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dizzy-sk8el · 5 years ago
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bigwheelblading · 5 years ago
@sportsloverkaho #inlinelovers #inlineskating #inlineskate #patins #slalom #rollerblading #rollerblade #blader #bladies #bladegirl #skatergirl #skatetraining #rollerfit #sebaskates #skatelikeagirl #rollergirl #unlabelledgirls #loveandpeace #😷 😷😷 #tenbox #10匣 #tiedyeclothes #skyblue ☁️💙💙☁️💙 @mr.pigu @oreo.oreo.m 💙☁️💙She is training in a small place for a short time. #小6女子 #インラインスケート #インラインスケート女子 #スラローム練習 #狭い場所 でもできることを💪 #温室育ち 😅 #地味練 ローラーリンク✨やスケートパーク✨でしか 滑ってこなかったから 最初は小さな溝や凸凹 微妙な傾斜に困ってた😫 少しずつ慣れていこう😚👍 @a.ma.ne___ ちゃんへ 今度一緒に滑る時までに上手くなりたい🤗 頑張る😉🙌 KAHOより🍀 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_WOIjLD8ky/?igshid=14bwpnqhxmuus
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meikoyim · 3 years ago
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Day 112. Super late #Latergram from Tuesday's roller dance class. So much fun! 第112天。遲到超久的週二滑輪舞蹈課,超好玩! #DayToDayInSydney #RollerSkates #RollerSkatingAt42 #RollerSkateLearningAt42 #RollerSkatingDiary #Minimum10MinutesEveryday #Day112 #ChuffedSkates #RollerFit #RollerFitAU #RollerDance (at LDA - Latin Dance Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfwWkvTpp7-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
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Se é patins está no ar @ricardo_ribero - As vezex no silêncio da noooooite, eu tô patinando!!!! . . #patinsquad #patinsbrasilia #sobrerodas #quad #rollerskates #quadrollerskates #picture #helpiando #patinsbrasil #quadrollerskaters #rollerderby #quadroller #soyluna #patines #patinação #patinstradicional #patinsoxer #moxirollerskates #moxiskates #rollerfit #planetrollerskate #skatelife #moxiteam #moxiskatedaily #moxiskateteam #bsbquad #patinsbrasiliacapital #patinsbsb https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo4XNWSBzGQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rt9bxavquju2
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marpuch-blog1 · 5 years ago
Wałki fitness - rollery
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Asortyment sprzętu do ćwiczeń jest stale poszerzany. Szczególnie jeżeli chodzi o fitness, to możemy mówić o dużym wzroście popytu na produkty z tej kategorii. Maty rehabilitacyjne, maty do yogi, wałki do masażu, materace gimnastyczne i wiele innych przedmiotów może być używane zarówno na siłowni, jak i w domowym zaciszu.
Wypada poświęcić nieco miejsca wałkom fitness. Tego typu sprzęt usprawnia ćwiczenia i wydatnie przyczynia się do osiągania satysfakcjonujących nas wyników. Rollery fitness występują w różnych rozmiarach i modelach.
Parametry wałka fitness Spokey Reel:
wyposażony w specjalne wypustki dające efekt delikatnego masażu
twardość: standard
materiał: pianka PU, PVC
średnica wałka: 15 cm
długość wałka: 33 cm
przeznaczenie: masaż, joga, pilates
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crabbebabbe-blog · 6 years ago
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Y’all I had a roller fitment come in my PSK. I have FINALLY decided to put it on a bottle and WOW!!! Why did I wait so long....? This is a game changer! I currently have mine on my bottle of Sacred Mountain, my absolute favorite grounding oil. Not to mention I have more in the mail! Get yours here: https://yl.pe/5kzt #naturalremedies #yleo #yl #youngliving #younglivingessentialoils #rollerfitment #makeiteasy #holistic #roll #makelifeeasier #sacredmountain #sacred #mountain #crabbebabbecreations #rollit #simple #lifehacks #workswonders #magical #essentialoils #life #eo https://www.instagram.com/crabbebabbecreations/p/BxbX19agaFl/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xms5n8q569uf
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boutbetties · 5 years ago
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Looking for a way to stay connected to the skate world? @rollerfit is hosting online classes you can do from home! Check ‘em out!
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danielnerynho26-blog · 7 years ago
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Sentir a brisa...... #esportesobrerodas #patinsbrasil #patinsstreet #patinsinline #patinslovers #patinacao #traxart #patinstraxart #patinsquad #streetstyle #freestyle #sportradical #fitnesskating #rollerfit #skqate #skateboarding #rollerskating #rollerskate #skatelife #powerslide #triskates #3x3wheels #roller #inlineskate #fitnessmotivation #villalobos #energia (em Parque Villa Lobos)
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thotikles-the-dudette · 4 years ago
Introducing the kalašnjiđoths (pronounced kalash-nyi-joths) the full slavic - goth - joth experience
Big special thank you to @_goldli0n and @marmaladeslam for wanting nothing but the best for me and @rollerfit and @moxirollerskates for helping them get these sick skates to me!!
