#role-playing game best wii games
game-on-comics · 2 months
For any Mii, due to recent lore:
When playing the board version of Miitopia, who is most likely to take the Game Master role? Also, an optional add on: is there any particularly hilarious moment that has stood out in the middle of a game?
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Chika: But amongst the Wii Miis, Luca does it best. But it's usually Laura.
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love-triangles-au · 7 months
bill is giving bottom energy and i hope i am right
Oh, you're right, alright :)
Well, kinda. It's complicated. In this essay, I will
(Gonna mainly use the terms "top" and "bottom" more as surrogates for "dom" and "sub" here as that's kinda what I assume anon means; but powerbottom Bill is extremely real too)
If you asked him he'd tell you that he's always in charge, really, no matter what it may look like. That was his thing before he met Venuz -- no issues bottoming as long as he knows he's ultimately the dominant partner who holds the power. He'd play the subbiest sub to ever sub if it was for the sake of manipulating somebody.
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However, with the acquisition of his mortal body, he'd gotten a lot more...well, sensitive. When he was a being of pure energy he could fine-tune everything he felt, make his body react exactly how he wanted it to, but now? No control!
That's frankly part of what first drew him to Venuz in the beginning -- very mortal urges. He hadn't felt pure, physical attraction in a very long while, had turned those instincts off and only had sex when he wanted to, the same way one would decide "y'know, I think I'll play Wii Sports today". Arousal used to be a choice for him, a fun game like anything else, and now it wasn't.
Sure, Venuz wasn't of the same species, but he was close enough to trick his biology! Flatlanders* are very good at making out nuances in geometry the same way we are with faces, and one of the most attractive things to them is symmetry. Well, Venuz was symmetrical in a way only a god could be. His color was even and clean, his eye bright, his limbs strong and muscular...a very attractive triangle by Flatland standards.
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Of course there was strategy to it, seduction was his best bet in getting what he wanted, and if you asked Bill that is what he would tell you -- it was all part of the plan.
With that being said, he was fully aware of the power of sex -- it was what he was planning to take advantage of, after all -- but he'd failed to recognize that it was something he might be susceptible to, as well, now that he was a mortal. And really, at first, he didn't even entirely recognize it happening, both from a lack of experience and his advanced abilities of cognitive dissonance. So, he was taken quite off-guard by just how much a simple look from the Gun God could get those long-dormant gears turning on overdrive.
As a result, their first time wasn't nearly as...calculated or dignified as he had hoped. Frankly, the second Venuz touched him he couldn't really think anymore, and he enjoyed his place on the bottom a little more than he was happy with.
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Bill had gotten arguably just as much out of the act as Venuz had, and that was NOT the plan. Thankfully, he could lie to himself enough about it to where it wasn't a problem. The way Bill's gaze would trace those perfectly sixty degree angles? It was part of the plan, Venuz liked it! The way his whole body would quiver when Venuz would brush his fingers along his edges? Method acting, he was just too convincing! The way he'd drag his sharp little claws down Venuz's back in the throes of passion, leaving stinging red lines in their wake? Well, uh...Venuz didn't seem to mind, so...sure, that's probably strategy.
As things went on, however, and Bill became more comfortable with Venuz, more willing to be vulnerable, he started to mind less and less about it. Bill loves sensory overload, that's basically his whole personality, and inevitably that meant his mortal body being reduced to a trembling, boneless mass on the bed by the end of the night. So, really, being the bottom and letting Venuz take control is very enjoyable for him when he's able to get over himself.
With that being said, it's something very hard for him to admit when he's got such a massive ego. Sometimes it can call the shots beforehand and demand a role reversal, but Venuz is very willing to be beneath his sexy demon boyfriend, so it all works out either way.
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Frankly, though, I'd say you're right, anon -- he is more suited to a bottom. Not only for the reasons above, but also for the much sappier reason that he feels comfort in knowing his lover is strong, maybe even stronger than him. He's always anxious about losing Venuz, so anything that can reassure him that the Gun God is this all-powerful, larger-than-life deity fulfills something very deep within him, even when it's in such a lewd setting.
But, TL;DR, he's a switch who thinks he's a dom, in denial of his submissive side. But, Venuz'll help him come to terms with it, don't you worry :)
*Note that Flatland is meant as a placeholder for Bill's home dimension; it's not exactly Flatland
~ Mod Emily 🦇
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naoko-world · 4 months
Men aren't inherently bad
As a context I can sometimes see some people talk seriously about men as if them being men make them bad people. I could even see some people extending it to trans men!
But if you see, for example, more men being predatory than women, that's wrong to say every one of them are predators. They can even be strong allies!
To prove it to you I'll talk about some men who proved they were good people and far from predatory. Of course, I could talk about men I personally know but it will be better to concentrate on celebrities since talking about people I know won't make you that interested and will not prove anything to you.
But first, a bit of chauvinism
Still, I'll start by being a big chauvinist and talk about two french youtubers I see as feminists! (Even if none of them actually said they were.)
Le joueur du grenier (the gamer of the attic)
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To introduce him a bit : He started his main emission by being inspired by the angry video game nerd and the nostalgia critic, and is one of the most popular youtuber in France. In his videos he's talking about bad old games, and sometimes talks about tv shows or other kinds of things that aren't games but are nostalgic (like old advertisements). He's also doing other things but I'll stop here since I'm not here to convince you to watch his videos.
In one video about Barbie games (this one in his second channel) he said as a joke "Pourquoi je joue à ça ? Parce que c'est marqué 'Software for girls', donc moi je veux prouver que même les mecs ils peuvent y arriver aussi." (Translation: "Why do I play it? Because it's written 'Software for girls' so I want to prove that the guys can do it too.") I don't know you but I always found it absolutely hilarious! And incredibly feminist!
Even better, in his most recent video he talked about Wii games for girls and, in it, he showed us a world where he's a woman (his role is played by an actress of course) and is playing the games with three other girls. The best is that it doesn't feel like a bad parody, you can really see him in this woman! It's not a stereotype!
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OK now I'm talking about Squeezie, who's the Youtuber N°1 in France! He's basically the french Mr.Beast/Pewdiepie with a lot of concepts. His most popular is Who's the imposter, for which he added dubbing for one of the episodes.
To tell you about something pro-feminist he did, I could talk about his video about Kathrine Switzer, who's the first woman to run the marathon at a time where it was forbidden for women to run it. I could also mention his video where he invited one actress who was here to promote La maison des femmes (the house of women) which is a place where women can receive some care for various cases like when they're victims of violence.
Even better, in his emission Le pire date (the worst date), in the second episode, he was playing with 2 other men, but also one woman. Among the dates there was also one man. So we could see one woman trying to win some women's hearts (they're all actresses of course) and the men were seen trying to win a man's heart (also an actor).
Now for american celebrities!
It's time to talk about people you may know!
Keanu Reeves
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This one surprised me a lot! Because I would never have thought about what he's praised for: not touching women when doing photos with them.
I personally did photos with celebrities and each time they were touching me because it's some kind of a automatism. It never bothered me because I never thought that I had the choice to refuse or accept being touched. So, hearing that Keanu Reeves don't touch women because, by default, he considers he doesn't have their consent... That makes me feel so happy! Also thinking about the possibility I could refuse to be touched during a photo.
Frederick Douglass
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Here is an example of a man who escaped slavery to finally become a leader of the abolitionist movement in New York and Massachusetts. He was pretty famous for being a good orator and his writing against slavery but, according to a pdf from the secretary of the commonwealth of Massachussets, he was also fighting in favor of women's right to vote. I quote it: "Frederick Douglass’s lifelong commitment to women’s rights reflected a belief that rights should be universal, not limited by race or gender. He believed that disenfranchised groups should support each other."
Fred Rogers
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Well, this one I couldn't know them and I'm so happy I could learn about his existence!
For what I understood of it, he animated the children show Mr.Rogers's neighborhood, where he talked about many societal issues such as divorce or how to deal with issues of race. He also added in the show a recurring character who's an african-american police officer (played by François Clemmons), another character who is a mayor who is an african-american woman (played by Maggie Steward), and he showed his puppet Lady Elaine Fairchilde travel to Jupiter and discover a planet...
That man seemed to be a really good one who was embracing feminist values, as well as the anti-racism.
Danny DeVito
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In an interview for The guardian, Danny DeVito has been asked if Hollywood is unfair to women. I love his answer, which is: ""I don't think it's only Hollywood, I think it's just generally speaking. Most men somewhere in their psyche are still dragging women around by their hair. It's terrible. I have two daughters, but even before my kids were born I always thought that it was terrible."
