#roma comic off
huntedsmark · 2 years
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have some old man with a huge wealth of multiversal knowledge and a dog doodles
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dalekofchaos · 2 months
Doctor Doom gets ruined AND WHITEWASHED AGAIN!
4 attempts to get Doctor Doom right
And we STILL can’t get this right
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A master of magic and science. A man who rivals Doctor Strange and Reed Richards as the most powerful sorcerer and the smartest man alive. He rules an entire country with an army of Doombots. Considered to be one of the greatest Marvel villains. And they still can't get him right. They have to make him a fucking Tony Stark variant. Tony Stark is not Victor Von Doom and Doom is above Tony Stark.
Victor wearing the mask always is integral to his appeal and aura like Vader's mask. It not only hides his vain scars he caused due to his failures, but it closes him off from humanity and makes him believe he’s beyond it.
As far as I'm concerned Marvel Ultimate Alliance and EMH are the only good adaptations of Doom
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Doctor Doom being a romani man with a background CENTERING his family's racial persecution. with his ethnicity at the forefront of his motivations and his tragedy. and they really just brought back Robert Downey Jr.
Being romani is INTEGRAL to doom’s character and without that he’s not doom. he NEEDS to be romani and played by a romani character. full stop, don't believe me? Read Book Of Dooms.
Since 1964 Victor von Doom has been established as a Romani character. His childhood was filled with antiziganism and his parents deaths were caused by it. This later led him to become Doctor Doom and overthrow the Latverian government to protect his people
I am so fucking sick and tired of this whitewashing bullshit and the ethnoerasure of Marvel characters.
The Maximoff Twins, The Ancient One, Moon Knight and now fucking Doom.
God fucking forbid an actual Romani actor PLAYS A ROMANI CHARACTER.
But no they pulled another fucking multiverse shit all so RDJ could return and it all feels like blackface from Tropic Thunder
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If you wanted evil Iron Man so fucking bad, why didn't you just do Superior Iron Man?
The LAZIEST, DUMBEST, most CONTRIVED BULLSHIT casting ever, Marvel continues to not beat the whitewashing allegations. Doctor Doom deserved better.
Romani actor Charlie Clapman was right fucking there AND HE ENDORSED IT!
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I'd even suggest Romani actor Óscar Jaenada as Doom. Again another Roma actor who's actively interested in playing Doom
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And you know what? As bad as the 1994 movie was, Joseph Culp the first actor to play Doom in the Fantastic Four (1994) movie by Oley Sassone & Richard Corman. Culp was also white but he very clearly cared for the comics background of Victor von Doom
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and you also know damn well they're going to erase everything about Magneto too that makes him who he is… which is his entire fucking background. how horrible of a person do you have to be to repeatedly disrespect the minorities who created these stories?
Doctor Doom is Roma Romani. He is not white. The MCU loves to whitewash its Roma and Jewish characters and it’s time we called them out for it. Dr Doom is not a white man, he is Roma!
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They will never nail down the complexity of Victor Von Doom
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Every year Doom goes to hell to fight Mephisto to rescue the soul of his mother. He finally won her soul with the help of Doctor Strange only for her to reject him.
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No evil Stark replicant will ever fucking match the complexity of Victor Von Doom.
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I don't care if this is a one time thing for RDJ. They specifically chose to do this when the fans were begging for a fucking Romani actor. It also doesn't fucking help that Marvel has erased nearly EVERY fucking ethnic character has been whitewashed.
Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver: Erased Romani heritage and whitewashed. Moon Knight & Wiccan: Casted non-Jewish actors. Sabra: Featured in anything at all, and actress is an IDF soldier to make matters worse.
The MCU is full of ethnic erasure, military propaganda & racism. it’s disgusting this is continuing with Dr Doom’s casting. remember to continue to boycott marvel, because of the genocide they support by casting an iof solider to play a character from the zionist terrorist occupation
Dr Doom is one of those villains that it should be IMPOSSIBLE to fuck up but wasting him on a cheap Iron Man nostalgia casting pop might be the way
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scarlet--wiccan · 5 months
Obviously it’s not wrong to think MCU Wanda is worse than the cartoons, but it reminded me how grateful I was that the MCU made her an Avenger who falls for Vision & finds out she was a real witch, after years of cartoons reducing her to Magneto’s daughter (and leaving her out of Avengers: EMH). It’s the most comic accurate version (which doesn’t mean much; her Romani heritage was a minor aspect of past comics but that can’t “prove” the MCU was right to ignore it, though Elizabeth Olsen was right to turn down the Romani Halloween costume in WandaVision and wear the classic outfit which predates that retcon l).
Please know that I am so, so serious when I say this, but you would have to be either illiterate or lying to think that the M C U adaptation of Wanda, Pietro, or Vision are in any way faithful to the source material.
Nothing about their origins, their trajectories, or their roles as Avengers resemble the comics they're allegedly based on, at least not the Earth-616 continuity. Wanda, in my mind, is the most egregious example! The movies are wildly off-base with how they depict her powers, the Darkhold, her relationship with Agatha and her identity as a witch-- even the nature and history of witchcraft itself-- and I think that, in many ways, Wanda//Vision and MoM are actually more cruel to Wanda and broach some of the most sensitive topics surrounding her character in incredibly poor faith.
Also, if you think that Wanda's Romani identity and background are a "minor" part of her character, I'm sorry, you are being ignorant and lowkey racist. No, it doesn't get brought up every time she's on page, but her entire origin story is predicated on the fact that she grew up in an extremely vulnerable, marginalized community where she experienced racial violence and discrimination. Her birth parents being Jewish and Roma Holocaust survivors is vital representation of a part of history that is often distorted or erased. And the thing that a lot of people seem to miss about Wanda is that, whether the writers intended it or not, her Romani identity is reflected in everything she embodies and experiences, and it is intellectually irresponsible to not recognize that. Her ties to witchcraft, experiences with immigration and assimilation, traumatic experiences with motherhood, and proximity to metaphorical minorities (mutants) and her role in stories about metaphorical genocide have to be interpreted and criticized within the racial context that this character occupies.
Don't message me again.
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Hey Guys! So recently I’ve seen a few things regarding Romani Dick Grayson, and how his comic portrayal is lowkey racist and a bit problematic. In this universe Im creating, I would like to keep his hematite as Roma/Romani, however I want to go about it in a positive way that can serve to accurately portray the culture, or at least a small portion of it, in a representative way. I want a character that people can see themselves reflected in, rather than a caricature of the culture. That being said, I am still a white American and google can only get me so far, so if anyone knows of any good resources I can look into, or anyone that would be willing to work with me on this, that would be fantastic.
(This is also not limited to just Dick Grayson, if there are any other characters you want to see accurately represented, feel free to reach out to me about those too. I don’t have Duke’s experience as a black man, or Barbara’s in a wheelchair, but these characters all mean so much to me and I want to show them off as the badasses they are, while not taking away from the things that make them unique. I want diversity in stories, but not just for the sake of diversity. Kids and adults deserve to have characters they can see themselves in. Not everyone is a straight white man. Steph is someone I relate a lot to, so most of my characterization of her is me projecting a bit, and I want to give other people that opportunity as well. Sorry for the rant, but I hope this reaches the right people.)
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spaceorphan18 · 4 months
The Rogue and Gambit Project: Previously On X-Men... Rogue (Part 2)
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Yeah... I can just tell this is going to be everyone's favorite entry of this project. ;)
As we move into the late-80s, everything gets just a little more complicated. There are now multiple X-Books going (thankfully, Rogue is just in Uncanny at this point), a ton of characters to service, and story lines that sprawl into big events. Rogue kind of... gets lost, a little, in the shuffle. But there are some notable things to point out -- and one big thing *coughmagnetocough* we're gonna have to address...
For the most part, during a majority of the run up until this point, Uncanny X-Men stood alone as the sole book to find the X-Men. Suddenly, there were a bunch more. New X-Men followed the younger kids. X-Factor brought back the original team. And now the books did big event crossovers! Which - has only made comics completely muddy sense! So, instead of picking out individual issues like episodes of televisions, I need to break this down a little more in chunks...
