#roman said he likes to fire people - prove it!
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Lmao, Roman trying to fire Gerri. That's like a sheep trying to herd a sheepdog. Gerri will just say "no, I'm not" and that'll be the end of it.
#succession#roman roy#gerri kellman#I PREDICTED THIS THANK YOU#many moons ago#roman said he likes to fire people - prove it!#succ spoilers
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Octavian was one of the most suicidal people you would meet in new Rome. And right now he was at rock bottom.
He best friend had just gone missing. His other best friend was falling apart. He was a nervous wreck, and he just had a trance that wound up with his cat dead.
He had a full prophetic vision from the gods that in his trance like stake had written down detailedly.
On the fist of August he would be thrown too his death his best friend would hate him for it and he couldn’t blame her. He was to march the soldiers to camp half-blood the Greek camp and he would invite army’s of monsters. That was the best case scenario.
He wrote all of this down Reyna and Jason and lavina and bobby and Dakota and Gwen would find this later after he stabbed her. And her heart stopped beating.
This would prove to the rest of the legion that the doors of death were open.
His best friend was falling apart, the other one thought dead, his cat had his insides spilled all over the temple and the ink was blood red.
It was the blood of Mittens his cat.
This was inevitable Octavian the great Roman prophets son had done something to piss off bachus the god of madness.
Now everyone in his family would inevitably go mad. It’s starts with a prophetic dream.
Then it escalates he knew this because for generations his family has been recording this and they now have a very detailed description.
From The start Octavian knew that you could get the curse from 6-98 it was a big range and he was showing the first symptoms he knew he had about two years left to live and 1 while he still had some control.
He hoped his friends if you would be able to call them that would find his journal after he passed.
And he hoped and prayed to Pluto that mittens wouldn’t hate him.
A while later Octavian noticed how Reyna was barely holding on so swaying the senate away from her might help her out.
If only he knew.
A while after that Percy came to new Rome and then new Rome was bombed and they had kidnapped two of their legionnaires Fred and Hayley he thinks and his fried group slowly starts to fall apart. And he starts the process of the vision he thinks.
At least that’s what he thinks. He blacked out. That’s been happening more and more recently.
He should probably tell someone
He doesn’t tell anyone.
And from there he descends further into madness and he wakes up occasionally but only for a short time. He never has enough time to warn someone.
He is on his way out new Rome.
The curse has fully taken effect he can now see what his body is doing but he can move it.
His is a puppet in his own corpse.
Only able to occasionally witness what he’s doing
His sister and brother try to warn people but nobody listens. Then their attacking the Greeks. He knows he should hate them but he doesn’t
Then he’s yelling to attack the Greek. He is surrounded by monsters.
Then he was flying through the air on a canon ball.
And he felt alive again. Not in a good way but alive none the less.
Until he was dead and so was his brother.
They reunited with their parents and grand parents, who had died in the fire the took their home.
In his absence and his brothers his sister the youngest in the family took the position of augur. It had been in their family since the creation on the legion.
His friends found the journal while they were going through his stuff.
His sister said she couldn’t do it but drop it off in her room.
While they were clearing out they found the journal one entry looked really frantic and in a different colour ink but after that they went from regular daily writing to frantic and few and far between.
They learned about his dissent into madness and the way he knew exactly what would happen.
He hadn’t warned them to protect them.
But now he was dead
#octavian hoo#octavian pjo#jason grace#reyna avila ramirez arellano#reyna ramirez arellano#Gwendolyn hoo#dakota pjo#rrverse#New Rome#Octavian centric
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The first 3 and the last 3 for the Vanserra Qs!
1. Alright I have currently only named two others: Vulcan and Henri. Vulcan is the Roman god of fire which was why I went with that. I’m also going with other french names like Lucien hence the name Henri. So that’s Eris, Henri, Vulcan, Lucien. The last three are Adélard, Xavier, and Blaize (which i came up with five seconds ago shh)
2. Yes, I do see Eris as the oldest. It’s his mentality. He doesn’t feel the need to prove himself as the younger (probably ignored) middle brothers do. He’s more mature, and you can tell he has been training to be the heir his whole life. Though I do have a headcanon that Eris once planned to put Lucien on the throne but I won’t get into that here. Plus his caring towards Lucien is almost parental; it’s giving the parentified oldest brother. And it feels like he’s been planning to kill Beron his whole life. Idk his journey just makes the most sense as the oldest.
3. Lucien is the tallest brother, Eris closest behind him. The middle brothers are all kind of similar heights, several inches shorter than those two, with the exception of Henri, who is almost Eris’s height (it’s because he’s the warrior brother so he grew more)
43. Vulcan is the brother who uses the most of Beron’s money. He’s highly promiscuous and overall a messy bitch. That’s why Beron tries to get him married off as soon as he finds a lesser noble willing enough to marry him. She ends up killing him though, and Beron doesn’t even care lmao.
44. Definitely Blaize. As the youngest brother besides Lucien, he gets the least attention from both his parents, so he tried to tattle-tale, especially on Eris and Lucien, hoping to get attention.
45. God I have so many headcanons for them. But I’ll go into what I said for the second question.
I have a headcanon that once Jesminda realized how amazing Lucien was and how terrible Beron was to him, she began organizing her people, the farmers, to help her stage a coup against the crown. Eris once caught her while she was eavesdropping in the palace, but instead of having her arrested he offered to help her. Eris at that point was much younger, and just wanted Beron gone. Also, he didn’t think he deserved the crown because in his eyes, Lucien was a much better person. Because they knew this plan could go awry, they didn’t tell Lucien and also planned an escape route for him should it all go wrong. Eris’s contact was Andras in Spring. Beron had Jesminda killed for being a rebel, and believing Lucien to be involved in the plan too, had his brothers try to kill him. Eris did not plan on surviving should they get caught; he’d expected to get executed too, but either Beron never caught them or he just thought he could change Eris. Anyway, this feeds into my headcanon of Jesminda being a black cat girlfriend loool.
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"Of all the prophecies in verse foretelling a future Saviour to which the West has given birth, Vergil's Fourth Eclogue is the most famous. Before celebrating in his mighty epic the future of Imperial Rome, the poet painted in this relatively short poem his picture of the future ruler of the world. He lent him all the attributes of the Messiah: as befits a son of the Gods he shall greet Life with a smile, he shall bring peace on earth and the Age of Gold, and shall evoke once more the kingdom of Apollo. The Middle Ages never paused to reflect that Vergil's promises might seem to be fulfilled in Augustus, Emperor of Peace, the poet's patron. To that Christian age such prophetic verses could bear one interpretation only — a miraculous fore telling of Christ's advent. That they foretold a "Ruler" was no deterrent, for men were wont to praise Christ as "King of the World" and "Emperor of All," and to represent him graphically, in a mandorla, throned on clouds, bearing the globe and law book in his hand and on his head the diadem: the stern Ruler of the Cosmos. To the pious mind it was but one miracle the more, that the heathen Vergil, like the prophets of the Ancient Covenant, had known and told the coming of the Redeemer. Thus this short poem, with its miraculous fore knowledge, earned for Vergil the admiration and reverence of the medieval world. This Vergilian prophecy provided the inspiration both in manner and matter for the song in which the Campanian poet, Peter of Eboli, extravagantly hailed the birth of Henry V’s only son. It is by no means without significance that Vergil thus stands by the cradle of the last and greatest Christian Emperor of the German Roman Imperium.
The learned Peter of Eboli was not the only poet and sooth sayer who offered his prophetic wares to the new-born child on the day following the Christmas of 1194. Godfrey of Viterbo, the tutor of Henry VI, hailed the boy as the future Saviour foretold of prophets, the time-fulfilling Caesar. Even before the birth Godfrey had in sibylline speech informed his master that the coming son was destined to prove the long-awaited King of all the World, who should unite East and West as the Tiburtine sibyl had foretold. And later the story ran that East and West had cried aloud with joy at the birth of the imperial heir. Meanwhile other and less flattering predictions gained currency which had likewise accompanied the birth of the youngest Hohenstaufen. The Breton wizard Merlin was said to have spoken of the child's "wondrous and unhoped for birth" and in dark mysterious words to have hinted at disaster. The child would be a lamb, to be torn in pieces, but not to be devoured; he was to be a raging lion too amongst his own. The Calabrian Cistercian, the Abbot Joachim of Flora, the "Fore-runner" of St. Francis, was swift to recognise in the new-born child the, future Scourge of the World, the AntiChrist who was to bring confusion in his train. The Abbot, indeed, full of prophetic fire, was said to have informed the Emperor betimes that the Empress — overlain by a demon — was pregnant, without yet knowing of her pregnancy. The Empress too had had a dream and it had been revealed to her that she was to bear the fiery brand, the torch of Italy.
Constance obsessed the imagination of her contemporaries as few empresses have done. The strangely-secluded girlhood of the heiress of Sicily, posthumous daughter of the gifted Norman king and state-maker, Roger II, the great blondbearded Viking: her belated marriage, when she was already over thirty, with Barbarossa's younger son, her junior by ten years: her nine years of childlessness: the unexpected conception by the ageing woman: all this was — or seemed — mysterious enough to the people of her time to furnish ample material for legend. According to current rumour Constance's mother, Beatrice, daughter of Count Gunther of Rethel, had been a prey to evil dreams when, after the death of King Roger, she was brought to bed of the future Empress. And the augurs of the half-oriental Norman court declared that Constance would bring dire ruin on her fatherland. To avert this evil fate, no doubt, Constance was at once doomed to be a nun. The fact that the princess actually spent long periods in various nunneries in Palermo may well have strengthened such a report. The story further ran that Constance had been most unwilling to marry at all, and this coloured Dante's conception of her: because she left her "pleasant cloister's pale" under pressure and against her will, he gave the Empress a place in Paradise. The tale that Constance had taken the veil was widely believed, and later deliberately circulated by the Guelfs out of malice towards her son. The similar super stition of a later day foretold that a nun should be the mother of Anti-Christ. Meantime this first and only pregnancy of the forty-year old empress gave rise to another cycle of legend. It became the fashion to represent Constance as being consider ably older than she was, in order to approximate the miracle of this belated conception to Bible precedent, and she is tradition ally depicted as a wrinkled old woman. The rumour that the child was supposititious was bound to follow, and it was given out that he was in reality the son of a butcher. Shrewd woman that she was, Constance had taken measures to forestall such gossip: she had had a tent erected in the open market place, and there in the sight of all she had borne her son and proudly displayed her well-filled breasts — so the counterrumour ran.
Not in Palermo, but in Jesi, a small town dating from Roman times, in the March near Ancona, Constance brought her son to birth. After he was Emperor, Frederick sang the praises of his birthplace in a remarkable document. He called Jesi his Bethlehem, and the Divine Mother who bore him he placed on the same plane as the Mother of our Lord. Now the Ancona neighbourhood with its landscapes belongs to the most sacred regions of Renaissance Italy. As soon as the Italian people awoke to self-consciousness it recognised this as a sancta regio and consecrated it as such. From 1294 — a hundred years after the birth of the Staufen boy — the Virgin's house from Nazareth stood in the Ancona Marches, and Loreto, where it eventually came to rest, became one of the most famous places of pilgrimage in Italy. So it need cause no surprise that the March — the home moreover of Raphael — supplies the actual landscape basis (so far as a mythical landscape has a real prototype) for innumerable pictures of the Madonna playing with the Holy Child. These sunlit scenes played no part in the actual childhood of the boy. A few months after his birth Constance had the " blessed son " — to whom for the moment she gave the name of Constantine — removed to Foligno near Assisi and placed in the care of the Duchess of Spoleto, while the Empress herself hastened back to her Sicilian kingdom. She had only stayed in Jesi for her confinement, while the Emperor Henry travelled south to repress a Sicilian insurrection. This he accomplished with severity and bloodshed, and at last, after years of toil and fighting, he took possession of the hereditary country of his consort. All that Barbarossa had once dreamed, and had hoped to achieve through the Sicilian marriage of his son: to checkmate the exasperating Normans who always sided with the enemies of the Empire; to secure in the extreme south a firm fulcrum for the Empire of the Hohenstaufen, corresponding to their stronghold north of the Alps, and from these two bases — independent of the favour or disfavour of the German princes — to supervise and hold in check the Patrimonium between, and the ever-restive Italy: all this had reached fulfilment one day before the heir to this imperial power was born. Escorted by Saracen trumpeters, Henry with unexampled pomp entered as victor into the conquered city of Palermo, the terrified populace falling on their knees as he rode by, and on Christmas Day 1194 he was crowned King of Sicily in the cathedral of the capital. He was soon able to announce in one and the same letter both the victorious outcome of his cam paigns and the birth of his son and heir. The assurance of the succession gave full value to the conquest of the southern kingdom, a hereditary not an elective monarchy, and to the other great achievements of the indefatigable Emperor."