Thanks @ubeeautumn for the snaps 📸📸
#moxiskates #rollerskate #rollerskating #rollerlicious #girlswhoshred #girlswhoskate #skatergirl #rollergirls #cibcrew #skatelikeagirl #transvisibility #transkater #skateanddestroy #moljitovprincess #transgender #transpositivity #transpower #girlsshredclips #discoblox #lesbian #girlslikeus #queerskatealliance #thisiswhattranslookslike #moxiskatedaily #kickturnbabes
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dizzy-sk8el · 5 years ago
What actually happens at the skate park 😎
Edit: I am the one in the all black n blue skates ✨
((A lot of my pals have also uploaded this but I changed the audio 😋))
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mercycreative · 7 years ago
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@moxirollerskates campaign product shots, shot for @estrojen while she was in town ✌️@moxiskateshop @rollerfit @rollergirlpromotions . . . . . fashionlove #fashionlook #fashionforward #photographylife #graphicart #creatives #contentcreator #socialmediamanager #commercialphotography #retouching #productphotography #flatlay #contentcreation #digitalmarketing #commercialphotography #rollerskates #moxirollerskates #skater
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meikoyim · 3 years ago
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Day 111. I should practice at home more, Stacey's classes are always such a workout!! ❤️ 第111天。要在家多練練啊,創始教練的課每次都運動量超標!!❤️ #DayToDayInSydney #RollerSkates #RollerSkatingAt42 #RollerSkateLearningAt42 #RollerSkatingDiary #Minimum10MinutesEveryday #Day111 #ChuffedSkates #RollerFit #RollerFitAU #Latergram (at Robyn Webster Sports Centre) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfbKXJrLW8H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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patinadoresoficial · 6 years ago
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Se é patins está no ar @trucosenpatines - Cuál es tu excusa para patinar ? #trucosenpatines #3x3wheels #triskates #patinar #patinaje #patinesenlinea #inlineskate #inlineskating #powerslide #powerslideswell #rollerfit #rollergirl #rollergirls #skategirl #skateboy #inline #rollerblading #slide #patinesenlinea - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B0nr9oJB0wa/?igshid=h35ngr0r8pcj
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silentsoul1998 · 5 years ago
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The Story Bridge from New Farm Riverwalk where skating last night 🛹 🌉 #storybridge #brisbane #moon #purple #deeppurple #purplelights #citylights #waterreflection #buildings #brisbaneriver #river @brisbanecity @storybridgebrisbane @rollerfit https://www.instagram.com/p/B2BiqVwjDAi/?igshid=uvc5g7gdty5n
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bigwheelblading · 5 years ago
@rollerfit.usa ✨Desde España 🇪🇸nuestra bella roller girl @_alexandram_17 👧🏻comparte con nosotros su rutina rollerfit desde casa. LO HACE DE MARAVILLA 👏🏻✨🙌🏻 good job 👍🏼 . . . . ✨From Spain 🇪🇸our beautiful Roller girl @ _alexandram_17 👧🏻Share with us her rollerfit routine from home. Awesome 👏🏻✨🙌🏻 good job 👍🏼 . . . . . . . Visit bigwheelblading.com for lots of great inline skating content from around the world. (Link in profile) . Find us on Facebook @bigwheelblading . . . #bigwheelblading #rollerblading #inlineskatting #inlineskate #patinsinline #patinadores #patins #patines #patinar #Patinaje #patinajeenlinea #skating #blading #pysyry #rolki #iloverolki #patende #rullaluistelu #welovetoskate #freeskating #rollers #роликирулят #роллеры #роликовыеконьки #ролики #인라인스케이트 #인라인 #インラインスケートI #rollerblade https://www.instagram.com/p/B-VuWszjT_h/?igshid=1ln9u9rgwzv33
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danielnerynho26-blog · 7 years ago
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Felicidade, é isso aí.😁😁😁 #esportesobrerodas #patinsbrasil #patinsstreet #patinsinline #patinslovers #patinacao #traxart #patinstraxart #patinsquad #streetstyle #freestyle #sportradical #fitnesskating #rollerfit #skqate #skateboarding #rollerskating #rollerskate #skatelife #powerslide #triskates #3x3wheels #roller #inlineskate #fitnessmotivation (em Parque Ibirapuera)
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