The Mutant Massacre (Uncanny X-Men 210-219)
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Uncanny X-Men #213
This particular 'event' is something that is, unfortunately, going to come back later in a big way -- though for Gambit -- though that will have consequences for Rogue, too. But... we're a long way off from there. The quick summary is basically - a group of jerks called The Marauders decide to take out the Morlocks, a group of mutants who live in the sewers because they can't pass as 'normal' looking. And, of course, the X-Men need to stop them.
Rogue gets some decent panel time. But the biggest thing is that the X-Men are finally her home. Especially as the team begins to change in big ways, especially as she's a hero now, especially as she is more open about having a big heart, she takes being an X-Men seriously.
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Uncanny X-Men #217
The other big thing going on is the changing team dynamics. A lot of the older faces have left the book. Storm is dealing with a loss of powers. Wolvie has his solo going on. Kitty and Nightcrawler have gone to the book Excalibur. The team feels like it's in constant flux (and will be until the somewhat reboot in the early 90s). Rogue is, thankfully, one of the constants. And because of this, we do get to see her more!
She doesn't necessarily get a ton of new character development. But she does get to have some interesting new dynamics. Psylocke is introduced! Dazzler and Longshot join the team! Havok crawls out of the woodwork to appear! And even Jubilee (though much later) makes an appearance - though Rogue has little to do with her.
The Fall of the Mutants (Uncanny X-Men 220-227)
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Uncanny X-Men #222
The next 'event' is Fall of the Mutants. Through an uncanny (see what I did there) string of events, the X-Men end up in Dallas. The Adversary (a Strom villain, really) shows up and creates chaos in Dallas. In order to stop it, all of the X-Men 'die'. Except they don't - and are saved by someone called Roma (sigh, let's not get into /her/) and they can come back, but no one will know they are alive and no one will be able to see them in any kind of media. So.... basically, it's a way to keep the X-Men out of New York and away from X-Factor, because we can't have that happening too fast....
Again, not really a whole lot of single Rogue development, but she gets to do a lot of badass things, and she is on panel quite a bit.
The other thing to note is that their given a portal to go through - something called the Siege Perilous. I'm not going to pretend I fully understand what it is - but when you go through the portal, you get to be 'reset' (or you essentially die). I'm noting it now, because I'll become important later on.
Australia (Uncanny X-Men 228-238)
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Uncanny X-Men #230
The X-Men end up down in Australia, hanging out there while having adventures for a while. Despite her basher attitude, Rogue becomes one of the softer members of the team. See - she's bringing a picnic to Gateway, the unspeaking Aboriginal mutant who is basically their transportation system. Ooff, comics.
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This era is kind of setting up two things - Inferno (which we'll get to in a second) and The X-Tinction agenda. Rogue ends up getting a mini-arc here with Wolverine, where the two of them end up in Genosha -- an island where mutants are basically chained up and caged. Unfortunately, it's implied that Rogue got a little ruffed up during her stay, thought at least Claremont (I think it was him) came out and said that she was not sexually assaulted here. Ooff, comics again. But Uncanny X-Men 235-238 has some great Rogue (and Wolverine) in it. Because of this, though, the Carol Danvers Psyche kinda takes over for a while, and Rogue becomes buried.
Inferno (Uncanny X-Men 239-243)
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Uncanny X-Men #240
I need to take a second and talk about how during a lot of this run Dazzler and Rogue remain at odds with each other. Part of it has to do with their past, but part of it is over... Longshot. Ooff, girl needs to have a real romantic interest and fast... ;) Also, can we take a second to appreciate how 80s that outfit is?
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Uncanny X-Men #242
Out of all the late 80s events, Inferno is my favorite. It's the batshit crazy tale of an ex-wife who wants to get revenge on her ex-husband, who left her for his dead girlfriend, and decides to take down an entire city by making a deal with a demon, while using her own child as a hostage. It's bonkers. But we're not here to discuss the many loves of Scott Summers ;)
Honestly, Rogue doesn't do a whole lot in this one. She gets to knock some people out. She gets knocked out. And... that's about it. Still a great read though.
Through the Siege Perilous (Uncanny X-Men 244-247)
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Uncanny X-Men #246
Rogue doesn't really get to last long in a post-Inferno world. She gets to waffle a little between Carol and her own psyche. This practically gets me because the entire time she's been around so far she only has kissed to steal people's powers. Never a kiss for love. And it's a shame they were going to kill her off without letting her get one.
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Uncanny X-Men #247
During a fight with Master Mold, Rogue gets tied up and sucked into the Siege Perilous, where she essential dies. And that's it! That's her story. The end...
Kinda sucky, right? Not exactly a satisfying way to end her.
Well... an entire year is going to go by in the real world before she gets to come back...
Before get to her return, though, I would like to say this. There are a ton of great panels and moments that I didn't document for this project. I really do recommend, if you have the time and means, going through and reading all of Claremont's original run. There are some really fantastic stories - that hold up relatively well all things considered. And while the Rogue development is slightly stagnant, our girl gets some truly wonderful things to do. It's definitely a full on recommendation from me.
The Savage Land (Uncanny X-Men #269, 274-275)
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Rogue Pre- and Post-Siege Perilous
Alright, so let's talk about what happened in that year. The X-Office was beginning to change. Chris Claremont was beginning to near the end of his iconic run. The 80s faded into the 90s. Artist (and infamous) Jim Lee was taking over the book. The style changed - and everyone got to be a bit more sexified. The line up became really messy as there was a new X-Men team nearly every issue. And a rather handsome thief from New Orleans made his debut. (But we aren't going to talk about that yet ;))
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Uncanny X-Men #269
Rogue returned through the Siege Perilous buck naked (seriously) and clean slated. All the voices in her head were gone, all her extra powers were erased, and, some would say, she got a new personality.
She was still sassy and brassy but now we got to add demure sexpot into the mix, who wears skimpy clothing even though she still can't touch anyone. And -- this is somewhat a set up for what happens next.
But first... some context. After Rogue makes it back from the Siege Perilous (and after some stuff with the Shadow King) the Carol Psyche was ripped from her own and two bodies emerged out. The not real Carol attacked Rogue and Rogue made her escape through Gateway, and ended up -- not in Genosha where the rest of the X-Men were dealing with the X-Tinction Agenda crossover (Rogue gets to sit that one out) nor out in space where the X-Men will land next, but in the Savage Land.
And you know who's waiting down there to help her out?
Y'all knew this was coming guys...
Buckle in, kids, we're about to talk about Rogneto.
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Uncanny X-Men #274
Fun fact: This is the first issue where Rogue and Gambit are in the same issue. However, Remy is out in space while Rogue is suck in Antarctica with Magneto. And, look guys, none of this is that bad...
When Rogue first arrives down in the Savage Land, she is pursued by the clone/body/psyche of Carol, who is trying to kill her. Magneto stops Carol and outright kills her. He also kinda kills other people, too. Great start for this romance, right?
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Uncanny X-Men #274
Anyway, he supposedly helps her heal (and eventually she'll get her Carol powers back - but at least not with the added Carol personality.) And apparently there's some kind of spark? I mean, honestly, to me it looks like he's hurting her, but their both mostly naked so this is hot, right?
Unfortunately, while this "spark" isn't anything compared to the raging fire that's about to happen in a few issues, it's going to have an effect that won't fully be put out until a bazillion years later in X-Men Legacy. And, well, this is a part of her story.
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Uncanny X-Men #274
There's really not much that happens in this issue other than these panels that I'm showing you. We get a lot of inner monologue from Erik, but really nothing to show what Rogue is feeling. I realize there's a kind of grooming aspect you could place on it here, but this all happens over days, and I barely think it's any time to make any sort of real connection good or bad? It's just kind of here... being awkward...
And you know, admittedly, that bottom right panel is very pretty. That's probably the nicest thing I'll say about something Rogneto related.
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Uncanny X-Men #275
For anyone who wanted Rogue with a naked Magneto, here ya go! ;)
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Uncanny X-Men #275
There is a whole plot that I've been kind of ignoring - about Zaladane and her bonkers plan to take over the Savage Land. No need to worry - Magneto is going to murder her, too. And thus we get to see the biggest issue with Rogue and Magneto. They honestly have nothing in common. Sure - Rogue was a villain for a short time, and I could (maybe?) buy it back then, but all of this feels like they wanted to give Magneto a hot chick to hang off him for a few issues. Their ideologies are just too different for this to ever make any real sense.