If we're asking about his actions, when Mara Wilson's mom got Breast cancer during the filming of Matilda he and his wife cared a lot for the girl, even inviting her at their home so she could forget a bit about her mother's illness. You can see more details on an article from Thelist.
Nonetheless that's so sweet of him!
Tom Hiddleston
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Honestly when my friends suggested Tom Hiddleston because "he's a feminist" I was pretty skeptic. Especially since I heard men calling themselves "feminists" but being jerks outside of this.
But then, when looking for proof of it, I found this video showing many times where Tom Hiddleston was respectful toward women... Which convinced me he earned his place in my post... Especially with how many times in the video he's praising actresses he worked or is working with! Like OMG Tom I hope you really think that! Also... If I were them, I'd be touched by those words.
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Back to YouTube with a man who made me question how I support trans people: Alex from the channel SquidTips.
Why is that? Because he's straight and cisgender but is showing the LGBT flag and trans flag in his logo and in his shorts where they're visible behind him (for example in this video). You can see in the screenshot that he even wears t-shirts with these flags.
He's also promoting LGBT rights in his longer videos, like in this one about why transgender women belong in women's sports.
What else do you want? He's awesome!
David Tennant
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When thinking about good men one of the first people I thought about was David Tennant.
Like if I got fed up with him as The doctor since he returned in the role to be another incarnation of it, I still appreciate some things he has done and is probably still doing.
In the said things there's this t-shirt you can see him wearing during the promotion of Good Omens season 2, which is saying "Leave trans kids alone you freaks", and the trans and non-binary pins he sometimes put on.
In the same topic, he also said some things that are very pro-transgender and non-binary as the Media ThePinkNews reported.
And as a last one... My favorite...
Rick Riordan
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Rick Riordan is, of course, Percy Jackson's author. He also wrote the sequels The heroes of Olympus and The trials of Apollo, as well as the spin-offs The Magnus chase and Kane Chronicles, and standalone books related to that universe.
Let's say that I admire this man... He included a lot of representations in his books after Percy Jackson ; which had been reproached to him by some parents who didn't want their children to learn about homosexuality, trans identity or other things he included ; but, in the first series, you can also see something awesome: strong and smart girls and women who aren't here only to please the male characters! I even think that Annabeth, Percy's soon-to-be-girlfriend, could have been the main character instead of Percy.
In the first series you can even see a daughter of Aphrodite and a daughter of Ares being besties and deeply loving each other (officially without them being in love with each other, especially since one of them has a boyfriend and the other one found her love interest at some point)... That's pretty touching! What is awesome is also how none of them are shamed for being either girly or not enough, they're only both two girls with different tastes.
I love these books, I love this man, I want to be a writer like him !
Adding that, outside of his books, he also created the imprint Rick Riordan presents, where he highlights books about other cultures or mythology written by other authors who asked to join the imprint. You can see a list of these books here!
As a conclusion I will only hope I could convince you that claiming that men are naturally predatory is a bad way to fight for women's rights but also incredibly wrong. Like I chose these examples but I was given many names ! No, being a man doesn't make anyone a bad person.
Also we can't fight for equality between the genders if we're stuck with the idea that the entirely male gender is an enemy of women. Furthermore, this idea brings some questions like "Do you consider that trans men are enemies too?" (Well, I saw some people who would reply "yes" to that question) and "What about non-binary people? Are they enemies or not?”
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rata2ouillegame · 2 years
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You’re probably wondering, “what the hell?” Honestly so am I, as not even I can fully process what I’ve done. Rata2ouille: The Perfect Dish (AKA Funny Ratgame) is a satirical, freeware indie platformer, social simulation, full length role-playing hybrid game. Following the events of Ratatouille for Wii and its sequel Ratatouille PSP, a new adventure unfolds after a series of events leads to the protagonist discovering a mysterious world known as the Food Network. Partnering up with an odd naked mole rat named Twinkles, the protagonist forms the Rodent Risers, braving the Food Network to find the mythical Perfect Ingredients and defeat the brutally evil rat Knox. Along the way, the player will have to develop Companion Syncs with both coworkers and customers, craft and obtain Persona to wield in combat, manage their restaurant, cook food that will assist them on their journey, and more.
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itch.io page: Click Here
Google Drive: Download Link
Archive.org: Download Link
Please feel free to upload and share with your friends wherever you feel like if they have trouble with either of these links!!!
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Unravel a grandiose conspiracy involving the amnesiac Twinkles, the evil rat Knox, the mysterious Food Network, the labyrinthine Hyperstream, fast food delivery apps, and an impending visit from the food critic Guy Fieri that could make-or-break your restaurant!
Fight intense battles with Shadows that you can also wield as Persona. Use them to best your enemies and rivals, like Ratatoing!
Form various Companion Syncs to deepen your bond with important figures in your life to unlock skills and gameplay perks!
Date various cute boyfriends! Only one girlfriend included.
Over 100 characters from various different media properties appear as customers in your restaurant, including... Sans Undertale, Peter Griffin, Yu Narukami, Kazuma Kiryu, Joseph Joestar, Bayonetta, and many, many, many more!
Customize your hero! Set pronouns and unlock over thirty unique costumes that appear both in cutscenes and gameplay!
Obtain all seven of the legendary Chaos Emeralds by succeeding in target breaking minigames hidden throughout the Food Network!
Difficulty adjustments and options, such as the “Skip Battles” pog item that can be equipped to skip all battles and focus purely on the story! Perfect for players that do not care for combat.
Create your own “My Food Network” where you can set your own favorite song to play, choose your color palette, create a food exhibit, and set posters that can be unlocked using points earned from in-game achievements!
Super cool players that 100% the game can view a Secret Ending that plays upon clearing the epilogue or talking to a certain friend in My Food Network...
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This game is in no way, shape, or form an actual Disney, Pixar, or Atlus product. It is an independently developed satirical game. It is parody and no profit is being made from it.
Check out more down below for a little Q&A
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Q: Is this really a full length Persona style RPG? A: Yes. I’m sorry, I don’t know why. It’s about 60 Hours long.
Q: How long did this take to make? A: About two and a half years, though I took many breaks from working on it due to being a full time college student (after some gap years) and having other projects I’ve been working on.
Q: Who made this? What kind of person makes this? Can you tell us about yourself because I need to know what’s wrong with you??? A: I’m very sorry to tell you that a very hot goth artsy nonbinary femboy made this game. I hope that makes the game more intimidatingly powerful.
Q: If this is a heavily Persona inspired game will it be re-released with a single new dungeon in a few years with a new marketable character tacked on? A: Buddy if enough people find this funny and enjoy playing it, you know it! That and if enough people would like to help me add full blown voice acting in a re-release, which would be one of my major focuses for an enhanced version.
Q: Why did you make this? A: I was really bored during the pandemic. Originally this was a small crude gag game I was making years and years and years ago that I scrapped, but I completely revamped it into something much more elaborate and surreal as a little distraction to keep me busy while quarantining. It sort-of functioned as a low stakes testing ground for less facetious games I plan on releasing in the near future. There’s also an underlying commentary on how obnoxious and outlandish unnecessary sequels to self-contained and subdued stories are, which can be seen in how ridiculously unhinged the game is with constantly recontextualizing various minute-details of the original movie and retconning things as if it was all deep foreshadowing.
Q: Why are you acting like Ratatouille is some kind of game series? A: In the past, in the really early beginnings of making this game, I had this whole elaborate ARG thing I would often joke about with friends where I would insist the movie was just a really bad faithless adaption of a video game series developed by Platinum Games and published by Atlus. There were jokes about the name “Remy” being a “dumb movie adaption thing” and that Ratatouille is in fact the proper name. The implication was that the “Disney movie adaption” was so bad it killed off the game series until this sequel came out well over a decade later due to “vocal fan support.” This eventually died down a bit, but some of the ironic ARG stuff has lingered. One part of the ARG was originally going to be that there were two people working on this game instead of one and that they’d have a messy public falling out on the game’s tumblr blog, but this was scrapped because it felt too explosive lol.
