#rojarias if you wish
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thatonebirdwrites · 6 days ago
Andrea leaned against the counter and sighed. "I dislike the taste of sake. Sparkling doesn't do it for me. Give me a good old scotch or nothing."
Lena furrowed her eyebrows, but before she could speak, Sam jumped up out of her chair. Her drink sloshed over the rim of her glass and onto her shoes and the tiles of Lena's floor.
"Wait, wait." Sam stared down at her cup. "Sake is sparkling? Then what the hell have I been drinking?"
Andrea raised an eyebrow. "What indeed have you been drinking, Sam?"
"I don't know. I thought it was sake!"
Lena sighed and pressed her fingers to the bridge of her nose. "Will you two please bring your drinks to the table, and let's see what exactly you're drinking?"
"Oh, are you the sake expert?" Andrea sneered.
"I am sufficient in reading Japanese if that's what you mean," Lena says, wryly.
Sam and Andrea blink at her, neither of them moving. "Since when did you learn Japanese?" Sam asks, after a long silence.
"Since we started doing business with Japanese companies." Lena tutted at them. "Go on now. Bring me your bottles."
Sam and Andrea trudged into the kitchen to return with two different bottles. One was taller and thinner than the other, with more pink on its label, while Sam's bottle was more squat and significantly cheaper in its packaging.
Lena frowned and picked up Sam's bottle. "Um, Sam? This isn't Sake."
"It's not? Then what the hell is it?"
Lena struggled against an urge to laugh. It took all her willpower to say her next words with a straight face. "Strawberry flavored vinegar."
"Well, damn. No wonder it tasted funny." Sam's face reddened. Andrea burst into a guffaw.
"Don't think I'm letting you off the hook, Andrea," Lena scolded. She picked up Andrea's bottle and studied it. "Wait." She sniffed it. "This isn't sake either. Sake is a rice-based drink."
Andrea's laugh cut off, and she turned to Lena with her arms crossed over her chest. "Okay, Miss Smart-aleck. What have I been drinking?"
"This is champagne." She worried at the edge of the label until she pulled off enough to show a second label under it. "Yup. Champagne. Which makes sense. Sake isn't sparkling."
"Then what the hell does Sake taste like?" Andrea demanded. "And why did you let us drink this stuff for weeks?"
Lena shrugged and walked to her cabinet. "I'm not about to critique my guests choice of drinks."
"Bullshit, you critique us all the time," Andrea shot back.
"Only when warranted."
"Like now, when we're being idiots," Sam said with a sigh. She picked up her vinegar bottle forlornly. "I can't believe I was drinking vinegar."
"At least mine was a real alcoholic drink," Andrea said with a smirk.
"I'll lock you out," Sam warned. "Don't test me."
"As if. You can't get enough of me," Andrea flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave Sam her best sultry look.
It deepened the burgundy shade of her tanned skin as she glowered back at Andrea.
Acting like children as usual.
Lena sifted through her alcohols cabinet until she found the bottle she'd kept mostly to share with Kara once she returned home from Argo. She tapped her fingernail against its glass and decided she'd simply buy out the sake aisle to make it up to her.
"This is my personal favorite. A Kijoshi, a dessert sake. I was saving it for Kara and I, but I suppose I can give you both a taste. It'll cost you both however."
"Oh how kind of you," Andrea said. "I'll be sure to carve your generosity in stone."
"If it saves me from vinegar, I'll do what's necessary," Sam vowed.
"You were drinking the vinegar fine a second ago," Andrea pointed out.
"Oh shut up, Andrea."
With a roll of her eyes, Lena placed her bottle next the two others, the label significantly different. She tapped her fingernail against the also very different kanji. "Do memorize the kanji. Wouldn't want for you to go back to drinking vinegar, now would we?"
just had a convo with my friend. she mentioned she doesnt like sake cause its sparkling.
“wait, sake is sparkling? what have i been drinking?” i said. because i also dont like sparkling stuff.
i look at the sake bottle ive been drinking from for fun events for the past year. its vinegar.
i’ve been drinking strawberry flavored vinegar.