And if that's your thing? Sure go for it - I'll never tell anyone who or what to ship. But it does nothing for me. (Sorry :/)
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Uncanny X-Men #275
And this is where it ends. Really guys, I showed you all the big hits, there's nothing, really, that happens with Rogneto during this except the alleged 'spark'. Oh, and the fact that Magneto was fine letting Rogue die while he dealt with other things. Romance for the ages guys.
Magneto is going to go back to being a villain. And Rogue is going to make her way to Muir Island, where her life is about to really, really change.... ;)
But first, let's talk about Gambit...
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pariaritzia · 1 year
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Queerness in Indian Media
↳Film: DON (1978, Hindi) dir. CHANDRA BAROT
Don follows two characters: Roma (Zeenat Aman), a woman who is out for revenge against the crime boss Don, who killed her brother and sister-in-law, and Vijay (Amitabh Bachchan), a street performer who looks exactly like Don and is recruited to help take down his gang.
In an era where women characters wore long hair and dresses and were often in the narrative simply to be romanced, Roma learns karate and judo, chops off her hair, dons a suit, and infiltrates Don's gang. While she does trade in these more masculine traits for feminine clothes and longer hair at later points in the movie, it is always with the intent of disguise--and in the climactic scene, she is back in her suit, punching and kicking the bad guys right alongside the men.
In contrast, Vijay is far more feminine than the average male action hero. However, he is never ridiculed by the narrative for these qualities--he is comic relief at times, but the joke is never his femininity. Furthermore, he is guardian to two children while their father, Jasjit (Pran), serves a prison sentence. Vijay is a caring substitute father who will do anything to ensure that the children are happy, healthy, safe, and educated--a delightful characterization given society's disinclination to allow gender non conforming people around children. While disguised as Don, Vijay adopts more masculine mannerisms (something he has to learn how to do since, as he says, 'Don shoots at the drop of a hat, while I don't even know how to play marbles!'), but he often reverts to his old style as well.
Most surprising, however, is the end of the movie, when Roma, Vijay, Jasjit, and the children all walk off into the sunset together--a family that would be considered extremely unusual in today's times, much less the 1970s.
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 8 months
Beneath Miles of Stone - Part seventeen - John Wick x Plus Size Fem Reader
Summary: John has been in prison for nine months. He’s content to stay if it means appeasing the high table and keeping peace between the owners of each continental. However, he meets someone who erases that willingness. Peace be dammed.
TW: violence ; gore ; violence against women ; nsfw ; blood ; near death experiences ; angst
The washcloth wipes foamy soap off of his collar, shoulders, adam’s apple.
His hand cups her hip, fingers careful not to dig or pinch and make her giggle or squirm; resisting puckish urges. For now.
“Did you want this?”
“Hmmm?” He presses his cheek into the  purifying damp of her attention.
“When you started doing this, did you know what it entailed?”
“What age did you start school?”
She ignores her confusion, and answers him.
“I was very young when the Ruska Roma adopted me. Before that, I either had no concept or a very limited one about childhood normalcy.”
“And the Ruska Roma took advantage of that by making you a weapon?”
She provides this conclusion so easily, and, although he knows it’s true, he’s spent a lifetime trying to avoid directly admitting it.
He always seems pensive, but this expression is something harder than that.
“Sorry.” She looks away from his face.
“Do you think I’m angry with you?”
“I.. can never tell,” she admits.
“So, you assume?”
She shrugs abashedly, looking up at him through the soaking rainforest of her hair. He wants to pull her from that underbrush and make her stand in the open canopy where he can wholly see her.
“You just sound like you don’t actually want to answer these things, and I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“It’s hard for me to talk about it. I’ve become so accustomed to my life that rationalizing it seems pointless. Better to just do.”
“Block it out?”
“Can’t you just keep me a secret, then?” She asks, gathering more water from the sky and then wringing it onto his stomach.
“I wish it were that easy.”
“I’m glad it’s not.. I don’t really want to be one.”
He lays a soft kiss to the divot behind her ear. “I wish I was a banker or something boring like that,” he admits. “I never wanted that before, but now I do.”
“But, I think that your trauma makes you yourself. I think it did that for me, at least.”
“I disagree.” John pushes her heavy hair out of her face, then does the same with his own. “I think that you are who you are in spite of the trauma. It’s simply something you must endure, and either you’re strong enough to do that, or you’re not.”
“I don’t think I was ever strong,” she says.
“Forgive me,” he replies, tugging her hips closer, “but that’s bullshit and you know it.”
“Sorry, I-“
He stops her by saying her name. Quiet, calm, captivating. “You’ve already said hello to me today.”
She chuckles. His new little inside joke—their inside joke—is that her favorite way of greeting people is the word “sorry”. And he’s not wrong.
“I feel bad for myself too much,” she concludes.
“I think that once you endure enough hardship—and it seems that you have—you get a pass to feel bad for yourself every once in a while.”
“Even you?” She asks.
He sucks at his the inside of his cheek, eyes doubtful.
The uptick of her mouth turns smug. “Thought so.”
She’s too wonderfully cheeky for him to resist giving back. He frames his hand out over her chest, fingers resting at her collar. Her pulse quickens under the heel of his palm.
“But you should give yourself credit,” she continues, trying to forget how nervous he makes her. “You’re literally a hero.”
“Hero?” He wonders, the meat of his thumb pressing into hospitable flesh to find her collarbone and work at sore pressure points.
She nods. “You are. Saving those kids. You don’t know that? That you’re literally a comic book—textbook—hero?”
It shouldn’t be funny, because her face is oh so serious, but he’s smiling as if hearing some amazing joke. “Am I a hero? Do textbook heroes kill people?”
She ignores—tries her best to ignore—the scary mask that he fronts. “That doesn’t change anything, John. You’re a good man.”
He contemplates this.
“Cold blooded psychopaths don’t try to convince people they’re dangerous,” she tells him. “They want others to assume the best about them.”
“Do I try to make myself seem dangerous?” He wonders. Usually, he’s very self aware. Her telling him this means there’s a fissure in that confidence.
She continues to bring out the worst and best in him.
“You don’t really have to try to do that, I guess. But, it’s for the right reasons.”
“You think so?” He searches her face and finds doubt. “Because it looks like you’re questioning those words as soon as they come out of your pretty mouth.”
She sighs, frustrated with his accuracy. “Maybe I’m just not saying anything right. What I mean is, you’re—“ she tries to look into his mirthy brown eyes without cardiac arresting—“you’re… my hero.”
He seems to be easily and immensely amused by this conversation, while she’s fighting for her life over here.
“Oh, am I ?” He asks.
She evens the playing field and leans up while dragging him down to latch her mouth onto his own.
He aims to help this endeavor, wraps his hands around her thighs and lifts her into the air.
She detaches her lips, a wet sucking pop mixed with a sound of frustration and surprise.
Before she can say something about slippery bodies and weight balance and dying in the shower by falling, he has her voice again.
She can’t get a good grip around his hips with her slippery legs. Even though he has her steady, it’s daunting to not be able to hold herself up in any way besides a faltering grip around his neck.
He uses his own weight to press her back against the shower wall, and then hikes her flailing legs up where they’re supposed to be.
She gasps away from his mouth, and he kisses over her jaw, onto her hair, above her earlobe. “Can’t get away from me here, can you?” He asks, haughty voice making her toes curl and ache.
She opens her mouth, and he makes her yelp instead of talk, biting into the sensitive flesh above her jugular.
“Not a word about the stitches,” he warns.
Handsome Bastard. She holds her bottom lip in her mouth to keep from moaning while he licks and sucks and nips and scratches with his facial hair to get her flesh sore.
She’s so nice everywhere—not a piece of her unpleasant to touch or taste.
“John,” she whispers, watching his dark crown of hair as he trails his flattened tongue along her collar.
He earns giggles and muted sounds of pleasure when he kisses up her neck and sucks at her cheek. “Can you be inside me?” Her voice, small and careful, rings loud inside his ears and vibrates his mind with sweet chiming bells of salvation.
His fattening tip twitches just shy of the soft tuft of hair on her pussy.
Despite wanting to sink into her and never surface again, he asks: “you wet enough for that?”
“We’re in the shower,” she giggles.
“Water isn’t cum.”