Q: What do you mean by this being a sequel to Ratatouille for Wii and Ratatouille PSP? Aren’t those the same game? A:  While the Ratatouille tie-in game on most consoles was just a movie adaption, the PSP version was one of those weird tie-in games that takes place after the movie. I never beat the game but the plot entails Chef Skinner stealing all the recipe cards from the new restaurant around the time of their grand opening, and Rem- Ratatouille having to retrieve them. This is recited as some sort of major, melodramatic event in Rata2ouille. Ratatouille PSP has a lot of scrapped side-characters from the movie appear (such as rats named Celine, Dodo, Twitchy all of whom were meant to appear in the movie and were in the official art book) in addition to very odd new characters such as Teen Rat, who is seemingly a Sonic the Hedgehog pastiche that challenges Remy to races. These game-exclusive characters are all treated as if they’re established characters from the movie that we should know and recognize so when I discovered they exist halfway through development, I retroactively added a bunch of them into this game and treated them exactly the same here. I did a lot of deep diving into the production of the movie and its tie-in material while making this game and referenced a lot of niche stuff -- in order to be as bizarre as possible, I also needed to be as “authentic” as possible.
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plopspoodle · 1 year
10 Game Recommendations
Bonjour~ As someone who has a lot of free time, I like to populate that time with various activities: reading, crafts, watching TV, language learning (mainly Duolingo) and playing games. Whilst I mainly like mystery/puzzle games, there are other genres I get involved in so hopefully this list will be varied enough!
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Nancy Drew Her Interactive
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Point and Click Mystery 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: Join teenage sleuth Nancy Drew in various mysteries by exploring various environments, finding clues and interviewing suspects. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series - my favourites are Ghost of Thornton Hall, Blackmoor Manor and Sea of Darkness 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Varies on each game, most games you can choose "Junior" (easy) or "Senior" (hard) Detective, but it's common and acceptable to use online walkthroughs if you get stuck. There are also hint systems within the games. 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PC, a couple are on the Wii, Mobile and DS but PC is a vastly superior experience. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 10/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: This is my favourite game series and a special interest of mine since I was 8. It has wonderful music, well thought out environments and an atmosphere that always gives me happiness. I own every game available on Steam and usually replay all of them every year!
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League of Legends Riot Games
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: MOBA 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: It features a team-based competitive game mode based on strategy and outplaying opponents. Players work with their team to break the enemy Nexus before the enemy team breaks theirs. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series - League of Legends and Teamfight Tactics, Legends of Runeterra (Card game) Wild Rift. 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both (predominantly online but there are AI modes, LOR has offline modes) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Pretty hard, it takes people a while to get it properly and to be honest is quite hard to get into if you don't have anyone to learn with/help you learn. 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PC, Mobile 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 7/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: I, like most people, have a difficult relationship with LOL. Whilst I generally enjoy the game, I like a lot of the skins and the music + Arcane are amazing, the game itself is quite hard (the only MOBA I have ever played) and the community is kinda awful. You are almost guaranteed to experience toxicity every single game, regardless of the mode, and even if you are in Blind mode (you must reach Level 10 for Draft where you choose your role and Level 30 for Ranked), and are clearly new, you will likely be with people who already play the game but are on new accounts (called Smurfs). You can mute people (best method is typing /mute all in the chat) but it's annoying when you have to deal with it rather than people just be civil. If you do get a team that are nice, then great! The game is fun! Unfortunately, I really do exercise caution with this game, as I have known absolutely no one who has played without quitting or taking breaks (including myself).
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What Remains of Edith Finch Giant Sparrow
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Exploration Narrative (some describe it as a horror game with no jumpscares (bar 2)) 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You play as Edith Finch revisiting her old family home - you explore the house and the surrounding area and read the old stories written by the elder of the family. You try to uncover the "family curse" before time runs out (figuratively, you can spend as long as you'd like on the game, there is no actual time limit). 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Single game (there is a parallel game if you want to continue the vibe) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy, no prior experience required 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PS4, PS5, Switch, XBOX One, XBOX Series X + S, iOs, PC (what I played it on) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 10/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: Whilst Nancy Drew is my favourite series, What Remains of Edith Finch (WREF) is hands down my favourite game of all time. It is, admittedly, very very depressing, and I think if you're not feeling too great mentally it isn't a good idea to play. I first played it at a time where I was doing okay, so now when I revisit it (regardless of mood) it brings comfort. Because of the previously reinforced comfort, if I'm not in a good mood and I play it, it makes me feel very creative. The way the game works honestly feels like therapy, how every story is different. I don't think I'll ever find another game like it, and that is why it is so precious to me.
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Animal Crossing Nintendo
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Life/Social/Farming Sim 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You play as a human visiting a land of talking animals! Help rejuvenate the community, make friends and have your dream house. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series, most recent is Animal Crossing: New Horizons (NH) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both, you primarily play offline but it has online features and you can play with up to 8 others in NH 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy, very chill 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): depends on the game but includes Gamecube, DS, 3DS, Wii, Nintendo Switch 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 9/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: Animal Crossing has been a consistent series throughout my life and is a very good comfort game. I've never tried Stardew Valley as I don't particularly like the farming elements of the game, so AC is better for my tastes. Whilst I do love the series, it isn't a 10 because I, and many people, find you can only play in motivation spikes. It generally means means you'll play for a month straight then take 6 months off. It's not exactly a problem, just means if you're looking for a consistent gaming experience, you may experience AC burnout!
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The Room Fireproof Studios
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Mystery/Puzzle Solving 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You find yourself in front of a box on a table. You must open it and discover the history of secrets inside. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series, most recent game is The Room VR: Dark Matter 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Medium-Hard, has hint systems but can sometimes be very difficult and require looking at a walkthrough 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): iOS, Android, PC, Nintendo Switch 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 9/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: The Room, of which I first played the mobile versions, is one of the most beautiful mobile games I have ever seen. I don't know how Fireproof managed to make the graphics so amazing, but they did! I love puzzle games, and I wish I could actually have a box to solve puzzles from. That being said, the paranormal elements aren't something I'd like to have to experience in real life! Only isn't a 10 because I don't have VR headset so I can't play the latest game and that makes me sad.
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Assassin's Creed Ubisoft
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Stealth Action Historical / Open World RPG 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: The fight between the Assassins and the Templars has spanned across history, and each game allows you to play as someone on either side in a period of historical significance. There is combat, stealth, economy and a whole lot more. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series, my favourites are AC2, AC4 and AC Syndicate (as I am from the UK) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both, primarily offline but online multiplayer is available in most games (if Ubisoft hasn't shut down the servers) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Varied, they usually begin pretty easy but get harder as you go along, AC2 I found I could mash buttons and beat anyone :) 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): Pretty much every platform, I have played on XBOX 360, PC and Nintendo Switch 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 10/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: I love this series. I love history, first of all, so the prospect of getting to play in various time periods is incredibly appealing! I've given a 10/10 because, even though I don't think every game is a 10/10, the amount of fun I had in the 5 games I've completed is enough to pull up the ones I don't like. Because of the (expected) quality of each game, some aren't as great (e.g. Unity had one of the most infamous bad launches in gaming history and I still can't play it properly due to bugs and poor user interface) but some are amazing. I personally think AC2 is the best one to start with, but fair warning: you will fall in love with Ezio.
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The Forest Endnight Games
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Survival Horror 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: In this first person game you, Eric Leblanc, must survive The Forest after having already survived a plane crash. Either plan an escape or go deeper into The Forest to find your son Timmy. The question is: how deep can you go? 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series (The Forest / Sons of The Forest) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Medium-Hard 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PS4, PC 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 9/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: If you play it right, The Forest is essentially horror, adult Minecraft. You can choose the difficulty but I still find it hard even on easy (I am not very good at games). Whilst I cannot give story spoilers, I was truly enamoured in the lore of the game (and now series) when I first found out about The Forest. But, importantly, it is scary. No matter how many people you play it with, it's still scary. I've only been able to play it with male friends, but they have never sounded less manly than when they've played this game. There is a sequel called Sons of The Forest (as seen in the gif below), but it is currently in testing so whilst I have access to it, I wouldn't consider it a full game yet and therefore I don't want to make any ill-made judgements. The Forest is honestly very beautiful and, if you're like me, you can always make it less scary by using console commands and making yourself invincible.
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Do Not Feed the Monkeys Fictiorama Studios and Others
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Digital Voyeur Simulator (not in a NSFW way) 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: You essentially work as a spy with access to security cameras in various places, usually places of residence. You can report to your bosses through emails, you can simply watch, you can even interact with the people you see. But you probably shouldn't do that last part. Unless you want to. Or not. All you truly know is that repeated phrase: Do Not Feed The Monkeys. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Offline 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy-Medium 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): Nintendo Switch, Android, PS4, XBOX One, XBOX Series X & S, PC 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 8/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: I bought this game after having previously enjoyed Papers, Please (I may feature this game if I do a second part), and it is very fun if you like time management. Every single camera (or room) has a schedule, and in these schedules they will talk and give important information highlighted in yellow. It's a very fun game because you don't necessarily have to follow the rules you're given. Even though it's a management simulator, it also tests your morals (and you can see how good your morals are through a plant you get gifted). If you struggle with the main mode, Peeper Mode makes it significantly easier and the only drawback is you can't unlock achievements.