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fazedlight · 2 years ago
Someone (you can reveal yourself if you wish 🤣) brought up the concept of the rojarias ship to me and it's making my brain feral.
Like I'm just imagining Andrea trying to do the scary threatening CEO mode thing. And Sam just... ignores it. She's not flusterable like Kara Danvers. She had a kid as a teenager and been a single mom ever since, she's not easy to rattle. (She was also a worldkiller, but whatever.)
I'm just imagining Andrea being nonplussed and intrigued. Maybe they get roped into an adventure together, maybe they find out about each other's superness (Sam being a former worldkiller, Andrea being Acrata). Maybe they are both flabbergasted to find out KDISG.
Anyway, I'm still new to this fandom and very new to this ship. I have a few rojarias fic recs to get to at some point, so maybe this has all been done before, but I look forward to getting to it 🤣
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luthordamnvers · 1 year ago
20 questions game
Thank you @fazedlight for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Currently 10.
2. What’s your total AO3 words count?
196,109 words out at this very moment.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl. Most notably Supercorp. I've written Dansen, and there is a Rojarias WIP somewhere.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
As you wish (Medieval AU) I don't like that falling feels like flying 'til the bone crush (Post S6, except Kara had an ex-girlfriend) A Battlefield Proposal (takes place in 619) Feeling the weight of the sun (Here we come, blue and green) (DEBS AU) Instead of hate, please pass the scones (S5 fic)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I try my best to reply to all! Sometimes it takes me a while because I save them for depression hours. The only fic I have not replied to all the comments is "A Battlefield Proposal" and that's because people be asking about a sequel, and Idk how to respond to that...
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't know her.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All my fics have happy endings, it's a necessity.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far. I've been very lucky in that sense.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I- tried? Like There are 2 fics when there is smut. Is it good? idk. I know it's that writing smut is FREAKING HARD, and I tip my hat to every smut writer out there.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
Not really? At most I wrote Donna Troy (Wonder Girl) from Titans in a fic. But it was a glorified cameo, for my nefarious purposes. Have I even watched Titans? No. But I needed the vibe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, as far as I know.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet. But I do plan on bamboozling someone into writing an AU with me, just because they know a lot about the topic.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Listen, I wracked my brain thinking about this. But Supercorp got me back into writing after over a decade. I'm still living with the brainrot, the others ships have faded after a few months. Close second is Korrasami, tho.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started drafting a fic where Kal confronts Kara for revealing her identity, and how it puts his identity in danger. And how he doesn't trust Lena, and Kara goes bananas because of it. But I don't think I will finish that version of the fic. Maybe another iteration, tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
No idea, dialogue? Connecting plot? Outlining?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English is my another language. So I do that constantly. If have to write any other language, I'll try to ask someone who's a native speaker, after going through a translator.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
As you wish I had SO much fun writing it. And It was a short fic, so I didn't have to wreck my head thinking too much about it. Then, DEBS AU which was the polar opposite. It was long, and I fried my brain trying to translate the movie (one of my favorites) to a story that made sense for the characters, and still felt fresh but still with the essence of both the movie and the show.
Tags, but no pressure: @awaitingrain @hrwinter @innamorament0 @helpbutton95 @nottawriter
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sssammich · 9 months ago
2, 4, 6, 8, 10
ahahah i see what you did there
2. a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
oh i am ready to dig into andrea and veronica tbh. i have them in a throuple with lena, but i also really just wanna get all up in there a bit more with andrea in collateral and a couple of other fics i have lined up
4. a story idea you haven’t written yet
oh god i have so many
here's one for swan queen: post-series and there's nothing standing in emma and regina's way except themselves so some wish makes a certain bartender appear in storybrooke who gets to know emma better while regina is all over the realms
i look at the empty doc and i hope and dream lol
6. the word that appears the most in your current draft
LMAO it's 'kara' at 46%
2nd place: 'when'
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
i think it would be fun to write a little sequel either for my swan queen winter solstice fic, kind of a way for them living through this new normal or reality for them
i also think it would be fun to see what happens with the rojarias fic i did for sgmayhem. i think because i left the both of them as these happy ending but open-ended, they have room to keep going
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
uh idk a couple of years? i mean if we're thinking about my return to fandom in 2021 then that's what i would say. i recently posted a fic for kuromaya (revue starlight) where it had 700 words and i didn't know what to do with it and then within four days i wrote 6000 more words for it. does that count?
they're just uh aging in their respective barrels etc etc
fic writer ask meme
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luthordamnvers · 1 year ago
I'm very curious about your Enchanted spinoff for Rojarias and the TWH - Dansen AU fic… If you want to comment further
The Enchanted Rojarias spin off, starts in the scene where Andrea uses the Obsidian Lenses, and she sees herself having dinner and Sam arrives and call herself her girlfriend.