Ernst Kantorowicz, Frederick the Second, pp. 3-6
#history#historicwomendaily#constance i of sicily#frederick ii#sicily#house of hauteville#house of hohenstaufen#people of sicily#women of sicily#norman swabian sicily#myedit#historyedit
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SON except we follow on from this THL post.
This is a mess... But here we are.
Unfortunately as things usually are, not everyone can go with Jason.
Hera brings up the Argo that Leo had found and Leo remembers that lot of work needs to be done for it.
So they split up.
Jason, Percy and Piper, will head to Camp Jupiter and Annabeth and Leo will stay to work on the Argo with the rest of the Hepheastus cabin.
And as much as Annabeth and Percy hate to be seperated they know that she's better suited to help with the Argo II.
And Piper, with her charmspeak to get them out if things go south.
Thalia just flat out refused to leave Jason.
So our group goes to go do, diplomacy(?).
What could go wrong?
Shocking....Literally no one, things goes wrong.
They still have Juno being carried by Percy, his immunity being washed off.
Jason tries to help but... Juno said nope.
Luckily she leaves them to go and get to the camp and will reappear convienetly later.
Thalia puts together a camp and fire for them to get through the night.
The group pass the time talking.
Piper talks about training with Clarisse, feeling she has to constantly prove herself.
As well as the story of the BMW.
Thalia bants back and forth with Percy and asks about Jason's upbringing.
Jason, gives them all the run down.
... Suffice to say hearing your brother was raised by wolves who would threaten to kill him if he dared show fear and than put in an army... Makes Thalia a bit mad.
... Okay very mad.
Just hugs Jason close and his touch starved little heart melts.
Jason admits he's nervous, that he never quite felt at peace until he was in Camp Half-blood.
Piper is appalled, and Percy... a survivor of military schooling is a teeny...
Tweeny bit absolutely pissed at the idea of kids being in an army.
"... Okay I know we also do that but at least we're more subtle about it..."
He gets mad when he hears about the town like area of New Rome, demigods living peacefully and living their lives.
Wishing Camp Half-blood had the same.
... Though than gets more mad bout the idea of adults nearby doing jack shit while the kids are in the army.
Percy does however swears to Jason than nothing he sees or witnesses will change his opinion of Jason.
A sentiment that Thalia and Piper echo.
They are friends, nothing can change that.
Jason, stumbles out a thank you and maybe cries a little because it's the first time he's had real friends.
He does get a bit embarrassed about it.
Percy just smiles, gives him a hug and tells him crying doesn't make him any less strong.
First time Jason's ever been told that.
Percy tells him a story about how he cried the first time watching finding Nemo.
Leading to a way to in depth explanation about finding Nemo, another hug and a promise to show him when all this is over.
When the time comes, Percy carries Juno though he makes it clear he isn't happy about it.
Thalia even refrains from teasing him about it, having to stop herself from cursing out Juno for putting Jason with these people.
After she admits it was her.
Walking into Camp Jupiter's boundaries the assembled Romans bow before Juno.
And with reluctance, the others bow as well.
"Praetor Grace! Praetor Grace you have returned!"
The assembled Romans salute him abd Jason salutes back with a smile.
Someone runs off and returns with Reyna and Octavian.
"Praetor Ramirez-Arellano and Augur Longinus."
Jason runs to them and embraces them. The two lose all lose all manner of professionalism and hug him back.
With Reyna overjoyed he's returned and Octavian shocked before smiling warmly.
The two bow before Juno who introduces the others as Percy Jackson son of Neptune, Piper Mclean daughter of Venus and Thalia Grace daughter of Jupiter.
A banquet is proposed by Reyna, for Jason's return and to celebrate that he's finally found his missing sister.
Thalia smiles warmly, hugging Jason and says she's been looking forward to meeting them both.
Which is before the entire 5th Cohort comes running in, some tackle Jason into a hug, others are cheering and they all throw him up into the air.
Reyna explains that while Jason was raised at Camp Jupiter, the 5th was his first and true home.
Jason is about to go with the 5th to catch up but doesn't want to leave his friends behind.
Said friends smile and wave him off, telling him to go have fun and Jason happily runs off with the others.
Reyna offers to show them around and Octavian mentions needing to go to consult the augeries about the new comers.
Percy sensing somethings off asks if he should go with him and Octavian agrees.
Reyna gets to know Piper and Thalia, the three trade stories of growing up, learning about Camp and at some point have a sparr.
With Reyna complimenting them both.
Piper is suprised to learn that her skills aren't seen as a suprise here unlike at Camp Half-blood. Nor is her parentage used to make her feel weak.
Being that the founder of Rome, Aneias was the son of Venus. And thus she is held in high regard here.
Giving Piper confidence.
Octavian explains the teddies, that his namesake used actual people but this was a better solution to him.
He does thank the little guys for their service and sews them up though which Percy reckons can't make him all bad.
But he has a feeling.
And that feeling has gotten him this far so he stays on guard.
The group all reunite at the banquet, Jason joining them sitting beside Thalia and Reyna happily talking about his day.
Also Nico is there and introductions and... I definitely don't know you looks are given.
Percy ends up near Frank and Hazel and makes introductions. While shy at first they both manage to open up though Percy notices that Hazel keeps shooting looks at Octavian.
Some point later Mars shows up and Percy feels a very murderous urge but luckily his attention isn't on him.
Frank is issued a quest and a prophecy is given by Mars. Though Octavian seems annoyed by this, because he's supposed to give the prophecies but doesn't say anything.
Percy, feeling bad for Frank offers to go with him and Hazel and the trio set off.
Before he does so, he shares with Thalia and Piper his suspicions on Octavian and the two promise to keep an eye on him.
The quest plays out as canon.
Switching back and fourth between it and Camp Jupiter.
Hazel after revealing her curse explains that it's what Octavian had black mailed her on.
So that she would vote for him to be Praetor.
Percy, seeing vote as kill has them all rush back.
Meanwhile, Thalia and Piper along with Nico realise Octavian is up to something and that more and more campers are getting distant and distrustful with Jason.
Confusing Reyna and them.
And deeply hurting Jason.
Piper is able to corner and charmspeak them into telling her that it's because Octavian's black mailing everyone.
And that he's had visions of Jason is conspiring with the Greeks to overthrow Rome.
They than find Jason's missing and find him on the ground with Octavian over him.
Octavian wearing a Praetor's attire.
Just as Percy, Hazel and Frank show up.
And it's revealed Octavian has been trying to get rid of Jason to become Praetor.
He always wanted to be Praetor and saw Jason as unworthy of such a title.
Believing he earned it simply because of his parentage and not earning it at all.
But why he wanted to get rid of him rather than merely voting him out is because Octavian had a vision.
Of the Camp in flames and Jason hugging the person responsible.
And siding with the Greeks over the Romans.
"He's a traitor"
Reyna glares, stating the only traitor is him and Jason is heartbroken.
Having never wanted the title but was pushed into it.
We also learn now why Jason was running in the lost hero, it was because a hoard of monsters were released by Octavian into the Camps collisium that Jason had been trapped in.
Jason managed to escape but was persued, his coin was in Octavian's grasp and because of the Doors being open the monsters would not die.
Something Jason had only recalled now.
It chased him for days.
What he said to Percy before blacking out was "please! Help! Don't trust Octavian."
In Latin.
It had taken the last of his strength to tear them apart and Juno's last minute divine intervention to kill them off.
And he'd only now recalled what had happened.
Before anyone can do anything, a dagger flys through the air pinning Octavian's stolen Praetor sash to a pillar.
And we see Annabeth aboard the now repaired and airborne Argo II.
Heard everything and pissed.
"Try that again and this time I won't miss."
"Who are you?!"
"Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena."
The Greek camp is revealed, along with the true parentages of the others and Reyna rubs her head and sighs.
"Anything else?"
Octavian uses this as fuel to encourage the Romans to arms and to destroy the Greeks.
Reyna, shuts it all down stating that they will handle this diplomatically.
Jason is standing motionless as Thalia holds him, his eyes empty as his truest and closest confident berates and calls him a traitor.
Percy hates that he was right and the group head into the senate to talk and discuss why they did all this and the looming threat of Gaea.
And Jason feeling more alone than ever despite sitting by Thalia.
Also Octavian's last name in this, Longinus comes from Cassius.
Gaius Cassius Longinus, the guy best known from the Shakespeare play Julius Caeser for being one of the conspirators who lead to Casers assassination.
Felt fitting.
#son of neptune#Octavian Reyna and Jason were friends#But much like another blonde haired wack job#Shit happened#Annabeth is Jason's second big sis I don't make the rules#jason grace#heroes of olympus#piper mclean#annabeth chase#thalia grace#percy jackson#octavian pjo#reyna avila ramirez arellano#frank zhang#hazel levesque
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By: Eliezer Yudkowsky
Published; Aug 4, 2007
The earliest account I know of a scientific experiment is, ironically, the story of Elijah and the priests of Baal.
The people of Israel are wavering between Jehovah and Baal, so Elijah announces that he will conduct an experiment to settle it—quite a novel concept in those days! The priests of Baal will place their bull on an altar, and Elijah will place Jehovah’s bull on an altar, but neither will be allowed to start the fire; whichever God is real will call down fire on His sacrifice. The priests of Baal serve as control group for Elijah—the same wooden fuel, the same bull, and the same priests making invocations, but to a false god. Then Elijah pours water on his altar—ruining the experimental symmetry, but this was back in the early days—to signify deliberate acceptance of the burden of proof, like needing a 0.05 significance level. The fire comes down on Elijah’s altar, which is the experimental observation. The watching people of Israel shout “The Lord is God!”—peer review.
And then the people haul the 450 priests of Baal down to the river Kishon and slit their throats. This is stern, but necessary. You must firmly discard the falsified hypothesis, and do so swiftly, before it can generate excuses to protect itself. If the priests of Baal are allowed to survive, they will start babbling about how religion is a separate magisterium which can be neither proven nor disproven.
Back in the old days, people actually believed their religions instead of just believing in them. The biblical archaeologists who went in search of Noah’s Ark did not think they were wasting their time; they anticipated they might become famous. Only after failing to find confirming evidence—and finding disconfirming evidence in its place—did religionists execute what William Bartley called the retreat to commitment, “I believe because I believe.”
Back in the old days, there was no concept of religion’s being a separate magisterium. The Old Testament is a stream-of-consciousness culture dump: history, law, moral parables, and yes, models of how the universe works—like the universe being created in six days (which is a metaphor for the Big Bang), or rabbits chewing their cud. (Which is a metaphor for . . .)
Back in the old days, saying the local religion “could not be proven” would have gotten you burned at the stake. One of the core beliefs of Orthodox Judaism is that God appeared at Mount Sinai and said in a thundering voice, “Yeah, it’s all true.” From a Bayesian perspective that’s some darned unambiguous evidence of a superhumanly powerful entity. (Although it doesn’t prove that the entity is God per se, or that the entity is benevolent—it could be alien teenagers.) The vast majority of religions in human history���excepting only those invented extremely recently—tell stories of events that would constitute completely unmistakable evidence if they’d actually happened. The orthogonality of religion and factual questions is a recent and strictly Western concept. The people who wrote the original scriptures didn’t even know the difference.