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Journey Thatgamecompany
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Indie Adventure Game 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: The player plays as a robed person journeying towards a distant mountain through a sandy desert. The game has a multiplayer component, in which players can interact on their journey and assist each other. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Single Game 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Both 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): PS3, PS4, iOS, PC 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 7/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: Journey is one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Even if you have just a laptop, like me (at this moment in time), it still looks stunning. The multiplayer element is fascinating, as it's not entirely clear that you're playing with people. A lot of people aren't even sure if you always play with other people or if they are bots, but it doesn't really matter. You go on this Journey, and you're not alone. Now, you may be wondering, if it's so lovely, why is it only a 7/10? This is because, as much as I'd like to be one, I am not a cosy gamer. I like very stimulating games and Journey is lovely for if I want a calm gaming experience, but I rarely feel like that, so it just sits in my Steam library for months before I get the motivation again. It's by no means the fault of the game, just my own personal preference.
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The Sims EA & Maxis
𓆩⚜𓆪 Genre: Life Simulator 𓆩❀𓆪 Gameplay description: The player creates virtual people called "Sims", places them in houses, and helps direct their moods and satisfy their desires. Players can either place their Sims in pre-constructed homes or build them themselves. 𓆩⚜𓆪 Single Game / Series? Series (most recent is The Sims 4) 𓆩❀𓆪 Online / Offline / Both? Technically both (usually offline but you can install mods to make it online) 𓆩⚜𓆪 Difficulty: Easy 𓆩❀𓆪 Platform(s): Basically everything 𓆩⚜𓆪 Personal Rating: 8/10 𓆩❀𓆪 Personal Notes: The Sims was probably one of the first games I ever played (bar a Garfield game I had on my DS). My cousin had the Sims 2 on DS, and I actually bought it recently to relive that time. I, unfortunately, did not realise how much she had already completed, so I lost the motivation for that one. However, I currently regularly play the Sims 4 on my laptop, and have quite a lot of mods and have all the packs (Anadius, IYKYK). I've remodelled my room recently, and the Sims meant I could plan it all out and I am very thankful for that. There are also so many options for building, customisation and traits. It is, however, not a 10, as the packs are way too expensive and morally I think it's kind of extortionate to make players pay hundreds of £/$ just to get a proper gaming experience. I have lots of mods to make it more fun and more full, but I don't feel I should have to do that. The only other game I've ever modded is Minecraft, and that's because I've been playing that since I was a child. The Sims is great, but it does get kinda boring at times.
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And those are all the games I'm covering today! I may make another part in the future since there are obviously many many games in existence, so if there are any genres you would like covered, leave a comment~ <3
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mysmashplaythroughs · 2 months
Game & Watch Gallery 4 Playthrough.
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Fighter: Mr Game & Watch.
Game: Game & Watch Gallery 4, Wii U Virtual Console (Nintendo GBA). First Released on October 28th 2002.
Fighter Bio.
A true enigma, Mr Game & Watch is both everyone and no one within his world. His roles have varied so much as to put even Mario to shame with such examples being a juggler, flag bearer, exterminator, fireman, judge, sewer worker, workman, lion tamer, parachuter, deep sea diver and many more. Mr Game & Watch however has at the same time had none of these roles because as an entity he does not exist. The Game & Watch games were often self-contained LCD consoles that had a single game which ran on technology similar to calculators (I believe). In the games there is a pale beige colourless background which often has some coloured decorations that remain on the screen at all times such as trees or waves from the ocean, there are then multiple pre-drawn LCD segments usually in black that when playing will in turn light up in order to simulate movement, so for example a character will have faded out pictures of them walking along a road and when pressing right the next picture to the right of the one currently prominent would light up and the one next to it will fade out making it seem like the character has moved. A good example of this is the screenshot in this post which shows multiple pictures of characters falling out of a burning building along with the Firemen carrying a trampoline, you can see how specific ones are lit up whilst the others are not as visible. The Watch part of Game & Watch comes from many of them having a digital clock also which can have an alarm set which often involves a character of some kind (such as a cat) appearing and ringing a bell for the time the alarm is set to.
The characters in many of these games did not have names and were simply random civilians or professionals such as Firemen or deep sea divers. Mr Game & Watch as a character first appeared in Super Smash Bros Melee where he represented these numerous nameless characters. What’s interesting is alongside this with the amount of Game & Watch games produced including ones based on already existing properties, Mr Game & Watch has technically taken on the identity of other characters including Mario himself. Since his first appearance in Super Smash Bros Melee, Mr Game & Watch has made a few appearances in other games, although considering anything ‘canon’ to his story is not really possible. Honestly this probably is the best thing for Mr Game & Watch as it makes him feel like this being from a whole other dimension compared to everyone else in Smash Bros.
Friends: Since he is not really a character there aren’t any real relationships Mr Game & Watch has. Any of his in-game interactions are with others who are essentially other versions of himself. The only arguable exception is possibly Mario as in Game & Watch Gallery 4 he shares a small appearance alongside Mario where they host the Gift Mode.
Enemies/Rivals: Unlike with friends, there is a candidate for Mr Game & Watch’s ‘enemy’ which is most likely the Octopus that seems to be the most prominent other Game & Watch character having a whole minigame dedicated to it in Nintendo Land. In the original game the Divers (aka Mr Game & Watch) have to grab as much sunken treasure as they can before going back to the surface and avoiding the Octopus, if the Octopus grabs them then they are taken away and when the whole crew are gone it’s game over.
Crossovers with other Smash characters: As I stated earlier Mr Game & Watch is unique when it comes to this topic as he has actually been other characters in the Smash series, specifically in the game Mario Bros he takes on the roles of Mario and Luigi. He also takes on Mario’s role in Donkey Kong which is a crossover therefore with Donkey Kong based on the original arcade game. Other games feature Mario but his design is more like Mario in those cases so I don’t feel it counts as much. As stated earlier Mario appears alongside Mr Game & Watch in Game & Watch Gallery 4 on GBA, he does not appear in such a role in the previous Game & Watch Gallery games however since the concept of him as a character himself only began with Super Smash Bros Melee in 2001 and Game & Watch Gallery 3 came out in 1999. Mr Game & Watch did make a couple of other appearances, most of them I don’t feel it’s worth noting as they were more small cameos such as in Warioware Micro Games and as part of a Minigame icon in Super Mario Odyssey, however probably the most notable is that he appears in Donkey Kong Country Returns in the background of Foggy Fumes, a level where everything is in silhouette due to the fog and he appears as a cameo in the background hammering at a pipe. The only other debatable cameo is in Wario Land 4 where there is a character who runs the shops in the games that definitely is inspired by Mr Game & Watch, however that character is actually someone else so even if Mr Game & Watch is not really a character in the first place I wouldn’t count that as a direct appearance by him.
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Why this game?
The reason I decided on Game & Watch Gallery 4 specifically is that it was the easiest way to play multiple Game & Watch games, get screenshots of them and it looked the closest to the original being on GBA as opposed to the other games on Game Boy which were a lot more downgraded. The vast majority of the games I needed are covered in this game which is why I felt it was the best one to represent the character of Mr Game & Watch.
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My past with this game.
I have a bit more of an interesting history with this game than I expected when looking into it and remembering various things in the past. I suppose the best place to start is with the whole world of LCD games as a whole. Tiger LCD games were probably the first examples of these things I remember since I grew up in the 90s and these things were everywhere as some cheap 'stocking filler' type things. Remembering any specific games is something I can’t do which I think probably demonstrates even back then these were hardly things that brought much enjoyment beyond a couple of minutes at most. Probably the LCD game I remember most was one my neighbour had when I used to go there playing with her kids when I was really young, I remember she had this one that had multiple games in one and I think the one I remember most was a simplistic driving game where you had to avoid the cars that would appear in front of you and see how long you could keep going before you crash. I think the next big LCD game I remember (and I’m not sure if this really was an LCD game but it definitely looked like it) were during the Tamagotchi craze when I was young. I don’t remember if I ever had an actual Tamagotchi since I think it was used here as the name for anything like them rather than the specific brand, but I do remember winning one on holiday at an arcade, it was one of the very few times I actually managed to collect enough tickets to get a prize. This one stuck out to me particularly as I thought it looked like Yoshi on the box although that wasn't the case in-game. All these years later I discovered it is called Ganbare Ryuta Kun, anyway it was the main one I remember and even if it was a ripoff of Tamagotchi I can’t help having some nostalgia for it.