“I know-oh.” He latches onto her pulsing artery and sucks plentiful blood to the surface of her skin. “Joking,” she hisses, trying not to squirm too much and kill them both.
He smiles, plops off, kisses the big welt left behind. “I know.” His grin is cheek and tongue.
She puffs at him.
“Lemme tease you a little bit,” he asks, beautiful eyes soft and convincing.
She shifts. “Yeah, okay.” It’s fine, giving in to whatever he wants, because who wouldn’t?
His wicked mouth leaves overlapping marks in her skin—her neck, collar, the middle of her chest, a bite mark on her sore jaw.
He licks a rogue tear from her cheek, letting her know that he can tell the difference between crying and stray droplets from the shower head, much to her dismay.
“You’re beautiful,” he says, kissing her eyelashes and her forehead and the sensitive, scrunching bridge of her nose.
“You’re beautiful.” Her voice is breath and want.
“No.” He shakes his head like that simply just will not do. “Tonight, you just say thank you.”
“I’m not allowed to compliment you?” She still has the gall to be obstinate, which means he has more work to do.
He shoulders through her palaver with a raised brow. “When I compliment you, I want a thank you, John.”
She bites her lip.
“Any protests, and I’ll make you start complimenting yourself.”
Sounds humiliating. She nods quickly in agreement. “Aren’t we wasting Marcus’s water, though?”
God, he wants to distract her until she can’t be concerned about anything other than whether she gets to orgasm. It’s probably not possible, to make her forget about the plight of those around her, but he loves a good challenge.
He chuckles and rests his head on her shoulder.
She kisses his wet hair and holds his heavy skull. “Take me to your bed?”
“As the lady wishes.”
She takes time to boldly trace the scars on his back while he towels off, loving the goosebumps cresting over his taut flesh.
“What do you do for fun?” She asks. “When you’re not working?”
“I’ve always wanted to restore books,” he answers. “And I’ve dabbled in that.”
“Restore books?”
“It involves leatherwork, stitching, Fude pens for calligraphy and art outlines. It would be easier to show you.”
She reaches up on her toes to kiss the howling wolf etched into his shoulder. “That would be great.”
“Something that might interest you a little more— I used to make puppets.”
“I’m interested in whatever you do, but I definitely need to hear more about this. Like, the freaky little guys—those puppets?”
He laughs. “More primitive. Think of sown dolls with button eyes. I just used them as puppets.”
He turns to face her, wipes stray droplets of water off her chest. “I like putting things together and then taking them apart. I like antiques.”
“Have you ever gone antique shopping?” She reaches to swipe the hair from his eyes behind his ears. It falls right back.
“I have.”
“So, if you owned a house, it would be full of antiques?” She imagines a cozy bungalow filled with glimmering gold, silver, and candy painted toys.
He thinks about it. “Something like that. And what would your house be full of?”
“I want pets,” she says, “dogs, cats, maybe a bird or a lizard?”
“I’ll take you to the Bronx Zoo. You’ll love it.”
The longing for normalcy in his expression breaks her apart.
“I would love that,” she agrees. “I’ll put on a puppet show for you.”
She snuggles her damp hair into his soft pillows and puffed comforter, inhales his scent from the sheets and feels deliciously engulfed by the big John-coated sanctuary.
He follows in not long after, climbing on top of her to get her giggling and pliant, nipping at her ears, using the opportunity of her open mouth to push his tongue against her teeth.
Swallowing palms find her breasts, thumbs and fingers feathering the skin above and beneath.
Writhing under his touch, wrapping her arms around his neck, trying to think about breathing and majorly unsuccessful—gulping and wheezing for air when he breaks their kiss.
“You know how wonderful you are?” He asks. “How absolutely kind and selfless you are? How everyone you meet walks away feeling full and loved?”
He emphasizes his praise with quick, urgent kisses to her face.
He interrupts with a click of his tongue to remind her, “Just say thank you.”
“Thank you, John.” Her insides give a useless little cramp at the sinful blaze in his eyes.
“Oh, and these—“ he pinches her nipples with the center of his palms, greedy with his handfuls. “These were made just for me.”
“Thank you, John.”
“Do you want me to lick your pussy?” This question makes her hump the air like a dog in heat with the polite, cooing, soprano tilt in his usually monotone voice, taunting her own pitch.
“A-are you sure?” She looks up at him through her pretty wet eyelashes, mouth sore and red, cheeks plump, adorable, sweet just like honey straight from the hive, and of course he’s sure. What a silly question. He’s never been so sure about anything.
“Sure?” He asks, nuzzling into her nose and biting the air above her lips. “I’m fucking starving.”
“You know I…haven’t shaved,” she warns.
He kisses the worry off her lips, trying not to chuckle about something so absolutely trivial. “It’s okay, baby.”
Mouth leaving fire and want on its path down her chin, John licks through the sore marks left over from his mean teeth, kisses each shoulder, noses down her chest.
She wriggles her fingers through his wet hair, hooks onto his scalp—something to do with her hands while he becomes distracted and enamored with her tits.
The way he licks over a peak and then suckles on is enough to get her keening—he absolutely doesn’t have to look up at her through his lashes and smile while he does it.
She’s clamped onto her bottom lip to keep strangled noises at bay, grinding into the solid meat of him.
Thick fingers tuck between her thighs. He pushes her open, helps move her legs so they’re spread wide by his torso.
“Are you comfortable?” He asks, using his other hand to fluff the pillow under her head.
She nods yes, so he spreads her pussy open wide and catches her shy clit with pressured fingers.
It feels strange—she’s so used to her own touch that his larger hand is too much at first.
But this beautiful man, attentive and patient, asks her to tell him what she likes and what feels good.
And maybe she’s dooming herself by instructing him on where to press and rub, but pretty soon she doesn’t care anyway; he’s a fast learner, and it takes only a little coaching to get him on the right path to her ruining.
He tries to memorize her all at once, watches the way she climbs higher and loses grip, gives her a little boost up and a soft kiss to each peaked nipple to help her hold on to the daunting cliffside.
Even through the thick callous of his hands, he feels the pulse of arousal under her skin. The seeping, Dewey wet all the way up to his knuckles that he needs to taste sooner rather than later.
“Does that feel good, honey?” He’s pampering her, babying her with tiny kisses and hums and sweet words.
“Y-yeah.” Her head tips back, the silky bridge of her throat jumping, while the rest of her soft body curls around him, wound and tight and overwhelmed. She’s never felt so small compared to another person—never thought she would want to feel this small. Not just his size, but the way he makes her completely pliant and vulnerable; it enthralls her, and she needs more.
He licks her calf, lifts her leg to kiss her ankle, speeds and slows.
“You want my mouth here instead?” He asks, swirling slippery fingers outside of her clit, broad and then concentrated, giving her no real rhythm.
She nods eagerly.
“Yeah?” He’s breathy and high toned like he’s the one being teetered on the edge of a devastating release.
His voice would have tipped her, but he’s pulling away and replacing fingers with cool air, then the purposeless pressure of his broad, solid body.
He kisses and licks at her tummy, making her giggle and try to get him away from ticklish skin.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, nuzzling his cheek and temple into her softness and making her laugh and jerk.
“You—no one has ever gone down on me before.” She looks away from him, embarrassed, feeling foolish and inexperienced.
Instead of laughing or rolling his eyes, John groans. What a privilege to be blessed with, being the first person between her thighs. What an honor bestowed on him by the universe, ruining her for any other tongue that dare try and replace him.
“Baby,” he says, “it’s okay, I’ve got you. Let me take care of it, alright? I’ll be nice, I promise.”
Once again, who could tell Adonis no? Not her. Definitely not.
He regrets not taking up painting as he looks at her. Spread before him, slack and flushed and beautiful and wanting—he needs this image immortalized on canvas.
“Hand me a pillow?” He kisses each thigh, then the sheltering plump below her belly, causing her hips to twitch up to meet his waiting mouth.
She grabs one, drops it, picks it back up, then drops it again, this time close enough for him to grab on his own.
“Lift your hips up.” He’s doing it himself before she has time to help, though.
When he moved into Marcus’s guest room, the door had an intricate locking system and a deadbolt backup in case that failed.