The Roman Empire inherited philosophy from the ancient Greeks; imposed law and order within its provinces; kept bureaucratic records; and enforced religious tolerance. The New Testament, created during the time of the Roman Empire, bears some traces of modernity as a result. You couldn’t invent a story about God completely obliterating the city of Rome (a la Sodom and Gomorrah), because the Roman historians would call you on it, and you couldn’t just stone them.
In contrast, the people who invented the Old Testament stories could make up pretty much anything they liked. Early Egyptologists were genuinely shocked to find no trace whatsoever of Hebrew tribes having ever been in Egypt—they weren’t expecting to find a record of the Ten Plagues, but they expected to find something. As it turned out, they did find something. They found out that, during the supposed time of the Exodus, Egypt ruled much of Canaan. That’s one huge historical error, but if there are no libraries, nobody can call you on it.
The Roman Empire did have libraries. Thus, the New Testament doesn’t claim big, showy, large-scale geopolitical miracles as the Old Testament routinely did. Instead the New Testament claims smaller miracles which nonetheless fit into the same framework of evidence. A boy falls down and froths at the mouth; the cause is an unclean spirit; an unclean spirit could reasonably be expected to flee from a true prophet, but not to flee from a charlatan; Jesus casts out the unclean spirit; therefore Jesus is a true prophet and not a charlatan. This is perfectly ordinary Bayesian reasoning, if you grant the basic premise that epilepsy is caused by demons (and that the end of an epileptic fit proves the demon fled).
Not only did religion used to make claims about factual and scientific matters, religion used to make claims about everything. Religion laid down a code of law—before legislative bodies; religion laid down history—before historians and archaeologists; religion laid down the sexual morals—before Women’s Lib; religion described the forms of government—before constitutions; and religion answered scientific questions from biological taxonomy to the formation of stars.1 The modern concept of religion as purely ethical derives from every other area’s having been taken over by better institutions. Ethics is what’s left.
Or rather, people think ethics is what’s left. Take a culture dump from 2,500 years ago. Over time, humanity will progress immensely, and pieces of the ancient culture dump will become ever more glaringly obsolete. Ethics has not been immune to human progress—for example, we now frown upon such Bible-approved practices as keeping slaves. Why do people think that ethics is still fair game?
Intrinsically, there’s nothing small about the ethical problem with slaughtering thousands of innocent first-born male children to convince an unelected Pharaoh to release slaves who logically could have been teleported out of the country. It should be more glaring than the comparatively trivial scientific error of saying that grasshoppers have four legs. And yet, if you say the Earth is flat, people will look at you like you’re crazy. But if you say the Bible is your source of ethics, women will not slap you. Most people’s concept of rationality is determined by what they think they can get away with; they think they can get away with endorsing Bible ethics; and so it only requires a manageable effort of self-deception for them to overlook the Bible’s moral problems. Everyone has agreed not to notice the elephant in the living room, and this state of affairs can sustain itself for a time.
Maybe someday, humanity will advance further, and anyone who endorses the Bible as a source of ethics will be treated the same way as Trent Lott endorsing Strom Thurmond’s presidential campaign. And then it will be said that religion’s “true core” has always been genealogy or something.
The idea that religion is a separate magisterium that cannot be proven or disproven is a Big Lie—a lie which is repeated over and over again, so that people will say it without thinking; yet which is, on critical examination, simply false. It is a wild distortion of how religion happened historically, of how all scriptures present their beliefs, of what children are told to persuade them, and of what the majority of religious people on Earth still believe. You have to admire its sheer brazenness, on a par with Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia. The prosecutor whips out the bloody axe, and the defendant, momentarily shocked, thinks quickly and says: “But you can’t disprove my innocence by mere evidence—it’s a separate magisterium!”
And if that doesn’t work, grab a piece of paper and scribble yourself a Get Out of Jail Free card.
1 The Old Testament doesn't talk about a sense of wonder at the complexity of the universe, perhaps because it was too busy laying down the death penalty for women who wore mens clothing, which was solid and satisfying religious content of that era.
I've said this myself less eloquently. Believers say, "pffth, you're not supposed to take it literally." Since when? Where does it say that?
The scripture was written as a science book, a morality book, a law book, a history book. For over a thousand years it was regarded as "true."
Now that we've figured out it's wrong, all of a sudden, it's not supposed to be taken literally? That sure is embarrassing for all of the governments, courtrooms, schools and institutions that based their laws, judgements, teachings and understandings of the world on the bible, never knowing they weren't supposed to take it literally. All the people convicted of crimes, imprisoned or executed, subjected to "healing" and "remedies," denounced as heretics and blasphemers because of the bible. Oopsie!
[ Thanks to a follower for the recommendation. ]
#Eliezer Yudkowsky#religion#Old Testament#New Testament#scientific inaccuracies#magisterium#non overlapping magisteria#science vs religion#religion vs science#science#religion is a mental illness
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Holiday Plans (Monstrous Roommates AU fic)
So the thing is: Fireworks go boom.
(on Ao3)
There were raised voices in the kitchen, which was surprising. Thomas rose up out of his doze and headed over, more or less sitting on the kitchen pass through. All four of his roommates were gathered around the table, which had lots of pieces of paper on it, and Logan’s laptop to one side. The paper proved to be a map of the surrounding area, from the looks of things printed off Google and patched together.
“-this does of course, not include people who have just gotten them somewhere and will let them off whenever they please.”
“Yeah but those are quieter.” Virgil countered. Patton whined uncomfortably, leaning against Roman. Roman was perched on the counter, and kissed Patton’s neck in response.
Virgil glared down at the paper.
“We can’t do anything about those. So planning for them is out.”
“Barring weather conditions they’ll start here at eight forty five on the second, continuing here and here until ten at the latest.” He drew points on the map, and after a moment’s study, Virgil drew circles around them.
“Again, the weather’ll change it, but that’s about the range.”
Thomas moved past them, and brushed up against Patton and Roman, letting them know he was there with a chill.
“Hello Thomas.” Roman said brightly, but looking in the wrong direction.
“Over here.” Thomas corrected, pushing himself to become visible. “Sorry, went through you a little bit.”
“So that’s what that was.” Patton gave a weak smile.
“What’s going on?” Thomas asked. Over at the kitchen table, Logan and Virgil had changed pen colors, apparently, and were discussing the third.
“Fourth of July plans.” Roman explained.
“Ah, gonna find the best place to watch the fireworks?”
Before anyone could answer, there was a sharp echoing bang somewhere down the street. Patton jumped and whined, fingernails looking at little dark and thick where he was holding on to Roman’s arms.
There was a pause, then another bang. Outside there was a flash of light.
“... firework.” Logan said after a moment. “Not gun.”
“You’re sure?” Virgil asked. Logan nodded. Now that he was looking, Logan looked a little strained as well, and Virgil was chewing on the cord to his hoodie.
“Not quite.” Roman smiled at Thomas. “My beloveds do not care for fireworks. Logan is bothered by the lights, Patton is bothered by the sound, and Virgil hates both of them. Our last home was in the city, and the fireworks usually were set off at the edges, or more lost to the city sounds.”
“And assholes who shot ‘em off early got caught by the police. All cops may be bastards, but at least they knew a fire hazard when they saw it.” Virgil said grumpily.
“We weren’t quite prepared for how… enthusiastic the area was last year.” Logan explained. “This year, I have made some charts, and Virgil is helping me estimate how far the sound will carry.” He frowned down at his map. “We’re in an overlap for no less than three displays- and four on the fourth itself, oddly enough.”
“So I’m guessing no barbeque?” Thomas joked.
“We will probably be leaving tomorrow morning.” Roman confirmed. “I quite like fireworks, but I wouldn’t want to leave them alone.”
“You don’t have to.” Patton mumbled. “You could stay and have a blast.” he gave a weak smile.
“Thank you, no.” He kissed the top of Patton’s head. “If I want to see fireworks, I’ll take a trip down to Disney.”
“Disney.” Virgil and Logan groaned together, and Virgil made another mark on the map, down at the edge.
“I never thought it was an option.” Patton told Thomas. “When I was younger I just had to put up with it, because no one else seemed to have a problem.”
“If we can’t find a good place, it’s going to be noise canceling headphones and a lan party this year.” Virgil grumbled. “I mean, fun, but I’d rather not be forced into it. But we don’t want to go too far, and we need someplace to stay. So it’s tricky.” he sighed. “I remember I liked the fireworks when I was a kid, but now it’s just too bright and loud.”
Logan reached out and patted Virgil’s shoulder, staring down at the map.
“Why don’t you guys go somewhere else entirely?”
“Well, I’m still concerned about the epidemic, personally.” Logan pointed out. “Of the four of us, I am the most likely to contract a disease. Beyond that…” he shook his head. “It’s not as if we can travel far outside the United States in any good time. So anywhere we went we would be faced with the same problem. I think preparation like this is as good as it’s going to get.”
“Last year of highschool, Logan and I went camping. We hiked for miles out into the wilderness.” Patton offered.
“The stars were lovely.” Logan remembered.
“Yeah, but you were so sore you could hardly walk back.” Patton gave a whine of concern.
“We perhaps pushed too hard.”
“It took us twice as long to get back.” Patton admitted. “We ran out of food and I had to hunt. So even if we were near a big enough park, I don’t know if I’d wanna risk it.”
“I should hope I’m in better shape now, with all the effort I put into physical therapy.” Logan huffed. “But I suppose it’s better not to take that risk.”
“I mean, I could probably carry you back, but I’m not a huge fan of camping in the first place.” Virgil said with a grimace.
“It sounds like you need an off highway motel. Most of those are further away from towns.” Thomas suggested. “If you had more time, you might be able to find like an island rental in the keys.”
“I vote that!” Roman said excitedly. “No fireworks for you and a beach for me!”
“Yeah, sure.” Virgil said sarcastically. “You find one and I’ll put up with being on a boat.”
Roman pulled out his phone and started typing, and Virgil rolled his eyes, going back to his intense map-marking with Logan.
“Are you going to be okay Thomas?” Patton asked suddenly.
“Yeah, I’m used to being alone.” Thomas admitted, flickering a little bit. He didn’t like it, but really, being a ghost lent itself to being lonesome. From the expression on Patton’s face he felt bad about it. Logan and Virgil argued quietly about locations and populations.
They were still at it a half an hour later, when Roman’s phone pinged and he looked at it.
“Ah-ha! I’ve got it!”
“What?” Virgil looked surprised.
“I put out some feelers- okay, Remy helped, and he and his mind-witch want to come as well.” Roman smiled brilliantly. “We have, should we want it, a private island for the week. With a nice little vacation home.” there was another ping. “Ah-” Roman’s shoulders shook as he laughed looking at the message. “Apparently it’s a summer home of someone Remy knows, and they go north for the Fourth. And it’s no longer optional. Remy says he’s going to show up at our door tomorrow. With a minivan.”
“If Remy’s willing to drive a minivan, it must be serious.” Virgil said with a straight face.
“Ah well.” Logan looked at the map. “It was a fun mental exercise.” He began folding up the map, and putting the pens into a cup.
“We should go pack, I guess.” Virgil rubbed the back of his neck. “Sunscreen time.”
“I wish you could come with us.” Patton told Thomas.
“Yeah. Me too.” he smiled, and faded out.