Thing is, that whatever she was seeing via lenses, everyone else in the room was seeing too, because they were testing the tech. And that's how Sam figured out Andrea's feelings for her. Within the original fic, I just mention details, about their relationship. How Andrea had been pinning for Sam, but she never made her feelings known because Sam is married (for plot reasons), and how by the end of that fic, after some time has passed, they are actually together.
This fic is meant to fill in the gaps. However, I do have another rojarias fic, I want to finish first. Anyways, HERE, a enchanted spinoff snippet that I was going to paste here but it made this ask extremely long.
The TWH - Dansen AU was an idea that came from the SYNOPSIS of the way home when the show was first announced. I had really no idea what the show was about but i said DANSEN. Tbh, I only have the general outline, because this one will, very likely be a multichapter.
It starts with Alex being more of a MD than DEO agent, she does meet Maggie, they get engaged, they do have the fight about the kids, and Alex just like in the show just goes with Maggie's wish to not have kids. They get married, but as years pass, Alex gets more and more depressed about having kids. And now is Maggie who relents, and they decide to adopt.
Just like in s4, they get called about this young woman who was giving her yet to be born baby to the couple, and Maggie gets more and more anxious about the kid thing. Birth mom gets an scare, think Braxton Hicks, and Maggie has just a break down about how much she doesn't want to have a kid. And they both get hit by the realization that it could never work, they would always resent each other. The adoption agency is like look, birth mom wants a couple, so you can't adopt this kid, but we have this alien kid who we've problems with because she doesn't like anyone & she escapes all of her foster homes, etc, etc, and Alex have experience with aliens (because DEO) so maybe you can talk with her?
Enters Esme, the 5-years-old with an attitude and powers she can't really control. So Alex gets a foster kid, and a divorce happening in the background. Esme gets in all kinds of trouble because of her powers, & Alex starts flaking at work to take care of whatever mayhem the kid creates. Kara's like 'i want to help you, but every time i get closer to her she loses control really quick' taking her powers. Alex considers power dampening tech, but instead quits her job and moves with her kid back to Midvale. To a calmer place so Esme can learn about control.
Her relationship with Eliza is strained, to say the least. She's not all on board with the job quitting and the divorce but she helps Alex find a job at the local tiny hospital, and she's great with Esme.
Esme starts opening up, but she also starts having nightmares and panic attacks… It's a tiny town, so mental health facilities are lacking, but there is this therapist that just moved in a few months back.
Kelly is looking for a fresh start after her fiancée died. She takes in Esme, and they form a really strong bond. To Esme, Kelly's a friend
Kelly really cares about the kid too, and Alex starts seeing her like a friend too, instead of her kid's therapist. They get into this weird moral dilemma of 'there can't be anything more than this, it's unethical.' But to a 5 years old kid, that doesn't exist. And she's determined to get her mom(!) to date her best friend(!) Kelly.
It gets more complicated when Maggie shows up still without signing the divorce papers but willing to try with their relationship. Alex's like ‘I have a kid now, you cannot waltz back into my life and then leave again because you changed your mind. They decide to try couple counseling with the one (1) therapist in town.
Meanwhile, Esme is pissed about Maggie, showing up to romance her mom, and ruining her 'operation'. She regresses to her 'bad behavior' and she's suspended from school. Eliza picks her up and at work, Esme gets the power from a time traveler alien... More drama.
Like I said, it would TOTALLY have to be a multichapter, which is why I have not written it yet, because I'm scared of it.
ANYWAY, thank you for asking, darling.
[WIP game]
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