the series "The Queen's Walk."
64. What is the age difference between Andrew and Helena?
Andrew is about 60 years old.
Elena is about 45-50 years old.
65. How was the idea for the OTI plot born?
As I said earlier, my boy Vlad and I were going through a lot of ideas, one of which was a story about a protagonist with a difficult fate.
After outlining the seasons, I provided an outline that the director liked and started writing.
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romance-club-daily · 3 years
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The original, discarded cover of On Thin Ice~
Edit: It's Hodge and an earlier Leon's prototype~
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
Character Profile!
~Leon McGrath
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Book: On Thin Ice
Leon is the owner of a large network of car dealerships in Western Europe. He was an exchange student at Hodge’s university. They had the same views on life and business ideas. When Hodge took over his father’s business, he accepted Leon’s offer to become his business partner, but later realized that it was too risky. They broke off their partnership and Hodge forced Leon to return to Europe. But after expanding his business, Leon came back and is now the new organizer of illegal racing in New York, in which Brian participates (which makes Hodge even more concerned).
Ambitious, Leon spares no effort to get what he wants. He likes to test people to discover their weaknesses and use it against them. Despite this, he looks a sincere man and seems to want to help those close to him - as long as it benefits him as well. He is not afraid to speak his mind.
Interesting Fact:
Leon always had inflated self-esteem due to his family's high status.
Meeting and furthering his friendship with Hodge helped him to reveal his propensity for entrepreneurship, though his ideas turned out to be somewhat awkward.
Noticing this tendency, Hodge stopped communicating with him. Being rejected by a friend felt like a stab in the back for Leon. For years, he devoted himself to studying and developing his own business plan to prove to his former friend what he could achieve without anyone's help.
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Posted by RC on Facebook
Additional and more detailed info on the Wiki | Leon McGrath
RC Character’s Profile Masterlist
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romance-club-daily · 2 years
What's the truth? OTI Edition!
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All but the last one! PLEASE Catherine can't take anything anymore 😭
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romance-club-daily · 3 years
Who's the blonde
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Yeah, I just saw that the author replied~
It's a prototype to represent Leon 🙈
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romance-club-daily · 4 years
Romance Club ~Character’s Profile
■ Masterlist with book names 👇🏾■
Jorge de Fantasma (Sandoval)
Kai, the Whaler
David Tarino
Adam Huez
Aaron Hill
John Hall
Luke Moring
Masked Man
Michael Turner
Jake Brown
Carlos Murphy
Charles Turner
Claire Ross
Orlando Ricchie
Alexander Nielsen
Christopher Cadogan
Edward Cadogan
Ellia November
Eve Sky
Rachel Lind
Samuel Makoto
Admiron Winchesto
Loy (Fyr)
Rebecca Walker
Sandra (Alexandra)
El Mirah
Brian Baker
Hodge Baker
Leon McGrath
Liz Taylor
Sam, the cutest
Tate Marshall
Cassius Flavius
Supreme Pontiff
Tori (Astoria)
Duke Osmont
Earl Reinhold Piel
King D'Mario
Princess Vanora of Xael
Wyatt le Roux
Amrit Doobey
Gabriel Grant
Killian Lightwood
Kiran Khan
Lima Berg
Blaine Rayburn
Friedrich Blumhager
Lawrence Barkley
Yoke Van Der Lusse
Hell and High Water
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