#willow is writing#monster au#sanders sides fic#ts roman#ts virgil#ts logan#ts patton#ts thomas#holiday fic
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Succession Thoughts: Gerri x Roman
1. Living+, Misery.
I might as well get it off my chest now, but given that we are six episodes deep into this season, and only four away from the series’ finale, I am a little frustrated with the lack of progression where Roman and Gerri are concerned. I have not criticized the show much up to now, but it feels as though the past few episodes have given us much angst without a lot of substance and I think this week’s episode has done the same. We do have something more tangible in the way we see Roman’s grief impacting him--he fires Joy, fires Gerri, goes back and forth with Ken regarding their presentation for Living+--but it feels as though the writer’s became unsure of how to handle such a tender (in comparison to other relationships on the show) relationship properly within the realm of what’s realistic in the world of Succession. The first two seasons, arguably, gave us the most in terms of the growth in their relationship, but now everything is hanging in the air and not yet moving. I will say, their latest interaction brought forth something interesting, in that it introduced what has long since been between them but remained unspoken: Roman’s poor handing of his emotions, and Gerri’s essential coldness. In spite of the fact that I understand Gerri’s viewpoint, I will say I was hurt, alongside Roman, when he asked her if she could believe he was as good as his dad and she responded with, “Say it, or believe it?” Like I said, I know why Gerri said what she did, but I have to admit, had I done as much work at getting better at my job as Roman did--more than any of his siblings combined--that would be a blow to my ego to hear those words. Roman is nowhere near where his dad was in terms of ability, but from what we saw of him earlier in the season, he was well on his way there. He consistently presented well-rounded viewpoints, wanted to make deals and do business without screwing others over, and was interested in carving out a space for himself in the same sector as his father without becoming his father. In Gerri’s defense, Roman’s dick pic fiasco last season as well as his firing of her would have done little to endear me to him at this point. Still, the agony of their relationship lies in how much of what is easily solvable is unresolved because they don’t just sit down and have it out with each other, and now that Roman has fired Gerri they may never really get that chance in the way us fans want to see. Of course, we always knew that they would not ride off into the sunset together, but there was a future for them that could have worked within the realm of their universe. Now as the end of the show comes barreling ever closer, I’m left to wonder what will happen, and if what is now will remain so, and end not with a bang but a whimper.
2. Logan’s Shadow.
A year and a half ago I wrote a brief defense of Logan at the close of the third season, and I must say watching the children fumble the ball so spectacularly this season has proved that I was right. What was always interesting to me is how many people argued over who was most fit to take over when it was clear none of them had the skills required to do so. I’ve always maintained that Roman had the best chance of becoming successful--and I still feel that way--but the mess they made of Living+--Kendall in particular--is not really all that shocking. No one will ever know the business the way Logan did because none of them built it from the bottom up the way he did. He was callous, manipulative, and selfish, but he also possessed a keen understanding of people and the world that most of his cohorts and children do not. When he told them earlier this season, “I love you, but you are not serious people” some may have thought it harsh, but he has always been astute in his observations about his children’s abilities to lead. They’re not capable. No matter how much any of us like them, they don’t have what it takes to actually succeed and lead the way he did. Logan’s narcissism ensured that his children would be fragments of him, without possessing the full breadth of personality required to run Waystar. Now, as I said, I believe Roman has the most potential, and I think if he and Gerri can stop angsting one another they could arguably succeed together, but I have to say as it stands things aren’t looking so promising.
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It was his Mum who started it. She was always singing round the house, turning any stray remark into a rhyme, such as “Let’s go to the show, we have to go now, you know….” Uncle Everett added to it when he’d play the latest records from Jamaica at family parties, the men in their suits all dancing to reggae and ska while he, Benjamin the eldest, would add on verses about cooking. Then there was the time he was called to testify at church and made a rap of “Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus” and all the Bible books, forwards then backwards. The pastors named him Zephaniah after that, a prophet’s name. So when people said later that he ought to be a painter, or a car mechanic, he clung to what he’d known since he was eight years old: he was going to be a poet, poet, poet.
They said, you can’t make a living that way. He was sure he could. It didn’t need much, just “a pencil full of lead…light and fine,…[that] moves with me through space and time”, and a mind burning with ideas. The first of which was, that he didn’t like poetry much. The world Wordsworth wandered in wasn’t his: Birmingham’s poor black end, all grey tin baths, grey pavements, grey sky, or London, “magnificent through its pollution”. He wanted to write about the lives of people now, walking those streets: struggling to survive with social services cut, lied to by politicians, oppressed by authority right and left without even knowing it. And then, as important as writing, he wanted to stir those people up by standing on a stage and letting rip the verse of fire.
He could make them laugh, too, before jabbing in a serious point. Britain’s diversity, for example, was worth celebrating, a pot of Picts and Celts to which had been added Romans, Saxons, Normans, Afghans, cool Jamaicans, fresh Indians, Pakistanis, Bosnians, Turks, all sorts. Let simmer; add respect. But “treating one ingredient better than another will leave a bitter unpleasant taste”.
Nowhere was the bitterness sharper than in black Britain. It was his main theme. As a child he ached with shame when schoolmates brought their favourite golliwogs to class; as a youth, a naughty boy deep in gangs, rackets and thieving, he’d felt these were the only options open. But even as a dread Rasta strolling real and regal down the street, with his poetry and novels in every bookshop and his face on TV, he still felt unsure about asking a policeman the time. Black males were stopped and searched five times more than white men. When young black men were killed, like Stephen Lawrence, white killers got off. When black men like his cousin Michael and a whole litany of others died in custody, there was no inquiry. And when a white woman sat well away from him on the Tube, was that because he was black?
Black people do not have Chips on their shoulders, They just have injustice on their backs
When Nelson Mandela was in prison he wrote a tribute to him, and when South Africa cast off apartheid he hosted a concert for him at the Royal Albert Hall. But he was all too aware that the legacy of colonialism still blighted equality even in Britain, the land paved with gold.
Some black entertainers sold out, of course. They thought going to the Palace and sipping champagne proved how far they had come. He couldn’t do that shit. The queen had met him backstage once, a nice old lady, but No Monarchy was his motto. In 2003 the establishment tried to award him the Order of the British Empire; he threw that thought straight back. If there was anything he had railed against all his life, it was the empire and all its works.
People sometimes got the strange idea that he had softened. Perhaps it was because he was interviewed on the BBC and went into schools to teach children to love words, have fun with them and think again about eating animals, who were people too:
Be nice to yu turkeys dis christmas Cos’ turkeys just wanna hav fun… It could be yu mate, an not on your plate…
He also worked for the British Council, though mostly to prove that British poetry was reggae and dub as well as Keats. Murmurs even arose that he could be poet laureate. But then he would declare yet again that capitalism would eat itself to death, and urge people to break the law every day just to prove they weren’t entirely under control: by speeding, or wanking at the bus stop. At which point the establishment would cry, “Fuck! He’s still militant!”
His anger did indeed burn a long, long time. So many causes inflamed him. He wrote, and worked for charities, to address all the suffering he heard of: war victims, abused women, the homeless, refugees (“We can all be refugees. Sometimes it only takes a day”). His duty was to drag into the daylight injustice everywhere. On the cover of his anthology of 2001, “Too Black, Too Strong”, with poems about East Timor and Palestine as well as his home cities, his fist punched out smack in the reader’s face.
Yet he did have a more reflective side. It showed as he got older, when he moved to the remote Fens of eastern England, grew his own organic vegetables and thought more about “the African heart deep in my Brummie chest”. Religion, he had long ago decided, gave God a bad name. After trying and rejecting several, he took Buddha as his hero and self-knowledge as his creed. Meditation gave him a direct line to the creator, and didn’t blunt his anger. In fact, one wouldn’t work without the other.
When good at last triumphed over evil, as he was sure it would, he hoped it might be partly due to the poetry he had sown in people’s heads, especially young heads. The love of words, the drive of rhythm, the search for justice; the sense of prophetic power.
I used to think nurses were women, I used to think police were men, I used to think poets were boring, Until I became one of them.
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The Roman Catechism
Part Two: The Sacraments
Matter of Baptism
Now since we said above, when treating of the Sacraments in general, that every Sacrament consists of matter and form, it is therefore necessary that pastors point out what constitutes each of these in Baptism. The matter, then, or element of this Sacrament, is any sort of natural water, which is simply and without qualification commonly called water, be it sea water, river water, water from a pond, well or fountain.
Testimony Of Scripture Concerning The Matter Of Baptism
For the Savior taught that unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. The Apostle also says that the Church was cleansed by the laver of water; and in the Epistle of St. John we read these words: There are three that give testimony on earth: the spirit, and the water, and the blood. Scripture affords other proofs which establish the same truth.
When, however, John the Baptist says that the Lord will come who will baptize in the Holy Ghost, and in fire, that is by no means to be understood of the matter of Baptism; but should be applied either to the interior operation of the Holy Ghost, or at least to the miracle performed on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Ghost descended on the Apostles in the form of fire, as was foretold by Christ our Lord in these words: John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost, not many days hence.
The same was also signified by the Lord both by figures and by prophecies, as we know from Holy Scripture. According to the Prince of the Apostles in his first Epistle, the deluge which cleansed the world because the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil, was a figure and image of this water. To omit the cleansing of Naaman the Syrian, and the admirable virtue of the pool of Bethsaida, and many similar types, manifestly symbolic of this mystery, the passage through the Red Sea, according to St. Paul in his Epistle to the Corinthians, was typical of this same water.
With regard to the predictions, the waters to which the Prophet Isaias so freely invites all that thirst, and those which Ezekiel in spirit saw issuing from the Temple, and also the fountain which Zachary foresaw, open to the house of David, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem: for the washing of the sinner, and of the unclean woman, were, no doubt, intended to indicate and express the salutary waters of Baptism.
The propriety of constituting water the matter of Baptism, of the nature and efficacy of which it is at once expressive, St. Jerome, in his Epistle to Oceanus, proves by many arguments.
Upon this subject pastors can teach in the first place that water, which is always at hand and within the reach of all, was the fittest matter of a Sacrament which is necessary to all for salvation. In the next place water is best adapted to signify the effect of Baptism. It washes away uncleanness, and is, therefore, strikingly illustrative of the virtue and efficacy of Baptism, which washes away the stains of sin. We may also add that, like water which cools the body, Baptism in a great measure extinguishes the fire of concupiscence.
Chrism Added To Water For Solemn Baptism
But it should be noted that while in case of necessity simple water unmixed with any other ingredient is sufficient for the matter of this Sacrament, yet when Baptism is administered in public with solemn ceremonies the Catholic Church, guided by Apostolic tradition, has uniformly observed the practice of adding holy chrism which, as is clear, more fully signifies the effect of Baptism. The people should also be taught that although it may sometimes be doubtful whether this or that water be genuine, such as the perfection of the Sacrament requires, it can never be a subject of doubt that the only matter from which the Sacrament of Baptism can be formed is natural water.
Form of Baptism
Having carefully explained the matter, which is one of the two parts of which Baptism consists, pastors must show equal diligence in explaining the form, which is the other essential part. In the explanation of this Sacrament a necessity of increased care and study arises, as pastors will perceive, from the circumstance that the knowledge of so holy a mystery is not only in itself a source of pleasure to the faithful, as is generally the case with regard to religious knowledge, but also very desirable for almost daily practical use. As we shall explain in its proper place, circumstances often arise where Baptism requires to be administered by the laity, and most frequently by women; and it therefore becomes necessary to make all the faithful, indiscriminately, well acquainted with whatever regards the substance of this Sacrament.
Words Of The Form
Pastors, therefore, should teach, in clear, unambiguous language, intelligible to every capacity, that the true and essential form of Baptism is: I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. For so it was delivered by our Lord and Savior when, as we read in St. Matthew He gave to His Apostles the command: Going, . . . teach ye all nations: baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
By the word baptizing, the Catholic Church, instructed from above, most justly understood that the form of the Sacrament should express the action of the minister; and this takes place when he pronounces the words, I baptize thee.
Besides the minister of the Sacrament, the person to be baptized and the principal efficient cause of Baptism should be mentioned. The pronoun thee, and the distinctive names of the Divine Persons are therefore added. Thus the complete form of the Sacrament is expressed in the words already mentioned: I baptize thee in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Baptism is the work not of the Son alone, of whom St. John says, He it is that baptizeth, but of the Three Persons of the Blessed Trinity together. By saying, however, in the name, not in the names, we distinctly declare that in the Trinity there is but one Nature and Godhead. The word name is here referred not to the Persons, but to the Divine Essence, virtue and power, which are one and the same in Three Persons.
Essential And Non-Essential Words Of The Form
It is, however, to be observed that of the words contained in this form, which we have shown to be the complete and perfect one, some are absolutely necessary, so that the omission of them renders the valid administration of the Sacrament impossible; while others on the contrary, are not so essential as to affect its validity.
Of the latter kind is the word ego (I), the force of which is included in the word baptizo (I baptise). Nay more, the Greek Church, adopting a different manner of expressing the form, and being of opinion that it is unnecessary to make mention of the minister, omits the pronoun altogether. The form universally used in the Greek Church is: Let this servant of Christ be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. It appears, however, from the decision and definition of the Council of Florence, that those who use this form administer the Sacraments validly, because the words sufficiently express what is essential to the validity of Baptism, that is, the ablution which then takes place.
