#roisa pokemon au
aparticularbandit · 5 years
things that i had a relevant use for in the roisa pokemon trilogy that i haven’t really addressed again in other fics: rose’s plan and her criminal plastic surgery ring.
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
so the current poll results tend to suggest the following:
y’all want the roisa soulmate fic.  y’all really want the roisa soulmate fic. i haven’t started writing this one yet, and i don’t have the clearest vision of everything involved.  in point of fact, one of the ideas i was planning on using here i think works better for a one-shot but i have another soulmate trope added in instead.  there’s, like, three different soulmate trope prompts at play here.  still kind of working on unpacking some of the hard rules i want to use for those tropes, but this is definitely a doable thing, given that i have that full month of july to start on this. you have been heard loud and clear.
y’all want the roisa university fic. this is easier.  i already have a couple of chapters roughed out and started on the third, so i already have that backlog started.  this one doesn’t require as much world-building thought as the soulmate fic, so it’ll be easier to make a bigger backlog, like i had with carla and like i had with luisa and the fox.  given that i like alternating between projects (particularly between rougher and lighter projects), this is a good fic to alternate with the soulmate fic. again, you have been heard loud and clear.
after those two, which are clearly ahead, it looks like there are two different tiers of things y’all would like, and i’m mostly just going to focus on that first tier (the second tier feels like hm, this would be nice, but want the other things more).  so, that top tier:
y’all want iylhybhn updated twice a month. right now, given the arc we’re in, this is likely doable.  i have a fairly clear direction on the next...ten? eleven? chapters? roughly? maybe a little more?  so doing more than one chapter a month is doable.  i don’t plan on necessarily having a backlog on these, though, because right now i’m approximating 7k a week (sometimes more), and that’s roughly the length of an iylhybhn chapter (i think chapter ten was a little over 8k after the second write).  so basically, i want a backlog of other things so that i can write these more regularly. you have been heard loud and clear.
put jane: the real story on the monday update schedule. given the above two regarding the soulmate fic and the university fic, this may not happen.  i don’t want to try and push for a two times a week update schedule right now (although that has been my tendency, i like it not being...like, it’s an eventual goal, maybe, but i feel like that’s a bit of a stretch).  however, i do see that y’all want more regular updates on this, so maybe i can do these in-between writing chapters of iylhybhn.  these are lighter (mostly but not always) and really cathartic in terms of writing it, so they’re good in-between those. so might be updated once or twice a month, but likely not on the monday schedule.
put more luisa and the fox content on the monday update schedule. given the above two regarding the soulmate fic and the university fic, this probably shouldn’t happen but is silightly more likely than j:trs.  this fic is basically my favorite.  i already have some backlog on extra content once the fic is finished, and i already have an idea for furthering content.  because there is a stronger plan here in terms of what comes next, it’s easier for me to do this than j:trs, and since they’re on the same tier, i lean towards this one. so, likely, but not necessarily.
update the pokemon fic more regularly. considering i haven’t updated either of these since, like, november? december? i think november, this is doable. ish.  i don’t have a clear plot on luisa’s fic, but i do have a clear plot on clara’s fic.  so it’s possible i’ll update that second part more than the first.  this is on the backburner a bit, but i can try to, you know, not wait half a year in-between updates.  >< you have been heard loud and clear.
start posting everything’s coming up rose’s. i have a backlog on this, but it’s really rough and needs some editing.  i think i made it to chapter...i was in chapter three?  these chapters tend to be long - of the 17k i think i had, that covered...two full chapters, two partial chapters, a flashback, and...something else.  so, like, these chapters are long the way iylhybhn’s chapters are long.  may not backlog on these the way i want to backlog with my writing in july, but might.  probably won’t start posting these until after august - mostly i want to give a bit of a breather between this and the hallmark fic because they’re companion pieces and deal with similar themes - or, really, this is the fuller extrapolation of a lot of ideas i had when brainstorming those fics.
so, basically, what i’m thinking in terms of the monday schedule after july is:
update iylhybhn.
update the roisa university fic.
update iylhybhn.
update luisa and the fox content.
and then just alternate that way - primarily because university fic and luisa and the fox content are easier to build a backlog of stuff that’s just done and can go up during the month without me worrying about doing a bunch of writing and rushing each week. outside of that, in july, i want to:
start writing the roisa soulmate fic.
these may or may not be posted as chapters are available after july
idk how big of a backlog i’ll be able to do here, but i can do more brainstorming and writing during july for this
right now maybe tentatively look at a once a month schedule after july?
keep writing the roisa hp au.
i know this wasn’t on the poll, but it was still the highest voted from the last polls, so it’s still high up on the things people want tier
i still want to have an entire book of backlog before posting.  kind of like what i’m doing with the hallmark special.  i found that this was really helpful in terms of setting things up well for luisa and the fox, and i like having special fic projects that are done this way.