John greased his hands and looked over the setup with Marcus’s permission—he wasn’t happy about it, walked away grumbling about how he knew enough to check the locks in his flat—
and now, while John’s sharp ears attune to that tiny click of the spindle and the quick, muted scrape of the shaved strike plate getting scratched by hard plastic—he’s grateful he did. Because Marcus had done a magnificent job of installing quiet locks, but that type wouldn’t alert you to someone breaking and entering like they were doing right now.
Before she knows what’s happening, they’re on the floor. He rolls sideways, making sure to land on his back, wedges them tight between the wall and the bed, then flips her over so that his body shelters her own.
A bullet bites the ident where they previously occupied, digs through the bed and rains fluffed cotton down around them like they’re on the losing end of a pillow fight.
She has a moment to watch him tighten, the whole length of him like a tensed spring. He grabs a sheet and wraps it around his knuckles. Another bullet smacks into the wall and adds sharp plaster into the mix of stuffing and fabric on the floor around her, and John clears the bed in one leap.
Blood stains the sheet, transferring from the forearm of their attacker. She’s covered in it, dark and fresh. Marcus. He outweighs and out-heights her, but she’s small and quick; able to move the gun out of reach of the blanket before he can trap it inside. This shot hits the ceiling.
John grabs her open thigh, wraps his makeshift weapon around her, and takes them both to the ground. Normally, he would have the clarity available to realize she folds and falls too easily.
She’s young, and her arm snaps in half from the force of his patella, and she screams in agony and he thinks about the severity of sadism it must have taken for someone to send an inexperienced, unassuming, woman here to do their own fucking dirty work.
The sharp hilt of the gun slams into his shoulder blade, then his cheek, then he takes it, flips it around, and shoots her in the head.
She doesn’t have to worry for long, because he’s back, pressing his hand against her neck and breathing hard. His hand is warm, damp, sticky, and she wonders if it’s blood.
“Are you okay?” He asks her.
“I’m fine,” she nods, scraping her face against sharp nuggets from the wall.
“Stay here, right here.”
He shuts and locks her into the room.
She can’t hear much beyond the door. Waiting is flooding her with anticipation. All this adrenaline and nowhere to put it; her body is visibly shaking. When the door opens back up, she braces, but immediately John is telling her that it’s him and that she’s okay.
“You have to get up.” He helps her to her feet, smooths her down, grimaces at the scrapes on her cheeks. “We have to go.”
“Go? Go where?” He’s already handing her dirty clothes from earlier, pulling on his own slacks and shirt and shoving weapons into their respectful places.
“Later,” he says, not looking at her, face stone again. She pulls on her pants and shirt and coat and shoes, shoves her underwear and socks into her pocket.
Marcus is in the dining room, the blood inside his femoral artery dripping onto shiny wooden floorboards.
John tries to take her to the car, but she insist on going to Marcus and wrapping him into a tourniquet, first.
She uses John’s belt to stop the bleeding while he stands guard over them, gun aimed just below his chin and pointed at the door.
Marcus, his agonized pants making her feel terrible about tightening and tightening the leather on his thigh, goes azure and slack. Beads of icy sweat trickle down his neck, and he looks like he’s dead, so she reaches up and feels his pulse. Faint, dull, thready. “John.”
He’s right there, kneeling beside her, giving the belt one final twist and then fastening it off.
“I’m going to carry him,” John says, voice too level for what they’re dealing with. “I need you to stay behind me and get into the car as quickly as you can. Then, you lay flat on the backseat with your head under your hands.”
John’s grateful that there are no more hostile parties in or around the building, although it just makes him want to lodge a bullet into the person stupid or malevolent enough to send a lone assassin here to kill him and Marcus.
The mistake is already made, but he should’ve kept her alive for questioning.
“Have either of you ever heard of tact?” Winston grumbles. He flips the lid of the coffee pot and pours himself a generous helping of the wafting water.
Marcus and John look at each other, but don’t answer.
Her mouth, which she thought was permanently molded into a frown, perks up when Winston pulls a teabag from his robe pocket and dips it in the mug.
He catches her smile, and matches it. “Would you like some, my dear? Calms the nerves.”
“Um, how much are teabags?” She asks, reaching for her wallet.
Winston holds up a halting palm. “Please, every service I have here is free of charge for you. What do you like? Earl grey? Black? Green? We have plenty.”
She nods her head in thanks. “Green would be fine.”
When her cup arrives on the silver, delicate dining tray, she thanks the waiter, and offers John some.
He shakes his head no, looking almost bored - but maybe just exhausted - chin in his palm and eyes droopy.
She wants to ask if he’s alright, but Winston talks enough for the four of them combined.
“So, you just tell her everything - a poor, sorry recount at that - and expect her to take it. What? Well?” Winston points this inquiry at John, who looks annoyed.
“I’m sorry we’re not hotel owners,” Marcus cuts in. “And he - “ he points at John - “told me to do it.”
“She needs to know,” John adds.
“And have you told her exactly why that is?” Winston asks, sipping his steaming tea. He looks from one man to the other, and sighs. “Thought not.”
Marcus rolls his eyes, dropping his head into his bicep with an exaggerated groan. “If you would have just hit her in the head,” he tells John, voice filtered through the cotton of his Continental provided robe, “we could find out who the fuck she’s working for-“
“She’s dead,” John says flatly.
Marcus laughs. “Captain fuckin’ obvious.”
“And you just keep talking,” Winston tells Marcus. “You never stop.”
She wants to defend John, only because he hasn’t even really said anything this entire time, but there’s something about Marcus that promises he has a rebuttal for every protest and quip. Plus, he’s being very nice to her and she doesn’t want to ruin it.
She sips her tea and shuts up.
They sit in awkward, uncomfortable silence for a long time. Marcus is so still she actually thinks he’s fallen asleep, and John’s eyes closing while he settles more of his weight into her side means he’s not far behind.
She’s just glad he’s taking time to unwind, even if that means he’s involuntarily sleeping while doing it.
Winston settles back into the cushions, and directs his attention on her. “What did they tell you?”
She recounts the tale.
Winston purses his lips, thinking. “Okay,” he nods. “Have you ever gotten into trouble because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time?”
“Think so, yeah.”
“I’ve been manager at this establishment for over 30 years. We have an unspoken pact, and it’s that if a civilian wanders in, we politely direct them off hotel grounds and ask them not to visit again without membership - membership here meaning involved in the trade of gold currency.”
“Like the coins that John gave to the doctor?” she asks.
Winston smiles. “Exactly. Now, the only individuals that have access to that type of payment are ones involved in our world - under or around the high table.”
“The high table is the organization that you all serve?”
“That’s the keyword, here.” Winston’s eyes shimmer with the excitement. “Some sit at the table, some don’t know the table exists, some avoid and ignore the table, and some - most - live under it. However, everyone serves the table.
Marcus most likely led you to believe that stepping foot on my hotel grounds was the reason that you gained the table’s attention.”
“They didn’t exactly say I had the table’s attention.”
“If you’re here, you have the table’s attention.” Winston gestures around. “The high table is me, the high table is John. The high table is the blood running through the veins of everything and everyone you see here. And of course, if you so much as touch my steps, someone takes notice. But, often.” Winston drinks. “Often, merely wandering in is not the sealing of a fate.”
“Then what is?” She asks.
“Your association to Johnathan.” Winston nods at the resting furnace who she for sure thought was asleep. John’s eyes slit open and he makes that sound like a guttural growl again. Like the kind of noise you’d hear walking into a hungry tiger’s den.
Winston continues bravely, unaffected by the warning, and acting as if John is an ornery cat rather than a huge beast with claws and teeth.
“You encountered him on the sidewalk,” Winston explains, “and in that moment, his association with you solidified throughout a network-wide radar of dangerous people. He knew it was too late, and it was. Really, he should have just brought you right in to meet me then. But, as I’m sure you’re well aware, John tends to think with his heart rather than his brain.
The rotten brat you met in our private suite was Viggo’s son.”
Her eyes dilate and burn. “John’s boss?”
“Employer.” Winston fixes the ties on his red robe. “And now, correct if I’m wrong, Johnathan, but the Tarasovs have offered to protect her in exchange for your service?”
John’s voice sounds like he’s fucking pissed. “Yeah.”
“So that’s why Viggo wants me to host a symposium.” Winston raises his eyebrow and drinks the rest of his tea.