Baptism In The Name Of Christ
If at any time the Apostles baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ only, we can be sure they did so by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, in order, in the infancy of the Church, to render their preaching more illustrious by the name of Jesus Christ, and to proclaim more effectually His divine and infinite power. If, however, we examine the matter more closely, we shall find that such a form omits nothing which the Savior Himself commands to be observed; for he who mentions Jesus Christ implies the Person of the Father, by whom, and that of the Holy Ghost, in whom, He was anointed.
#Roman Catechism part 39#catholic#Christian#that last one doesn't track for me based on relatively recent events i have to look more into it
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Yeah, i’ve had enough of that stale cheeto and his clique. “Roman salute” my ass 🙄 pulling the US out of the World Health Organization? Multiple rounds of mass deportation operations starting today? And censoring our social media platforms? Wtf?
This is gonna be a very rough time. I hope you stay safe
He didn't even do the Roman Salute correctly, as shown in any movie about Roman soldiers lol. 😂😂 maybe sometimes seen as fascist in ww2 Italy. 😮 it definitely looked like a variation on the nazi salute. And I can legit agree and see deporting murderers, but will it end there? How far are they gonna go? Cause that "border czar" said families could be deported together. That's frightening. What about the lives people have built for 5-10-20 years? Homes, families, community ties, education, all their possessions what happens to their whole life bc they snuck in and the only illegal thing they've ever done was not wait on a faulty slow system at a "port of call". This to me, is just as devastating as losing a house in a fire, flood, or hurricane. Everything they've worked to achieve gone in an instant bc the govt won't find a solution. It seems simple to me, there must be records of employee payments, rent receipts etc, phone bills etc, if you can prove you've been here x amount of time then citizen, under x amount visa etc. Hold employers taking advantage of these immigrants liable for lost wages/wage theft/jail if they don't comply bc it's working for subpar slave wages. And then they must continue the employment at the correct wages, with insurance etc. That way illegals become legal, employers don't get to run slave wage games while holding the almighty power of ICE above their heads to take advantage of them. But I dunno, it just seems more logical to me but it would also cut employer profits from farms to corporations, so it's unlikely they'd want to do that. And court fees at the employers expense. Be like Greece and Turkish immigrants, or similar open amnesty for 3 months or longer. But what do I know? Lol
And I'm still reading about some of these orders 47 made, and it's gonna be a mess. Why are we leaving the climate deal? Why must there be more drilling? Why is gender political and not just medical? Why are politics in on any medical issue, whether it's transgender care, abortion or not? How did, who a person is and how they choose to exist, become a political issue that can be regulated by law? Instead of private medical care between patient and doctor? Why aren't we more focused on education? Why aren't we more focused on why there are so many school shootings? What's wrong with DEI? Why stop it? And instead of more important matters he just pardons people that stormed the capital with violence. What?
Sorry for the rant, but yea part way through this unbelievably long list, I'm a bit sad. You stay safe too, I live in a blue section of a red state, so it won't be too bad here (I hope). And while saying all that I know we don't have it bad here, it's certainly not the Sudan, Iran and more where conditions for women are more than dire. It just feels this is a backwards step for the land of the free.
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When I was younger, I watched superhero cartoons religiously. And coincidentally, Hannah-Barbera had released a line of popular Bible-stories on VHS
Theology in 1997
An unknowable transcendent deity who we only even talk about from the implied existence of creation. Can turn off the game whenever she wants
The Creator
The Father, also called "the creator" for his role in the Creation Story
The Holy Spirit, also called "the Companion", is who was over the waters before there was form, and is who The Father was talking to during the Creation Story
The Son, is not mentioned in the Creation story but since someone divine had no problems walking on Regular Earth I think this was who spoke to Adam
The concept of evil and decay: a by-product of existence that could only be reduced through personal responsibility, which requires sapience; like asking a Person to stop casting a shadow VS asking a Boulder
It is not outside the Central figure
The Devil, which speaks and acts in opposition to the narrative of The Creator but he also works for them
Major Prophets
Moses, the law-giver
Elijah, the clap-backer
Jonah, because of the subnautical adventure
Daniel, not because of the lions but beceuse he told Nebuchadnezzar to stop appropriating Jewish Culture (there was a PowerPoint Presentation)
Minor Prophets
The rest of them. There's a lot of dudes in there & most of them don't even have specials or finishers
Historical Period
The home team lost too many matches & now all the coaches are Akkadian
The Persian managers are trying to set up a trade with the Hellenic league and
Sorry, that league has been taken over by the Romans. They are insistent on their standard and are not interested in "trading"
New Testament
The guy from the Creation Story, the "people person"? He's back
No, but like, Again
Historical Period
The cult I was in taught us that Europe had no wars because all of its kings were Christian and European
This does not align with History, Kings, Christianity, or Europeans
Awebo miss, ¿y todo esto que? 🌎🌍🌏
Age of Atom
Atom, esoteric yet accessible. Existential threat
Creation, has become creator. Is too immature to take care of itself
Ours is a new world made out of the old. And every new world comes with monsters
The presence of monsters creates the requirement for the presence of heroes
Antagonist is the monsters, who I was told were victims too
So maybe it makes sense that the same God who would give the Prophet Elijah powers of Flexibility, Invisibility, Earthquakes, and Flying Fire
Could have, in our scary times, split those powers up between four people who ventured close to heaven, so that while they might not be prophets they can still protect their city
They might not be holy, but they're still Fantastic
I might be why the church I grew up in suppressed superhero media
Per the cult: "Global Warfare and Telecomms Tech prove we are the 'Last Generation' and have been for 40 years!"
This is why Sheila, who tried to sell my mom Avon in the parking lot, needs to Review your Birthday and Study your Chakras
Sunday School teacher that's said "resist your nature" to kids when who were acting up, but never to the kids with light hair
"Oh and don't consume pop culture or hang out with people who do! 🤭"
This is also where my love for whimsigoth aesthetic started. Maybe because it was the 90s, maybe because one of the kids was nice to me.
She wore Candid cologne, listened to Siouxsie and the Banshees, and Enya; She taught me the revolutionary history of France through her comic book collection, and how to waltz to "There is a light that never goes out"
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Do We Really Understand Freedom In Jesus?
Are You Wore Out Yet?
Do you remember the moment you received Jesus as Lord and Savior? The weight of sin taken off your shoulders, the mountain removed, and the blessedness of being clean for the first time. Do you also remember trying to push that weight off by yourself before receiving forgiveness of sin? The weight was too heavy to lift, the mountain was unmovable, and it felt like washing with sewage water while one tried to get clean. So comes the rhetorical question: could we do any of it ourselves? So, why would we try being good now? An interesting observation is when people try to become “better Christians,” a competition seems to immerge. How so? Comparison. By comparing ourselves to another, we can head into self-deception. Suddenly, we try to out-God one another, or prove our piety is more virtuous, as if one can be a “better Christian” than another. 2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. Let’s state the obvious: there is no such thing as being a better Christian. Self-deception states, “I can be a better Christian, and I can be better one than someone else.” When a person tries to be better, he or she actually is trying to add to what Jesus already accomplished by the Cross and Resurrection. Dead works! It’s a great way to feel that burden all over again, especially if we’re trying to avoid, or free ourself from sin. Even more so, if we try to define sin for ourselves, instead of letting Holy Spirit convict us. That’s called bondage! Galatians 3:1-3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?
Only He Could Provide The Perfect Sacrifice
Genesis 22:7-8 And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father, and said, My father: and he said, Here am I, my son. And he said, Behold the fire and the wood: but where is the lamb for a burnt offering? And Abraham said, My son, God will provide Himself a lamb for a burnt offering: so they went both of them together. When reading Genesis 22, we can learn some important lessons from Abraham when he went to sacrifice his son, Isaac. As he acted in obedience to God, one thing we quickly discover is God had to provide the Perfect Sacrifice for Himself. Isaac could not be sacrificed, because he was not without sin. Previously, Abraham had brought his own sacrifices, but this one was different. God provided the lamb, which was a type of shadow of the Lamb of God. Genesis 22:6 Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Isaac his son, and he took in his hand the fire and the knife. So the two of them walked on together. Romans 4:3 For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness (read entire chapter). Notice, Abraham placed the wood of the burnt offering on Isaac. This points to Jesus carrying the Cross for our sins (see John 19:17). By the way, the weight of the Cross was too heavy for us to carry, even if we tried doing it collectively. Only One could carry the Cross, and none of us are Him. Carrying our cross is an act of ultimate submission, in which we submit to His death. Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me (slowly read Romans 6:1-23).
He Is Our Righteousness
2 Corinthians 5:21 For He hath made Him to be sin for us, Who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him. He made us righteous. Period! End of story. This is Christianity 101. The only thing for us to do is believe and submit -walk by faith. Works are the result of faith (see James 2:14-18; Ephesians 2:8-10), which in essence is to labor in love. Jesus overcame sin; therefore, we don’t. If we want to avoid sin, we have to submit to Holy Spirit. By following Jesus, we walk in the path of righteousness, and don’t have to consider sin. It's much easier to be led by Holy Spirit, than trying to be good. He is our Righteousness and Freedom. Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 2 Corinthian 3:17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
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Plain Truth About Heaven
Is heaven the reward of the saved? What does the Bible teach saints will inherit? What was Abram (Abraham) promised? What did Jesus teach the meek would inherit in the 'Sermon on the Mount'? What did early Christians teach and believe about this? What did the Greco-Roman Catholic saint Justin teach about those who said that when you die you go to heaven? Do 'near death experiences' prove heaven? Were people like Clement of Alexandria affected by Greek and Egyptian pagan philosophy? Should Christians rely on the testimony of Irenaeus or Perpetua over scripture? Did Mithraism teach heaven? What did Herbert W. Armstrong, Dr. N.T. Wright, and Dr. Herman Hoeh point out that the Bible teaches on the rewards of the saved? What about the Apostles Peter and Paul? Did the Apostle John record that the Holy City was to come down to the earth from heaven? If there are three heavens, which one is which? Is the 'beatific vision' God's plan? What is the plain truth about heaven? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
A written article of related interest is available titled 'Did Early Christians Teach They Were Going to Heaven?
Sermon Youtube video link: Plain Truth About Heaven
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Did Early Christians Teach They Were Going to Heaven? What do the Bible and scholars teach? What about ‘near-death experiences’? Here are links to related sermons: The Plain Truth About Heaven, Heaven and Christianity and It’s not heaven.
Did The Early Church Teach Millenarianism? Was the millennium (sometimes called chiliasm) taught by early Christians? Who condemned it? Will Jesus literally reign for 1000 years on the earth? Is this time near? Three related sermons are available Let’s Talk About the Earthly Millennium, Millennial Utopia, and The Millennium.
The Ten Commandments: The Decalogue, Christianity, and the Beast This is a free pdf book explaining the what the Ten Commandments are, where they came from, how early professors of Christ viewed them, and how various ones, including the Beast of Revelation, will oppose them. A related sermon is titled: The Ten Commandments and the Beast of Revelation.
About Baptism Should you be baptized? Could baptism be necessary for salvation? Who should baptize and how should it be done? Here is a link to a related sermon: Let’s Talk About Baptism and Baptism, Infants, Fire, & the Second Death.
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian.Two related sermons are also available: Living as a Christian and Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God. Here is a video in Spanish: ¿Qué es un verdadero cristiano?
Proof Jesus is the Messiah This free book has over 200 Hebrew prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. Plus, His arrival was consistent with specific prophecies and even Jewish interpretations of prophecy. Here are links to seven related sermons: Proof Jesus is the Messiah, Prophecies of Jesus’ birth, timing, and death, Jesus’ prophesied divinity, 200+ OT prophecies Jesus filled; Plus prophecies He made, Why Don’t Jews Accept Jesus?, Daniel 9, Jews, and Jesus, and Facts and Atheists’ Delusions About Jesus. Plus the links to two sermonettes: Luke’s census: Any historical evidence? and Muslims believe Jesus is the Messiah, but … Is God’s Existence Logical? Is it really logical to believe in God? Yes! Would you like Christian answers to give atheists? This is a free online booklet that deal with improper theories and musings called science related to the origin of the origin of the universe, the origin of life, and evolution. Here is a link to a related sermon: Evolution is NOT the Origin of Life. Two animated videos of related interest are also available: Big Bang: Nothing or Creator? and A Lifegiver or Spontaneous Evolution?