again, i plan on this being a weekly thursday update schedule per book
once the first book has been through two drafts with me and maybe goes to betas - so basically when it’s in its third (or fourth) draft, i want to start posting it.
i want this to be the process for each book, so there may be a long wait between each book.
have a bigger backlog of the roisa university fic.
in keeping with the potential new monday update schedule.
have a bigger backlog of luisa and the fox content.
again, in keeping with the potential new monday update schedule.
beyond that, i want to:
keep writing jane: the real story.
plan on a once or twice a month update but, like, tend towards still once a month.
because this is a lot of writing, y’all, and at this point, even looking at everything, it’s intimidating and i already feel spread thin.
keep writing everything’s coming up rose’s.
partly for backlog, partly i just really like this fic a lot.
potentially also a once a month update after august??
go back to writing the pokemon fic(s).
potentially update every other month.
keep writing heart in motion.
despite being on the lower tier on the polls, this fic has a lot of traffic.  not everyone who reads my stuff on ao3 gets here for polls, and from stats, this is wanted.
potentially also update every other month - i have a harder time with this fic in terms of getting into everyone’s voices across all of the characters.
feel free to pursue other projects at will.
this includes aftershocks and the rosalint fic and the super epic crossover and potentially other pairs (dottie/lint, for instance, would be really cool)
i still want to write an epic rose/dottie/whitney/lint/emma fic because can you imagine the five of them working together it would be great.
and this last one, in particular, is important because honestly, looking at all of this feels really intimidating and it looks like a lot and i know me and jumping between projects and i know that sometimes what i want to do in terms of what i know y’all want is not always what i end up doing because there are other ideas that really interest me.  and i don’t want to give up that freedom to adhere to all of this.  but it’s also nice to have a general plan of where to direct when i don’t feel overwhelming muse for one particular project or another. anyway.  here!  a thing.  ^^ also the poll is still open, so if y’all want to vote, feel free, and i’ll potentially change these sorts of ideas accordingly.
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aparticularbandit · 5 years
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@luisassalver - ah, no, although that’s a fun thought! it was a lot more complicated and had an end goal, unlike what the series has done with it so far.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
typed up the new “first chapter” of the pokemon au.  it expanded a bit, so it doesn’t feel as rough, and the focus is much more clearly on mia instead of trying to shift between her and luisa and emilio, which i like.  i think that’s good, because i think this first chapter - or prologue, if it ends up more like that, because i think, hm, idk.  idk if i want to try and do a few chapters of emilio/mia/luisa or if i just want an extended first chapter that covers all of the mia stuff in little momentary shots - i think it does need to focus on mia and elaborate more on her relationship with emilio than it does on luisa, who is there, and who is important, obviously, but the mia/emilio conflict is really the driving point initially, and that, to some extent, ends up defining the luisa/emilio conflict, because after mia dies, luisa is all emilio has left of mia (who he did love) and a lot of his continued patience with her and overprotection of her is as a result of that. but anyway.  i’m musing.  XD despite not liking emilio (because i tend to believe that rose is younger than luisa is - not just because bridget is younger than yara is but because rose acts younger, she feels younger, particularly in the submarine scene, it’s just this very clear...feel.  to me at least), he’s still.  intriguing?  to me?  like i don’t like him, and i’m not interested in him, but he kind of makes sense.  not entirely.  but kind of. and it’s worth pointing out that luisa tends to compare raf negatively to their father the same way raf negatively compares her to her mother.  but this is distracting from the main hey look i did work on the pokemon au bit.  XD bandit is tired.  ><;;;;;
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
the first chapter of clara’s pokemon au is now up.
pokemon featured under the cut.