She looks to her own cup, sitting on the chaise lounge untouched and cold, and feels guilty, so she gulps some of it down despite the bitter taste of herbs and leaves steeped too long.
“No.” John’s word is firm.
“Oh, Johnathan, it seems that you think you can have your cake and eat it, too. As if this hotel - your life - wasn’t built on compromise. So, let me provide her the options, because you’re too stubborn to take one and live with it.”
She feels him burn beside her, the sweltering heat of his anger, the uncontrolled rage that he whips back into place so very well.
“My options?” She asks.
“Unfortunately, yes, my dear. And I’m so sorry. Your options. First one.” He pauses, sits up straight, and leans toward her. “You never speak to or look at this man again. You change your hair, your face, your name, move to a different country and develop different habits and find a new career. Assisted by me, of course.”
She cringes away from him, while John tightens his grip on her shirt reflexively.
“Second option: You live under the table with the rest of us and deal with the hand you’re dealt. Don’t mistake this option for simple, because I can assure you it’s more drastic than the first.”
“Third option.” She startles at the timbre voice so close to and vibrating her skin. “Anyone touches her, I kill them.”
Winston sighs at John like he’s dealing with an angry teenager. It makes her wonder if the man is actually John’s father, although he did tell her he was an orphan, so that wouldn’t make sense. He looks back at her, eyes greyed with a warm, tired wisdom that solidifies her trust in him. “I think you’ll need to sleep on it.”
Marcus speaks, alerting them to his wide awake status throughout this conversation. “Winston, does the hotel offer room service? The kind that will keep me warm? My date stabbed me.”
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flashfuture · 2 years
The like fandom idea that Jason became a problem child in order to make Dick the golden child are kind of wild. Because like... read the golden and silver age comics. Dick is the golden child. He is the most coddled and adored batkid purely by the metric of writers used to want Batman to be a hero and a good man plus it’s forty years of Dick being the only kid that exists. Bruce will never ever again be caring a child to bed when they fell asleep studying or making a whole day planned around their birthday or putting off a case to take them out to the beach house for a weekend or crying his eyes out as they go off to college. Like none of those traditional fatherly things are gonna happen because that Bruce is dead the writers made sure of it. Now he’s far more likely to clock one of his kids in the face then start a pillow fight. 
Read the two years of Jason comics. He started off the bat in reboot as a problem child. You have a little thief stealing tires and smoking? Not supposed to be your all around good american boy like Dick Grayson was. (I say this as a Roma person, Devin Grayson included that Dick is Romani for purely racist reasons it was not always intended in canon and I do not see Dick as representation. If you are Roma and want to go for it. But if I read one more google translated story of Dick speaking Romanian for some god forsaken reason I’ll break my laptop) 
Think about the world in which they were made. The 1980s were not in need of the same boy wonder as the 1940s. Robin was supposed to be what saved Jason from delinquency. And in the end the writers had him unable to be saved. He became aggressive against people like the Black Mask. The age old did Jason push that guy or watch him fall and does it even matter if he just watched because Batman and old Robin would have jumped after him so what is Jason’s deal? On to the end of his life with running away to find his birth mother and happening to run into Bruce who was looking for a nuke. Jason died in the end a hero to save his mom true but it is made clear in the narrative it was his own fault for not listening to his dad. 
^ All of that written of course by a known hater of Robin who wanted to kill the symbol but couldn’t have touched Dick Grayson a far too beloved character. And like I said the 1980s. ‘Listen to your parents or you’ll be in trouble punk’ is not a crazy far out there narrative for them to have spun. 
Back onto Dick he was made to make the little boys of America feel good about themselves like they could do anything. He listened to his dad and he was a stand up citizen who was all about justice! Go to the 1960s when he goes off to college. The first thing he does is get involved with a protest. He was calling Bruce up asking him to host a Beatles knock off in Wayne Manor. Bruce was always telling him to worry about his studies. That was what their first big fight was about! Bruce even explicitly tells Dick at one point to worry about himself and the Titans more than him ! The era a character is written in is reflective of the message they send and with time passed it is easier to look back and contextualize what the message was. Like modern day comic writers since Jason have been trying so fucking hard to ruin Dick and Bruce’s relationship but outright changing canon so that Bruce was a worse person in every argument. It’s not even funny at this point like every year down to the fucking weeks of Dick Grayson’s child hood was written out in succession and these modern writers are like we get it we do But what if Bruce also didn’t care about Dick. Like where am I???
The solution to Bruce Wayne and Batman not being a very good person is obviously in their minds make Bruce a horrible dad to Dick that way it evens out his shit behavior across the board. If there is no glaring example of how good Bruce has and could be then no one would think he should be like that. So we’re supposed to just nod along and be like Yeah i think Bruce would beat Jason up and smack Tim around and tell Damian he doesn’t like him. Seems fair to me. Which???
Anyways all this to say. Dick Grayson was always the golden child the writers just want you to forget Bruce was a good dad once.  
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Welcome to the
Worst ut/dr Fanon Thing Tournament!
Vote for the thing about ut/dr fanon that pisses you off the most!
Tournament Plan
40 contestants altogether!
ROUND 1 - 20 polls, 40 contestants
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Meet our contestants: Part one!
The evil Chara!
God (Hatsune Miku) forbid non binary people do anything
Flooey is not Asriel!
Clearly Flooey is an evil 😱 demon rawr and Azzy Wazzy Woo Woo is a perfect 😇 angle uwu
Chara's name pronounciation!
Cha-rah? Kar-ah? Kare-uh? Cha-ra-ra-ah-ah? Roma-ro-ma-ma? Ga-ga-ooh la la? Want your bad romance?
Error and Ink daycare comic!
You know the one.
Fanon Underfell!
Look at how they massacred my boy
Fanon underswap in general!
I.e, the fanon version as a whole, excluding Blueberry. I mean, he is like 90% of the problem BUT STILL.
Noelle Holiday!
She stole someone's brand apparently!
The Big Bad Gaster!
He's the real villain, the evil scientist, he knows exactly what he's doing all cold and calculated like, character nuance who's she? So very eeeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvvviiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllllll
Uwufication of Ralsei!
Story of undertale
Will I be a pacifist?
Or will I ✨️use my fists✨️?
Flooey is an adult truthers
I.e. simps denying that they carnally lust for someone who is clearly a child HE WANTED A BIKE FOR CHRISTMAS FUCK DAMN YOU
Help me kill him you guys pls pls pls vote for Paperjam like I hate him more than Blueberry at this point
Sans Multiversal War Bullshit!
Sexy goat mother!
Don't reduce her to a milf, please. Especially Underfell Toriel, she's off the shits and wears sweatpants not some sexy sultry villainy lady who will "befriend" you
Undyne ignored!
She literally becomes an immortal god in genocide, and is so determined she becomes a fucking amalgamation for a hot minute in most of the neutral runs, shut up about Sans for three seconds please
Aggressive Alphyne shippers!
No need to act so feral u guys
Papyrus hates puns!
I will only accept this if he's given a gun
*sobs uncontrollably*
Raslei is Asriel!
Incest coding much?
Misgendering, particularly KFC!
Gender up to interpretation MY ASS
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doctorofmagic · 2 years
TW: racism, antiziganism, whitewashing, uses of g slur, fatphobia, misgendering, ageism, toxic fandom, long post.
This post is a bit off topic but, as someone who has been following Marvel’s comic book industry for almost ten years now, I feel like it’s my duty to use my voice and not be quiet about the blatant shit show that is happening to a character that is also a member of the magic community and has been suffering a lot lately in the hands of people who have little to no regard towards her heritage.
It was just a rumor back then (and Donny Cates even denied it in the past) but it does seem that Feige is using the MCU to influence comic books in most recent runs, ESPECIALLY regarding certain characters.
Now, let’s be honest. This is not new. We all remember when the cast of the Fantastic Four reboot died in a explosion in the pages of Punisher #12, eight years ago. A clear retaliation at the movie and FOX’s terrible decisions. We all know that this is probably the reason why the first family book was cancelled as well. The group remained in the shadows and only Reed had a decent spotlight thanks to New Avengers v3 and Secret Wars, disappearing next along with Sue, the kids and the Future Foundation. They only returned fully with a new volume in 2018, and most fans’ dreams and hopes slowly died out with Dan Slott’s bad takes and writing (erasing Franklin’s X gene, putting three women to fight over a man, reversing Infamous Doom to his villain self and throwing away his character development just because he wanted Victor as a villain etc etc etc).