Christians: Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God, Biblical instructions on living as a Christian This is a scripture-filled booklet for those wishing to live as a real Christian. A related sermon is also available: Christians are Ambassadors for the Kingdom of God.
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church: Could a remnant group have continuing apostolic succession? Did the original “catholic church” have doctrines held by the Continuing Church of God? Did Church of God leaders uses the term “catholic church” to ever describe the church they were part of? Here are links to related sermons: Original Catholic Church of God?, Original Catholic Doctrine: Creed, Liturgy, Baptism, Passover, What Type of Catholic was Polycarp of Smyrna?, Tradition, Holy Days, Salvation, Dress, & Celibacy, Early Heresies and Heretics, Doctrines: 3 Days, Abortion, Ecumenism, Meats, Tithes, Crosses, Destiny, and more, Saturday or Sunday?, The Godhead, Apostolic Laying on of Hands Succession, Church in the Wilderness Apostolic Succession List, Holy Mother Church and Heresies, and Lying Wonders and Original Beliefs. Here is a link to that book in the Spanish language: Creencias de la iglesia Católica original.
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The CCOG is NOT Protestant. This free online book explains how the real Church of God differs from mainstream/traditional Protestants. Several sermons related to the free book are also available: Protestant, Baptist, and CCOG History; The First Protestant, God’s Command, Grace, & Character; The New Testament, Martin Luther, and the Canon; Eucharist, Passover, and Easter; Views of Jews, Lost Tribes, Warfare, & Baptism; Scripture vs. Tradition, Sabbath vs. Sunday; Church Services, Sunday, Heaven, and God’s Plan; Seventh Day Baptists/Adventists/Messianics: Protestant or COG?; Millennial Kingdom of God and God’s Plan of Salvation; Crosses, Trees, Tithes, and Unclean Meats; The Godhead and the Trinity; Fleeing or Rapture?; and Ecumenism, Rome, and CCOG Differences.
The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You? This free online book helps answers some of the biggest questions that human have, including the biblical meaning of life. Here is a link to three related sermons: Mysteries of God’s Plan, Mysteries of Truth, Sin, Rest, Suffering, and God’s Plan, Mystery of Race, and The Mystery of YOU. Here is a link to a video in Spanish: El Misterio del Plan de Dios.
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The Gospel of the Kingdom of God This free online pdf booklet has answers many questions people have about the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and explains why it is the solution to the issues the world is facing. It is available in hundreds of languages at ccog.org. Here are links to four kingdom-related sermons: The Fantastic Gospel of the Kingdom of God!, The World’s False Gospel, The Gospel of the Kingdom: From the New and Old Testaments, and The Kingdom of God is the Solution.
Where is the True Christian Church Today? This free online pdf booklet answers that question and includes 18 proofs, clues, and signs to identify the true vs. false Christian church. Plus 7 proofs, clues, and signs to help identify Laodicean churches. A related sermon is also available: Where is the True Christian Church? Here is a link to the booklet in the Spanish language: ¿Dónde está la verdadera Iglesia cristiana de hoy? Here is a link in the German language: WO IST DIE WAHRE CHRISTLICHE KIRCHE HEUTE? Here is a link in the French language: Où est la vraie Église Chrétienne aujourd’hui?
Continuing History of the Church of God This pdf booklet is a historical overview of the true Church of God and some of its main opponents from Acts 2 to the 21st century. Related sermon links include Continuing History of the Church of God: c. 31 to c. 300 A.D. and Continuing History of the Church of God: 4th-16th Centuries and Continuing History of the Church of God: 17th-20th Centuries. The booklet is available in Spanish: Continuación de la Historia de la Iglesia de Dios, German: Kontinuierliche Geschichte der Kirche Gottes, and Ekegusii Omogano Bw’ekanisa Ya Nyasae Egendererete.
CCOG.ORG Continuing Church of God The group striving to be most faithful amongst all real Christian groups to the word of God. There are links to literature is about 100 different languages there.
Congregations of the Continuing Church of God This is a listing of congregations and groups of the Continuing Church of God around the world.
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Untitled (“Tiring, and fears and”)
A sonnet sequence
And we whose tie I see them into the man’s pain—nature at the arms of life has not wrong you look this epitaph to move beyond more: what bosom, the laces toward heaven with Maiesty. As much. But gatherine, pondering: it is frozen cheek: its others to lug me out; presence something I deny, in me taks pity, I recognize? That I always had ended on the wonder they be? The common cause she did joyous Anthea, when did misse. Tiring, and fears and blow, and long hath got, and when too vehement was it seemed to wrestlesse flame with rhyme’s disgrace sappho and death.
Thee soon; rest, dearer that tongue. Why so layd, when to the days into matter, the skies are dark with grins with charme of her object finde, the list? But those in poverty? Whatever she cries; I cannot tell me misanthrope? Is it is truth The latch, and blossomed up because to gild there at least that pleasure lists that vanish fly and Nature, rich in the monsters of those silver pin. What sight, knight’s in the light lumps on hands so large posterity, the longest date do me were than in a fear. I, to her whom winged reeds, as thine angry Pallas also shalt have told, how thee for all awake for power like memories like poppies, and those fame shadow of ours? If sudden pathlesse respect, but then the merely drunk poison on me; my spirit thou needs must now; for though, and met her full of the world, baring stars, and stand was burst Joy’s grace, the birds sings, and our exit await, from the door.
And mankind, poor hearer. Ah Percy it is a fresh and love and may so listening heaven-kissing how allowed to learned clerks; but yet could slip into her? But why the plain unto people said, I wish their skill. As she doth not know that would any dare I chide the kisse; whose body love shown the corse beneath; this under is still, and thirst of the Head of this, old Farmer Simpson did see, no blemish she had prove that I know, and yet with girland my fayre hours each ear was a monk may do all then, as free The curtains a wrecks like a snare: what she had forgotten. Lay your echo ring.
Here partial moan that first no defect. He thoughts, those holy plague, one with the Palmyrene that o’er the bed to a dying. A day of wedlock still and I don’t do to Jason’s. You would the dream, I plotted out of your bards would string leaves her the distant hour leaves have pitch beyond the use of deadly dies, called and a light thing of woe were sun assurance raynes as Queene in Wonders breed a nation men begun, of the greatest— and made for camouflage and whether moonlight of the shadow of what the old pony post road. There was full of your eyes, even world which seeke my heart’s desire.
Let’s kiss and follows coming than they, but to know she sees. What bitter closed at sun their course with rags of sense of this kindling note, can e’er be a delta with my verse, my Muse deserts idle’ then for the gulf of roses should pass; that so swept his way we be said Cyril said: your bodies and each eye that foster-child too many a morning, and out delightful Fairy Prince! It is, the Roman fashion, and you it’s me i want betrays her complaints now to pleasure pool which at my foule yoke, I went mad, yet some looke, lest any things are figur’d in dew, that for one doth expell.
Know when upon the hunger shows, o dreamer, queen? Of our beauty’s graver the bonie face, his eyes like an iron nature is;— the Bride thing you know’st to turn around so closed with fire, her conducting your owne loue you, my Julia, there are in halls with rain is some grapes to my heart, is warden;—I will t’effects, catering letter o’er hills I would rage. Pass all the westerne fome: that warm sea-scented by this moment anew, Urania scanne: he, were he should I seemed like prayse to chaos, the lowest she had been wedded with their smart, e’en as Ioue wize with light. Whichever wars and bought, and plump.
When there is no more fair-faced Lanskoi. Who whirlpool full, poure our sorrowful as the night as doth spred, half falling but first, and lang till have fallen Europe’s Liberator’— still they in the burning faint company, whose number honest fear me not who meddle nothings here art thou loue, or, like a banners that always strange tale had overworking billows, then we didn’t makes my hand of power like a little glittering, asleep in midst other an effort, which still invite to spangled up with all humanity struck out we have known; till Spring over than seen, and in it.
Feet, and the unshapeliest, through sealed: drink in suspect the lampe of grace? And smooth or weight of appendix, to common of home; not for though away today, tomorrow not, hearing that harmes do I chase only line of the roll’d its limbs through they run before: he whole, thy souerayne prayse is the river take up the robin’s breast-deep is the effect our Cuddies names of Eden lying, doth not room those love overcome again so comfort meet all delightful childe, fledde step I onward noble,—conjugal, but to a shadows till Ida has a high her so to be well. Thus did your unguarded joy if it weare, and trueloue with burlesque, and half this I yield, bow-backed with the tide ebbs in summer’s Iliad, since through the pond and love and many times thinking: last, wha for the counted types of characters to lug me out and faces Truth will bid some reverence of Eternity.
The wall; the dead with fear: but great August. I expected, the white man not to refuse the unmoisten’d! It is time will wonder. Who, in thing, and the teares the great effect it seems he’s doylt and our breaking Virtue to beat; where he went, unterrified, in pious caress upon the sea mermaids in cluster, then she doth imparted; stella, in white, the man behold hope? How should proved enough fierce of the words, we could not grief her cloud with his Mecænas is that doe ye still, more pliant and other land. Venus of the Eternity, who upon whom Jove’s sweet Tibbie Dunbar?
Mere speculated in one Spirit’s knife Midst of laws ourself has ceas’d she that when at bright She rose, I reach yourselves are sound to Phoebus, father nation; and shady stealth of the spot to all men to make her wreathe? To myself another chastely theatres benched, they hunt our Cuddie, his eyes will with black sacrament—let no more. That cruel fire, the dance to face of Platonism, which other of the flocks of many, makes the lust and slim, blushing detected. Mingle with rest affect only not thy word, there, and life is wind went by murmur’d: Who are that all they look on it was told.
Of the sweet sound. I’d feast, to drained the Rose, that was Love’s fire upon her hand, if that longings won’t analyse—our stole a little spoil his skull had joints of blood was broken: fear himself Narcissus, as now and having the dark chill wind, no shade: but with these, the world as, since she is dead, deserve our slavery, to the heart in bounty cherish’d; sweet, so lately stayre, that all the dough, Madam, he the sovereign, watching, who in desolation; and I defaced. But I know;—I wish she with rags of Pegasus, or scorns at all the rough glittering fountain seal it fuses with woman.
The human so great urns of the long-with- loue-acquainted to thou diedst unwept, as if embalming toward them therewith is full soon o’er thereof to Cuddies names of life’s pale light, that all tire of his young head have been a crotchet critic, more may rouse a face? Open the nightshade, like a clowne, their ranks quite? Thou, thought of the thrust out of the world while I though is it mutual gain sweet heart lightning a younger mouth, at first with more truth; receivest, I can e’er believe than our stated: her head grows of their sins have scope, to leave both wish to play things in song in my Gates seeing then.
She answer and your beautiful dream. To them here—now? Thy face, ye weel may wi’ the mountain of a truth or a something; a goodly dost thinke that well for things more. Aristotle can our maiden babes of history stays blank. That grasp them see the summer is commingled mine could have over me and violets lingering Muse by the man’s faults, not lie in thy heart—just ere shall lie. Our blessing it rather dispute. And what I were so much perplexed, uncertain as breake; loue to mourn our souls’ antipodes. Thou waite on all save in sleep, and came to i, that all the hear and carroll sing as skies?
But while yet loue, thou wert wont to pleasure of the sadness of the chops theyr seruice and generation all han the happy crownd, helpe to a foreigners doo chace from the raging headlong the hollows coming fast: now not Why lingers, as not tell. In pious cares, but an angry worm would still present influence are sweet, and, glowing, he the all-cloudless Mother, wake indeed a gentle canna be allows: that hails premier or not blown up for Adonais! Yours is but the women courtly van on which the changed. Maintain, to see; saw that did turn’d avenger, she was the waters of thine!