spitfire, clara’s talonflame:
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diantha’s hawlucha:
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artie, clara’s shiny zorua:
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elena’s (alolan) persian:
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other pokemon mentioned:
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
ok but Game Theory did a theory explaining how Pokemon evolution works and this really fits in well with how I want to do things in the Roisa Pokemon AU so click this because I linked the thing.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
random pokemon au information that i don’t think will really find its way into the story proper but which is worth noting:
luisa primarily lives in the samona (saw-moan-ah) region.  given its warmer climate and close proximity to the unova region, samona primarily has a mixture of pokemon currently found in both alola and unova, along with some of those found in other regions (less likely, but still possible - given that pancham is from kalos originally, but that may be why mia had such trouble finding a breeder who was good with her pangoro.  did i think about this while writing?  nope).  there are some regional variances similar to those found in alola, but not entirely.  for instance, a pikachu caught in samona will evolve into an alolan raichu, not a kanto one, but this is not true of all regional variances (a cubone would evolve into a kanto marowak, not an alolan one, etc.).  samona does not have its own pokemon league (although it likely does have some pokemon unique to its region, although i probably won’t get into that), and most parents who want to send their children on a league journey send them to unova, although now that alola has a league of its own, a select few have begun to send their children there, seeing it as a a far safer alternative. clara was born in the linsola (len-sole-uh) region, bordering kalos just past snowbelle city.  as a result, most of the pokemon found in kalos can also be found in linsola.  there are currently no known regional variances, and while linsola may have pokemon unique to its area, this is much less likely than the aforementioned samona region.  just as with samona, linsola does not have its own pokemon league, and those who wish their children to take part in that more likely than not send them to kalos.  but fewer families in linsola send their children, typically considering the league to be brash, ruthless, and harmful to the pokemon involved.  this is especially true after the events with lysandre and the destruction of geosenge town.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
another 955 words in clara’s pokemon au.  i like the way this is going significantly better.  might feel more like short snapshot vignettes as chapters, but i don’t think that’ll necessarily last.  or maybe it will.  because there’s a lot going on in clara’s that doesn’t necessarily need to be seen as close-up and can just be glossed over.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
i think i finally figured out the structure i want to give to the clara part of the pokemon au (part two, not part three) and i think it’s going to work out better that way.  just like with luisa, i was struggling to figure out how to start it, but where luisa’s first chapter needed to really be all about mia, clara’s i think needs to be structured entirely differently.  so i’m kind of excited for that break-through if it works out.  ^^ fun facts: i actually started luisa’s first chapter with the bit about her parents fighting.  the Christmas scene got added later when i was trying to figure out a better way to start it.  so like maybe it’s partly trying to figure out how to differentiate them from carla but not entirely true because carla is done entirely differently and tells a different story. also i don’t think carla’s actually going to show up in the pokemon au.  ^^
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
another 1046 words in clara’s pokemon au.
currently at 26805 for nano.
this feels a little more like hitting word count than actual stuff i might keep.  like the general stuff is cool, but it’s rough and needs work.  idk.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
pokemon au chapter one for luisa is currently sitting a little over 5k.  still want to give it another pass-through before posting it.  but it exists.  there’s a couple of moments that feel rough, and one of the last two scenes feels iffy (and i don’t know if the last scene should stay as it is but i kind of like it okay?) and the transition in one of the scenes doesn’t feel right.  so.  hm.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
the problem with thinking about aus (mental hospital, university, soulmate (look, a new one!)) is that most of them are connected to ideas I’ve had or settings I’ve had so there’s crossover with older stuff. mental hospital has jess crossover; university au would likely have that expanded universe stuff; soulmate au (as has been considered) would have crossover from soulmate jess stuff (because i liked that world and i like that set-up for roisa because i like the idea of soulmate timer stuff i did with that and what the timer actually meant vs. how society interpreted it and what it looked like to experiment with it (because that was a thing) and what it mean to have it removed vs. being born without it and the constraints that a timer could have on society and interactions as a whole).
but also i like the pokémon au because it’s its own thing separate from crossovers (even though i’ve previously considered writing about the implications of training and fighting and nuzlocke aspects and that stuff, those themes, do strongly show up in clara’s story).
so idk.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
i should note that i did get more writing done on the pokemon au and on the new one-shot drabble thingamajig but i’m still behind on nano.  i’m not sure if i’ll focus on those again later or if it’ll be on editing the new iylhybhn chapter.  i think i may want to keep holding off on that one, even though the rough is done, because it’s. longer. and. mental stuff.
my anxiety’s been really shitty recently and while it doesn’t really fuck with me too terribly. it still does a little bit.  so.  idk.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
got another thousand-ish words in the pokemon au; this time in clara’s.  not really where i wanna start, but just wanted to get more words down and that was the scene i went with.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
new first chapter mostly roughed out for the Pokémon au. i like this one better. the other one can be luisa’s second chapter.
or this one can be a prologue and the other one can be the first chapter. or show up later.
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aparticularbandit · 6 years
meanwhile, i’ve got, like, two different working titles for each of the pokemon fics. so, like, luisa’s is either The Power That’s Inside or Pokemon:Hurricane (or both). rose’s is either Like No One Ever Was or Pokemon:Blizzard (or both). and then the final one which would start briefly before they met in canon would be either Our Courage Will Pull Us Through or Pokemon:Thundersnow (or both). --and yes.  i’m a nerd.  those titles are lines from the original theme song.  and then i realized that, like, the early games came in sets of three, so why not just have pokemon game versions. ...if there were legendaries, Hurricane is water/flying; Blizzard is ice/flying; and Thundersnow is ice/electric.  (Which makes the first two resistant to each other, the third is both super effective to both and resistant to both.) also thundersnow is definitely a thing, you can have thunderstorms during snowstorms, i was originally calling it lightning, and then i thought maybe use different cloud types and then i was having the third one as cumulonimbus and then i thought why not use weather so there.
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