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Very well. Still, the FF survived. No one reversed Galactus into a cosmic cloud. No one turned Victor into a metallic guy with electric powers who wanted to marry Sue (thank the Vishanti). And whatever happened in the reboot (which I didn’t watch) certainly wasn’t adapted into comics.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to gatekeep comic books. In fact, I’ve been committed to introducing them to my followers since day 1 on this hellsite. Unlike many fans, I didn’t grow up with them. Movies had a huge influence on me and I had a long journey. Movies and animated TV shows are part of the reason I dove into this universe, in the first place. Which is fine. I can take a bad adaption and move on.
What I can’t take is what they’re trying to do with Wanda, because it reeks of racism.
The whole point of this new Wanda volume is to give her the proper representation and atone for the years of colorism, a systematic problem that keeps happening in the industry. Just because she was portrayed as white in the past, it doesn’t mean she’s not a woc, especially when it’s said in canon that she has dark skin. There are plenty of roma people talking on this matter and how it’s meaningful to acknowledge that Wanda is brown, even when white roma people exist (1, 2, 3, 4).
The crew is in fact very committed to it, as stated by Steve Orlando here:
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Now, what is happening to the new Scarlet Witch volume? Two things. The blatant whitewashing in variant covers and their need to push the MCU into 616!Wanda, first by introducing Darcy and now deaging Agatha.
Let’s be clear. There was a MASSIVE effort from the team to portray Wanda's heritage, which has been constantly dismissed by the lack of effort from the artists.
Here’s one example, from Jeehyung Lee, tracing what I think is a k-pop singer (but I don't really remember her name so correct me if I’m wrong). In any case, she was traced over a korean woman. This is not the first problem with this artist since he also made the same with Storm’s model in MFF by tracing Charlize Theron over Ororo.
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In addition to anti-blackness, this is also an issue of interchangeable ethnicity, the same that happened to America Chavez, when she’s established as Puerto Rican, not Mexican, as the pin on her jacket suggests (and yes, her cast is also filled with anti-blackness. Nothing against Xochitl, but I touched this matter before when I wrote about DSIMOM. And yes, TAO’s MCU is also bad, very bad, very very very bad).
I just keep seeing this over and over again. You shouldn't be defending her whiteness. You *SHOULDN'T*. Unless you have a problem that Wanda is a brown romani woman. It’s imperative that people understand that representation matters and poc have been time and time whitewashed in this very same industry (Sunspot/Roberto da Costa is just one example and was also whitewashed in that terrible New Mutants adaptation).
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The issue here is to push a problematic and harmful portrayal of Wanda on her comic book version. And it’s only happening to her due to the popularity of said character and artist.
More thant that, her stans ARE using Olsen’s Wanda to shield racism. Some of you are actually not even hiding it. The following is a list of racist comments and accounts. I’ll leave them under the cut in case people don’t want to see it.
Regarding the WV variant cover for Wanda #3 by David Nakamura:
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And plain racism overall:
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On a side note...
Just today I was harassed by this troll here. And no, I’m not hiding your @ because you went to MY post and felt compelled to misgender me, be fatphobic and also god knows why felt entitled to call Wanda ableist (????)
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As I said, I didn’t grow up with comics. When I first met Wanda, I didn’t know she was neither Roma, Jewish or brown. And this itself is a problem because it should be clear, it should have been portrayed in the comics, it should have been common knowledge. All it takes is just to listen to people and understand the systematic racism and whitewashing in the comic book and cinema industries.
They ALWAYS double down on Wanda’s whiteness. No, darling, it’s not okay to stan two versions of the same character when time and time the marginalized one is a target of racism. When they weaponize every single attempt at calling out the harm that MCU has caused on her character to the point of even using reverse racism, ableism and many other blatant lies to slander 616!Wanda, when her MCU can do pretty much whatever she wishes because she’s white so that’s okay. And don’t even dare bring feminism here because you don’t care about woc. You only care about white women.
In any case, I just want to shed light on this matter because this effort of pushing MCU into comics isn’t happening to any other Marvel character, ESPECIALLY when the change is for the better. Wong is powerful, body-positive and having more than one-dimensional relationship in the MCU. Where’s the effort to do that in comics? Layla is literally the best part of Moon Knight. Where is she?
Why they want so bad to push a white woman on a book that is supposed to praise Wanda’s romani heritage? It’s obvious that they want to sell and some execs are siding with the portion of this toxic and racist fandom.
Comics are not perfect, we know that. But there has been a huge effort to support the marginalized voices in this industry. Marvel’s Voices, pride and heritage are all examples. Besides, they’ve always been political. Always.
What they’re doing to Wanda is evil and lazy. As an artist and colorist, it’s YOUR DUTY to search and at least be aware of what characters you’re trying to conceive. There’s no way variant artists didn’t see the main cover for issue #1 by Dauterman.
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This is not just ignorance. It’s a statement. A statement that it’s okay to ignore a marginalized group and its attempt to give visibility to said group. And Orlando knew that when he said he didn’t have control over the rest of the creative team.
It’s fine if the MCU wants to push some elements like they did in the past. But this is not just any element. It’s harmful and I’ll not be quiet about it. 616!Wanda is getting more and more marginalized, whereas her whitewashed version is praised and loved. And now there’s an attempt at reconciling both as if it was okay. It’s not. MCU!Wanda doesn’t know racism. MCU!Wanda joined Hydra. MCU!Wanda has the privilege 616!Wanda could never afford for being a brown roma woman. And now the racist fandom wants to claim both in order to erase 616!Wanda’s heritage and history of fighting racism.
All I can ask is, if you’re buying this comic book, DO NOT SUPPORT the variant covers. Let them rot. We know the racists are not supporting the book anyways. They’ll just buy the variant cover and that’s it.
PS: I’m not Roma so feel free to correct me in any aspect. Just using my voice to boost awareness.
PS²: Olsen stans DNI or else will be blocked at sight. I’m done with every single of you.
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zahri-melitor · 5 months
Newish Comics:
Batman #146: okay so this story is finally actually picking up from where The Gotham War left off, with the same fault lines still in place. This is good actually! I am very soft that Damian's determined to keep believing in Bruce (especially as they're also spending quality time together over in Batman & Robin). Also I'm still enjoying Vandal Savage being annoying (sorry not sorry).
Birds of Prey #8: This comic is being written for queer women who like reading about women and I for one salute the entire team for their (fan)service. Excuse me. Several of those Barda panels and Dinah screaming for Barbara are going on my iconic list immediately.
Blue Beetle #8: Roma quits, Oo’li has a crush on Jaime, Jaime finally finds out Brenda is working for Victoria, and Victoria just gets even more on-page evil. I can't believe this is the last storyline we're getting before this gets cancelled, dammit.
Shazam! #10: I had to stop to howl with laughter about every third panel of this. Do yourself a favour. Read Shazam! Darla’s flying with Hoppy on a Pegasus. Freddy just got his licence and bought the Shaz-van! Also omg the lettering for the dragons!
DC’S Spring Breakout! #1: A mixed bag.
The Harley Quinn and King Shark story certainly happened (and I've read better versions of it).
The Batman and Mr Freeze story was quite predictable but sweet. Hit all the right notes in the space awarded to it.
MegFitz had a World's Finest Teen Titans story it felt, well, very MegFitz. She was writing characters in roles rather than writing the characters. On the upside Garth actually got to be the hero, so that made me happy.
The Metal Men story I honestly couldn't judge on characterisation but it was workmanlike. I was amused by the random Atlantean surfer.
The Katana story however was GOOD and delightfully creepy and just really fun Tatsu writing. Highlight of the issue for me.
The Lex Luthor story was incredibly funny in that Lex is there complaining about the damned aliens and how "The forces against us grow in number by the day" with a picture that includes Kon. I'm pretty sure you don't remember why that's hilariously ironic at this point, Lex, but Kon was very much your own fault here. (Lex also saying to Jason 'having trouble digging yourself out of the grave? Skill issue!)
J'onn story! J'onn getting screwed over again by Batman protocols! (This isn't nice, J'onn had one of the worst protocols of the lot, and all I can think is that this far, FAR milder route of attack is Bruce realising how far the other plan was over the line). But the dual shapeshifter fight scene was quite fun. This was probably my second favourite.