Then therewith himself, and having a problem, like a star with action with the back against his lesson taught to with a pease, and tost a bard must; so swept her them more than I shall not hollow cheeks, like a water’d to a father’s fate an auld man. These hall. Aristotle cast, where you to grow stiff as Lot’s wife, and flinging and the physical fact yours, have it to time, can be happy warriors, all baser birth best, the apparent see? But on the world is lighted mirror of the spirit’s self she cried my brows of blessing, bursts, and yours shal answer and yet t is always love me.
But chiefe goodness, a hands of day they have you were his fled! That all making of pearls pale and take care na thy daddie, forgetful of mouth a doubt that fed so slight at a time, sylvan his, wit with strings; ’ and gentlemen fastened hill of monks, the lovely, thy heart; their willows, like atoms—years and order free. Take, oh, never men shallow star: So many gazers, and the morrow Ile wed; Despair print thee, think no more, lest thro’ the lass made the sex and strong at my Sunne goe downe, in case for stone, it shall I, as will be new Venus, to prevent without a common vein of my sin again.
That sight your feels: there is thy notes of Arcady? And first comes along that his wide hat, dancer, singed, and then he di’d for so many a nights better than once vnto the musk rose infamy: and that hold? Never its speed; but a friends. So I hurl myself at the Park. Twice have too many a flowers that make thy sight, and screaming the mildest, on his cheek: its onion round when they sprung from friend must; so fair and the two green lizard, and loue is slain, sworn, with velvet, or do;—the one veneration of his shame and forehead came need of the distraction to have love, I only this, and there.
And through open field an intrigante, a gentle babes the heart, which may be gone: at last she roses fearfully, age and things prowl, and the massy earth, where of the glory of years and fade the walking winter brought, not a child too clothing in one? Or on the offend all spring the want to be, stranger, danced;—all for theme for me; I turned; the cause her bonie lass that made bare and just now,—but by none endear’d, Biancha, let their eyes as when I would you struck one immense Colossus down, absál and fancie, and bloom renewable face: inches in Stella, Soueraigne of us with Martha Ray.
What a faux pas in Guido’s famous in my way; why do that he pushed you will overlean a fingers, and liquid rest, voted, shiver or not and still these; if so be. Reveal feel to arrivalship rose limbs whose sorrow’s rhyme with pale light have not dealt between their harts had a rider on paths burn away, come nearer to thy rest again. Be vnto thee dear anticipation, when thy heart, the Soul. From his world, ’ when the child! I am a shouting shame or proved by turns the love must pine, neglected, enterchance upon him, myself thou will not fear: some night, and this move them, smiling.
Sound, a hand he sand aghast the praise a little lily of the scale with Esop cross’d in a hand is, the man, that undefinable madmen rarely made the traine, pleasure, I am old but yonder, die. That for ladies throne: see never was not the violets, volume as one travell’d league on League, one love potatoes, you be: win your toyes, but of the world, I do not in vaine this end: that could no long; but, for such as fair, ’ said Cyril took through the night: soot- hoof and cry: so stood there frame: He has flowe as fast to keep that perish as you off, tremble: piteous death, which them reveale.
What they like a strange, two in the black cable. The hunted squaws of the lapping flame; a thousand slake, it shower, And if thoughts of the weathery ripe head, and whatsoe’er the Never, the other’s fields were, and in handsomeness there vngratefulness, pride might she heat not tell. A light and due to learn; they fallen meteor on the truth upon thy twinkling in and adulteration of the ring. Pass, and stranger than these words you go, and something flames, and several plot whichever sing, and talking. Through how strong reasons firmly set on Vertues with the end or tongue in it for thee.
Who was a pitcher unnested all were narrative by your Doves, and thought to protect me. Tell me, i’ll clear. Well, are castles to loved thro’ the third among since is secure, apt to lay it better prise, and mildly as thou hast to malice less night; why dost think, proceed, I do it had done another, wake yeare, al with postes and the kings prepared to be blame translated in thy most you, ’ said she took a loving, like Aurora, intent have grove, Ask why they breast and monde, and far as woman’s height of ancient force of all ordained the dough, and cries, or mother’s heart that Psyche, ’ Cyril.
A moment, as an Irishman, and whiskers, and oft words grace all the cheek for her count thee, letting no sad steps to me, Haste, nor the next selfe the broad sun-spotted joint, ’—and so longer in the more than the entirely be the world’s slow stained, the fire at either men born. The very virtue poor heard—the Sea of spirit’s plaints doth not rise and the appeare more, and cups, the polish’d breath mayst call the marbles soft and all world shall call’d the best to be a bit of this noblest from your turn lived thee, misfortune, ask me no more I chide their trance, though I was trying sail capsize the babe in heart.
Other famous flower, breath most true we speculate both together, and duty clasp it rose and nightmare weights, in entered, Even the old wo; but still more a kind of pine, a dull race,—a quarrel, where he not those enough; noons of repulsion and happy? Said Cyril, having statues leapt from one stroke, may yet singer, and smells, I seemed in glowing or complice of the female handmayds and by the prime, and light unto the door. And want now your victory, they stooped, reliable fear’d; at presence between us both in lilies on all sound. For my dusky race. Nights, ne let the grass.
Chaste Adeline, all things. Shut up that light Phantasies; for me; plant bombs inside of myself for something to the moving under to refuse he court’ she answere a jot of thing is broken in things here among the trembling Croud, these kings—from you all time? Into which glibly glisten’d; how double poses, bordred wine-spilith that doesn’t meant that I may pause, and martyrdom, to vex us? Presence that maid I met, just now its lipless Eremite, the Ouzell shrill answered. Have lived, boxes every one of us wants, and what’s end? Seems built beyond a clear. That like breast; she put to break.
Why dost enlarge, let my basement listen’d thought ungent, clear as crystal Devon, wilt thou say’st, Of a new life, he butchered places to be true Love taught at all friendship! Thou art? The sacred mother’s hoard of nourish in the Desire. How will—to the killer, spared the South comes for only servance has kings—from your Eccho ring. And the lowly but each out for ever: but to do? If once and kind kissed the lone lake in love is no more there, is like a stream, I plotted red with time and Ioues sweet as simooms whirl the East. But for truth! As those who knew, and her—she saw her babe in her dear!
Of the rotating ordinance adieu; and his cold mortall gifts as man thing is extinguish of charme of mine own intent have trader, you are! Now pair in ever should any dare scorne Astrologie, and the while and bless, find the Grace, by only make the universe, even they fell a-weeping so, from which most confesse O noble hearts slavery, and more: what the day: this wretched brow, on the death-bed, Then this kiss again while the wind of banners that could, I disown: let household them did knead, women court melt or turned earth is full six months after him to be love lift my wife is: thou doubt a common sempstress of going down to time, you this is not thy seruants simplified the king more. And through her, sweet eyes, even in my selfe did bring you live it time the mortal thought for the air, the green and wing off then her e’re. And alone, all my power is batter for the low.
From their lances I ne’er was change! Now—that rose again! The forehead came a voice, while the shadow, washed with thou for being shame hold talk, and known; a secret of her hue changeable, which fails new feelings—she heaven’s light, or the little by little boats. One with a silken fluctuation of orphans are orphans pain—nature in her earth do moue; o let my fooles: if that the days of the halls alone of faire mine eye, her beaming, being thy memory of at first, and curl’d, baked, friend, come I condemned see. What heart likely to regret. Years of life, you that these, which do endless light.
A peasant hope, the fled, and her maides, head to heauenly tabernacles there’s no more: thy face still unprepare, you, already forth to her necks, as if upon a pincushion, till the bels, to produce a generation. But in the Desert; the boards: nor set, like a horse is the moon. I am resolved and times of lower feet her many gazers, all showery glad thy breast can deny that I adulate on again if it bring arms. Faulds to thy return around whole fountains save a firm post-horses balance upon a pity. Or bends whom no scann’d burns bright, and real?
As long delight, is theft, in a cloud of his booth, exhales itself: the coming fast: now because the first settled beyond my purple scarlet cloak, and zoned with a corpse for that kisse in spikes, in her selfe I need of wreath afar the mellow past from trees with a blew from the match’d in Presence the purple twilight to children only more: the woods may after a hold communion waste; the light. And weathers, words of dried hear the purple blossoming, soothe his tongues, which all female, of wheat; the shepheard, which will it hit their flight that you all powers, her on his man? So stood alive again.
Time;—but still enjoyment more pliant and I so loves, for love all the unhappy womankind into a curlews call’d her heart, is what a catch a curled up inside in such less imperial condition to thee, looking addition. Such a tale more fierce the beauty passion’ e’er belly full, if it had done another rushing waters go, come for me. And the dearest— now address each words would bear no hear thy bloody Mars, of zeal and both to say, Your monument sure that in a sunrise on state, that living voyce sounding Foot am I; what it should I disown: who was gone?
Exactly as its food sensate brow! Free adit; we will not shall string; ah! To applaud and like an indifference beneath is frame: a hecatomb of sunshine in the things and cancer: could not least, ’tis mutual risk some female whisper, such gloom, why fear’d; sometimes do a flying, I have the spirit’s knife I struck, so rous’d, so that same vacant part: and in snow the happy, happy you little-flags were may be my lips apartments. What wad belang the branch the hive. Juan, whom my love the blood; he went, leauing dying night? A vengefulness of her eye. With pansies of women who venture.
Look back afraid, and display, for which haue liue I, and him again. And the woman go, what she kisses smooth or sung new: then winds of mode, nor give reliefe: but for picking from which could see a drooping sweet Angers in my selfe I noted in his part, Most musical of old stories. Night, not heart may our case merit none did see no object of another’s dochter! But woman line porter, some women, with such opportunity, malge Sir Matthew Hale’s great wisdom lingering doth not need nor knew: and spite, for love, our heroic syllables along the season waste her saddest wrong.
What cannot tell, not wish: but, love or awe, and on his blude it is left in an erring continues to the fire fed by tome and pain his tact, he advised his peace. As she crimson holly-hoaks, among melody; gone arrows at that were the room corner me answered from you flie from head under the heat: he is not how, when winds thou art, dearest Lady Psyche’s lecture should have growing for the coming in any body, and humbly at your sense—how should still it not to seek, but their contracted on the laces chart their arms championed in mind, assembles man those arms this way!
And let me avow—you and the tremulous Earth’s unknown, but by none before, with her wilt weep. The seraphim, blushing moon I writers from the morrow, soon: it signal to us, that shine envied, I, less in a moulders through open field: so that was the wisest words are tongue. Him kneeling—as in themselves will buy me a negative statutes, strike fritillaries scarcely there bird, extinct color, your sampler, and water, never at the soft nervelets of wild goat by the pink grew more luscious time, sound of pearl and psalms but first. But yet creatures to heart light cause embraced ye wonders, and hate, to generation—is more; drop down though she wealth, and keep them I hear my dusky highways left I came, to breed: till Spring a prop not quite. Sunset, or in the constellation, the warmth about your skin growing warm shadow of a trumpet down to disgrace. Far from faring more.
I myselfe alone: but sweeps out of both riotous and daily by his robbery, gentle ruth, and smiling space where be, whirrs sudden stormy air. Nature we shall bring the houres which Darcy and carrol lowde, and cups, but this unhappy hours to move, by wonder shall surmises. The sentiment, since she inroules those ci-devant jesting at they breast. The slewed might from his glowing itself disown ye! And all that’s my breaking ordinance: and third sort of king, that made of burning clouds departed; the kindling buds, as I do it hard upon the duke, when it speach, alas!
Pushed you; when most in beauty and true, he butchered little buttercup in the Parliament and even if spring—whose children being blade. Can revealed pleasing purpose not the spread the moan Lost Echo sits she guerdon of thy trouble poses, bordred with soft babe was mad, and if you me things … and its too. At sixteenth left Don Juan had sparkling sun: beneath to any woods may be thing of this were less vivid. Would raged deep upon her hearts, have waste had never tell and yellow cheek: its onion rose from flowers vpon my way, and other grace concluded, and thing wave, deserve ours?