When it came to Game & Watch itself, I believe the first one I ever got was part of a line called Nintendo Mini Classics and was Mario’s Cement Factory. If I remember right, it was back when my parents decided to follow what my Aunt did and get a small caravan to stay at this caravan park (that despite how it sounds was really like a nice holiday place than some rundown parking lot or something) rather than go away on holiday each year. We did it for a short while before ultimately deciding we weren’t as into it as my Aunt’s family was but I still remember a fair few things there, such as playing through probably the worst game I’ve ever played (The Fellowship of the Ring on GBA) there as well as how my Cousins found a copy of Rayman on GBA underneath their Caravan one year. Anyway, I do vaguely remember playing this game a bit when I was bored but I think eventually the novelty ran out for me with it. The game was still to me an interesting thing I’d never heard of before so I was glad I got it though even if it wasn't that exciting to play. Sometime later I remember when I was really into Donkey Kong 96 on the Game Boy being interested in if there were any other games with Mario facing the original Donkey Kong and Donkey Kong Jr and reading in the games magazine I had about Game & Watch Gallery (possibly 3 but it might have been 2). I was interested in it because DK Jr actually appeared, however I remember when I finally had a chance to buy it in the store the GBA was coming out and I decided I wanted that more, which in hindsight I think was probably the best choice. When the Gamecube came out I first saw Mr Game & Watch and I don’t know honestly what I thought of him beyond he was meant to replicate arcade games or something. I do remember the music from his stage did pique my curiosity with how mysterious it was but I think it took me a fair bit of time to realise his relation to that Mario’s Cement Factory game I had. It didn’t help that the physical Game & Watch in Smash Bros (where the stage takes place) didn’t look anything like the Nintendo Mini Classics version I had, which was more like a tiny version of a Game Boy.
I did vaguely remember hearing of Game & Watch Gallery 4 in magazines but I think I’d lost interest at this point beyond finding it neat. The Spriters Resource did pique my curiosity a bit with how many of the games had unusual characters like Luigi boxing a Wiggler, however it was only when I decided to do my Smash playthrough I actually got the game and only in that case because I learnt the game had the Modern versions (where the games star various Mario characters) and Classic versions which recreate the original Game & Watch, which was far easier than tracking down the actual individual consoles.
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My Smash Playthrough.
I believe looking back at posts I’ve made so far this is the second game that doesn’t really have a clear ‘ending’ after Dr. Mario that I’ve played so far. This was what I believed in any case when playing the game so therefore I decided to have a specific goal to work towards which is what I’ve done with ‘endless’ games on my list such as getting some specific item or unlocking something specific. In this case the game I aimed to unlock was Octopus since it made sense as a ‘final boss’ of sorts. Octopus required 50 points to unlock, in the game points are represented by stars you get for each game which you are awarded for every 200 you get in the score in a game. Honestly, this was fairly irritating with some games giving points away fairly easily but having a limit on 5 stars I believe, this means you have to try and build up the points on other games that can be a lot slower and more difficult, not to mention getting a game over means you’ll have to start from a score of 0 again. It was due to this in order to maintain my sanity I went with unlocking Octopus rather than getting the 220 points required to unlock everything in the game. I have learnt also that credits are unlocked with 170 points and cast credits with 220 so technically there is an ‘ending’ to this game.
 Of the games available my favourites were probably Donkey Kong Jr which is a recreation of the original arcade game, I definitely preferred the Modern version of this as it was fun seeing DK Jr dealing with Mario enemies such as Goombas and Bullet Bills. Chef I remember could be somewhat addicting in both versions with you having to keep catching food items in a frying pan and throwing them in the air trying to avoid any of them landing on the floor. Fire is a fairly classic Game & Watch title although I feel like I’ll probably go over that more when it comes to the Game & Watch stage down the line. I also found Rain Shower surprisingly fun mostly because I always liked how old arcade games took such mundane activities and made a game out of them. In this case in the classic version you have clothes on a clothesline with raindrops falling down and you have to pull the clothes along the line to avoid the drops of rain. Since it was the one I wanted to unlock as my last, Octopus is a pretty fun game and fitting for a ‘final boss’, this game involves you taking treasure from below an Octopus and having to avoid its tentacles. I enjoyed both the Modern and Classic versions of this game and I felt the Modern version was easier and if I was willing to put the time in would likely have let me get a lot of points. The final game I want to mention is probably my favourite being Boxing, granted this isn’t due to the original Game & Watch version which was fairly bland but the Modern version which involves Luigi boxing against a Wiggler (which is funny to see with boxing gloves), Big Boo who seems to use a smaller Boo as its glove and finally Waluigi. It’s funny to me seeing Luigi of all characters being chosen for this game.
Specific aspects about the game relating to Mr Game & Watch in Smash.
What makes Mr Game & Watch particularly difficult is that every single one of his moves references a specific game. Due to this I decided for a specific game to represent him I had to choose one which covers his main moves, in this case Game & Watch Gallery 4. The games represented in G&WG4 that are also in his moveset in Smash are Manhole, Fire Attack (Which has a bit of history to it as earlier versions had the attackers as Native Americans with a feather on their head which was initially in Super Smash Bros Ultimate but removed before release and in Game & Watch Gallery 4 the feather is also removed so this version matches Smash better than the original versions), Octopus (both for the Final Smash with the Octopus itself and the Up Smash which has Mr Game & Watch doing a headbutt with a diving helmet from the game), Parachute and Fire (interestingly originally this move referenced just Parachute with Mr Game & Watch using a parachute as an attack, but in later games his up special had him get trampolined up by Firemen which references Fire before using the parachute when falling from it), Mario’s Cement Factory (although the object he uses in this looks more similar to one from Mario Bros than Mario’s Cement Factory), Donkey Kong Jr, Alarm (he uses a bell which matches with the Alarms on each game which have a character ring a bell when the timer goes off), Chef, Tropical Fish, and finally Mario’s Bombs Away (a bizarre game that has a lot more colour than other Game & Watch games, has Mario very clearly defined but also is a game that seems to be set during the Vietnam War with Mario as a soldier, meaning yes, Mario is a Vietnam veteran.)
This is definitely not every single game Mr Game & Watch references and through writing this post I’ve realised that I should probably look into some of the other games as Game & Watch as a whole is a bit of a blind spot on my list that I haven’t represented as well as I could have. I think for some of Mr Game & Watch’s alternate costumes I might look into finding the other games represented in his moveset to add to my list now.
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For information on this game including dates of releases I must give credit to the Super Mario Wiki and the Nintendo Wiki for additional information.
Screenshots were taken by me using Miiverse.
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bokujou-monogatari · 8 months
do you mind explaining why you like island of happiness over sunshine islands and tree of tranq. over animal parade?
Disclaimer 1: this is not my full answer because I want to provide more than just my ramblings and have actual tangible evidence to my reasonings. Which, I do have, but my schedule has been very limited recently and I just haven't gotten around to digging things up.
Alright, it's about time I answered this, just because it's been sitting here in my inbox and I don't want to keep you waiting too long.
Disclaimer 2: I don't know what the hell happened in 2007 to 2010, but something tells me there was a Too Many Cooks situation in the dev/production line; may have been what contributed to the creative differences and why Wada was ushered to leave after the AQL Merger. But again, this is one thing I -don't- have the specific insight to.
Disclaimer 3: long post, I'm sorry 😭
Tree of Tranquility was created 2004 (preproduction) to 2005-2006 (production, commitment, release candidate) and released in 2007. The person spearheading direction was Yoshifumi Hashimoto, the acting director for many games after he was brought to the team when Victor merged with Marvelous in 2003. He was purely Marvelous staff at the time, and was not part of the initial team that came with Victor/Toy Box. He was given the role for Tree of Tranquility in order to innovate gameplay on the latest Nintendo system - the Nintendo Wii. He had support in the way of Yasuhiro Wada and Hikaru Nakano. To a degree, Nakano was more closely involved than Wada, who at the time, was more oversight than development.