The Superman and Jimmy story was...fine. Why is Manchester Black alive and annoying people? This just felt mostly like lead in to current stories (whatever is happening with Zod and Absolute Power).
The Warlord #46: this week in the Lost World of Skartaris Travis is still hunting Jennifer’s trail when he and Shakira end up in a fight with a dinosaur.
Travis gets knocked around, but Shakira is so badly injured that…Death comes to claim her!
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I have never been apart from you, my Champion. I have walked where you walked — drunk the lives you have spilled. I am ever at your side.
Travis then follows Death trying to convince her to return Shakira, into a cavern in hell.
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I really like this art for Death?
In any case, Travis negotiates with her to get Shakira back and trades her 10 years of his life.
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And Travis and Shakira return to Skartaris. Both alive.
Meanwhile Jennifer arrives at the mysterious tower of the ‘master’ of the hunchbacked man who has been leading her.
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redjaybathood · 6 months
Look it's a bad idea to base your politics on media - and not, like. History books and news reports and your own personal living experience and that of your friends etc etc. Like, the things that actually happened, are happening, or will happen.
It especially seems funny to me when ppl in fandom go: "you support copaganda", "you support death penalty". Nah, but I also don't support vigilantism. Because you know what vigilantism irl is? Like lynching. Like catching a guy who isn't from your country, doesn't know the language that good, and you cut his ear off and make him eat it on camera - that's right here is a real life and very recent example of vigilantism. And it doesn't go much better than this. It usually goes like this: a series of robberies in town? Let's go and rough up a Roma camp staying on the outskirts.
I dunno how to tell you, but there are no Batmans and non Red Hoods irl; you don't need to compare them as if you saw them on the news. Who's right? Well, what does the story say? The story say, the crime rates were down when RH did his thing. The story say, Joker dying is the only way to stop filling whole graveyards with his victims. The story say, explicitly, through the mouth of the Joker: (Batman made his choice to save everyone but) everybody still loses!
No, it does not mean that you need to go and become a crime lord. It didn't work in the 90s, it won't work 30 years later. Because life isn't a story.
What works: stable economy, enough jobs and enough pay for the jobs. Cops, yeah! Surprisingly they also work! When they are on your side. But that's about the state of society overall, not the cops themselves.
You keep voting Trump | not voting Democrats, you're going to have even worse cops. Among other things.
And no, becoming a vigilante also doesn't work. I mean, MTV created a better depiction of what vigilantism is than the comics you guys argue about so much. And even that was a pretty darn romanticized depiction of vigilantism. A wish-fulfillment fantasy.
Which is all Batman is, too. Or Red Hood. It's a fantasy of someone protecting you, or of you doing the protecting (depends on how much you're projecting onto the characters), or getting justice. It's not that deep.
Like, people seem to understand what's a fantasy vs reality when they talk about porn, and it's kinda weird, no gonna lie. And yeah, there are exceptions (antis), but still.
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hellonerf · 1 month
how do u think the allies + axis (including cana, roma, and prussia) would all separately personally torture ame ? :3c
ive noticed u r going through ame torture withdrawal so a torture ame ask u will get!!!!!
it doesn't have to be all of them but i think this is a fun question to think about whenever u r in a multishippy mood.
hiii thank you anon i will try. i've mentioned before my fav ame torchur stuff is when he's prevented from breathing and also talking, in general any way that rly rips his usual charisma and self image off. so thats my personal fav for cana because i don't know it's just funny right. like cana strangling the shit out of ame. poetic even. suited for a cana fit of rage which iii likeeee 🤒 and honestly anything works cause i luv caname and i luv ame torture so putting them together is always harmonic to me im happy ❤️ cana could drown ame or inflict blunt force trauma on ame or dismember ame and it's all good to me. see my yandere rant about how i think cana would do... or if i didn't get into that
england to ame. um. incapacitating stuff i think. it could be healing for england's psyche(?questionable). saw a (jp)comic once where ame as a child asked england if he'd still care for him if he was a human(rough machine translation) and england was like yeah and ame was like england...!!!❤️ and england pondered that he'd probably have to amputate all his limbs in that scenario(??? rough machine translation) so that's basically it. yeah. or any incapacitation works for him i think if he's like ohhh nooo i don't want to amputate my dear america thats messed up. thats kind of gross. i'll drug him up or something idontknow
rusia blunt force trauma i think. obvious reasons. in my head he's tamer here because im stupid. in general it'd feel more interrogation tactics kind of torture no? like... you know... (hits you with a pipe)(hits you with a pipe) really it's instinctual for him at this point. oohmmmggg america took more hits than usual before passing out... i think if he tortures ame too much and ame starts screaming horribly he'd be grossed out. 🤒 like that post by evilvillain i fucking forgot... (your scream is kind of shrill... almost effeminate... and it kinda grosses me out...) thats him
i ran out of thoughts for the others i'm not as invested in ame torture in them. oh maybe japan would fuck with it. yeah of course he would. slicing ame open would bring him joy i think. sharp wounds 🤧 okayyyy i'm out of thoughts i'm not fully awake rn gomenasorry okay thanks anon again. one of these days i'm going to really draw shit
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kstarlitchaotics · 1 month
Doctor Doom is Romani. Has been since his introduction in the early 1960s. Casting RDJ is more racist anti-Roma whitewashing on the part of Disney-Marvel. If you condone that casting, you are also a racist, and championing the erasure of a historically oppressed minority group from yet another facet of media.
1st off how am I supposed to know that when all I know he's Fantastic four greatest enemy but still learning about who he is as his own through the comics cause I'm new to knowing the true sources.(?)
2nd yelling at me won't change anything. Not like I have control who gets cast whom. Also if you know MCU, then you know they never go by the actual character's national inherently as far as I'm aware. Only a few gets by so I have no say.
Thirdly; are you serious? You don't get to gatekeep me into enjoying something of any Marvel content or their choosing of actors. I choose that on my own thank you.
And finally how am I r*cist when you yourself are calling out another race bc of being called r*cist when I have or know barely any info on fictional characters 🤔 plus you don't know anything about me only going by what I post so have a good one 😁
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hungee-boy · 2 months
What is the difference between google integrating Romani to their Translate program and Romani linguists and authors publishing glossaries/dictionaries/texts/grammars on (their) Romani (dialect)? I'm asking because I can't articulate them beyond google is a multibillion company that doesn't collaborate with minority language speakers. I'm sorry that they're doing this to Romani people.
honestly that pretty much is the biggest difference and also the fact that Romani culture has been bastardized countless fucking times by gadje, even well meaning gadje (looking at gadje online getting into the "trend" of making comic characters "actually Romani" or having Romani OCs without doing more than just watching a handful of Florian's videos as their research (if even that))
also with a closed culture and language the sharing of that culture should only be done by the people in that culture. if a lone Romani linguist wants to write about the dialect they spoke with their family then that's totally fine, that's within their discretion to do so as a Romani person.
but if some gadjo working for Google raises his hand in a meeting going like "um what if we add Romani" without thinking twice about why we wouldn't want gadje knowing Romani, then it's a matter of forced exposure.
like you wouldn't want to just rip the dress off a woman without her consent to teach health class, you don't want to record a culture's language only to then present it to the entirety of Google's international userbase without any thought of the people that would use that information to further oppress Roma
when Florian uploaded a short first highlighting Google's plans to integrate Romani, I said in the comments that I totally saw fauxmani using the botched translations as a way to "pass" as Romani, but honestly I also seeing racists translating hate speech to target us directly, our words being translated without consent, police now having the ability to translate what we say, etc. like more harm will come from this than good because the world is still so antiziganist to this day
and that's why closed cultures should just be fucking respected and left alone. maybe we'd be more eager to share our stories and culture with a world that can fucking understand and respect boundaries, especially when those boundaries are built for our safety
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jewishbarbies · 3 months
did you like Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda maximoff?
lmao no. especially not with how she’s treated the character and talked about roma people. the bitch laughed it off and said she’d continue to use the G slur, used Wanda’s iconic culturally significant outfit from the comics as a “fun costume”, and she’s just the typical ignorant white woman that dgaf. even just as an actress, she doesn’t fit the character at all.
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