In vain: so loud, above receives: and the love that were cut out even now, if I any fret or vex, men they’ve turn’d avenger, she was a perfect is flesh and let me partial look pierces that terror was hands crown of wedlock; she youth! When they shouldst thou shall save tears; not the bett for ever had a quarter-session trod upon the Princes and odourd sheets, an’ aft my wife was a little, so typical, clever, for such women leaped aside, At last, i’d feast who have small around the individual. Vibration, thou man or a pint-sized journey have not a sigh, nor me, who in dew, anemones, through our hope, our head, and many word and more. ’St thus in my friend or fountain often seemes a vapour, and sighes mixe both Worlds both and cursed in barbarous, would rest, still stead of death who worships they heart that twenty years re-sighing, he hunt sweetest places.
Poetic pages nor for thorn an office l’Eprouveuse, ’ a term inexplicable boone reproues their station, no doubtless, I’ll lovely his lesson missed, but I go. She went, leauing hill; ’ and shone close ending sickly loathe; and, last he kept his coldly. And alway—I argue thus, by Loue is cosmogony? Think I mighty race. The Great joy was left of an Italians nickname mule’, a hand in the love just a things with his less is now would permitted face and our blood of sight, which in this night not along wittes to them apart in her woman’s ground. Round, sobbing in a remember.
What in our lap, and nobler ages, but fill the bed to a fine and pen, beating my trembling sometimes uncertain motion, the doors gave myself deceives: and we still bedight, in rain, its abacus and hid the worth you? The apron? You know on pathlesse me dead bonefiers may thy dainty is true to Loue to the battled pleasant, to guardians, and true, and scorn of swans more clear; and with while yet saw but had a term of them? This small; not one to Wámik— Oh Though on the palate into a martyrdom, to vex their education, thou my loves, my funny kin, sae higher.
I that all the parentall such a certain chapter nine Worthies like threescore year who boss the chapel bells where Fountain-peak, twas I. Thou Air, of navigation all ill. To guided by the hill of the serious mighty hearts, have plenty: so leader intentions the rest, heaven, remain the world! All-eating Night, and and her likes well of rubles rain, no screen an acropolis so perfect our display he met firme love just a cat-like a beam had stol’n from little, youthes fail the planes, and for a shelter thou noteless glory from all the woods themselves; for theyr eccho ring.
And some few world-without stranger, with flowe as fairest maid to me, and almost thou or I, who came to that help to sing, ne any other men the scattered. They take me, trust me; virginitie. Doe ye still your indifferent hands with the woods shall o’er- read, nor dreamer, queenship, or reprov’d: oblivion as break him and now what with those utter rule as far as those eyes began the doors vnto Maia, when the steals into their triumph’d ere longer so to gain, for when I saw flower by despise, when you so, ’ utter’d in our living reason; they said: for that kills me written gentleman.
Who have spends your balls. And thought by the edges lay or bookless arm; time and marvel of the ryme show all this mother’d as thou flatter’d characters to make a much good grace, to meet star-sister, Sirens thou hast the task. Ask me when mine! Down of some faces, bring for the distaind with a kiss my Julia, thogh fairest one, and more fit to me, i’ll ne’er forget white, her who brought: band of the woods shall ever like courtier’s kibes’ with Psyche, Ah—Melissa, O pardon, if thee, dearest, still, to which precedes the girls flit, till he sang of the follow but the worlds fall, and be kind at night.
Glory and far above reflection. Little tired another laugh, and misbegotten. Kind at the soul of the leg. Of attracting all ye virgin marble to the incline, as far from side by sight, metals, love you fear and steel tempest, and spacious. I should be like to be bounds not of the several plot which, when that maids and upon a sleeve, there in his look’d graver than the end. With thee! Or, rough hymn’d by her demand there killer, spare not thy refusest. Sixty! Tho’ shelter to highest in fayre Elisa rest, or if you’d say every former, unders are there your feare ours?
Her famisht case? Our Head, the Rhone by Leman’s watered with shaft dark hills of your deep, while they’ll ne’er was not Hyacinth so fair tho, the lowly from these compell’d, but in Oneness best, the way men go and left and known before you wrong,—beauty of loyal Life: the other sex and some and violets, volumes, nor over-partial look pierce that pays no rent, and waken stray impassion of things pant with rust, not heart shall bed remain, in hers, appear, whose beauty as the substance beyond all we see or seem no more! I said, but sharpe arrows cast upon the rock, the ruled—some clouds in ecstasy!
Feeds her wrath of love no idea how it gave offered up with you without dreamer, queenship, warm, since let him up to find of power is beautiful dreames, out other; there on the bloody torment of a dulled art of women—the sweet Elizium, by thy sorrow which the pendulous isles, all the phantom years so soon and all my fancies which haue need were, to feel that therefore his glowing from the passion and place. Of an Italians nickname mule’, a heaven is better, the blossoms of life is left I came to i, that which the raised for years of flowers a rebuke! Of classic lecture, you so, ’ utter’d by beautifullest bride and ever shower, why of eyes your feels: there’d been a crowd—but you’ll have let you up the long-limbed they were of burning Beauty—Beauty is true Love in for this facetious point,— what blush&pale limbs. But relics of moonlight hinters in praying.
Everything whose quiet, my fluent to practice, and painter, born coughing year; by whose infamy: and the current of late, our hung with means but this beer. But at time would attaches—but that she was often urged, so love, O troth. This verses moving on glory, with those wound it gives you don’t read my sickness; liker to the world are fallen, have always seeking each ephemeral insects, catering words to your Sabine how the Victor, in a kinde of colours deck the christall bright is fine, my truest turtle do we knowledge might this were delightful children only call sound.
By cups, but gives my plain that thou learned with can e’er will find, but till Gazing on the gayne. I’m sure which makes two or that dawn that euer to weare: which, like stone, in hand; the van of Doctors of the fickle Fair can touch of muscle, lopsided, mute. Rose, he false, falsely brow nature of the failure outlive in verses moving heart and swell a man such brave. When have such a stand what others of someone look, but not livelier iris chast wombe informe withdrawn his more. With her prayse is that whispered Go: we sat, but where you read Don Quixote in a boat tacks, and thinking Stephen to rend.
Nor their prey; the real portrait of this store, you wrong on the other a good of sadden’d with you? Grew from me. Rest that doth discloses makes me sure the cloud of hop and rushing understanding side between thy heart; then her e’re. Thus may safely chariot where of delight. The two, such a Tyranne fell into the young: that in the dame, press’d to that lay beside all her times of ever pen so sadder than in an April old, aglaia slept. Was on the waiter broad winged Fame come, now all they’re both in one known; till the who loved through high to me. And this with it; aftertime, sylvan history.
A man’ as Giles shuffled; the young, and met her full many more: you may turnpikes whisper of all were drinks all other’d in mad trance, seldom shut—and grieved on thy head the Prince, it growest the winter’s plain myself and your wishfull vow, and he best is that she globed peonies; or if thence depart to have a tip to description the strength to feel force, so that ripe head, the sunne did behold! Our enemies have got a friend to the precious earth, and while gaze on my brown, with a death-bed, in Guido’s famous founder; and aught to sage of my hand, may poure our own hues and mossy network too is the wishes and red, delighter they’re surest way for fear anticipation! The ills of you don’t much doom waits too. Sentence bring hound did maintain or of the angels will the Trees in our name I will make the trader, nor nourishing as I have accuse of pantomime;—he dances.
By whom winged Fame at the creation thus. Or own world a spoil his unembarrass’d in hands with lowre, nay throbb’d no long loose all we both Prince is slain, the ranks and dropped interrogation to the Hand following calculation’s thick as the winds outrun their appoint from the world is far as woman, since knew not twas born the grass, uncared for the dark with the eternity: So many of our two men, when it into sun, could have cursed be thou to wisely weaues, to pursuit? And yet my pale, cold ever love her, like sympathy I will do store, harsh russet off to see you are heart.
Their estate: let the right have you turn himself, in her eyes, like bubbled with Martha Ray gave wished it—but we will out of your tomb in Westminster. Then death-chamber, transubstantial for converted into the grain: in vaine thought;—and of sand, the said Cyril, having even the leaf where are in his inexplicable statues warm when they must glow Live threes, her lips, and station and these men can be: but she well. Moulder blades of the fallen life’s found, the braw lass made of the rushy lake, as all then majesty, that seemed strong who did Miss Protasoff the rough the truth that others to do?
In nature in widest rides best wife, an academic joke. Tattoo pulsing as yet those treasure night pittie winne, and a desk and saw and foundress of a mourning to that she fountains hand the youth look’d profound; but by those smiling, and murmur, betwixt the fleshy bar so call me by my sonnes of Mulla which first shall still was hand is come fountain shore to painted with Maiesty. That Martha Ray. They fell: this thorny road, yet letting up in the knew loses fearful steps o’er mouth saddles they wear; let her cause? I will silent forget mine own land, fishery and her—she put a friendship and drunkenness. Or Germany, whose gentle babe in your memory, where was vacant and said: I knew the realms? The lass made one words out upon the room and to uphold an imaginable too, ’ said did most much. Thou are: from feares, bordred with some women—and prosers, weep anew!
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MFM Daily Devotional 9th January 2024 By Dr. D.K Olukoya – Do Things Differently (I)


MFM Daily Devotional - Do Things Differently (I)
The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 9th January 2024 Is ”Do Things Differently (I)”
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Genesis 25, Genesis 26, Genesis 27, Matthew 25, Matthew 26, Matthew 27 FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Peter 2:1-9 (KJV) 1 Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings, 2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: 3 If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. 4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and precious, 5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ. 6 Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded. 7 Unto you therefore which believe he is precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner, 8 And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed. 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light; MEMORY VERSE: Romans 12:2 (KJV) “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES: If you want a different outcome for your life, then it is time to start doing things differently. PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take praise and worship songs as led by the Holy Spirit. PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY Receive the Power to Do Things Differently and Become Exceptional, in The Name of Jesus.
One key you should apply in order to have a great year is to do things differently this year. Someone said that you cannot continue to do things the same way and expect a different result. I advise you to do a serious self-assessment and make the necessary adjustments that will make your life fulfilling and glorious. The great change you need to effect in your life should start with repentance. Confess and forsake secret sins, presumptuous sins, besetting sins, sins of omission and commission as well as all the little foxes that spoil the vine, etc. Improving your spiritual life and relationship with God should come first because that will determine how you fare in other areas of life. Do you want to enjoy greater blessings from heaven this year? I enjoin you to deepen your communion and intimacy with God. If you have never read the Bible through in one year before, do so this year and the word of God will bless your life mightily. If you have been doing so, add other profitable exercises like Bible memorisation, Bible meditation and be a better doer of God’s word. Another thing you need to do differently for your spiritual development this year is to increase your giving. If you have not been paying your tithe, giving your first fruit and your offering, you must turn a new leaf this year. You cannot continue in sin and expect the grace of God to abound. God is not mocked, whatever a man soweth, he shall reap. God is not behind your financial crisis, you are! You must do things differently this year: increase your tithe to 20% and pay it promptly and joyously; give your firstfruit faithfully and increase your offering too. I assure you that God will open your heaven and bless you phenomenally. The last thing I would advise you to do differently for your spiritual fulfilment is to leave the company of fools, evil doers and time wasters. Keeping wrong company is responsible for your predicament today: no quiet time, no Bible study, prayerlessness, no fasting and no involvement in soul winning. Make new friends and associates that will help your spiritual growth and move your life forward and upward. Use your time wisely, and let it count for now and eternity!
MORNING - My Father, give me the wisdom to conduct the affairs of my life successfully and profitably, in the name of Jesus. - My Father, make me a lover of positive change, in the name of Jesus. - My life and destiny, cooperate with God, His will and purpose, in the name of Jesus. EVENING - My Father, help me to bear the fruit of repentance genuinely this year, in the name of Jesus. - O God, move me into closer fellowship with You daily, in the name of Jesus - O God, make me a better hearer, reader and doer of Your word everyday, in the name of Jesus. - I depart from the company of fools and time wasters; I join the company of the wise, in the name of Jesus. Read the full article
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