Hashimoto wanted to use the success of A Wonderful Life to make a more intuitive, iterative title that followed similar successful principles while in a whole new setting. Thus, Tree of Tranquility did its best to be its own thing while still trying to be a knock on of the preceding console game.
In this article I translated years ago (which frankly needs an update, but the general information is There), Wada was interviewed for the release of Animal Parade; he stated that when he finally took a look at the final product, Tree of Tranquility did not capture the feeling of being a true successor to A Wonderful Life, and that he was largely unhappy with how things turned out. As such, he ordered the team to create a turnaround version of the title which stripped characters down to bare stereotypes, rewrote original relationships and changed them, and changed functionality of gameplay systems - all within a 9 month period from the release of Tree of Tranquility to Animal Parade.
As to why I like Tree of Tranquility so much:
I am just not a fan of the antiquated rural ideals and stereotypes Wada mixes very well in all of his games.
He added those into Animal Parade, and also just pretty much turned Tree of Tranquility into a depressing hot mess with plotholes.
I had already been so used to the (then) complexity of the character narrative in Tree of Tranquility that coming to Animal Parade felt like the characters had been body snatched. I have a whole dissertation on my blog about the character narrative of Maya, and I could write about every single character of the game and the ways they stand out in ToT compared to AP. Between the two, for what the story was supposed to be, it also felt less impactful when playing Animal Parade, than when you literally got told how much of a difference you were making throughout the story of Tree of Tranquility.
(Of course, this isn't to say Tree of Tranquility doesn't have its own problems, it does! But you can't escape narrative bias in any media - it takes critical analysis.)
I think Animal Parade holds its own as a game, and I can see why so many people enjoy it. However, narrative wise I will always choose Tree of Tranquility.
Island of Happiness is also the same in this regard. Hikaru Nakano was not satisfied and felt that the game could be iterated on further, and thus Sunshine Islands was created. For me, Island of Happiness felt more tight knit but also diverse- what with the single community island, branching heart events instead of linear ones, and overall feel. I just couldn't attach myself to Sunshine Islands despite the fact it was supposed to have "enhanced" the story presented in that generation.
Feel free to hit me up about this more, I love talking about this topic specifically :)
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cosmicheartz · 3 months
Ok so I decided I wanna throw my hat in the tadc au ring. It’s not gonna be super consistent update and content wise esp since hyperfixations fluctuate but I’ll try my best
Anyways without further ado lemme introduce you to
( Inspired by the dancerush au and the black parade au but also rhythm games, no straight roads and games like battle of the bands for the Wii, guitar hero, this one game I remember playing where you make your own band etc )
the au follows Pomni, similar to canon she ends up in a digital world but instead of a circus it’s a music studio in some sort of city district ( think NSR ) and is suddenly recruited by Caine ( the manager for the band which I’m gonna call Digital Circus for now ) to take the spot of the former band member kaufmo who suddenly disappeared one day ( some rumors say he up and quit while others say he died/abstracted ). Digital Circus has recently been having some ( read: a lot of ) troubles due to constant arguments between the band, Kaufmo leaving and a slew of other things and Caine thinks Pomni can help restore the band to its former glory.
Pomni just wants to go back to her regular life but decides to play along in hopes that if the band can reach no 1 in the charts than she ( and the other humans ) can return back to the real world.
But there’s something darker brewing behind the scenes
Digital Circus Band
( Note: the band is multigenre bc no one can agree on what genre to focus on. Rock has been genre that’s been the most prominent lately due to Jax’s influence. They also cover preexisting songs too )
Caine: Band Manager
Bubble: whatever the term for ppl who set up the stage for the band to preform is among some other misc roles
Pomni: drummer ( originally Kaufmos role ) and eventually starts doing some backup/secondary vocals
Jax: lead vocals and guitar. He’s the self proclaimed “ leader “ of the band
Ragatha: pianist/costume designer
Gangle: tbh I don’t think she actually performs in the band but she designs posters and album covers. Also is the primary lyricist for the band bc Jax CANNOT be trusted to write songs for the band
Zooble: DJ/Guitarist and Bassist when the situation calls for it. Also helps with the special effects
Kinger: used to be the lead vocals but after an incident he refuses to sing so now does various back up instruments. His mental state also isn’t the best either
( will get updated as more eps come and we get to see more npcs and stuff )
The audience are npcs ( varies between the mannequins and like actual fleshed put npcs )
Queenie and Kaufmo used to be part of Digital Circus but disappeared ( Queenies disappearance is a part of why Kinger doesn’t sing anymore)
Currently for competing bands and musicians we have Loolilou ( a solo pop artist ) and Gummigoo and his mates ( a country/bluegrass band? )
I haven’t decided on a band name for Gummigoo and co yet
- they are able to have sex ( Jax def has groupies ) but it isn’t a huge thing in this au and id consider the au mostly pg-13 with some occasional adult themes sprinkled in
- swearing is somewhat allowed? They can’t say fuck though ( it gets bleeped out ) and Caine cannot swear
I’ll add more to this later/when I have more stuff to add
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emblemxeno · 4 months
Xenoblade Chronicles: Future Connected Thoughts
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-Future Connected is 100% done! All quests, all ponspectors, full collectopedia, all Quiet Moments, and full map! For a 10~ hour epilogue, it certainly had its charms.
-Story and characters were extremely good and heartfelt. Melia getting to be unabashedly happy and powerful in her leadership position is a treat to see. Kino and Nene were feel good team mates that brought smiles to my face, and their inclusion led to Riki being developed without even being there! Best dadapon even more so. Shulk's story was over in the main game, so seeing him in a supportive role was not a shock, and he's so damn sweet. And again, Tyrea's story role in this-as well as Teelan being brought in as a full supportive character-was a welcome inclusion, something that I felt was a great bow tied on to XC1's world.
-Side characters were good, for the most part. Surprisingly poignant and nuanced dialogue from named NPCs, as well as welcome funny moments here and there. I enjoyed Maxis and the Companions, as well as their friction with Gran Dell. Were the game to be longer, I'd call it underdeveloped, but since it's as short as it is, it's just fine.
Gael'gar though... kind of weak tbh. He created tension in the story that, IMO, wasn't necessary or impactful. Mixed blood High Entia hating pure bloods as a reversal of the main game's take is an interesting concept, but something that can't meaningfully take hold in a short adventure, especially since the blood heritage thing is woven tightly into the main game's narrative with the Telethia's origins. Gael'gar blowing up the lab was ultimately for naught in my eyes, as yeah it sets back Teelan and Tyrea's research, but reasonably that probably wasn't gonna be solved before the Fog King issue anyway. He lacks threat and charisma either, so he's not even entertaining or engaging, he's kind of just a negative.
I loved those little fuckers, even if some of the quests involving them were annoying. Shout out to the chuuni ponspector, your quest may have been hell, but I loved your dialogue. They were great in the gameplay sense too, adding some meat to the system. Speaking of which...
-I didn't care much for the combat at all. I have an overall really positive opinion on XC1's combat, where even though spikes are an awful design decision and the game is centralized around topple locking, the variety of arts, skill trees and links, and various armors and gems led to a great deal of customization and fun. Future Connected is a short romp, so it makes sense for it to be stripped, but stripping XC1's combat makes one realize that it's not quite that fun in its bare form. Things become a bit more routine or predictable, and I think the devs knew that, so they made enemies a bit more annoying and tanky (I think even one NPC commented that the region's monsters are stronger on the shoulder than they normally would be). Until I got access to the Ponspector Attack, I felt at the mercy of things just playing out with no major impact; like I was a level 60 hero going through the prologue again. It wasn't hard to eventually adjust, but still. Meh.
-Specific point about battling. Getting rid of Enchant makes sense, since no Mechon. However, why not also get rid of Shield and enemy Talent Arts since there's no visions? Shield's main purpose was to stop talent arts before they happen, but with no visions you never know when they're happening ever. At that point, Shield is kind of worthless the first time round, and it becomes trial and error depending on the enemy if you keep dying to it. Most often, the only Monado Art you needed was Armor, since that's more reliable and multipurpose. Just strange.
-What else... music was top notch, I looooooved the Fog Beast theme. Visuals were great, and huge fucking props to breathing life into the Bionis' Shoulder, since that was major cut content in the original Wii release. Repurposing it for an epilogue mini-adventure was a smart move. Exploring the continent itself was fun, so they did a great job. I loved each location, and I oddly enough enjoyed the high concept names for each landmark and the like. Very fantastical.
-Having played XC3, anything and everything about the Fog King and the Rift, like these:
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They're such brain candy moments for literature nerds like me, oooh, I love it. The XC3 art book revealed that Alrest had a similar event to Future Connected, just not seen before XC3's events. I imagine, that since FC was a rift above Alcamoth that spouted out a Guldo, then there was most likely a rift in the center landscape of the new Alrest, where Morytha used to be. I like to think Alrest's version of the Fog King would be a Telethia that got caught in the rift.
-Last but certainly not least, JENNA COLEMAN! Getting her back for both Future Connected and XC3 was amazing, and she kills it as Melia. So mature, heartfelt, compassionate, an A+ performance.
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-Overall, I had fun! Would I play it again? Ehhh, maybe someday, but whenever I play XC1 again, I'm not likely to revisit FC along with it every time. Still, loved the scenes and what it brought to the overall Xenoblade story.
Taking another break before moving on. Continuing on, I'm gonna play Torna next, then main game XC2. I couldn't be more excited to play those again tbh.
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may I ask abt your beef with Rayman? I've only played one Rayman game so all of this is new lore to me.
when i was little, my best fried at the time had kirbys epic yarn for the wii and i quickly became obsessed with that game and wanted to play it at home so i went to target wity my mom to go buy it but when i picked it out my mom asked me if i really wanted it cause it looked girly. i said yes but she still said i had to buy a game that wasnt girly and when i didnt budge, she bought a rayman game for me which i never even opened. eventually my parents conceded and bought me kirbys epic yarn but rayman will always be a symbol of annoying gender roles that make no sense being thrust upon me from a young age and a symbol of a lackluster uno dlc.
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the-monkey-ruler · 8 months
Final Fantasy (1987)ファイナルファンタジー
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Date: December 18, 1987 Platform: Game Boy Advance / MSX / PlayStation Portable / Nintendo Entertainment System / PlayStation / WonderSwan Color / Wii Shop / PC / iPhone / PlayStation Network (PSP) / iPad / Android / Windows Phone / Nintendo 3DS eShop / PlayStation Network (Vita) Developer: Square Enix / Squaresoft / TOSE Co., Ltd. Publisher: Square Enix / Squaresoft / Nintendo / Micro Cabin Co. Genre: Role-Playing Theme: Fantasy / Medieval Franchises: Final Fantasy Also known as: FF1: Final Fantasy I / Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood / Mobius Final Fantasy / Final Fantasy XIV Online Type: Crossover
Final Fantasy is Square Enix's longest running and most popular role-playing franchise. First premiering on December 18, 1987 with the original Final Fantasy, it has only increased in popularity over the last 35 years. Inspired by Enix's Dragon Warrior, he took the last of Square's money and developed the game. It sold 400,000 units, kicking off what has become one of the best-selling video game franchises in history. This series has had several spin-offs, some of which are Final Fantasy Adventure (which went on to become the Mana series), Final Fantasy Tactics, a series of turn-based strategy RPGs, and even several games starring the Final Fantasy mascot, the cute, ostrich-like chocobo. Additionally, the first few games of Squaresoft's SaGa series were given "Final Fantasy Legend" titles when they were released in North America because of Final Fantasy's recognizable name.A Chocobo
Since its inception, the series has branched out into portable games, action spin-offs, a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, and even games for mobile phones. Originally, each new Final Fantasy game introduced to players an entirely new world, storyline, and set of characters. However, since Final Fantasy II the games have each shared a number of motifs that fans have come to look for. For instance, there has always been a character named Cid, who is usually connected to flight, whether as a pilot or engineer (though he has also been known as a political figure from time to time). Chocobos appear frequently in most Final Fantasy stories, and are usually used as mounts for the player. The teddy bear-like Moogle is also very common to Final Fantasy games. Cactuars often appear as enemies in Final Fantasy games, but have been known to show up in doll-like form.Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection
Final Fantasy IV was the second game to be released outside of Japan and introduced many key elements that would stick with the future titles of the series: Save Points, Active Time Battle System, theatrical cutscenes, character leitmotifs, etc. This game was known as Final Fantasy II in North America and the forthcoming Final Fantasy VI was renamed to Final Fantasy III in North America. It wasn't until Final Fantasy VII that the series retro-actively changed it's chronological naming for the North American releases.
More recently, Square Enix has begun to extend the most popular Final Fantasy games beyond their initial release. Characters from numerous Final Fantasy games have made appearances in games like Kingdom Hearts, Ehrgeiz, and Dissidia. Several specific main series games have also received direct sequels or spin-offs which often occupy different genres. Final Fantasy X saw a sequel, the appropriately titled Final Fantasy X-2, which directly continued and concluded the original game's storyline.
The wildly popular Final Fantasy VII has seen numerous related releases, including the PSP action RPG Crisis Core, the PlayStation 2 third-person action game Dirge of Cerberus, a mobile game released only in Japan called Before Crisis, and in 2020, after much clamoring for it from fans, Final Fantasy VII Remake was released for PlayStation 4.
In a similar vein, Final Fantasy XIII had a trilogy of games released within the same world, include Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
Source: https://www.giantbomb.com/final-fantasy-xiv-stormblood/3030-56662/
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPgQzip2y2I
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dtlfacts · 7 months
Despite almost everything being different between the two versions of Drawn to Life: The Next Chapter, there are some notable similarities, which some fans have designated the "THQ Mandates". However, it should be noted and strongly emphasized that the role of THQ in these features is not confirmed.
The biggest and most notable similarity between the two games is their name and release date, as THQ seemed to insist upon a release date of October 2009, with the exact day varying between region.
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Another notable similarity is the inclusion of Action Drawing, where the player manually draws into the world, creating platforms with different properties for the Hero to interact with. However, despite both games having these features, their implementations are vastly different.
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Lastly, and the least likely to be THQ's influence, both games have a level designated as "Crystal Caverns". In the DS game, Crystal Caverns is the first level of Lavasteam's story, while in the Wii game, it is the third level of the Icy Wastes.
In the fandom, this name similarity is best known for when Seiinity accidentally made an arrangement of the Icy Wastes theme instead of Lavasteam 1, the track that plays in the DS's Crystal Caverns.
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useless19 · 10 months
So I was curious; in "Days" after the interaction with Wendy in the bathroom, had you at any time wanted to do more with her? Luigi managing to make her giggle seemed like an opening for further development.
Not specifically. She served her narrative purpose with her fairly heavy-handed exposition dump on Koopa gender roles and ultimately her way forward isn't going to involve Luigi a huge amount. Maybe in another story, but Days!Luigi isn't interested in dresses and makeup, and doesn't really have anything to add to a more female-driven narrative.
When I first started writing Days, the only game I'd played with the Koopalings in was New Super Mario Bros Wii, which isn't all that lore heavy (I know most of the games aren't, especially mainline games at that) and I was fairly dubious about adding them to the series at all. I couldn't even name them all correctly!
(I'd also spent several hours of my childhood reading through the same 3 Mario choose-your-own-adventure books, which featured a few of the Koopalings. Given how poorly they've aged, something even child-me picked up on, it's probably best that my memories of them are fairly sketchy.)
I've since picked up Color Splash* and I think I've got a handle on the Koopalings' characters from that (at least as far as that game's portrayal of them goes, it's why there's a throwaway line about Roy going to night school).
Unfortunately for her, Wendy's characterisation is pretty much just 'the girl'. I hope I managed to do something (somewhat) interesting with that, but she's still only a tertiary character in Days. It would have pulled the focus of the series in a different direction if Luigi had spent the time to get to properly know any of the Koopalings. They're all big enough characters in the game series that I couldn't have just reshaped their personality to fit the narrative I already had. Which would have meant way more moving parts to consider for the series as a whole.
Hopefully, one day, Luigi can get a good working relationship with Wendy, though what she really needs is more female friends and to work through the internalised misogyny problem she very likely has.
*(I hate that we never got a proper localisation and the colours in the title Color Splash don't line up properly. If they'd just spelt colour correctly then there would have been 6 letters in each word for the 6 paint colours in the game!)
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dedenneblogs · 11 months
Grover X Beckendorf Headcanons:
- Grover hangs around Beckendorf. a lot. the satyr takes exuse he can get to tag along with percy when he’s hanging out with Charles and only does so to eat all the scrap metal they leave behind, which comes in mass when it comes to Beckendorf; he was a perfectionist in his younger years, so there we always failed prototypes for Grover to chew on. It annoyed Charles at first, but after a while and getting to know the goat boy better he actually liked Grover’s company (he even thought it was kind of cute whenever his new friend would snatch and scrap metals that came flying over his way - wait that’s kind of gay- (POSSIBLE FANFIC IDEA???)
- Charles always tries his best to send iris messages to percy when his friend is on quests. percy unfortunately doesn’t note them because they’re usually just hour long conversations between a percy at 3:00 am who’s unable to sleep and a Beckendorf awake in the afternoon (cause of time zones) talking about girls, video games, etc. one time he was caught by Chiron late at night but the iris message quickly dissolved into Chiron stealing Charle’s call to talk with Percy.
- Silena was one of the first people to really recognize Charle’s discarded work (other than Percy and sometimes Grover whenever he wouldn’t eat his scrap, Silena was just more persistent and interested in his projects). the funny thing is that most of the time she confused his inventions for other things. example: Beckendorf makes a homemade lunchbox that folds for extra storage on the inside (actually one of Grover’s favorites that Charles finalized later in his years and gifted it to Beckendor)? Silena: “Ooooo! Is that a makeup kit?” Really, they were more friends than lovers. Silena had feelings for Clarrise, and Beckendorf was starting to realize a lot about himself when it came to Grover. But wouldn’t it be fun? It’d be easier. It’s what was expected of them anyways. (WOW! i’m on a role with this doomed yaoi!)
- Charles looks like he benchpresses, but in reality? he’s…(shudders) a GA(Y)MER…
- Charles loves to play the drums. as a full homemade set he can fold and carry from his home and camp. also has steel drums ONLY for camp (Ms. B doesn’t like the sounds it makes, it gets annoying after awhile). Him and Grover have duets.
- Before Grover went out on his quest after book 1, Charles gifted him a cup that had “The Best Satyr Ever” written on it (gay???1!1?1!)
- Tyson could see how gay Charles was for Grover. he has a voice radar AND gaydar which is unfortunate for Beckendorf. one time almost outed him to the entire camp when he said something along the lines of “you homo for goat boy?” In his heart he’d rather Charles be homo for anyone BUT goat boy, but he’s accepting (can’t spell cyclops without W).
- in an alternative (better) universe, Charles is along for the ride in the Sea of Monsters! but it sad lemme explain to myself: basically like Clarrise is given her own quest but Chiron and Dionysus don’t trust her, but more importantly her father, so have Charles, Silena, and maybe a few other campers go out to keep and eye on her. Clarrise catches on and tries to kill them probably distracting her from another event and shit goes down the drain. but like in the end everyone makes up and these characters actually get screentime! yay! victory! (also probably carry’s Grover like a princess. it awakened something in the both of them
- Grover is crazy good at just dance. Charles made another wii and everyone suggested him to download new games. “Can you install Super Mario Bros Wii?” Percy pleaded. “Does this stupid console have Halo?” Clarrise interrogated. “Oh, I just love Just Dance, it’s just great, BLAHAHAHA!” Grover humored. Just Dance was on Charle’s second homemade wii in a matter of minutes, and in stayed in his cabin so that when they could, him and Grover could just be together as two (either way Charlie isn’t the best at Just Dancd, Grover is too good but Beckendorf doesn’t mind watching him).
- When Grover called Beckendorf Charles for the first time, he didn’t correct him. A few minutes later another camper called him Charlie and he corrected them.
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lewdladylily · 1 year
Characters for you to rate: Fang (FF13), Vanille (FF13), Link, Samus, D . Va
Thank you! So I got like 7 asks, I will answer them as able, this was the first. Lets go!
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
I played FF 13 one time and only part way through back when it first released. If I remember correctly, Fang is a character that shows up mostly later in the game and I never played any of the follow up material, so I barely remember Fang. So going purely off of art of her, she's plenty hot, but not uniquely hot or interesting. I'd of course have sex with her if the opportunity presented but lets be honest, that bar is not particularly high.
Given that, for the how, it would be standard pickup procedure: Figure out what she's into, angling to be sub to her domme if possible and get my face pressed into her breasts.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
I remember Vanille a lot more than Fang, and her design is very cute. She's not a character I ever really think about, but this is a character I've actively sought out porn for before.
As for how, the biggest problem here is that I can't actually imagine her being dommy, so we have a two subs problem going on. If a domme mood hit me I think she would make a great sub, and I would love to watch Fang fuck her brains out. Also, Vanille would make a very cute maid.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
There are so many different Links, and I'd fuck *most* of them. Toon Link is 10, so that's a no for example, but generally speaking the Links are quite fuckable. Now to get to the point, Link makes an extremely fuckable crossdresser or femboy (these are different but related things! Both very sexy and good!). The range here (from yes to oh god yes) is representing different links in different modes of presentation. Ideal fuckable link is BOTW/TOTK Link in femboy style.
I tend to get dommy to crossdressers and femboys, and I can tell you if I was dom we would start with me basically playing dress up with him. It would be an elaborate process. Then I'd tie him up and peg him. I wouldn't be opposed to subbing though. Whatever. Link is hot, and only gets hotter in fem clothing.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
Samus is too much of a blank slate to really be absolute top tier, but she is way up there. The Zero Suit is hot, but my preference is her Metroid Fusion and super metroid under armor outfit (though the official art isn't amazing.) There isn't much else to say.
Despite her very strong vibe, I tend to like her in a submissive role. I mean, if I was having sex with her I would sub because I am extremely subby, but whenever I written her in a sex scene it's always as a sub or victim in non con. I have some rough drafts of a silly thing between her and wii fit trainer (I ship!), and a rough draft of a tentacle rape scene I wrote with her, but never really got either to a point where I wanted to put it out there.
No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know
D.Va is great. She's sexy cute and fun, and has just enough depth as a character to not be boring (unfortunately, she doesn't go even an inch deeper than that, but that's another rant entirely).
D.Va is the biggest sub in Overwatch. You *can* write her dominant, and I've read some very sexy stuff doing that, but she's best being a mildly bratty sub in my opinion. I think she works great as a training sub - that is, a submissive with an arc, that gets trained (consenting) into the perfect obedient pet. Bratty and rebellious enough to make it particularly interesting. I have half a dozen scenes of domme!Sym and sub!D.Va outlined that center around this idea.
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beebfreeb · 1 year
what are your inspirations?
Well depending on what exactly you mean, this answer gets really long.
Many of the video games and shows of my Very Young Life, one specific older family member, and every time I see a piece of art that is strange in execution and/or in concept and go WOAH!!! Also the TRS-80 Model IV my favorite device ever.
Here is the shortest general list I can come up with off the top of my head. It is not at all comprehensive, but it includes many of the works that were influential to my personality and creative style:
Okage Shadow King (experienced only through letsplays)
LittleBig Planet series
Gregory Horror Show
Destroy All Humans for the ps2 (too young to be playing this and was bad at it so an older family member finished it for me)
Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Wii Port (same as above)
All cartoons I watched at age 6 (Invader ZiM, Powerpuff Girls, Felix the Cat, the original Transformers cartoon on VHS but I thought it was boring, classic Scooby Doo, and classic Tom and Jerry)
Princess Tutu (Princess Tutu made me crazy insane + Was young enough to still play pretend when I watched it and thus would reenact every seen with Rue in it as Rue)
Source Engine (constant and early exposure to GMod, HL1+2, Portal 1+2, TF2, and various SFMs and YTPs. This made me normal.) (Watched older family member play these)
The Stanley Parable may also count as Source Engine stuff but I had all of the Narrator lines memorized when I was like, 8 or 9. I was insane about this one in a special way.
DOS games such as Princess Maker 2 and Star Control II
Spore the best video game ever (Watched older family member play this and extensively cheated when I played it myself)
Sid Meier's Civilization IV (Watched older family member play this)
I used to roleplay Flowey extensively on Shamchat during middle school.
2001: A Space Odyssey. I first read the book in middle school and then watched the movie years later and my brain blew up.
Fallout New Vegas (Watched older family member play this)
Older family member also taught me how to program at age 11 using QBasic on a TRS-80 Model 4. This TRS-80 later survived a flood.
As for various concepts that I like. I have been autistic about robots and AI since I was 5, and have been equating the mechanical and the divine since 2018 (looks nostalgically at Omega one of my favorite OCs ever) and so you know. The inherent transgenderism/autismism and various things wrong with my brain and personality of being designed for a singular purpose but because you were designed poorly you are unable to fulfill the role that you were built for.
If you have something more specific, let me know! I am also inspired by every time I see someone on here who posts a drawing and it looks cool.
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This is the TRS-80 Model IV by the way isn't she awesome? She's an older sister to me. I miss her every day of my life.
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